Welcome! No matter what your present or past status in the . No matter what your current family or marital situation. No matter what your personal history, age, background, sexual orientation, race, or color. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, and loved at St. the Catholic Community. OFFICE hours MASS intentions & DAILY readings MON - THUR Monday, March 13 ● Frank Doherty (SI) 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Dn 9:4b-10/Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13/Lk 6:36-38 FRIDAY 9:00 AM - Noon Tuesday, March 14 ● Charles & Virginia Costello by John & Kathy Friess Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23/Mt 23:1-12

MASS times Wednesday, March 15 ● Nicholas Curran by Pat & Shari Curran Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14-16/Mt 20:17-28 MON - FRI 8:15 AM Thursday, March 16 X Pamela Goss by Mike Goss Rosary and Divine Chaplet prayed every Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 16:19-31 weekday morning prior to Mass, beginning at 7:40am Friday, March 17 ● Mary Louise Sauer by Tim & Sandy Sauer SATURDAY Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-21/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 4:30 PM ● ● SUNDAY Saturday, March 18 4:30 PM Fr. Dennis 7:00 AM (no music) John Shea by Susan Sullivan 8:30 AM (CLOW) Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 10:30 AM Sunday, March 19 ● 7:00 AM ● Fr. HOLY DAYS Parishioners As Announced 8:30 AM ● Fr. Dennis Weiskopf

CONTACT us 10:30 AM ● Fr. David St. Gabriel the Archangel X Joan Court by Celeste Flachsbart Catholic Community Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 32648 N Cave Creek Road The intentions announced here will be the intentions of the priest and Cave Creek, AZ 85331 will not be announced at Mass to the gathered assembly. 480.595.0883 (o) ● 480.595.0886 (f) www.stgacc.org [email protected] OUR prayers Please remember in your prayers all of our parish family and friends who suffer physically, emotionally, or spiritually, especially: MISSION Mary Barrett The Mission of St. Gabriel the Linda Frego Archangel Catholic Community Barbara Lockwood is to develop Christian disciples Jack McAward who spread the Good News, Frank Montone serve others and welcome all Pat Muehlenberg with care and compassion. Caitlin Nagle STAY connected Fr. Dennis Ann Rogers

@StGabrielCaveCreek David Rogers @TheTeenSpotAtStGabriel Belia Wynne

@StgabrielCaveCr If you wish to have the name of a relative or friend added to our prayer list for 2 weeks, please contact the parish office at [email protected]. 2 | Second Sunday of Lent | March 12, 2017 REFLECTIONS from fr. dennis PARISH staff RBS. DBKKFP O’RLROHB Christmas is the time most of us think about giving gifts. The three Magi in the Pastor Christmas story gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts repre- [email protected]; ext 111 sented the infant as , as High Priest, and as the Sacrificial Lamb who RBS. D>SFA KRI>KA>FP>JV died on the cross for us. During the season of Lent we are also called to give gifts. Associate Pastor

[email protected]; ext 115 The gifts of prayer, , and almsgiving are the traditional gifts of Lent. Unlike the gifts from the Magi, however, the gifts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are D@K. BFII CILTBO sacrificial gifts of ourselves, and therefore fitting gifts to our God. Pastoral Assistant [email protected]; ext 112 Prayer allows us to be loved by God the Father. It places us in the position to listen and to give God all that we are, our expectations and hopes. Prayer is a sacrifice of HB>QEBO PBIQFBO Business Manager praise and intercession. The gift of prayer is the way we unite ourselves to Jesus fi[email protected]; ext 113 and open ourselves to the Holy Spirit who makes all things new. M>OFB EIBK> M>KDF>JBIF Fasting is a great spiritual tradition. Fasting represents the element of expecta- Receptionist tion of the Lord. It is the opening of the heart, stripping oneself of everything that [email protected]; ext 110 is an obstacle to the gift of Christ’s coming. During Lent, fasting represents being ET> RLPP?>@E pilgrims toward the great gift of Easter. We must rediscover the need and desire Bookkeeper for God as the center of our existence, emptying ourselves in order to be full of [email protected]; ext 113 God. C>QEV RLDBOP Almsgiving is more than an act of giving; it is an attitude of the heart. It is an atti- Communications Coordinator [email protected]; ext 119 tude of heart that is humble, repentant, merciful, compassionate, and which seeks to imitate with others the experience of mercy that each of us receives from M>OV BI>K@EB our God. Almsgiving, therefore, is care, is discernment, is gift ~ all of these being Liturgist & Music Director part of what we have experienced as believers when we contemplate the love of [email protected]; ext 114

