Titus Study #8
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»w1>li/a.L<..' It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized 1Jcu ... ~ ,1 l~JVL~ STUDY #8 IN THE R00K OF T ITlJS "The Partners of Godliness" 3:12-15 TEXT: v.12 Hhen I shall send Artemas or Tychicus to you, rlake every effort to come to me at Nicopolis. For there I have decided to spend the winter. v.13 Diligently set forward on their journey Zenas the lawyer and Apollos in order that nothing be lacking for them. v.14 And let those also who are ours learn to be enqagin~ in good works to meet pressing needs l in order that they may not be unfruitful v.15 All those with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in faith. Grace be with you all. INTRODUCTION: ) In study #4 we saw tb e EQ.t:~h ...$Q.cLG.odJj nes ~. Here we looked at ¥· ~ dliness in relationshir. It is one thing to be godl y in isolation, and another i n felaj:jonshi p. The arostle describes ~ different ~rou~ in this particular study in showing the responsibiliti es to man 'f est the godly life. It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized -2- ~~e now in our 1a st stud come to the a rt of the letter as e' e apostle q1ves some ina ins rue I would like to begin our study with a consideration of Lock's para phrase of these verses: - "As soo n as I shall send Artemas or Tychicus to you, make haste to come to Nicopolis to join me. For that is where I have decided to winter. Help forward on their journey with all diligence Zenas and Apollos. See that they have everything they want. Yes, and let all of our brethren learn to make a real business of honorable works, t hat they may be able to help in such cases of need, that so they ) may not deserve the taunt of being idle drones. All my companions send you qreetinq. Do CJive my greetings to all who love us in a common faith. God's grace be vlith you all. 11 pa ssage to see the aeostle It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized -3- . 300/1'11 · N, w. {)f {!r~-t-L want us to consider as partners of od- e: the 11 you 11 in the passage, and of course be considering record. and is come to know Jesus Christ as ersonal Savior ministry. nd as a result of eing taunht the ) ~t~r~u~t~h ~o~f~t~h~e.;;.i.;.wo~r·d~o~f~G~od'":°""', ~h~e- had developed to the point where the apostle had great confidence j n hj s abjljty to go in and give some relief to Titus on t he island of Crete. a i ?· \·Je. see his name occurring i Acts 20 verse 4 here he i s a tra ve 1:Lng 11 companion of the apostle Pa . en in E hesians 6:21 But that you also may know about my circumstances, Tych cus e o ed brother(D t:;\and faithful Jllinister in the Lord will make everythinq kno\'m to vou". ~ . (.i) " f colossians 4:n "As to all my affairs, Tychicus our peloved brother and \J .-.......-.....-......-.s.... e-.r~v--a_t and ftllow bondslaye in the Lord, 111ill bring you information. 11 (I) ) It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized -4- II Timothy 4:12 Ty chi cus j s the man with the. message ~~ho ha.,s a shepherds heart an_d a prophets spirit. God often chooses the insi ni f icant erson, a nobod~ . t o do Hi s wor ' . T ch1cus is a lo i int at he was w1f1inq ,to go anyw here to o anything at any for t he gory 01' God . ..A I Corinthians 1:26 11 Notice amonq j ourselves dear brothers that few of ~ us who fo 11 ow Christ have big naries or po\'Jer or wea 1th. 11 is a lot like one of the d the see , tha kee 1 d not o era te-.--~I -t -,~. s~-~.....- e is one of those people who are there all the time humr.i1ng with but whom you do not notice. He is one of those upon whom the world depends so much, yet he did nothing to call attention to hiriself. He was no thundering orator, he was no inspired organizer. He plugged away day by day in a quitt"'but effective \~ay. Tychicus acted as a combination letter carrier and trouble shooter. The l etters each carry a few words about Tychicus at the close. Paul knevJ these Christians in Asia Minor would want to have the latest reports on how he was and how the church was doing elsewhere. Tychicus was to fill them in on all the ne\11s. 11 \·Jhen I sha 11 send out for us in this is mentioned faith It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized ) Barker Crete. k o ear 'Dedicated to our He is a man who is a reat illustration of ne who can be godl y un er stress, In a pressurized situation, he can be consis e ~. ~ with hi s conviction.. courageous in the circumstances , an live ':'ti\ a godly life t hat reflects the power of t he gos pe_l. Lvt'it No-'- S'-'nu..d.~ A.:r (lnn eif 'f'e_s -I ti). rt7Yr-1f1 e.J u 11 d~r f.. r-~s..sur-e I Paul goes on to tell Titus that when Ke does send his rel j ef ~ either in Artemas or Tf chicus . he is to ma ke everv effort to come ro him at Ni copo l is. he apostle is r lanning on spending t he winter there and wants to have some time with Tit t is going on on the island of Crete and to la e corm ng days. [ VERSE THIRTEEN j "oil j gentl y set forward on their journey Zenas the lawyer ,and Apollos in order that nothing be lacking for them." forward ", the on fu rther- It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized Our verse goes on to say, "And Apollos. in order that nothing be lacking for them. 11 Our fiftb p~r s gg~Jit¥ iC these verses, i s ~ll~ He is an eloquent and learn ed Jew and much is said about him i n the Scri p t ures. -He was born and educated jn Alexapdrja And deepl y versed in the Ol d Testa- ) ment Scriptures h ,.,.. ' He is mentioned in Acts 18:24~/: "Now a certain Jew, named Apollos, an Alex andrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus and he was mighty in the Scriptures. This man had been i nstructed in the way of the Lord; and being frevent in spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things con cerning Jesus, being acquainted only with the baptism of John; and he began to speak out boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. And when he wanted to go across to Achaia, the brethren en couraged him and wrote to the discipl es to welcome him; and when he had arri ved, he helped greatly those who had believed through grace; for he powerfully refuted t he Jews in pub l ic, demo nstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. 11 Apo llos also had some mini stry in the city of Corinthd Cprjpt bjans 1· 12 "Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, "I am ~ I of Paul", or "I am of Apollos", and "I am of Cephas", and 11 1 am of Christ". Ha..s Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" I (pr jptbjan5 3:5 and 6 - "What then is Apollos? And what is Paul ? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. 11 It is thenatureoflecturenotestocontainreferencesthatmayprovedifficultaccuratelyattribute.Anyusematerial withoutpropercitationisunintentional. It material fromavarietyofsources,allwhichhavebeenappropriately credited tothebestofourability.Quotationsparticularly reside withintherealmoffairuse. Copyright © 2017byBibleTeaching Resources by DonAnderson Ministries. Theauthor'slecturenotesincorporate quoted, paraphrased and summarized -7- PhD in and from the rian Jewish Seminary. He is a very gifted and learned young man who is very capable of expressing himself. \.\\"'~ ~ le x ander White says of Apollos, "A great1\aic;ne will not make a man mighty in t he Scriptures. A great gift of oratory alone will not do it. It is the moral and spiritual qualities of the sacred orator when they are added to his intellectual qualities, that make men confess his might when he handles the Holy Scriptures.