Longmen Shan fold-thrust AUTHORS Dong Jia Department of Earth Sciences, belt and its relation to the Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China;
[email protected] western Sichuan Basin in Dong Jia is a professor in the Department of Earth Sciences of Nanjing University in China. central China: New insights He received his Ph.D. in structural geology from Nanjing University in 1988. His current from hydrocarbon exploration research projects are focused on structural geometries and timing of deformation in the sedimentary basins of China. Dong Jia, Guoqi Wei, Zhuxin Chen, Benliang Li, Qing Zeng, and Guang Yang Guoqi Wei Research Institute of Petro- leum Exploration and Development, Langfang Branch, PetroChina Company Limited, Lang- fang 065007, People’s Republic of China; ABSTRACT
[email protected] The Longmen Shan fold-thrust belt is one of the key regions of de- Guoqi Wei is a chief geologist in the Langfang monstrable Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic evolution in China, and the Branch of the Research Institute of Petroleum Sichuan Basin was the first natural-gas-producing area in China. In Exploration and Development, PetroChina this article, the structural features of the Longmen Shan belt are Company Limited. He received his Ph.D. from Nanjing University in 2000. His current re- presented, using both seismic profiles and field data. The complex searches are focused on sedimentary basins in structures of the northeast-trending Longmen Shan fold-thrust belt western China. and its foreland in the western Sichuan Basin are formed by southeast-directed thrusting. Several eastward-verging, rootless Zhuxin Chen Department of Earth Sci- thrust sheets and imbricates of Cambrian–Triassic rocks have been ences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, recognized in the northern Longmen Shan belt.