II III II 11111111111i'" Program Guide Specialty Shows 7 - 9 pm Daily ., Monday: Regressive Thursday: Hlp Hop WI! aRJ Tuesday: Rock-n-Roll/Sports Friday: Reggae Request Line: . Wednesday: Jazz Saturday: Hardcore/ 239-6400 ======64 Sunday: Metal Punk These are the Voices of the Fighting Irish

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mike BertinI Jason Hoida Mike Schwabe Pat Ninneman John Strieder Kathy Hordlek 7-9 a.m. "Rock Out With "Morning 'We're Brellking "H Hint Of 'Hot Brellkfllst Your Rooster Out" Stiffness" Pllrietllls' Hnesthesia" In No Time Rt RII" ~ ~ John Staunton Mystery D,J, Kristen Moria SullilJan Kelly Boglarsky ~/ffff/h • Sol & Cllrol's 'If I Rsked You To Baumler 'Mllnioclll "Bogue Not V#//ffM 9-11a.m. Spllnk Me, Would You Mudslinging BBO Plulldlse" Say N01 "Un Poco De Sko" Menllqerie' Uogue" 10:00 am - 1 :00 pm Paul Broderick John Dugan Greg Murphy Joson Wins lode Mike Montroy Rebecca Paul Saiz 'Jazun Jetsam's 11-lp.m. "Paul's Power "Nothing Short of "Midday "Bloodshot OSCillating Rudlo "Death By Ciletti Hour (or two)" Total War" Cramps" Karma" Sculpture' Disco" Chris Chris Infante Brad Barnhorst Karen 1-3p.m. Neil Higgins Kristen John Furey Scherzinger "Big Cheese "No LOlJe Lost" Holderer 'Rlldio Schlep Goes Downer" Harknett "Undergromd" Public' Dan langrill Jeff Sepeta Jeff Jotz Mike McMahon Shllwn Nowlerskl Jennifer Hnne Seifert 3-5 p.m. 'Don Lllngrill's "Uoices On The "Orifice Party "Me Rnd Your 'Songs O'Bjorn Rnd "ElJeryday Is Rudio Mood Ring' Fringe" '90" Mom" Fjords' Reiland Like Sundaq" Mark KelJin Brian Geraghty Kathy RleH Nunez Hlyson Naimoli Tom Fellrath "The Urban MCDonou~h • Eluls HilS Left 5-7 p.m. "I'm Missing Dinner 'Of Blllck Polkll Dots Bintinger 'I Belleue Mil Th oat Bring Me Food' Morrey lind Summer' "Rural Enem II" Scene" Hurts' The Building' Grateful Deod -MIlHimum Rock-n- Jazz HIP-HOP Re~gae Hardcorel Metal sana Natural Sessions Ro'" Brolldcllst "Funkln' Lesson' 'Roo s Music , With John Rustin .Punk Chris Ebert 7-9 p.m. • Sour To Sweet' 'The Blue Wisp Jazz Wllrrick Muldrow/ Kllrllmu' WUFI Sports Talk 'Thrashing. Bashing, Classic Rock Hour- Show- Tllrll Pll!lton Zik Chllndler "Out Of Step II Dnd Bonging' Jim Moloneyl Matt Rnnemarie James Debbie Wunder Dan Byrne Tim McHdam Pllt Finn 'Rssorted Ullrieties 9-11 p.m. ; "Feminine ·"Rudle's 'Two Nuts Murphy.. O'Brien Rnd Colors' Benson Hygiene Today" Rellenge" Hanging Out" DalJe Chris Wolterl Kellin Flaherty Ted leo I ain Gould Jessica Hoida Bob Kuskle "Hits You John lane 11 -1 a.m. -Whoteuer Creoms "Slooge's McMahon Your Twinkle- Country Kitchen" "God City" "Formica" NelJer Hoid-a" ------_.. --_._------_ ...

-~-.-.-.-~ -~.-.

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.' _. t t· ," •.• ' .. ~' • '. • • , , . • . , . . 111 III II 11111111111i'" Program Guide Specialty Shows 7 - 9 pm Daily ., Monday: Regressive Thursday: Hlp Hop WI! aRJ Tuesday: Rock-n-Roll/Sports Friday: Reggae Request Line: . Wednesday: Jazz Saturday: Hardcore/ 239-6400 ======64 Sunday: Metal Punk These are the Voices of the Fighting Irish

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mike BertinI Jason Hoida Mike Schwabe Pat Ninneman John Strieder Kathy Hordlek 7-9 a.m. "Rock Out With "Morning 'We're Brellking "H Hint Of 'Hot Brellkfllst Your Rooster Out" Stiffness" Pllrietllls' Hnesthesia" In No Time Rt RII" ~ ~ John Staunton Mystery D,J, Kristen Moria SullilJan Kelly Boglarsky ~/ffff/h • Sol & Cllrol's 'If I Rsked You To Baumler 'Mllnioclll "Bogue Not V#//ffM 9-11a.m. Spllnk Me, Would You Mudslinging BBO Plulldlse" Say N01 "Un Poco De Sko" Menllqerie' Uogue" 10:00 am - 1 :00 pm Paul Broderick John Dugan Greg Murphy Joson Wins lode Mike Montroy Rebecca Paul Saiz 'Jazun Jetsam's 11-lp.m. "Paul's Power "Nothing Short of "Midday "Bloodshot OSCillating Rudlo "Death By Ciletti Hour (or two)" Total War" Cramps" Karma" Sculpture' Disco" Chris Chris Infante Brad Barnhorst Karen 1-3p.m. Neil Higgins Kristen John Furey Scherzinger "Big Cheese "No LOlJe Lost" Holderer 'Rlldio Schlep Goes Downer" Harknett "Undergromd" Public' Dan langrill Jeff Sepeta Jeff Jotz Mike McMahon Shllwn Nowlerskl Jennifer Hnne Seifert 3-5 p.m. 'Don Lllngrill's "Uoices On The "Orifice Party "Me Rnd Your 'Songs O'Bjorn Rnd "ElJeryday Is Rudio Mood Ring' Fringe" '90" Mom" Fjords' Reiland Like Sundaq" Mark KelJin Brian Geraghty Kathy RleH Nunez Hlyson Naimoli Tom Fellrath "The Urban MCDonou~h • Eluls HilS Left 5-7 p.m. "I'm Missing Dinner 'Of Blllck Polkll Dots Bintinger 'I Belleue Mil Th oat Bring Me Food' Morrey lind Summer' "Rural Enem II" Scene" Hurts' The Building' Grateful Deod -MIlHimum Rock-n- Jazz HIP-HOP Re~gae Hardcorel Metal sana Natural Sessions Ro'" Brolldcllst "Funkln' Lesson' 'Roo s Music , With John Rustin .Punk Chris Ebert 7-9 p.m. • Sour To Sweet' 'The Blue Wisp Jazz Wllrrick Muldrow/ Kllrllmu' WUFI Sports Talk 'Thrashing. Bashing, Classic Rock Hour- Show- Tllrll Pll!lton Zik Chllndler "Out Of Step II Dnd Bonging' Jim Moloneyl Matt Rnnemarie James Debbie Wunder Dan Byrne Tim McHdam Pllt Finn 'Rssorted Ullrieties 9-11 p.m. ; "Feminine ·"Rudle's 'Two Nuts Murphy.. O'Brien Rnd Colors' Benson Hygiene Today" Rellenge" Hanging Out" DalJe Chris Wolterl Kellin Flaherty Ted leo I ain Gould Jessica Hoida Bob Kuskle "Hits You John lane 11 -1 a.m. -Whoteuer Creoms "Slooge's McMahon Your Twinkle- Country Kitchen" "God City" "Formica" NelJer Hoid-a" ------_.. --_._------_ ...

-~-.-.-.-~ -~.-. o Q ~ Z Z 00 0 .....V.J., - ...... , .~ CO CO z ~ 0 0 "tJ n ~ m:J ~»m o CD en ~oo 3 30 0 0 --I ~ CO mr- (1) 0 CD ...... L < ~ I en I\:) I ;:J\ ED -. I ;;C o ~-O ~m:s~m m C -. :::: a...... m 3 ED m::r-~ ~ _. :J ~. (1) Of "'U () ., ""I C ., CD <' (1) m "U < - ~ co· -< ~ >­ ~ ~ s: m- m m en ~~ 0 ~q~ z-I en ~~co..... ~ ~::r-m::r-CO~ m -I ::::!. ~ --I ~ Z Z (j) CO () (1) :D CO~:i!;::::' CD. 0:: 00:: ~ c:: ~ :I: CD -->. "'C ~ ...... m 8. ~...... ~ ti} a. 1;i -..J )::i C en m en I" - '\ C C" .....L c:::::: :n _. a co m en _. _ -. = CD VJ en ""I c::::: (I) CD ., C » 0 Z m :Jco~ i en aren g~:J () en !2. r- en CI) '< ~ 2. :s: Z 0 0m ...- en~

C ~ I 0 :::r~ 0 0 :J m » CD ~ N 3 C CD 0 ." -:J. ;:111\ jg=e -, (Q :s :::r m :J CD -CD r- a. - >< S' ""I CD :om Z e!-I\:) S21\:) ED ;:; m c 01 0 ~ :::W 0 I\:) -1m m CD ""I :s~ ~W 3 tii ED ""I 0 ""I s· en 5" ""I ED 0 3 e!- •..... \: ...... '." ...... : ...... '~ .. ,.:.\ .. , ... ' o. 0 CD - "C m!:( a. a C 6 6~:~: g. ~.!. ··.10 (): ==0 r- 0 en Z ':<~o ,." ... _,_.; >' ;_l;.: -::<.,'>:-:.:':,:.:<;_,.i-/:\~:.,: .;,:''-''', .<.'-' :"':"-,~ t:':~': :J ::::;: :s CD -I en CD en en .....

.' _. t t· ," •.• ' .. ~' • '. • • , , . • . , . . 111 A R.ea]pJonae to lLatat take football too seriously (one extreme) as Dear Editor: well as people who say we are all Notre W eellr 9 a lE dlJi.tOliatli The editorial in the October 11, Dame (another extreme). The way you go 1990, issue of Scholastic is one of the worst about pointing out these insignificant faults SCHOLASTIC pieces of journalism I have ever had the is to attack them a barrage of unjustified NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE opportunity to read. This attack on the anger, or, in other words, an extreme. And student body is as ridiculous as it is unwar­ that is just is wrong. ranted. I do agree with you on one point, To begin, the editorial isn't even however. It is "only football." Though it is Vol. 132. No, 6 October 18. 1990 written well. It has little or no continuity and interesting to note Scholastic thought it was the focus (if there is one) shifts several times. important enough to be discussed in the How did the sentence, "Come to think of it weekly editorial. EDITOR IN CHIEF who is this they and why are they trying to It is truly a shame that a piece of Michael C. Wieber take things away from the people?" makes it journalism as ignorant and unprofessional MANAGING EDITOR past the rough draft? A third grader could as this editorial appears in Scholastic. Derik T. Weldon tell you that that sentence has no place in the You're better than that. hen students go off campus, who patrols could and should be increased. editorial. NEWS EDITOR W protects them? Do Notre Dame First, given the number of reported Second, the entire "message of the Traci Taghon Ken A. Bugajski Security's responsibilities end at the East attacks on "Rape Road" (the road between editorial is undermined by the style of the Freshman SPORTS EDITOR Gate? Should the South Bend police force the Grotto and U.S. 31), a security officer article. The editorial is against people who Cavanaugh Hall i, Brian McMahon secure the local off-campus areas? should be stationed in a position so that he Clearly, the local police have been can observe the whole walk. If a car were SPORTS ASSISTANT Jon Paul Potts less than thrilled with our student body and stationed at the turn in the road-:-near the the university as a whole. Reports of abuse west end of the cemetery ; where the road to . CAMPUS LIFE EDITOR and police brutality have tarnished their Moreau turns off-not only would attackers Kristine DeGange record for students from University Apart­ be deterred, but security would have an GREAT SUBS FOR GREAT STUDENTS DEPARTMENTS EDITOR ments to Marks Street. Their willingness to opportunity to positively interact With stu­ Tim Rogers respond to underage drinking violations dents as they passby. quickly shows what comes fIrst in their A second place' where, security ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR opinion. Dave Holsinger should conveniently place itself is.at "The The situation has, in fact, gotten so Five Points"-:-t~e intersection near PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR bad that our university president Edwarq Bridget's and The Commons. Although this Mari Okuda "Monk" Malloy has scheduled a meeting is clearly South Bend jurisdiction, security PHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT with Mayor Joe Kernan to discuss a recent could place a squad there simply to discour­ Paul Webb incident in which a South Bend officer did age crime and stop students from walking not acknowledge a student's report of bat­ back to campus or ~() Club 23. The visible COPY EDITOR tery as legitimate. As of press time, the presence of a police officer (such as Notre­ Dave Raedy officers have been suspended without pay. Dame Security) has been shown to have a LAYOUT/SYSTEMS MANAGER So, whether the administration deterrent effect on crime. ' Patricia Doyle likes it or not, the responsibility for student The. administration commonly safety falls on Notre Dame Security. Scho­ ADVERTISING MANAGER argues that such measures are nO,tcost-bene­ Tony Porcelli lastic recognizes their work but would like to ficial, but how can we put a monetary value point out several areas (in addition to the on student safety? Subway delivers to Notre Dame Your Blue & Gold card is good BUSINESS MANAGER perennial parking lot question) in which Jim Fitzgerald and St. Mary's every day from 5 for a 50¢discount off any footlong Subway sandwich. GRAPHIC ARTS MANAGER p.m. until 12 midnight. Jeanne Naylor ulltrs /Q Sc/rQlAslic mlLSl bt Iyptd IIiul }nc1111l4 1M CALL 277-7744 VJriltr's 1tttmIJ, IltidrtSS Gnd pillmullmbtr. UnfMoSily sllIIl4nls s1tau1d illcllIIl4lhdr 'JUI' ill sthool Gnd colltgt. fQCUlty 1PItII'Ibm slrtiuld iIIc1111l4 Subway opens at 8:00 a.m. on SIck issIIts Grt IlIJIliIslblt III $1.25 / Iousor o&scmt by 1M /ollIS of tM Uniltd SIIIIIS.· SdwlAsfic II1so wiU tdiJ aJPY. Tht opinions e::prWtd ill SdwlAslic Grt IhDse of1M Gull)ars Gnd for aJPYfi"mg, grttmmtlliClll or ~Umg mars Gnd Sdwliislic slylt. your next party, call Subway for tdilms Gnd dDnolfltUSSllrily,tprtsmIIMopinionsofIMmli,t tdi/QriIIl Btel!ust of sptlct, Sdwlllslic connol priIIl oIlldltrs 1tlcdTltd. boIz,dofSdwlAslicorofIMUni_sityofNol,tD.mt,ilslldminisl,lIIitm, _ fGCUlly or sludmls. EdilrnWssigntd Sdwlllslic ,tprtsmllMopinion of Addrt:fiB oil com.sptmtlmu 10 : a de-,icious Party Sub or Party 1M mtljorily of 1M _culi". tdilorilll boIzrd. MonllSCripls Grt fIItkmnt. ThtEdilDr All unsolicilied mtIItriJIls btt:emlt 1M propnly of Sdwltlsllc. Sdwltlslll: '. Platter! State Road 23 and Ironwood lAl'or/uru: Ctttler Copyrigld 1990 SdwlAslic MIIgazint. All righls ,tstrr>Ick issIIts Grt IlIJIliIslblt III $1.25 / Iousor o&scmt by 1M /ollIS of tM Uniltd SIIIIIS.· SdwlAsfic II1so wiU tdiJ aJPY. Tht opinions e::prWtd ill SdwlAslic Grt IhDse of1M Gull)ars Gnd for aJPYfi"mg, grttmmtlliClll or ~Umg mars Gnd Sdwliislic slylt. your next party, call Subway for tdilms Gnd dDnolfltUSSllrily,tprtsmIIMopinionsofIMmli,t tdi/QriIIl Btel!ust of sptlct, Sdwlllslic connol priIIl oIlldltrs 1tlcdTltd. boIz,dofSdwlAslicorofIMUni_sityofNol,tD.mt,ilslldminisl,lIIitm, _ fGCUlly or sludmls. EdilrnWssigntd Sdwlllslic ,tprtsmllMopinion of Addrt:fiB oil com.sptmtlmu 10 : a de-,icious Party Sub or Party 1M mtljorily of 1M _culi". tdilorilll boIzrd. MonllSCripls Grt fIItkmnt. ThtEdilDr All unsolicilied mtIItriJIls btt:emlt 1M propnly of Sdwltlsllc. Sdwltlslll: '. Platter! State Road 23 and Ironwood lAl'or/uru: Ctttler Copyrigld 1990 SdwlAslic MIIgazint. All righls ,tstrr>

