:?•*.'. disability has no direct bearing'on a child's developing motor skills," she observes, A12-Thursday, November 16, 1972 mental and emotional capacities." "swimming also instills an exciting uense of "If a handicap has affected a child's attitude, accomplishment in the minds of physically, Open house sldted The Red Cross badge of courage we attempt to correct the mental condition damaged youngsters." \ through a coordinated program of physical and "Although they may often be. reluctant to S at UC in Cranford psychological rehabilitation.",/ display their pride," she adds, "both Kim and Swim patch mark of pride to crippled children "While strengthening muscles and Jeffrey have earned it." ; In case of emorgoncy The Zip Code for high schoolers At first glance, the spokes of her wheelchair months ago after spending six years as a Caldwell, permanenUy paralyzed from the call almost hide tile small Red Cross patch on Kim swimming instructor. waist down when he was struck J>y a truck An open house for high school junior and 376-0400 for Police Department Torak's blue swimming suit. Miss Olson, a Westfield resident, makes no earlier tills year In Newark. Bonds puf into county for Springfield is seniors will be held at Union College's Cranford RETIREMENT But the seven-year-old Paterson girl is quick distinction between her past and present Jeffrey, son of Juline Jones of Newark, also Allstate Insurance Com- several school districts , in- or First Aid Squad Campus Saturday at 10 a.m., it was announced to point out the significance of that patch: pupils. wears the Red Cross beginner's swimming panies have invested more cluding Mountainside. this week by George P. Lynes, director of 376-0144 for Fire Department Though she is unable to walk, she has mastered "They're all like any other kids," Miss Olson badge, earned by propelling himself through than $2,282,000 in bonds In "It is Allstate's policy to SALEM! 07081 admissions. the fundamentals of swimming. contends, "all of them have their own per- the water by using only hiB arms. Union County, according to support the growth and Saturday's open house has beon scheduled to For Kim, and scores of other children sonalities, all of them try to get away with as Jeffrey left Children's Specialized Hospital regional manager William E. development of areas In which ROSENBERG'S give students and their parents the opportunity receiving therapy at Children's Specialized much as any kid. We just concentrate on this month, taking with him the swimming Early. we do business by •investing In Published Every Thursday by Trumor Publishing Corp. 41 Mountain ay.., Springfield, N.J. 07081 - 686-7700 to see firsthand the facilities and programs Hospital, Mountainside, the Red Cross patch Is working with a particular handicap." badge, a set of rigid steel braces, a wheel chair ' Union County investments local communities 'and" in- available at Union Colleges, said Lynes. a badge of courage. and, according to Dr. Boycr, "the ability to are part of more than dustries," said Early. "We Because she will walk again without the aid GUN SHOP Moiling Members of the admissions staff and students "Quite simply," explains Mary Boyer, reach a high level of independence limited only $86,287,000 in bonds held by are a corporate citizen in each VOL. 44 NO. 7 • Subscription Rot* Second Class Postage of braces or crutches, Kim Torak could not be 2246 Springfield Ave. P.O. Box 69. Springfield, N.J. 07081 SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1972 $830 Y.orly Paid at Springfield, N.J. 20 Cents Per Copy guides will be on hand to answer questlonsand M.D., of the Children's Specialized Hospital considered one of Miss Olson's "average" by partial residual physical restrictions and the Allstate in 21 counties in New of the communities in which conduct tours of the Campus. Staff, "the Red Cross beginners' swimming pupils. motivation he can muster." Jersey, Early pointed out. our offices are located. Uke Union, N.J. Union College, with campuses in Cranford, badge represents an accomplishment many of "In all our cases," explains the physician, Allstate investments have" all citizens, we will share In 680-3989 Elizabeth and Plainfield, is serving as the our young patients never dreamed they would MORE TYPICAL is 13-year-old Jeffrey "we begin with the premise that a physical helped build additional continued growth and academic arm of Union County's community attain. educational facilities at prosperity." / college system. Accredited by the Middle "To them, it is a mark of pride, a sign of States. Association of Colleges and Secondary hope." _o_0_ Board reports Walton weathered the flood ..Schools, Union College offers two-year programs in liberal arts, education, urban HOPE BEGAN for Kim, daughter of Mrs. studies, business