S3100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 23, 2019 not place her at the firm because they After leaving public office to teach at April 15, 1917, for a small group of Afri- just were not going to hire a woman. Harvard in 1979, Soglin returned to can Americans, all of whom worked at Rather than feeling disheartened, Jus- Madison to practice law and was twice Fairbanks Morse. As their families tice Abrahamson informed the dean reelected to lead ’s capital grew and the Great Migration contin- that she didn’t want to go to Indianap- city. In all, he served as Madison’s 51st, ued, the once small church quickly olis, so the slight was fine with her. 54th, and 57th mayor. During his sec- grew to a congregation of 100 by 1920. This type of discrimination was not ond stint as mayor, Soglin accom- On June 3, 1927, formal incorporation an anomaly. Justice Abrahamson was plished one of his crowning achieve- papers were filed with the Rock County denied jobs, clients, and even social ments, breaking through a 70-year de- Registrar. club memberships on the basis of her bate to build the Monona Terrace Con- The first church at the current loca- gender. Undaunted by this prejudice, vention Center that Frank Lloyd tion was built in 1924 for $5,500. The ed- Justice Abrahamson took a stand Wright designed for Madison’s Lake ifice of the present church was built in against gender inequality and refused Monona’s shoreline. He is also credited 1960 after the first building was de- to back down from those who stood in with invigorating Madison’s economy stroyed by fire in 1958. Today, Emman- the way of a woman’s path to success and rebuilding its declining downtown. uel Baptist church proudly offers wor- in the legal field. Her greatest legacy is Through his more than two decades ship and educational programs for its the trail she blazed for countless young of investment in infrastructure, the members and provides community out- women, who can see themselves in a arts, and recreation, has reach programs through its Family courtroom or on a judicial bench be- helped build a welcoming and flour- Life Center. Two of its most successful cause of the barriers she fearlessly ishing city that appears often on lists endeavors, a food pantry and a free hot broke through. She will go down in his- of the Nation’s most livable cities. lunch program, began under the leader- tory as one of Wisconsin’s most influ- Throughout this growth, he has also ship of the late Rev. Dr. Floyd Prude, ential and powerful women, and she fought to ensure that Madison’s re- Jr., who served as senior pastor for 36 used every bit of that influence and sources and assets are available to all years, the longest in the church’s his- power in the pursuit of justice for all city residents, regardless of their eco- tory. Wisconsinites. nomic standing. Now, 102 years after its founding, Justice Abrahamson is a true Amer- In addition to Paul Soglin’s remark- Emmanuel Baptist Church provides a ican hero. From her incomparable ten- able public service, I feel fortunate to spiritual refuge for its 350 members ure on the to know him as a lifelong family friend. under the steady hand of Minister Rod- her efforts as a pioneer for gender From my earliest memories of Paul ney Hayes. It stands as a beacon of equality, Justice Abrahamson has lived teaching me how to throw a Frisbee to hope that has withstood the dev- a life devoted to service and justice for his generous moving reflections at my astating impacts of racism and perse- all. mother’s memorial service, Paul cution. Under the devoted guidance of f Soglin has provided me with encour- its spiritual leaders, may it continue to TRIBUTE TO PAUL SOGLIN agement and inspiration. be a shining asset to the community Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, today As he begins his next chapter after 22 for the next 102 years. I wish to recognize the exceptional ca- years of service, he leaves with the f reer and legacy of Madison, WI’s long- knowledge that he has left an indelible mark on the city he loves and that his TRIBUTE TO THE ALEXANDER est serving Mayor, Paul Soglin. Mayor FAMILY Soglin spent his many years in office legacy will endure. Mr. ROMNEY. Mr. President, it is my as driving force behind Madison’s ex- f honor today to pay tribute to five na- traordinary economic success and high 102ND ANNIVERSARY OF tive Utahns who are brothers and vet- quality of life. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Paul Soglin was raised in the Hyde erans of World War II and Korea: Wil- Park neighborhood of , where Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, today liam, Gail, George, Jack, and Bert he excelled academically at Highland I wish to recognize the 102nd anniver- Alexander. Park High School. He graduated with sary of Emmanuel Baptist Church in These five brothers answered the call honors from University of Wisconsin— Beloit, WI. Emmanuel Baptist Church to defend our freedom and the freedoms Madison in 1966 and from the UW-Madi- was established on April 15, 1917, and of others from foreign invaders. Nazi son Law School in 1972. has been a pillar of the community for Germany, Imperial Japan, and the Soglin gained national notoriety on the last 102 years. North Koreans believed it their right campus as an activist for social and po- The church was founded during the to attack and forcefully restrict the litical change. He frequently protested peak of the Great Northward Migra- freedoms of their neighbors, but these American military involvement in the tion, when more than 6 million African brothers recognized that our freedom and demonstrated against