•$itf&fc 571* The London Gazette.

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From S&atHtsiap January 10. to JCnefMp January 13. 1719.

oi that Duke's Party as were in thei St. James's, January 11 • Camp, were fiezed; and Orders we,re ENT Preachers appointed to Preach before dispatched for securing Baron Goerc2 L Hit Majesty-, for the Year 1718-19. and all the Deputation for the Finances *Feb. ii Afli-Wednesday-Deanofthe Chapel, Lord at Stockholm, among whom there was Bishop of SarUm. but one Swede ; which Orders it was 1 j Friday, Dn. of Durham,Dr.Montagu 1,Sunday. Xord Bishop of Worcester. not doubted would be diligently exe­ *8 Wednesday, Dr. Bowers. cuted, the Governour of Stockholm *o Friday, , Dr. being intirely devoted to the Prince* Reynolds. The Duke of Holstein retired to Gotten* xt Sunday, Lord Bishop of Oxford. **, -j "Wednesday* Dr. Leng. bourg, but not finding there the Re­ 27 Friday, , Dr. Finch. ception he expected, he set out for March 1 Sunday, Ld. Bishop of Peterborough. Stockholm with very few Attendants. 4*Wednesday, Dr. Trimnel.. 6 Friday, Dn.of Worcester ,Dr.Hare. The Prince had left the Command o£ 8 Sunday, Lord Bilhop of Lincoln. the Army to General Ducker, in or­ « Wednesday, Mr. Talbot. der to go to Stockholm* General Diic- ?i Friday, , Dr. Wickart. ker is to Jend Pairs of the Army to their 15 Sunday, Lord Bishop of Norwich. former -Quarters, and to return with jj 8 Wednesday, Dr. Waugh. the rest to Schopeh. The Body ci •soFi-iday, Dean of , Dr. Stanhope. Troops ntjar Drontheira was thought Ai Palm-Sunday, ,or. to be in Danger. The last Account of . them was, that they were in want of •j,*" Wednesday, Dr. Egerton. "• V) Good-Friday, Lord Bishop ofRochester.Dn. Provisions, and mu{. suffer extremely if of Westminster. they did not retire; But the King sent; *5 Easter-t>ay, Ld. Bishop of Gloucester.Lord an Aide de Camp, with positive Orders Almoner. for them ta advance" ,* and such Abun­ . , feOLLES NEWCASTLE/ dance of Snow has fallen since, that ii h doubted they cannot repass the Moun­ "Cajsel* fan. 9. Yesterday we received 1 ie Confirmation of the News of the tains. The Landgrave designs to send King of Sweden's Death,' by one of Mr. Hein, the Hereditary Prince's Cbun- the Hereditary Prince's Adjutants, who sellour, to Sweden. brought a Letter from the Prince eo • Brussels, Jan. 14. Oft the .*t2th Instant* the Landgrave?- This Officer reports, two Battallions of thfe Regiment of Fboc that upon the King's Death, the Here­ of Bonneval came into this Town, the ditary Prince who commanded the Bo­ rest of that Regiment are garrisoned inr dy which covered the Attack of the Antwerp, 'Tis reported that the Collo­ Castle of Frederick/hall* immediately nel Count Bonneval, who is at the was sent for. and took upon him the Court of Vienna, has obtained the Go-* Command of the Army, all the Gene­ vernment of Dendermonde, and that? rals having,refused" to obey the Duke of he will accompany Prihce Eugene hi­ Holstein. who was likewise present. Such ther the Beginning of March. M. Stroa- zi,