THE NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER IN DAVIE-^THE BEST FOR THE SUBSCRIBER AND ADVERTISER ;'he CornerCupboard ГА(!Е 1 THE MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISK. MOCKRVILLB. N. C. THURSDAY, FEB. 24, 1938 , Cokimn NOTICE OP SALE An Envoy Smiles Edited by M. J. H. Under and by virtue of au­ Mocksville SAVED MAH’S LIFE. В thority conferred in me by a cer­ WINTER MIDNIGHT tain Deed of Trust executed by (A HUNEYCUTT PUBLICATION) W. G. Ratledge and wife, Moselle fhe watchdogs bark from farm VOLUME 00 Number Ц • Ratleiige, to B. C. Brock, Trustee, MOCKSVILLE, N, C., THURSDAY. MARCH 3, 1938 -J to slumbering farm ', î for Jirs. Sarah J. Harding, dated the 21st day of October, 1936, {>me coded message through the SAME OLD STORY OP FALSE VALUES — WEIGHING PRO­ and recorded in Book of Mort­ tranquil night, ^l| PERTY AGAINST HUMAN LIVES. PREACHER LEFT, gages No. 27, page 16(5, Office of cross the level fields the moon 11 JJUT THE MAN HE BLESSED IN EARLY MORNING BE­ Register of Deeds for Davie shines bright. County, North Carolina, B. C, V| CAME A HOME MISSIONARY. , • , |o aid that sharp vociferous Modsvilie Has Bad Fire Scare Sunday Night Brock, Trustee, will, at 12:00 o’clock M., on tho alarm. iJnifotm Sunday School Lesson same he was then, even bo Jesus 12lh Day of March, 1938, i^ith drowsy dread of some im- For February 27th, Mark 5: 1-18. “IS THE SAME YESTEHDAY at the Courthouse door of Davie _ pending- harm Big Increase To Blaze Which Originated In Stòck Rooin |}ie henhouse stirs to undefined TODAY AND FOREVER”, and County, Mocksville, North Caro­ THE ENTERPRISE TAKES OVER THE INDEPENDENT’S B> A. C. HUNEYCUTT that He is as powerful as He was lina, sell at public auction for affright; Enterprise Force At Par due’s Does Much Damage To I There are so many great that day in the country of the cash, to the highest bidder, the ind in his place the plow horse, SUBSCRIPTION LIST sleeping light, thoughta which come to one upon Gadarenes, to cast from us the following lands, to-wit: The Enterprise is most for­ Stock Of Goods and To Masonic evil which would dominate us and FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING roused to misty snortings, a careful reading o£ the portion tunate in being able to announce ruin our lives. at a Walnut, runs, N. 66 E. 21 to moist and warm. The Enterprise has agreed to! take over the circulation of of Mark’s Gospel selected as the that the management has secured Hall. Salisbury Called To Help. Soves Man, But Steps on Toes of a Hickory; thence N. 5 E. 17.17 I the services of Messrs. L. L. The Davie Independent, starting next week, and carry out printed text for the uniform Sun- hie rumor goes its round. Vested Interests chs. to a stone; thence N. 86 W. -When you're norvoua they tell you to relax. “ Cranford and Winnie Everington, all that publication’s unexpired*! subscriptions. The Davie ¿HJK school’ lesson for February Easy ad^ncc to give, but mighty hard to follow. bayings cease. “SM0KÍÍ-EATERS” ANSWER: Jesus saved the -wild man from 23.03 lo an iron; thence N. 85 W. also. II t Qyv Mrs. XT MO Everington,_i- ___ ..11 all .i* of a Al­ i Independent will cease publicii,ition with its issue of next 27, that one is at a loss to know the power of the” unclean spirits' You will find it much easier lo relax—to over­ Yields to Hitler a n o t h e r GALL MON. 5.10 to a White Oak; thence S. come Sleepiessnea^ Kervous InlUiblUly, Rest- l)ur dog comes back to curl bemarle. ias additional help on the Tuesday, and will move its plant, to Lexington, v.’here the -which to discuss in so short a but they went out of him and in- lefsness, Mcrtroiis Headache alter you tako against the door, 10 E. 14.78 to a stake; thence S. shop force and staff, and they all publishers, Messrs. Cullinford and Leach, will devote their Bpace. The lesson committee, it to