
Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20")

research is reccommended.

D: Deciduous E:EvergreenWater- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. RecommendedDeciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: ShadeTime (Sp, SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMature PollinatorsHeight interest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast

Please Note: These plants are available for pick up in Fall. Our inventory is constantly changing- When you place your order, you will be notified what size is available. Questions? Give us a call or email How to order

Novice with Natives: These plants are perfect for those who are new to gardening with natives. Hearty and colorful throughout the seasons!

This features long lasting blue flowers. Easy to grow and Edible + Medicinal + reseed LILE Lewis' Blue Flax Linum lewisii Y Y HG WF P FS Low Sum-F 1 ' 2.5 ' Po B Weaving

Long lasting blooms. One of our absolute favorites! F Recommend for every garden. Do not overwater SPMU Munro's Globemallow Sphaeralcea munroana Y Y HG WF P FS None Sum-F 2.5 ' 2 ' Po M

Long lasting blooms. Deadhead to promote continuous F growth. Easy to grow. GAAR Native Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata Y Y HG WF P FS Med Sum 1 ' 1.3 ' Po Bu Medicinal

Spreads if given additional water. Ideal for low water 'lawn.' Early Medicinal + Lawn F ACMI Native Yarrow Achillea millefolium Y Y WF P FS None 1 ' 2 ' Po Bu Mow as you would grass. Deadheading will reduce reseeding Sum Replacement and improve appearance. Early Good seed source for winter birds. ECPU Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea N WF P FS Med 1.1 ' Po B H Bu Medicinal F Sum Wyeth/Parsnipflower/Creamy YES ERHE Eriogonum heracleoides Y Y WF P FS Low Sum 2 ' 1.7 ' Po B Buckwheat ERSP7 Rock Buckwheat Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Y Y WF P FS Low Mid Sp 1 ' Po Medicinal LECI Great Basin Wildrye Leymus cinereus Y Y HG G P FS None Sum 3 ' 7 ' B M Windbreak Excellent in mass plantings as a native windbreak! PSSP Bluebunch Wheatgrass Psuedorogneria spicata Y Y HG G P FS Med 1 ' 3 ' B M Livestock Browse Lovely golden color in the fall! F FS - Warm season bunchgrass. Turns red in fall with bright white SCSC Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Y G P Low WI 2 ' 3 ' B M pSH seed heads. Beautiful winter interest.


PSSP Bluebunch Wheatgrass Psuedorogneria spicata Y Y HG G P FS Med 1 ' 3 ' B M Livestock Browse Lovely golden color in the fall! F FS - This plant re-seeds easily- Good for restoration and erosion FEID fescue Festuca idahoensis Y Y G P Low 1.3 ' 1.5 ' B Erosion Control pSH control! Edible + Nitrogen Fixer + Does not tolerate poorly drained soils. Allow to reseed. ACHY Indian Ricegrass Achnatherum hymenoides Y Y HG G P FS None WI 2 ' B M Erosion Control Lovely fountain shape. LECI Great Basin Wildrye Leymus cinereus Y Y HG G P FS None Sum 3 ' 7 ' B M Windbreak Excellent in mass plantings as a native windbreak! HECO Needle & Thread Grass Hesperostipa comata Y Y G-like P FS None 4 ' M Seedheads are beautiful but sharp! KOMA Prairie Junegrass Koeleria macrantha Y Y G P FS - SH Med 1.5 ' Edible great partial shade tolerant grass near walkways! ELEL Bottlebrush Squirreltail Elymus elymoides Y Y G P FS Low 2 ' 2.5 ' B M This plant re-seeds easily, good for restoration projects SPCR Sand Dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Y Y G P FS None 0.5 ' 1.7 ' B Edible Warm Season grass that reseeds easily FS - Warm season bunchgrass. Turns red in fall with bright white SCSC Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Y G P Low WI 2 ' 3 ' B M pSH seed heads. Beautiful winter interest. pSH- Great for a moist, partly shaded area! Cute blue flowers in SI Blue Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium idahoense Y G P High Sum Po SH spring/summer Warm season Southwest native bunchgrass with beautiful BOGR Blue Grama Grass Bouteloua gracilis N G FS None B eyelash like seed heads. Can be mown short and used as part of a drought tolerant lawn replacement.