God that accepts and forgives us. RLU>KK> CILTBO

During Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday, we need to rediscover the value of Director of Christian Formation [email protected]; ext 118 sacrifice through the gifts of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. A sacrifice is a ges- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ture of love which costs something and is done in praise of God and for someone [email protected] who is suffering and in need. There is no love without sacrifice, just as without love, sacrifice would be simply external restraint. Sacrifice is an offering of love. SRB BLIF@E Coordinator of Children’s Formation We mustn’t forget the great example that Jesus gave us, and remember that faithfi[email protected]; ext 117 “God so loved the world that he did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all. (John 3:16)” K>Q PBOHFKP Coordinator of Youth Ministry It is a fact that we all came into this world, at birth, with nothing. No pockets or [email protected]; ext 120 handbags to carry our stuff. All that we have from birth to death has been a gift from God. It is also face that when we leave this earth, we will take nothing with us. There are no pockets or handbags with our spiritual, eternal life. BULLETIN

Stewardship is how we manage what God has given us in this life. Stewardship isn’t a choice that we make. As recipients of God’s gifts, we become stewards. submissions The choice we have is to choose to be good stewards or bad stewards. What is We encourage all ministries to your choice? submit photos and articles of their events for the bulletin. Infor- If we choose to be a good steward, we will realize that all we have comes from mation must be received 9 days God. We will manage our gifts as taught by Jesus. We will move from being good stewards to being good Christian stewards. Stewardship will become a way of life (Friday at Noon) prior to the rather than an uneasy subject. weekend publications. Submitting a request does not guarantee your If we choose to do nothing about God’s gifts, or if we choose to regard them as article will be published. our own, we will be unfaithful stewards. Our God will become our material pos- Please email all submissions sessions and we may discover a life that reflects greed and self-centeredness. Choose today! to [email protected]. St Gabriel Roman Catholic Community | 3 CHARITY and WINGS Easter Basket Project development for the Foothills Food Bank appeal The Charity and Development Appeal (CDA) provides each and every family the opportunity to put their faith into action. Every gift makes a difference and with your gift to the CDA, you heed call to be an instrument of God’s mercy.

Our parish goal is 100% participation and $80,000. Currently our parish has raised $115,445, exceeding our goal. Please take time to make your gift today. Gifts can be made online at www.dphx.org/cda or by completing a pledge card.

Thank you for your support of the Charity and Development Appeal.

Items needed for WINGS Easter Baskets:

3 Easter Baskets 3 School supplies 3 Candy 3 Small stuffed animals 3 Small toys for boys 3 Small toys for girls

We will be collecting these items March 18/19 through April 1/2. Items can be dropped off in the Vestibule in the WINGS BOX no later than April 5. Thanks for your participation. You will make a lot of children happy.

4 | Second Sunday of Lent | March 12, 20172017 PARISH weekly stewardship report RECONCIILATION Parishioners are encouraged to use their offering envelopes each week, Saturdays at 3:00pm or to establish an electronic offering account through their own banking service, or the parish’s EFT program, Faith Direct, which enables parish- ADORATION ioners to make their Church contributions through direct debit from their Daily from 6:00am - 10:30pm banking account or through your credit/debit card. Please enroll securely online by visiting www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is AZ597. PARISH Budgeted weekly operation income needed to meet expenses: $21,730.77 Budgeted monthly operation income needed to meet expenses: $94,166.67 registration

Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Building New parishioners welcome! Income Income Operation Fund/Debt Please register online at Received Received Difference Reduction www.stgacc.org or stop by the parish office for a registration form. EVERYDAY stewardship Catherine Doherty said, "Yes, stewardship pertains to everything and I am INFANT baptism responsible for my part of that everything." I am reminded of that quote when Parents are requested to regis- I read the words from Paul's Second Letter to Timothy, "Beloved: Bear your ter in the parish and attend a share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God." baptismal preparation class prior Both point to our own responsibility as a , as well as the reality that we to scheduling the baptism. Clas- are not alone. We live with God in community. We each have our part to play ses are held monthly on the first in the kingdom of God. Thursday. Please contact the office to register for the class Lent is an important time to focus on how our stewardship way of life causes and for more information. us to sacrifice and, at times, experience hardship. If we find that we never seem to feel our sacrifice, then it is a good time to ask ourselves if we really are fully living as good stewards, cultivating what we have been given, and COMMUNION to then offering it all back to God. If we only give from our excess, then we will never understand the meaning behind the words of St. Paul and Catherine the homebound Doherty. Please notify the office with the name and contact information This is why we must challenge ourselves. We must push ourselves to go that of the individual requesting extra mile. It really is a way of exercising our stewardship muscles. So as this Lenten season is still in its first weeks, what can you attempt to do that really communion. pushes you out of your comfort zone? Can you double or triple your prayer time during the season? Can you search your household and give to charity more than just things you don't need anymore, but also things you still want? CONTACT info Is there someone to visit a few times before Easter than can no longer get out? Whatever it is, the strength will come from God to take greater care of ST VINCENT DE PAUL your part of his everything. racy Earl Welliver, MTS, © Liturgical Publications Inc 480-595-0883 x106 STEPHEN MINISTRY 480-595-0883 x105 ST GABRIEL EMAIL PRAYER LINE [email protected]

St Gabriel Roman Catholic Community | 5

“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to these least brothers of mine, you did it to me.”

People who lived through the Great Depression of the United ENCOUNTER nutrition States, often reported that people treated each other with We encounter Evelina in Zambia as she and more respect, equality, and helpfulness, than today. During the other mothers in her community learn new Depression, people knew that being poor or needing help could ways to provide nutritious meals for their happen to anyone, and that wealth, or lack thereof, was not a growing children and families. How do we measure of character. Depression Era people also understood ensure that those who are hungry have not that it was in the best interest of the Community to help those only food but true nourishment? Visit who needed help, because anyone might experience becoming crsricebowl.org form more information. the next to need help.

Sometime after prosperity returned to our Country, attitudes changed. Poverty began to carry a stigma of bad character. A poor person, was frequently assumed to be an immoral person, while wealth began to be seen as inherently virtuous. The weakest, poorest, most vulnerable of our society often came to be seen as outsiders, who were viewed with suspicion. People who needed help came to be seen as free-loaders, as enemies.

This change of attitude has so permeated our society that, people who are famous, for no reason other than being famous, often determine our fashions, jargon, and social norms. Wealth, fame, and privileged life-style, for their own sakes, became Ifisashi - Zambia goals. Wealthy and famous jet-setters became roll-models, 2 water regardless of accomplishment, or value to other members of 1 c peanuts, chopped society. 1 o nion, sliced 2 medium tomatoes, sliced The current values of our society can be pernicious and 2 bunches spinach or collard greens, persistent distractions from our Faith. Jesus told us he will washed and chopped judge how we lived our lives based on how we treated the Salt to taste weakest of our society. Our wealth, fame, and social success will not be judged as having any merit, except in how we used Bring water to a boil in a medium pot. Add the them to serve the weakest of our society. peanuts, tomatoes and onion. After a few In a recent interview, Bill and Melinda Gates spoke about their minutes, add the chopped greens. Stir many large and generous projects to help the poor, weak, and occasionally and continue cooking until vulnerable. Bill Gates credited his wife, Melinda, with bringing peanuts are soft and mixture has become a him to see that his great fortune was meant to be used to help thick buttery sauce--about 15 minutes. the “least” among us. Melinda, stated that her upbringing as a

Catholic, especially learning the Church’s Social Justice Serve hot over polenta or rice. Teachings, formed her attitudes and actions towards others.

