

Class: V Topic: Chapter-8 FINDING FILES IN YOUR COMPUTER Subject: Computer (Cont.…) ‘ (To be done in Computer Notebook)

A. Explain the following options found in Refine group: • Size- We can base our search on the size of the file, by default it provides seven different options (Empty, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gigantic) • Other properties- This option is used to provide additional filters like if you know the extension of your file than you can choose Type and then select an appropriate extension for the kind of document. You can also search by Name, Author, Title, etc. B. Describe wildcards. How many wildcard characters are there? What is the difference between them? Ans. Wildcard is a special character that represents one or more other characters. Wildcard characters are often used when you do not know the exact name of file/folder or you do not want to type the entire name. There are two wildcard characters: (*) and mark (?). Asterisk (*) - Use the asterisk as a substitute for zero or more characters. e.g., friend* will locate all files and folders that begin with friend. Question mark (?)- Use the question mark as a substitute for a single character in a file name. For example, friend?.docx will locate the files like friend1.docx. B. If you have to find all files and folders beginning with alphabet ‘F’ and ending with alphabet ‘S’, which wildcard shall you use and why? Ans. We shall use asterisk (*) wildcard, F* S because we don’t know the number of characters between F and S. *The above content has been absolutely prepared from home.