Climate Risk Management in Cities

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Climate Risk Management in Cities Competence Centre for Climate Change Tailor made training courses on climate change adaptation A cookbook for different formats and target groups CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT IN CITIES KEYSTONE PAPER 4 Competence Centre for Climate Change Tailor made training courses on climate change adaptation A cookbook for different formats and target groups This document is part of five keystone papers looking at current emerging topics in the building and city sector, focusing on energy efficiency and resilience. The keystone papers were developed within the framework of the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership as a basis for the forthcoming working period and cover following topics: 01 02 03 04 05 Plus Energy Buildings Energy Eciency Transformative Climate Risk Urban Renewal and Districts of Buildings and City Management in Districts Districts in Urban in Cities Renewal Prepared by: Happold Ingenieurbüro GmbH Pfalzburger Straße 43-44 10717 Berlin, Germany 2 Keypaper 4 - Climate Risk Management in Cities CONTENTS 1. SETTING THE SCENE 10 1.1 MITIGATION OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS IN GERMAN CITIES 10 1.2 ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN GERMAN MUNICIPALITIES 11 1.3 CLIMATE RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT 11 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS 14 2.1 GERMANY’S CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 14 2.2 CLIMATE ADAPTATION STRATEGIES AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS OF GERMAN CITIES AND TOWNS 15 2.3 GERMAN URBAN PLANNING INSTRUMENTS FOR INCREASED CLIMATE RESILIENCE 15 3. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AND SUBSIDIES 16 3.1 FEDERAL PROGRAMME FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE 16 3.2 MAKING CLIMATE CHANGE SUSTAINABLE IN REGIONS – KLIMZUG PROGRAMME 16 3.3 NATIONAL CLIMATE INITIATIVE 16 3.4 INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE INITIATIVE 16 3.5 FUNDING OF INNOVATION AND RESEARCH ON CLIMATE CHANGE 17 4. BEST PRACTICE 18 4.1 GREEN MOABIT – DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A SMART AND SUSTAINABLE DISTRICT IN BERLIN 18 4.2 EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL OF 2017: ESSEN, RUHRGEBIET 19 4.3 REGIONAL INTEGRATED CLIMATE ADAPTATION PROGRAMME FOR THE DRESDEN REGION - REGKLAM 21 5. EMERGING TRENDS 23 5.1 SPONGE CITIES – ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGH GREEN SPACES AND RETENTION AREAS 23 5.2 CLIMATE INSURANCES IN THE CONTEXT OF ADAPTATION STRATEGIES 23 6. DISCUSSION 24 7. REFERENCES 25 Climate Risk Management in Cities 3 4 Keystone Paper 4 - Climate Risk Management in Cities LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 01: NUMBER OF DAYS ABOVE 30°C IN GERMANY (AVERAGE) (DEUTSCHER WETTERDIENST/UBA, 2018, ADAPTED BY BUROHAPPOLD) 10 FIGURE 02: PILLARS OF A PLUS ENERGY HOUSE (BASED ON FRAUNHOFER INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING PHYSICS; BMWI, 2016, ADAPTED BY BUROHAPPOLD) 12 FIGURE 03: DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT CYCLE (GIZ / MCII, 2017) 13 FIGURE 04: PROJECT PLAN OF GREEN MOABIT © BENJAMIN JANECKE (SOURCE: HTTPS://DE.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/DATEI:BERLINHAUPTBAHNHOF.JPG) 18 FIGURE 05: EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL OF 2017: ESSEN, RUHRGEBIET © WIKI05 19 FIGURE 06: DRESDEN, WITH OVERFLOW AREAS NEXT TO RIVER ELBE © DRONEPICR (SOURCE: HTTPS://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/132646954@N02/25248438946) 21 Climate Risk Management in Cities 5 6 Keystone Paper 4 - Climate Risk Management in Cities ABBREVIATIONS ACRIplus Advancing Climate Risk Insurance Plus APA Adaptation Action Plan BauGB German Building Code BMU Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety DAS German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change DRM Disaster Risk Management EU European Union EnEV Energy Saving Ordinance (Energieeinsparverordnung) ExWoSt Experimental Housing and Urban Development Programme GHG Greenhouse gas IBA International Architecture Exhibition ICRM Integrated Climate Risk Management IKI International Climate Initiative IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change KLIMZUG Making Climate Change Sustainable in Regions Programme MCII Munich Climate Insurance Initiative NKI National Climate Initiative REGKLAM Regional Integrated Climate Adaptation Programme for the Dresden Region SSD Smart Sustainable Districts UN United Nations WSVO Thermal Insulation Ordinance (Wärmeschutzverordnung) Climate Risk Management in Cities 7 8 Keystone Paper 4 - Climate Risk Management in Cities 0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globally, cities account for about 70 % of global greenhouse in Germany, the Federal Government established the Vulnerability gas (GHG) emissions. Also in Germany, cities are emitting a Network, a research consortium comprising of several federal large proportion of the country’s carbon footprint, while being agencies and scientific experts. Since introduction