Open Journal of Geology, 2018, 8, 247-262 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojg ISSN Online: 2161-7589 ISSN Print: 2161-7570 Characteristics of Nappes and Segmentation of the Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt, Western Sichuan Basin, China Wenzheng Jin1,2, Junpeng Wang3, Zehong Cui4, Zhixu Ye5 1School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China 2State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China 3Hangzhou Institute of Petroleum Geology, Petro China, Hangzhou, China 4Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Petro China, Beijing, China 5Jidong Oilfield Branch Company, Petro China, Tangshan, China How to cite this paper: Jin, W.Z., Wang, Abstract J.P., Cui, Z.H. and Ye, Z.X. (2018) Charac- teristics of Nappes and Segmentation of the In order to reveal the nature of the segmentation of Longmen Mountains Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt, Western Thrust Belt caused by the three nappes (Jiaoziding, Jiudingshan, and Baoxing Sichuan Basin, China. Open Journal of Nappe), several methods are applied in this paper, including field investiga- Geology, 8, 247-262. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojg.2018.83016 tion, seismic explanation and balanced crossed section, etc. Results of research reveal that nappes in Longmen Mountains vary in geometry, kinematics, and Received: February 3, 2018 dynamics. Jiaoziding Nappe has generally behaved in a ductile manner, whe- Accepted: March 24, 2018 reas Jiudingshan Nappe has been rigid, and the rheology of Baoxing Nappe Published: March 27, 2018 has been intermediate between that of the other two nappes. The development Copyright © 2018 by authors and of nappes has resulted in tectonic segmentation of Longmen Mountains: the Scientific Research Publishing Inc. main structural style of the northern segment is thrust faulting, with Jiaozid- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International ing Nappe representing a giant syncline. Given its ductility, it absorbed lots of License (CC BY 4.0). stress, with the least amount of tectonic shortening in the SE part of the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ nappe. In the middle segment, the deformation is controlled by the rigid Ji- Open Access udingshan Nappe, whose frontal area records lots of tectonic shortening. De- formation in the southern segment is intermediate in character between that of the other two segments, characterized by horizontal zonation, as demon- strated by fault development, and vertical stratification, which indicates that fault development was controlled by lithology. Keywords Nappe, Tectonic Evolution, Segmentation, Decollement Layer, Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2018.83016 Mar. 27, 2018 247 Open Journal of Geology W. Z. Jin et al. 1. Introduction Located on the western edge of the Western Sichuan Foreland Basin, the Long- men Mountains Thrust Belt records polyphase deformation and is characterized by complicated structures [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. The belt shows clear tectonic seg- mentation, as described in previous publications. For example, Jia et al. (2006) divided the belt into northern and southern segments in the area of Anxian County [6], Li et al. (2005) recognized the Jiaoziding, Jiudingshan, and Baoxing nappes [7], and Liu (2006) identified three segments: a northern segment to the north of Deyang City, a southern segment to the south of Dujiangyan City (for- merly known as Guanxian County, which is still used on occasion because of its important geological implications), and a third segment located between the them [8]. Jin et al. (2010) divided the Longmen Mountain Thrust Belt into three segments (northern, middle, and southern, separated by two transfer zones) based on seismic data and field surveys [9] [10]. Besides, some transverse faults (such as the Wolong-Huaiyuan fault and Huya fault) are studied and are taken for the boundaries between different fault zones by means of geophysical fea- tures [11] [12]. This paper focuses on the long standing nappes (the Jiaoziding, Jiudingshan, and Baoxing nappes) and their implication on the tectonic characteristics and evolution of Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt and even Western Sichuan Forel- and Basin which has largely been neglected in previous studies, so the mechan- ism of segmentation of the Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt is further investi- gated in terms of three main nappes in this paper; these nappes are described and analyzed in terms of their geometry and kinematics, and the control by nappes on segmentation of the thrust belt and the tectonic evolution of the Western Sichuan Foreland Basin. 