Dr. phil. Ekkehard Hübschmann

An der Kirche 7 FON 0049+ 09203 / 688 086 D-95499 Harsdorf FAKS 0049+ 01212/ 512 384 710 info@ gee pee tee .de Curriculum Vitae www. gee pee tee .de

Education 1989 Master of Arts, in socio-anthropology, philosophy und sociology, University of Bayreuth, 2004 Dr. phil. (PhD) in socio-anthropology, University of Bayreuth

Academic Employment 1989–2000 research associate at the Universities of Bayreuth, Augsburg and Passau 1990– independent scholar / researcher for Jewish history of Bayreuth 2002– independent scholar / researcher for Jewish history of (Northern ) 2004– freelancer in the branches of Jewish genealogy, historical research, counseling of publications, and transcribing and translation of old German documents

Activities in Non-Profit Organizations 1990– active member of the Historical Workshop of Bayreuth (Geschichtswerkstatt Bayreuth) 2000– executive board member and project manager of the Historical Workshop of Bayreuth 2004– board chairman of the Historical Workshop of Bayreuth 2005 initiator of a research project on the eight deportations from Franconia (Northern Bavaria) 2006 initiator of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fränkisch-jüdische Geschichte [Project Group for the Franconian Jewish History] (see below)

Projects on Jewish History In 1990 I started with research on the Jewish history of Bayreuth, Germany, 1759–1945 and in 2004 on the Jewish history of various places in Northern Bavaria such as , Fürth, , Münchberg, Marktredwitz, Oberlangenstadt, Selb and Hollfeld. I have been compiling data and information from publications, have been conducting research in several German state archives, the Federal Archive in Berlin, the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem, the Archive of Yad Vashem, the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, the Center for Jewish History in New York and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. My research results have been published (see below). I provided guided tours and lectures as well. These results served as basis for serveral projects of the Historical Workshop of Bayreuth with significant contribution by me. Projects of the Association Historical Workshop of Bayreuth 2000– Micro Filming and Digitalization of the Archive ot the Former Jewish Community of Bayreuth 1787–1938 . Sponsered by private individuals, companies, non-profit associations and Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

churches the association ordered micro films of the complete archive at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem. After the digitalization of the films by a company in Berlin we produced a digital edition of the archive. See the German site at www.geschichtswerkstatt-bayreuth.de/archiv.html . 2001–2003 Memorial Stone Project in Memory of the Jews of Bayreuth, who became victims of the National Socialism . Students of all five high schools in Bayreuth, the Bayreuth Municipal School for Economics and members of the 2nd Bataillon of the Air Force Educational Regiment 3 of the Bundeswehr [Ferderal German Forces] in Bayreuth participated. Their results committed to paper were put together for a traveling exhibit. Each participant took a close look at the life and fate of a victim and dedicated a stone with the name of the victim written on it. The stones were lied into a tower made of wire mash. This tower and a list of the victims are now a memorial in the City Hall. See the German site at www.geschichtswerkstatt-bayreuth.de/denksteine.html. September 2003 Geste der Erinnerung . / Gesture of Memory . On the occasion of the official handing over of the exhibit and the Memorial Stone Tower to the City of Bayreuth in September 2003 the Historical Workship invited all former Jewish citizens of Bayreuth to come to their home town. The guests from Great Britain, Canada, Israel and the USA brought children and grandchildren with them at their own expense. See the German site at www.geschichtswerkstatt-bayreuth.de/geste.htm .

Further Projects AGfjG In 2005 I initiated the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fränkisch-jüdische Geschichte / Association for Franconian- Jewish History , an organization consisting of more then twelve private researchers who have been producing outstanding work for many years in the field of Jewish history including detailed discussions and analyses of the persecution during the Nazi period. One project is dedicated to the research of the eight deportations of Jews from Franconia 1941–44. The results of the scientific research are to go into a publication and a traveling exhibit, aimed primarily at young people. The exhibit will have to speak to their emotions to encourage reflection and to heighten their awareness for injustice, social marginalization, the propensity for violence and the genesis of persecution. The goal is to cultivate civil courage and to foster sensitivity towards those marginalized and persecuted, both in the past and the present. See the German site at www.agfjg.de .

