THE CAPITAL TIMES WEATHER — Mostly Cloudy, Windy, Colder, Chance Some Light Snow Tonight

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THE CAPITAL TIMES WEATHER — Mostly Cloudy, Windy, Colder, Chance Some Light Snow Tonight THE CAPITAL TIMES WEATHER — Mostly cloudy, windy, colder, chance some light snow tonight. Low in low teens. Wednesday variable cloudiness, chance flurries. High around 30. VOL. 116, NO. 62 38 PAGES MADISON, WIS., Tuesday, February 25, 1975 FIVE SECTIONS Ford Says Government Will Fall Without Aid Massive Cambodian Airlift Set ' ' United and other essential supplies, Fortfwrote, "millions of innocent The rebel gunners fired more than 40 rockets into the capital Although some officers said they were not sure, one military city, its airport and the suburbs today, destroying a DC-3 com- source said it appeared to be the start of the long-awaited second The United States moved hundreds of truckloads of rice to people will suffer — people who depend oh us for their bare sur- vival." mercial airliner, killing at least 17 persons and wounding many phase of the Communist offensive. Saigon airport today for the start of a massive airlift to the besieged others, preliminary reports said. The first phase began last New Year's Eve, and has placed Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. He contended that Congress' approval of adequate support for At least 19,rockets hit Phnom Penh in two barrages at dawn Cambodia in danger of falling to Communist control within weeks. Reports from Phnom Penh said 13 rockets slammed into Cambodia presents "a moral question that must be faced and midmorning. Ten persons, including three policemen, were Only the U.S. airlift of hundreds of tons of ammunition and fuel Ponchentong airport, where the U.S. planes will have to land, but squarely." . • . wounded when five of the missiles hit the Riverside fruit market — and, beginning Thursday, food — has kept the refugee-swollen U.S. Officials said the attacks would not stop the 35 planes a day "Are we to deliberately abandon a small country in the midst close to UPI's Phnom Penh bureau. capital from falling. carrying food to the city of two million. of its life and death struggle? Is the United States, which so far has First reports from the field today indicated heavy rebel as- U.S. spokesmen said the airlift will begin Thursday and last 31 consistently stood by its friends through the most difficult of times, saults on outposts and perimeter defenses around Phnom Penh. Military sources today said observation pilots spotted rocket days, but tt may go longer. Sources said 2I,MO tons of rice were now to condemn in effect a small Asian nation totally dependent Three miles south of downtown Phnom Penh, 10 other rockets launchers at Arcy Khsat, a village a mile from downtown Phnom being stockpiled at Tan Son Nhutairbase for the airlift. upon us? nit Takhmau provincial capital, killing one civilian and wounding Pehn. which would give rebel gunners a dominating position over President Ford told the House today that if it does not quickly "We cannot escape this'responsibility," Ford said. two others, military officers said. the city. approve his |222 million Cambodian military request soon '.'the government forces will be forced, within weeks, to surrender to the insurgents." Ford said in a letter to Speaker Carl Albert, read to the full House, that:Without the additional military aid the Cambodian Army Admits Carting army will run out of ammunition in less than a month. "An independent Cambodia," the President said, "cannot survive unless the Congress acts very soon to provide supplemental military and economic assistance." Missiles Over Madison He said the" Communist forces now attacking around Phnom Penh have a "constant massive outside source of supply from the ByOWENCOYLE Meanwhile,- Sen. William The matter was brought to the North-as. has been demonstrated by their ability to sustain the Of The capital Times Stan Proxmire's office has placed a attention of Proxmire, Sen. current heavy offensive.'1 •-" call to the Secretary of the Army Gaylord Nelson and Rep. Robert "The'economic situation is almost as difficult," he said. An Army spokesman eon- to request more specific infor- Kastenmeier late last week by "Refugees forced to flee their homes by the Communists' repres- firmed today that Madison's mation on the material being . Madison Mayor Paul Soglin. sive measures and scorched earth policies have poured into Phnom Truax Field is being used as a shipped into Truax Field. transfer point for missile com- Proxmire asked for the talk Soglin asked their assistance in Penh and other cities. Severe food shortages are already begin- ponents being shipped from the determining what was being ning." ' . with the secretary after his aides If Congress does not provide for continued deliveries of rice U.S. Army arsenal in Savannah, were unable to obtain informa- shipped into Madison after 111., to a missile site in North tion on the subject from the Pen- learning that city fire crews had Dakota. tagon. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5) The component parts are being ferried from Savannah to Truax Burns Predicts by Army CH-47 Chinook helicopters and shipped from Truax to North Dakota by Air Bouillon Denies Force C-141 Starlifter cargo Interest, Credit planes. Joseph Penton, a public infor- Advising Client mation officer for the Army' Will Ease Soon Materials Command in Washing- ton who released the shipment WASHINGTON (DPI) - "The Federal Reserve intends information, also said the missile To Make Payoff Federal -Reserve Chairman. to encourage expansion in parts contain explosive com- ponents. By JOltN WELTER Arthur F. Burns predicted today . supplies of money and credit Of The Capital Times Staff a faster expansion of,the money needed to mitigate recessionary However, .he declined^ to Madison lobbyist James supply in coming-nwnths;— and forces and encourage early describe the "nature of the Boullion today "emphatically" resulting'lower interest rales and recovery in "economic actrvily." explosive material or how long denied he advised a real estate increased credit availability.. But, Burns warned, "We have the fcnr operation would con- developer and client to offer Burns laid the Senate Banking not thrown caution to the wind tinue. campaign contributions to the Committee an increase in availa- the menace of inflation is by no state Democratic party in 1972 in ble money already achieved means behind us."' Penton said it was national return for having an order to through the Fed's operations has Burns objected to a proposed defense policy to neither confirm revoke the developer's license produced a dramatic decline in Senate resolution that would nor deny location of nuclear dismissed by a state board. short-term interest rates and direct the FED to "take material or the movement of prepared financial conditions for appropriate action in the first nuclear weapons. Bouillon said he routinely ad- a recovery from the recession. half of 1975 to increase the money The missile components arc for vises his clients to "get involved James Boullion supply at a rate substantially the Safeguard system, an anti- in the political process — to buy sold 600 acres of land in Upper The money supply is the higher than in -recent ballistic missile defense system tickets to fund-raisers and things Michigan to DeGaynor in June. amount of currency in circulation experience." For Some, Snow Is Piles of Fun approved by Congress in 1969. like that. They sent me money 1972, after DeGaynor's dealings and money in checking accounts. and it went into a political ac- with the real estate board in When it expands, interest rates He said such legislation would The snowstorm which hit Madison Monday cused from school for a day, were caught playing One of the two system sites is may have meant back-breaking shoveling and king of the mountain in the 5400 block of Monona located at the Grand Forks base count, and some tickets were March of that year. Gerrard generally decline and Joans for deny the FED operational bought out of that." bought-the land in 19fi6 for business and home buyers are flexibility and raise questions dangerous driving to most adults, but it was a Drive. (Staff Photo by Dave Sandell) in North Dakota. The other site is heaven-sent gift for kids. These young lads, ex- in Montana. The Capital Times reported "860,000 or $65,000" and sold it to more obtainable. whether the board's "traditional last week that Boullion w?as the DeGaynor for §150,000. "Forces have now been set in insulation from political pressure second highest-paid lobbyist dur- In early March 1972, Lucey motion that will, I believe, soon ing the 1973 session of the asked the state Real Estate result in a quicker pace of mone- Strong Advocate of Separatism Legislature. He made .$65,000. Examining Board to investigate tary and credit expansion," diminished whether the dollar DeGaynor's advertising practices Burns said. "Actually, that will remain a respected currency The Milwaukee Sentinel today for a development near the process may already be under- around the world." Black Muslims* Muhammad Dies reported that Boullion and his Namekagon River outside Cable way . The resolution is sponsored by study in paradox. sexual relations and soul food. client, Cable (Wis.) developer in Bayfieid County. Sens. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) CHICAGO (AP) - Elijah Jeffrey DeGaynor, contributed DeGaynor's proposed "Wild Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.) Muhammad, leader of the Black Tiny and light-skinned, Muh- Although he preached racial mammad didn't look the Mes- supremacy, he prayed to a man $4,65(1 to the state Dems' Jeffer- River" development near the Ml. New York Raps and James L. Buckley (R-C- Muslims religious movement son-Jackson. Day dinner after an Telemark ski area, according toe N.Y.) which advocated racial senger of Allah he proclaimed who identified himself as white.
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