r''I ' f," I' l

Noble Tuber competition. "We need a new rifle for safety reasons," said Paquin. tis often said, innocently enough, that all crisis involving a chambermaid and several The golden mean. Look for this testing 1 I I,' But aren't good rifles usually fairly dangerous? - deadly, even? of us at this university are part of the cans of tomato sauce?" technique in engineering or science courses. I, If you think the potato is just another dirty food with eyes, then Notre Dame Family. I don't think very Death by hand cramp. On this type of The instructor selects some absurdly low '1-, maybe Florian I. Lauer can change your mind. The Chronicle of Toss Spuds McKenzie On The Heap many of us realize the full implications of exam, the questions are easy, but there's not percentage as an appropriate mean score, I-r . this statement. For example, does it mean enough time to answer them. Think of this and designs a test so diffIcult that the com­ ,I Higher Education reported that Lauer, president of the Potato ii - Association of America, spoke at a potato symposium last week in Bust out the marshmellows and Hershey bars. The College Press that the know-it-all in your philosophy class, exam as a speed-writing contest. If you're bined scores of Newton and Einstein would Ii Washington. The Smithsonian Institution and the International Service informs us that state health officials have approved the or that the S. Y.R. date who left you high and taking a class on the Civil War, your profes­ be about fifty percent. The instructor then sets up a generous curve afterrealizing that ,-I Ii: Potato Center sponsored the meeting. Agricultural scientists from University of Iowa's plan to bum 1,000 radioactive dog carcasses. dry are your brother and sister? Let's hope sor might give you fifty minutes to answer a "I around the world discussed cutting edge potato technology such as The pooches were used in medical research and may release 5 to 15 not. Butifwereallyareafamily,whatdowe dozen questions like this one: "Name all the if the entire class flunks, he or she will :i II" recent advances in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and percent of the radioactive tracings they were injectected with during have in common besides a hatred of the major and minor factors which led to the eventually be out of a job as students switch II I, "blackleg," a bacterium that causes potato disease. Lauer said he ,the research. Hope you like your smores well done. Miami Hurricanes, which should come Civil War, beginning with the discovery of to the College of Arts and Letters. ii saw a remarkable consensus among potato scientists about how they naturally to all right-thinking persons? fIre. Do not neglect to mentionthe impact of 11. il should be trying to improve potato production: "Reducing the Thirsty Tree Exams, that's what. Even we Arts and social institutions, economic differences, License to shovel. In many liberal arts II the Compromise, the Kansas­ disciplines, there are no right or wrong an­ i' chemical dependency of the potato." Looks like cold turkey for the Leisure types have to take exams. ii !I hot potato. The first series of exams is rolling around Nebraska Act, the Indiana Blunder, the fall swers, only impressive opinions. There are !i Stanford might have gotten lucky and beaten us in football, but at now, which can be a fun time of the year if of the Roman Empire, the invention of base­ several possible strategies for this type of ;1 least Notre Dame has plenty of water. According to The Stanford I you enjoy taking target practice in the dark. ball, unexpected shifts in the jet stream, and exam: 1) try to come up with an impressive Daily, the University received a $42,000 penalty last month for Unless you have copies of old tests, the first sun spots." opinion of your own (not recommended); 2) i drawing more water than it was allotted. ' IIi a drought-stricken area exam for a new professor is usually a blind You make the call. Most multiple try to parrot your professor' s opinion back to of the country where folks take water conservation seriously, a obstacle course. You don't know what kind choice tests are pretty easy in that the worSt him or her (a safe bet); 3) try to sufficiently report showed Stanford as the only community on the Peninsula to of questions will be asked or what you score you can get is usually twenty-five ,confuse the issue so that your professor will post a net increase in water use. The Irish may no longer be #1, but should study for. The method of examina­ percent. However, some professors may be think your analysis is much more profound il-! ' - our players get to take showers as long as they please. So there. i' tion varies quite a bit from instructor to able to defy the law of averages by making than it really is (going for the shovel). The ! I instructor, butI think most tests will fall into all the potential responses look alike. Your biggest advantage to these exams is that 1 , I Technicolor Yawn As Political Protest one of the following categories. government professor might ask you this there is no point in studying for them. This r1 ' question: is also the biggest disadvantage if you are 1 Trivia master. ,This popular exam tech­ interested in getting a good grade. 'i : Tired of being labelled an apathetic student body? The Reed Quest Ii ' offers us a creative vehicle of social protest: vomit...~ student group nique quizzes students on the insignifIcant !I' -' known as the Reverse Peristalsis Painters demonstrated-ffi':"down­ aspects of the course which have almost Lost in space. On this type of exam, i' il " town Portland, Oregon by fIrst eating color coordinated foods and nothing todo with what the professor em­ perhaps the most deadly of all, it is impos­ That's NotA Toy then drinking syrup of Ipecac. You can guess what follows. The phasizedin class. Let's say you're taking an sible to make sense of the questions, let

I article was unclear as to the reason for the protest,but the ~ainters economics course and the professor devotes alone devise an intelligible answer. No one The Kansan keeps us abreast ofour government's efforts to ensure were successful in splattering the streets with red, white and blue five weeks to discussing the capitalist model knows how instructors come up with these, the safety of our nation. A member of Kansas's Air Force ROTC food. Both spectators and police were present at the demonstration. and only spends fIfteen minutes on commu­ but you can count on facing at least one per . asked the Student Senate finance committee for $948 to fund the The Quest reported that "The police were, of course, confused, and nism. If your professor opts for the trivia semester. I'm expecting several in the next p~chase of new, lighter rifles. Rollie Paquin asked the committee w~re heard to say 'gross' at least twice." Keep up the good work, master method, you might see questions like ,'few weeks. Q members how they expected members of the Air Force ROTC drill g~ Q this: "What was Marx's favorite color, and team to throw the old 2S-pound M-l rifles over their heads duri~g edited by Tim Rogers how did it trigger an embarrassing personal bY,Roger Hipp 4 SCHOLASTIC i OCTOBER 18, 1990 5 I, I d" , i j

r''I ' f," I' l

Noble Tuber competition. "We need a new rifle for safety reasons," said Paquin. tis often said, innocently enough, that all crisis involving a chambermaid and several The golden mean. Look for this testing 1 I I,' But aren't good rifles usually fairly dangerous? - deadly, even? of us at this university are part of the cans of tomato sauce?" technique in engineering or science courses. I, If you think the potato is just another dirty food with eyes, then Notre Dame Family. I don't think very Death by hand cramp. On this type of The instructor selects some absurdly low '1-, maybe Florian I. Lauer can change your mind. The Chronicle of Toss Spuds McKenzie On The Heap many of us realize the full implications of exam, the questions are easy, but there's not percentage as an appropriate mean score, I-r . this statement. For example, does it mean enough time to answer them. Think of this and designs a test so diffIcult that the com­ ,I Higher Education reported that Lauer, president of the Potato ii - Association of America, spoke at a potato symposium last week in Bust out the marshmellows and Hershey bars. The College Press that the know-it-all in your philosophy class, exam as a speed-writing contest. If you're bined scores of Newton and Einstein would Ii Washington. The Smithsonian Institution and the International Service informs us that state health officials have approved the or that the S. Y.R. date who left you high and taking a class on the Civil War, your profes­ be about fifty percent. The instructor then sets up a generous curve afterrealizing that ,-I Ii: Potato Center sponsored the meeting. Agricultural scientists from University of Iowa's plan to bum 1,000 radioactive dog carcasses. dry are your brother and sister? Let's hope sor might give you fifty minutes to answer a "I around the world discussed cutting edge potato technology such as The pooches were used in medical research and may release 5 to 15 not. Butifwereallyareafamily,whatdowe dozen questions like this one: "Name all the if the entire class flunks, he or she will :i II" recent advances in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle and percent of the radioactive tracings they were injectected with during have in common besides a hatred of the major and minor factors which led to the eventually be out of a job as students switch II I, "blackleg," a bacterium that causes potato disease. Lauer said he ,the research. Hope you like your smores well done. Miami Hurricanes, which should come Civil War, beginning with the discovery of to the College of Arts and Letters. ii saw a remarkable consensus among potato scientists about how they naturally to all right-thinking persons? fIre. Do not neglect to mentionthe impact of 11. il should be trying to improve potato production: "Reducing the Thirsty Tree Exams, that's what. Even we Arts and social institutions, economic differences, License to shovel. In many liberal arts II the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas­ disciplines, there are no right or wrong an­ i' chemical dependency of the potato." Looks like cold turkey for the Leisure types have to take exams. ii !I hot potato. The first series of exams is rolling around Nebraska Act, the Indiana Blunder, the fall swers, only impressive opinions. There are !i Stanford might have gotten lucky and beaten us in football, but at now, which can be a fun time of the year if of the Roman Empire, the invention of base­ several possible strategies for this type of ;1 least Notre Dame has plenty of water. According to The Stanford I you enjoy taking target practice in the dark. ball, unexpected shifts in the jet stream, and exam: 1) try to come up with an impressive Daily, the University received a $42,000 penalty last month for Unless you have copies of old tests, the first sun spots." opinion of your own (not recommended); 2) i drawing more water than it was allotted. ' IIi a drought-stricken area exam for a new professor is usually a blind You make the call. Most multiple try to parrot your professor' s opinion back to of the country where folks take water conservation seriously, a obstacle course. You don't know what kind choice tests are pretty easy in that the worSt him or her (a safe bet); 3) try to sufficiently report showed Stanford as the only community on the Peninsula to of questions will be asked or what you score you can get is usually twenty-five ,confuse the issue so that your professor will post a net increase in water use. The Irish may no longer be #1, but should study for. The method of examina­ percent. However, some professors may be think your analysis is much more profound il-! ' - our players get to take showers as long as they please. So there. i' tion varies quite a bit from instructor to able to defy the law of averages by making than it really is (going for the shovel). The ! I instructor, butI think most tests will fall into all the potential responses look alike. Your biggest advantage to these exams is that 1 , I Technicolor Yawn As Political Protest one of the following categories. government professor might ask you this there is no point in studying for them. This r1 ' question: is also the biggest disadvantage if you are 1 Trivia master. ,This popular exam tech­ interested in getting a good grade. 'i : Tired of being labelled an apathetic student body? The Reed Quest Ii ' offers us a creative vehicle of social protest: vomit...~ student group nique quizzes students on the insignifIcant !I' -' known as the Reverse Peristalsis Painters demonstrated-ffi':"down­ aspects of the course which have almost Lost in space. On this type of exam, i' il " town Portland, Oregon by fIrst eating color coordinated foods and nothing todo with what the professor em­ perhaps the most deadly of all, it is impos­ That's NotA Toy then drinking syrup of Ipecac. You can guess what follows. The phasizedin class. Let's say you're taking an sible to make sense of the questions, let