the swine feeding nearby, 20 E, 14.13 to the beginning, con­ ____^DR. M IL E S ' 1C * the barnyard hushes into rest entire energies to the work of Jpublishing their newspaper Mocksville had quite an excit­ will bo noted, passed over the oausing them to rush madly down start work with the Enterprise taining 65 27-100 acres, more or once more, Monday morning, March 7th. Mrs. at Lexington. ft . ing experience about 9:30 o’clock fourth chapter, but tha student a steep cliff and drown them- less, being Lot No. 2A in the Di­ i’hrougli all the countryside good The publisher of the Enterprise hopes and believes that on Sunday night when the fir.o Bhould not fail to read that chap-j ad vea in the sea. And, then, as e r v i n E Everington will tako the place of vision of the lands of Bettie Rat- DR. MILES NERVINE Is a well known n«srvc silence falls. Miss Annie Holthouser (now many of these will continue tpjget the Enterprise long, af­ alarm called the local fire co. to ter, for It is a very essential part has always been the case when sedaUvc. Although the formula' from which It ^Icep bends above the land, the ledse. recorded in Book No. 28, Mrs. George Marshall) Mrs. Mar­ ter the date of the expiration ,qf their subscriptions to the .of the lesson, in thi^t he connects human souls are weighed against Joseph P. Kennedy was made has been in use for nearly 60 years, the Masonic Building where a page G36, and allotted to Walter no Iwtter medicine for a tense, over-wrought roofs, the stalls; shall to go to Winston-Salem, Independent. -'i tho acts and teachings of Jesus property interests, the owners of nervous condition has over been prescribed. fire was^etting pretty good head­ An excellent new picture of Jo­ Glenn Ratledge. \ntl every living thing returns to March 12th, where she and Mr. The taking over of the Independent’s entire circulation from the last lesson up with the the sv/ine got sore. They cared seph P. Kennedy, ambassador DR. MILES NER-^rn^ Is as up-to-date way in 'the stock room of D. L . SECOND TRACT; BEGINNING as this morning's paper. peace”. Marshall will set up housekeep­ will materially increase the .'already large circulation of cne We now to study. Chapter little for the poor fellow who was to Great Britain, shows him after at a stone, runs N. 5 E. 17.46 to At all drug stores. (By Frances Hall.) Pardue’s store. The smoke a t : four is mostly taken up with the a round of golf at Palm Beach, Laree bottle or p «*«g e — »!.(». ing. the Enterprise and our future^dvertisers will greatly, pro­ under the domination of evil, and a stake; thence S. 58 W. 3 chs. to ♦ ♦ first was such as to cause grava ; record of thé parables of Jesus. Fla. Kennedy Is preparing to • Snuul S i bottle or paieka(»—2S cents. Mr. Everington, who is an ex-| fit thereby, since, while this AjiH 'ncrease the number of V.’ho was restored to his family a stake; thence N. 5 E. 13.88 to tvery now and then it is inter- ¡apprehension as to what,the rè- ' Our lost lesson left Him preach­ «nil for England to. assume his pert job printer and , linotype our readers, THE ADVERTÎMNG RATES OF THE EN­ and to his friends, but their ,Ji«w duties late In February. a twin poplar; thence W. 2 -varia­ suit af the confiagratioP. mighiJ ing aod healing in'Galilee. Next, Isting to chck up on the weather operator, will possibly' devote TERPRISE WILL REMAIN ■iTJflE SAME AS HERETO­ hogs — it was riot right, they tion 2:50 to a stake at Ci^ek;' I N LIQUID OR TABLET.FORM [n past years and compare it with terminate in, and' it was as recorded i n ’ chapter four, we FORE. 