Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel
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Public Document Pack Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel Dear Member, You are invited to attend the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel to be held as follows for the transaction of the business indicated. Miranda Carruthers-Watt Proper Officer DATE: Thursday, 5 July 2018 TIME: 9.30 am VENUE: Salford Suite, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton In accordance with ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,’ the press and public have the right to film, video, photograph or record this meeting. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting during the discussion and voting on the item. AGENDA 1 The Panel is asked to consider whether it agrees to the inclusion of the items listed in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda. 2 Apologies for Absence. 3 Declarations of Interest. 4 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held (Pages 1 - 4) on 7th June 2018. 5 Planning Applications and related Development Control Issues. (Pages 5 - 10) 5a 17/71158/FUL - 352 Walkden Road, Worsley, M28 7ER (Pages 11 - 32) 5b 18/71546/FUL - Land At Clarence Street, Lower Broughton, Salford, (Pages 33 - 58) M7 1AH 5c 18/71538/FUL - Canon Green Drive, Salford, M3 7DB (Pages 59 - 88) 6 Planning Applications determined under Delegated Authority. (Pages 89 - 134) 7 Planning Appeals. (Pages 135 - 140) 8 Urgent Business. 9 Exclusion of the Public. 10 Part 2 - Closed to the Public. 11 Urgent Business. Contact Officer: Tel No: 0161 793 2602 Claire Edwards, Democratic Services E-Mail: [email protected] Agenda Item 4 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL 7th June, 2018 Meeting commenced: 9:30 a.m. “ adjourned: 11:50 a.m. “ re-convened: 12:05 p.m. “ ended: 12:25 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair Councillors Burch, Clarke, Dawson, Dickman, Linden, and P. Wheeler Councillors Hunt and McIntyre during consideration of all applications with the exception of application reference 18/71641/OUT (The Spinney, 482 Walkden Road, Worsley M28 2WH) Councillor Morris during consideration of all applications with the exception of application reference 18/71330/FUL (Land North Of Senior Street, Springfield Lane M3 7GE) Councillor Hamilton during consideration of all applications with the exception of application reference 18/71538/FUL (Canon Green Drive, Salford M3 7DB) Please note that a list of persons in attendance in respect of matters referred to in Minute 4 is included at Appendix A. 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair welcomed Councillors Dickman and Linden to their first meeting of the Panel. He placed on record his thanks to Councillors Barnes, Sharpe, Turner and R. Wilson for their contributions as former Panel Members. The Chair outlined the procedure for the meeting. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Antrobus and K. Garrido. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2018 be agreed as a correct record. 4. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION (Full details of the matter referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Strategic Director Place (Main Report), as amended in the case of applications marked * in the Amendment Report). RESOLVED: THAT, following consideration by the Panel, the under-mentioned applications for planning permission were determined, subject to the conditions listed in the above reports, as indicated below – Application Number/ Site Development Decision Applicant *17/70871/FUL Land West Of AJ Bell Construction of an outfall Granted Stadium And North Of structure into the United Utilities The Manchester Ship Manchester Ship Canal and Canal associated works including retaining wall, shaft, temporary access route and temporary construction *17/71147/FUL The Old Fire Station PageConversion 1 of existing Granted, subject to the Clarendon Road building into 9 no. addition of an informative Mr Fuat Basil Irlam apartments, together with advising the applicant that M44 5ZA erection of a two-storey information submitted in rear extension, and respect of condition 7 shall alterations to elevations include details of visibility and car parking facilities splays for the vehicle exit onto Richbell Close as part of the landscaping scheme. The applicant confirmed that he was happy to consult with local residents moving forward. 