Parish Magazine




Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Churches

Tel no: 01647 Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Ruth Frampton, The Rectory, Dry Lane, EX6 7PE [email protected] 253164

Reader Brian Inwood, Teign Cottage, Teign Terrace, Christow EX6 7PN 252519

Administrator Steve Cook, Webberton Meadows, Dunchideock, EX2 9TX [email protected] 01392 832332


Church Warden Mrs Susie Ursell, Windout Farm, 270061 Secretary Mr Keith Bishop, Hillcroft, Tedburn St Mary 270077 Treasurer Mrs Janet Beech, Townsend Farmhouse, Dunsford 252924 Electoral Roll Mrs Ros Tripp, Upperton Farm, Dunsford 24311


Church Warden Mr Hugo Tillotson, Town Barton, Doddiscombsleigh 253165 Secretary Mrs Tricia Mitchell, Perry Barton, Doddiscombsleigh 252252 Treasurer Mr Victor Brook, Middle Hills, Doddiscombsleigh 252311 Electoral Roll Mrs Rosy Haywood, 10 New Buildings, Doddiscombsleigh 253677 Organist Mrs Liz Hogg, Prestercot, Butts Lane, Christow 252595


Church Wardens Secretary Mr Steve Cook, Webberton Meadows, Dunchideock 01392 832332 Treasurer Mr Robin Caley, 42 Fairfield Road, Alphington, 01392 430844 LETTER FROM REVD TIM COLLINS

A Glimpse of Rural Ministry Over the last month or so I have had the great pleasure of walking alongside the Revd Ruth Frampton as she undertakes her ministry across the Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community. When I say ‘walk alongside’ of course I mean that metaphorically! Because of the challenges of Covid-19 I have not left my own ministry area of , where I am in my third year as curate. So my time in the Teign Valley has been very much virtual - making great use of technology and telephone to take part in a wonderful smorgasbord of services, coffee mornings and zoom sessions and allowing me to meet up with a number of very welcoming church members from across the benefice.

This has been a chance for me to gain a glimpse of rural ministry and to meet with people who bring all their skills and commitment, their hopes and fears and love of their communities, to focus on maintaining a presence of Christ in the heart of rural . It has been a chance for me, too, to explore whether rural ministry is the direction that I am being called to as I look ahead to my life in the church.

As I look back over the last month, this brief moment in the Teign Valley has given me the beginning of an understanding of the important and necessary role the church plays across villages and communities: The ancient church buildings themselves clearly provide a tangible, long-lasting focal point for their communities, providing a symbol of hope, of prayer and marking the passing of the seasons: Plough Sunday, Lammas, Rogation, Harvest, Easter, Christmas, etc. They mark, too, the significant rites of passages for individuals and for communities through Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. And they offer a place of quietness and solace. It is, though, the people of the church who are the spiritual heart of communities, involved in local groups and councils; in community events and coffee mornings; in food banks and Messy Church. And all the while developing deep relationships within the communities. Being there, walking alongside people through all their hopes and fears, through the good times and the sad; celebrating their joys and holding them in their sorrows. Offering the love of God in all they say and do. - 1 - Whatever path my ministry takes in the future, I will hold my month spent in the Teign Valley in a very special place. It has given me a real understanding that whatever I do, wherever I may end up, the most important aspect of my ministry must be on developing deep, faithful relationships across a community – and not only with those who cross the threshold of the church each week. Maintaining the church buildings is important, of course, but walking alongside the people is even more important! Thank you for all that you have given me during this last month.

All blessings, Revd Tim Collins

Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community The Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community includes the parishes of Ashton, , Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford. Rev’d Ruth Frampton (Priest-in-Charge) can be contacted on 01647 253164 or [email protected].

Pastoral Care If you would like, or know someone who would be glad of, a call or ‘virtual’ visit from Rev’d Ruth Frampton, or another member of the church community, please contact the rectory (contact details above), or the Churches’ Administrator (see Getting in touch below).

Private Prayer - Days and Times of Opening: With the exception of Ashton, all our churches remain open for private prayer, as follows: Private Prayer - Days and Times of Opening: Monday Dunsford 10am - 12 noon Tuesday Bridford 12 noon - 2pm by appointment* Wednesday Christow 12 noon - 3pm Thursday Dunsford 2pm - 5pm Friday Dunchideock 10am - 12 noon Saturday Bridford 10am - 12 noon by appointment* Sunday Christow 12 noon - 3pm Doddiscombsleigh 12 noon - 6pm * for Bridford ring 01647 252180 / 252515 / 253239 for appointment

Coronavirus As a result of the current lockdown, services of worship are only being held at St Mary’s, Dunsford, and other churches are closed. The situation is, however, constantly changing - please check the ‘A Church Near You’ website for your parish for updates. - 2 - Please do not come if you are suffering any symptoms of coronavirus, but contact NHS 111 Please ensure that you clean your hands on entering and leaving the church building Please observe social distancing and follow all the safety guidance inside the church

Sunday Services The 9am telephone service continues (see details below for how to join).

Wednesday Evening Prayer There is a regular, short service of evening prayer each Wednesday at 6pm by telephone.

For telephone services, you do not need internet access, but simply a landline or mobile telephone. Between 5 and 10 minutes before the service begins, please dial 0333 011 0616 and enter the code 334 7721, followed by the # key, when asked. You will also be asked to give your name. The cost of the call is the standard cost for any 01, 02 or 03 number, but will vary according to your telephone contract. It may well be covered by your ‘inclusive’ minutes, or by free evening or weekend calls, but you are advised to check.

