Nixon Rests in >. May Win 302 Electors
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tf. Reward Offer in Slaying of Child STORY BELOW Rainy and Cool Rainy and cool today and to- THEDMLY HOME night. Mostly cloudy and cool Red Bank, Freehold with chance of showers tomor- Long Branch FINAL row. I 7 (Be» Detail* Fag* 3). IHonmouth County9* Rome Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 94 RED BANK, N. J-, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1968 34 PAGES TEN CENTS' Nixon Rests in >. May Win 302 Electors WASHINGTON (AP)-Rich- million votes continued to flow The station also forecast or secretary of defense—most And the Montana Democrat, ard M. Nixon, his narrow in from outlying precincts, that Dist. Atty. Evelle J. likely the latter." who will preside over .a re- presidential triumph cemented mainly in the West, Nixon ac- lounger of Los Angeles Coun- Senate Democratic Leader duced majority numbering 58 by late election returns, chose tually trailed by 29,730,272 to ty "will become the next at- Mike Mansfield, meanwhile of the 100 senators, said he the privacy of a Florida re- 29,726,409 vote behind Demo- torney general," and that suggested that Nixon name "a would support Nixon "when he treat today to start forming crat Hubert H. Humphrey in Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of shadow cabinet to work with is right" adding "when we dis- the new Republican adminis- the 70-million-plus popular New York would be named the present Cabinet to smooth agree, we'll oppose not just for tration he hopes will "bring vote. "either as secretary of state the transition," the sake of opposition but will, the American people togeth- Total Secure try to offer constructive alters er." But his electoral vote total, natives." , Faced with the most press- securely past the needed total One Senate race remained ing tasks of determining his of 270 after cliff-hanger vic- undecided, the- Oregon contest immediate role in Vietnam tories in Illinois, Ohio -and Cal- in which Republican Robert peace efforts and picking the ifornia, appeared headed for Packwood was leading four- men who will guide the na- 302 when late returns gave term veteran Sen. Wayne tion's destiny for the next four him the lead in Missouri where Morse. If Packwood's lead years, Nixon flew from New more than 100,000 absen- holds up, Republicans will have . York to Key Biscayne, Fla., tee ballots will be decisive. made a net gain of five sena- tors from their total in the out* for what was billed as a few Absentee votes were also ex- going 90th Congress. days rest. pected to decide Maryland Smaller in House HAPPY NIXON5 — Triumphant Nixon family in New York yesterday after elec- On the way he stopped off where Humphrey was leading. tion victory. Left to right are David Eisenhower, Julie and Trlcia Nixon, President- for a- sentimental visit in President Johnson returned In the House, the GOP gain was even smaller, a net of elect and Mrs. Nixon. Mr. Nixon holdt presidential emblem Julie made for him at Washington with his hospital-" to the capitalfrom Texas for ized former chief, Dwight D. the 75-day homestretch of his four in an election that saw on- school. David, grandson of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, i$ engaged to Eisenhower. presidency, pledging to Nixon ly nine incumbents defeated; Julie. (AP Wirephoto) As the tide of more than 70 "everything in my power to four in reapportioned districts make your burdens lighter" where they were thrown ih during the transition period with other incumbents. and seeking to make as much The new House will have 243 progress as possible toward Democrats and 192 Republi- Vietnam peace. cans. But conservative South- Seeks to Deny Highlands Earlier in San Antonio, the ern Democrats could team with Republicans on many issues iri Texas White House said that, 1 at Nixon's request, a govern- both houses to give Nixon the ment aircraft had been made equivalent of a slim working available to him. He already majority. Water Supply toDredgers has Secret Service protection, While. Nixon prepared to as- as a result of legislation sume governmental authority! HIGHLANDS - Mayor see why we should feed them council's water- committee, properties by the North Ameri- passed last Spring to protect vice president - elect, Gov. James T. White last night while we're fighting them," he was asked to investigate the can Appraisal and Research all candidates, but his agents Spiro T. Agnew, was preparing urged--council action to deny added,- —.