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John P. Carroll University of Georgia, [email protected]

Francesco Dessi-Fulgheri Universita di Firenze

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Papeschi, Anna; Carroll, John P.; and Dessi-Fulgheri, Francesco, "WATTLE IS ZE IS CORRELATED WITH MALE TERRITORIAL RANK IN JUVENILE RING-NECKED PHEASANTS" (2003). Papers in Natural Resources. 657.

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The Condor 105:362±366 ᭧ The Cooper Ornithological Society 2003


ANNA PAPESCHI1,4,JOHN P. C ARROLL2,5 AND FRANCESCO DESSIÁ-FULGHERI1,3,4 1Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica, UniversitaÁ di Firenze, Via Romana 17, 50125 Firenze, Italy 2The Game Conservancy Trust, Fordingbridge, Hampshire SP6 1EF, UK 3Centro di Studio per la Faunistica ed Ecologia Tropicali, C.N.R., Firenze, Italy

Abstract. We used morphological measurements chos al inicio de la eÂpoca reproductiva, esto sugiere and behavioral observations to investigate the relation- que el tamanÄo de la caruÂncula podrõÂa ser usado como ship between male ornaments and male social rank una senÄal de niveles de agresioÂn y condicioÂn corporal during the breeding season in a free-ranging popula- entre los machos. tion of one-year-old Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasi- anus colchicus). The sample was of of the same age class to avoid the confounding effect of age dif- Several studies of the Ring-necked (Phasia- ferences. Tail length, used by females in mate choice, nus colchicus; the in Europe) have and tarsal spur length, used by males as a weapon in demonstrated that the tail, tarsal spur, and head orna- ®ghts, were not correlated with male rank, whereas the ments play a role in intrasexual and intersexual inter- size of the wattle was the most important trait. This actions (von Schantz et al. 1989, Hillgarth 1990, Grahn combined with recent studies showing that wattle size et al. 1993, Mateos and Carranza 1995, 1996, 1997). reliably indicates male testosterone levels at the begin- However, the results of these studies are contradictory ning of the breeding season suggest that, among males, and they do not identify the information contained in wattle size may be used as a signal of aggression level, the male signals, nor how they affect intraspeci®c in- and body condition. teractions in natural conditions. Von Schantz et al. (1989) showed that female Ring- Key words: intrasexual selection, male ornaments, necked Pheasants choose to mate with long-spurred male rank, colchicus, Ring-necked Pheas- males and that mating with long-spurred males in- ant, territoriality. creases female reproductive success. However, subse- quent studies by the same authors demonstrated that El TamanÄo de las CaruÂnculas Esta tarsal spur length was not related to male success in Correlacionado con el Rango Territorial de los attracting females, nor with female reproductive suc- Machos en Faisanes Phasianus colchicus cess measured as number of sired chicks and number Juveniles of hatched young, respectively (Grahn et al. 1993). Surprisingly, tarsal spurs, which males use as weapons, Resumen. Utilizamos medidas morfoloÂgicas y did not show any relationship to a male's ability to observaciones de comportamiento para investigar la gain a territory, or, among territorial males, with ter- relacioÂn entre los ornamentos de los machos y el ran- ritory quality (Grahn et al. 1993). Other experimental go social de eÂstos durante la eÂpoca reproductiva en studies have demonstrated that spur length does not una poblacioÂn silvestre de faisanes Phasianus col- affect female mate preference (Hillgarth 1990, Mateos chicus de un anÄo de edad. La muestra consistioÂde and Carranza 1996), whereas some soft ornaments, aves de la misma clase de edad para evitar el efecto such as the periocular wattle and tail, can in¯uence de diferencias entre edades. La longitud de la cola both intersexual and intrasexual interactions (Mateos (utilizada por las hembras en la seleccioÂn de pareja) and Carranza 1995, 1997). These ®ndings are the result y la longitud de la espuela tarsal (utilizada por los of experimental studies conducted in controlled con- machos como un arma en enfrentamientos) no se co- ditions, and little is known about the role of male traits rrelacionaron con el rango de los machos, mientras as signals in nature. Indeed, male-male interactions que el tamanÄo de la caruÂncula fue el caracter maÂs and social hierarchy can be dif®cult to study in an importante. En combinacioÂn con estudios recientes aviary, considering the extent of the male territory in que muestran que el tamanÄo de la caruÂncula indica the wild and unknown effects of con®nement on ter- con®ablemente los niveles de testosterona en los ma- ritorial behavior. Our recent work on both wild and hand-reared pop- ulations of Ring-necked Pheasants documented a link Manuscript received 15 March 2002; accepted 29 between wattle size and testosterone plasma levels: November 2002. wattle size increase is the ®rst signal of seasonal go- 4 E-mail: dessi@uni®.it nadic recrudescence (Papeschi et al. 2000), and the 5 Present address: Warnell School of Forest Resourc- wattle is the only male ornament positively affected by es, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2152. a testosterone administration (Briganti et al. 1999). SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 363