Lent Course 2021: These Are Our Stories This year’s five-week Lent course is based on the pandemic stories of five people from across Devon, and will encourage each of us to tell our own stories and reflect on where our faith fits into the experience of the past 12 months. It has been written by Dr Jon Curtis, Lay Discipleship Advisor.

The five sessions, based around videos, discussion and reflection, will be held by Zoom at 10.30am-12 noon on each of the following Thursdays: 25 February, 4, 11, 18 and 25 March. Ruth will be sending out details of how to join, etc, to everyone on her current mailing list for Sunday and Wednesday services. If you would like to join this list, please email her - [email protected].

Additional material is available online: and details of other national resources are available at: resources-gods-story-our-story

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World Day of Prayer Service Friday 5 March at 2.30pm by telephone The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.

This year the women of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean have prepared a service that highlights the need for safe buildings. Cyclone Pam caused great devastation in 2015 and the islands were just beginning to recover when Cyclone Harold struck in April 2020.

You can access this telephone service in the usual way - dial 0333 011 0616 and enter the code 334 7721, followed by the # key, when asked.

A promotional video can be found at A full length video service from Canada will be available from 15 February on

Easter Services At the time of writing there is no clarity about what will be possible in terms of Easter services. Information will be posted on the ‘A Church Near You’ website for each parish as soon as it is available, and then in the April magazines.

Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs) Each year every parish in the Church of holds an Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) to elect members to the Parish Church Council and review the past year. APCMs in the Mission Community which, due to COVID restrictions, will all be held by Zoom, will be as follows: Dunsford Tuesday 16 March at 4pm Dunchideock Friday 19 March at 7pm Doddiscombsleigh Wednesday 24 March at 7pm

Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, although only those on the church electoral roll are eligible to vote. Please contact the Churches’ Administrator (email [email protected] or telephone 01392 832332) for details of how to join.

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Giving It is now possible to make a donation towards the general mission and running costs of each of our six churches by online giving on your church’s page of ‘A Church Near You’ website. The ‘Give Now’ button will enable you to make an online donation, which can also be Gift Aided.

Treasurer Wanted! Christow Church is looking for a volunteer treasurer to supervise its money and prepare the accounts. Phil Trotter, our valued treasurer has retired after many years’ service. We are very sorry to see him go and wish him well. He is happy to help whoever is willing to take over and to lead them through the systems. Full training is available!

Resources During this time, you may find the following online and telephone resources helpful:

Daily Prayer: service-daily-prayer

General prayer resources: guidance-parishes/coronavirus-covid-19-liturgy-and-prayer

Daily Hope - free phone line of hymns, reflections, prayers - 0800 804 8044

Recording of Rev’d Ruth Frampton’s ‘Reflection’ from the previous Sunday - 01647 407047

If you are anxious about the current situation, or would like prayer or pastoral support (eg because of illness or bereavement), please do not hesitate to contact Rev’d Ruth Frampton or the Churches’ Administrator.

From the registers Funerals: 1 February Keith Thomas (Dunsford) 10 February Patricia Hill (Dunsford) 15 February Elizabeth Guy (Christow) Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who have died.

Getting in touch If you wish to discuss plans for a postponed or future baptism/christening, banns of marriage, wedding, funeral, interment of ashes or memorial service, or have any other enquiry, please contact Steve Cook, the Churches’ Administrator, on 01392 832332 or email [email protected] - 5 - IN MEMORIAM

John Lund, formerly of Bridford and Lay Reader in our Mission Community, sadly died on 30th January. His funeral was held on 16th February in Methodist Church. Our sympathies to his wife Jan and the family.


Doddiscombsleigh Church Annual Meeting If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll, which would enable you to vote at the Church AGM, please contact Rosy Haywood, 253677. The date for the Annual Church Meeting, which will be a Zoom Meeting (unless Government guidelines change), is Wednesday 24th March at 7pm. Please contact the Churches’ Administrator (email [email protected] or telephone 01392 832332) for details of how to join if you would like to attend. The meeting is open to all parishioners.

Dunsford Activities: Mothering Sunday 14th March 2.30pm There will be a short family service to celebrate motherly love. This will be a ticketed service and so on a first come basis. Contact Susie Ursell either 01647 270061 or [email protected] to book your pew!

Dunsford APCM The Annual Church Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th March at 4pm by Zoom. This is open to all parishioners. Please contact the Churches’ Administrator (email [email protected] or telephone 01392 832332) for details of how to join if you wish to attend.

Sunday Services in Dunsford continue weekly at 10.30am. There will be an Easter service and, depending on lifting of restrictions, we hope a Family Service too. Watch this space!

Flower Arrangers A reminder for the Dunsford flower arrangers that we will be decorating the church for Easter on Saturday 3rd April. Please let Daphne know (252122) if you are unable to come that day. Many thanks

Supporting Sustainability in Kenya In the absence of Lent Lunches this year we are still hoping to continue supporting the project for sustainable farming and water harvesting in the very dry part of our linked diocese of Thika. There is a collecting pot on the font in church or donations can be given to Janet Beech, the treasurer.

We hope that soon the church will be open daily and look forward to seeing you. - 6 -


Here we are well into 2021 and is that an ever increasing light we see at the end of the tunnel? Vaccinations are going really well with several Vaccination Stations set up that are available to use. Organisation of the set up differs from Station to Station but in the main everything goes very smoothly. At Acorn our wonderful Volunteers have been busy transporting patients to the various Vaccination points and everything has gone to plan which has been encouraging and a relief for all concerned.

