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Norwegian Heritage? Special Issue Leif? Leiv? Leifr? Det er ikke vanskelig å finne The annual What’s in a trekk ved det norske samfunn name? som minner om vikingtiden. Issue! Read more on page 14 – Marianne Lie Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 36 5, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Afghanistan mission ends News Norwegian Norway has taken delivery of a new C-130J tactical transport soldiers leave from Lockheed Martin, with the aircraft to replace an example Faryab province that was destroyed in a fatal crash earlier this year. Handed after eight years over during a Sept. 27 ceremony at Lockheed’s Marietta produc- tion site in Georgia, the airlifter VG restores the Royal Norwegian Air Force’s Hercules inventory On Sept. 28, the last Norwe- to four aircraft. gian soldier left Faryab province (blog.norway.com/category/ news) in Afghanistan, ending Norway’s eight-year mission in the country. Business “I am convinced that the Af- ghans will take responsibility se- Starbucks Corporation is charg- ing ahead in its European ex- riously, and find Afghan solutions pansion efforts despite the on- to Afghan problems. They will going sovereign debt crisis and manage just fine without us,” said the high cost of entry into the Colonel Odd Andreas Søbstad at market. The strategy is part of Camp Meymaneh. the company’s efforts to boost Søbstad served as leader of its global footprint in Asia, Eu- the Norwegian stabilization force rope and the Middle East. Seat- in Faryab. tle-based Starbucks announced Photo: Henrik Omtvedt Jenssen / Norwegian Armed Forces a deal Sept. 27 to expand stores See > mission, page 6 Norwegian soldier Peter David wishing Afghan soldiers good luck taking over the camp in Meymaneh. in Norway, and Finland in partnership with Umoe Res- taurant Group AS. The compa- ny already has a small footprint Finding a new home at airports and rail stations, but there are plans for the brand We love Leif! The Viking ship to will appear on main streets The Weekly celebrates in and Sweden beginning next Norseman needs year. “There is an increasing demand for premium coffee new location on throughout this region,” said Umoe CEO Karen Kvalevåg. East Coast (blog.norway.com/category/ business) Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor What’s inside? Members of the Leif Ericson News 2 – 3 Viking Ship (LEVS) are searching Business 4 for a new home for their Viking Research & Education 5 ship, the Norseman.

Opinion 6 – 7 See > Ship, page 11 Photo: Leif Ericson Viking Ship Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 No-go for long distances Obituaries & Religion 11 Skiing superstar Arts & Style 12 Petter Northug to In Your Neighborhood 13 Norwegian Heritage 14 take break from Sports 15 distance races

Illustration: Andrew Saur / www.andrewsaur.com VG $1 = NOK 5.7326 Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d updated 10/1/2012 Managing Editor Last season, cross-country ski- ing superstar Petter Northug was In comparison On Oct. 9, the Nordic-Ameri- explorer is credited as the first determined to win the , 9/1/2012 5.7958 can community will celebrate Leif European to set foot on the North 4/1/2012 5.6909 Erikson. Claimed by the Norwe- but an illness prevented him from 10/1/2011 5.8643 gians and Icelanders, the Norse See > Leif, page 7 See > Northug, page 15 Photo: Christian Hatt 2 • OctOber 5, 2012 nOrwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Prinsesse bisatt Ti ulver kan felles Vinteren kommer tidlig Rovviltnemndene åpner for lisensfelling av til sammen ti ulver for å avverge fremtidige Prinsesse Ragnhild, fru skader på husdyr og tamrein. I regionene Brr...kanskje må du finne Lorentzen ble bisatt fra , og Østfold og Hedmark åpnes det for felling av til sammen fire ul- frem vinterjakken og lua Slottskapellet 28. sept ver. I fylkene Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, tidlig i år , Vest-Agder, Aust-Agder Tele- KonGehuset mark, Buskerud og kan det felles til sammen to ulver, i likhet med i Troms VG DD.MM. Kongen og Dronnin- og Finnmark, opplyser Direktoratet for gen, DD.KK.HH. Kronprinsen og Kro- naturforvaltning. I Midt-Norge og Oppland nprinsessen, Prinsesse Astrid, fru Ferner og er åpnet for felling av én ulv i hver region. – Det er mulighet for en tidlig vinter i Prinsesse Märtha Louise