769 International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) ISSN: 2509-0119. © 2020 International Journals of Sciences and High Technologies http://ijpsat.ijsht-journals.org Vol. 21 No. 1 June 2020, pp. 49-51

Autism in Children: Causes, Types, Symptoms

Sadritdinova Dilfuza Mirkhalimovna, Mirakhmedova Lobar Akhmatovna

Tashket State Pedagogical University

Abstract – This article highlights the features and difficulties of the mental development and socialization of autistic children, and outlines ways to help them in their education and family education.

Keywords – Result, Training, Correction, Development, Speech, Echolalia, Cadences, Syndrome, Communication, Education, Family, Child.

Relevance of the problem: The article is devoted to the In the early diagnosis of in children, treatment can problem of autism in children and is currently gaining have noticeable results, and the main focus of therapy is the special relevance, since the number of such children is education and socialization of the child. With the increasing every year. People with autism of all ages and all recognition and treatment of autism, the situation is not levels of functioning are susceptible to learning throughout simple, timely diagnosis and correction of autism becomes their lives. However, the data of a large number of studies primarily the task of parents. indicate that timely work begun gives the best results. With autism, certain developmental disorders are often Autism is a disorder of mental and psychological observed, especially speech impairment (it is significantly development in which there is a pronounced deficiency of delayed or absent). More than half of autistic people never emotional manifestations and the sphere of communication. reach a level of speech sufficient for normal A study by the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2016 communication, while others report a delay in its formation, showed that for every 100 children, one will be sick. It turns with qualitative violations in a number of areas: echolalia is out that 1% suffers from autism. Therefore, in fact, in the pronounced, pronouns are replaced, violation of intonation environment of each person, a person with this disorder can and speech cadence. Autistic speech is artificially designed, meet. And this is taking into account the fact that the filled with meaningless, unnaturally clear, stereotypical statistics of autism in the world has data that the phrases, impractical, often completely unsuitable for normal organization deliberately underestimated somewhat in order communication. Mental deficiency Mental retardation is the to allow a share of errors in the study. And every year, most common concomitant disorder found in approximately patients with a similar diagnosis are growing. The 2/3 of autistic patients. Although most studies indicate increasing incidence of autism in children raises serious in the range from moderate to severe concerns, but is still not motivated. Scientists agree only on mental retardation (IQ 20-50), we are talking about a wide the fact that autism is provoked by a complex of factors, and scale of lesion levels. It varies from deep mental retardation not by a single reason. (with severe autism) to moderate, sometimes even slightly

Corresponding Author: Sadritdinova Dilfuza Mirkhalimovna 49 Autism in Children: Causes, Types, Symptoms above the average intelligence (with ). In disorders appear against the background of progressive 5–10% of autistic children at preschool age, the degenerative changes in the central nervous system. The manifestation of “autismus savant”, Savant's syndrome, reason for the appearance of is a mutation of characterized by outstanding abilities (for example, musical one of the genes of the sex X chromosome. This explains or artistic talents, high mathematical abilities, unusual the fact that only girls are ill. Almost all male fruits that mechanical ), incompatible with the general level of have one X chromosome in the genome die even in the defeat, is possible. However, only a minimal percentage of womb. The first signs of the disease begin to appear 6-18 autists can use such abilities in everyday life, most of them months after the birth of the baby. Until this time, the use their skills in a completely non-functional way. growth and development of the baby does not differ from Stereotypical behavioral patterns Typical for autism is the norm. Neuropsychiatric disorders develop through four persistent absorption by one or more stereotypical, very stages of the disease. Due to severe motor impairment and limited interests, compulsive observance of specific, non- severe neuropsychiatric changes, Rett syndrome is the most functional procedures, rituals, repeated strange motor severe form of autism that cannot be corrected. Asperger manners (tapping, twisting arms or fingers, complex Syndrome is another form of autism. Among patients, 80 movements of the whole body). Autists, when working with percent are boys. For one thousand children, there are 7 objects, especially during a game, have an abnormal interest cases of the disease with this syndrome. Signs of the disease in the non-functional parts of things or toys (aromas, touch, begin to appear from 2-3 years, but the final diagnosis is noise or vibrations arising from manipulation with them). most often made at 7-16 years. Among the manifestations of Asperger syndrome, three main characteristics of a violation The main types of autism, which are indicated in the of the psychophysiological state of the child are International Classification of Diseases, include: - early distinguished. The main characteristics of Asperger childhood autism; - atypical autism; - Rett syndrome; - syndrome are: social disorders; features of intellectual Asperger syndrome. The remaining types of autism, which development; disturbances of sensory (sensitivity) and are quite rare, belong to the rubric "other types of autistic motility. How to treat? No specific treatment for autism has disorders." Early childhood autism is a type of autism in been developed at this time. Unfortunately, there is no which mental and behavioral disorders begin to manifest special pill or magic vaccine that would reliably protect the from the first days of a child's life. Instead of the term “early baby from the possible development of the disease. A single childhood autism,” they also use “Kanner syndrome” in cause of the disease has not been established. The lack of medicine. Of ten thousand infants and young children, this understanding about the primary source of the disease does type of autism occurs in 10-15 babies. Boys suffer from not allow scientists to create a unique medicine that would Kanner’s syndrome 3-4 times more often than girls. Signs of completely cure babies with autism. The treatment of this early childhood autism may begin to appear from the first mental illness is carried out comprehensively, taking into days of a baby’s life. In such children, mothers notice a account the symptoms that have arisen. All methods of violation of the reaction to auditory stimuli and inhibition of treatment can be divided into several groups: Drug treatment the reaction to various visual contacts. In the first years of can only be effective for solving the concomitant problems life, children have difficulty understanding speech. They of aggression, obsession, tics, anxiety, mood swings, also have a delay in speech development. By the age of five, hyperactivity, etc. Psychological consultations. An autistic a child with early childhood autism has difficulties with child psychologist must work with a child. Using various social relationships and persistent behavioral disorders. psychological techniques, the specialist will help the baby Atypical autism is a form of autism in which clinical cope with the emerging outbreaks of anger and auto- manifestations can be hidden for many years or be mild. aggression, as well as improve the inner feeling when With this disease, not all the main symptoms of autism are integrated into a new team. Today, behavioral therapy for detected, which complicates the diagnosis at an early stage. autists or the ABA method, that is, Applied behavior The clinical picture of atypical autism is represented by a analysis, is one of the most effective methods for correcting variety of symptoms that can occur in different patients in childhood autism. It is based on behavioral technologies and different combinations. The characteristic groups of teaching methods that allow one to study the influence of symptoms of atypical autism are: speech disorders; signs of environmental factors on autistic behavior and manipulate emotional failure; signs of social maladaptation and these factors by changing it. The ABA method in autism has insolvency; disordered thinking; irritability. Rett syndrome another name, namely, “Behavior Modification”. Behavioral refers to a form of autism in which severe neuropsychiatric therapy for autists under the ABA program is based on the