I article was unclear as to the reason for the protest,but the ~ainters economics course and the professor devotes alone devise an intelligible answer. No one The Kansan keeps us abreast ofour government's efforts to ensure were successful in splattering the streets with red, white and blue five weeks to discussing the capitalist model knows how instructors come up with these, the safety of our nation. A member of Kansas's Air Force ROTC food. Both spectators and police were present at the demonstration. and only spends fIfteen minutes on commu­ but you can count on facing at least one per . asked the Student Senate finance committee for $948 to fund the The Quest reported that "The police were, of course, confused, and nism. If your professor opts for the trivia semester. I'm expecting several in the next p~chase of new, lighter rifles. Rollie Paquin asked the committee w~re heard to say 'gross' at least twice." Keep up the good work, master method, you might see questions like ,'few weeks. Q members how they expected members of the Air Force ROTC drill g~ Q this: "What was Marx's favorite color, and team to throw the old 2S-pound M-l rifles over their heads duri~g edited by Tim Rogers how did it trigger an embarrassing personal bY,Roger Hipp 4 SCHOLASTIC i OCTOBER 18, 1990 5 I, I d" Rubaiyat Elektra Records celebrates its 40th Dear Dr. Head: I am an American Studies major and I fear Dear Dr. Head: When I go out with a girl, I am very polite. that after graduation I'll have nothing to look forward to I open her car door first, hold the door for her, let her walk but flipping Big Macs™ and asking, "Would you like fries ahead of me, allow her to order first in a restaurant, and with that?" For this reason I keep watchful for possible anniversary in style dress respectably. In short, I act like a gentleman and treat alternative occupations. Last weekend I think I found my her like a lady. The problem is, I'm short on dates. Women calling. I want to be the TV time out guy. I want upwards seem to prefer men who wear ragged clothes, ask them to of 60,000 people to watch me while I just stand around with pay for dinner, get into the car first, and occasionally tie my arms crossed. My question is this: How do I get to be them up and brand them with hot irons. My question is the TV time out guy? Is there a school that can teach me how this: Why do females continue to date people who treat current status as a relatively by singer . The ace house producers Paul Oak­ to be one? them like South Dining Hall food while ignoring the well­ small label releasing only about groove changes a bit as Phoebe enfeld and Steve Osborne. Ned Holder, sophomore, Flanner. behaved gentlemen who treat them like queens? 25 recordings a year from a pool Snow's funky soul highlights . RuMiyat does have its flaws. John Hatcher, sophomore, Carroll. of incredibly talented and diver­ the excellent "Get Ourselves 10,000 Maniacs' version of Ned, aim high. sified artists. Together." Jackson Browne's "These Not just anybody can be the TV time out guy, technically known in John, why ask why? Get your branding irons hot and get to work. Elektra's commitment to sign­ One of the best songs on this Days" is a real disappointment broadcasting as "the man who calls television time outs for commer- ing innovative, up-and-coming compilation is Carly Simon's Vocalist Natalie Merchant and Dear Dr. Head: In our brief time as freshmen, we have talents seems to have paid off. "You're So Vain," shredded by the band seem to be just going discovered what we feel is an oddity. Why do "they" tum Judging from bands like the metal darlings Faster Pussycat. through the motions instead of off the lights at parietals? We're not complaining, because Cure, who achieved global star­ Alleged singefTaime Downe's making this the great song it it's easier to sneak females in and out, but it does present a scratch-your-face-off vocals potentially could be. Rubdiyat's I dom thanks to a knack for pen­ I­ safety hazard. We have many contusions from bumping ning moody pop songs, Elektra bring back fond memories of real tragedy is the Gipsy Kings' i Rubaiyat r into walls in the dark. Would you consider a flashlight a horrid flamenco version of the Elektra Records is more than willing to take their Carly's smooth delivery of this L prudent investment? Also, why do "they" call them parie­ chances with unique musicians. 1972 hit, but it makes for a great Eagles' "Hotel California." A I tals, anyway? kick off the CD-set tongue-in-cheek addition to this huge classic rock hit like this is 1- Cover versions are a risky 1-- Joseph Adams, lain Gould, Travis Reindl, freshmen, Stan­ business for an artist; they tend tearing through the Doors' clas­ CD. However, the surprise hit better left untouched. Linda ford. either to be blatant rip-offs of the sic "Hello, I Love You." Tracy from Rubdiyat may turn out to Ronstadt's a cappella "The original, or ridiculous attempts Chapman follows with a light­ be John Eddie's fabulous inter­ Blacksmith" is the umpteenth Boys, breaking parietals is against the rules. While I can't condone at applying a new sound to an rock/reggae version of "House pretation of the Cure's "In Be­ song showcasing he already­ such flagrant disregard for authority, I will answer your questions, established "artist's song. of the Rising Sun." Iceland's tween Days." Eddie's voice is acknowledged self-indulgently because that's my job. Rubdiyat.. Elektra Records 40th Sugarcubes perform a hilarious mournful as he laments a lost lovely voice and talent. I: .. The word "parietals" comes from the Greek pariet which means "to anniversary double-CD set is a version of Sailcat's "Motor­ love over a folksy rock-blended This anniversary set is a roller get busy" and als which means "not" 39-song celebration containing cycle Mama," on which Bjork background. His vocals are coaster ride you'll never want to Don't get a flashlight. RA' s are trained to look for that sort of thing. current Elektra artists' versions Gudmunsdottir and Einar Om reminiscent of Springsteen's on get off. Rubdiyat proves thatthe Try night vision goggles. Your. guests will be impressed. of songs made famous by their trade vocal lines like, "Tell your the Tunnel ofLove LP, but make wide variety of artists on the Finally, I thought the reason why "they" tum out the lights was past and present label-mates. daddy and your mama tool no mistake, John Eddie's rendi­ Elektra label - both veterans obvious. It's more fun in the dark. . . The 52-page accompanying you've got better thi!1gs to dol tion of the Cure's hit is truly a and newcomers alike-all have cials." It takes years of dedicated hard work and preparation. booklet superbly outlines ... you'll be the queen of the smash in its own right. British something to con~bute to Mainly, you need to start now on developing the required portly Pay attention to what goes on around you .. Chances are, some ofit Elektra's rather intriguing his­ highway/my motor'cycle stars like Happy Mondays, the today's music scene. This set is , figure ofa TV time out guy. You may have noticed that he looks like will confuse you. That's where Dr. Head can help. Semiyour tory from its beginnings as a mama." A rather odd version of Beautiful South, Howard Jones, definitely worth the time and an upside down Weeble Wobble™. The 'most prestigious time-out­ questions to Dr. Head, care ofScholastic, 303 LaFortune. Include fledgling folk label operating in Paul Butterfield's "Born in Chi­ and Billy Bragg manage to money to listen to. Let's hope guy school is Throckmorton in Spudsville, Idaho. Apply early. your name, year, and address. Ifyou don't want everybody to know' the back of a record shop in the cago" appears courtesy of the handle their covers. Happy for' 40 more years of Elektra They have a rigorous 3-year program wherein they teach the fmer you're perverted, or something, tell the Doc and he'll only use your 1950s,lO its David Geffen-take­ Pixies, complete with bluesy Monday's "Tokoloshe) Man" Records .... , points of standing with your arms crossed untangling headset ~d initials. Dr. Head still reserves the right to do anything to your over in 1973, and finally, its harmonica and muffled vocals particularly shines in part due to by Karen Holderer wires. questions that he wants. 0 6 SCHOLASTIC OCTOBER 18, 1990 7 Rubaiyat Elektra Records celebrates its 40th Dear Dr. Head: I am an American Studies major and I fear Dear Dr. Head: When I go out with a girl, I am very polite. that after graduation I'll have nothing to look forward to I open her car door first, hold the door for her, let her walk but flipping Big Macs™ and asking, "Would you like fries ahead of me, allow her to order first in a restaurant, and with that?" For this reason I keep watchful for possible anniversary in style dress respectably. In short, I act like a gentleman and treat alternative occupations. Last weekend I think I found my her like a lady. The problem is, I'm short on dates. Women calling. I want to be the TV time out guy. I want upwards seem to prefer men who wear ragged clothes, ask them to of 60,000 people to watch me while I just stand around with pay for dinner, get into the car first, and occasionally tie my arms crossed. My question is this: How do I get to be them up and brand them with hot irons. My question is the TV time out guy? Is there a school that can teach me how this: Why do females continue to date people who treat current status as a relatively by singer Black Francis. The ace house producers Paul Oak­ to be one? them like South Dining Hall food while ignoring the well­ small label releasing only about groove changes a bit as Phoebe enfeld and Steve Osborne. Ned Holder, sophomore, Flanner. behaved gentlemen who treat them like queens? 25 recordings a year from a pool Snow's funky soul highlights . RuMiyat does have its flaws. John Hatcher, sophomore, Carroll. of incredibly talented and diver­ the excellent "Get Ourselves 10,000 Maniacs' version of Ned, aim high. sified artists. Together." Jackson Browne's "These Not just anybody can be the TV time out guy, technically known in John, why ask why? Get your branding irons hot and get to work. Elektra's commitment to sign­ One of the best songs on this Days" is a real disappointment broadcasting as "the man who calls television time outs for commer- ing innovative, up-and-coming compilation is Carly Simon's Vocalist Natalie Merchant and Dear Dr. Head: In our brief time as freshmen, we have talents seems to have paid off. "You're So Vain," shredded by the band seem to be just going discovered what we feel is an oddity. Why do "they" tum Judging from bands like the metal darlings Faster Pussycat. through the motions instead of off the lights at parietals? We're not complaining, because Cure, who achieved global star­ Alleged singefTaime Downe's making this the great song it it's easier to sneak females in and out, but it does present a scratch-your-face-off vocals potentially could be. Rubdiyat's I dom thanks to a knack for pen­ I­ safety hazard. We have many contusions from bumping ning moody pop songs, Elektra bring back fond memories of real tragedy is the Gipsy Kings' i Rubaiyat r into walls in the dark. Would you consider a flashlight a horrid flamenco version of the Elektra Records is more than willing to take their Carly's smooth delivery of this L prudent investment? Also, why do "they" call them parie­ chances with unique musicians. 1972 hit, but it makes for a great Eagles' "Hotel California." A I tals, anyway? The Cure kick off the CD-set tongue-in-cheek addition to this huge classic rock hit like this is 1- Cover versions are a risky 1-- Joseph Adams, lain Gould, Travis Reindl, freshmen, Stan­ business for an artist; they tend tearing through the Doors' clas­ CD. However, the surprise hit better left untouched. Linda ford. either to be blatant rip-offs of the sic "Hello, I Love You." Tracy from Rubdiyat may turn out to Ronstadt's a cappella "The original, or ridiculous attempts Chapman follows with a light­ be John Eddie's fabulous inter­ Blacksmith" is the umpteenth Boys, breaking parietals is against the rules. While I can't condone at applying a new sound to an rock/reggae version of "House pretation of the Cure's "In Be­ song showcasing he already­ such flagrant disregard for authority, I will answer your questions, established "artist's song. of the Rising Sun." Iceland's tween Days." Eddie's voice is acknowledged self-indulgently because that's my job. Rubdiyat.. Elektra Records 40th Sugarcubes perform a hilarious mournful as he laments a lost lovely voice and talent. I: .. The word "parietals" comes from the Greek pariet which means "to anniversary double-CD set is a version of Sailcat's "Motor­ love over a folksy rock-blended This anniversary set is a roller get busy" and als which means "not" 39-song celebration containing cycle Mama," on which Bjork background. His vocals are coaster ride you'll never want to Don't get a flashlight. RA' s are trained to look for that sort of thing. current Elektra artists' versions Gudmunsdottir and Einar Om reminiscent of Springsteen's on get off. Rubdiyat proves thatthe Try night vision goggles. Your. guests will be impressed. of songs made famous by their trade vocal lines like, "Tell your the Tunnel ofLove LP, but make wide variety of artists on the Finally, I thought the reason why "they" tum out the lights was past and present label-mates. daddy and your mama tool no mistake, John Eddie's rendi­ Elektra label - both veterans obvious. It's more fun in the dark. . . The 52-page accompanying you've got better thi!1gs to dol tion of the Cure's hit is truly a and newcomers alike-all have cials." It takes years of dedicated hard work and preparation. booklet superbly outlines ... you'll be the queen of the smash in its own right. British something to con~bute to Mainly, you need to start now on developing the required portly Pay attention to what goes on around you .. Chances are, some ofit Elektra's rather intriguing his­ highway/my motor'cycle stars like Happy Mondays, the today's music scene. This set is , figure ofa TV time out guy. You may have noticed that he looks like will confuse you. That's where Dr. Head can help. Semiyour tory from its beginnings as a mama." A rather odd version of Beautiful South, Howard Jones, definitely worth the time and an upside down Weeble Wobble™. The 'most prestigious time-out­ questions to Dr. Head, care ofScholastic, 303 LaFortune. Include fledgling folk label operating in Paul Butterfield's "Born in Chi­ and Billy Bragg manage to money to listen to. Let's hope guy school is Throckmorton in Spudsville, Idaho. Apply early. your name, year, and address. Ifyou don't want everybody to know' the back of a record shop in the cago" appears courtesy of the handle their covers. Happy for' 40 more years of Elektra They have a rigorous 3-year program wherein they teach the fmer you're perverted, or something, tell the Doc and he'll only use your 1950s,lO its David Geffen-take­ Pixies, complete with bluesy Monday's "Tokoloshe) Man" Records .... , points of standing with your arms crossed untangling headset ~d initials. Dr. Head still reserves the right to do anything to your over in 1973, and finally, its harmonica and muffled vocals particularly shines in part due to by Karen Holderer wires. questions that he wants. 0 6 SCHOLASTIC OCTOBER 18, 1990 7 "..; '. ,~ • r . '. -,- 'IiI' I'·

11 I: II II I, I! Ii II, I I I The Jrllnce W~~ceIfIlJ)(Q)y~ Ii

II Ii continue their journey into II !I I the ethereal on Heaven or I :1, ,I ! Las. Vegas and MUSIC NEWS

any just to salve my ten­ aspect of their music more than real pop. After their first domes­ "Fifty-Fifty Clown," a piece Knoll and re-establishes the boys deliver better than any of in a new album by Lard, entitled sions and frustrations from yet , the rock. The seven man outfit tic release, 1988's Blue Bell utilizing an R&B-like melody, Cocteau Twins at the forefront their Irish compatriots in the The Last Temptation of Reid. another week ofclasses. I know, from the Emerald Isle stomp and Knoll, the Twins have released along with basic high/low har­ of the British ethereal world, this album is a , follow­ I know - it's an evil attitude, jig their way through seventeen another domestic, major label monies and conventional key­ movement, where the must buy. ing their summer and fall singles searching out music just to bash tracks, with lyrical topics rang­ by Randy Christopher and the re-release of their hard­ work entitled Heaven or Las Ve­ board sounds. The opening work of Guthrie ~d Raymonde something to make myself feel ing from love to epic heroes. gas. Certain elements are pretty track, "Cherry Coloured ," was considered some of the to-find second album State of good. But ElY try nervously The spirit of is embodied much the same, such as Frasier's offers a lower, more sultry and most influential. However, with MUSIC Mind, is expected to release a roaming the campus to find in every one of these songs. angelic yet powerful vocals, restrained voice for' Frasier. a 'move 'towards more conven­ new album. A Split Second are someting to review at the last 's infectious vocals indistinguishable lyrics which "Pitch the Baby" is a more tional sounds, the Cocteaus NEWS going strong on their new minute before a deadline. It's entrance the listener as they weave a web of bizarre allitera­ danceable piece with quicker tread dangerous ground where album, Kiss of Fury, and the not fun. I found a record which weave their mystical stories to Industrial Update: Expect a tion, otherworldly strummed or vocals, flanged ,guitar and key­ their, successful formula is single ''Firewalker.'' KMFDM I thought was worthy of my thebackdropoftheband'smusi­ new album from horror-noise Cocteau Twins distorted , and produc­ boards, and a funky bass and quickly aging and threatening a have a new album, Native. wicked scheme in the new Wa­ cally tight performances. masters in time tion which makes every Cocteau drum line. "Road, River, and rut. Hopefully, on their next In other news: after all the terboys' release, Room to Roam. After listening to Room to for Halloween (tentatively titled Twins song ajourney into mood. Rail" and "Frou Frou Foxes in album they will try something rumors of breakups and solo Mter almost ten years as van­ To my pleasant' surprise, Roam a couple of times, several On Heaven or Las Vegas, Midsummer Fires" offer a con­ different "'') and a visit to , the Cure are back with guards of 4AD's bizarre world though, I found that I would tracks stand out substantially on November 2, an however, Frasier makes much trast with soulful, moody vocals by Jason L. Winslade a new single, "Never Enough," of ethereal atmospherics, along rather laud the band's work on above the rest. In particular, the event not to be missed. Skinny and an upcoming album entitled with the likes of Modem,Eng­ more use of her lower register, and a darker tinge in the softer, this magnificent display of tune "Islandman," although Puppy's Cevin Key and Mixed Up. They also have a lish, Bauhaus, and Dead Can and a small amount of English is yet more distorted guitar, and musicianship. only two minutes long, creates a Dwayne Gottel, along with cover of the Doors' "Hello, I Dance, the Cocteau Twins are decipherable amongst the . Like the older Cocteau words, even though the lyrics Twins style, these songs build Even though th~ band's latest vivid image of the British Isles producer David Love You" on the Elektra still prOducing works that are effort comes on the heels of their are still basically written to flow into a powerful sound that rises asaman. Another song, "A Life Ogilvie had previously been compilation RuMiyat. The Je­ innovative and that float just a acclaimed but somewhat of Sundays," demonstrates the off Frasier's tongue in spirals happily to heaven on a wave of busy on a known as sus and Mary Chain are al­ few feet off the ground. With disappointing Fisherman's band's ability to lay down a rock Hilt, and their album Call The ready back with a new album on Gothic distortion as a starting and filigrees, for aural and mood convoluted guitar and voice. Blues, have tune when they feel the urge. Ambulance Before I Hurt My­ the import charts entitled point in their debut album, Gar­ purposes rather than for any The Twins are at their strongest continued to strive in the same So, as my change in attitude self, is currently in the top spOt RollerCoaster. Hex, the projeCt lands, the Twins have devel­ message. The phrase "chopped when this blend is perfected, , " direction that made them col­ shows, even the worst of inten­ on the' import independent of Steve Kilbey of the Church oped their sound into such forms cherry coal to burn this whole using Frasier's voice as an in­ lege-radio favorites.', Through tions can tum to naught in the charts. Fresh from his successes and Donette Thayer of Game as blissful sigh on 1986's Victo­ madhouse down" in the disc's strument, in a scat-Iikejumbleof the band's hiStory, their music face of something as good and as with the 's lat- ' Theory, has a new album, and rialand, and new age in The fIrst single (not released on al­ sounds and feelings. Frasier's has always been a fascinating powerful as the Waterboys , esl album Beers, Steers, and Morrissey, the crooner every­ Moon and The Melodies, their, bum) "," is typical voice takes on a less-treated and Room to Roam synthesis of the lilting sounds of Room to Roam; . It might take' a Queers; and Ministry's liveEP, one either worships or hates, collaboration with psychedelic of the Twins' rather bizarre lyr­ earthier quality due to her wider Celtic , and the rudi­ while for some listeners to truly Chicago's own -psy­ should have an actual album out pianist Harold Budd. Many ics and song titles., More con­ use of ner .lower register, and I'd be the fIrSt one to admit that ments of good,' old-fashioned enjoy this album, but if you're choAI Jourgansen's latest in November, and may even other works, like 1985's Pink ventional melodies are used in less production. Heaven or Las my intentions for this review rock and roll. The new album, into the unique blend of rock and project is' a reunion with 'the (gasp!) tour. , Opaque, have established the songs such as "Fotzepolitic," Vegas surpasses the weaker, were far from wholesome. I was however, emphasizes the folk Celtic folk which The Water- Dead Kennedys' JeUo Biarra, by Jason L. Winslade Twins' style as sticky, yet ethe- ''Wolf in the Breast," and in subdued works on Blue Bell really in the mood to chew up


