IX FI Al April 6,1981 Alfred University's Student Newspaper DELTA SIG FIRE 3 Firemen Injured Residents Escape lapsed ceilings, and water da- By Dave Diimnock fire is the balloon-wall structure of the building. In essence, this mage to the rest of the house. At about 5:15 AM last Alfred Firechief Doerschug Friday morning fire fighters kind of structure is similar to a flue in the outside walls and estimates that 75,000 gallons 01 from Alfred, Alfred Station, and water were used (sources: Tech Almond arrived at Delta between floors (should a fire occur in these spaces). This kind water-supply, town water-main, Sigma Phi at the report of a fire. and Kanakadea Creek). Prelim- When firemen arrived to extin- of structure is common in homes e as old as Delta Sig. inary investigations revealed S guish the blaze, which was on the that the most probable cause of o- third floor of the structure, they After about two hours, the fire fire was faulty electrical wiring ha were beaten back by the heat behind the walls. It is possible S- and smoke. was brought under control and B extinguished. the fire may have smouldered for pr» The first fireman to confront three firemen were injured, none as much as three hours before it 2 the blaze commented that they seriously. One was the result of could be detected. could not see out of their oxygen a mishap on the Wellsville Hook masks nor could they maneuver and ladder truck and the other At around 4:30 AM smoke in the maze of rooms on the attic two suffered smoke inhalation. began to fill the third floor. floor. The Wellsville Hook and All of the brothers of Delta were Unable to locate and put out the Ladder company was called in to evacuated with no injuries. source, the Alfred fire emergen- the fire and Andover was called The house itself stands amidst cy line was called and the house to come to the Alfred fire station the complete destruction of its evacuated. (See continuing for stand-by situations. third floor. Severe smoke, fire, articles below). A major problem that pre- and water damage, some col- vented immediate control of the

By Larry Dilworth One brother looked for a drill had fallen, yet the danger of to make holes in the floors to let others doing the same did not A watered-down version of the water that had collected stop the house mother from Hell confronted me as I entered upstairs drain into the basement. salvaging what she could. "It Teta wins election; Delta Sigma Phi. "We don't I later saw a fireman with a drill was such a good kitchen", she know where to begin", said one enter a room for just that said. "Maybe it can be saved". brother. purpose. "It's totaled', said one brother. Indeed, the extent of the Most of the kitchen ceiling tiles tells Fiat plans damage is awesome. Pools of Continued on page 3 Teta: I think it was a lack of water cover the first floor. The By Larry Dilworth carpet is spongy and wet, communication. Maybe a lot By Larry Dilworth The February elections at more people on this side of springing bade at me as I walk charge, if the house is rebuilt and A.U. resulted in the victory of upon it The administration was right if they wish to return to it. campus knew about it than on on top of the situation and met on Larry Teta over Rich Wagner in the other. Water drips wildly from the 4. All are being placed on the the race for the office of Student ceiling, falling on my paper even friday with the members of Delta seven-day meal plan for the Fiat: That side meaning the Pine Sigma Phi whose possessions had Senate President. Teta tallied Hill area? as I write. The rooms on this remainder of the year at no floor have been emptied of been lost in the fire. Don King 223 votes to Wagner's 178. Edie Teta: Right. I think there is a charge. furniture. Only debris and a and Robbie McFarland outlined Unger, the sole candidate for the cut-off from the campus center 5. The Red Cross has donated office of Vice-President, won her ghostly impression of what once the projected program of re- «1 over. A lot of the freshman $100.00 to each brother affected was remains. covery: race quite easily in the absence of and sophomores don't know for the purchase of clothing at any effective competition. I descend into the basement. 1. Arrangements are being the K-Mart in Wellsville. what's going on. made for the storage of house The fact that only three Fiat:Rich Wagner concentrated There being no electricity in the 6. The Campus Cave is students attempted to claim the house, all is black. A Village belongings. donating a pair of jeans to each his efforts in the Pine Hill region. 2. All the dispossessed are offices is distressing, but the Did you campaign there? worker with a flashlight tells me brother, and will allow them a admirable nature of each candi- that the water in the basement being given lodging on campus at 2OV2 discount on all other items. Teta: We distributed some flyers the University's expense. date's quest cannot be empha- in all the freshman and sopho- had been four-feet deep earlier. 