Penstemon Party - These cheery plants bring pollinators galore and add pops of color

PEPS Desert Beardtongue Penstemon pseudospectabilis N WF P FS Low Po B H and

Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20")

research is reccommended.

D: Deciduous E:EvergreenWater- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. RecommendedDeciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: ShadeTime (Sp, SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMature PollinatorsHeight interest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast PEEA Firecracker Penstemon Penstemon eatonii N HG WF P FS Low Late Sp 3 ' 3 ' Po H Bu Medicinal Hummingbirds LOVE it. F PEPA Palmer Penstemon Penstemon palmeri N WF P FS None Sum 2 ' 4 ' Po H Bu Southwest native pollinator attractor! PEST Rocky Mtn Penstemon Penstemon strictus N HG WF P FS Med Sum 1.7 ' 2.5 ' Po H Bu F Y WF P FS Low Sum Po H Bu PERY Rydberg’s Penstemon Penstemon rydbergii PEPR2 Small-Flowered Penstemon Penstemon procerus Y WF P FS-pSH Med Po H Bu Likes rich organic soils

These sun loving plants attract Pollinator Paradise! pollinators near and far.

ALRO Columbia River Onion Allium robinsonii Y WF P FS Low Sp 12" 2" Po Deer Resistant Med MIMU 4 o'clock Flower Mentzelia laevicaulis N WF P FS Low Late Sp 2 ' Po H Bu Medicinal MOFI Bee Balm Monarda fistulosa N WF FS-pSH High Po H VS BARO Rosy Balsamroot Balsamorhiza rosea Y WF P FS Low Po

F HYFI Columbia Cutleaf Hymenopappus filifolius Y WF P FS None Sp-Sum Po Medicinal + Dye

Early Careful not to overwater. OEPA Pale Evening Primrose Oenothera pallida Y Y HG WF P FS Low 2.3 ' H Medicinal F Sum LUPO Bigleaf Lupine Lupinus polyphyllus Y Y WF P FS Low Sum 2 ' 2.3 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! Mod Early Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! LUSE Silky Lupine Lupinus sericeus Y Y WF P FS None 6 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer F Sum Late Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! LUAR Silvery Lupine Lupinus argenteus Y Y WF P FS Low 1.5 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer Sum Long lasting blooms. Deadhead to promote continuous GAAR Native Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata Y Y HG WF P FS Med Sum 1 ' 1.3 ' Po Bu Medicinal F growth. Easy to grow. Treat as an annual, short lived but readily re-seeds. Perfect ERLA Sunshine Eriophyllum lanatum Y Y HG WF P FS Low Sp 1 ' 0.8 ' Po Bu Medicinal along pathways HEHE Early Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides N WF FS-pSH High Po B H Medicinal MOOD Coyote Mint Monaradella Odoratissima Y Y WF P FS Low Sp-Sum Po H Tea + Deer Resistant FS - Edible + Medicinal + F CHAN Fireweed Chamerion angustifolium Y Y WF P Med Sum 5.5 ' Po pSH Weaving LOGR Grays Lomatium Lomatium greyi Y Y WF P FS Low Early Sp 2 ' Po B M Edible Important early bloomer for pollinators! Mid Long lasting blooms add a splash of color and attract ASTU Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa N WF P FS > 30 " 2 ' Po H Bu Medicinal F Sum butterflies. Has the potential to re-seed itself.

ERCO1 Cutleaf Daisy Erigeron compositus N WF P FS Low Sp-Sum 6" 4" Po Bu

Can be divided once mature. Fast and easy to grow Late F ERSP Showy Fleabane Erigeron speciosus Y Y WF P FS High 2 ' 3 ' Po Bu Medicinal Sping

cheery white flowers, good for borders! ERPU Shaggy Fleabane Erigeron pumilus Y WF P FS None Po H Medicinal

CLLU Yellow Bee Balm Cleome lutea Y Y WF A FS Med Po B Bu Medicinal and

Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20")

research is reccommended.