------~====------~ - - --- <. ------"..; '. ,~ • r . '. -,- 'IiI' I'·

11 I: II II I, I! Ii II, I I I The Cocteau Twins Jrllnce W~~ceIfIlJ)(Q)y~ Ii

II Ii continue their journey into Room to Roam II !I I the ethereal on Heaven or I :1, ,I ! Las. Vegas and MUSIC NEWS

any album just to salve my ten­ aspect of their music more than real pop. After their first domes­ "Fifty-Fifty Clown," a piece Knoll and re-establishes the boys deliver better than any of in a new album by Lard, entitled sions and frustrations from yet , the rock. The seven man outfit tic release, 1988's Blue Bell utilizing an R&B-like melody, Cocteau Twins at the forefront their Irish compatriots in the The Last Temptation of Reid. another week ofclasses. I know, from the Emerald Isle stomp and Knoll, the Twins have released along with basic high/low har­ of the British ethereal pop music world, this album is a Front Line Assembly, follow­ I know - it's an evil attitude, jig their way through seventeen another domestic, major label monies and conventional key­ movement, where the guitar must buy. ing their summer and fall singles searching out music just to bash tracks, with lyrical topics rang­ by Randy Christopher and the re-release of their hard­ work entitled Heaven or Las Ve­ board sounds. The opening work of Guthrie ~d Raymonde something to make myself feel ing from love to epic heroes. gas. Certain elements are pretty track, "Cherry Coloured Funk," was considered some of the to-find second album State of good. But ElY try nervously The spirit of Ireland is embodied much the same, such as Frasier's offers a lower, more sultry and most influential. However, with MUSIC Mind, is expected to release a roaming the campus to find in every one of these songs. angelic yet powerful vocals, restrained voice for' Frasier. a 'move 'towards more conven­ new album. A Split Second are someting to review at the last Mike Scott's infectious vocals indistinguishable lyrics which "Pitch the Baby" is a more tional sounds, the Cocteaus NEWS going strong on their new minute before a deadline. It's entrance the listener as they weave a web of bizarre allitera­ danceable piece with quicker tread dangerous ground where album, Kiss of Fury, and the not fun. I found a record which weave their mystical stories to Industrial Update: Expect a tion, otherworldly strummed or vocals, flanged ,guitar and key­ their, successful formula is single ''Firewalker.'' KMFDM I thought was worthy of my thebackdropoftheband'smusi­ new album from horror-noise Cocteau Twins distorted guitars, and produc­ boards, and a funky bass and quickly aging and threatening a have a new album, Native. wicked scheme in the new Wa­ cally tight performances. masters Skinny Puppy in time Heaven or Las Vegas tion which makes every Cocteau drum line. "Road, River, and rut. Hopefully, on their next In other news: after all the terboys' release, Room to Roam. After listening to Room to for Halloween (tentatively titled Twins song ajourney into mood. Rail" and "Frou Frou Foxes in album they will try something rumors of breakups and solo Mter almost ten years as van­ To my pleasant' surprise, Roam a couple of times, several On Heaven or Las Vegas, Midsummer Fires" offer a con­ different "Too Dark Park'') and a visit to albums, the Cure are back with guards of 4AD's bizarre world though, I found that I would tracks stand out substantially Chicago on November 2, an however, Frasier makes much trast with soulful, moody vocals by Jason L. Winslade a new single, "Never Enough," of ethereal atmospherics, along rather laud the band's work on above the rest. In particular, the event not to be missed. Skinny and an upcoming album entitled with the likes of Modem,Eng­ more use of her lower register, and a darker tinge in the softer, this magnificent display of tune "Islandman," although Puppy's Cevin Key and Mixed Up. They also have a lish, Bauhaus, and Dead Can and a small amount of English is yet more distorted guitar, and musicianship. only two minutes long, creates a Dwayne Gottel, along with cover of the Doors' "Hello, I Dance, the Cocteau Twins are decipherable amongst the piano. Like the older Cocteau words, even though the lyrics Twins style, these songs build Even though th~ band's latest vivid image of the British Isles Nettwerk producer David Love You" on the Elektra still prOducing works that are effort comes on the heels of their are still basically written to flow into a powerful sound that rises asaman. Another song, "A Life Ogilvie had previously been compilation RuMiyat. The Je­ innovative and that float just a acclaimed but somewhat of Sundays," demonstrates the off Frasier's tongue in spirals happily to heaven on a wave of busy on a side project known as sus and Mary Chain are al­ few feet off the ground. With disappointing Fisherman's band's ability to lay down a rock Hilt, and their album Call The ready back with a new album on Gothic distortion as a starting and filigrees, for aural and mood convoluted guitar and voice. Blues, The Waterboys have tune when they feel the urge. Ambulance Before I Hurt My­ the import charts entitled point in their debut album, Gar­ purposes rather than for any The Twins are at their strongest continued to strive in the same So, as my change in attitude self, is currently in the top spOt RollerCoaster. Hex, the projeCt lands, the Twins have devel­ message. The phrase "chopped when this blend is perfected, , " direction that made them col­ shows, even the worst of inten­ on the' import independent of Steve Kilbey of the Church oped their sound into such forms cherry coal to burn this whole using Frasier's voice as an in­ lege-radio favorites.', Through tions can tum to naught in the charts. Fresh from his successes and Donette Thayer of Game as blissful sigh on 1986's Victo­ madhouse down" in the disc's strument, in a scat-Iikejumbleof the band's hiStory, their music face of something as good and as with the Revolting Cocks's lat- ' Theory, has a new album, and rialand, and new age in The fIrst single (not released on al­ sounds and feelings. Frasier's has always been a fascinating powerful as the Waterboys , esl album Beers, Steers, and Morrissey, the crooner every­ Moon and The Melodies, their, bum) "Iceblink Luck," is typical voice takes on a less-treated and Room to Roam synthesis of the lilting sounds of Room to Roam; . It might take' a Queers; and Ministry's liveEP, one either worships or hates, collaboration with psychedelic of the Twins' rather bizarre lyr­ earthier quality due to her wider Celtic folk music, and the rudi­ while for some listeners to truly Chicago's own techno-psy­ should have an actual album out pianist Harold Budd. Many ics and song titles., More con­ use of ner .lower register, and I'd be the fIrSt one to admit that ments of good,' old-fashioned enjoy this album, but if you're choAI Jourgansen's latest in November, and may even other works, like 1985's Pink ventional melodies are used in less production. Heaven or Las my intentions for this review rock and roll. The new album, into the unique blend of rock and project is' a reunion with 'the (gasp!) tour. , Opaque, have established the songs such as "Fotzepolitic," Vegas surpasses the weaker, were far from wholesome. I was however, emphasizes the folk Celtic folk which The Water- Dead Kennedys' JeUo Biarra, by Jason L. Winslade Twins' style as sticky, yet ethe- ''Wolf in the Breast," and in subdued works on Blue Bell really in the mood to chew up


------~====------~ - - --- <. ------2

The "Economic Issues of Disarmament" Engineering conference will be the first time such a Seminar Works for prestigious group has met to examine the subject. The event is being organized by the .. ~ Better World .Institute for InternationalPeace Studies, and Economists Against the Arms Race. A seminar on creative partnerships GoodFellas between local businesses and Notre Dame entitled "Engineering for a Better World,': will be hosted by the College ofEngineerillg Martin Scorsese directs on Monday, October 22. a fascinating of ";i I:! • :1 the Mafia 1,1 1 :i : ,ilI'I "As far back as I could remember, I always camera angles to the disembodied rock girl's nearly fatal attraction to Henry. Joe II Pesci, as Henry's cohort Tommy, comes off wanted to be a gangster," says Henry Hill, music that often lingers in the background, The conference will include sessions on: as a cross between comedian Buddy Hackett the protagonist of GoodFellas, in the Scorsese makes this picture a truly sensual the economics of the military sector and its and Rambo, constantly wisecracking while movie's gruesome opening scene. Although experience. The thread of narration by conversion; mutual disarmament in NATO displaying a dangerous disregard for life and this scene may make you lose your lunch and Liotta which links this picture together is and WTO countries; effects of disarmament mafia honor. Paul Sorvino, who plays the want to leave the theater, stick around. This another interesting effect that makes Goo­ on international trade flows; disarmament dFellas more like a diary than an autobiog­ mafia boss Paulie Cicero, does an outstand­ is one flick well worth sitting through. and Third World development; the raphy. Scorsese even uses still shots, like ing job of brooding, grumbling, and making macroeconomics of disannament; the snapshots, to focus attention on Liotta's. the audience believe that he is the truly GoodFellas, the mafia saga based on Jon­ historical dynamics of the U.S. military narration at key points during the film. This fearful character that one would expect the The seminar will explore the athan Pileggi's non-fiction best-seller budget; and the environmental impact of Wiseguy, is a two-and-a-half-hour long look lifelike realism is especially evident during head of a mafia family. to be. opportunities for businesses to use the diverse capabilities, unique research disarmament. into every aspect of mafia life. The story the "downfall" scene, which details from The conference is co-sponsored by the start to finish the day that Hill was nabbed by . GoodFellas, for all of its amazing charac­ facilities and resources available at Notre traces the criminal career of Henry Hill ~ay Center for the Study of Contemporary the F.B.1. for dealing cocaine. The viewer is terization, morbid fascination, and visual . Dame, while developing both technology' Liotta), a half-Irish, half-Sicilian kid from Society, the Helen Kellogg Institute for put inside the mind of the coked-out Henry imagery, is lacking in one major element: and future engineers. The goal of the Brooklyn who first enters the mafia at about International Studies, the College of by means of intense visual effects as he plot. The story rambles from incident to program is establishing and developing age 13. Within a few years, Henry drops Business Administration, and the careens from gun drop-offs to picking up incident, tracing the c::har~cter of Henry Hill mutually beneficial partnerships. - school entirely and begins his plunge into Department of Economics. the supposedly glamorous life of a mobster. cocaine from his deranged, addicted girl­ all along. Although the film is somewhat For more infannation, contact Julie The really striking part of this movie is that friend to returning home to cook a family autobiographical, you might not realize it Parsons at the College of Engineering at it's based on anon-fiction account, provided dinner and arranging for the babysitter to. right off the bat, and the lack of continuity in 239-7768. I by an informant who is still living under the smuggle cocaine onto a commercial airliner. the story line does become annoying at Shakespearean r Witness Protection Plan. The tales of hits, The overall effect of the scene makes the times. Not until the story of the Lufthansa heists, scams, and drug deals all become viewer a first-hand witness to the downfall heist and the apocalyptic "bust" scene at the Actors Display terrifyingly fascinating when you consider of a mafia member from all of the excesses end is there any particular ev'ent which con­ Economists Tackle I that all of this stuff really happened .. From of a life of crime. Scorsese's direction sumes more than· fifteen minutes of screen Talents at ND I, the glimpses of family life (narrated by beautifully illustrates the paranoia and time. War and Peace - ! - I Hill's spunky Jewish wife, Karen, played by drugged -out stupor of Henry. Issues, Discuss Actors from the London Stage will Lorraine Bracco) to the gruesome, seem­ Nonetheless, GoodFellas shouldb~ taken ingly senseless slayings of comrades, this The cast of GoodF ellas is stellar. Robert more as a cinematic portrait than a crime Disarmament perfonn a five-actor, full-length version of movie keeps the viewer enthralled. De Niro turns in a top-rate performance as story. The combination of directing and Shakespeare's "As You Like It" November Jimmy Conway, Hill's mentor and fellow acting is a truly pot~nt one. GoodF ellas will 1 and 2at 8 p.m. in Washington Hall. be talked about for quite some time as yet Each member of the touring ensemble Striking visual and audio effects by master Irishman in the mob. The character of Hill's A group of internationally prominent director Martin Scorsese also fuel the inten­ wife, Karen, is one of the key players in the another credit to director Scorsese. 0 will perform several roles in the course of economists will gather NoveQ'lber 30 the play, emphasizing the versatility of sity of GoodFelias. From his use of still story, and actress Lorraine Bracco does a through December 1 at Notre Dame to shots, voice-over narration, and bizarre great job of portraying the naive Jewish by Dave Holsinger classically trained actors. The actors, discuss the economics of war and peace. Miranda Foster, David Howey, Alison


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The "Economic Issues of Disarmament" Engineering conference will be the first time such a Seminar Works for prestigious group has met to examine the subject. The event is being organized by the .. ~ Better World .Institute for InternationalPeace Studies, and Economists Against the Arms Race. A seminar on creative partnerships GoodFellas between local businesses and Notre Dame entitled "Engineering for a Better World,': will be hosted by the College ofEngineerillg Martin Scorsese directs on Monday, October 22. a fascinating portrait of ";i I:! • :1 the Mafia 1,1 1 :i : ,ilI'I "As far back as I could remember, I always camera angles to the disembodied rock girl's nearly fatal attraction to Henry. Joe II Pesci, as Henry's cohort Tommy, comes off wanted to be a gangster," says Henry Hill, music that often lingers in the background, The conference will include sessions on: as a cross between comedian Buddy Hackett the protagonist of GoodFellas, in the Scorsese makes this picture a truly sensual the economics of the military sector and its and Rambo, constantly wisecracking while movie's gruesome opening scene. Although experience. The thread of narration by conversion; mutual disarmament in NATO displaying a dangerous disregard for life and this scene may make you lose your lunch and Liotta which links this picture together is and WTO countries; effects of disarmament mafia honor. Paul Sorvino, who plays the want to leave the theater, stick around. This another interesting effect that makes Goo­ on international trade flows; disarmament dFellas more like a diary than an autobiog­ mafia boss Paulie Cicero, does an outstand­ is one flick well worth sitting through. and Third World development; the raphy. Scorsese even uses still shots, like ing job of brooding, grumbling, and making macroeconomics of disannament; the snapshots, to focus attention on Liotta's. the audience believe that he is the truly GoodFellas, the mafia saga based on Jon­ historical dynamics of the U.S. military narration at key points during the film. This fearful character that one would expect the The seminar will explore the athan Pileggi's non-fiction best-seller budget; and the environmental impact of Wiseguy, is a two-and-a-half-hour long look lifelike realism is especially evident during head of a mafia family. to be. opportunities for businesses to use the diverse capabilities, unique research disarmament. into every aspect of mafia life. The story the "downfall" scene, which details from The conference is co-sponsored by the start to finish the day that Hill was nabbed by . GoodFellas, for all of its amazing charac­ facilities and resources available at Notre traces the criminal career of Henry Hill ~ay Center for the Study of Contemporary the F.B.1. for dealing cocaine. The viewer is terization, morbid fascination, and visual . Dame, while developing both technology' Liotta), a half-Irish, half-Sicilian kid from Society, the Helen Kellogg Institute for put inside the mind of the coked-out Henry imagery, is lacking in one major element: and future engineers. The goal of the Brooklyn who first enters the mafia at about International Studies, the College of by means of intense visual effects as he plot. The story rambles from incident to program is establishing and developing age 13. Within a few years, Henry drops Business Administration, and the careens from gun drop-offs to picking up incident, tracing the c::har~cter of Henry Hill mutually beneficial partnerships. - school entirely and begins his plunge into Department of Economics. the supposedly glamorous life of a mobster. cocaine from his deranged, addicted girl­ all along. Although the film is somewhat For more infannation, contact Julie The really striking part of this movie is that friend to returning home to cook a family autobiographical, you might not realize it Parsons at the College of Engineering at it's based on anon-fiction account, provided dinner and arranging for the babysitter to. right off the bat, and the lack of continuity in 239-7768. I by an informant who is still living under the smuggle cocaine onto a commercial airliner. the story line does become annoying at Shakespearean r Witness Protection Plan. The tales of hits, The overall effect of the scene makes the times. Not until the story of the Lufthansa heists, scams, and drug deals all become viewer a first-hand witness to the downfall heist and the apocalyptic "bust" scene at the Actors Display terrifyingly fascinating when you consider of a mafia member from all of the excesses end is there any particular ev'ent which con­ Economists Tackle I that all of this stuff really happened .. From of a life of crime. Scorsese's direction sumes more than· fifteen minutes of screen Talents at ND I, the glimpses of family life (narrated by beautifully illustrates the paranoia and time. War and Peace - ! - I Hill's spunky Jewish wife, Karen, played by drugged -out stupor of Henry. Issues, Discuss Actors from the London Stage will Lorraine Bracco) to the gruesome, seem­ Nonetheless, GoodFellas shouldb~ taken ingly senseless slayings of comrades, this The cast of GoodF ellas is stellar. Robert more as a cinematic portrait than a crime Disarmament perfonn a five-actor, full-length version of movie keeps the viewer enthralled. De Niro turns in a top-rate performance as story. The combination of directing and Shakespeare's "As You Like It" November Jimmy Conway, Hill's mentor and fellow acting is a truly pot~nt one. GoodF ellas will 1 and 2at 8 p.m. in Washington Hall. be talked about for quite some time as yet Each member of the touring ensemble Striking visual and audio effects by master Irishman in the mob. The character of Hill's A group of internationally prominent director Martin Scorsese also fuel the inten­ wife, Karen, is one of the key players in the another credit to director Scorsese. 0 will perform several roles in the course of economists will gather NoveQ'lber 30 the play, emphasizing the versatility of sity of GoodFelias. From his use of still story, and actress Lorraine Bracco does a through December 1 at Notre Dame to shots, voice-over narration, and bizarre great job of portraying the naive Jewish by Dave Holsinger classically trained actors. The actors, discuss the economics of war and peace. Miranda Foster, David Howey, Alison