Here at Acorn we have embarked on a new method of entertainment. Back to the old-fashioned telephone conference call which enables lots of people to dial in and join the fun. So far we have established the following regular ‘clubs’:

Tuesday morning Bingo called by the lovely Peta Cupper who we can never quite let go from Acorn Thursday Memory Lane Café led by Jane Hancock with Fran Peake in attendance Friday Crossword Puzzle day. Clues and inspiration by our very own Jo Clunie

All the start times are 11am so you can get your coffee and your cake and sit down with Acorn. We intend to have something on the Monday and Wednesday too and will let you all know as soon as we do. We recommend that your phone contract allows you unlimited daytime calls for free. Call Mandy or Fran at the Office on 01647 252701 to book your places and get the dial in details.

Of course Acorn continues with all its usual services so please do call us for: Provision of shopping buddies and telephone buddies; Access to Acorn’s Cashpoint machine; Transport to medical appointments; Transport to Vaccination Clinic appointments; A regular befriending service; A listening ear; Prescription deliveries; Financial support

In the meantime, please keep yourselves safe and healthy and we very much look forward to getting some of our more usual services up and running asap. Best wishes, The A(corn) Team


The Teign Valley Larder’s success depends on everyone using it, not just those in need, and here’s why. The Teign Valley Larder was established during the first lockdown last year to help provide meals to those who may have gone without as household incomes were put under increased pressure. Ten months on, and the success of this venture is evident: we can confidently say that the larder provides the equivalent of at least 150 meals a week, which is the result of a community pulling together to help those in need.

However, there is another aspect to the larder, the aims of which are just as vital as making sure people don’t go hungry - reducing food waste. In fact, they aren’t two separate aims. They are two halves of the same problem, and it is uncomfortable to know that some families are going hungry while perfectly edible food is being discarded by others. Thankfully, there are members of the Teign Valley Larder who have built up connections in the region to divert food away from the waste incinerator to the larder’s shelves in Christow, Bridford, Ashton, Doddi and Dunsford. And this food is there for everyone to enjoy.

There are clearly some people who are aware of the bounty available in those boxes, because we have had to recruit new volunteers to manage this aspect of the larder. And it is important that this continues, because among the items with a ‘best before’ date that has already expired (but are still perfectly good to consume - nothing inedible makes its way on to the larder shelves) are lots of fresh vegetables and fruit that have been donated by local farms and retailers. Our friendly local farms include: Windout Farm, Teign Greens, and Whippletree Farm. Other food comes from Food in the Community, South Devon Food Alliance, and other smaller organisations.

We do ask that other items are exchanged where possible, but this is definitely not a necessity. However, it is now starting to become a common sight to see people walking through the villages with tins in hand to exchange for bananas, onions, potatoes, etc. It also becoming a common practice in households (typically round about teatime) to send a child down to the larder to see if a substitute can be found for something that was thought to be in stock at home. - 8 - It is worth noting that, between May and Christmas last year, we saved at least 255kg (more than a quarter of a ton) of surplus fresh fruit, vegetables and longer life packaged food from being thrown away. You can find the out-of-date items in the plastic crate on the floor in the church porch in Christow clearly labelled ‘Out of Date’. Fresh fruit and vegetables can be found on the vegetable rack on the table. When we get large amounts of fresh food, we also put this in the satellite larders in Ashton, Bridford, Doddi and Dunsford, and post a message on our Facebook page to let people know.

If you are clearing out your store cupboards and have out-of-date items to donate, please put them straight into the out-of-date box in the Christow church porch. Please don’t donate anything that has been opened, has damaged packaging, is more than a few months out of date, or (in the case of tins) has gone rusty.

And, again, thank you for helping to make the Teign Valley Larder a success.


The Garden Club will not be holding its scheduled meeting in March. We hope outings may be able to start from April. Keep an eye on the magazines and, if a member, your newsletter. We will be running the 2020 AGM that was cancelled last December via email in the next few weeks and issuing a new 2021 events programme. Membership fees for existing members will be reduced to £2 for 2021, payable at the first or second event to go ahead. New members are welcome for £6 for the year. Our gardens can lift our spirits so much, even at this time of year in lockdown.


Calling all members and future members! We are unable to meet at present but we are keen to get going again as soon as possible. We have speakers lined up for our monthly meetings and the interest groups are ready to re-start. Your committee is still in touch via Zoom. So let’s hope we can get together again soon! Take care and stay safe. East Dartmoor U3A

***** 2019: Stay away from negative people 2020: Stay away from positive people - 9 - EASTER LILIES FOR DUNSFORD CHURCH

Last year several people gave donations towards Easter lilies in memory of loved ones but, sadly, we were not able to use them in the church because of closure due to the Covid virus. This year we are able to have Sunday services in church so we hope to be able to decorate Dunsford church for Easter. We still have last year’s donations so if you donated last year please do not feel obliged to do so again this year. Anyone who would like to donate Easter lilies in memory of a loved one please contact Daphne on 01647 252122 before Tuesday 16th March. The cost is still £2.50 per lily.


MED Theatre’s 2021 annual community play ‘The Magistrate’ will see a large community cast on trial for their war-time actions and reactions. This episodic play is based on true accounts from local people who lived through The Second World War on Dartmoor, and continues MED Theatre’s decades long tradition of producing new original plays inspired by local people and history. Depending on government guidelines at the time, the play will be performed live at and parish halls in March 2021, or converted into a recorded production. ‘The Magistrate’ is part of MED Theatre’s Dartmoor Devon and World War Two project, supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Visit for most recent updates regarding dates and venues for performances.