Secondary male traits depending on testosterone levels sexual interactions, such as red (wattle), dark blue (ear are rare in birds, where plumage dimorphism involves tufts) or blue and brown (tail). an estrogen-based mechanism (Domm 1939, Witschi For each male we measured body mass (to the near- 1961, Owens and Short 1995): estrogen induces female est 10 g), ¯attened wing chord and tail lengths (length plumage patterns, whereas the absence of estrogen re- of the longest feather, to the nearest 1 mm), length of sults in male-like ornamentation (including tarsal vertical wattle axis (to the nearest 0.1 mm), spur length spurs). (to the nearest 0.1 mm) and shaft diameter of the ®rst In birds, head traits are dynamic. They play the (proximal) primary feather (to the nearest 0.1 mm). role of coverable badge (Hansen and Rohwer 1986, AGE CLASSES Rohwer 1982) in that they can change rapidly to notify an opponent (Maynard Smith 1991), rather Males were divided into two age classes (juveniles ϭ than simply act as a static badge of status. Dynamic 1 year old; adults ϭ 2 years or older) based on shaft traits on the face or head are key signals involved diameter of the ®rst proximal primary wing feather in intrasexual contests of several galliforms (Buch- (Greenberg et al. 1972). The age ratio of trapped males holz 1997, Ligon et al. 1990, Mateos and Carranza was skewed due to management of the estate for hunt- 1997). Such ornaments may be favored because they ing: of 193 measured males, we found 161 one-year- provide more accurate and immediate information old males, 23 adults, and 9 indeterminate. In the Ring- regarding male motivation and condition than a stat- necked Pheasant, older males may have more devel- ic badge. oped ornaments and are more likely to hold a territory The periocular wattle's sensitivity to testosterone, (Ridley and Hill 1987; AP, unpubl. data). Thus to and its extremely dynamic nature, make this male or- avoid confounding effects of age, we only considered nament a potential key signal in male-male contests one-year-old males. among Ring-necked Pheasants. It may function as BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS honest advertisement (Kodric-Brown and Brown 1984, Folstad and Karter 1992) of male quality, con- We carried out observations for 18 days in March dition, and motivation. We investigated the roles of and 18 days in April, 6 hr per day for a total of 216 three different male ornaments, the periocular wattle, hr of observation. Each day we drove in the park tail, and tarsal spur, as signals in male-male interac- along three paths so as to cover the entire area every tions throughout the breeding season in natural con- three days. When a tagged male was sighted we turned off the engine, waited about 1 min to allow ditions. We studied the correlation between these the to recover from the alert, and then observed male ornaments measured at the end of winter and his behavior for 10 min. We recorded his position the ranks the males subsequently gained during the in the area, his main behavior (e.g., strutting, feed- breeding season. ing, preening, sneaking, vigilance, chasing, etc.), his METHODS wattle score (1 ϭ closed, 2 ϭ half erected, 3 ϭ erected), and the number of crowings (high-intensity STUDY AREA vocalizations). If the tagged bird was interacting We studied the behavior of 193 free-ranging male with another male, we waited to observe the result Ring-necked Pheasants on Clarendon Park Estate of the interaction. (50Њ56ЈN, 1Њ47ЈW), 5 km east of Salisbury, Wiltshire, MALE RANK ASSESSMENT UK, from 11 February until 30 April 1996. The estate 2 We assessed male ranks on the basis of the behavioral covers approximately 20 km and is dominated by in- observations carried out in March and April. Rank as- tensive farming, with a large central area (360 ha) of sessment was performed only for those males with at mixed woodland. The farm releases pheasants each least ®ve independent observations (made on different year to supplement the natural population, and it is days); 80% of ranked males had 10 independent ob- possible that birds studied included surviving reared servations each. As a ®rst criterion to assess rank we birds or their offspring. distinguished sexually active males (showing aggres- MORPHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS sion toward other males and sexual interactions with females) from sexually inactive males (showing a During February, we captured 193 male Ring-necked prevalence of maintenance activities, i.e., feeding, rest- Pheasants with 10 pen traps scattered in the park. Each ing, or preening). trap was baited with corn early in the morning, around Within the ®rst group, we distinguished ``sneak- 06:00 GMT, and checked between 08:00 and 09:00 ers'' from territorial males. Territorial males were GMT; the traps were then closed until the next morn- recognized by typical behaviors of this species (Ta- ing. The handling time for each bird was limited to 10 ber 1949, Ridley and Hill 1987): permanent defense min, necessary for the morphological measurements of a territory, strutting and crowing displays, and and tagging. Birds were then released into the wild at full wattle engorgement (head display). We ranked the trap site to avoid stress by translocation. Before its a male as territorial when we observed permanent release, each male was individually marked with a defense of the same territory in each observation, rectangular neck poncho (21 ϫ 6 cm). Ponchos were together with the presence of at least one territorial a medium green that is similar to neck and upper body display in each observation. ``Sneaker'' males did plumage, with an individual code of 2 letters written not defend their home ranges and were often clus- on both sides of the poncho with black ink. We used tered in male groups; their home ranges were larger green to avoid colors of male traits that have a role in than ranges of territorial males, and they did not 364 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS

TABLE 1. Mean Ϯ SE morphological traits measured in February for male Ring-necked Pheasants categorized by one of three different ranks during the following breeding season. One-way ANOVAs tested each male trait; df ϭ 2,83 for all comparisons except spur length, where df ϭ 2,82.

Peripheral Sneaker Territorial males males males Observed Male trait (n ϭ 42) (n ϭ 34) (n ϭ 10) FPpowera Body weight (g) 1638 Ϯ 20 1660 Ϯ 28 1708 Ϯ 42 1.0 0.39 0.20 Wing length (cm) 24.4 Ϯ 0.1 24.4 Ϯ 0.1 24.6 Ϯ 0.6 0.3 0.76 0.11 Tail length (cm) 45.4 Ϯ 1.1 47.5 Ϯ 1.1 48.9 Ϯ 2.2 1.6 0.21 0.29 Spur length (mm) 10.4 Ϯ 0.3 10.5 Ϯ 0.4 10.6 Ϯ 0.6 0.1 0.95 0.06 a Computed using alpha ϭ 0.05. show strutting and head displays, although they did graphing and testing; the data did not depart from nor- occasionally crow. Sneakers waited at the border of mality. Probability tests are two-tailed. Signi®cance a territory for an opportunity to force a female living was accepted at P Ͻ 0.05. with a resident male to copulate. Forced copulations and harassments toward females in this species are RESULTS particularly aggressive and recognizable (Ridley and During the study we resighted 114 of the 161 tagged Hill 1987). We classi®ed three male ranks: (a) sex- young males and we were able to assess the ranks of ually inactive males, or peripherals, (b) sexually ac- 86 of them. There were 42 peripherals, 34 sneakers, tive males without a territory or sneakers, and (c) and 10 territorial males. territorial males. Body weight, tail length, and wing length were no different among males of different ranks (Table 1), STATISTICAL ANALYSIS whereas we found that vertical wattle size was signif- All data were analyzed using SPSS version 11 for icantly longer in territorial males than in sneakers (F2,83 Windows (SPSS Inc. 2002). We performed univariate ϭ 4.1, P Ͻ 0.02; Fisher post-hoc test ϭ 1,8, P Ͻ 0.05) ANOVAs for each morphological variable to test for and peripheral males (Fisher post-hoc test ϭ 1,8, P Ͻ differences among the three male ranks. For nonsig- 0.05; Fig. 1). ANOVA did not show any difference of ni®cant ANOVAs we used power analysis to evaluate spur length among males of different ranks; however the probability of type II errors. We used ANCOVA the observed power for this analysis was particularly to test for wattle size differences among ranks con- low (Table 1) indicating a high probability of type II trolling for body mass. We examined the data for de- error for this result. partures from normality by means of preliminary Since larger males had larger wattles (n ϭ 86, r ϭ 0.44, P Ͻ 0.001) we performed an ANCOVA on ver- tical wattle size with body mass as the covariate. This analysis showed that territorial males had larger wat- tles than expected for their body size (F1,2,82 ϭ 3.3, P Ͻ 0.05). DISCUSSION We found that the vertical dimension of the periocular wattle measured in February was related to the male rank, measured as the ability of the male to gain a territory later in the breeding season. Tail and spur lengths measured in February were not correlated with subsequent male rank during the breeding season. Our ®ndings are in line with the results of Mateos and Car- ranza (1997) who found that taxidermic mounts of male pheasants with larger periocular wattles de- creased aggressive behavior of opponent males. Our results are also consistent with the observation by Ma- teos and Carranza (1997) that a shorter tail tends to elicit more aggressive behavior by an opponent male, and with Grahn et al. (1993) that tarsal spur length is not related to territoriality. However our conclusion FIGURE 1. Mean Ϯ SE vertical wattle sizes, mea- about spur length cannot be considered de®nitive since sured in February 1996 in Ring-necked Pheasant the