Parshat Ki Tissa (Parah) No 1665: 20 Adar 5777 (March 18, 2017) WANT TO BECOME A MEMBER? Membershiip: $50.00 CLICK HERE TO JOIN OR DONATE TO THE RZA Piillllar Membershiip:$180.00 We are iinthe process of collllectiing membershiip dues for 2017. Plleaseshow your support and jjoiin as a member or renew your membershiip at thiistiime. Relliigiious Ziioniists of Ameriica 305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Flloor, New York, NY 10001
[email protected], NEW!!! Introducing a new section to our website. MEDIA RESOURCES We are pleased tointroduce a media resource section for our RZA-Mizrachi website! This section ismeant to provide helpful resources for Israel related news, media, andadvocacy, as well as Torah resources. Please take a moment tosee what’s there. Kindly let us know if there are additional sites that weshould add to this list. Many thanks to RZAAryeh Fellow Alex Sachs for preparing this section. You can find our new section here. Humans of Israel Welcome to Humans of Israel! Created by RZA Aryeh-Fellows Jonathan Pedoeem, Ilan Atri, and Yishai Pearl Our team is dedicatedto increasing awareness of people that made a significant impact on Israelisociety, served in the IDF, and/or made Aliyah. While we were in Israelduring winter break, we sat down with our friends who made Aliya and talkedwith them about their journey. We listened and asked questions to understandwhy these people made these decisions and the difficulties they went through whileexecuting it. We took these interviews and are now sharing them with you to expose the truegreatness of our brothers and sisters who are making this journey.