LUCY DOBRO Orig. LUCIE D OBROVODSKA T: +420 774 402 914 (CZ) - W hatsApp and V iber T: +61 0404 244 854 (AU) E: lucie@; l
[email protected] W: w Skype: luciedobrovodska Address: Hlavni 87, 66446 P rstice Czech R epublic, E urope SUMMARY EDUCATION ● A highly experienced and talented musician, with the ability of Palacky U niversity, C Z — casting a m usical spell over the audience. Bachelor D egree, A dult ● Musically talented performer with strong vocals and guitar chops, great singing and instrument playing ability. Education and H uman ● Passionate about music with the natural ability to adjust own style to Resources M anagement suit different m usic. ● A quick learner who is always open to learn new styles, having good coordination w ith other m usicians. Music S chool B rno, C Z ● Ability and willingness to play popular songs from the 60’s, 70’s 80’s, 90’s and today. ● Presenting a brand H alabica G uitars. EXPERIENCE SKILLS Musician, Tour M anager, B andleader business and m arketing skills motivation, determination, Europe, A ustralia, N ew Zealand — 1/2010 - present perseverance; Public concerts on regular base. C ooperation w ith event's dramaturgs, confidence in performing before PR and E vents M anagers, sound engineers etc.