power of our result on this trait was weak. A larger males that gained different social ranks in April of sample size may reveal new information on this in- the same year. Males becoming territorial in April triguing male trait. had bigger wattles in February than males that gained Our results are also consistent with those of sev- lower ranks. eral studies investigating the function of pigment- SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 365 based plumage ornaments, where researchers found male ornamentation in the spring receive information positive correlations between these male traits and about the physical condition and hormonal status of territory acquisition or social dominance (Hill 1988, the bearer. Wattles can be fully engorged in a few Veiga 1993, Wolfenbarger 1999). Although classic seconds (AP, pers. obs.), making this ornament a di- studies view melanin-based ornaments as indicators rect signal of a male's immediate hormonal status, of social rank, recent ®ndings suggest that orna- readiness to ®ght, ®ghting ability, and perhaps to oth- ments containing melanin pigments are poorer sig- er testosterone-related traits, such as immunocompe- nals of phenotypic quality than those containing ca- tence (Folstad and Karter 1992). rotenoid pigments (Hill 1996, Hill and Brawner 1998, Badyaev and Hill 2000). Field and captive This research was made possible by The Game Con- studies of Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii) servancy Trust, Fordingbridge UK, which provide the have found no relationship between the size of male research facilities, and by Mr. Andrew Christie-Miller ornaments containing melanin and other aspects of who provided access to his property. This study was male condition (Hagelin and Ligon 2001). Periocu- supported by grants to F. DessõÁ-Fulgheri from Minis- lar wattles of the Ring-necked Pheasant are red or- tero dell'Istruzione, UniversitaÁ e Ricerca (MIURÐCo- naments, and although little is known about their ®n: 2001058981), from UniversitaÁ di Firenze, and chemical composition a recent study by Ohlsson et from Ministero Politiche Agricole e Forestali (MI- al. (2001) has shown that the color of the wattle PAF), and by grants to AP from UniversitaÁ di Firenze. re¯ects protein availability in the diet, early in life. We acknowledge the generous help of the crew of the Traditionally ornament evolution is viewed as oc- Game Conservancy Pheasant Lab. A special thanks to curring through intersexual selection; however, bi- Mr. Roy Perks who has been our reassuring guardian ologists have long recognized that conspicuous or- angel during ®eldwork. We thank Julie C. Hagelin and naments may function both in male-male competi- Peter A. Robertson for generous, detailed, and con- tion and in female choice (Hingston 1933, Noble structive comments on a previous version of the man- 1938). The evolution of male ornaments through in- uscript. We thank Andrea Cilio for his patient statis- trasexual selection was renewed by several authors tical advice. We thank P. Christie for his careful lin- in the 1970s (Peek 1972, Borgia 1979); in that pe- guistic revision. riod others stressed how ornaments may signal sta- tus in other contexts such as in competition for food LITERATURE CITED and other resources (Rohwer 1975, West-Eberhard 1979). Berglund et al. (1996) re-proposed the evo- BADYAEV,A.V.,AND G. E. HILL. 2000. Evolution of lution of male ornaments through male contest: fe- sexual dichromatism: contribution of carotenoid males could use male ornaments as honest signals versus melanin-based coloration. Biological Jour- since they have evolved as status signals among nal of the Linnean Society 69:153±172. males. 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