D: Deciduous E:EvergreenWater- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. RecommendedDeciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: ShadeTime (Sp, SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMature PollinatorsHeight interest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast Good in disturbed, moist soils FS - COTI Columbia Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria Y Y WF A Low Late Sp 3 ' Po Dye + Medicinal pSH

Ratibida columnifera 'Red RACO Mexican Hat 'Red Midget' N WF P FS Low Sum 0.5 ' 2 ' B M Tea + Medicinal +Dye Midget' Good for moist, partly shaded areas! DEOC Western Larkspur Delphinium occidentale Y WF P FS-psh High Sum Po

Deer Resistant Lovely anise smell! Attracts many polinators and is a great AGCU Anise Hyssop Agastache cusickii N WF P FS Low Sum 1.5' 1' Po H Bu addtion along pathways or in xeric gardens

Deer Resistant F AGOC Western Giant-Hyssop Agastache occidentalis Y WF P FS Med Sum 2 ' 1.5 ' Po H

AGRU Sunset Hyssop Agastache rupestris N WF P FS Low H Tea + Deer Resistant

This plant features long lasting blue flowers. Easy to grow and Edible + Medicinal + LILE Lewis' Blue Flax Linum lewisii Y Y HG WF P FS Low Sum-F 1 ' 2.5 ' Po B reseed Weaving

ERPO Purple Cushion Fleabane Erigeron poliospermus Y Y WF P FS Low Sp Bu ERPU Shaggy Fleabane Erigeron pumilus Y WF P FS None Po H Medicinal Early Good seed source for winter birds. ECPU Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea N WF P FS Med 1.1 ' Po B H Bu Medicinal F Sum SW Native that will spread if given extra water F OESP Showy Primrose (OESP) Oenothera speciosa N WF P FS Low Po B Medicinal

Early Edible + Medicinal +Deer Vigorous grower. Important larval host for monarch ASSP Showy Milkweed Asclepias speciosa Y Y WF P FS Med 4 ' Po H Bu Sum Resistant buttterflies. Wyeth/Parsnipflower/Creamy YES ERHE Eriogonum heracleoides Y Y WF P FS Low Sum 2 ' 1.7 ' Po B Buckwheat ERSP7 Rock Buckwheat Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Y Y WF P FS Low Mid Sp 1 ' Po Medicinal Short lived but reseeds. Spent flower heads are beautiful in DICA Hoary Aster canescens Y WF A FS None Sum-WI Po B H F winter when covered with frost! Spreads if given additional water. Ideal for low water 'lawn.' Early Medicinal + Lawn F ACMI Native Yarrow Achillea millefolium Y Y WF P FS None 1 ' 2 ' Po Bu Mow as you would grass. Deadheading will reduce reseeding Sum Replacement and improve appearance. ACMI4 Moonshine Yarrow A.millefolium 'Moonshine' N WF P FS Low Po H F

Perfect for a dry rocky patch near Rock Garden walkways or driveways

FS - Grows VERY slowly. BACA Carey's Balsamroot Balsamorhiza careyana Y Y HG WF P None Early Sp 2.5 ' Po pSH THSE2 Thyme 'Dwarf Pink' Thymus serpyllum 'Dwarf Pink' N WF E FS Low Po H Tea + Edible CYTE Turpentine Desert Parsley Cymopterus terebinthinus Y WF P FS None H F FS - Long lasting blooms that native pollinators love. 'Scorpian' PHHA Silverleaf Phacelia Phacelia hastata Y Y WF P Low latet Sp 2 ' Po F pSH shape adds interest to rock gardens Dye + Edible + Medicinal Med OPCO Columbia Prickly Pear Cactus Opuntia columbiana Y Y C E FS None B + Living Fence Fuzzy leaves and clusters of purple flowers in spring. Good PHCH Dagger Pod Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides Y WF P FS-pSH None Sp-Sum Po B addition to a rock garden! BARO Rosy Balsamroot Balsamorhiza rosea Y WF P FS Low Po RUOC Western Coneflower Rudbeckia occidentalis Y WF P FS None Sp-Sum Po H and

Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20")

research is reccommended.

