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VOL. XXV. NO. 101 The ObserverFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Panel: Sexual harassment policy lacking Cartwright: By ANALISE TAYLOR News Writer UliN. must Notre Dame's policy for sex ual harassment is inadequate, iirecall•. goals according to Marilyn Van Ber ~v sANDYWIEGA~D gen, a project coordinator at Assistant News Editor·· the Oflice of University Comput ing. "There is a lack of general training that to date has been for.used on the legal aspects rather than a practical imple mentation." Van Bergen said in a panel discussion Thursday. The current definition of sex ual harassment in the Notre Dame manager's guidebook is "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature." The policy "on its face does not meet minimal requirements established by statutory law on the subject and U.S. Supreme Court rulings," said Van Bergen. If a student or faculty mem ber wishes to proceed with a sexual harassment charge, The Observer/ T.J. Harris there is no current information Betsy Pawlicki, director of residence life, Marilyn Van Bergen, project coordinator of the office of university or actual procedural implemen computing, Ava Collins, director of the gender studies program, and Sr. Kathleen Cannon, associate provost, tation. Van Bergen said. speak on sexual harassment. Elizabeth Pawlicki, Director of defined as unwelcome· ad faculty members must appear The general consensus of the Residence Life, said this is a vances, whether verbal or before their provost." group was that Notre Dame problematic situation, and the physical.
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