Bill and Melinda Gates are authentic role models for us Makes 4-6 servings. Catholics, during this Lent, as we ask ourselves how are we using our wealth, fame, and privileges to benefit the “least bothers” of Jesus, and what are our attitudes towards the poor?

6 | Second Sunday of Lent | March 12, 2017 Join us on Friday’s for March 12 7:00pm Parish Lenten Mission Lenten Meals

st Being Catholic in the 21 Century: What Really Matters? The kitchen will be March 13 7:00pm Parish Lenten Mission

Being Catholic in the 21st Century: What Really Matters? open at 4:30 pm March 14 7:00pm Parish Lenten Mission Being Catholic in the 21st Century: What Really Matters? March 17 4:30pm Soup Supper hosted by Youth 7:00pm Stations of the Cross March 24 4:30pm Fish Fry hosted by Knights 7:00pm Stations of the Cross March 31 4:30pm Soup Supper hosted by Youth sponsored by the 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Knights of Columbus April 7 4:30pm Fish Fry hosted by Knights 7:00pm Stations of the Cross April 13 7:00 pm Holy Thursday Mass March 24 April 14 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Good Friday Service April 7 Office Closed April 15 10:00 am Blessing of the Food Baskets 7:30 pm Holy Saturday –Vigil Mass April 16 7:00 am Easter Mass (in tent) 9:00 am Easter Mass (in tent) 11:00 am Easter Mass (in tent) April 17 Office Closed April 23 3:00 pm Divine Mercy

Fast and Abstain from meat Abstain from meat sponsored by the Remember to live this Lenten Season with purpose: Being Catholic in the 21st Century: How to Live in Matthew 25. SGA Youth Group

The Corporal Works of Mercy March 17 Feed the Hungry Give Drink to the Thirsty March 31

Shelter the Homeless After your meal join the Visit the Sick Visit the Prisoners parish community in the Bury the Dead Church for the Stations Give Alms to the Poor of the Cross at 7:00pm.

Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. And behold, and appeared to them, conversing with him. - Mt 17:1-3

St Gabriel Roman Catholic Community | 7 MINISTRY leaders UPCOMING ministry events AKK GORBKBO EMs, Altar Servers, Altar Society, Sacristans & Mass Captains, WOMEN in gabriel’s spirit Monica’s Circle Easter is coming and it is time to think about Easter baskets [email protected] and what goes in those baskets for young boys and girls. We always MF@E>BI VBO> do this project for the children of the families who frequent the Foothills Lectors Food Bank every year. We need baskets, candy toys, school supplies etc. for [email protected] young boys and girls. KFJ BO>V Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Dates to Remember [email protected] 3 Baubles and Bangles March 23. Start gathering slightly used clothing, shoes, J>KB CLMMIB jewelry, and accessories. Art & Environment 3 Party with a Purpose Easter Baskets April 6 in Meeting Room 4 at 6:30pm. [email protected] 3 Save the date April 7. We are carpooling to St Mary’s Basilica for Mass at 12 JLB RLPQLTPHV noon, Stations of the Cross and lunch on the way home. All women of the Ushers & Greeters parish are invited to come. The Basilica is beautiful and worth the trip to see [email protected] this church which was founded in 1881. We will carpool from St Gabriel’s. K>QEV H>KPBK 3 Save the Date April 22 Spring Luncheon at Tatum Ranch. Our last event of Ministry of Care to the Homebound, the year. Women in Gabriel’s Spirit (WINGS) [email protected] M>OV AKK M@AT>OA St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] KROQ MFIIBO Stephen Ministry [email protected] RLP>LBB W>IPE Meals Ministry [email protected] M>OV>KK S>SFKL Hands of Love Prayer Shawl Ministry [email protected] L>OOV H>KPBK Knights of Columbus [email protected]

