Economic and Social DiStr. Council GENERAL E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.1 23 January 1992


COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Forty-eighth session Item 11 (b) of the provisional agenda



Note by the secretariat

This document contains the list of participants in the International Workshop of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (, 7-9 October 1991).

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A. National institutions

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Australia) Mr. Brian Burdekin, Federal Human Rights Commissioner Ms. Rana Flowers, Executive Assistant to the Federal Human Rights Commissioner

Benin Commission on Human Rights (Benin) Mr. Saïdou Agbantou/ President Mrs. Rita Sodjiedo, Magistrate in Cotonou

Council for the Defence of the Rights of the Individual (Brazil) Ms. Myriam Brea Honorato de Souza, General Coordinator

Canadian Commission on Human Rights (Canada) Mr. Maxwell Yalden, President

Chilean Commission for Human Rights (Chile) Mr. Jaime Castillo Velasco, President

United States Commission on Civil Rights ( of America) Mr. Arthur Fletcher, Chairman Mrs. Susan Muskett

National Consultative Commission on Human Rights () Mr. Paul Bouchet, President Mr. André Braunschweig, Vice-Président Mr. Gérard Fellous, Secretary-General Mr. Michel Wagner Mr. Marc Agi, Member

Commission for Human Rights (Italy) Mr. Paolo Ungari, President Mr. Eugenio Figorilli, Secretary-General Mr. Sergio Fois, Professor of Public Law, University of Rome

Advisory Council on Human Rights () Mr. Mohamed Larbi El Majboud, President, President of the Supreme Court Mr. Mohamed Mikou, Secretary-General Mr. Thami El Khyari, Representative of the Party of Progress and Socialism Mr. Mohamed Ziane, Representative of the Constitutional Union Mr. Albert Sasson, Representative of the Moroccan Israelite Community in Paris

National Commission on Human Rights () Mrs. Rosario Green, Executive Secretary

Advisory Commission on Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway) Mrs. Hilde Indreberg, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 3

Human Rights Commission (New Zealand) Mrs. Margaret Mulgan, Chief Commissioner Mr. Peter Hosking, Proceeding Commissioner

Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights (Uganda) Mr. Arthur Oder, Chairman Mr. Alex Bwangomoi Okello, Acting Secretary

Dutch Advisory Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy (Netherlands) Mr. Cees Flintermann, President

National Council for Human Rights (Peru) Mr. Augusto Antonioli Vasguez, Minister of Justice Mr. David Malaga Ego-Aguirre, Acting Director of Social Affairs and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Council

Philippines Commission on Human Rights (Philippines) Mrs. Mary Concepción Bautista, Chairman Mrs. Jacqueline Mejia, Director, Assistance and Visitorial Services

Commission for Racial Equality (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Mr. Makbool Javaid, Principal Legal Officer

Senegalese Committee on Human Rights (Senegal) Mr. Assane Bassirou Diouf, President, First President of the Supreme Court Mr. Oumar Ndjaye, Magistrate, Director of Legal and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

National Commission on Human Rights (Togo) Mr. Ahlonko Dovi, President Mr. Mêyêba Pocanam, Deputy

Higher Committee on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Tunisia) Mr. Rachid Driss, President Mr. Zakaria Ben Mustapha, Member

Commission on Human Rights of the Turkish Great National Assembly (Turkey) Mr. Ilhan Askin, Member Mr. Akin Gonen, Deputy and Member

Government Procurator's Office (Venezuela) Mr. Ivan Dario Badel Gonzales, Acting Attorney-General of the Republic Mr. Luis Maria Olaso, Director of Human Rights

Department for International Organizations, Federal Secretariat for Foreign Relations (Yugoslavia) Mr. Miroslav Milosevic, Counsellor E/CN.4/1992/43/Aâd.1 page 4

B. Ombudsmen and similar institutions

Office of the President of the Republic (Colombia) Mr. Orlando Melo

Danish Ombudsman Organization (Denmark) Mr. Lars Busск

Defensor del Pueblo (Spain) Mrs. Margarita Retuerto Buades

Ministry of Justice (Finland): Mr. Teuvo Kallio Parliamentary Ombudsman (Finland): Mr. Jacob Soderman

Médiateur de la République (France): Mr. Paul Legatte Mr. Maurice Grimaud Mr. Roland Denis

Office of the Procurator for Human Rights (Guatemala): Mr. Rolando de León Cuéllar

Office of the Ombudsman (Ireland): Mr. Michael Mills

Parliamentary Ombudsman (Iceland): Mr. Pall Hreinsson

Civil Liberties Bureau, Ministry of Justice (Japan): Mr. Muneto Kadosaka

Office of the Ombudsman (Namibia): Mr. Pio Teek

Assembly of Deputies (Romania): Mr. Alexandre Dimitrescu Commision for Human Rights (Romania): Mr. Ion Oancea

