JAWAHARLAL NEHRU PORT TRUST (PORT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT) PROPOSAL DOCUMENT OF APPLICATION FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT & PLANNER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PORT BASED SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE (SEZ) at JNPT 1 PROPOSAL DOCUMENT OF APPLICATION FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT & PLANNER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PORT BASED SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE (SEZ) at JNPT TENDER No. PPD/M/SEZ/CAP/T-11/2018 dated 08.06.2018 PROPOSAL COPY NO.________ ISSUED TO :- _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Proposal Document issued by: Chief Manager, Port Planning & Development Department Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust Administration Building, Sheva, Navi Mumbai - 400 707. Tel. Phone: +91-22 27244156 E-mail:
[email protected], Fax No: +91-22-27244178 2 PPD/M/SEZ/CAP/T-11/2018 Date: 8th June, 2018 To, ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________. Dear Sir, The Port is planning to appoint a Chief Architect & Planner for SEZ project on contract basis, initially for a period of two years. 2. Copy No. ______ of the tender document is enclosed. 3. You are strongly advised to read the whole document carefully and submit your proposal strictly meeting with the requirements spelt out in the proposal document. 4. Please note that if your submission is found deficient with reference to the requirements spelt out in the proposal document, it may be rejected. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, CHIEF MANAGER Port Planning & Development Department. 3 APPLICATION FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT & PLANNER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PORT BASED SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE (SEZ) at JNPT INDEX Sr. Description Page No. No. 1 Cover pages and covering letter 1 to 3 2 Index 4 3 Notice Inviting Proposal 5 4 Instructions and other terms and conditions 6 to 7 5 Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals 8 to 9 6 Annexure-I - Terms of Reference.