7. Efforts are underway to 3. All concerned who sign sized enough. That they devote more dorms. I really didn't go They have been pumping water replace all books lost in the fire. housing contracts for next year their time, and be willing to walking over to talk with too out since about 10:30 or so. 8. All other assistance is may break those contracts at no make à commitment, and under- many people. I did a lot of my There were one or two inches welcome. stand that all was not going to be talking to people around here, to remaining at 1:30. fun and games: these were the juniors and seniors whom I considerations to which each of realized would go out and vote. the candidates answered in the There is always going to be that affirmative. It can only be hoped problem with freshman and that many more will do likewise sophomores. in the years to come. We are going to have a A downward trend in Alfred membership drive (Block Party- voter participation is evident aprifl 11, Saturday) on the lawn when one compares the results of in front of the Science Center. last year's election with those of We are trying to get the this year. 22.2 V2, slightly less activities closer to those on Pine than one-quarter of the elector- Hill. A lot of (underclassmen) ate exercised their privilege to lack the push to get involved a vote this year, in stark contrast J3 because they are so involved O to last year when one-third of the with having a good time. >-» students chose to do so. Unger:People ask me if I've won •O What was considered abomin- and when do I take office. I think O able and disturbing then is it's the fault of the elections "8 certainly no less so now, and this committee and the Senate. Last writer is angered to think of the year there was publicity, but consequences if the present more people were running. I trend continues into the future. thought it was purely apathetic By Dave Diimnock and Larry that no one ran against me. Flat:There is a constitutional Dilworth proviso for a publicity director, Flat: To what do you attribute who in the past has played a the lack of voter participation in this past election? Continued on page 2 3 April 6,1981 Still, there was no word about quently, State Department press the massacre or of Senator releases are repeated verbatim Where's the Press? Kennedy's 'revelations.' At the as 'news' in the day's papers. time of the massacre, world Also, reporters in Washington attention had been focused on El are in fierce competition for Salvador because of the assasin- 'confidential sources.' These A Massacre Goes ation of Archbishop Romero, the sources are usually cited as a coup, the video tape of demon- Senior State Department official' strators being shot on the steps or some other trench-coat of the cathedral and the other envoking epitaph. Needless to Without Noticmuset use extreme methods of exciting copy that civil wars say, these sources become ways Two helicopters lead the by Tony Mastrogiorgio eroding opposition. The Sumpul provide. El Salvador seemed to of plantmg stones at the expense assault by the Salvadorian Army Massacre is a sterling example of One; suspects that the massa- be crawling with journalists. of investigation. and ORDEN, a right-wing such methods. The failure of the U.S. press corp cre of several hundred unarmed terrorist gang with army sup- The point is that much of the refugees, through the combined At first the body count was raises serious questions. port, on the encampment. estimatd at six hundred. A news reported by the press is efforts of two nation's military Across the river there appeared The facts suggest that the simply the viewpoint of one force, is news-worhty. Indeed if conservative revision put it at at least two dozen Honduran 320, with bodies possibly swept relationship between the press agency or another. The press such an incident were to be soldiers who machine gunned and its foreign sources are on a becomes an ideological fellow rumored (let alone extensively away by the river. A Brooklyn those who attempted to escape born missionary 'discovered' the naive level. The classic example traveler which never questions and reliably documented) in die assault. cf the press's deficiency in Latin the basic assumptions of those Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia tragedy the next morning and With no place to escape, the America was recently reported who feed it the news. Unless