JFJ ES>KP Boy Scout Troop 15, Venture Crew 2015 [email protected] AKDBI> CLOPL Cub Scout Pack 15 [email protected] M>OF> G>O@F> American Heritage Girls [email protected]

8 | Second Sunday of Lent | March 12, 2017 THIS week in our parish ST. vincent SUNDAY, march 12 de paul 2nd Sunday of Lent; Daylight Saving Time begins In the Gospel Jesus is transfigured Parish Lenten Mission | Church and a voice from heaven said, 7:00pm Roxanna Clower, [email protected] “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: MONDAY, march 13 Listen to him.” Annunciation Catholic School Rosary | Church 2:300pm Sharon Pristash, [email protected] Do we listen to Jesus when he Parish Lenten Mission | Church asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are 7:00pm Roxanna Clower, [email protected] suffering? Your gift in the St. TUESDAY, march 14 Vincent de Paul Poor Box will WINGS Spirituality Meeting | Meeting Room 2 help the poor to celebrate the 9:00am Kathy Hansen, [email protected] grace of God’s love this Easter. Cub Scout Den Meetings | Parish Hall 3:00pm Angela Corso, [email protected]

Parish Lenten Mission | Church The St. Gabriel Home-bound 7:00pm Roxanna Clower, [email protected] Ministry has formed a Bedside Prayer Team to accommodate WEDNESDAY, march 15 those parishioners and their First Reconciliation | Church families who are ill and desiring of 7:00pm Roxanna Clower, [email protected] someone to join in prayer with St. Vincent de Paul | Meeting Room 4 them. If you or a member of your 6:30pm MaryAnn McAward, [email protected] family would like someone to pray THURSDAY, march 16 a Rosary with you or a Chaplet of Divine Mercy for healing, please Stephen Ministry Training | Meeting Room 3 6:00pm Kurt Miller, [email protected] contact MaryAnn at 602-819-6229 Prayer Shawl Ministry | Meeting Room 2 or [email protected]. 6:30pm Maryann Savino, [email protected] WINGS General Meeting | Meeting Room 4 630pm Kathy Hansen, [email protected]

FRIDAY, march 17 Day of Abstinence; St. Patrick, Bishop; St. Patrick's Day That Man Is You! | Meeting Room 2 6:00am Rick Reinig, [email protected] Have you remembered St. Gabriel’s ACS Stations of the Cross | Church | 2:30pm in your will or trust? Many of our Soup Dinner hosted by the TGIF Youth | Parish Hall donors wish to leave a legacy gift to 4:30pm Kat Perkins, [email protected] the parish or to a designated Stations of the Cross | Church | 7:00pm ministry or program. Call us to SATURDAY, march 18 inform us of your wishes. We would love to celebrate you as a member St. , Bishop and of the Parish’s Legacy Society and SUNDAY, march 19 include you in all of our special 3rd Sunday of Lent, First Scrutiny of the Elect events. St Gabriel Roman Catholic Community | 9 MARCH ANNUNCIATION catholic school event calendar  13 No School A BIG Thank you to our Walkathon  19 Mother Son Event sponsors and individual sponsors who helped  24 Early Dismissal us surpass our goal of $50,000!  26 All School Mass

Save the Date April 29 - Next Generation of Generosity Dinner

OPEN enrollment 2017-2018 Student Enrollment Dates

January 30 - Open Enrollment to the public begins for grades K - 8.

Visit Applying to Annunciation on Tatum Highlands the ACS website to download the Adult Care Home application. Call or email the At Desert Ridge office for more info or to schedule a tour.

Lederer Painting ANNUNCIATION

school Hernandez Ironworks DO . SE>OLK POFPQ>PE Principal Ornamental Gates and Fencing 623-825-7700

[email protected] KBIF M@C>KK Development Director [email protected] LVKK S@ET>OQW Administrative Assistant [email protected]

MISSION statement Within our strong Catholic community, we develop children who excel academically, spiritually and socially.

10 | Second Sunday of Lent | March 12, 2017