D: Deciduous E:EvergreenWater- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. RecommendedDeciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: ShadeTime (Sp, SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMature PollinatorsHeight interest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast CYAC Cholla Cactus Cylindropuntia Acanthocarpa N C E FS None Po B Edible + Living Fence

These plants thrive in partly shady Shady Spot areas

Late season Butterfly feeder! Highly recommed for a butterfly SYSU Douglas' Aster Symphyotrichum subspicatum Y WF FS-pSH Low Po H garden. IRMI Native Iris Iris missouriensis Y WF FS-pSH None Sum Po H Medicinal pSH - This plant does well in Tri-Cities and Walla Walla gardens. HECY Roundleaf Alumroot Heuchera cylindrica Y Y WF P Med Sum 1 ' 1.7 ' Medicinal SH Grows well in shady conditions. ALAC Tapertip Onion Allium acuminatum Y WF P FS-pSH Low Sum 10" 18" Po Edible Plant in groupings of 3 + to really see it pop! Med Edible + Medicinal + Med ALCE Nodding Onion Allium cernuum Y Y WF P FS Med Sum 1.5 ' Po H Bu M Deer Resistant KOMA Prairie Junegrass Koeleria macrantha Y Y G P FS - SH Med 1.5 ' Edible RIAU Golden Currant Ribes aureum Y Y HG S D FS - SH Med Sp 6 ' 8 ' Po B H M Edible Prune in winter for desired shape, good for shade garden! FS - Remove old stems to encourage new growth SANIC5 Blue Elderberry Sambucus nigra s. cerulea Y Y S D Med Sp 12 ' 12 ' Po B M Edible + Medicinal F pSH Mediu Beautiful flowers! SPDO Hardhack Spirea Spiraea douglasii Y S D FS-pSH Sum 6' Po H m SPLU Shinyleaf Spirea Spiraea lucida Y S D FS High sp 7' Po H Multiple plants needed to produce cherry like edible fruit! OECE Indian Plum aka Osoberry Oemleria cerasiformis Y T D FS-pSH Med Sp 6' 12' Po B M Prefers moist, well draining soils. Lovely addition as a more Edible + Medicinal drought tolerant, pest resistant, unfussy fruit tree! Slow growing attractive ground cover that prefers some FS - Edible + Medicinal S ARUV Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Y Y HG S E High Sum-WI 3 ' 0.5 ' Po B H M shade. Red berries provide color in winter! Use as pSH understory to pine trees. FS - Dye + Edible + Medicinal Good for shade gardens! MARE Creeping Oregon Grape Mahonia repens Y Y S E Low Sp 3 ' 1.5 ' Po B Bu pSH + Erosion Control pSH - Good for shade gardens! MAAQ Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium Y Y S E High Late Sp 8 ' Po Bu Dye + Edible + Medicinal SH pSH- Mediu PHCA Western/Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Y S Po B H Medicinal SH m Early Snow white berries add interest in winter. One of the first to SYAL Common Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Y Y S D FS - SH High 4 ' 4 ' Po B H M Medicinal Sum-WI flower in spring. Absolute winner for part shade gardens! LOIN5 Twinberry Honeysuckle Lonicera involucrata Y S/T D FS-pSH High Sp 5' 15' B H

These shrubs are slower to grow Shrubs and Trees but are worth the wait!