Tuesday, April 7th, is the Student Volunteers for Commun- Dilworth ity Action's annual Give-Up- Alfred's women's A-Meal. SVCA is asking that you give up your evening meal on the 7th. By doing this, you help fund mulls again: Basketball Team our volunteer effort. In cooperation with the Food Service, we receive the funds for On Compromise every dinner not eaten on that To the Editors: Concludes Season night. All proceeds will be put price of nationhood, and we by Mary Mastrogiorgio not only for their sport, but for cannot lose sight of that heroic towards replacing the volunteer I write in response to the Alfred University's Women's each other and their coaches. heritage. car which is essential to the scattered few who expressed joy Basketball team wrapped up its The coaches - Shirlev LIddle and organization. The President is the embodi- upon hearing the news that the ment of the nation. He is the season, February 21, playing There will be Student Volun- Bill LaCourse, maintained good president had been shot, and diief-of-state; the chief execu- against University of Buffalo. teer's in both dining halls during relationships with the girls. In dismay on hearing of his tive; commander of our armed Unfortunately, Alfred lost. the week prior to the Give-Up-A- fact, the team banquet took place expected recovery. forces; and he makes and directs According to one of the players Meal. For your convenience, the at Coach LaCourse's home. That these individuals have both the foreign and domestic on the team, this was a very SVCA is asking local eating The team is losing two players: the right, as set forth in the U.S. policies of the government. He is important game because the places to provide discounts on team could have concluded their Tammy Smolenski and Diane constitution, to speak as they the leader of his party, and most that evening. season with an 8 - 8 record. Maisel, both seniors. The other believe, I will not argue against. importantly, he is the leader of However, the scales tipped in the players are: Mary Kay Clark But I will argue that the nature the American people. (Syracuse), Deanne Mangold of their utterances, despite their wrong direction and the team ¡Anyone interested in any posi- concluded their season with a 7 - (N.Tonawanda), Cathy Shaw ignorance of or their appreciation Whenever a crisis arises, it is 9 record. (Fredonia), and Kim McKeever, for the politics of the situation, all freshmen. Anne Carson, ;tion on the Fiat Lux should come • was and is as reprehensible as the President who directs the The Fiat spoke to a member of Brenda Martin and Angela the shooting itself. response. He enters our homes the team who played frequently. Riccobono, all sophomores. Also, I understand that many via the media to inform us on the She stated that the season should Chris Wally, Judy VanKUren to an important meeting on condition of America. His is the not have depended so much on Americans are distressed by and Judy McKennen, all juniors. President Reagan's economic "Bully Pulpit". We hold him the last game. Two games Clark, Mangold, Shaw, Carson responsible for our failures, and during the season brought this Thursday, April 9th at 6:15 PM package. Massive cuts in aid to and Wally are the players who education, the arts, and the praise him for our successes. about. A close game against were most active Elmira, and another against humanities are bound to arouse With the exception of the m the Fiat Lux office downstairs Geneseo. The Geneseo game the ire of those affected. There He is also a world leader: the graduating seniors, the girls are was characterized by a generally are also those who are virulently man who must make the final all staying with the team, as poor performance. Both games in the Campus Center. opposed to the administration's decisions for the most powerful they've really enjoyed them- were losses. heavy emphasis upon defense nation on earth, decisions which selves this past season. spending. But whether these Fan attendance at the games affect the livelihood of all other The coaches are already Many of the positions are paying. persons are justified in their did not involve great numbers of nations and peoples. Yet he is looking for at least a couple of beliefs is not at issue here. It is people. Those who did attend, only one man, mortal, vulner- new players from the incoming the manner of that opposition however, enthusiastically sup- The Fiat Lux should also be of able, and human. Freshman class. Otherwise, the which is in question. ported the team. team and the team spirit remain In a liberal democratic society The players were definitely And he is shot, and that intact. interest to journalism students, a citizen has the opportunity to united by a great deal of spirit, footing is cheered by Ameri- voice approval or disapproval to cans. We lost a piece of ourselves the policies of the government. free-lance writers, concerned that day in March, just as we did One can write to one's congress- that day in November not so long 'Sound Affects' man or to the local newspaper. ago. It is heartening however, people, citizens, and the future One can debate the issues on the not to be writing a eulogy this radio or television. One can time, as it would have been for assemble peaceably and demon- by Woodward's and Bernstein's of the nation as well as the man. In the song, "Set the House strate a viewpoint in conjunction By Henri Martin III Ablaze", Weller argues with a with others. And perhaps most This latest attempt by the Jam Amerika. importantly, the ballot box, if right-wing friend. The music is The attack upon the president is their most revealing , used, is the most effective and charged, and