'U evidently thought, to cast evil LAST WEEK’S ACTIVITIES thence S. with said Creek 30i05 to best, lest the local fire fight«ÌB find Him teaching by the ’ sea­ ¡the kind we are having now. In operator. He gives up ~Fis posi­ spirits out of a man, if it caused OF THE HIGH SCHOOL slake corner of Lot No. 1; ^he year 1922, the last day of I might not be able to control tlie side where He' relates the parable them property loss. False values. tion as operator in the office of situation, to call Saliabury. How­ of the sower. WTien alone with thence E. 5.80 chs. to the begin­ February was a lovely day, (or so the Albemarle Tribune Saturday. THAT IS THE ONE BIG Miss Stephens’ eighth grade Does Your Battery Need ever, wihen the Salisbury His disciples. He tells them thè ning, containing 12 acres, more B^t was recorded in a diary; the Mr. Cranford, who was for TROUBLE WITH OUR TIME. presented a play Wedneiaday in arrived the Mocksville hoye, by,, BJPcning of that parable. He like- or leas, being Lot No. 2 B irt' thff almanac would express it as "fair years on the advertising force of We are too inclined to measure chapel, “Four in a Box”, in two Division of the lands of Bettie Charging? ,nd pleasant”). The next day, gtanly News and Press at Al- hard fighting had the blaze under,. ■ens tJ e Kingdom of Heaven unto property against human lives and Rankin Announces short acts. The scene was in the Ratledge, recorded in Book No. Knri-Si'hiiarhntjr control'. grain of mustard seed. IVien ^ouls. Indeed, they saw' the poor i .bcmarle, is at present Managing living room of the Allens aunmier 28, page 636, in Office of Regist­ slMty . Then we will have to Albemarle Tribune, Mr. Pardne says he had a stock rwe have the story of the trip fdjow who a short time before Th* shadow ot the Naxl «vnutlka camp. The characters were: Ni­ er of Deeds for Davie County and iskip over a good years, position he has held since of goods which inventoried appro­ across the sea to the other side, ^as a having, raging maniac, chols Longworth Allen — John­ Farm Meel^ngs er*pt «croia a*.England ximately $9,000.00. He thinks his "when even’ was come”; of the alloted to Walter Glenn Ratledge. was heavy snow, followed by a paper was founded. He is -and Fnuic«. wert reported In ac> sitting, and clothed, and in his nie Haire, Elizabeth Allen — Mil­ stock is pretty badly damaged, In great storm which arose that This sale is made on account was aheavy snow, followed by a advertising th« new mov« RIGHT MIND”. But they were dred Lookabill, Winfred Halsey— of default in the payment of the that the articles not actually; big sleet, and on Sunday night, -g exceptionally gift- The new farm bill passed by U WvUhttt HltUr for a Nasi cab- ^g h t, and how Jesus commanded „ f„ id . “Get out of our country”, Ruby Ann Foster, Patricia Jones indebtedness secured by said 4iiet in Auttris; Chancellor Kurt damaged by fire and water, are the winds and the waves and they, ^hey pray, as they doubtless I February 25, there was an electric 6ar And Truck — Paulino McClamrock, Margaret Deed of Trust, and is subject to Congress provides that a referen­ 'Schutchnigg of Aiutria was j badly smoked. The interior of tho ^eyed iHm, provoking that well- thought within their minds "we storm .This peculiar storm seem- addition of this extra force jforccd to make cabinet appolntn Allwoith — Betty Faye James, all taxes due. ed to have a path for miles, a ^ Enterprise's set up of dum be held on quotos for flue- store building was damaged, and known statement on the part of have many other .had men and Collide Here On m.nmente which placed Nazla In con«, the masonic hall room overhead ills .'ollowers: “WHAT MANNER Congricve Palmer — Harold Cope This the 28th day of January, there was mtt-ch d,«struction « !,vorkers, makes our staff and cured tobacco and cotton. The re­ Itrol'* ol of Important posts following women in our country who need Young, Richard Landon — J. S. 1938. Ш wiworiik« ultimatum.from Berlin; was damaged considerably ' b,v O P MAN IS THIS THAT EVEN help, and this Great Man might timber. Many of cur citizens wil ^^op force the equal of any to be ferendum date