K King, Western Members

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K King, Western Members NUMBER!' VOLUMEVXV. LETHBRIDGE^ALBERTA . WEDNESDAY,,PJ)|. Zj, ,1921 Hon. Crerar Will North Donegal f Decline Salary • • • <> • • • • • Sinn Fein Vote Of Opposition k King, Western Members For Acceptance Leader in House Alberta Without Representation/According to Of Peace Treaty IN CABINET Close Guesses Frofn Ottawa—May/Start Swear WESTERNERS IN CABINET ing-in Today —ForWiil Annbuil^emerit Will Six Dail Eireann Members Aril Toronto'Globe,Has Story That Instructed to Vote and 1 *' •" Progressive Chief Won't Come Soon. Work for Pact ; ^ Le&d Opposition m -rr- CONSIDER OTHER ACTION/' MEANS FARMERS NOT Here's Close Guesf ft WOULD BE BETRAYAL ; . OPPOSED TO KING Urban Council of Navan Also'4 J. J. Morrison ofAJ. F. O. De­ the New Cahir^t Slate Votes in Favor of lighted " Progressives Not (Special to The Herald.) Ratification Lining up With liberals > OTTAYSTA4\.'I).eG^28c^^ e''Ofctawa Journal this morning publishes a cabineTlIaffe, whibh it claims to, TORONTO, .Dec. 28.—Under, the LONDON, Dec 28.—It has heading "Crerar Will Decline Parlia­ have received from an authoritative source. It is as been learned front a reliable ment's Salary . to Opposition Chief," follows: •' \\ • the Globe in Its news pages says in" source, says a Central News dis> • ' regard to the.Hon. T, A. Crerar's visit Prime* Minister and External Affairs—Hon. W. L. patch 'from Dublin today, thai to Torpnto:' . • M. King. "During IhV day several leading Pro­ at a secret meeting of the Dai] gressives called at Mr. Cserar's rooms Finance—S. Fielding. >;t Eireann leaders, representing in the* King Edward Hotel. J. J. Mor­ Justice—Sir Lomer Gouin, rison, secretary of the U.F.O; was both the supporters and oppon­ closeted with him for the greater part Railways—-W.C. Kennedy. 3 ents of the Anglo-Irish agree*, $ of the afternoon. , Marine and Naval—Ernest Lapointe. ment a compromise was reached-M "Mr."Morrison was almost as loath P.ostmaster-0eneral-r-Hbn. Charles Murphy. to be Interviewed as Mr. Crerar. He MOTH 6 R WELL . HON. DR. KING E. J. McMURRAY which will ensure the ratiflca«' -M could not refrain, however, from ex­ Militia—iJr. Henri Belahd. , - Member for North Winnipeg who, it pressing his satisfaction at the culmin­ Of Aeglna, who will'be .Minister of Of Cranbrook, member of the B. C. is semt-ofHclally announced from tion of the pact. ation of the"*"negotlgtions. He would Agriculture ,in the; new* MacKenzle Interior—E. J. McMurray, Winnipeg. " cabinet, whdi is minister of trade Ottawa, will be minister of the in­ suy notblng regarding,the actual pro­ King cabinet, which Is now ready to Agriculture—W. R. Motherwell, of Regina. and commerce in the new federal terior in the new cabinet formed by BELFAST, Dee. 28—A convex position said to have 1jeen made by •, be announced,-' v ; cabinet according to Ottawa rumors. Premier-Elect King. tlon of Sinn Fein clubs of Noitl Hon. Mr. King to the Progressives. Public Works—G. P. Graham.-' Donegal, held at Buncrana, has ao- «; "Mr. Morrison is delighted with the Labor—James Murdock. cepted a resolution by unanimous ..\' stand the Progressives^ have taken. vote, expressing satisfaction with , Everything has. been conducted- ac­ Government Leader in Senate—Bostock, of Brit­ the Irish peace agreement, as • cording to" the principles of the move- j Maiseir ish Columbia. New Cabinet U. S. Trade Shows "embodying the essentials of Irish iiiont. He is especially pleased at Mr. freedom and safeguarding^ •lr1«-'.--, Crerar's stand in refusing to accept Secretary of State;—A. B. Copp,' , By Provinces land's honor." Reports submitted ' the salary of opposition leader. Customs—James Robb. Big Falling Off before the vote showed that each.- . "Mr.-Morrison pointed out that dur­ district in the constituenoy favor-v. ing the election .campaign the Pro­ Trade and Commerce—Dr. J. H. King, Cranbrook. TORONTO, Dec. 28.—According ed ratification of the pact. >• •> gressive speaker had criticized the WithoufPortfolio—D. D. McKehzie, Jacques Bur­ to the Star's lineup the provinces The resolution called upon the ; Mourning f or Ex-Kaiserin Cause will be represented in the new Decrease of More Than $6,000,- six Dall Eireann members repre- > government, for making the leadership cabinet as follows: of the opposition a salaried position. —Gifts to His Retainers eau, T. A.Lowe. 000,000 Shown in First senting the district not only to , 'By refusing that salary Mr. Crerar is : ' ' - I , '—-rr. ; Nova Scotia—W. S. Fielding, D. vote for the treaty, but to use » acting consistently,' he stated. Smaller, Income Ebbing (Special to The Herald.) D. McKenzie. Eleven Months of Year their Influence to bring about ratU ) , "The U.F.O- secretary complimented OTTAWA, Dec. 28.