Survey of Current Business September 1953
SEPTEMBER 1953 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS SURVEY OF CUKMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD SERVICE Albuquerque, N. Mez. Los Angeles 15, Calif. No. 9 204 S. 10th St. 112 West 9th St. SEPTEMBER 1953 Atlanta 3, Ga. Memphis 3, Tenn. 86 Forsyth St. NW. 229 Federal BIdg. Boston 9, Mass. Miami 32' FIa' 261 Franklin St. 36 NE' Fir8t St' Minneapolis 2, Minn. Buffalo 3, N. Y. 607 Marquette Are, 117 Silicon St. New Orleans 12, La. Charleston 4, S. C. Area 2. 333 St. Charles Are. PAGE Sergeant Jasper Bldf. New York 13. N. Y. THE BUSINESS SITUATION 1 Cheyenne, Wyo. 346 Broadway 307 Federal Office Bldf. Capital Goods Demand in Late 1953 . 3 Philadelphia 7, Pa. Trends in Retail Sales . 5 Chicago 1, III. 1015 Chestnut St. 221 N. LaSalle St. The Volume of Government Purchasing ... 9 Phoenix, Ariz. 137 N. Second Ave. Balance of Payments Cincinnati 2. Ohio 105 W. Fourth St, During the Second Quarter ........ 11 Pittsburgh 22, Pa. 717 Liberty Are. Cleveland 14, Ohio 925 Euclid AT* Portland 4, Oreg. * * * 520 SW. Morrison Sj, Dallas 2, Tes. 1114 Commerce Si, SPECIAL ARTICLES Reno, NOT. 1479 Wells Are. Changes in Public and Private Debt . 13 Denver 2, Colo. 142 New Custom House Transportation in the Balance of Payments . 20 Richmond, Va. 409 East Main St. Detroit 26, Mich. * * * 1214 Griawold St. St. Louis 1, Mo. 1114 Market St* El Paso, Tex. MONTHLY BUSINESS STATISTICS . S-l to S-40 Chamber of Commerce Salt Lake City 1, Utah Statistical Index ....... Inside back cover Bldg.
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