MED Theatre is also delighted to announce the continuation of its monthly ‘Mothers Who Make’ peer support meetings after a successful pilot project with this growing national network. If you are interested in a network of women who are mothers and makers from the Dartmoor area, please get in contact with us. We welcome all mothers (to-be, bereaved, grandmothers, step, adoptive..) who consider themselves makers (professional and/or just passionate, in any discipline - writers, painters, performers, film makers, dancers, producers, musicians, cooks, crafters, sculptors…).

To join our next meeting on Thursday 4th March from 1 to 2.30pm email [email protected]. The meetings will be held on Zoom until able to gather in person again.

***** The world has turned upside down. Old people are sneaking out of the house and their children are yelling at them to stay indoors! - 10 -


The late Wilf Rice who lived on Church Lane, Cheriton Bishop, was well known for his skill in grafting any plant from tomatoes to fruit trees. He was generous in gifting his ‘surplus’ successful apple tree grafts to friends and acquaintances who had space to grow another tree.

I was lucky enough to be given several named standard tree whips some 20 years ago. As the trees have started to bear fruit, their apples have not matched the descriptions given in books and catalogues. So over the past few years I have sent 8 leaves from each apple tree to be DNA tested. For one tree there was no known match and it has now been registered as Richard’s Cheriton Red on the Register of Local Cultivars.

But Wilf must have acquired the scions (graft wood) from someone and the hunt is now on to find those ‘parent trees’. If you know of anyone who also received the gift of grafted whips from Wilf, or who allowed him to take scions from their trees, it would add to the knowledge of these old varieties. It may be that these trees have other ‘local names’.

The old standard apple trees at South Orchard were planted about 1913. Unfortunately the storm of Michael Fish fame uprooted and destroyed about 14 trees. The names of the varieties of these trees had been lost over the last hundred years but have now been identified by DNA testing. These varieties were relatively ‘new’ introductions around 1900!

Please contact Persis Bower, 01647 24303, South Orchard, Cheriton Bishop if you have any information to contribute.


Covid restrictions meant no meeting in February but our speaker has summarised her talk. So here it is for you all to enjoy:

My interest in foodbanks was sparked by a previous neighbour. It was only when we moved to Devon, I knew I wanted to get involved. That was easier said than done: Exeter foodbank often has a waiting list of people wanting to volunteer! It was about a year later when they contacted me to say they were running a volunteer recruitment evening. I was impressed not only with the whole ethos of the organisation, but also how open and honest they were about what it would be like.

I am one of over 180 people who currently volunteer at Exeter Foodbank, initially helping at the Mint Church distribution centre in Fore Street, before transferring to the massive food storage facility on the outskirts of the city. - 11 - I kid you not, I have never seen so many tins of beans or cartons of milk. Everything that gets donated is logged, weighed, date checked and stored systematically for ease of access.

Volunteering is extremely rewarding. I leave my shift feeling I have done some small thing to make someone’s day a little better. When you talk with the clients who attend and hear their stories I often feel that, given different circumstances, that could be ‘me’ or one of my family. So many times clients tell you about one or two major mishaps in life that have led to them needing the help: losing a job, breakdown of a relationship, long term illness. People need help even when they are in work because of low pay and zero-hours contracts. One of the main reasons for people needing to use the foodbank is the delay whilst they await the outcome of a claim for universal credit. Just how are you supposed to feed your kids for five weeks whilst this assessment takes place? The clients come from a range of jobs including social care, retail, and tourism. What stands out is the immense gratitude they express, time and time again. We have a book where comments are invited and I defy anyone to read some of these and not get a lump in their throat. One of the best times when volunteering at the foodbank is when someone comes back and tells you they are now ‘back on their feet’ and want to donate something because they are now in a position to do so.

Some facts from Exeter food bank for Christmas 2020. 223 children received Christmas gifts donated by the people of Exeter and surrounding areas 319 ‘Christmas-in-a-bags’ were given out, ensuring people had items necessary to make a Christmas dinner. The quality was fantastic and the last one went out on Christmas Eve. They were given to: young carers, young care leavers and people who had recently been re-housed into hostel accommodation after sleeping rough 15 tonnes of food was donated during the Christmas period, with 26 separate organisations donating in addition to individuals 100 families were given Christmas Dinners Each week over 100 loaves are donated by a local bakery In the busiest week in the run up to Christmas, 397 clients received food parcels

Exeter is so lucky to have this amazing resource but it only works because people give so generously. It is a privilege to be involved with this organisation …and that’s why I volunteer! Vinny Logan

- 12 - DODDI 100 CLUB

The winners of this half term’s draw were: 1st Ed & Janet Brook 2nd Vic Baker 3rd Nichola Hartley To join in and support Doddi School, Pre-School and Church please contact Kate Berry - 01647 253232 / [email protected].


Hospiscare’s flagship Men’s Walk event is back - with a twist - this March, to celebrate its tenth anniversary - and this year the charity needs the support of the community more than ever. The popular event, which normally sees over a thousand men walking eight miles through Exeter in support of the local hospice charity, has revamped its format this year to adapt to the times.

From the outset of the pandemic, Hospiscare adapted its fundraising efforts to ensure that its vital care for people living with life-limiting illnesses can continue at no cost to its patients. To ensure that Men’s Walk can take place this year safely and in-line with government guidance, Hospiscare has introduced Men’s Walk - Your Way. Taking place on Saturday 20th March, participants will walk a route of their choice in their local area, which means that everyone can take part safely from any corner of Devon – or the world!

All the iconic elements of Men’s Walk will remain the same. Every walker will receive a Men’s Walk t-shirt, a special 10th year anniversary beer courtesy of Exeter Brewery and a pasty from Chunk of Devon – not to mention Ireland v England in the Six Nations rugby tournament to enjoy on the box afterwards! Wherever the route and location, participants will be walking together in spirit to support people and families living with a terminal illness across Exeter, Mid and .

