Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 117, No. 09
SCHOLASTIC Vol. 117, No.9 February 20, 1976 APRIL 15 DEADLINE 27 Italian Medical and 9 Veterinary Scholastic Volume 117, No.9, February 20, 1976 Schools Accept America~ Students Notre Dame, Indiana Medical and vet~rinary school aspirants ~ho are .thinking of ap plying to Italian medical schools, and the!r ·familie~,. must act . immediately.·New Italian government regula.tlons require .that pre FEATURES inscription applications be filed with the Italian Embassy In Wash., D.C., and Italian Consulates, before April 15, for consideration for 4, Purely Pu~ritan? .':: . Victoria Stephan medical arid veterinary school admission in the fall of 1976.. 27 distinguished Italian medical school.s accept .Amerlc~ns. 8 From a Fight, Hope Several hundred Americans now are studYing at Italian, medical ." :'Judy~()bb and veterinary schools: ' " '. ,',,'" ' All applications must reach the Italian Embassy and Consulates 12' King'ofthe Boys Melanie Jorgensen & Mike Moses before April15. Medical, dental and veterinary sc~ool ~spirants who need assistance in language and cultural orientation, ,and 16 George Meany, Where Are 'You? or preparation before, during ,and after medical school to en~ble the , , Sheila' Kearns practice of medicine in the U.S., should contact the. Institute of Collective Barga1ning ~t.l'Jotre Dame International Medical Education. The Institute has helped more American men arid women enter European medical and veterinary 19 Pa'triots,Fellows and a' Coach' Rich~rd G~Landry schools than any other organization. " :," ..' Of the approximately 40,000 premeds anp graduate' students, . 22 A Bicentennial of a .DifferentColor .. " J., Robert Baker. who will apply to American medical schools this year, about 35% ',' •.
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