2. Method 2.1. Nappe Geometry An analysis of structural styles at the surface and at depth indicates that the Jiao- ziding, Jiudingshan, and Baoxing nappes differ in geometry (Figure 1; Table 1). The strike of beds within the three nappes is consistent (NE-SW), and the nappes are separated by the Anxian transfer zone (between the Jiaoziding and Jiudingshan nappes) and the Guanxian transfer zone (between the Jiudingshan and Baoxing nappes) [10]. The nappes are all large, from 1700 km2 to 3000 km2 (Table 1), with the Jiudingshan Nappe covering the widest area. The three nappes vary in terms of lithology: the Jiudingshan and Baoxing nappes consist of mig- matite (formed mainly between Pre-Sinian and Triassic), whereas the Jiaoziding Nappe is a giant syncline composed of Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian. 2.2. Kinematics 2.2.1. Jiaoziding Nappe A typical section across the Jiaoziding Nappe was selected for the construction of DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2018.83016 248 Open Journal of Geology W. Z. Jin et al. Figure 1. Three nappes in Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt (modified from Jin, et al. [9]). F1—Qingchuan-Maowen Fault; F2—Beichuan-Yingxiu Fault; F3—Majiaoba-Tongjichang-Shuangshi Fault; F4—Guangyuan-Guankou-Dayi Fault. Table 1. Geometric features of nappes of Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt. Jiaoziding Nappe Jiudingshan Nappe Baoxing Nappe Covered area/km2 1700 - 1900 2500 - 3000 2400 - 2500 Depth/km 2 - 3 17 18 Direction of long axis NE NE NE Length of long axis/km 95 100 95 Length of short axis/km 10 - 20 35 30 Formation D, C, P Magmatite (PreZ-T) Magmatite (PreZ-T) Direction of main faults NE, NNE NE, NEE, NNE NE, NEE, NNE Character of fault thrust fault thrust fault thrust fault Length of faults/km >20 >20 >20 The data above is obtained from the Regional Geological Map of Sichuan Province with scale of 1:200000. a balanced cross-section (Figure 2). Analysis of the cross-section reveals a poly- phase tectonic history comprising three important events: extension between Cambrian and Permian (total extension of 18.89 km), and contraction during the Late Triassic and during the Himalayan movement (1.81 - 65.5 Ma) (short- ening of 10.6 and 28.75 km, respectively). The Himalayan movement (also re- ferred to as the Sichuan Movement) involved the most intensive deformation, affecting large areas of the Sichuan Basin and producing the main phase of de- velopment of the Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt. DOI: 10.4236/***.2018.***** 249 Open Journal of Geology W. Z. Jin et al. Figure 2. Balanced crossed section of Jiaoziding Nappe. 2.2.2. Jiudingshan Nappe After the Jinning Movement, the Songpan-Aba Basin was connected to the Si- chuan Basin, forming a single block known as the Yangtze unite basement. After Sinian, the palaeotopography undulating and the Jiudingshan Nappe was a pa- laeohigh [13], and this palaeohigh was the origin of subsequent tectonic pa- laeo-uplift and the formation and evolution of adjacent areas. DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2018.83016 250 Open Journal of Geology W. Z. Jin et al. From the pre-Sinian to the Late Permian, the Songpan-Aba Basin experienced a widespread marine transgression and became a passive continental margin ba- sin. Sediments were deposited under the control of the Qingling Ocean, pro- ducing an onlap unconformity between the basement and the overlying sedi- mentary cover. In the Early Silurian, the basin was separated from the Sichuan Basin and the Longmen Mountains Rift Trough was formed. Imbricate listric faults, striking NW-SE, formed at this time, merging at depth to form a large decoupling layer. A large volume of intrusive rocks was generated at this time, forming a palaeohigh under the control of large-scale deep-seated faults. In the late Middle Triassic, the stress field affecting the Songpan-Aba Basin reversed from extension to compression, due to collision between the Yangtze and North China blocks. As a result, the imbricate listric faults that formed pre- viously in an extensional field were transformed to shear or thrust faults, as was the deep-level decoupling fault. The process of deformation was piggy-back style, meaning that faults in the northwest formed earlier than those in the southeast [13]. A typical section across the Jiudingshan Nappe was selected for the construc- tion of a balanced cross-section (Figure 3), revealing a similar polyphase tecton- ic evolution to that of the Jiaoziding Nappe, with three main events: a Late Or- dovician event (tectonic shortening of 13.00%), a Late Triassic event (tectonic shortening of 8.13%), and a Himalayan Movement (tectonic shortening of 16.32%). The Himalayan Movement was the most intensive deformation event in the tectonic evolution of the Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt. 2.2.3. Baoxing Nappe A balanced cross-section constructed through the Baoxing Nappe reveals that it also experienced a polyphase tectonic history (Figure 4), with the most intensive deformation in the late Middle Triassic. During this period, the stress field in the study area showed a gradual change from extension to compression, and the se- dimentary environment changed gradually from marine to continental. Defor- mation of the Baoxing Nappe occurred much later than that of the Jiaoziding and Jiudingshan nappes, and plutonic rocks formed before Permian within an extensional stress field. There were two important periods in the evolution of Longmen Mountains Thrust Belt: the Late Triassic (tectonic shortening of 8.42%) and the Himalayan period (tectonic shortening of 36.53%).
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