Hospiscare CEO, Andrew Randall, says: The coronavirus pandemic has had a drastic impact on our income in the last year. As a small local charity, 82% of our funding comes from local people who are determined to help others when they need it most. We simply couldn’t provide our specialist end-of-life care without the support of people who take part in events such as Men’s Walk - and we’ve never needed the support more than now. We’re so grateful to all of our walkers, as well as our generous event sponsor, Wilkinson Grant.’

To sign up to Men’s Walk - Your Way and raise sponsorship to support your local hospice charity, visit - 13 - TEIGN GREENS NEWS

As more bulbs spring into life and wild garlic shoots up in the woods, the market garden is coming back to life apace. March is the month that sees us move from sleepy second gear to full speed ahead as we sow seeds, prick-out plants and generally get ready for a busy second season on the land here by the Teign. By the end of this month alone we’ll have sown a quarter of a tonne of seed potatoes, nine varieties from waxy ‘Casablanca’ earlies to late maincrop staples like Gatsby and Sarpo Mira. We’ll sow over a thousand lettuce plants as well as oriental brassica salads, beetroots, herbs, celery and celeriac. Brussels Sprouts (400 plants!) will test our patience as we nurture for them for 10 months until Christmas. More radish, spring onion, beets and chard will fill the hungry gap between now and June, as will the bed of carrots sown in the poly tunnel for the first crunchy roots of 2021. A busy month indeed.

At home, now is the time to start sowing heat-loving chillies, peppers and aubergines in the greenhouse or a sunny windowsill - and other crops like peas, spuds and onion sets in the ground outside. Just beware - the Beast from the East hit in early March 2018, and there’s every chance of another wintry spell this year before the month is out.

Over at Teign Greens we’re excited about the season to come. It’s our first as a Community Supported Agriculture project, meaning we ask all our customers to become members of our annual scheme. They commit to a year’s worth of our veg (after a four week trial), sharing the risk, reward and joy of small-scale organic farming. All our members are encouraged to visit the farm whenever Covid allows, and help out with big group jobs like planting onions or harvesting squash. The CSA or ‘Farm Share’ is a way for us as a community to take responsibility for our food production, taking power and profits away from Tesco and Sainsbury’s while creating jobs and opportunities here in the Teign Valley. Our ecological farm builds carbon in the soil and boosts biodiversity in a striking way, and we can’t wait to show you this in person.

As we face a brighter year in 2021, I’ll be embracing the joy of March. The Spring, or vernal, equinox on 20th March marks the moment when the days become longer than the nights and Sunday 28th will see the full moon shining over the valley - the so called Worm Moon, named after the earthworms starting to appear in the healthy, warming soil. By the end of the month (and helped by the clocks springing forward) the sun won’t set until just before 8pm. Summer is well and truly on the way. Tim Dickens Email: [email protected] - Facebook: @TeignGreens - 14 -

COPY FOR APRIL TO THE EDITOR, JANE INWOOD, 252519, email: [email protected] OR TO ANN BROWNING, 22 BROWNINGS MEAD, DUNSFORD, 253135 (IN WRITING PLEASE) BY 13 MARCH Dunsford Website: Doddiscombsleigh Website: Dunchideock Website:


Planning Applications: 7.1 DNPA 0042/21 Clifford Barton, - installation of wood fired stove in ground floor fireplace, with new stainless-steel flue protruding through roof. The Council had no objection to this application. Planning Decisions: 7.2 DNPA 0557/20 Clifford Barton, Drewsteignton - replacement of ten windows - Grant of Listed Building Consent

Photobook for Dunsford Cllr Hayes reported that the group had gained quotes for the printing of the photobook. The Council discussed these and decided that they would purchase 300 books of a big size (21 cm x 29cm). The Council will be the purchaser but Cllrs Hayes, Morris and French offered to underwrite the project if a profit has not been made within three years of publication. The book will be sold at a cost of £15. Any profits made will used to enhance the environment of the Village.

Concerns re Dogs The Council has been made aware that there has, again, been an increase in dog mess being left in the Village, sometimes very close to residents’ front doors. The Council has made sure there are bins that can be used for the disposal of dog bags so please do use them. We appreciate that most dog owners are behaving responsibly but, obviously, not everyone. Also, there have been several incidences of sheep worrying in fields around Dunsford. This is a huge concern and the Council asks people to be vigilant and report any sighting of this nature. It is thought to be connected to an increase of dog walkers in the area due to the pandemic.

District Cllr Stephen Purser reported: meetings are mainly about dealing with Covid and Sherbourne House in has opened as a vaccination centre. Teignbridge is still offering grants and other assistance which can be found on their website. - 15 - The budget has had to be slightly reworked with the extended Lockdown but is due to be finalised towards the end of February. The National census is going ahead for 21/03/2021.

County Cllr Jerry Brook reported: has been having Scrutiny meetings on the budget and fifteen recommendations have gone thorough. There have been extra burdens and this will result in an increase in Council tax (4,99%, of which 3% will be ringfenced for Adult services). He will prepare a sheet with the details and send to the Clerk. Eighty million pounds has been given to the Council from Central Government over the last year to help with Covid related matters. The people of Devon deserve credit and a pat on the back as they have done really well in helping to contain the virus. Devon has the second lowest rate in the country. Numbers in hospitals are still quite high but this does include some out of county patients.