Research Project on the Jews of Ansbach 2007–2010 I conducted research on “the Ansbach Jews of the 1930s”. I compiled the names, the biographical data and the fate of the Jewish inhabitants of Ansbach. See the German site at www.agfjg.de/ansbach.html . The poject was sponsered mainly by a private individual. It is planned to corporated the results in a larger project “The Jewish Inhabitants of Ansbach of the 1930s”, which is supported by the Lutheran Educational Institute of Ansbach, the Franconian Association and the Citizien Movement for Human Dignity in Middle Franconia. The aim is an internet edition, which can be expanded by citizens and students. A draft can be seen at http://www.geepeetee.de/AN/start.htm . In 2010 I conducted consolidated research on behalf of the Lutheran Educational Institute of Ansbach for the project “The History of Southern Ansbach”. A publication is scheduled for 2012.

2 Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

Research Contract for the Jewish Victims of the Naziism in the City of Selb In 2009 the City of Selb commissioned me to determine the Jewish Holocaust victims who either were born in Selb and/or had lived a significant part of their life in that city. In two lectures on 25 Jan 2010 at the Gropius High School and at the Lutherheim in Selb I presented the results to the public––including details of the victims’ lives and of their persecution.

Research Contract for the Academic Project »Life and Fate of the Jews of Hof/Saale 1933–1945« In 2014 I was commissioned by the Nordoberfränkischer Verein für Natur-, Geschichts- und Landeskunde e.V. in Hof [North Upper Franconian Association for Natural, Historical and Regional Studies] to conduct research on the Jews of Hof, Bavaria, of 1933–1945 with the aim of a publication about their experiences during the Nazi period and their fate. The project is financed by the Hermann and Bertl Müller Foundation in Hof. On behalf of my clients I have been conducting research on family history, genealogy and Jewish history since 2007 in the following places (among others): – Bad Kissingen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria – Berlin – Dormitz, County, , Bavaria – Flatow, Westpreußen (Zlatów, Województwo wielkopolskie, Polska) – Forth, Erlangen County, Middle Franconia, Bavaria – Frensdorf, County, Upper Franconia, Bavaria – Fürth, Bavaria – Homburg am , Lower Franconia, Bavaria – Kirchlein, Lichtenfels County, Upper Franconia, Bavaria – Lauen, Böhmen (Louny, Ústecký kraj, Česko) – Leutershausen, Ansbach County, Middle Franconia, Bavaria – Lyck, Ostpreußen (Elk, Województwo warmin'sko-mazurskie, Polska) – Mühlfeld and Mellrichstadt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria – Nordheim v.d. Rhön, Lower Franconia, Bavaria – Nordrach, Black Forest – Oberlangenstadt, Kronach County, Upper Franconia, Bavaria – Oberwaldbehrungen County, Lower Franconia, Bavaria – Schnaittach, Middle Franconia, Bavaria – Tüchersfeld, Franconian Switzerland, Bavaria – Wronke, Westpreußen (Wronki, Województwo wielkopolskie, Polska) – Wüstensachsen, Rhön, Hessen

Research and Conference Journeys Since 2008 I attended the following conferences: 2008 28th International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference, Chicago 2008 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference, Philadelphia 2009 29th International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference, Philadelphia 2011 31th International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference, Washington D.C. 2012 32nd International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference, Paris, 15-18 July, (see the lectures below)

3 Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

2013 33rd International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Conference, Boston, 04-09 August, (see the lectures below) 2014 34th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Salt Lake City, 27 Jul – 01 Aug, (see the lectures below) 2015 35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Jerusalem, Israel, 6–10 July, (see the lectures below) 2016 36th Annual IAJGS Conference on Jewish Genealogy, August 7-12, 2016, at the Sheraton Downtown in Seattle iajgs2016.org and Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference 2016 August 31 - September 3, Springfield, IL In addition I conducted research at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., at the Center for Jewish Studies in New York, les Archives départemantales in Paris, at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem, the Yad Vashem Archive, Jerusalem, and at other institutions.