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Skilbeck, Geoffrey Church and Stephen J.M. Synge, Sean O'Casey and Brian Friel, Jenn, are from the Royal Shakespeare with amusing and revealing remarks by Company, the National Theatre of Great critics and scholars. Britain, and the BBC Shakespeare Series. The performances are a culmination of a week's residency at the University. The actors will arrive in South Bend on Monday Bill of Rights Dies; October 29 and meet with faculty members of the English, sociology and Student Government Communication and Theatre departments. I Throughout the week they will make guest Proposes Changes appearances in a number of classes to toDu Lac 1 discuss their work. Two actors will also present free recitals. Matthew Hall tells I· • II ' Geoffrey Church will perform "Yeats: A .,',. Student Government will be proposing of his experiences " Passionate Life" on October 30 at 4 p.m. in iii', ' some changes to DuLac in the upcoming I ' ' the Hesburgh Library auditorium, and !j: David Howey will perform "This England" weeks. in Calcutta Ij' :" '" said to be "unusable in that form." In order IT . October 31 at 7:30 p.m., same place. Specifically, the issues of Judicial Board to effect some permanent change, Student Ii, The actors will also present a modem review, freedom of the press, and collective ~ . Government decided to go straight to program, "Kathleen ni Houlihan's Son and punishment will be addressed. This action DuLac. Watch this space after break for a held a dead baby in my arms today. Da1;lghters" (scenes from 20th century Irish grows out oflast year's attempt at a student detailed report. I This baby had died along with its mother Theatre).by Sam Dale, on November 3 at 8 Bill o.f Rights. and father when a sudden gas leak surprised The Bill of Rights was shot down p.m. The performance will feature dramatic the sleeping inhabitants of the slum. because. of its vagueness and because it was compiled by TraGi Taghon readings from the works of Stewart Parker, Noxious fumes had managed to turn the baby's soft, brown eyes into silver, lifeless orbs. The small mouth, open as if in a last gasp for air, was now covered by a tiny coating of dust and filth. This fragile body I wrapped in a cloth and gingerly carried toward the ambulance. The body seemed .too light for something that had only scant .,0- 1.80 at. Exit 77 hours before possessed so much life and The Dying House, where Matt spent a great deal of his time In India. 52825 US 33 N. spirit. Death had come in the blink of an eye, are adorned with framed ink sketches of the Brothers, who.live.ther lives dedicated to a South Bend, IN but such is the way of life for the people of Way of the Cross. For the next hour anda Calcutta. What in the world was I doing "joyous life of poverty and service to the poor," are loosely the male equivalent to half, the sound of men praying together to here? I tried to recall the reason, but all I their God echoes throughout the little 272-9000 M:other Theresa and .her Sisters of Charity. could think of were the baby's eyes. building. Each Brother asks for the love and They took me in and introduced me to the Faced with a two-month spring break compassion to meet the challenges of the "City of Joy." away from 's Sophia University, day. I too am looking for the strength; where I was continuing my sophomore year *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST The soft tinkling of.a bell arouses me out of Christ's strength and peace are what I need in Japan studies, I decided to take advantage in order to deal with this lifestyle so different *PRIV ATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS of a professor's advice and travel to a light sleep. I glance at my watch and try to come to terms with the fact thatitis only 4: 15 from anything I have ever known . *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN . Calcutta, India. My only inspiration at the After morning prayer, the Brothers walk time came from a Time magazine interview AM. Outside my room, which is situated on *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) the roof of the Brothers' three story home, three and a halfblocks to St. Ignatius church. 1/ of Mother Theresa. When I read about this try dark fqrms begin to rise and stretch under the Along the way I not to stare at the people *FREE LOCAL CALLS fantastic woman, the degree to which she let bathing at the sidewalk water pumps; the go and let G<>d guide her life, I resolved to go gray, pre-dawn sky. Groggily, I get up and *KITCHENEITE'S move (owards the spigot where the Brothers brown-skinned children defecating in the to Calcutta and get a taste of this life among gutters; the mangy,. half-starved dogs *LAUNDRY :It the poorest of the poor. are busy washing, brushing, and scrubbing. ,II The cold water wakes me up and prepares foraging among the refuse; and the already *AAA AND MOBILE RATED Through connections in Tokyo, I was bustling mothers who are lighting the small, lucky enough to receive accommodations me for the morning prayer. The second floor hall where the Brothers dung-fueled cooking fires that will give the with the Missionary Brothers of Charity in slums a distinct, pungent odor. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: the Khidderpore district of Calcutta. The pray has no furniture, but the pale blue walls

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Skilbeck, Geoffrey Church and Stephen J.M. Synge, Sean O'Casey and Brian Friel, Jenn, are from the Royal Shakespeare with amusing and revealing remarks by Company, the National Theatre of Great critics and scholars. Britain, and the BBC Shakespeare Series. The performances are a culmination of a week's residency at the University. The actors will arrive in South Bend on Monday Bill of Rights Dies; October 29 and meet with faculty members of the English, sociology and Student Government Communication and Theatre departments. I Throughout the week they will make guest Proposes Changes appearances in a number of classes to toDu Lac 1 discuss their work. Two actors will also present free recitals. Matthew Hall tells I· • II ' Geoffrey Church will perform "Yeats: A .,',. Student Government will be proposing of his experiences " Passionate Life" on October 30 at 4 p.m. in iii', ' some changes to DuLac in the upcoming I ' ' the Hesburgh Library auditorium, and !j: David Howey will perform "This England" weeks. in Calcutta Ij' :" '" said to be "unusable in that form." In order IT . October 31 at 7:30 p.m., same place. Specifically, the issues of Judicial Board to effect some permanent change, Student Ii, The actors will also present a modem review, freedom of the press, and collective ~ . Government decided to go straight to program, "Kathleen ni Houlihan's Son and punishment will be addressed. This action DuLac. Watch this space after break for a held a dead baby in my arms today. Da1;lghters" (scenes from 20th century Irish grows out oflast year's attempt at a student detailed report. I This baby had died along with its mother Theatre).by Sam Dale, on November 3 at 8 Bill o.f Rights. and father when a sudden gas leak surprised The Bill of Rights was shot down p.m. The performance will feature dramatic the sleeping inhabitants of the slum. because. of its vagueness and because it was compiled by TraGi Taghon readings from the works of Stewart Parker, Noxious fumes had managed to turn the baby's soft, brown eyes into silver, lifeless orbs. The small mouth, open as if in a last gasp for air, was now covered by a tiny coating of dust and filth. This fragile body I wrapped in a cloth and gingerly carried toward the ambulance. The body seemed .too light for something that had only scant .,0- 1.80 at. Exit 77 hours before possessed so much life and The Dying House, where Matt spent a great deal of his time In India. 52825 US 33 N. spirit. Death had come in the blink of an eye, are adorned with framed ink sketches of the Brothers, who.live.ther lives dedicated to a South Bend, IN but such is the way of life for the people of Way of the Cross. For the next hour anda Calcutta. What in the world was I doing "joyous life of poverty and service to the poor," are loosely the male equivalent to half, the sound of men praying together to here? I tried to recall the reason, but all I their God echoes throughout the little 272-9000 M:other Theresa and .her Sisters of Charity. could think of were the baby's eyes. building. Each Brother asks for the love and They took me in and introduced me to the Faced with a two-month spring break compassion to meet the challenges of the "City of Joy." away from Tokyo's Sophia University, day. I too am looking for the strength; where I was continuing my sophomore year *FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST The soft tinkling of.a bell arouses me out of Christ's strength and peace are what I need in Japan studies, I decided to take advantage in order to deal with this lifestyle so different *PRIV ATE IN ROOM JACUZZI SPAS of a professor's advice and travel to a light sleep. I glance at my watch and try to come to terms with the fact thatitis only 4: 15 from anything I have ever known . *FREE HBO, CNN, ESPN . Calcutta, India. My only inspiration at the After morning prayer, the Brothers walk time came from a Time magazine interview AM. Outside my room, which is situated on *IN ROOM MOVIESNCR (over 50 titles) the roof of the Brothers' three story home, three and a halfblocks to St. Ignatius church. 1/ of Mother Theresa. When I read about this try dark fqrms begin to rise and stretch under the Along the way I not to stare at the people *FREE LOCAL CALLS fantastic woman, the degree to which she let bathing at the sidewalk water pumps; the go and let G<>d guide her life, I resolved to go gray, pre-dawn sky. Groggily, I get up and *KITCHENEITE'S move (owards the spigot where the Brothers brown-skinned children defecating in the to Calcutta and get a taste of this life among gutters; the mangy,. half-starved dogs *LAUNDRY :It the poorest of the poor. are busy washing, brushing, and scrubbing. ,II The cold water wakes me up and prepares foraging among the refuse; and the already *AAA AND MOBILE RATED Through connections in Tokyo, I was bustling mothers who are lighting the small, lucky enough to receive accommodations me for the morning prayer. The second floor hall where the Brothers dung-fueled cooking fires that will give the with the Missionary Brothers of Charity in slums a distinct, pungent odor. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: the Khidderpore district of Calcutta. The pray has no furniture, but the pale blue walls

~ ______1__ -8__ 0·0._-_3_4_7 __ -_8_0_1_6 ______~ ____~ 13 i SCHOLASTIC OCTOBER 11, 1990 12

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St. Ignatius church is old, run-down, and Mother Theresa's House for the Dying The rest of the day is spent washing the perfect. The sun, bright and orange, has "THOUGHTFULNESS down on my mat; I toss and turn like a dog Destitutes does not appear to be anything large quantities oflinen and dishes that must notice the sign.on the far wall. It reads, "I begun to rise by now and I can see more of AM ON MY WAY TO HEAVEN." I look is the beginning of great trying to find a comfortable position on the special; that is, until I take a step inside and be washed every day. Yuki, who is by now my surroundings. The fust thing I notice is meet Jesus in the guise of the poor. at our burden again and start to get, an&1! sanctity. If you learn this hard, marble floor. The sounds of the s~e~ my mentor, takes me through both processes below float up to me. I hear dogs barking m the small grotto to the right of the church. For the fust forty-five minutes, I am in with God. This man, who probably lIved In art of being thoughtful, Unlike another Grotto, it has no candles, nor with the skill born of experience. Thread­ you will become more the distance, and in the near vici~ty, I can shock-totally and utterly unnerved. bare blankets must first be soaked in a large hell on earth, had better be on hi~ wa~ to is it clean and encircled with beautiful heaven, Steve notices me prayIng In a Christ-like, for His heart hear the muffled coughs and cnes of the Helpless husks of men stare up at me. They stone basin filled with water and some foliage. The grounds are composed of dirt was meek and He always children who live in the building next d~r. have been ravaged by hunger and disease, primitive detergent (the ingredients of somewhat desperate voice and asks me what and surrounded by a cracked, soot­ thought of others. Our I swat at the ever-present, ever-voraCIOUS yetI have no answers to give them. Then one which I will never know). The blankets are is on my mind. When I explain, Steve lo?ks blackened wall. Nevertheless, here is where vocation, to be beautiful, mosquitoes that hover about my head and try of the other volunteers, by coincidence a then stirred with a bamboo pole. It takes two at me questioningly, grins, and then replIes, I sit and neditate on the days when the must be full of thought for to rest. Before I sleep, I thank God for the man from Japan named Yuki, comes up to people to lift one blandet from the brown, "He's already there." . service is given in Hindi. On the days when me and gets me going. I help him take the Lunch is served at 11:30, right after the others." gifts the day has brought, the many tests, and the Mass is held in English, I join the soggy mass and inspect it for the stains of for life. garbage out to a huge pile ofleavings across urine or excrement, which then must be patients have received their medicine. I wait Brothers and receive the Eucharist from an It is with this thought that I look up and see Now I am back for my junior year at Notre the street. The overpowering stench is not scrubbed off. All the linen must be brought for lunch to end and then we gather ~he aging Indian priest. He is so old that he must dishes once again for another scrubbIng Mother Theresa for the fust time. At the end Dame. I consider my year in Japan the best strong enough to drive away the foraging up to the roof where it can be hung out to dry be helped to and from the altar. As I session. I receive a nice little perk before I of the ceremony she comes forward to put the year of my life so far, one of th~ reasons for children and their mothers. Once we get in the midday heat. The dishes can be approach this wrinkled, stooped old man, I leave. One of the patients who has managed sacred items away. She is very small, this being the time I spent outsIde of Japan, back, Yuki and I join the other volunteers in dispatched rather quickly with the aid of a wonder to myself, "What is it that keeps him to get better'is waiting to leave by the door. verging on tiny. Her back is bent, no doubt in Calcutta. I think about the people I met giving each of the patients a bath and a few volunteers, some good conversation, going?" "Body of Christ," he whispers. change of clothing. We must be careful As I walk by, he grabs my hand, "Amen." and a com bination ofcoconut fibers and ash. while dressing them because limbs swollen touches it to his forehead, bows, After a breakfast of curry rice, bananas, The last two components make for a with infection do not easily go into the light constant blackening underneath the and bestows upon me a smile of bread, and hot tea, I leave for Kalighat with cotton garments. such radiance that I begin to five other Brothers. Mter a fifteen minute fingernails, but it is a small price to pay for Breakfast, consisting of two pieces of a bit of protection against the myriad of realize just where the City of Joy ride on a stuffed tram, we disembark and bread, a banana, an egg and water, lasts for found its name. His happiness is walk up an alley teeming with activity. At diseases present in the slum. the next twenty minutes or so. Most of the I take a little break from hanging the uplifting in its purity, and I leave the end of the alley lies a four-way men sit up in bed to eat their meal, but those the Dying House tired, but intersection and on the main corner of this blankets out to look at some of the framed who lack even the strength to do this are fed posters that cover various portions of the refreshed, intersection sits a faded, two-story building. with tender patience. Back at the Brother's house, I walls around the dying house. Near the flop down on my mat and catch a entrance is a quote from quick nap before a lunch of curry Mother Theresa, "The rice, bananas, bread, and water. greatest aim of human life is Despite the comparitively to die in peace with God." As bountiful meals I am privileged if to test my digestion of the to have, I have still lost twenty or statement, one of the Sisters so pounds in a little more than hurries up to me and asks me three weeks. Writing letters to to come and move a body for my friends in Japan and America her. allows my mind to float above the My first experience daily toils at Kalighat like a with death comes in the form balloon. I tell everyone that I am of a white-haired emaciated safe and ask for their prayers. old man who looks as if he has fallen asleep with his Reading and listening to tapes on The Grotto, where Matt joins the Brothers for Eucharist. eyes open. His skin, dry and my Walkman occupy my C I ' or there: John from New Zealand; Step?en, thoughts until it is time to leave for Mot her from the years of service to a cuttaI s po d. William, and Steve from Bntan;, Chris tee alien, resembles that of a She moves slowly, deliberate y, an F d paper sack. He is heavy, very Theresa's house. She is wearing a small blue from Nepal; Christopher from rance; ~ heavy despite the marks I reach Mother Theresa's House by .six . gracefully. th .~ rm of her order-a Yuki from Japan. I think about the Indian O'clock and hurry inside for AdoratIOn sweater over e um 0 th Brothers and their infinite kindness to m. e malnutrition' and hed snow white sari with blue trim. Mo er I think tuberculosis h~ve left on serVI·ces. Inside the long, white-was 'nkled k' d and thousands more amid the slums. Theresa's face, with its wn s m an all th him. Steve, a twenty-year­ room are seated approximately seventy al d about different people from over e S· large soft, blue eyes, appears very c man. try to old volunteer from England, Sisters and twenty foreigners. The Is~rs world coming to one city m one coun . helps me carry the body into repeat a litany of Hail M. arys and. sm,g peaceful. . h ' h meet Jesus in the guise of the poor, commg d th I finally arrive back at the Brot ers ouse al h fl s the a small, cool anteroom right together in one, clear VOIce. AmI IS to be like the small bit of s t t at avor sI'mple spectacle, I let my thoughts wan d er atnineo'clock and go. back up to my Iroom 0.. n whole. I think about perspectIve,. an d why next to the basin where we all f the roof to write in my diary before tum m. f II I wander back to the poster back on the w o. h b things seem different now, Most 0 a , The .Dylng House earns Its tragic name. had washed the blankets. The sky is dark again, and the nig t reeze Cal th day Walking in, I cannot help but the,Brothers' home. The quote, once agam I I think about my last day in cutta, e one of Mother Theresa's, reads, bring a slight chill to my bared arms. ay 14 SCHOLASTIC 15 OCTOBER 11, 1990