—All negotiations with the Progressives are de­ New, Brunswick—A. Bi Copp. flcatlon. Failure, to do this, tl]e„ Quebec—-Sir Lomer Gouin, the Progressive leader tor the demo­ finitely off, and a straight Liberal cabinet Is likely tb be formed today WASHINGTON, Dec. 2$,—United resolution stated, would be regard cratic way'he had acted in. regard to DOORN, Holland, Dec. 28.—Former or Thursday at the latest. Ernest Latolnte, DA Belnnd, J. ed as betrayal of the best Inter­ Emperor William of Germany and his A. Robb, R. Lemleux or Jacques States business houses exported $4,- Mr. King's propbsals. Al^ the inem- Hon. W. R. Motherwell is considered a certainty, probably-a» mbi- 189,141,400 in merchandise In the first ests of the country and gross cot-. * bers-ejeot were given a> chance to household celebrated their third jster.of .agriculture. ' Ex-Premier Stewart of Alberta Is still here .and Bureau. ^ . tempt for the opinions of thei , Ontario-r-W. L. MacKenzie King, 11 months of'this year, according to ifcte "their, position on them beforeX-^S^^^^^r^hm states,be has -no_ expectation pfi,eHlering*,but his frlen^lvjelatlo'ns.yVlth . figuros made, public yesterday by the constituents. .>..;•;•;: Mr. Crerar. wont to ..Ottawa. There "V6 .I^W^&J^^hS the Progressive del^gatea-hpce>.Jcads to the belief .af 9ome possibility Charleay-^ilttrphy; George- P-. Gra- Donegal, although the -moW'.: was- no-nttdmpt made to influence ' "y is 8ttU in mourning-for the former of some opening being made for him. banv.'W. .Q.;Kennedy, and either T. department of commerce, which also empress,; theobseryarises -this »year gave imports for the period as valued northern Irish couritly, Is Under - - tiicm 4.ii any way. Only members of King and Farrls of British Columbia return today, and speculation A. Lowe or JameB Murdock- the. southern parliament, being on • were quiet. concerning one or the other for the cabinet is still rife. Manitoba—E. J. McMurray. at $2,271,795,000: In-the same period narllatnent attended the caucuses. Of Former Crown Prince Frederick .in 1920 exports totalled. $7,597,729,000" of the three counties exclude*: flcials -of tne movement left the dec! The recent conference left good feeling oh both sld.es, and friendly Saskatchewan-rW. R. Mother­ from- Ulster under" the Govern.' William with his two sons,- came to co-operation from the Progressives is expected by'the government. ' well. and imports $5,012,424,000. Moh entirely to them." Doom to stay with the .ex-emperor Tho declining .trade was shown fur­ ment of Ireland Aot of 1920, ,' - SEAT FOR MEIGHEN British Columbia—Dr. J. H. King Favors Ratification ..:•'••! during the holidays. Doom Castle was Announcement of the acceptance of a nominal position in the sol­ and possibly Senator Bostock. ther in figures for-November_when ex- decorated with holly and in the chapel NAVAN, County Meath, Ireland diers' civil re-establishment department by Casselman of Grenvtlle .leaves (ports aggregated $294,437,000 as there was a large .Christmas tree, a safe opening for Hon. Mr. Melghen In' a strong Orange-Conservative i againBt $343,597,000 for October and Dec. 28,—The urban council of Navan around which ..the. former imperial constituency. He probably will not be opposed by the Liberals In return $676,528,000 for November last year, has adopted a resolution favoring Sir John Hare, household assembled at' night to singi for the same treatment of King In North York, and Hon. Mr. Melghen The imports for November aggregated ratification of the Anglo-Irish agree.; their favorite carols. Christmas Evei will be in his seat when the hpuse opens. $211,026,000, while for October they ment. This action was taken at a. William Hohenzoileru called ,the on-] were $294,437,000 and for November meeting of the council held Tuesday; tlr§ household into the hall and per-] (Continued on Page 3) France To Say Noted Actor, Dies , sonally handed each of the members 1920, were $321,209,000. I— '' ' ' ''>"'' thoir Christmas presents which con­ Europe, as in 1920, drew the .bulk | (Continued on Page Three.*: sisted chiefly of money. U. S. DOLLAR AT DISCOUNT of United States shipments, figures , , ^ —4: Well Known to Canadians As In a long spoech the former em­ Her Last Word showing that for November merchan­ NOW IN SWITZERLAND dise valued at $153,349,000 went there, - He Had Toured Canada peror thanked "my faithful friends'* Mennonites Are for their loyalty! He explained that making the total for the) 11 months Improvement Of Several Times owing to the severe curtailment of his NEW YORK, Dec. 28.—With the Reiteration of Claim That She $2,209,358,000. Neighboring North income, he was, compelled to ~ econo United States dollar selling at a dis- American countries received $71,646,- mTz"37nd"mak7hi7 gYfts*"smaTier Than cou,nt in one European country—SwlU Leaving Canada Will Not Cut Her Sub- 000 for the 11, months.
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