4 Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

Publications and Lectures


Hübschmann, Ekkehard 1997 Archiverfahrungen am Beispiel: Unternehmen jüdischer Bürger in Bayreuth. [Companies of Jewish Citizens in Bayreuth] Geschichte quer 5:43-46 2003a The Deportation from on 29 November 1941. In: Wolfgang Scheffler and Diana Schulte (comps.). Book of Remembrance. The German, Austrian and Czechoslovakian Jews deported to the Baltic States. Edited by „Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V“ and „Riga-Komitee der deutschen Städte“ in cooperation with the „Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin – Centrum Judaicum“ and the memorial „Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz“. 2 vols. München 2003:541-44. 2003b Namen der Opfer [Names of the Victims] . In: Hamel, Irene (Hg.), DenkSteine setzen – Über die Wiedergewinnung der Erinnerung an die ermordeten Juden von Bayreuth. Bayreuth. S. 90-94 2004 Die Deportation von Juden aus Franken nach Riga. [The Deportations of Jews from Franconia to Riga] Frankenland – Zeitschrift für fränkische Landeskunde und Kulturpflege 56:344-369. 2005 Das Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Bayreuth 1759–1938. Begleitdokumentation zur gleichnamigen Digital-Edition. Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript. [ The Archive of the Jewish Community of Bayreuth 1759–1938. Accomponying documentation to the Digital Edition ot the same title.] Forthcoming. 2006a Das KZ-Außenlager Helmbrechts und der Todesmarsch nach Wallern und Prachatitz. Ein nichtalltägliches Beispiel von Forschung und Gedenkarbeit. [The concentration satellite camp Helmbrechts and the death march to Wallern and Prachatitz. An Unusal Example of Research and Memorial Work] Geschichte quer 13:35–39. 2006b Die Gedenk- und Erinnerungsstätte „Langer Gang“ in Schwarzenbach/Saale. [The Memorial and Remembrance Site “Langer Gang“ in Schwarzenbach/Saale] Geschichte quer 13:63–64. 2009 Integration versus Assimilation. Zur Geschichte der Juden in Bayern. [Integration versus Assimilation. On the History of the Jews in Bavaria] Geschichte quer 14:2–5. 2014 Restitution and Compensation Files and their Genealogical Significance. In: Avotaynu, The International Review of Jewish Genealogy , Volume XXX, Number 1, Spring 2014:45-53. 2016 From Germany to North America in the 19th Century: The Bavarian Example. Avotaynu, The International Review of Jewish Genealogy , Volume XXXII, Number 2, Summer 2016:25-32. forthcoming Identifying People in Old Photos. A Photo Postcard of a Jewish Family in Nuremberg dated November 1915. Stammbaum2 . Hübschmann, Ekkehard / Paulus, Helmut / Pokorny, Siegfried 2000 Physische und behördliche Gewalt. Die „Reichskristallnacht“ und die Verfolgung der Juden in Bayreuth. [Physical and Official Violence. The Crystal Night and the Persecution of Jews in Bayreuth.] Bayreuth.

5 Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

Lectures (Selection in Chronological Order)

Von Bayreuth in die Hölle von Riga. Der Leidensweg der Bayreuther Juden 1941–1945. [From Bayreuth to the Hell of Riga. The Path of Suffering of the Jews of Bayreuth 1941-1945], Vortragssaal der EVO (e-on), Bayreuth, 04.04.2001 und 28.11.2001, Veranstalter: Historischer Verein von Oberfranken.

Die beiden Deportationen aus Franken in den Kreis L ublin 1942. Ein Forschungsdesiderat. [The Two Deportations from Franconia to the District of Lublin in 1942] , Kolloquium Jüdische Landgemeinden 2004 in Tüchersfeld am 21.11.2004.

Aus Ansbach vertrieben – deportiert in den Osten. Die Deportationen jüdischer Bürger aus Franken 1941-1944 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schicksals Ansbacher Juden. [Driven Out of Ansbach––Deported to the East. The Deportations of Jewish Citizens from Franconia 1941-1944 with Particular Reference to the Fate of Jews from Ansbach] , Ansbach, Gemeindezentrum St. Gumbertus, Beringershof, 05.03.2008, Veranstalter: Evangelisches Bildungswerkes im Rahmen der „Woche der Brüderlichkeit“.