New signs in village The Council has installed a new sign stating that Briton Street is ‘unsuitable for HGVs’ at the junction of Briton Street and the B3212. It is hoped that this will avoid lorries becoming stuck at the ‘T’ junction in the centre of the Village and the Council would like to thank John and Dave Dicker for allowing it to be put on their land. Coming soon are signs that, it is hoped, will slow vehicles down on the approaches to the Village. These have been made using designs created by children from Dunsford Academy.

The National Census This takes place every ten years and this year it is taking place on 21st March. The Council wants to encourage everyone to take part. It is particularly important this time in order to record the effects of the pandemic. It will also be available to complete online for the first time which may make it easier for some people but paper copies will still be there for people who prefer to use them. All census information is used by the Government to help plan and fund public services like transport, education and healthcare. So, by taking part and encouraging others to do the same, you’ll help make sure you and your community get the services you need. More information can be found at

Date of Next Parish Council Meeting - Tuesday 2nd March at 7.45pm via Zoom. Remember members of the public are still welcome - the link will be on the agenda but can be sent to individuals if they contact the Clerk. Lynne Ogden Parish Clerk and RFO 01392 811236, [email protected] - 16 - DODDISCOMBSLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL

Lengthsman The Parish Council decided that a local contractor, Mr Fairs, will carry out the lengthsman services for the community in 2021. After Devon County Council stopped providing this service, the condition of the gullies and drains started to deteriorate at several points in the village causing concerns about road safety. The Parish Council decided to improve the condition of the drains and the safety of the roads by concentrating on the worst areas. Mr Fairs carried out urgent works at the beginning of January and will carry on clearing other areas in the village. Nevertheless, the Parish Council would like to encourage everybody to do their bit and to clear their own area. In this way the Council can concentrate its limited resources on the worst affected areas. Blocked drains, mud on the road and potholes can still be reported on the Devon County Council website

Update about the Bus Shelter Project The Parish Council received a grant of £500 from County Councillor Jerry Brook’s Locality Budget towards the cost of the bus shelter repair. The work will begin in spring, when the weather is warm enough to carry out repairs and paint the cob structure. In the meantime, Cllr Moorhouse volunteered to carry out a temporary repair on the front left corner of the shelter to stop the winter weather causing further damage before the project can commence in spring.

Reminder about Census 2021 A reminder that there will be a census on 21st March 2021. The census gives important information to policy makers and helps to decide how to allocate resources in the next decade. So, please look out for the information that you will receive closer to the date and fill in the census form online or on paper.

Councillor Vacancy Currently there is a vacancy on the Parish Council. If you are over 18, live within 3 miles of Doddiscombsleigh and are interested in working for the community, you can be co-opted for a parish councillor position. Please contact the clerk at [email protected].

Next Meeting The next ordinary meeting will be on Thursday 11th March. Please keep an eye on the website and on the notice board to learn about the location and the time of the next ordinary or extraordinary meeting. Parish Clerk: Agnes Miller, 07713 918178. [email protected] - 17 - THOUGHTS FROM POPE FRANCIS

If you want to fast,

Fast from hurting words and say kind words.

Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.

Fast from anger and be filled with patience.

Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.

Fast from worries and have trust in God.

Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.

Fast from pressures and be prayerful.

Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy.

Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.

Fast from grudges and be reconciled.

Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.


There’s no better way to begin this article than with the timeless words of peaceful activist Mahatma Gandhi: ‘You must be the change that you wish to see in the world.’

When we think of how we could change the world, because we can see the potential for it to be better, greater and more beautiful, we think big: revolution, mass protests and drastic action. But all change actually happens from a much more realistic and manageable start-point - at the level of the individual. No matter how much you’d like to, even if you feel you had the right to, you can’t change anyone or anything other than yourself, the actions you take, and the choices you make.

Maybe you want to see a more loving, caring, compassionate, healthy and kind world? Then it starts with all of us as individuals taking small steps towards truly being those things. So be the change; embody what you’d like to see more of in the world - only then will you create the world you want to be a part of. Things can feel tough at the moment but right now in this moment, take a second just to look up and around…. There, that’s got your chin up, and that after all is a great place to start.

With love and appreciation! Joe Arnold & Jess Gordon, Dartmoor Chiropractic, Strawberry Hill, Dunsford - 18 -


‘Wrap up warm and put on your vest, But a liberty bodice would be the best.’

I had no thermal under wear, Knitted long johns was all I had. So ‘Not navy knickers,’ I said. ‘I’d rather spend a day in bed.’

There were no beanie hats Or anything thermal. We had to do the best we could. Do you remember the pixie hood?

No padded jackets - and cagoules There was a lack - All I had was a gabardine mac.

Hot water bottles to keep feet hot But flipping chilblains was all I got. ‘Bring out the snowfire ointment’.

This cold spell has been a bummer But I wish everyone a nice warm summer. Nora Bryant


1) What did the Romans call Scotland? 2) Who was made Lord Mayor of London In 1397, 1398, 1406 And 1419? 3) Who was Henry VIII’s last wife? 4) Who was the youngest British Prime Minister? 5) In which year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake? 6) Which nationality was the polar explorer Roald Amundsen? 7) Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia? 8) Which English explorer was executed in 1618, fifteen years after being found guilty of conspiracy against King James I of England and VI of Scotland? 9) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte? 10) The first successful vaccine was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. Which disease did it guard against? (Answers on page 23)


Help For Those ‘Self-Isolating’ Who Need Shopping and/or Medications Collected - Still Available!

The situation with Coronavirus continues to change, so these arrangements may well have to be reviewed. We plan to keep this scheme running as long as it is required.

