The Improvement Era Get a Superior Education - - the Y's Way

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The Improvement Era Get a Superior Education - - the Y's Way In this issue: Talks given by th General Authorities '$&&$$#& at the lSJkth. Annual Geyi&rai Conference m : -: ..: ...j The Improvement Era Get a Superior Education - - The Y's Way Brigham Young University is one of the great uni- STUDENTS SHOULD KEEP IN MIND - versities of the world. With 15,500 students it is the 1 — Students seeking admission or readmission must largest institution of higher learning in the Great submit applications with transcripts by Aug. 31, 1964. Basin and one of the largest church-related universities 2 — Entering freshmen and transfer students also in the United States. Its students come from every should include the American College Test score with state in the nation and 54 foreign countries because application if possible. In any case the test must be there is "something special" at BYU. On this modern, taken before registration. Contact the University in well equipped campus they receive academic, physical Provo or BYU Adult Education Centers in your area and spiritual education together in an ideal social for information. climate. Standards are high but they pay off in the 3 — New fees are scheduled to begin autumn semes- long run, for BYU students are in demand over the ter: full time students, Church members, $160 per nation and are recognized for their balanced edu- semester; full time students, nonmembers, $215 per cation. semester. BYU offers study in sixty departments of eleven colleges and confers the doctor's, master's and REMEMBER THESE DATES bachelor's degrees. Also available is a two-year certificate in the Technical Institute. Summer School 1st Session Get your education the Y's way. Plan NOW to June 15 attend. Write the University Relations Division for Summer School 2nd Session July 20 information. Application deadline Aug. 31 cup AND MA]L New Student Orientation Sept. 15-16 New Student Registration Sept. 17 TO: Registration, all others Sept. 18-19 University Relations Division Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Classes begin Sept. 21 Please send me more information about BYU. 1 am es- pecially interested in Brigham Young NAME ADDRESS UNIVERSITY CITY STATE These men of integrity invite you to entrust your banking needs Exploring to their care... the Universe THE DIRECTORS OF ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK: By Dr. Franklin S. Harris Jr. J. HAROLD H. BENNETT ORVAL W. ADAMS LELAND B. FLINT ERIC C. AABERG GUS P. BACKMAN ASHBY BADGER Manager, President, ZCMI Department Chairman of the Board and President and Vice Chairman Vice President and General Executive Secretary, Salt Regional American Store. former President, Zions of the Board; President Manager, Mountain States Lake City Chamber of Oil Company First National Bank. Hotel Utah Company; Presi- Telephone & Telegraph Co. Commerce. dent, Flint Distributing Co EMULSIONS MAKE SENSITIVE FILM A new photographic film has been produced which Has an exposure JOSEPH E. HUGH B. BROWN FRED A. CARLESON J, EASTMAN HATCH WALKER KENNEDY HAROLD B. LEE A. Member, Council of BERNOLFO, JR. Member, of the First Senior Partner, Fred President. Utah Sand and President, Liberty Fuel the. capability of 1 to 100-million, com- Presidency, of Carleson Co. Gravel Products Corporation. Company. Twelve, Church of Jesus Managing Director, Bam- Church Christ of Latter-day Saints. berger Investment and J pared to ordinary films which are Saints. Exploration Company, day about 1 to 1000. Edgerton, Germes- hausen, and Grier, Inc. for this black and white film has combined three different emulsions resembling color reversal film, except that each sensi- tivity layer is sensitive to all colors. The film can take pictures of the w*J m i M sun and show sun spots and on the A. MADSEN CHARLES D. EDWARD 0. MUIR FRED S. MULOCK HENRY W. RICHARDS the and DONALD P. LLOYD FRANCIS next picture show moon Acting M anager, Granite Executive Vice President President, Madsen Furniture MICHAELSON President, E. 0. Muir Com- Former President, United pany. States Smelting, Refining Furniture Company the expo- and General Manager. As- Company. Vice President of Mining, its craters with same Company. sociated Food Stores. Kennecott Copper Corpora- and Mining sure setting. Mi. Mm vktmm m JUDSON S. SAYRE ROY W. SIMMONS JOSEPH FIELDING WILLARD R. SMITH VIRGIL H. SMITH DELBERT L STAPLEY Chairman of the Norge Di President, The Lockhart SMITH Former Executive Vice Presi- President, Beneficial Life Member, Council of the vision, Borg Warner Corpora- Company. dent, Zions Savings Bank Insurance Co. Twelve, Church of Jesus President, Council of the tion. a " d Trusl Company. Christ of Latter-day Saints. Twelve, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They invite you to open a checking and savings account ASTRONOMERS REVISE . apply for a loan. MEASURES The accepted values of two as- tronomical quantities have been revised recently. The distance from Salt Lake City, Utah: ZIONS the sun to the center of the galaxy Headquarters - 70 East South Temple has been revised upwards from 8.2 102 South Main • 235 South Main to 10.0 kiloparsecs. A parsec is the FIRST 450 South 2nd West distance light can travel in 3.26. years, or 19.2 trillion miles. The 7th East & 4th South • Cottonwood Mall velocity of rotation of our own sun 8th West & 21st South • Reams in the galaxy has been revised up- NATIONAL ward to 155 miles an hour. The name you can BANK- MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION JUNE 1964 433 The Improvement Era The Voice of the Church Official organ of the Priesthood Quorums, Mutual Improvement Associations, Home Teaching, Music Committee, Department of Education, and other agencies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Contents for June 1964 Volume 67, Number 6 Church Features ART AND PHOTO CREDITS Art Direction: Ralph Reynolds The Editor's Page: What a Person Does Practically Believe Determines 440 Art: Ed Maryon 448 Art: Dale Kilbourn His Character, President David O. McKay „ - 444 Photo: Boyart 450 Art: Jerry Thompson Your Question: Tithing—the Law of the Tenth, 453 Art: Ron Wilkinson 530-531 Art: Virginia Sargent with President Joseph Fielding Smith 446 paintings by Rembrandt, Mon- drinn Paul Dunn, Newest General Authority, William E. Berrett 448 539 Photos: Lorin Wiggins, Max Tharpe H. Our 540 Photos: Sybil Shelton, H. Arm- strong Roberts, Keystone General Conference Addresses — 456-522 542 Photos: Lorry Rytting, Max Tharpe, Max Rook What a Person Does Practically Believe Determines His Character, 544 Photos: Max Tharpe, Max Tharpe, Ernst Wittke President David O. McKay 444 546 Photos: Bahnsen, Ernst Wittke, Max Tharpe "They Call for New Light," President Hugh B. Brown ...457 548 Photos: Maurice Scanlon, Lorin Wiggins, Unknown .459 550 Photos: Lorin Wiggins, Max Tharpe, The Heavens Are Open, Nathan Eldon Tanner Beth Benson 552 Art: Ed Maryon Chastity—Fundamental to Our Civilization, All other art and photos: Ralph Reynolds President Joseph Fielding Smith .....462 Studio General Conference Index, 436; The Church Moves On, 436; Melchizedek Priesthood, 526; Presiding Bishopric's Page, 528. Special Features MIA June Conference, Maxine T. Shoppe 442 Teaching: To Live with Heroes, Kenneth W. Godfrey .452 Genealogy: Pedigree Referral Service 454 The Spoken Word from Temple Square, Richard L. Evans 522, 524, 534, 536 Information on reservations for Universe, Franklin S. Harris, Jr., 433; Letters and Reports, 438; These Times: Exploring the housing accommodations while attending the World's Fair may be Immigrants, Ourselves, Dr. G. Homer Durham, 440. The New obtained by contacting Ernest H. Weimer, Today's Family: Florence B. Pinnock, Editor LDS World's Fair Housing Center 84-52 63rd Avenue Something Old Something New 530 Rego Park, New York 11379 The Era of Youth "Learn of Me" 539 The Last Word 552 Stories, Poetry The Boy on the Bus, Harriet B. Shatraw 450 Poetry 447, 461, 463, 475, 478, 480, 493, 524, 535, 538 THE COVER Angel Arch, one of the most spectacular yet least-known of the many natural arches in Southern Utah, is the subject of this month's cover. The Improvement Era Offices, 135 South State Street, Salt Lake City 11, Utah The formation to the right of the arch bears a striking resemblance to a little girl angel in a long with David O. McKay and Richard L. Evans, Editors; Doyle L. Green, Managing Editor; Marba C. Josephson, Associate Managing Editor; Albert L. Zobell, Jr., gown, Research Editor; Carter E. Grant, Donna Hicgins, Becki Fillmore, Editorial Associates; Florence B. Pinnock, Today's Family Editor; Marion D. Hanks, Dutch cut hair and lowered head. The The Era of Youth Editor; Elaine Cannon, The Era of Youth Associate Editor; Art Direction: Ralph Reynolds Studio. 4x5 Ektachrome transparency from G. Homer Durham, Franklin S. Harris, Jr., Hugh Nibley, Sidney B. Sperry, Alma A. Gardiner, Contributing Editors. which the cover plates were made G. Carlos Smith, Jr., General Manager; Florence S. Jacobsen, Associate General Manager; Verl F. Scott, Business Manager; A. Glen Snarr, Subscription was taken by Salt Lake Photographer Director; Thayer Evans, Advertising Director. Al Morton. Angel Arch is situated in a tributary of Salt Creek Canyon, Copyright 1964 by Mutual Funds, Inc., and published by the Mutual Improvement Associations of The Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights Jesus not far from the Needles area in reserved. Subscription price, $3.00 a year, in advance; multiple subscriptions, 2 years, S5.75; 3 years, $8.25; each succeeding year, $2.50 a year added to the three year price. the proposed Canyonlands National Entered at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah as second-class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, act Park. It is presently accessible of October 1917, authorized July 2, 1918. only by foot, horseback, jeep, or The Improvement Era is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts but welcomes contributions.
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