var til stede i biset- Lisensfellingsperioden utenfor forvaltning- år. Sesongvarslene er usikre, men det er in- telsen. H.K.H. Kronprinsesse Victoria rep- sområdet for ulv strekker seg fra 1. oktober genting som tyder på en veldig varm vinter, resenterte det svenske Kongehuset, og det til 31. mars. forteller klimaforsker Hans Olav Hygen ved offisielle Norge var representert ved stort- (VG) Meteorologisk institutt til VG Nett. ingspresident , statsmin- Sesongvarselet fra oktober til desember ister , høyesterettsdom- Torsken har satt ny rekord i nordlig viser ifølge Hygen 0,5 grader over normalen mer Toril Marie Øie, fylkesmann Valgerd utbredelse. – Vi ser at den trekker lenger for Sør-Norge og én grad over normalen i Svarstad Haugland, Oslo-ordfører Fabian nord- og østover, sier havforsker Harald Nord-Norge. Normaler er gjennomsnittsver- Stang og forsvarssjef Harald Sunde. dier over en bestemt 30-års periode og i dag Foto: travelbay.org Oppe ved koret i Slottskapellet stod Gjøsæter. Vinteren kan komme tidlig til Norge i år. Gjøsæter har vært toktleder på den siste brukes normalene for 1961-1990. Prinsessens båre på en katafalk, drapert i det etappen av årets økosystemtokt i Barentsha- – Normalen vår er relativt kjølig, så norske flagget. Kapellet var fylt av blomster vet. Toktet ble avsluttet i Kirkenes i helgen, dette tyder på en ikke veldig varm høst med styret. og kranser fra familie og venner. og allerede nå kan havforskerne konkludere mulighet for en litt tidlig vinter, sier Hygen. – Det kommer an på samspillet mellom Haakon Lorentzen holdt minnetale over med at fjorårets «verdensrekord» i nordlig Høsten 2011 var varm i forhold til nor- kulde og nedbør. Det er ikke noe som tyder sin mor under bisettelsen. Biskop Ole Chris- torskeutbredelse ikke varte mer enn ett år. I malen og vinteren den 23. mildeste Meteo- på at det er blir snø veldig sent, men jeg kan tian Kvarme forrettet i bisettelsen sammen år er det registrert torsk helt opp til 82 grad- rologisk institutt har registrert for hele landet ikke love tidlig skiføre, sier Hygen. med domprost Olav Dag Hauge. er og 30 minutter nord. Registreringen ble sett under ett. Han understreker at prognosene ikke er Kongeparet var deretter vertskap for en gjort av det russiske forskningsfartøyet Vil- I november i fjor målte man for eksem- veldig stabile. Man kunne for eksempel ikke mottakelse på Det kongelige slott. Kortesjen njus. – De nordligste observasjonene dreier pel 3,9 grader over normalen og også desem- forutse den svært kalde vinteren i 2010 i ses- med båren og den nærmeste familien for- seg om ganske små mengder fisk, men vi ser ber måned var varm. Selv om forvinteren ser ongvarselet. lot Slottet via hovedporten klokken 14.30. likevel en tendens til at hovedtyngden av ut til å bli kjøligere i år kan man ikke au- – Da var det kaldt. November i Oslo var Prinsesse Ragnhild, fru Lorentzen ble stedt den nordøstarktiske torsken trekker lenger tomatisk slå fast at hele vinteren blir kaldere. for eksempel minus 2,7 grader i forhold til til hvile ved Asker kirke. Til stede ved jord- nord og øst enn tidligere. Det skyldes sann- – Det er ingen persistens i at kulden vil normalen og i desember minus 6,1 i forhold synligvis to forhold: det er varmt nok i van- festelsen var kun nær familie. fortsette. Det ser ut som naturen stort sett til normalen. Det er en av de kaldeste vi har Lørdag kveld var Kong Harald og net til at torsken trives der, og den finner glemmer etter en måned eller to med unntak nok mat, sier Gjøsæter. Havforskerne bruker målt, sier Hygen. Prinsesse Astrid, fru Ferner på Gardermoen av våren, forklarer klimaforskeren. både trål og akustiske instrumenter for å for å ta i mot båren med deres søster. Selv om mye tyder på vinteren kan ban- kartlegge fiskebestandene i Barentshavet, ke tidligere på døren i år enn i fjor, er det English Synopsis: This year, it is predicted that win- English Synopsis: Princess Ragnhild, Mrs. Lorent- og undersøkelsene viser at torskebestanden ter‘s colder temperatures could come early to Norway. zen was buried on Sept. 28. og loddebestanden overlapper hverandre i foreløpig ingen grunn til å finne frem skiut- utbredelse. (VG) rødt mysterium Venstres trekker seg Kan reduser omfanget Ja, jeg er skuffet over å ikke ha fått bredere Brannvesenet måtte støtte blant lokallagene, sier Venstres stort- rykke ut etter at deler Åkneset på Sunnmøre er