Government and NHS advice is available as follows:


Government information: plan/coronavirus-action-plan-a-guide-to-what-you-can-expect-across-the-uk

Teignbridge District Council: advice/coronavirus-updates/

How to get help: Significant numbers of people in the Valley are having to ‘self-isolate’ or not leave their homes. The churches and other groups are working together to try and ensure that those who may need practical help with shopping, collecting medication, etc, in this situation can receive help if needed. Details are available at the following:

A Church Near You website: - search for your church

Village websites: Doddiscombsleigh website - Dunchideock website - Dunsford website -

Each village has a local co-ordinator to link up those offering to help with shopping and/or collecting medication with those who need some assistance. Arrangements are currently as follows:

Doddiscombsleigh: Elliott Fairs - T: 01647 253169 or E: [email protected] and Toby Berry - T: 07764 547556 or E: [email protected] Dunchideock: Steve Cook - T: 01392 832332 or E:[email protected] Dunsford: Karen Morris at The Shop - T: 01647 252330 or E: [email protected]

- 20 -


Applications for the Foundations in Christian Ministry course starting in September 2021 are now open. The 2020-21 FiCM course has been delivered successfully via Zoom. Whilst we obviously hope to deliver the course face-to-face in 2021-22, the mode of delivery will be appropriate to what is safe and practical.

The FiCM is a learning community, where students can deepen their Christian discipleship, explore their gifts for ministry, discern God’s call for their next steps in ministry, and lay foundations for further lay training. It is the foundation year for Reader training. The core of the course is seven Saturday study days between September and May, consisting of inspirational and high quality teaching on the Bible, theology, spirituality and pastoral care. The deadline for applications is Easter 2021. Informal interviews will then be held.

For further details, see ministry/


During the pandemic, Devon’s residents have appreciated the green spaces around their churches like never before and now Devon CPRE is inviting churches of all denominations to enter this year’s competition to find the ‘Best Churchyard’ in the whole of the county.

This is the fourth year the Devon countryside charity has held its churchyard awards and it’s hoping to receive more entries than ever by the end of March. The judges are not seeking the most pristine or manicured churchyards. They are looking for those which are well-managed to provide a peaceful haven for people and wildlife. Each entry is visited by the judges and assessed on a range of criteria, including the measures put in place to increase biodiversity.

Which Devon churchyards will make the shortlist in 2021? As well as the kudos of winning, there’s a top prize of £200 and a beautiful oak plaque, made in Devon from sustainable wood, to display to locals and visitors. The deadline for entries is 31st March. Full details and an entry form can be found at

***** The most stupid thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner


B&B Doddiscombsleigh 15th Century Devon Longhouse. Secluded setting near Nobody Inn. 01647 252316 --- Drum Magic Drum lessons on drum kit, congas, djembe, bongos, bodhran, percussion. Any style, level, age. Many years’ experience. Workshops also available. Steve Crossen 07828 194509 --- B Lamacraft - Logs, Firewood Processing & Forestry Have your wood logged and split ready on your own land. Also Compact 4wd Alpine Tractor work. 01647 252107 / 07864 079945 --- Smatter: Dunsford’s Self Help Community Upkeep Group If you’d like to meet with like minded people every couple of months or so, and help keep Dunsford tidy, then please get in contact. We’d love to hear from you - [email protected] or 01647 252443 --- Housesitter Available I can walk dogs, feed cats, turn out and muck out horses and do other animals, etc. Fully insured. References available. Reasonable rates. Contact Helen 07528 959287 or [email protected] --- Looking for a hard working gardener? Experienced in plant-specific pruning, planting, hedge cutting, small tree work, mowing, clearance and other gardening work. Please ring Rory 01647 252881 --- Moorhouse’s Dexter Beef Mixed boxes 2.5Kg - 10Kg available @ £11/Kg or single packs or joints, delivered. Home bred and grass fed. 01647 252757 / 07979 774885 --- Pet Supplies & Animal Feeds Feed for domestic pets, poultry, horses and wild birds. Small bale hay and straw. Competitive prices and easy parking. Free local delivery (orders over £20). Teign Valley Nursery. Place your order on 01647 252654 --- NJB Chimney Sweeps NACS member, fully insured, Checkatrade & HETAS registered. Polite, friendly and clean chimney sweep and solid fuel maintenance service. Please contact Noah on 07527 041733 or [email protected] for questions or free quote. --- Free Range, Oven Ready Chicken from Little Leigh Farm, Doddiscombsleigh. Free range & slow grown for great flavour. Processed on farm - zero food miles. Whole chicken or portions. Free weekly local delivery or find us at the Farmers’ Market. John & Rachel [email protected] 07947 032731 or 07877 200356