Vol. 21 No. 1 June 2020 ISSN: 2509-0119 50 Autism in Children: Causes, Types, Symptoms idea that any behavior of a person entails certain educational tasks, it is necessary to take into account the consequences, and when a child likes it, he will repeat this quality of life of both the person with autism and his family behavior, and, accordingly, when he doesn’t like it, he members, which will allow for proper planning of the won’t. General health-improving treatments. Kids with intervention and, as a result, achieve socially significant autism are not at all contraindicated in sports. However, successes that are important not only in a certain they should be engaged in special groups with professional environment, but throughout life . People with ASD often instructors or trainers who are trained in the elements of need systematic training in learning-to-learn skills, such as working with “special” children. Such children can show eye contact, shared attention, item discrimination, imitation, excellent results and achieve good sports achievements. and simple instructions. Those who are not capable of verbal Success is only possible with the right pedagogical communication may need to learn alternative approach. With a baby 3 years old, a speech therapist must communication. Unwanted behavior - outbursts of anger, conduct classes. At such lessons, children learn to speak aggression or self-harm - should be replaced by more correctly, refuse to use multiple repetitions of words. Speech socially acceptable and functional skills (for example, therapy classes can improve the baby’s vocabulary, add requests to take a break from work). In some cases, training even more words to his vocabulary. Such educational games is required in the skills necessary in everyday life, including help children to better adapt to new teams and improve their independent use of the toilet, brushing your teeth, dressing, social adaptation. and participating in family meals. People with autism of all ages and all levels of functioning are susceptible to learning Usually, before choosing a hobby that will be interesting throughout their lives. However, the data from a large for the baby, a good analysis of his abilities and a qualitative number of studies indicate that early, intensive interventions assessment of the level of health and physical development based on instructive strategies for applied behavior analysis are required. Not all kids with autism will perform the same (ABA) give the best results when working with people with tasks with the same interest. The right choice of classes to a ASD. large extent improves the prognosis of treatment and favorably affects the mental and mental development of the Conclusion. Thus, autism is a common developmental baby. Usually, children with autism are recommended disorder that is characterized by intolerance to ordinary various corrective exercises that can improve the social human stress (everything is perceived too strongly and integration of the baby in society. Sport is recommended for vividly), especially close contact with another person and a kids. It is better to give preference to more relaxed sports weakness in the sense of self. Severe forms of autism are that will help strengthen the baby's health and have a rare, lungs are widespread. Moreover, children with such a positive effect on his nervous system. Such children are very diagnosis, in fact, do not turn away from the outside world warm towards various animals. Direct contact and touching — the desire to communicate and be understood, as a rule, them can cause strong positive emotions in the baby and they have even more than ordinary children. even improve the prognosis of treatment. With the right REFERENCES tactics, negative behavior will fade. Speaking of autism, we often use the term “ disorder” (ASD), which [1] Borodina L. G., Soldatenkova E. N. Recommendations to reflects its various manifestations and various, sometimes parents if the child has an autism spectrum disorder. / unique, combinations of advantages and disadvantages Borodina L. G., Soldatenkova E. N. –Autism and inherent in different children. So, in some children there are developmental disorders, vol. 13 No. 4, 39–43 p. serious violations in almost all areas, including cognitive. [2] Krevelen VK. To the problem of autism. 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