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St. Ignatius church is old, run-down, and Mother Theresa's House for the Dying The rest of the day is spent washing the perfect. The sun, bright and orange, has "THOUGHTFULNESS down on my mat; I toss and turn like a dog Destitutes does not appear to be anything large quantities oflinen and dishes that must notice the sign.on the far wall. It reads, "I begun to rise by now and I can see more of AM ON MY WAY TO HEAVEN." I look is the beginning of great trying to find a comfortable position on the special; that is, until I take a step inside and be washed every day. Yuki, who is by now my surroundings. The fust thing I notice is meet Jesus in the guise of the poor. at our burden again and start to get, an&1! sanctity. If you learn this hard, marble floor. The sounds of the s~e~ my mentor, takes me through both processes below float up to me. I hear dogs barking m the small grotto to the right of the church. For the fust forty-five minutes, I am in with God. This man, who probably lIved In art of being thoughtful, Unlike another Grotto, it has no candles, nor with the skill born of experience. Thread­ you will become more the distance, and in the near vici~ty, I can shock-totally and utterly unnerved. bare blankets must first be soaked in a large hell on earth, had better be on hi~ wa~ to is it clean and encircled with beautiful heaven, Steve notices me prayIng In a Christ-like, for His heart hear the muffled coughs and cnes of the Helpless husks of men stare up at me. They stone basin filled with water and some foliage. The grounds are composed of dirt was meek and He always children who live in the building next d~r. have been ravaged by hunger and disease, primitive detergent (the ingredients of somewhat desperate voice and asks me what and surrounded by a cracked, soot­ thought of others. Our I swat at the ever-present, ever-voraCIOUS yetI have no answers to give them. Then one which I will never know). The blankets are is on my mind. When I explain, Steve lo?ks blackened wall. Nevertheless, here is where vocation, to be beautiful, mosquitoes that hover about my head and try of the other volunteers, by coincidence a then stirred with a bamboo pole. It takes two at me questioningly, grins, and then replIes, I sit and neditate on the days when the must be full of thought for to rest. Before I sleep, I thank God for the man from Japan named Yuki, comes up to people to lift one blandet from the brown, "He's already there." . service is given in Hindi. On the days when me and gets me going. I help him take the Lunch is served at 11:30, right after the others." gifts the day has brought, the many tests, and the Mass is held in English, I join the soggy mass and inspect it for the stains of for life. garbage out to a huge pile ofleavings across urine or excrement, which then must be patients have received their medicine. I wait Brothers and receive the Eucharist from an It is with this thought that I look up and see Now I am back for my junior year at Notre the street. The overpowering stench is not scrubbed off. All the linen must be brought for lunch to end and then we gather ~he aging Indian priest. He is so old that he must dishes once again for another scrubbIng Mother Theresa for the fust time. At the end Dame. I consider my year in Japan the best strong enough to drive away the foraging up to the roof where it can be hung out to dry be helped to and from the altar. As I session. I receive a nice little perk before I of the ceremony she comes forward to put the year of my life so far, one of th~ reasons for children and their mothers. Once we get in the midday heat. The dishes can be approach this wrinkled, stooped old man, I leave. One of the patients who has managed sacred items away. She is very small, this being the time I spent outsIde of Japan, back, Yuki and I join the other volunteers in dispatched rather quickly with the aid of a wonder to myself, "What is it that keeps him to get better'is waiting to leave by the door. verging on tiny. Her back is bent, no doubt in Calcutta. I think about the people I met giving each of the patients a bath and a few volunteers, some good conversation, going?" "Body of Christ," he whispers. change of clothing. We must be careful As I walk by, he grabs my hand, "Amen." and a com bination ofcoconut fibers and ash. while dressing them because limbs swollen touches it to his forehead, bows, After a breakfast of curry rice, bananas, The last two components make for a with infection do not easily go into the light constant blackening underneath the and bestows upon me a smile of bread, and hot tea, I leave for Kalighat with cotton garments. such radiance that I begin to five other Brothers. Mter a fifteen minute fingernails, but it is a small price to pay for Breakfast, consisting of two pieces of a bit of protection against the myriad of realize just where the City of Joy ride on a stuffed tram, we disembark and bread, a banana, an egg and water, lasts for found its name. His happiness is walk up an alley teeming with activity. At diseases present in the slum. the next twenty minutes or so. Most of the I take a little break from hanging the uplifting in its purity, and I leave the end of the alley lies a four-way men sit up in bed to eat their meal, but those the Dying House tired, but intersection and on the main corner of this blankets out to look at some of the framed who lack even the strength to do this are fed posters that cover various portions of the refreshed, intersection sits a faded, two-story building. with tender patience. Back at the Brother's house, I walls around the dying house. Near the flop down on my mat and catch a entrance is a quote from quick nap before a lunch of curry Mother Theresa, "The rice, bananas, bread, and water. greatest aim of human life is Despite the comparitively to die in peace with God." As bountiful meals I am privileged if to test my digestion of the to have, I have still lost twenty or statement, one of the Sisters so pounds in a little more than hurries up to me and asks me three weeks. Writing letters to to come and move a body for my friends in Japan and America her. allows my mind to float above the My first experience daily toils at Kalighat like a with death comes in the form balloon. I tell everyone that I am of a white-haired emaciated safe and ask for their prayers. old man who looks as if he has fallen asleep with his Reading and listening to tapes on The Grotto, where Matt joins the Brothers for Eucharist. eyes open. His skin, dry and my Walkman occupy my C I ' or there: John from New Zealand; Step?en, thoughts until it is time to leave for Mot her from the years of service to a cuttaI s po d. William, and Steve from Bntan;, Chris tee alien, resembles that of a She moves slowly, deliberate y, an F d paper sack. He is heavy, very Theresa's house. She is wearing a small blue from Nepal; Christopher from rance; ~ heavy despite the marks I reach Mother Theresa's House by .six . gracefully. th .~ rm of her order-a Yuki from Japan. I think about the Indian O'clock and hurry inside for AdoratIOn sweater over e um 0 th Brothers and their infinite kindness to m. e malnutrition' and hed snow white sari with blue trim. Mo er I think tuberculosis h~ve left on serVI·ces. Inside the long, white-was 'nkled k' d and thousands more amid the slums. Theresa's face, with its wn s m an all th him. Steve, a twenty-year­ room are seated approximately seventy al d about different people from over e S· large soft, blue eyes, appears very c man. try to old volunteer from England, Sisters and twenty foreigners. The Is~rs world coming to one city m one coun . helps me carry the body into repeat a litany of Hail M. arys and. sm,g peaceful. . h ' h meet Jesus in the guise of the poor, commg d th I finally arrive back at the Brot ers ouse al h fl s the a small, cool anteroom right together in one, clear VOIce. AmI IS to be like the small bit of s t t at avor sI'mple spectacle, I let my thoughts wan d er atnineo'clock and go. back up to my Iroom 0.. n whole. I think about perspectIve,. an d why next to the basin where we all f the roof to write in my diary before tum m. f II I wander back to the poster back on the w o. h b things seem different now, Most 0 a , The .Dylng House earns Its tragic name. had washed the blankets. The sky is dark again, and the nig t reeze Cal th day Walking in, I cannot help but the,Brothers' home. The quote, once agam I I think about my last day in cutta, e one of Mother Theresa's, reads, bring a slight chill to my bared arms. ay 14 SCHOLASTIC 15 OCTOBER 11, 1990

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I met Mother Theresa. ''Love others as God loves you. She did not tell me her secret. She wrote it I had seen her previously, but I had yet to God bless you in my diary instead. 0 meet this living saint. I had entertained the Mother Theresa 27-2-90" by Matthew Hall idea in my head that I would not meet her until I had spent a small bit of time doing the work she had been doing all her life. I felt that I needed to spend some time among the poorest of the poor before I would be worthy of her words. After morning Mass she Pace walked up to me where I was waiting for her. I haltingly tried to tell her why I had come, and I asked her if she should please sign my diary. In truth, I did most of the talking in our exchange. She was every bit the kind, gentle listener I needed. When she did speak, I listened in hopes that she would in some way tell me her secret, the key to peace in life. However, her conversation was light and casual, and after she signed my diary she blessed me and moved to other people who were also waiting. The cover of my diary now reads, War Matt works with Mother Theresa's "adopted" children.

The Notre Dame-Miami rivalry l~ve the lwad~t~on started quietly but grew into the logethew nation's fiercest. Now it's over

The Hurricanes: A colorful cast of characters. By Brian McMahon he Notre Dame-Miami rivalry that between the two schools, 14-0, behind two Parseghian years and all of Dan Devine's Subscribe to Scholastic T will be celebrated for the last time on fourth-down touchdown passes by Paul "tenure. Saturday at Notre Dame Stadium has Hornung. The frrst was a 15-yard strike to Miami came close in '67 and '72, grown into the most heated in college foot­ Gene Kapish in the second quarter, the losing 24-22 and 20-17, respectively, as fow on~y S25.(Q)(Q) a yeaw you

.:\ :il

I met Mother Theresa. ''Love others as God loves you. She did not tell me her secret. She wrote it I had seen her previously, but I had yet to God bless you in my diary instead. 0 meet this living saint. I had entertained the Mother Theresa 27-2-90" by Matthew Hall idea in my head that I would not meet her until I had spent a small bit of time doing the work she had been doing all her life. I felt that I needed to spend some time among the poorest of the poor before I would be worthy of her words. After morning Mass she Pace walked up to me where I was waiting for her. I haltingly tried to tell her why I had come, and I asked her if she should please sign my diary. In truth, I did most of the talking in our exchange. She was every bit the kind, gentle listener I needed. When she did speak, I listened in hopes that she would in some way tell me her secret, the key to peace in life. However, her conversation was light and casual, and after she signed my diary she blessed me and moved to other people who were also waiting. The cover of my diary now reads, War Matt works with Mother Theresa's "adopted" children.

The Notre Dame-Miami rivalry l~ve the lwad~t~on started quietly but grew into the logethew nation's fiercest. Now it's over

The Hurricanes: A colorful cast of characters. By Brian McMahon he Notre Dame-Miami rivalry that between the two schools, 14-0, behind two Parseghian years and all of Dan Devine's Subscribe to Scholastic T will be celebrated for the last time on fourth-down touchdown passes by Paul "tenure. Saturday at Notre Dame Stadium has Hornung. The frrst was a 15-yard strike to Miami came close in '67 and '72, grown into the most heated in college foot­ Gene Kapish in the second quarter, the losing 24-22 and 20-17, respectively, as fow on~y S25.(Q)(Q) a yeaw you

"Don't want any trouble," said the em­ right. He threw to , but Irish tered with fans. Once on the battled coach. defensive back Pat Terrell knocked the ball field, Johnson had to ask se­ The 1988 season was a memo­ to the ground, sending Notre Dame Stadium I, curity three times to clear the i! rable for the Irish and their fans, and noth­ into bedlam. The Irish had exacted revenge I, area immediately behind his 1 ing made it more satisfying than the events and robbed Miami of its bid to repeat as bench. The fans were seated which transpired on October 15, at Notre national champs, a prize the Irish would almost close enough to touch I Dame Stadium. Miami rolled into town as claim for themselves in January. i: the Hurricanes and were ver­ defending national champions and ranked Last year, under new coach Dennis bally lashing out atJohnson 's flfSt in the country. The Irish, undefeated Erickson, it was Miami's turn, as Notre charges. and ranked fourth, were anxious to meet Dame's woes in the Orange Bowl againstthe The leprechaun ran their enemy on home turf, a luxury not Hurricanes stretched to five games, dating up and down in front of enjoyed since 1984. back to 1977, when Devine was coach and Miami's bench, pointing and, . Emotions had been stewing in Ted Hesburgh and Jimmy Carter were Presi­ screamin. Alonzo Highsmith, South Bend for months before the game. dents. a running back now playing The prospect of a national championship, Saturday marlcs the end of this ter­ for the National Football combined with the revenge factor, brought rific saga and one can't help but wonder ifit League's Houston Oilers, emotions to a fevered pitch. As early as isn't dying before its time. An early 12-1-1 watched the leprechaun and August, students were buying T-shirts on Irishadvantagehasbeencutto 14-7-1 by the made an offering which re­ campus hyping the confrontation. "Catho­ Hurricanes. Just when both teams are at the veals where most of the lics versus Convicts" became the rallying top at the same time- the winner of this "hatred" on both sides of the cry for the student body. That, in addition game won the national chamionship the past Scholastic Fila rivalry lies. to a few unprintable offerings for Johnson. three seasons- it has to end. Miami's "I hate Notre Heisman winner Tim Brown was ineffective in 1987 at Miami. Notre Dame led 21-7 in the sec­ schedule is booked through 1998 and Notre Dame," he said. "Not the Highsmith: "I hate the leprechaun most." ond quarter before Miami quarterback Dame's is full until 2004, so, barring a players. I know a lot of them 51-7. A blocked punt resulted in the final and respect them. I mean the whole hype -field. Steve Walsh led the 'Canes to two late meeting in a bowl, it appears we'll have to Miami tally. wait a while before these giants meet again .. that Notre Dame is God's gift to football. On the Tuesday before the game, touchdowns to tie the score at 21 at the The "evil" Hurricanes beating up Saturday, unfortunately, will be Hornung was golden In '55, firing But I hate the leprechaun most. I was a weary Gerry Faust announced that he break. Ten Notre Dame points in the third on America's team only perpetuated the the final chapter of a story we don't want to two touchdown passes In a 14-0 always hoping they'd run me on a sweep so would resign as Irish coach effective at the quarter put the Irish ahead going into the Irish win. respective images of the two schools. last stanza. The 'Canes were down by put down. Whether the ending is a happy or I could go out of bounds and run that guy - end of the season. Meanwhile, the 10-1 "The media make them out to be nicer guys players resulted in a marked turnaround in over." seven when a controversial call went Notre sad one, fans can't help but feel cheated. 0 Hurricanes wanted to prove to the nation than they are and we're projected worse Dame's way. Miami, where in the late 70's the admini­ Terrell was one of many Irish , a Hurricane line­ that they deserved a higher ranking than than we are so it gives it that good/evil On fourth and seven from the stration had considered eliminating foot­ heroes In '88. Scholastic Fila backer from 1986 to '89, concurred. "The the fourth spot they occupied before the aspect," said Miami defensive end Greg ball as a varsity sport. In five seasons, Sch­ Irish 11 yard-line, Walsh hit running back thing with Notre Dame is more between game. What better way to do so than on Mark last year. "We'll live with that." ellenberger took the school from a 5-6 with a pass that Gary took fans." national television against a team like Less than 24 hours after Faust record to a national championship in 1983. toward the end zone. As Gary was tackled, After the '84 game,a31-13 Miami Notre Dame, of whom they were less than had resigned, Notre Dame announced that Notre Dame won in '79 and '80 he reached for the end zone with the ball walk, players from both schools shoved and enamored anyway? University of Minnesota Head Coach Lou before the Hurricanes crushed the Irish 37- and fumbled. Notre Dame recovered. taunted each other, setting the stage for the The Hurricanes' 58-7 demolition Holtz would be the next Irish coach. Holtz 15 in Miami in '81 and again in '83 by a 20- Miami contended that the ground had next year in Miami, where the Hurricanes of Faust's Irish on CBS was taken as a was the man to return Notre Dame to glory. margin. In between, the 10th-ranked caused the fumble. "We had first and goal o sent the riv~lry to a boil beyond the football personal affront by Irish fans everywhere. The two schools dido 't play each Irish squeaked by 17th-rated Miami at at the one and the ball was turned the other The rivalry, which, had grown heated on other in 1986, so in '87 Holtz took his 8-2 home, 16-14. That would be the last Notre Johnson's tenure at Maml was the way," said a disappointed Johnson after­ most bitter period of the rivalry. the field the previous year in South Bend, Irish team, which boasted eventual Heis­ Dame victory in the series unti11988. wards. ''That's something I don't under- Scholastic Fila had been extended to the Notre Dame con­ man Trophy winner Tim Brown, to Miami It was in 1984 in South Bend that stand." stituency. Johnson was vilified for what in what was inappropriately dubbed a things began to get hot. After pre-game Miami had another chance in the was labelled a complete lack of class in "grudge match." The 'Canes talked trash game's final moments. The masterful warm-ups, Miami was returning to their running up the score against the helpless and showboated, rendered Brown ineffec­ Walsh, with 31 completions of 50 attempts locker room when they met the Notre Faust. , ' Dame band in what quickly became a tive, and dominated an Irish squad that as for 424 yards- the best day ever against In his own defense, Johnson said, recently as two weeks before had fancied the Irish by an opposing quarterback-hit cramped tunnel. Not wanting to be rude "You stay in the offense you run. We're a hosts, the band serenaded the 'Canes with itself as a contender for the national cham­ Andre Brown on fourth and seven from the passing team. Everybody knows that. We pionship. The 24-0 shellacking silenced 111 for a touchdown with 45 seconds to an earsplitting version of Notre Dame's school our quarterbackS to take advantage talk of revenge. play. Trailing by one with the national title victory march. of what defenses the opponents run, not to This time, Johnson handled the on the line, Miami went for the two point On the way out to the field for-the be governed by the scoreboard." game's waning moments a little differ­ conversion. ''We always play the game to game, Jimmy Johnson, in his flfst season as Johnson's claims fell on deaf ently. . Back-up quarterback Craig win," said Johnson afterward. "There was -Miami's coach, was compelled to request ears" however, as fans failed to find logic Erickson was instructed not to pass as he no question what we would do." security to insure safe passage for his team in Jeff Torretta's 17-yard touchdown pass moved the 'Canes into position for a score. Walsh dropped back and looked through the tunnel which was, now clut- with six minutes to play to make the score .. :-: OCTOBER 11, 1990 19 18 SCHOLASTIC - - - -

