Nixon Rests in >. May Win 302 Electors
tf. Reward Offer in Slaying of Child STORY BELOW Rainy and Cool Rainy and cool today and to- THEDMLY HOME night. Mostly cloudy and cool Red Bank, Freehold with chance of showers tomor- Long Branch FINAL row. I 7 (Be» Detail* Fag* 3). IHonmouth County9* Rome Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 94 RED BANK, N. J-, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1968 34 PAGES TEN CENTS' Nixon Rests in >. May Win 302 Electors WASHINGTON (AP)-Rich- million votes continued to flow The station also forecast or secretary of defense—most And the Montana Democrat, ard M. Nixon, his narrow in from outlying precincts, that Dist. Atty. Evelle J. likely the latter." who will preside over .a re- presidential triumph cemented mainly in the West, Nixon ac- lounger of Los Angeles Coun- Senate Democratic Leader duced majority numbering 58 by late election returns, chose tually trailed by 29,730,272 to ty "will become the next at- Mike Mansfield, meanwhile of the 100 senators, said he the privacy of a Florida re- 29,726,409 vote behind Demo- torney general," and that suggested that Nixon name "a would support Nixon "when he treat today to start forming crat Hubert H. Humphrey in Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of shadow cabinet to work with is right" adding "when we dis- the new Republican adminis- the 70-million-plus popular New York would be named the present Cabinet to smooth agree, we'll oppose not just for tration he hopes will "bring vote. "either as secretary of state the transition," the sake of opposition but will, the American people togeth- Total Secure try to offer constructive alters er." But his electoral vote total, natives." , Faced with the most press- securely past the needed total One Senate race remained ing tasks of determining his of 270 after cliff-hanger vic- undecided, the- Oregon contest immediate role in Vietnam tories in Illinois, Ohio -and Cal- in which Republican Robert peace efforts and picking the ifornia, appeared headed for Packwood was leading four- men who will guide the na- 302 when late returns gave term veteran Sen.
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