Swedish Broadcasting Commission (Sweden): Mr. Frank Orton

Bureau of Civil Rights, Protection and Legal Aid (Thailand): Mr. Kittipong Kittayarak

C. Regional institutions and training institutes

Canadian Commission for UNESCO (Canada): Mrs. Linda Allain

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Venezuela): Judge Orlando Tovar Tamayo

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (United States): Mr. Oliver Jackman

European Court of Human Rights (France): Mr. Marc-André Eissen

African Centre for the Study of Democracy and Human Rights (Gambia): Mr. Paul Hunt E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.1 page 5

Institute of International Law, Université degli Studi di Milano (Italy): Mr. Fausto Pocar

Human Sights Institute, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden): Mr. Goran Melander

Arab Institute of Human Rights (Tunisia): Mr. Hassib Ben Ammar

D. Specialized agencies in the system and other agencies

Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT): Mrs. Christine de Souches, Mr. Giles Poirier

Commonwealth Secretariat for Human Rights: Mr. Paul Larose Edwards

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI): Mr. Ugo Leone

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Mrs. Elena Borghese

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Mr. J. Symonides

International Labour Organisation (ILO): Mr. Loïc Picard

E. Non—governmental organizations

Amnesty International: Mr. Tessa Kordeczka

Andean Commission of Jurists: Mr. Francisco Eguiguren Praeli

Civil Liberties Organization: Mr. Emma Ezeazu

Fondation France Liberté: Mrs. Martine Gargar

International Association of Democratic Lawyers: Mr. Jacques Bourgaux

International Commission of Jurists: Mr. Khémais Chamari

International Council of Jewish Women: Mrs. Gabrielle Voignac E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 6

International Federation for Human Rights: Mrs. Fabienne Rousso-Lenoir

International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples: Mr. Leo Matarasso

Lawyers' Committee: Mr. William G. O'Neill

Paz Romana - International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of Catholic Students: Mr. Louis Edmond Pettiti

F. Governn>ents and dignitaries invited

Afghanistan* Mr. Kadiг Mahboud Angola: Mrs. Anabela Angelica Mr. Juan Martin Minieri Australia: Miss Ellen Hansen Austria: Mr. Walter Rocher Bahrain: Mr. Hasan Belgium: Mrs. France Chainaye Bolivia: Mr. Gustavo Claros Brazil: Mr. Antonio Vallim Guerreiro Bulgaria: Mr. Peters Brankov Mrs. Genka Beleva Burkina Faso: Mr. Xavier Niodogo Chile: Mr. Rodrigo Espinosa China: Mr. Chen Qiyuan Colombia: Mr. Alberto Diaz Comoros: Mr. Ahmed Kalidanse Costa Rica: Mr. Hernandez Mrs. Yvette Bourillon Côte d'Ivoire: Mrs. Ricci Cuba: Mr. Carlos Guitierrez Cyprus: Mr. Petinos Chararalambos Czechoslovakia: Mr. Igor Grexa Ecuador: Mr. Carlos Abad Egypt: Mr. Ihab El Sherif E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 7

El Salvador; Mr. Joachim Rodezno Ethiopia; Mr. Bolcho Hotesso France; Mr. Leprettre Mr. Louis Joinet Mrs. Béatrice Le Frapper du Hellen Mrs. Brigitte Collé Gabon; Mrs. Georgette Cardorelle ; Mrs. Ingrid Baudoin Mr. Haltem Greece; Mrs. Artémis Papathanassiou Guatemala; Mr. Rafael Olivero Guinea-Bissau; Mr. Leonel Vicira Holy See; Mgr. Lorenzo Frana Mr. Palma Hungary; Mr. Peter Kovacz Indonesia; Mr. Imron Hardjito Iran; Mr. Saïd Tabatabaee Italy; Mr. Sandro de Bernadin Lebanon; Mr. Shehadé Movallem Libya; Mr. Abdulaziz Buhedma Madagascar; Mrs. Folrine Injerona Malta; Mr. Joseph Licari Miss Elisabeth Pace Mauri tania ; Mr. Mohamed El Bechiri Ould-Sidi Mexico; Mrs. Socorro Rovirosa Mongolia; Mr. Pagamjav Boudragthaa Mr. Tchimidregzen Morocco; Mr. Anas Khales Mozambique; Mr. Murade Isaac Murargy Mr. Florencio Joel Sele Netherlands ; Mr. Elderenbosch Peru; Mr. Carlos Herrera Mrs. Nalvarte Mr. Jaime Stiglich Philippines; Mr. Hector Villaroel ; Mr. Fernando de Gouveia Araujo E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 8