Juden im Ansbacher Süden. Stadtteilrundgang mit Vortrag. [Jews in Southern Ansbach. Guided Tour and Lecture] Gehalten am 15.11.2008 im Evang. Gemeindehaus Ansbach, Veranstalter: Evangelisches Bildungswerkes Ansbach in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kirchengemeinde Heilig-Kreuz.

Die nationalsozialistische Deportation jüdischer Bü rgerinnen und Bürger aus Franken. [The National Socialistic Deportations of Jewish Citzens from Franconia] , Veranstalter: Evang. Bildungs- und Tagungszentrum Bad Alexandersbad am 23.03.2009

Das Schicksal früherer jüdischer Mitbürger der Stad t Selb. [The Fate of Former Jewish Citizens of the City of Selb]. Lutherheim, Selb, 25.01.2010. Im Auftrag der Stadt Selb. »Evakuiert nach dem Osten« – Die acht Deportationen jüdischer Bürger aus Franken [“Evacuated to the East”. The Eight Deportations of Jewish Citizens from Franconia.] , Nürnberg, Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände, 29.06.2010.

The Emigration from Franconia to the Free States of North America in the 19. Century. Indianapolis, USA, 08 Sept 2011, Max-Kade-Society in collaboration with the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

Die jüdische Geschichte von Oberlangenstadt, Krs. K ronach, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Familien Fleischman n [The Jewish History of Oberlangenstadt (Co. Kronach) with particular regards to the Fleischmann Families.] . Jüdisches Kolloquium Tüchersfeld, Fränkische Schweiz-Museum, 21.11.2009.

Bericht über die International Conferences on Jewis h Geneology und der Website JewishGen mit ihren zahlreichen Online-Date nbanken zur genealogischen und historischen Recherche [Report on the International Conferences on Jewish Geneology and on the Website JewishGen] . Jüdisches Kolloquium Tüchersfeld, Fränkische Schweiz-Museum, 21.11.2009.

6 Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann An der Kirche 7 D-95499 Harsdorf www.geepeetee.de

Jüdische Bürger der Stadt Selb vor und während der NS-Zeit [Jewish Citizens of the City of Selb before and during the Nazi Period] . Selb, Rosenthal-Theater, February 04, 2012 on occasion of the anniversary of Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., 50 Years in Germany und 25 Years in Selb.

Der jüdische Schriftsteller Henri Arvon, früher Hei nz Aptekmann und seine Familie in Bayreuth [The Jewish Author Henri Arvon, former Heinz Aptekmann and his Family in Bayreuth] . Bayreuth, Stadtbibliothek, 01.03.2012, anlässlich der Buchvorstellung Herni Arvon: „Max Stirner – An den Quellen des Existenzialismus“ [on occasion of the book presentation “Max Stirner – At the Sources of Existentialism”].

The Genealogical Significance of Old Photos and Pos t c a r d s (L’importance généalogique des vieilles photos et des cartes postales). Paris, 32nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 15–18, 2012.

Jewish Emigration to the Free States of America in the 19th Century. Boston, 33rd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, August 8, 2013

Restitution and Compensation Files and their Geneal ogical Significance. Boston, 33rd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, August 8, 2013.

Forschungsergebnisse im United States Holocaust Mem orial Museum (USHMM), W a s h i n gt o n D.C. Scans im Bestand Internationaler Suchdienst/International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen: Teil 1. Zu den Todesmärschen, die durch Oberfranken führten. – Teil 2. Die Gefangenenbücher des Landgerichtsgefängnisses in Hof 1936-39 und was sie Neues zur „Reichskristallnacht“ in NO-Oberfranken und Bayreuth liefern. Geschichtswerkstatt Bayreuth , 12.03.2014.

From Germany to North America in the 19th Century - The Bavarian E x a m p l e . Salt Lake City, 34th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 31, 2014.

Restitution and Compensation Files in West German A r c h i ve s . Salt Lake City, 34th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 31, 2014.

World War I: Photos, Field Post, War Diaries, Milit ary Records in A r c h i v e s . Jerusalem, 35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 06, 2015.

Life Under the Restrictive Laws for Jews in 19th Ce ntury Germany. Jerusalem, 35th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 07, 2015.

Buried Treasures: Hardly Known Files of Genealogica l Significance in German Archives – 19th Century. Seattle, 36th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, August 10, 2016.