Gheel, the City of the Simple
PRESS MARK Press No Shrif No /Uiok No GHEEL, THE CITY OF THE SIMPLE. : : ; GHEEL THE CITY OF THE SIMPLE. BY THE AUTHOR OF "FLEMISH INTERIOES." For he that is of Eeason's skm bereft wants the staffe of Wisdome , him to stay, "v ..""^ v«i<tJ' l^jfke a shippe in midst of tempest left f Witlmuten helme or pilot her to sway »JK^ Fuil and dreadfull is that shippe's event So ig tjhi| man that wants entendement. ^'"^ "\ Spenser. IT "^i LONDON CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADn^LY. 1869. LONDON HOUSE, STRAND. PRINTED BY 0. WHITING, BEATJFOHT DEDICATED AS A TEIBUTB OF SURVTVINa BEGARD AND ESTEEM ®n ijiB Mimc\\ nf THE DISTINGUISHED AOT) LAMENTED BELGIAN SAVANT AND PHILANTHROPIST, M. EDOUAED-ANTOIKB DUCPETIAUX, INSPEOTEUR GENERAL, HONORAIRE, DES PRISONS ET BTABLISSEMENTS- DE BIENFAISANCE, MKMBBB DE L'ACADBMIB, MEMBEE COBRESPONDANT DB L'INSTITUT DB FRANCE, seCRetairb General du congrSs de malines, DBCORE DB LA CROIX DE FEE, OFFICIBR DB L'ORDEB DE LEOPOLD, &C. &0. &C., BY FRIENDSHIP, ONE WHO IS PROUD TO HAVE POSSESSED HIS THE AUTHOE. Digitized 1by the Internet Archive in 2015 PREFACE. In offering this little volume to the British public, I am animated by the hope that it may find its way, into the hands, among others, of those who are un- happily so placed as to bear the responsibility of caring and providing for the mentally affected. To such, the information it contains ought to be of the greatest practical value. It reveals to them a secret after which their hearts must long have yearned, and happily not only a secret, but an available fact—that their afflicted charges need not be subjected to incarceration, restrictions, coercion, viii PREFACE.
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