and Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20") research is reccommended. D: Deciduous E:Evergreen Water- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. Recommended Deciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: Shade Time (Sp,SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMaturePollinators Heightinterest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast Please Note: These plants are available for pick up in Fall. Our inventory is constantly changing- When you place your order, you will be notified what size is available. Questions? Give us a call or email How to order Novice with Natives: These plants are perfect for those who are new to gardening with natives. Hearty and colorful throughout the seasons! This plant features long lasting blue flowers. Easy to grow and Edible + Medicinal + reseed LILE Lewis' Blue Flax Linum lewisii Y Y HG WF P FS Low Sum-F 1 ' 2.5 ' Po B Weaving Long lasting blooms. One of our absolute favorites! F Recommend for every garden. Do not overwater SPMU Munro's Globemallow Sphaeralcea munroana Y Y HG WF P FS None Sum-F 2.5 ' 2 ' Po M Long lasting blooms. Deadhead to promote continuous F growth. Easy to grow. GAAR Native Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata Y Y HG WF P FS Med Sum 1 ' 1.3 ' Po Bu Medicinal Spreads if given additional water. Ideal for low water 'lawn.' Early Medicinal + Lawn F ACMI Native Yarrow Achillea millefolium Y Y WF P FS None 1 ' 2 ' Po Bu Mow as you would grass. Deadheading will reduce reseeding Sum Replacement and improve appearance. Early Good seed source for winter birds. ECPU Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea N WF P FS Med 1.1 ' Po B H Bu Medicinal F Sum Wyeth/Parsnipflower/Creamy YES ERHE Eriogonum heracleoides Y Y WF P FS Low Sum 2 ' 1.7 ' Po B Buckwheat ERSP7 Rock Buckwheat Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Y Y WF P FS Low Mid Sp 1 ' Po Medicinal LECI Great Basin Wildrye Leymus cinereus Y Y HG G P FS None Sum 3 ' 7 ' B M Windbreak Excellent in mass plantings as a native windbreak! PSSP Bluebunch Wheatgrass Psuedorogneria spicata Y Y HG G P FS Med 1 ' 3 ' B M Livestock Browse Lovely golden color in the fall! F FS - Warm season bunchgrass. Turns red in fall with bright white SCSC Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Y G P Low WI 2 ' 3 ' B M pSH seed heads. Beautiful winter interest. Grasses PSSP Bluebunch Wheatgrass Psuedorogneria spicata Y Y HG G P FS Med 1 ' 3 ' B M Livestock Browse Lovely golden color in the fall! F FS - This plant re-seeds easily- Good for restoration and erosion FEID Idaho fescue Festuca idahoensis Y Y G P Low 1.3 ' 1.5 ' B Erosion Control pSH control! Edible + Nitrogen Fixer + Does not tolerate poorly drained soils. Allow to reseed. ACHY Indian Ricegrass Achnatherum hymenoides Y Y HG G P FS None WI 2 ' B M Erosion Control Lovely fountain shape. LECI Great Basin Wildrye Leymus cinereus Y Y HG G P FS None Sum 3 ' 7 ' B M Windbreak Excellent in mass plantings as a native windbreak! HECO Needle & Thread Grass Hesperostipa comata Y Y G-like P FS None 4 ' M Seedheads are beautiful but sharp! KOMA Prairie Junegrass Koeleria macrantha Y Y G P FS - SH Med 1.5 ' Edible great partial shade tolerant grass near walkways! ELEL Bottlebrush Squirreltail Elymus elymoides Y Y G P FS Low 2 ' 2.5 ' B M This plant re-seeds easily, good for restoration projects SPCR Sand Dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Y Y G P FS None 0.5 ' 1.7 ' B Edible Warm Season grass that reseeds easily FS - Warm season bunchgrass. Turns red in fall with bright white SCSC Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Y G P Low WI 2 ' 3 ' B M pSH seed heads. Beautiful winter interest. pSH- Great for a moist, partly shaded area! Cute blue flowers in SI Blue Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium idahoense Y G P High Sum Po SH spring/summer Warm season Southwest native bunchgrass with beautiful BOGR Blue Grama Grass Bouteloua gracilis N G FS None B eyelash like seed heads. Can be mown short and used as part of a drought tolerant lawn replacement. Penstemon Party - These cheery plants bring pollinators galore and add pops of color PEPS Desert Beardtongue Penstemon pseudospectabilis N WF P FS Low Po B H and Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20") research is reccommended. D: Deciduous E:Evergreen Water- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. Recommended Deciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: Shade Time (Sp,SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMaturePollinators Heightinterest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast PEEA Firecracker Penstemon Penstemon eatonii N HG WF P FS Low Late Sp 3 ' 3 ' Po H Bu Medicinal Hummingbirds LOVE it. F PEPA Palmer Penstemon Penstemon palmeri N WF P FS None Sum 2 ' 4 ' Po H Bu Southwest native pollinator attractor! PEST Rocky Mtn Penstemon Penstemon strictus N HG WF P FS Med Sum 1.7 ' 2.5 ' Po H Bu F Y WF P FS Low Sum Po H Bu PERY Rydberg’s Penstemon Penstemon rydbergii PEPR2 Small-Flowered Penstemon Penstemon procerus Y WF P FS-pSH Med Po H Bu Likes rich organic soils These sun loving plants attract Pollinator Paradise! pollinators near and far. ALRO Columbia River Onion Allium robinsonii Y WF P FS Low Sp 12" 2" Po Deer Resistant Med MIMU 4 o'clock Flower Mentzelia laevicaulis N WF P FS Low Late Sp 2 ' Po H Bu Medicinal MOFI Bee Balm Monarda fistulosa N WF FS-pSH High Po H VS BARO Rosy Balsamroot Balsamorhiza rosea Y WF P FS Low Po F HYFI Columbia Cutleaf Hymenopappus filifolius Y WF P FS None Sp-Sum Po Medicinal + Dye Early Careful not to overwater. OEPA Pale Evening Primrose Oenothera pallida Y Y HG WF P FS Low 2.3 ' H Medicinal F Sum LUPO Bigleaf Lupine Lupinus polyphyllus Y Y WF P FS Low Sum 2 ' 2.3 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! Mod Early Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! LUSE Silky Lupine Lupinus sericeus Y Y WF P FS None 6 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer F Sum Late Lupins are crucial for butterflys and pollinators! LUAR Silvery Lupine Lupinus argenteus Y Y WF P FS Low 1.5 ' Po Nitrogen Fixer Sum Long lasting blooms. Deadhead to promote continuous GAAR Native Blanket Flower Gaillardia aristata Y Y HG WF P FS Med Sum 1 ' 1.3 ' Po Bu Medicinal F growth. Easy to grow. Treat as an annual, short lived but readily re-seeds. Perfect ERLA Oregon Sunshine Eriophyllum lanatum Y Y HG WF P FS Low Sp 1 ' 0.8 ' Po Bu Medicinal along pathways HEHE Early Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides N WF FS-pSH High Po B H Medicinal MOOD Coyote Mint Monaradella Odoratissima Y Y WF P FS Low Sp-Sum Po H Tea + Deer Resistant FS - Edible + Medicinal + F CHAN Fireweed Chamerion angustifolium Y Y WF P Med Sum 5.5 ' Po pSH Weaving LOGR Grays Lomatium Lomatium greyi Y Y WF P FS Low Early Sp 2 ' Po B M Edible Important early bloomer for pollinators! Mid Long lasting blooms add a splash of color and attract ASTU Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa N WF P FS > 30 " 2 ' Po H Bu Medicinal F Sum butterflies. Has the potential to re-seed itself. ERCO1 Cutleaf Daisy Erigeron compositus N WF P FS Low Sp-Sum 6" 4" Po Bu Can be divided once mature. Fast and easy to grow Late F ERSP Showy Fleabane Erigeron speciosus Y Y WF P FS High 2 ' 3 ' Po Bu Medicinal Sping cheery white flowers, good for borders! ERPU Shaggy Fleabane Erigeron pumilus Y WF P FS None Po H Medicinal CLLU Yellow Bee Balm Cleome lutea Y Y WF A FS Med Po B Bu Medicinal and Common Name *This is by no means a Scientific Name ) (Click on name for photo) C: Cacti Shade Biennial -20", High >20") research is reccommended. D: Deciduous E:Evergreen Water- SD:Semi- (None < 10 ", Low 10"-15", Med 15" DocumentedNative AmericanHumancomprehensive Use* Ethnobotony (Source: nor authoratative list. Further ri NativeNative to ColumbiaHeritage to WATree: Basin Garden T G:Grass. Recommended Deciduous S:Shrub. Exposure WF: A:Annual Wildflower. (FS: Full P:Perennial Sun pSH:Bloom Part B: Shade Time (Sp,SH:Mature Sum, F, WidthWI-winterMaturePollinators Heightinterest)Birds HummingbirdsButterfliesMammals Plants for a Future Comments and Tips Growth Speed VS:Very slow S: Slow Mod: Moderate F: Fast Good in disturbed, moist soils FS - COTI Columbia Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria Y Y WF A Low Late Sp 3 ' Po Dye + Medicinal pSH Ratibida columnifera 'Red RACO Mexican Hat 'Red Midget' N WF P FS Low Sum 0.5 ' 2 ' B M Tea + Medicinal +Dye Midget' Good for moist, partly shaded areas! DEOC Western Larkspur Delphinium occidentale Y WF P FS-psh High Sum Po Deer Resistant Lovely anise smell! Attracts many polinators and is a great AGCU Anise Hyssop Agastache cusickii N WF P FS Low Sum 1.5' 1' Po H Bu addtion along pathways or in xeric gardens Deer Resistant F AGOC Western Giant-Hyssop Agastache occidentalis Y WF P FS Med Sum 2 ' 1.5 ' Po H AGRU Sunset Hyssop Agastache rupestris N WF P FS Low H Tea + Deer Resistant This plant features long lasting blue flowers.
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