"Don't want any trouble," said the em­ right. He threw to Leonard Conley, but Irish tered with fans. Once on the battled coach. defensive back Pat Terrell knocked the ball field, Johnson had to ask se­ The 1988 season was a memo­ to the ground, sending Notre Dame Stadium I, curity three times to clear the i! rable for the Irish and their fans, and noth­ into bedlam. The Irish had exacted revenge I, area immediately behind his 1 ing made it more satisfying than the events and robbed Miami of its bid to repeat as bench. The fans were seated which transpired on October 15, at Notre national champs, a prize the Irish would almost close enough to touch I Dame Stadium. Miami rolled into town as claim for themselves in January. i: the Hurricanes and were ver­ defending national champions and ranked Last year, under new coach Dennis bally lashing out atJohnson 's flfSt in the country. The Irish, undefeated Erickson, it was Miami's turn, as Notre charges. and ranked fourth, were anxious to meet Dame's woes in the Orange Bowl againstthe The leprechaun ran their enemy on home turf, a luxury not Hurricanes stretched to five games, dating up and down in front of enjoyed since 1984. back to 1977, when Devine was coach and Miami's bench, pointing and, . Emotions had been stewing in Ted Hesburgh and Jimmy Carter were Presi­ screamin. Alonzo Highsmith, South Bend for months before the game. dents. a running back now playing The prospect of a national championship, Saturday marlcs the end of this ter­ for the National Football combined with the revenge factor, brought rific saga and one can't help but wonder ifit League's Houston Oilers, emotions to a fevered pitch. As early as isn't dying before its time. An early 12-1-1 watched the leprechaun and August, students were buying T-shirts on Irishadvantagehasbeencutto 14-7-1 by the made an offering which re­ campus hyping the confrontation. "Catho­ Hurricanes. Just when both teams are at the veals where most of the lics versus Convicts" became the rallying top at the same time- the winner of this "hatred" on both sides of the cry for the student body. That, in addition game won the national chamionship the past Scholastic Fila rivalry lies. to a few unprintable offerings for Johnson. three seasons- it has to end. Miami's "I hate Notre Heisman winner Tim Brown was ineffective in 1987 at Miami. Notre Dame led 21-7 in the sec­ schedule is booked through 1998 and Notre Dame," he said. "Not the Highsmith: "I hate the leprechaun most." ond quarter before Miami quarterback Dame's is full until 2004, so, barring a players. I know a lot of them 51-7. A blocked punt resulted in the final and respect them. I mean the whole hype -field. Steve Walsh led the 'Canes to two late meeting in a bowl, it appears we'll have to Miami tally. wait a while before these giants meet again .. that Notre Dame is God's gift to football. On the Tuesday before the game, touchdowns to tie the score at 21 at the The "evil" Hurricanes beating up Saturday, unfortunately, will be Hornung was golden In '55, firing But I hate the leprechaun most. I was a weary Gerry Faust announced that he break. Ten Notre Dame points in the third on America's team only perpetuated the the final chapter of a story we don't want to two touchdown passes In a 14-0 always hoping they'd run me on a sweep so would resign as Irish coach effective at the quarter put the Irish ahead going into the Irish win. respective images of the two schools. last stanza. The 'Canes were down by put down. Whether the ending is a happy or I could go out of bounds and run that guy - end of the season. Meanwhile, the 10-1 "The media make them out to be nicer guys players resulted in a marked turnaround in over." seven when a controversial call went Notre sad one, fans can't help but feel cheated. 0 Hurricanes wanted to prove to the nation than they are and we're projected worse Dame's way. Miami, where in the late 70's the admini­ Terrell was one of many Irish Bernard Clark, a Hurricane line­ that they deserved a higher ranking than than we are so it gives it that good/evil On fourth and seven from the stration had considered eliminating foot­ heroes In '88. Scholastic Fila backer from 1986 to '89, concurred. "The the fourth spot they occupied before the aspect," said Miami defensive end Greg ball as a varsity sport. In five seasons, Sch­ Irish 11 yard-line, Walsh hit running back thing with Notre Dame is more between game. What better way to do so than on Mark last year. "We'll live with that." ellenberger took the school from a 5-6 Cleveland Gary with a pass that Gary took fans." national television against a team like Less than 24 hours after Faust record to a national championship in 1983. toward the end zone. As Gary was tackled, After the '84 game,a31-13 Miami Notre Dame, of whom they were less than had resigned, Notre Dame announced that Notre Dame won in '79 and '80 he reached for the end zone with the ball walk, players from both schools shoved and enamored anyway? University of Minnesota Head Coach Lou before the Hurricanes crushed the Irish 37- and fumbled. Notre Dame recovered. taunted each other, setting the stage for the The Hurricanes' 58-7 demolition Holtz would be the next Irish coach. Holtz 15 in Miami in '81 and again in '83 by a 20- Miami contended that the ground had next year in Miami, where the Hurricanes of Faust's Irish on CBS was taken as a was the man to return Notre Dame to glory. margin. In between, the 10th-ranked caused the fumble. "We had first and goal o sent the riv~lry to a boil beyond the football personal affront by Irish fans everywhere. The two schools dido 't play each Irish squeaked by 17th-rated Miami at at the one and the ball was turned the other The rivalry, which, had grown heated on other in 1986, so in '87 Holtz took his 8-2 home, 16-14. That would be the last Notre Johnson's tenure at Maml was the way," said a disappointed Johnson after­ most bitter period of the rivalry. the field the previous year in South Bend, Irish team, which boasted eventual Heis­ Dame victory in the series unti11988. wards. ''That's something I don't under- Scholastic Fila had been extended to the Notre Dame con­ man Trophy winner Tim Brown, to Miami It was in 1984 in South Bend that stand." stituency. Johnson was vilified for what in what was inappropriately dubbed a things began to get hot. After pre-game Miami had another chance in the was labelled a complete lack of class in "grudge match." The 'Canes talked trash game's final moments. The masterful warm-ups, Miami was returning to their running up the score against the helpless and showboated, rendered Brown ineffec­ Walsh, with 31 completions of 50 attempts locker room when they met the Notre Faust. , ' Dame band in what quickly became a tive, and dominated an Irish squad that as for 424 yards- the best day ever against In his own defense, Johnson said, recently as two weeks before had fancied the Irish by an opposing quarterback-hit cramped tunnel. Not wanting to be rude "You stay in the offense you run. We're a hosts, the band serenaded the 'Canes with itself as a contender for the national cham­ Andre Brown on fourth and seven from the passing team. Everybody knows that. We pionship. The 24-0 shellacking silenced 111 for a touchdown with 45 seconds to an earsplitting version of Notre Dame's school our quarterbackS to take advantage talk of revenge. play. Trailing by one with the national title victory march. of what defenses the opponents run, not to This time, Johnson handled the on the line, Miami went for the two point On the way out to the field for-the be governed by the scoreboard." game's waning moments a little differ­ conversion. ''We always play the game to game, Jimmy Johnson, in his flfst season as Johnson's claims fell on deaf ently. . Back-up quarterback Craig win," said Johnson afterward. "There was -Miami's coach, was compelled to request ears" however, as fans failed to find logic Erickson was instructed not to pass as he no question what we would do." security to insure safe passage for his team in Jeff Torretta's 17-yard touchdown pass moved the 'Canes into position for a score. Walsh dropped back and looked through the tunnel which was, now clut- with six minutes to play to make the score .. :-: OCTOBER 11, 1990 19 18 SCHOLASTIC year's excellent secondary. Junior Charles Erickson wants to do his Pharms returns for his third year as starting predecessor, Steve Walsh, strong safety to anchor the Miami pass de­ one better with a victory In fense. Notre Dame Stadium. .Miami opponents, particularly yard dash), (4.42) One Last Dance BYU and Florida State, have moved the and Jesse Armstead (4.47) are ball utilizing a short- to medium-range speedy linebackers whom the passing attack. Detmer victimized the Irish will have to contend with Hurricane defense for 406 yards on 38 on Saturday. By Kevin T. Kerns completions-each for less than 29 yards. Up front, the Miami he last time the Miami The problem may not be with the 'Canes defense is led by Russell Mary­ T Hurricanes lost a season opener on the road, a 28-3 loss at defensive backs, however. Miami's pass land, a 273 lb. senior who was a Florida in 1983, they rebounded rush produced just seven sacks through its Lombardi Award and Outland by going undefeated the rest of first four games, less than its usual output. Trophy ftnalist last year. Mary­ the way for an 11-1 mark and the Running the ball against Miami is land has lost about ftfty pounds school's ftrst National Champi­ a different story. The 'Canes have surren­ since his freshmen year and has onship. dered only 56.3 yards per game on the worked himself into a potential The Hurricanes opened ground, due primarily to one of the fastest ftrst round NFL draft pick. the 1990 campaign at Brigham and most talented linebacking corps in the "Having Young, where they were nation. B utkus Award candidate Maurice come back (for 1990) is better humbled by quarterback Ty Det­ Crum leads the way at outside linebacker, than getting the top ftve recruits mer and the Cougars, 28-21. having led the Miami defense in tackles the in the country," says second­ Since then, they have dominated past two seasons. The other three spots, year Miami coach Dennis California, Iowa, Florida State, filled by Michael Barrow (4.6 in the 40- Erickson, whose compliment might be a reference to the and Kansas in succession, put­ Randal "Thrill" Hill's 4.3 speed could ting Miami in a position to defend fact that Notre Dame gets the make for a long day for the Irish top ftve high school players in its national title. Notre Dame (4- defense. Miami Spans Information Miami Spons Information" 1) is the next obstacle in their path the country every year. this Saturday at Notre Dame Sta­ If the Hurricanes have been McGuire. "I just didn't think we'd estab­ dium. somewhat shaky on defense, their of­ lish that much." It would be a big surprise, The two schools will be fense has more than made up for it. however, if Miami had anything other than playing their twenty-third and Senior quarterback has marginal success running the baIl against fmalregular season game in what done nothing to hurt his Heisman candi­ the Irish. Those who are looking for a has become college football's dacy, throwing for over 1500 yards in most intense rivalry. Last year, just five outings. His favorite targets, "three yards and a cloud of dust" type battle Miami up-ended the Irish's na­ seniors Wesley Carroll and , would be better served by tuning into the tional title hopes at home in the are both All-America candidates. Big Ten Game of the Week. The air in Notre Dame Stadium will be fIlled with Orange Bowl, where they have Through the ftrstfour games, Carroll had 25 receptions for 413 yards and three footballs this Saturday, with Erickson and won thirty-five consecutive Miami Sports Information times. touchdowns. HilI, who runs a 4.3 forty, Irish quarterback Rick Mirer providing the will test the inexperienced Irish corner­ fIreworks. The team which has the ball last However, the Irish enjoy the home to be a boxing promoter involved some­ Cutting through the hoopla and the backs with his blazing speed. Hill, you'll might come out on top in this game. fteld advantage this timearound,andarejust where. The rivalry has been an talk, Miami, like Notre Dame, brings serious recall,was on the receiving end of last The Catholics versus Convicts as tough at home as Miami. The Irish have entrepreneur's dream, with t-shirt sales ris- defellsive question marks into the contest year's third and 44 back-breaking pass billing for this game just doesn't ftt any­ which went for a first down, demoralized more, if it ever did. Notre Dame engages in The last three seasons, the Winner of the Notre Dame-Miami game· has . the Irish, and sent the 'Canes on their way just as much, if not more, showboating and to a.27-10 victory. ftngerpointing as does Miami. Further­ gone on to win the National Championship Miami's running attack has more, all five ftfth-year senior Hurricanes kept pace with the passing game. Run­ who started their careers at Miami have al­ lost at home only once in the last four sea­ ing as high as Don King's hair on fight night. Most of the uncertainty surrounding the ning back Leonard Conley, a senior, and ready earned their undergraduate degrees. sons, that setback coming at the unlikely But all of the hype surrounding this Hurricanes is related to their pass defense. Steve McGuire, a sophomore, led the The winner of the Notre Dame­ hands of Stanford two weeks ago; affair means nothing once the game starts. Through their first five games, attack as Miami rolled up 334 yards on Miami matchup has gone on to win the Notre Dame versus Miami. Catho­ As Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz says, "If Miami surrendered more than 300 yard~ per the ground in a 31-22 victory over Flor­ national title in each of the last three years. lics versus Convicts"III. The Final War. what you did yesterday seems big, you game through the air,.a bit of a surprise since ida State on October 6th. "We wanted to And this time, for the loser, there is no next This game is being hyped so much there has haven't done anything today." the 'Canes lost only one starter off of last establish the running game," commented y~. D


.... ·.I~·

~.~'. r. ~ year's excellent secondary. Junior Charles Erickson wants to do his Pharms returns for his third year as starting predecessor, Steve Walsh, strong safety to anchor the Miami pass de­ one better with a victory In fense. Notre Dame Stadium. .Miami opponents, particularly yard dash), Darrin Smith (4.42) One Last Dance BYU and Florida State, have moved the and Jesse Armstead (4.47) are ball utilizing a short- to medium-range speedy linebackers whom the passing attack. Detmer victimized the Irish will have to contend with Hurricane defense for 406 yards on 38 on Saturday. By Kevin T. Kerns completions-each for less than 29 yards. Up front, the Miami he last time the Miami The problem may not be with the 'Canes defense is led by Russell Mary­ T Hurricanes lost a season opener on the road, a 28-3 loss at defensive backs, however. Miami's pass land, a 273 lb. senior who was a Florida in 1983, they rebounded rush produced just seven sacks through its Lombardi Award and Outland by going undefeated the rest of first four games, less than its usual output. Trophy ftnalist last year. Mary­ the way for an 11-1 mark and the Running the ball against Miami is land has lost about ftfty pounds school's ftrst National Champi­ a different story. The 'Canes have surren­ since his freshmen year and has onship. dered only 56.3 yards per game on the worked himself into a potential The Hurricanes opened ground, due primarily to one of the fastest ftrst round NFL draft pick. the 1990 campaign at Brigham and most talented linebacking corps in the "Having Russell Maryland Young, where they were nation. B utkus Award candidate Maurice come back (for 1990) is better humbled by quarterback Ty Det­ Crum leads the way at outside linebacker, than getting the top ftve recruits mer and the Cougars, 28-21. having led the Miami defense in tackles the in the country," says second­ Since then, they have dominated past two seasons. The other three spots, year Miami coach Dennis California, Iowa, Florida State, filled by Michael Barrow (4.6 in the 40- Erickson, whose compliment might be a reference to the and Kansas in succession, put­ Randal "Thrill" Hill's 4.3 speed could ting Miami in a position to defend fact that Notre Dame gets the make for a long day for the Irish top ftve high school players in its national title. Notre Dame (4- defense. Miami Spans Information Miami Spons Information" 1) is the next obstacle in their path the country every year. this Saturday at Notre Dame Sta­ If the Hurricanes have been McGuire. "I just didn't think we'd estab­ dium. somewhat shaky on defense, their of­ lish that much." It would be a big surprise, The two schools will be fense has more than made up for it. however, if Miami had anything other than playing their twenty-third and Senior quarterback Craig Erickson has marginal success running the baIl against fmalregular season game in what done nothing to hurt his Heisman candi­ the Irish. Those who are looking for a has become college football's dacy, throwing for over 1500 yards in most intense rivalry. Last year, just five outings. His favorite targets, "three yards and a cloud of dust" type battle Miami up-ended the Irish's na­ seniors Wesley Carroll and Randal Hill, would be better served by tuning into the tional title hopes at home in the are both All-America candidates. Big Ten Game of the Week. The air in Notre Dame Stadium will be fIlled with Orange Bowl, where they have Through the ftrstfour games, Carroll had 25 receptions for 413 yards and three footballs this Saturday, with Erickson and won thirty-five consecutive Miami Sports Information times. touchdowns. HilI, who runs a 4.3 forty, Irish quarterback Rick Mirer providing the will test the inexperienced Irish corner­ fIreworks. The team which has the ball last However, the Irish enjoy the home to be a boxing promoter involved some­ Cutting through the hoopla and the backs with his blazing speed. Hill, you'll might come out on top in this game. fteld advantage this timearound,andarejust where. The rivalry has been an talk, Miami, like Notre Dame, brings serious recall,was on the receiving end of last The Catholics versus Convicts as tough at home as Miami. The Irish have entrepreneur's dream, with t-shirt sales ris- defellsive question marks into the contest year's third and 44 back-breaking pass billing for this game just doesn't ftt any­ which went for a first down, demoralized more, if it ever did. Notre Dame engages in The last three seasons, the Winner of the Notre Dame-Miami game· has . the Irish, and sent the 'Canes on their way just as much, if not more, showboating and to a.27-10 victory. ftngerpointing as does Miami. Further­ gone on to win the National Championship Miami's running attack has more, all five ftfth-year senior Hurricanes kept pace with the passing game. Run­ who started their careers at Miami have al­ lost at home only once in the last four sea­ ing as high as Don King's hair on fight night. Most of the uncertainty surrounding the ning back Leonard Conley, a senior, and ready earned their undergraduate degrees. sons, that setback coming at the unlikely But all of the hype surrounding this Hurricanes is related to their pass defense. Steve McGuire, a sophomore, led the The winner of the Notre Dame­ hands of Stanford two weeks ago; affair means nothing once the game starts. Through their first five games, attack as Miami rolled up 334 yards on Miami matchup has gone on to win the Notre Dame versus Miami. Catho­ As Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz says, "If Miami surrendered more than 300 yard~ per the ground in a 31-22 victory over Flor­ national title in each of the last three years. lics versus Convicts"III. The Final War. what you did yesterday seems big, you game through the air,.a bit of a surprise since ida State on October 6th. "We wanted to And this time, for the loser, there is no next This game is being hyped so much there has haven't done anything today." the 'Canes lost only one starter off of last establish the running game," commented y~. D


.... ·.I~·


Peter Gulli: Gulli, the junior goalie from Tracy Barton: Barton, a junior from , Southington, CT, had not allowed a goal in regu­ won the top singles' flight at the Brown Invitational lation time for four games until he was scored upon this past weekend. Barton has a 5-3 record for the by Butler in overtime in a 2-0 Irish loss. For the season and is ranked 34th nationally. season, Gulli has allowed only 1.14 goals/game.