FAPA Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa N HG S D FS None Sum 5 ' 5 ' B M Such beautiful seed heads! FS - Remove old stems to encourage new growth SANIC5 Blue Elderberry Sambucus nigra s. cerulea Y Y S D Med Sp 12 ' 12 ' Po B M Edible + Medicinal F pSH PRVI Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana Y Y T D FS Med Late Sp 12 ' 16 ' Po B M Edible + Medicinal Birds love it! Common Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Early Snow white berries add interest in winter. One of the first to SYAL Y Y S D FS - SH High Sum-WI 4 ' 4 ' Po B H M Medicinal flower in spring. Absolute winner for part shade gardens! Low Growing shrub and very fragrant! Pioneer species (good ARFR Fringed Sagebrush Artemisia frigida Y S E FS None Sum 1.5 ' 1.5 ' M Dye + Medicinal for disturbed/poor soil sites) RIAU Golden Currant Ribes aureum Y Y HG S D FS - SH Med Sp 6 ' 8 ' Po B H M Edible Prune in winter for desired shape, good for shade garden! Mid Prune old stems as necessary to keep it looking its best. ARTR Great Basin Sagebrush A. tridentata tridentata Y Y HG S E FS None 8 ' 7 ' B M Medicinal S Sum Fragrant! FS - Can prune for desirable shape. Gets leggy if overwatered. ERNA Gray Rabbitbrush Ericameria nauseosa Y Y HG S D None Sum-WI 5 ' 4 ' Po B Bu M Dye + Medicinal Med pSH Seed heads add winter interest. Can look weedy if overwatered. Seed heads add interest in CHVI Low Green Rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Y Y HG S D FS None Sp-WI 3 ' Po Dye + Medicinal S fall and winter. Dye + Edible + Medicinal Saline tolerant. This plant is unique in that it can change ATCA Fourwing Saltbrush Atriplex canescens Y S SD FS Low 3 ' 4 ' B M + Saponin gender based on environmental cues! Amazing! and

Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20")

research is reccommended.

D: Deciduous E:EvergreenWater- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. RecommendedDeciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: ShadeTime (Sp, SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMature PollinatorsHeight interest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast Hardhack Spirea Spiraea douglasii Mediu Beautiful flowers! SPDO Y S D FS-pSH m Sum 6' Po H SPLU Shinyleaf Spirea Spiraea lucida Y S D FS High sp 7' Po H Multiple plants needed to produce cherry like edible fruit! OECE Indian Plum aka Osoberry Oemleria cerasiformis Y T D FS-pSH Med Sp 6' 12' Po B M Prefers moist, well draining soils. Lovely addition as a more Edible + Medicinal drought tolerant, pest resistant, unfussy fruit tree! Edible + Medicinal Slow growing attractive ground cover that prefers some S Kinnickinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi FS - shade. Red berries provide color in winter! Use as ARUV Y Y HG S E pSH High Sum-WI 3 ' 0.5 ' Po B H M understory to pine trees. FS - Early This shrub boasts fragarant white flowers. Prune after PHLE Mockorange, standard variety Philadelphus lewisii Y Y HG S D Med 6 ' 8 ' Po B H Bu M Saponin (soap) pSH Sum blooms are spent Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium pSH - Good for shade gardens! MAAQ Y Y S E SH High Late Sp 8 ' Po Bu Dye + Edible + Medicinal pSH- Mediu PHCA Western/Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Y S Po B H Medicinal SH m COSE Red Osier Dogwood Cornus sericea Y Y HG S D FS - SH > 30 " Sum WI 6 ' 9 ' B H Bu M Edible + Medicinal Saponin + Nitrogen Fixer Great for erosion control and pollinators! CESA Redstem Ceanothus Ceanothus sanguineus Y S D FS High Sp-WI 3-10' B +Erosion Control JUSC2 Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum Y Y T E FS Low 8 ' 12 ' B M Windbreak Junipers are also best pruned in dry weather S FS - Birds love this plant! AMAL Saskatoon Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia Y Y HG S D High Sp 5 ' 12 ' Po B M Edible + Medicinal Med pSH GRSP Spiny Hopsage Grayia spinosa Y Y HG S D FS Low Sp 3 ' This plant goes dormant in the summer! LOIN5 Twinberry Honeysuckle Lonicera involucrata Y S/T D FS-pSH High Sp 5' 15' B H Dye + Edible + Medicinal Mow down every few years to keep in check FS - Early ROWO Y Y S D Med 6 ' 6 ' Po B M Wild Wood's Rose Rosa woodsii pSH Sum +Tea +Living Fence + Erosion Control FS - SOSC2 Dwarf Mountain Ash Sorbus scopulina Y Y S D High 8 ' 10 ' B M pSH Dye + Edible + Medicinal PIPO Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Y Y T E FS High 40 ' 80 ' B M +Windbreak+ Woodworking PINI Austrian Pine Pinus nigra N T E FS High 40' 60' FS - Southwest native CHLI Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis N T D None Late Sp 25 ' H Windbreak pSH BEPA Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Y Y T D FS High 30 ' 60 ' YES Caution: Subject to Bark Beetle Infestation