- . " uUlityls. sales of water to the Corp. may not be completed in strengthened security once his to shed his duties as Mary- the U.S. Dredging' Corp. fresh The dredging firm is engaged dredge operators. time for the 1969 tax rolls. A victory became clear at mid- AFTER CONCESSION — Vice President and Mrs. land's chief executive, probab- water for its dredges from the in deepening the federal and Mayor White also urged letter from the appraisal firm morning. Hubert H. Humphrey yesterday in Minneapolis after ly giving way to a Democrat. borough water supply. state ("stick") channels in council action to rezone an declared that because tax This would give the Demo- Offers Space the Democrat conceded the presidential election to 1 ;:pnaer1an agreement report- Sandy Hook Bay off the bor- crats 20 governorships to 30 for area at Miller and Fifth Streets maps are. made available only Johnson also offered Nixon Republican Richard M. Nixon. (AP Wirephoto I edly dating from the regime of ough water front. The Bay- the GOP. to allow construction of a clani In early; October, borough par- government office space in the previous Borough Council, men's Association, of which The GOP currently holds - 31' depuration plant backedjby the eels and their owners are still Washington, but the winner the dredgers have befen... pur- Mayor White is secretary, has — its highest total in 15 years Baymen's Association. He being identified preparatory to said he would continue to chasing about 5,000,,.gallons a consistently opposed the dredg- — after making.a net gain of called the project "a boon to reassessment.' The apprais- work out of his New" York week from borough" mains. ing, claiming damage to valu- five. With election of Republi-' Highlands." ers asked extension of their offices in the weeks ahead. "1 don>rsee why we should able clam beds in the bay. The matter was referred to contract deadline tentatively can Richard Ogilvie as gover- Office space and a $750,000 War Toll Rise furnish "Chem utilities," Mayor Asks Investigation the board's upcoming work- until Jan. 10. nor of Illinois, the GOP in-' federal expense account were White declared. "Let them go Councilman Ernest shop session. Councilman John F. Bahrs creased its hold on the big provided by Congress in 1964 to Atlantic Highlands. I don't F. Vaughan, who heads the Reassesment of borough reminded his colleagues the ba- states to six of seven, with on- for future transitionary gov- sis for the contract award, was ly Texas, where Democrat" ernment. Precedes Halt that the reassessments can be Preston Smith won, outside Re- completed for 1969. Mayor Selection of a Cabinet, a publican control. White and Benjamin Gruber, White House staff and such Post Mortems •• Argue on Paris Rules borough attorney, agreed. other top aides as a budget Of Bombings As is traditional, the day af- Mr. Gruber urged an im- director will be one of Nixon's ter the election was a day for" PARIS (AP) - The United and spokesmen for the Nation- end of "all air, naval and ar- mediate conference with the first chores. He has main- SAIGON (AP) - The num- But the bombing halt is like- post mortems. The two presi- States and North Vietnam dis- al Liberation Front, the politi- tillery bombardment." They appraisers to speed the work tained silence through the ber of Americans killed in ac- ly to have little effect on U.S. dential losers, former AlabaV puted ground rules for the ex- cal arm of the Viet Cong, also said the United States had let before the county deadline on campaign about individuals tion in Vietnam rose slightly casualties since the American ma Gov. George C. Wallace said the United States had it be understood that it would panded Vietnam peace talks 1969 assessments is passed. who might serve but has said during the week before the halt command says it will pursue and Vice President Humphrey, agreed both the NLF and the abstain only from the use of yesterday. The talks were in- , Deadline Near they will include Democrats in the bombing of North Viet- the war as vigorously as ever conceded and wished Nixon Saigon government would send force against North Vietnam- definitely suspended because of as well as Republicans, busi- nam, the U.S. command report- in South Vietnam. well. independent teams to the bar- ese territory. "We're getting awfully close South Vietnam's refusal to par- to the deadline," he warned. nessmen, educators and polit- ed today, but the total was still Two weeks ago,' 109 Ameri- Wallace proclaimed his can- gaining table. They noted that North Viet- ticipate. Mrs. Rosemary Shields, bor- ical leaders. far below the casualty levels cans were reported killed in didacy a success,- even though nam's chief negotiator in Paris, At issue.are differing inter- Both interpretations were im- ough clerk, was directed to Speculation, however, imme- during weeks of heavy fighting action, and the week before the he carried only five states with mediately challenged by sourc- Xuan Thuy, • use•—*d th"-e- sam-—e pretations about whether the find out from the Monmouth diately began, and Detroit ra- earlier in the year.