has been set for 't'ues. Afternoon THE WIND AN P THE SEA Greene, Stlyvesant Van Renselli- B. C. BROCK, I remember how Mocksville looked with the best weekly news- jFret■«elng of Na*l poUtlcal prisoners smoke. It is believed, however, possibly help them, but we must OUR SERVKE TONIC WILL MAKE Saturday, March 12. The place of \mu the. first move o( the neu^ OBEY HIM 7” ar — George Mason. Nina Mae 2 17 4t Trustee. “the morning after, with broken ip^pg^g ¡„ country. The dis- ,that $1,000.00 will cover damage take no chances of losing further Rummage read scripture. voting will be announced later. In An A-model Ford roadster, cabinet :to the building, and this is taken Early the next morning Jesus I trees and electric wires down, appointment of the publisher due view of thefact that we haye^^the I swine-heads”. “Depart”, they Monday morning four 'delegates ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE en by Walter McGee of this care of by insurance. and those in the ship with Him pray, AND HE DID. He will de­ I For several days there were no resignation of Mrs. Mar- Soil Conservation Program ;-whic)> landed on the other side of the for the debating team gave short YOUR BATTERY LIVE LONGER! eioctric lights, no radios work- jg somewhat lightened by of “ Chev. truck' loaded Mr. Parduc’s damage is- amply part from any life when asked to debaces for a try out. These were will be in effect regardless'» Jesse F. Click. sea, into the country of the Gada- Having qualified as adminis­ ing, and the city water was cut gecure the services the out come of this refendum brick, the property of Cau- ¡covered by insurance, it is feef- do so. He will depart from any Gu.'.sic! Johnson, Alice Bowles, tratrix of Robert L. Wilson, de­ Wc sell Douglas Batteries. j-j » lievcd, since he cnrri<>d 56,000.00 ___ wneB, where we have the story off. A year later, Feb. ..4 and jirg. Everington and we feel that is is very importaint • Lumber Co., Mocksville, community where He is not want­ Bessie Owen, with Worth Bowles, ceased, late of Davie County, All kinds of Electric and Acetylene Welding on his stock and $500,00 on Ws for'our lesson for February 27. 25, 1935, were pleasant days, w ithjjjj. cranford. that thefarmer» have a definite^ ®iich v/as driven by Earl Ham- r asses Away ed, and where the citizenship On the debating team for this ]iix£ures. . Meet n Wild and Dangerous Man North Carolina, notice is hereby signs of spring, everywhere Feb- Enterprise unhesitatingly understanding of exactly- what^»6r,’:^nn employee, collided here tJiink more of a hog than they spring are Claire Walls, Ruth given all persons holding claims wilì- t one óf th'fire jh ù'- When Jesus and His disciples MOCKSVILLE MOTOR CO. ruary ended clear and cold, b ut.^„^^e „jg they are voting for. With this in ¡Tuesday afternoon ut the inter­ Jesse Franklin Clickj do of a human soul. “Depart,” Wagnei, Gussie Johnson and aKainst said estate, to present Davie Record, the Bank of DaviB . landed they were met by a ter­ March 1, 1935, “came in like “ jwell-known to us over a period mind we are scheduling the fol-¡section of North Main and Avon they pray, and He did Bctsie Owen with Worth Bowles, them properly itemized and veri­ Mocksville, N. C. known Hickory citizen and news- "n7(“iK'7aw office ZF a . T. Grant rible looking sight, iamb’. At the end of the many years acquaintance, to . Out of the .BUT THE OWNERS OF THAT and Alice Bowles as alternates. fied to the undersigned at her №ша lowing meetings to be held over paperman, passed away at his were believed to be in grave tombs rushes a wild ISHii, on Sunday, December 29, D^vie County. We The Caudeil Lumber Co. truck! . .u T,. HERD OF SWINE COUUD NOT The Junior class met Tuesday the county in an attempt to ac­ February danger and these were bginninK home at Mocksville, N. C., on there was a big snow, with no yoy