Wageningen Economic Research The mission of Wageningen University & Research is “To explore the potential P.O. Box 29703 of nature to improve the quality of life”. Under the banner Wageningen University Hortifootprint Category Rules 2502 LS Den Haag & Research, Wageningen University and the specialised research institutes of The Netherlands the Wageningen Research Foundation have joined forces in contributing to T +31 (0)70 335 83 30 finding solutions to important questions in the domain of healthy food and living E
[email protected] environment. With its roughly 30 branches, 5,000 employees and 12,000 students, www.wur.eu/economic-research Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading organisations in its domain. Towards a PEFCR for horticultural products The unique Wageningen approach lies in its integrated approach to issues and Report 2020-041 the collaboration between different disciplines. ISBN 978-94-6395-455-6 Roel Helmes, Tommie Ponsioen, Hans Blonk, Marisa Vieira, Pietro Goglio, Rick van der Linden, Paulina Gual Rojas, Daniël Kan, Irina Verweij-Novikova Hortifootprint Category Rules Towards a PEFCR for horticultural products Roel Helmes,1* Tommie Ponsioen,1** Hans Blonk,2 Marisa Vieira,3 Pietro Goglio,1 Rick van der Linden,4*** Paulina Gual Rojas,2 Daniël Kan,3 Irina Verweij-Novikova1 1 Wageningen Economic Research 2 Blonk Consultants 3 PRé Sustainability 4 Foundation Benefits of Nature * corresponding author ** with Wageningen Economic Research up till November 2019 *** with Benefits of Nature up until April 2019 This study was carried out in the framework of the Public-Private Partnership project HortiFootPrint: ‘Methodology for environmental footprint TU17005’ for the Top sector Agri & Food, as part of the Programme ‘Consumer, Market and Society’ (project number BO-61-001-007, BO-49-002-012).