Americans migrated from the rural as American citizens is inextricably Dow Chemical Company for its role in South to the industrial cities of the linked to the freedom of our friends manufacturing napalm and Agent Or- North and Midwest. Many northern and allies. Remaining safely protected ange for use in Vietnam. Beaten by po- manufacturing plants sought African- in Northern Utah was not an option for lice during the protests, Soglin became American migrants from the South to the Alexander brothers; they answered a respected voice on campus. During help replace white workers fighting in the call to take up arms and defend this trying time in our Nation’s past, World War I. Beloit became a favored freedom’s cause. Soglin demonstrated his enduring com- destination for many migrants thanks One brother, SGT Gail Alexander, mitment to peace and civil rights. in part to a young African-American was killed in action exactly 75 years Soglin won election to the Madison named John McCord from Pontotoc, ago tomorrow, May 24, 1944, during the City Council in 1968, representing the MS, who helped the Fairbanks Morse Anzio campaign to retake Rome, Italy. city’s student wards. Four years later, manufacturing company in Beloit re- The Anzio campaign and then Oper- he accomplished one of the biggest up- cruit Black labor from the southern ation Neptune—or D-day, as it came to sets in Madison history by defeating town. be known—marked an important turn- two-term incumbent , be- African Americans were eager to es- ing point in World War II, with the Al- coming the youngest mayor in the cape the Jim Crow laws of the South lies beginning to liberate and retake city’s history. During his first term as and seek an improved quality of life for German-occupied Europe, restoring mayor, he established Madison’s Civic their families. As they settled in an un- freedom to the French and Italians and Center to showcase the city’s growing familiar part of the country, they subsequently to the rest of Europe. arts scene. He made tremendous im- sought solace in their faith and estab- Prior to his death, Gail received a provements to the city’s public transit lished the Second Emmanuel Baptist Purple Heart and Silver Star citation system and transformed State Street Church, now Emmanuel Baptist for Gallantry when on February 4, 1944, into an iconic pedestrian mall, one of Church. The church held its first serv- after sustaining a gunshot injury to his Madison’s defining landmarks. ice at Kent Hall on State Street on hand, he singlehandedly took out a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:37 May 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MY6.051 S23MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE May 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3101 German machine gun position that had phens Memorial Hospital in Norway, our courage, honor, and hard work held up his entire company. Alone and ME, Dr. William Medd has helped to ethic. The cowboy way provides an eth- the his company under fire, Gail gradu- build that foundation in Oxford Coun- ical code for cowboys to live by. All ally ran 130 yards across the battle- ty. It is a pleasure to join his friends rodeo participants embody this cowboy field, machine guns kicking up dirt on and neighbors in thanking him for 45 way when competing in the arena, pro- both sides of him and artillery shells years of expert, dedicated, and compas- viding the world with a prime example falling all around. He made it to the sionate service. of the code all Wyomingites live by. machine gun position, knocking it out Healthcare is essential to the vital- Cody is nicknamed the Rodeo Capitol with grenades, allowing his company to ity, even the survival, of rural commu- of the World. Rodeo in Cody began over come out from under cover. nities. In a recent interview, Dr. Medd 100 years ago with William Frederick In the official military report of the said that, after he graduated from the ‘‘Buffalo Bill’’ Cody and his Wild West incident, Gail’s commanding officer University of Rochester Medical Show. The Wild West Show was never said, ‘‘Sergeant Alexander’s fearless ac- School, he had a wide choice of places formally held in Cody but the tryouts tion under direct machine gun fire for to practice. He decided to practice in a for the show were held right behind the twenty minutes, enabled our company place where he could make a real dif- Irma Hotel. In 1913, Buffalo Bill closed to obtain the objective . . . and pre- ference, and he certainly has. His role his Wild West Show. He hosted one last vented any further casualties to our in starting the Maine Track program parade and rodeo in Cody for the prince own men.’’ through Maine Medical Center and the of Monaco. Gail’s brothers William, George, and Tufts University School of Medicine to In 1917, Buffalo Bill passed away and Jack all returned home after serving in recruit young physicians to rural prac- with that ended a fascinating chapter various capacities more than 2 years tice will make a difference for genera- in the story of the American Wild each all throughout the European the- tions to come. West. In 1919, Clarence Williams led the ater. The youngest brother, Bert Alex- When a new medical center opened in effort to establish a rodeo celebration ander, who just passed away on April 2 Norway 3 years ago, it was named in in Cody to commemorate Buffalo Bill of this year at the age of 87, was too Dr. Medd’s honor as a tribute to his and the Old West he personified. Every young to serve in World War II but still many contributions to his community. summer since 1919, people from all over answered the