Millsaps College Department of Sociology and Anthropology World Dispatch We’re building a bigger, better alumni community. E-mail your updates to Spring
[email protected]. Include your name, graduation year and everything what 2009 you’ve been up to and you’ll be included in the next edition of the newsletter. Become a part of the alumni network ( and connect directly In this issue: with your former classmates. Chocolate Moreton Lecture Moreton series brings Series in the Sci- mummies to life at Millsaps expert sweet- ences updates Early February held the last In her lecture, Corthals ex- ens history installment of Millsaps College’s plained how the discovery of Recent Millsaps Moreton Lecture Series in the Egyptian mummies has helped Sciences, Dr. Angélique Cor- forensic anthropologists, archae- grad wins Ful- thals of State University of New ologists, and Egyptologists dis- bright, spends York at Stony Brook presented cover previously unknown influ- time in Albania her lecture entitled, “Forensic ences such as disease, landscape, Anthropology: Gone, But Not and climate change on ancient Departed.” She focused on her Egyptian culture. Contributed photo Millsaps profes- involvement in an ongoing proj- Dr. Angélique Corthals is a fo- Dr. W. Jeffrey Hurst ect in which she excavated and rensic anthropologist, using his- The next installment sor to present at investigated Hatshepsut and torical, medical, anthropological, in the acclaimed More- SfAA conference other royal mummies in Egypt. forensic and genetic approaches ton Lecture Series at Mill- The project was featured both to reveal information about an- saps College, scheduled on the Discovery Channel and in cient biological remains.