Romania: Mr. Gabriel Branzaru San Marino* Mr. Rolf Spier-Donati South Africa; Miss Elizabeth Pretorius Spain; Mrs. Silvia Escobar Sri Lanka: Mrs. M.N.G. de Silva Mr. E.R. Weerakoon Sweden; Mrs. May Ann Ramsay Switzerland; Mr. Pierre Helg Thailand; Mr. Pichai Israbhakdi Togo: Mr. Ayigan-Ayi d'Almeida Tunisia: Mr. Farouk Mellovki Mrs. Chahrazed Lamari Turkey: Mr. Bülent Karadeniz Uganda; Mr. Jackson Bigocana Union of Soviet Socialist Mr. Sergueï Nikiforov Republics: Mr. Vladimir Lomeiko United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Mr. Matthew Ryerost United States of America: Mrs. Deborah Cavin Mr. Anthony Dalsimer Mr. William Green Uruguay: Mr. Jorge Meyer Venezuela: Mrs. Adia Pulido Yemen: Mr. Mustapha Aboud Yugoslavia; Mr. Nikolas Cicanovic Zaire; Mr. Dadumi Onokoko Zimbabwe: Mr. Kotsho Lloyd Dube Mr. T. Mukanduri Mr. E.O. Mamutse Mr. F. Tseriwa

G. Rapporteurs/Experts

Mr. Malaminé Kourouma (Rapporteur) International Commission of Jurists (Switzerland)

Mr. Dominique Turpin (Rapporteur) National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (France) E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 9

Mr. Brian Burdekin (Rapporteur) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Australia)

Mr. Maxwell Yalden (Expert) Canadian Commission on Human Rights (Canada)

Mrs. Mary Concepción Bautista (Expert) Commission on Human Rights (Philippines)

Mrs. Rosario Green (Expert) Mexican Commission on Human Rights (Mexico) E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.1 page 10


African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies

National human rights institutions in Africa

Civil Liberties Organization of Nigeria

Annual report on human rights in Nigeria, 1990

Benin Commission on Human Rights

Rules of procedure

Act No. 89-004 of 12 May 1989 setting up the Benin Commission on Human Rights

Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights (Uganda)

The Commission of Inquiry Act

National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (France)

Brochure describing the work of the Commission

Togolese National Commission on Human Rights

Basic documents

Report on the second round table held on 15 June 1989 in Lomé on "Human rights in the light of tradition"

Report on the third round table held on 1 August 1989 in Lomé on "Rights of the public vis-à-vis the courts"

Report of the national information and consciousness-raising seminar held on 21 and 22 October 1988

Report of the national information and consciousness-raising seminar held on 20 and 21 October 1989, and annual report of the Commission

Mexican National Commission on Human Rights

Basic documents, July 1990

National annotated directorate of non-governmental human rights organizations. May 1991

Annotated directorate of institutions for minors, November 1991 E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.1 page 11

Studies on human rights, national and international aspects, February 1990

Gazette of the National Commission on Human Rights, July 1991

Working papers, August 1990

Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines

Accord of Understanding between the Commission on Human Rights, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, the Department of National Defence and the Students' National Organization

Guidelines on the conduct of arrests, searches and saturation drives

Guidelines on visitation and conduct of investigation arrest, detention and related operations

Manila Declaration on Trade Union and Human Rights

Summary report on Commission on Human Rights operations for 1990

Commonwealth Secretariat

Draft Directory, Statutory Human Rights Bodies in the Commonwealth, October 1991

Advisory Council on Human Rights of the Kingdom of Morocco

Compilation of basic texts

Office of the Presidential Adviser for the Defence, Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of Colombia

Human rights institutions in Colombia

Peruvian National Council on Human Rights

Supreme Decree No. 012-96-JUS

Spanish Defensor del Pueblo

The defence of fundamental rights and the ordinary control of the public authorities by the Spanish institution "Defender of the people"

Defensor del Pueblo (Ombudsman) Organization Act

Norwegian Human Rights Committee

Mandate of the Human Rights Committee E/CN.4/1992/43/Add.l page 12

United States Commission on Civil Rights

Bigotry and violence on American college campuses, October 1990

Intimidation and violence, racial and religious bigotry in America, September 1990

Report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights on the Civil Rights Act of 1990, July 1990

The Indian Civil Rights Act, June 1991

The economic status of black women: An exploratory investigation, October 1990

The Immigration Reform and Control Act: Assessing the evaluation process, September 1989

Catalogue of publications, May 1991.