- 22 - Specialising in new, old & historic buildings, for work or home. Expert in EcoBuilding, ‘Passive House’, Planning Permission, Building Regs, build-contract admin; or just some can-do advice. Ring 01647 24436 to bring your vision closer --- Winter Fuel Hot Max Clean Burning Fuel Logs, Local Kindling and Logs, Smokeless Ovals and Anthracite, House Coal and Paraffin. Teign Valley Nursery, Bridford 01647 252654 --- Teign Valley Nursery Thank you to everyone who has supported us during this troubling year. We are open as usual (Mon-Sat 9-5) at the moment. We are always happy to take pre-orders over the phone (01647 252654) or by email [email protected] and have everything ready for easy collection from the shop or from our gate. We are still running our local delivery service with priority given to those needing to shield --- Need help looking after your feet? Contact Ruby Bowden, Foot Health Practitioner on 01392 949030 to book a home visit --- ACA Gardening Services A local hard working reliable gardening service based in Dunsford. General Gardening Work; Grass Cutting; Hedge Cutting; Digging, Planting and Weeding; Fence Painting; Patio Cleaning; Autumn and Winter Care; Small Handyman Jobs. Please call Tony 01647 252633 / 07552 800320 [email protected] --- Groundworks Services All aspects of digger work - footings, driveways, drainage, trenchwork, septic tanks. Fully qualified. Free quotes. Call Will 07918 868084 --- Fencing Services All aspects of agricultural, domestic and commercial fencing. Tractor and driver hire. Call Matt 07419 752673 --- For Sale: Husqvarna petrol rotavator 3.5hp (cost £600 new), good working condition. Eliet Minor petrol shredder 6.5hp (over £2,000 new), will take branches up to 45mm thick, good working condition. Modern style conservatory wicker sofa and two armchairs, pale gold cushions (some fading). 5 bespoke solid oak doors 760 x 1955 x 50 mm thick, ledge and brace, very good condition. Offers considered. 01647 252567 (Dunsford) Please email me for a photo - [email protected]


1) Caledonia; 2) Richard (Dick) Whittington; 3) Catherine Parr 4) William Pitt (The Younger); 5) 1431; 6) Norwegian; 7) Julia Gillard (2010-2013); 8) Sir Walter Raleigh; 9) Cambridge; 10) Smallpox

- 23 -


We are sad that the magazine is only on-line for March but hope to be back in print as soon as we are allowed. The decision was based on keeping everyone safe. We hope that most of our readers are able to access this version and, where possible, we have posted to those we thought might not have the technology to do so.

- 24 -

ORGANISATIONS Tel no: 01647 Acorn Community Support Mandy Vellacott, Christow Surgery 252701 Dunsford Bellringers Mr M Sharland, Sunnyside, Dunsford 252122 Conservative Assoc'n Mr F Fulford, Great Fulford, Dunsford 24205 Cricket Club Charlie Sheen, Jervis Cottage, Dunsford 252082 Doddiscombsleigh Agnes Miller, 6 Ilex Close Parish Clerk Shillingford St George 07713 918178 Friends of Doddi School Sarah Ponti, Dreamwood, Hr Ashton 253623 Doddi Pre School Charlotte Drew, Leader 253695 Doddiscombsleigh Community Primary School, EX6 7PR 252253 DADS Bev English, Sunny Bank, Dunsford 252795 Babies & Toddlers Frances Laugharne 07779 298883 Dunchideock Parish Clerk Norman Harvey [email protected] Dunsford Parish Clerk Lynne Ogden [email protected] 01392 811236 Dunsford Nursery, at Dunsford Community Academy 01626 248797 Dunsford Community Academy, Dunsford EX6 7DD 01626 248797 Dunsford PTFA Alexandra Topliss (via school) 01626 248797 Dunsford Singers Jan Middleton, Duckspool Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh 252368 Hall Bookings Dunsford Janet Beech, Townsend Farmhouse, Dunsford 252924 Teign Valley Barbara [email protected] 08453 883607 Ashton Philippa May, Blatchford Farm, Ashton 252212 Labour Party 01626 888378 Tedburn/Cheriton Scouts Teign Tennis Trust Lyn Sewell, Crantock, Bridford Rd, Christow 252891 Teignbridge District Councillors Stephen Purser 07765 714397, Terry Tume 07484 731653 T V History Group Graham Thompson, Broomhill Cottage, Christow 253145 Teign Valley Scouts Paul French, Southwood House, Dunsford 252721 Central Devon MP Mr Mel Stride, 2a Manaton Court, Exeter 01392 823306 Twinning Association Tony Griffin, Lockhouse, Dunsford 252348 Belvedere Group of Women’s Institutes Alexis Swain, The Croft, Dunchideock 01392 833353


PARISH MAGAZINE Treasurer: Mrs Ann Browning, 22 Brownings Mead, Dunsford EX6 7JJ Tel: 253135 (Please make cheques payable to: D&D Publications Committee) Annual subscription: £4.00 Small adverts (20 words) £1.00 per month Distribution: Dunsford Mrs Ann Browning Tel: 253135 Doddiscombsleigh Mr Hugo Tillotson Tel: 253165 Dunchideock Mr Ray Mallett Tel: 01392 833351

DEVON COUNTY LIBRARY Thursday Service suspended Dunsford The Orchard 9.50-10.30am; Doddiscombsleigh NoBody Inn 11.30-11.50am

Monday Service suspended Dunchideock Sideling Close 11.55am-12.15pm (new timing)


USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS: Police (non-urgent) 101 Western Power 0800 6783 105 SW Water 0800 378937 Care Direct 0345 1551 007 NHS Direct 111 Out of hours Doctors 111

DOCTORS’ SURGERY TIMES (As at 1.9.20) 01647 24272 Prescription requests: [email protected]

Open Surgery Cheriton Bishop Mon to Fri 8-9.30am No appointment necessary

Appointments only Cheriton Bishop Christow Doctor Practice Nurse Doctor Nurse

Mon 8.30-11.00am 9.00-12.30 8.20-11.30am 2.40-5.10pm 2.00-4.30pm

Tues 9.30-11.00am 8.30-10.30am 8.30-11.30 1.30-5.00pm 2.00-6.50pm Evenings

Weds 10.00-10.50am 9.00-12.30 2.30-4.30pm 2.00-4.30pm 2.30-4.30pm

Thurs 8.30-11.00am 2.00-5.30pm 2.50-5.30pm 2.00-5.00pm

Friday 8.30-11am 9.00-12.00 3.00-4.30pm 2.00-5.00pm 3.00-4.30pm