of DAS and especially prone to be affected by the impacts of climate change. APA, until 2017, around 90 % of all German municipalities with In urban environments, increased frequency of extreme weather more than 100,000 inhabitants have developed either full events, including storms, flooding or heat waves, can have severe adaptation strategies or integrated activities with a climate-related physical, economic and social impacts. To create climate resilient focus in their development plans. Since the 2011 update of the cities, therefore, municipalities need to follow a two-legged German Building Code (BauGB), municipalities are required to approach, taking both mitigation and adaptation measures into consider integrated adaptation strategies for land use planning account. and infrastructure development. For GHG mitigation, main actions in German cities include The Federal Government offers a number of programmes minimising the energy demand of buildings, decarbonisation supporting measures for climate mitigation and adaptation. The of the mobility sector, and improvement of land use planning Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change of the Federal regarding compact settlement planning. To address the challenge Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear of climate adaptation, it is crucial that municipalities develop Safety (BMU), funds projects specifically targeting adaptation, comprehensive adaptation strategies, and integrate them into including concept development, educational programmes, and their existing urban development plans. To identify risks and flagship projects. The Making Climate Change Sustainable establish targeted action plans, climate risk analyses in Regions Programme (KLIMZUG), provided financial are crucial to provide for informed decision-making assistance between 2008 and 2014, targeting the and cost-benefit overviews. They integrate existing development of adaptation strategies in seven model climate data and projections, while also taking into regions. BMU’s National Climate Initiative (NKI) is account environmental aspects, and socio-economic another support programme focusing on both challenges. The full spectrum of Disaster Risk mitigation and adaptation strategies and projects for Management (DRM) in cities, however, also includes public and private stakeholders. While NKI focuses implementation of prevention measures, preparation on projects within Germany, BMU’s International and response during, and after emergencies, and Climate Initiative (IKI) targets developing and emerging involves a variety of stakeholders on several administrative economies. levels. To reduce risk of climate impacts in urban environments, the Municipal climate policy is strongly influenced by frameworks and emerging concept of so-called Sponge Cities is a form to increase strategies of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), urban resilience through establishment of decentralised green as well as German Federal and subnational administration. Other infrastructure. Based on the principle of decentralised rainwater organisations such as the Association of German Cities, further harvesting, it supports the natural water balance through influence municipal climate policy. The most important policy integration of precipitation, evaporation, increase and reduction frameworks of Germany’s Federal Government is the German of water levels in urban development planning. Also for the Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS) of 2008, the insurance sector, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather Adaptation Action Plan (APA) I adopted in 2011, and the progress events and associated risks result in higher uncertainties regarding report on adaptation, also including APA II, further detailing their assessments. To make insurance concepts viable, so-called timeframes and finance plans in 2015. According to APA II, the climate insurances are a tool to incentivise implementation of six main fields of climate action are water, land, infrastructures, adaptation measures by the target group, to enable appropriate industry, health as well as regional planning and civil protection. risk coverage and reduce potential deductibles for consumers to To identify risks and potential hazards related to climate change an acceptable level. Climate Risk Management in Cities 9 1. SETTING THE SCENE Cities are main contributors of carbon emissions, while being While for many municipalities in Germany, the development of disproportionately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. mitigation measures and strategies lately was at the forefront, In urban environments, extreme weather events, such as storms, climate adaptation is also becoming increasingly important on flooding or heat waves, can cause severe physical, economic their urban development agendas. Since the 1950s, the number and social impacts, due to large population numbers, density of days with temperatures above 30°C have gradually increased of buildings and infrastructure. Cities therefore have enormous (see Figure 01). Most recently, the summer of
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