MOVIES SPORTS HOCKEY: The Irish hockey team will play Its nerel University of Michigan-Dearborn at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, October 19 at the J.A.C.C. S~:J{JO~ CLMS ... ANDNOW FOR SOMETHING COM­ FOOTBALL vs. MIAMI: This is it, this is PLETEL Y DIFFERENT: A collection of the big one, this is the ticket you can get big CROSS COUNTRY: The men's and Monty Python's best skits cbmpiled for bucks for if you're going home early. Be women's teams will take on William and film. Shows at the Montgomery Theatre in sure to catch the Irish against arch-rival Mary starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Octo­ La Fortune on Thursday, October 18. Spon­ Miami at Notre Dame Stadium on Saturday, ber 20 at Burke Memorial Golf Course. HALLOWE:E:N sored by S.U.B. October 20. Kickoff is at 2:30 p.m. Buy the t-shirt for "The Cause" and wear it as the CONCERTS Irish play the Hurricanes one last time. IGGYPOP: will be at the Riviera Theatre in PARTY AT THE SNITE: After break, on Tuesday, Chicago on Friday, October 19 at 7:30 p.m. October 30, will be From Russia With Love SOCCER: The men's soccer team will play Tickets are $15. Call 312-559-1212 for at7p.m.andRearWindow at9:15p.m. On MCC foe Xavier on Friday, October 19, at ticket information. Wednesday, October 31, will beRebel With­ 7:30 p.m. at Krause Stadium. The women's out a Cause at 6:30 p.m. and Godfather II at team will take on Calvin College on Satur­ SONIC YOUTH: will be at the Vic Theatre 8:45p.m. day, October 20, at 10 a.m. at Almuni Field. in Chicago on Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 '.Best Costume Contest The women's MCC championships will p.m. Ticketsare$15. Call312-559-1212for , ' OcrO'Bf£9(31 begin on Saturday, October 27 at Krause ticket information • . 1st prize--35mm camera' 1&1 ~~~~N~ Stadium. IPrIf}jJ S'E9{JO!l{ :ro'Rffi{YLL ~ CLU

I, , I' I' 22 OCTOBER 18, 1990 1 , SCHOLASTIC 23

- - .... -~------~-~ - f I ~ ..' .?- MALE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK ontin

Peter Gulli: Gulli, the junior goalie from Tracy Barton: Barton, a junior from Cincinnati, Southington, CT, had not allowed a goal in regu­ won the top singles' flight at the Brown Invitational lation time for four games until he was scored upon this past weekend. Barton has a 5-3 record for the by Butler in overtime in a 2-0 Irish loss. For the season and is ranked 34th nationally. season, Gulli has allowed only 1.14 goals/game.


MOVIES SPORTS HOCKEY: The Irish hockey team will play Its nerel University of Michigan-Dearborn at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, October 19 at the J.A.C.C. S~:J{JO~ CLMS ... ANDNOW FOR SOMETHING COM­ FOOTBALL vs. MIAMI: This is it, this is PLETEL Y DIFFERENT: A collection of the big one, this is the ticket you can get big CROSS COUNTRY: The men's and Monty Python's best skits cbmpiled for bucks for if you're going home early. Be women's teams will take on William and film. Shows at the Montgomery Theatre in sure to catch the Irish against arch-rival Mary starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Octo­ La Fortune on Thursday, October 18. Spon­ Miami at Notre Dame Stadium on Saturday, ber 20 at Burke Memorial Golf Course. HALLOWE:E:N sored by S.U.B. October 20. Kickoff is at 2:30 p.m. Buy the t-shirt for "The Cause" and wear it as the CONCERTS Irish play the Hurricanes one last time. IGGYPOP: will be at the Riviera Theatre in PARTY AT THE SNITE: After break, on Tuesday, Chicago on Friday, October 19 at 7:30 p.m. October 30, will be From Russia With Love SOCCER: The men's soccer team will play Tickets are $15. Call 312-559-1212 for at7p.m.andRearWindow at9:15p.m. On MCC foe Xavier on Friday, October 19, at ticket information. Wednesday, October 31, will beRebel With­ 7:30 p.m. at Krause Stadium. The women's out a Cause at 6:30 p.m. and Godfather II at team will take on Calvin College on Satur­ SONIC YOUTH: will be at the Vic Theatre 8:45p.m. day, October 20, at 10 a.m. at Almuni Field. in Chicago on Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 '.Best Costume Contest The women's MCC championships will p.m. Ticketsare$15. Call312-559-1212for , ' OcrO'Bf£9(31 begin on Saturday, October 27 at Krause ticket information • . 1st prize--35mm camera' 1&1 ~~~~N~ Stadium. IPrIf}jJ S'E9{JO!l{ :ro'Rffi{YLL ~ CLU

I, , I' I' 22 OCTOBER 18, 1990 1 , SCHOLASTIC 23

- - .... -~------~-~ - f I ~ ..' .?- The ~ CHME-NKELBIEN'S fun p~e.. 5 R SURV\VAL GUIDf

Weight "jCI.LV, 6eeN .N BEl) "'"L _ 'I NO. , ",..,6 A au.. )o~~~t'l If HEtT' IIEEL. , " Of - 't HEt..L HC! I- '''e

, ,"VS FAHT4'aV Dos 1 --:.. A;tPE'4Sc J:Il..O~~. Reflection Fbl..r& - F ITT,NC. ~LIUS\ $LlJc S"'DLT GOAT ~4re i Y ?U'l,"'(. LoDt G(I'-I ND 84G( y background as an American and the lasting impressions from those bring an American back down to earth. The "",U.' i)4/'1lTS (ANI .... .tt. n.,A) PU!'FELt£b) "N~'" ~I'~'t. M Studies major caused me to spend a generalizations produce no "weight." Our lightness and the pace of America tend over £.ffb TIE SLAGIC., PIS'" lJeT S rO'~I"'c.,> - $I6f! 2. L f!6 few more minutes in one particular park. I history, as we subconsciously perceive it, is a long period of time to spin one out of (~ET THE' ~'('TUlE!) aEI> 114. spent last summer working in , simply one of "victories." control. Our obsession with "the new" and 'U, ,"u,i. Ireland, in an attempt to catch a further As a result, America is a light place - a . "the more advanced" builds up a certain - se~"c.E ~.HE glimpse ofa country that! fell in love with on place where no burden of history exists. We insecurity in us, because it persistently tears t.JITtol ElcTI'­ NIC,HT rt\O"E~: WALOO· ~ ~LA'I PEN the St. Mary's Ireland program my tend not to hold deep-rooted grudges against away all foundations that are necessary for (.~~b~~ I1c:r. sophomore year. And as I was roaming other countries for past occurences. Our any human's psychological peace. Ireland - ,-",e.PE l), liM, &vr•• l - 1'141i$el151f "/0. 00 Ot:f: I _ 'r0iJt::' l-S Dublin's streets looking for ajob, I stumbled grudges are merely fads. They come and go is filled with what can only be described as _. NO ,...c .. ..,S NO! L. ______~ ____ . __ upon a place in the, middle of the city called like fashion. In a place like Ireland, pure age. There are many foundations there. .. - LeT Tl4cM SEE Remembrance Park. An American Studies however, one never forgets, nor forgives, a When an American. like myself _ "SEC-lltE ,,~"L Vt1'4LS ier#L£ ,,,,LIE TA.L~ "'" 5wE4T. major tends to become quite pensive in deed of the past. If it is done to the Irish, or discovers ~ place like Remembrance Park, ~ kJA'i ovE I.. so l),~o~eb _ L,AV ~LE'.~ T'1.4 1 L, situations like this, so lance again began a by the Irish, it is forever written into their the missing weight of, history takes hold - Ac./rU_ V'O F (AJ ~ cJltV 10401>1.£ • familiar thought process on what I feel is the collective history book. deep inside. When I stand alone in such a ~4TIf ",IU- lE &.l£.E' i _~ most apparent difference between Ireland I • ,o.110 I MOTEL (,. If) And it is precisely this difference which place, or when I walk along an Irish country SVi)c..ET l , 2.(,.00 ,'ii: ~ .~o ! .' ~~L 1. L. hI E '- i.f! "" 1.1 and America. gives Irish and Americans a bit of an affmity road and run my hand along a stone fence S ("'1'110{ Jo\Ct.l£'l SIIoI)uJ" COClj)oaJ !) bATe's F4(.E. When I, as an American, find myself in for one another. A trip to America serves to that outdates the entire history of my a place like Remembrance Park, I stand not free the Irish person-to lift him or her from country, a true discovery of culture takes knowing what to remember. But a the bounds of a long and tormented past It place. This, one must think, is time. This is /'J"t! T,I'1E: ,s\Js .. AJ A I wut!"AJ somberness exists in that park that compels is not simply some sort of wonderment when what existed before me, and long before my _ n S"tE rll-A A even the non-Irish person to reflect. And as looking at a sky-scraper; it is a very real country. This is wQat Americans do not '10"1. N4.~C ,So ~".&.. . I stood there, mesmerized by the clear, attitude that pervades every aspect of know, and find very hard to uncierstand. If Veljll\,lT ,-"",e;s ou" (J~ VOIIL, r:>t.es~· stagnant pool and the large sculpture at the American life. It is what built th,e sky­ The study of America, is a two-fold - " , ""Pf THAT far end of it, I thought that whatever the Irish scraper. Our image abroad is that of John process. America must be seen both within are supposed to remember here, it has a Wayne and individualism. Perhaps we and without. One must analyze it by living - " Sul£ to4,PC certain weight to it - a certain burden to it .. really are a bunch of modem cowboys. I in it, and also by journeying from it and The Irish, I thought, live with the weight of have heard Irish friends say that they really looking from the outside back in. This very a long history. do feel a sense offreedom in America which important latter process is what I In America, this feeling is not known. they cannot find in Ireland, and upon their experienced in a very s~all and empty place Comparatively, our history, or at least oUr return to Ireland, they develop a serious case simply called Remembrance Park, Dublin I sense of it, is almost nill. We live day to day of cultural claustrophobia. City, Ireland. 'D with only generalizations about our past, Ireland, on the other hand, can quickly by Marc Conklin 24 SCHOLASTIC

-~~-~------,) .:", " - . -~--~~~-,-"'.-~-~~~~- The ~ CHME-NKELBIEN'S fun p~e.. 5 R SURV\VAL GUIDf

Weight "jCI.LV, 6eeN .N BEl) "'"L _ 'I NO. , ",..,6 A au.. )o~~~t'l If HEtT' IIEEL. , " Of - 't HEt..L HC! I- '''e

, ,"VS FAHT4'aV Dos 1 --:.. A;tPE'4Sc J:Il..O~~. Reflection Fbl..r& - F ITT,NC. ~LIUS\ $LlJc S"'DLT GOAT ~4re i Y ?U'l,"'(. LoDt G(I'-I ND 84G( y background as an American and the lasting impressions from those bring an American back down to earth. The "",U.' i)4/'1lTS (ANI .... .tt. n.,A) PU!'FELt£b) "N~'" ~I'~'t. M Studies major caused me to spend a generalizations produce no "weight." Our lightness and the pace of America tend over £.ffb TIE SLAGIC., PIS'" lJeT S rO'~I"'c.,> - $I6f! 2. L f!6 few more minutes in one particular park. I history, as we subconsciously perceive it, is a long period of time to spin one out of (~ET THE' ~'('TUlE!) aEI> 114. spent last summer working in Dublin, simply one of "victories." control. Our obsession with "the new" and 'U, ,"u,i. Ireland, in an attempt to catch a further As a result, America is a light place - a . "the more advanced" builds up a certain - se~"c.E ~.HE glimpse ofa country that! fell in love with on place where no burden of history exists. We insecurity in us, because it persistently tears t.JITtol ElcTI'­ NIC,HT rt\O"E~: WALOO· ~ ~LA'I PEN the St. Mary's Ireland program my tend not to hold deep-rooted grudges against away all foundations that are necessary for (.~~b~~ I1c:r. sophomore year. And as I was roaming other countries for past occurences. Our any human's psychological peace. Ireland - ,-",e.PE l), liM, &vr•• l - 1'141i$el151f "/0. 00 Ot:f: I _ 'r0iJt::' l-S Dublin's streets looking for ajob, I stumbled grudges are merely fads. They come and go is filled with what can only be described as _. NO ,...c .. ..,S NO! L. ______~ ____ . __ upon a place in the, middle of the city called like fashion. In a place like Ireland, pure age. There are many foundations there. .. - LeT Tl4cM SEE Remembrance Park. An American Studies however, one never forgets, nor forgives, a When an American. like myself _ "SEC-lltE ,,~"L Vt1'4LS ier#L£ ,,,,LIE TA.L~ "'" 5wE4T. major tends to become quite pensive in deed of the past. If it is done to the Irish, or discovers ~ place like Remembrance Park, ~ kJA'i ovE I.. so l),~o~eb _ L,AV ~LE'.~ T'1.4 1 L, situations like this, so lance again began a by the Irish, it is forever written into their the missing weight of, history takes hold - Ac./rU_ V'O F (AJ ~ cJltV 10401>1.£ • familiar thought process on what I feel is the collective history book. deep inside. When I stand alone in such a ~4TIf ",IU- lE &.l£.E' i _~ most apparent difference between Ireland I • ,o.110 I MOTEL (,. If) And it is precisely this difference which place, or when I walk along an Irish country SVi)c..ET l , 2.(,.00 ,'ii: ~ .~o ! .' ~~L 1. L. hI E '- i.f! "" 1.1 and America. gives Irish and Americans a bit of an affmity road and run my hand along a stone fence S ("'1'110{ Jo\Ct.l£'l SIIoI)uJ" COClj)oaJ !) bATe's F4(.E. When I, as an American, find myself in for one another. A trip to America serves to that outdates the entire history of my a place like Remembrance Park, I stand not free the Irish person-to lift him or her from country, a true discovery of culture takes knowing what to remember. But a the bounds of a long and tormented past It place. This, one must think, is time. This is /'J"t! T,I'1E: ,s\Js .. AJ A I wut!"AJ somberness exists in that park that compels is not simply some sort of wonderment when what existed before me, and long before my _ n S"tE rll-A A even the non-Irish person to reflect. And as looking at a sky-scraper; it is a very real country. This is wQat Americans do not '10"1. N4.~C ,So ~".&.. . I stood there, mesmerized by the clear, attitude that pervades every aspect of know, and find very hard to uncierstand. If Veljll\,lT ,-"",e;s ou" (J~ VOIIL, r:>t.es~· stagnant pool and the large sculpture at the American life. It is what built th,e sky­ The study of America, is a two-fold - " , ""Pf THAT far end of it, I thought that whatever the Irish scraper. Our image abroad is that of John process. America must be seen both within are supposed to remember here, it has a Wayne and individualism. Perhaps we and without. One must analyze it by living - " Sul£ to4,PC certain weight to it - a certain burden to it .. really are a bunch of modem cowboys. I in it, and also by journeying from it and The Irish, I thought, live with the weight of have heard Irish friends say that they really looking from the outside back in. This very a long history. do feel a sense offreedom in America which important latter process is what I In America, this feeling is not known. they cannot find in Ireland, and upon their experienced in a very s~all and empty place Comparatively, our history, or at least oUr return to Ireland, they develop a serious case simply called Remembrance Park, Dublin I sense of it, is almost nill. We live day to day of cultural claustrophobia. City, Ireland. 'D with only generalizations about our past, Ireland, on the other hand, can quickly by Marc Conklin 24 SCHOLASTIC

-~~-~------,) .:", " - . -~--~~~-,-"'.-~-~~~~- II