call to defend liberty Just as important is the gratitude the come to watch cowboys compete in the when he embarked for service in Korea. people throughout the Oxford Hills re- Cody Stampede Rodeo, as well as the So today I, along with the entire U.S. gion have for his outstanding atten- rodeos held every night from June to Senate, honor these five brothers, their tiveness to their health and well-being. Labor Day. Gold Star mother, and their families, I offer Dr. William Medd my congratu- For its centennial year, the Cody both living and deceased. We remember lations upon his retirement and best Stampede Board is being inducted into their tremendous service and sacrifice, wishes for the years to come. the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Hall of and we express our profound gratitude f Fame. This is a great accomplishment for their sacrifice in defending freedom for the town and the Stampede. 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CODY for us and for America’s allies. Caroline Lockhart was the founder STAMPEDE RODEO f and first president of the Cody Stam- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, this year, pede Board. Caroline was considered a AVIATION MAINTENANCE the Cody Stampede Rodeo is cele- liberated, independent women ahead of TECHNICIAN DAY brating its 100th anniversary. This is a her time. She was described as someone Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. President, in milestone for the Stampede, for Cody, ‘‘with a spirit as wild as the West.’’ 1902, a little known machinist by the and for Wyoming. One hundred years of Last November, she was inducted into name of Charles Edward Taylor began the Cody Stampede Rodeo represents the Cowgirl Hall of Fame. As we ap- working for Orville and Wilbur Wright 100 years of us living life the cowboy proach the 100th anniversary of the at the Wright Cycle Company in Day- way. The cowboy and the rodeo is an 19th Amendment, which granted ton, OH. Over the course of 6 weeks, integral part of our culture, and this women the right to vote across the using only a metal lathe, drill press, 100th anniversary is a chance to cele- country, it is important to recognize and hand tools, Mr. Taylor built a 12- brate this long standing history. Wyoming’s history of women leaders, horsepower engine that was used to The rodeo has long been a part of Wy- like Caroline. Caroline Lockhart is a power the Wright brothers’ first suc- oming history. Wyoming is often re- great example of the trailblazer nature cessful aircraft in 1903. ferred to as the Cowboy State as a ref- of our great State. Today, Charles Taylor’s May 24th erence to its cowboy culture. At the As a trailblazer State, women in Wy- birthday is observed as Aviation Main- heart of cowboy culture lies the rodeo. oming were voting long before the 19th tenance Technician Day to recognize We hold rodeos all over the State in al- Amendment was passed. Wyoming is the thousands of men and women who most every single town. coming up on the 150th anniversary of follow in Mr. Taylor’s footsteps and Rodeo is in some ways the West’s am- women’s suffrage. In December 1869, fulfill a critical safety role in the U.S. bassador to the world. With our buck- Wyoming’s territorial legislature be- aviation industry. Whether maintain- ing horse license plate and visitors’ came the first government in the world ing military, commercial, general avia- conceptions of the Wild West, cowboys to grant women the right to vote. tion, private, space, or experimental and rodeo are what they see and expect Called the Equality State, we have the aircraft, aviation maintenance techni- to see first. Through the efforts of all distinction of having the first woman cians use their specialized knowledge who participate, the sport of rodeo con- to serve as Governor and the first and skillset to ensure that all aircraft tinues to grow. It is a part of western woman to vote in the world. Rodeo ex- are safe and reliable. tradition that can be shared and en- emplifies the nature of the Equality I want to thank aviation mainte- joyed by visitors and residents alike. State through its history of inclusion nance technicians across and The rodeo is a part of our livelihood and acceptance. throughout the Nation for their hard that is unique to the Cowboy State and There are many great sports, but work and dedication. Their expertise the West. The relationship between the there are probably none as demanding and integrity ensures the U.S. aviation rodeo and the West is much like the re- or difficult as Rodeo. That is why it system will remain the safest and most lationship between a cowboy and his continues to grow in popularity and reliable in the world. horse. Few pairings have produced a participation. It requires a tremendous f more perfect partnership and the image combination of athletic ability, con- of a cowboy and his horse remains an centration, and dedication from its TRIBUTE TO DR. WILLIAM MEDD American icon. When one imagines a participants. It takes a lot of courage Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, access cowboy, he is rarely without his horse to face the challenges of the sport and to quality healthcare is the foundation companion. give it your very best. of any community. Throughout his The American cowboy represents the Rodeo also does a lot to build char- long and distinguished career at Ste- greatest parts of the American West: acter and increase the self-confidence

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:34 May 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MY6.035 S23MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE