Spring, 2021 Fr. David Vincent Meconi, S.J. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 3838 West Pine Blvd. DIRECTOR, CATHOLIC STUDIES CENTRE Catholic Studies Centre SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY St. Louis, MO 63108 314.644.8445
[email protected] Areas and Figures of Specialty Christology and Soteriology in the Early Church Late Antiquity and the Emergence of a Christian Culture The History of Christian Deification St. Augustine of Hippo Dionysius the Areopagite Education D.Phil. (Oxon.), University of Oxford (Ecclesiastical History) Lic. Theol., University of Innsbruck (Greek & Latin Patrology) M.A., Marquette University (Ancient Philosophy) M.A., Marquette University (Systematic Theology) B.A., Hope College (Economics & Finance) Invited Appointments Adjunct Instructor in Patristic Theology, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (2017-present) Visiting Professor of Theology, Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH (2014-present; summer sessions) Invited Scholar, The St. Paul School of Divinity at Saint Thomas University, St. Paul, MN (Summers, 2014, 2019) The Patricia H. Imbesi Fellow, The Augustinian Institute at Villanova University (Spring, 2014) Visiting Instructor in the Department of Philosophy and Department of Classics, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH (1996-2000; these years are part of Jesuit formation known as “Regency”) 1 Publications Monographs and (Co-) Edited Volumes 24. 101 Surprising Facts About the Saints & Martyrs (Charlotte, NC: TAN Books, under contract) 23. The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Sermons, co-edited with Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P. (Cambridge University Press; forthcoming) 22. Augustine 101 (Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press; forthcoming) 19-21. Augustine: City of God, editor and co-translator with Brian Dunkle, S.J., John Gavin, S.J., and Bryan Norton, S.J., (Aris & Philips Classical Texts Series, Liverpool University Press) Books 17 & 18 (due out 2021) Books 19 & 20 (due out 2022) Books 21 & 22 (due out 2023) 18.