18/71330/FUL Land North Of Senior Erection of three residential Please refer to Minute 5 Street blocks, comprising of a total below Mr Nathan Cornish Springfield Lane of 156 apartments, together M3 7GE with car parking and landscaping *18/71512/FUL Land Bound By Hulme Full application for the Please refer to Minute 6 Street, Gaythorn Street redevelopment of the site to below Outwood Developments And Upper Wharf Street create Phase 2 of Outwood 2 Ltd Salford Wharf. Erection of three M5 4PX interlinked blocks, of 8, 10 and 23 storeys, to provide 296 dwellings (Use Class C3) and 380sqm of supporting commercial floorspace (to be used flexibly within Use Classes A1, A2, A3 or B1), with associated car parking, landscaping and other associated works 18/71641/OUT The Spinney Outline planning application Granted 482 Walkden Road for the demolition of Mr & Mrs Plowright Worsley existing property and the M28 2WH construction of 3 detached properties with all matters reserved *18/71538/FUL Canon Green Drive External refurbishment and Deferred in order for the Salford over-cladding of Panel to be provided with Mr Terry McBride M3 7DB Westminster House and (a) further information as to Canon Green Court and how the development erection of Part 9, part 11- meets the following Saved storey building to Policies of Salford’s Unitary accommodate 108 Development Plan - DES 1 apartments and supporting (Respecting Context), DES commercial floorspace, with 2 (Circulation and associated car parking, Movement), DES 3 (Design landscaping and other of Public Space), DES 7 external works (Amenity of existing and future users and neighbours) and DES 9 (Landscaping), and (b) a justification as to why there are no three-bed units within the development. Page 2 5. 18/71330/FUL – LAND NORTH OF SENIOR STREET, SPRINGFIELD LANE, SALFORD – ERECTION OF THREE RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS, COMPRISING OF A TOTAL OF 156 APARTMENTS, TOGETHER WITH CAR PARKING AND LANDSCAPING RESOLVED: THAT planning permission be granted subject to the following planning conditions and that: (i) The Strategic Director Place be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following heads of terms: A financial contribution to secure £150,000 and a claw-back mechanism at 90% disposal of units with monies directed towards any of the following projects: . Improved crossing facilities across or under Trinity Way, . The Riverside Walkway between East Philip Street and New Bridge Street, . Off-site affordable housing. (ii) The applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions stated below, on completion of such a legal agreement; (iii) The authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons listed below) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement. 6. *18/71512/FUL – LAND BOUND BY HULME STREET, GAYTHORN STREET AND UPPER WHARF STREET, SALFORD M5 4PX – FULL APPLICATION FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE TO CREATE PHASE 2 OF OUTWOOD WHARF. ERECTION OF THREE INTERLINKED BLOCKS OF 8, 10 AND 23 STOREYS, TO PROVIDE 296 DWELLINGS (USE CLASS C3) AND 380 SQM OF SUPPORTING COMMERCIAL FLOOR-SPACE (TO BE USED FLEXIBLY WITHIN USE CLASSES A1, A2, A3 OR B1), WITH ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING, LANDSCAPING AND OTHER ASSOCIATED WORKS RESOLVED: THAT planning permission be granted, subject to the planning conditions stated in the reports, and that: - (i) The Strategic Director Place be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following heads of terms: . A financial contribution of £864,000 towards any of the following projects: o Public realm/highways works along Oldfield Road to improve walking and cycling provision, which may include the acquisition of land where required; o Off-site affordable housing; o Public realm/Highways works along The Crescent to improve walking and cycling provision. o The delivery of a new Meadows Bridge linking The Crescent to The Meadows. o A claw-back mechanism to secure an increase in the level of contribution up to the maximum level required by the Planning Obligations SPD, should the viability of the development increase in the future as the scheme is delivered. Claw-back monies to be directed towards any of the projects identified above. (ii) The applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions listed in the reports, on completion of such a legal agreement; (iii) The authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons stated in the reports) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement. 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY The Strategic Director Place submitted a report containing details of planning applications which he had determined under delegated authority during April and May 2018 and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. Page 3 8. PLANNING APPEALS The Strategic Director Place submitted a report which provided details of appeals that had recently been received and determined. RESOLVED: THAT the content of the report be noted. 9. ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 31ST MARCH 2018 RESOLVED: THAT the above item be deferred for consideration at a future meeting.