administration, engineering, Patricia Torak, almost a year ago when she environmental engineering, physical science, entered the Children's Specialized Hospital's biological science, environmental science, law rehabilitation program. CflUfA Campanella Suffering from a degeneration of the thigh 'wo enforcement, and nursing. bone at the hip, the bright-eyed little girl is Information on admissions standards, unable to place any weight on her legs—a FOOD SUPERMARKETS student personnel services, financial aid, and condition which, in time, can be corrected. says he will social and athletic programs at Union College During the healing process, Kim has con- will be avilable at the Open House. Lynes tinued to develop her hip movement In, the TODAY urges all high school juniors and seniors to buoyancy of the hospital swimming pool. avail themselves of the higher educational Kim is a prize pupil of Jane Olson, who began opportunities available in Union County. resign post working with handicapped children four Convince Yourself Our Trim is Better "GOBIET" Safeiy reasons cited Three hikes FOR toe Why we're asking ONLY , 5V for end of roller skating S ANDGET 0NE9'/i-0Z.. By ABNER GOLD 3275 for a Volkswagen. are planned The Edward Walton School came through its flooding earlier this month in good shape for weekend despite several inches of water in the gym- nasium and several feet in the boiler room, the Members and guests of the Our Trim i« Batter Springfield Board of Education reported to the Union County Hiking Club seven persons in the audience at its meeting have a choice of three ac- Monday night at the, Florence Gaudineer tivities this weekend. Chuck Steak School. First Cut Rib Steak Saturday a hike will begin at Short Cut The board also discussed its decision to 1 p.m. at the Nomahegan Premium suspend roller skating for youngsters duriijg Park parking lot, Cranford, C Center Cut ,b 59 evenings at Gaudineer. It approved hiring of a proceeding to Lenape Park, Butterball parttime teacher to provide remedial in- Cranford, with an additional struction for students at St. James Catholic walk around Echo Lake Park, School. ; Mountainside and WesUield. Anton Campanella, appointed to the board to Lester Goldberg of Cranford is Ib. fill a vacancy earlier this year, disclosed that the leader of the hike, which is Ib. C Gov't,tnip*ct«t . he will have to resign shortly. He is moving to a maximum of seven miles. the Princeton area because of a job promotion The same day an eight-mile Drumstick 69 Quart*™ as vice-president for South Jersey of the N. J. Our Trim is Better Chicken Breast Wing« on Froni dnc bio Wet hike'along the tow path from 19 C Quarten Bell Telephone Co. Campanella had planned to Rocky Hill to Princeton is • Legs Back on run for a full term on the board in February. That's a Volkswagen? Ib. 1 Thighs, 59 Legs :45 planned. The group will meet Sirloin Steak The other two board members whose terms Yes, amazing as it seems, lhal big, at the Howard Johnson USD.A. CHOICE Fresh Leon Any Sixe Pkg... Our Trim U B«tt*r Our Tamil Barter ' Oof Trim l»B«»rtr expirethis winter are Ruth Weisman, board beautiful car's a Volkswagen. Restaurant, Rt. 22, North Bottom Round Roast U.S.DA. CHOICE Calif. Chuck Bon«l»i»ShoiiM»r FINAL GAME—Jonathan Dayton Regional High School football team will Mitchell, Dino DIC0CC9; second row, Harold Manner, Harold Ogden, Nardone, Joo Natiello; fourth row, George Sirigotis, Guy Warman, president, and Seymour margulies. Mrs. The 1973 Volkswagen 412. The most Plainfield, at 9:15 a.m. or the Top Round Roost Our Trim II B.H.r Ground end "s season at Molsol Field Thanksgiving morning at 10:30 Bll Pdo«l, John Pyar, Tom Rosslter, Dave Pociflco. Joo Pepn, Oauin -Wotsman indicated that she will not run agate;- RockyJliH tow. path parking -Woyne-Schwortei—ten-BelondT-Mlteh-Kurtrer, Billy- Bohrodr~Gerry- sophisticated.Volkswagen ever built. Silver Tip Roast U.^OAi-CHOlCt'- Xressrib agalnSTWeat orange, (bee details on Sports Page.) Players are, from "Wfabm, Mark Ronco, Tom Botte, Ken Conte; third row. Carmen Kaelblein, Mitch Kotler, Gary Preslaff;rear, Brian Hector, Greg Margulies said that he has not yet reached a lot nt 10 a.m. Participants Our Trim II EUtttr Ib. i left, front, Vincent Dav!s Jim CJcconl, Mario D'Agostlnl, John. decision on seeking another term. With more room, comfort, power should bring lunch. Lillian Quarf.r.Wt,.- CKuW" t Scoppettuolo. Jerry Ragonese, John Noce, John Zurkoff, Marc Johnson, Don Schwerdt, Bill Riffel, Bart Zabelski and Bruno Sarrocino. City Cut Pork Chops 9.11 End. & C.nt.n and doors 141 than our little VW. Deene of Plainfeld is the Genuine Shoulder . Belliveau, Nell Anderson, Jim Raguccl, Mark Weber, Bob Day, David Hoffman, Rich Goldhammer.
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