St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Philoxenia, Southern hospitality at its best! 7100 Airport Rd. North, Naples, Fl 34109 239-591-3430 /
[email protected] / Sunday, October 13, 2013 Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council LONGINUS THE CENTURION OCTOBER 16 Rev. Fr. Philemon Patitsas Proistamenos
[email protected] (239) 963- 7558 [Cell] V. Rev. Arch. Gregory Hutton Retired Priests: V. Rev. Arch. Ernest Blougouras V. Rev. Fr. Peter Atsales Parish Council Richard Pappas Parish Council President Dr. John Klemes 1st Vice President Dr. John Psaras 2nd Vice President Dr. Vlasios Albanis Treasurer James Loukidis Assistant Treasurer Dianne Hatzis Secretary Harry Demas Assistant Secretary Frank Butler This Martyr was in the service of Pontius Pilate at the time of Christ our Linda Hatzis Saviour's Passion. While standing guard at the Cross and beholding the Jim Ketis earthquake and all that came to pass, he cried out with fear, "Truly this was Vasiliki Lempesis the Son of God" (Matt. 27:54). After the Resurrection, he forsook the Bill Mandros military and departed for Cappadocia, his homeland, where he preached Bob Mankus Christ. By the agency of Pontius Pilate, Tiberius Caesar had him arrested and Minas Masouras beheaded. Dr. Harry Papas October 13, 2013 4th Sunday of Luke October 13, 2013 Grave Tone / Fifth Eothinon (Luke 24:13-35 ) Epistle Reading Titus 3:8-15 And some fell among horns; and the thorns TITUS, my son, the saying is sure. I desire you grew with it and choked it. And some fell to insist on these things, so that those who into good soil and grew, and yielded a have believed in God may be careful to apply hundredfold." And when his disciples asked themselves to good deeds; these are excellent him what this parable meant, he said, "To and profitable to men.