so is Weller-with was an attack upon the nation, an and the most interesting. representative instrument of his friend and himself. His love attack upon our freedoms, and an Musically, a new freshness has change, or of stabilization, that for the British culture comes out. attack upon our right to choose been reinstated, but the music is this society has to offer. This sets up a paradox, which n: our own destiny. Those who still recognizably that of the Jam. runs through all the music by the applauded the action of John W. The radical anger that has While it is true that one man's Jam-old and new. This makes it Hinkley were, consciously or become their trademark has now ceiling is another man's floor, we all the more fun, and another otherwise, negating the very been channeled into a new have in America learned to dimension is added. base on which our nation was context. Taking compromise. That is how some "That's Entertainment", a built This negation and those This album builds still-lifes of 230 millions are held together, catchy tune set to a slow dim applause are part of that same mood and conflict Whereas on disparate strands bound into a pace, brings a conclusion, not an Our Bow attack. "This is the Modern World", or nation. The Constitution is the answer, to the contradictions "", the conflict was evidence of our commitment to I ask that everyone consider that run through each song. The there, lashing out at the general nationhood, a nationhood built carefully what they say on this song opens with violently ori- structure of modern times in the upon Freedom and Civil Liber- matter. The nation must be ented one-liners: 'A police car form of general protest. Editors: ties. On this commitment only preserved if we are to continue and a screaming siren - a On 'Sound Affects', the politics Tony Mastrogiorgio we will not compromise. Kving with the same freedoms pneumatic drill and ripped up become that of everyday situa- . David Dimmock The lessons of history are plain and liberties that we have always concrete'. After each scene is tions and problems. Questions Copy: Nancy Shafman with regard to this matter. Our had. We have worked so hard. set, it's followed by, 'that's afe still raised and unresolved, {Typing: Thelma Goold wars have been the tragic result On this issue now as before, we entertainment'. As the song but is it the purpose of music to business: Dorothv Sember of our refusal to compromise the cannot compromise. progresses with these settings, give the answers? nation. Among ourselves, we they widen in their circumfer- S Liberal Conscience: fought the bloodiest war in our Respectfully, "Start", one of the three love ence of experiences and moods, songs on the album, is unleashed Larry Dilworth - history for this very reason. We Lawrence A. Dilworth including good and bad set riiiiifiiirniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin have been willing to pay the class of '81 in a forceful fresh style. It against each other. one to one, and narrowing to the "Opening the windows and individual level. The problem breathing petrol- Two lovers throughout the record is that H il tei Passover Seder kissing amongst the scream of (vocalist, guitarist) midnight". This song makes it are all set to this framework the clear that Weller is talking of AfRiL 18, 1981 everyday life within the social life-his life. The paradoxes that order. Time: 00 P.M. Place: Susan Howell Hall arise are of a conflict between To understand the album as a the self and the society that Alfred University complete package is to realize imposes itself in and on the self. Reservation: $7.50 non-members (members free) that the group and the album is Is there hope then? "Man in the Paul Weller. This three piece Corner ShoD" ends on the note Reservation necessary for everyone! band reflects the existence of "For God created all men m you are on the A.U. "Any-15" Weller-he is the group. The equal". Make check payable to "Hillel" music style is "Mod". Think of meal plan, please bring your As a whole, the album is a Children Under 8 Free "early Who" plus a bit more sucess; the music is strong. The meal dot to the Seder] vibrancy, and you've got the general concept is a tough one, Clip Out Here Jam. but no one ever said life is easy. With this style of music, If you want to add to your SEDER RESERVATION FORM Weller builds a play of cbntridic- record collection- I recommend tions which reflects what is in this album. It also comes with an Name Date himself. This band is definitely bonus E.P. with one of the best English, and along with this "punk"singles of the decade- Local Address comes the English ideals. These "". This was ideals are what the music lashes actually released as a single after Phone. .Amt. Enclosed.. out against, yet there exists "Setting Sons". This band has some sympathy for a few of these made it clear, even in their early Call Dr. L. Greil [871-2215] on ideals. career- "This is the Modern A.U. Campus or Ms. B. Greil World". Now they're living with [871-6313] on Tecch Campus it