ingsrepresentant for Akershus, Borghild Tenden (61). Søndag varslet hun at hun av havnebassenget i verdas mest overvaka trekker seg som kandidat til stortingsvalget Brønnøysund ble farget skredfarlege fjell. For i 2013. Tenden sier til NTB at det har vært svært krevende og tøft å utgjøre halvparten rødt fjellet kjem til å rase ut av en tomannsgruppe på Stortinget og byg- i Storfjorden. No fortel ge opp igjen tilliten til partiet etter valget i nRK 2009. – Det har vært vanvittig mye å gjøre, – Vi hadde ingen anelse om hva den sjefsgeolog Lars Harald sier hun. Hun sier kritikken mot henne fra røde fargen i vannet kunne være, sier Blikra at det kan vere enkelte lokallag har gått på at hun har vært brannsjef Geir Johan Hanssen. Han sørget lite synlig lokalt. - Den kritikken synes jeg for at det ble tatt prøver av det rødfargede mogleg å avgrense ikke treffer, tatt i betraktning den krevende vannet samtidig som det ble foretatt under- skadeomfanget oppgaven det har vært å være en av parti- søkelser i nærområdet om hvor fargestoffet ets to representanter på Stortinget og i til- kunne komme fra. nRK Foto: Screenshot / NRK legg sitte i finanskomiteen, der det kanskje Heller ikke områdesjef for teknisk etat i En visuell av mulige skredfare. ikke er like lett å være synlig. Tenden sier Brønnøysund, Stepen Høgeli, klarte å finne Verken geologar eller innbyggjarar i hun ikke tror kritikken mot henne bunner i ut av det rødfargede vannet, i Strømsnesset nærleiken veit når, men Åkneset kjem til å gjennomført med suksess. I Åkneset, i Stran- hennes EU-engasjement. Hun har gått klart mellom Frøkenosen og Meieriosen like sør rase ut i Storfjorden éin gong i framtida. da kommune, er derimot situasjonen meir inn for EU-medlemskap og sitter i sentral- for havnesenteret. Åknesremna blir berre større og større, kompleks. styret i Europabevegelsen i Norge. Tenden og det fjellskredfarlege fjellet er kontinuer- – Konklusjonen i augneblinken er at ble valgt inn på Stortinget fra Akershus i – Vi så ingen antydning til kjemikalier i vannet, og tenkte at dette fargestoffet kunne leg overvaka. Når raset kjem, kan det ende i det finst for lite informasjon om vassnivået 2005. Etter valget i 2009 er Tenden en av i fjellet. Dette sett i forhold til effekta av ei Venstres to representanter på Stortinget, være av nokså ufarlig karakter. Men sikker ein svært øydeleggjande tsunami. drenering. sammen med partileder . kunne vi ikke være før vi fikk undersøkt No fortel sjefsgeolog i Åknes/Tafjord Situasjonen blir derimot jobba med. Etter at Tenden nå trekker seg, ligger veien saken nærmere, sier brannsjef Geir Johan Beredskap IKS, Lars Harald Blikra, om eit trolig åpen for (36), som var an- Hanssen. Ved nærmere undersøkelser kom tiltak som kan redusere skadeomfanget. Dersom ei drenering skjer, kan det bli mindre dremann på stortingslista til Akershus Ven- løsningen. Det viste seg at fargestoffet kom – Moglegheita er å drenere ei slik stor bevegelse i fjellet, då vatnet – flytande eller stre i 2009 og Tendens vararepresentant på fra en undersøkelse av en vannlekkasje på et fjellside som Åkneset, då for å ta ned beveg- frose om vinteren – ikkje får flytte på fjellet Stortinget i dag. Flere lokallag i Akershus tak på en bolig like ved, og at stoffet hadde elsane i fjellet, fortel Blikra. i same grad. ønsker Raja på topp, og det har vært antydet rent ned i grunnvannet oig så sivet ut i sjøen. Åknes/Tafjord Beredskap IKS har sa- Framover blir det derimot opp til Noregs at det kunne ende med kampvotering mel- – Harmløse greier. Nå er stoffet løst opp marbeida med NTNU i om ei vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE). lom Raja og Tenden på nominasjonsmøtet. i vann og så godt som borte. Vi gjør ikke noe hovudoppgåve om moglege fysiske tiltak for – Vi har sagt at NVE må ta ansvar for (VG) mer med saken og anser «det røde mysteri- å redusere skadar av raset som kjem. oppfølging i denne saka. Dei har det statlege et» som oppklart, sier brannsjef Geir Johan – Formålet var å evaluere om drenering ansvaret. Hanssen. i Åkeneset var mogleg. Internasjonalt er det English Synopsis: New solutions for avalanche dan- English Synopsis: The harbor water in Brønnøy- gjort fleire liknande prosjekt med gode resul- ger in Sunnmøre, which could cause a “tsunami” that sund, located halfway between Trondheim and Bødø tat, fortel Blikra. might destroy Geiranger Fjord villages, are being in Norway, mysteriously turned bright red on Oct. 1. Mellom anna i Sveits har drenering blitt considered by geologists. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news October 5, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Remembering Princess Ragnhild The Rafto Prize 2012 to Nigerian Princess comes back environmentalist The Rafto Prize 2012 has been awarded to final resting place in to Nnimmo Bassey from Nigeria. Bassey is Chair of the Executive Committee of Norway after life in Brazil Friends of the Earth International. In its announcement, the Board of the Rafto St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n Foundation emphasized Bassey’s long-term Norwegian American Weekly fight for people’s right to life, health, food and water in a world affected by complex Princess Ragnhild, the oldest sister of and threatening climate change and large- HM King Harald, died Sept. 16 at her home scale environmental destruction. (Norway Post) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was 82. Her body was returned to Norway for its final Norwegians more active on social media resting place at Asker Church, west of Oslo, More and more Norwegians are finding per her wishes. their way to social networks like Facebook Princess Ragnhild was born June 9, and Twitter, new figures show. Sixty-three 1930 to Crown Prince Olav and Crown Prin- percent of Norwegians used social media cess Märtha, the oldest of three children. She in the second quarter of 2012, compared to was the first princess born in Norway in 629 59 percent earlier in the year, according to years, and her birth was a national celebra- Statistics Norway. While increasing numbers tion. She was born at a time when women Photo: Sven Gjeruldsen / The Royal Court of woman and older people dabbled with Funeral for Princess Ragnhild was held at the Royal Palace Chapel in Oslo on Sept. 28. couldn’t inherit the throne, but many believed social networks, the share of users in the 25- Norway’s constitution would be changed if 34 age group dipped from 87 to 82 percent. her parents did not have a son. Their third In 1953, Princess Ragnhild married Er- one of the first European princesses to marry The agency’s round-up of IT usage also child was son Harald, who became Crown ling Lorentzen, a businessman and Resis- showed that every second household in Prince and assumed the crown in 1991. tance hero from World War II. She became See > Princess, page 6 Norway now has access to the internet via mobile broadband. In all, 93 percent of households have access to the internet. “Countries should do as Norway” Three times lucky (The Local.no) Bill Clinton praises Norway’s work in developing Norwegian family has UN important for safeguarding Norway’s countries for maternal and children’s health three lottery winners interests “The U.N. has been and continues to be essential to our efforts to promote the St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n welfare, security and fundamental political Norwegian American Weekly values of Norwegian society,” says Minister of Foreign Affairs . Barth When 19-year-old Tord Oksnes bought Eide, who was present at the opening session a lotto ticket on a whim in early September, of the U.N. General Assembly in , made the statement after the Government he didn’t expect to hit the jackpot. presented a new white paper on Norway Instead, he became the third person in and the United Nations. The white paper his family to win the national lotto. His total emphasizes the fact that the rules developed prize money was NOK 12.2 million (USD by the international community through the 2.1) U.N. are essential for safeguarding Norway’s Before him, his 29-year-old sister Hege economic development, security and values, Jeanette had pocketed NOK 8.2 million in including respect for human rights and 2010, only four years after their father Leif freedom of expression. “Norway has a Photo: Office of the Prime Minister won NOK 4.1 million on the same lottery. fundamental interest in promoting a global From left: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks on life-saving medications for women and chil- The lucky numbers were drawn every order, in which right prevails over might. As dren at the United Nations with Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, Britain’s Secretary of State we are a coastal nation, the U.N. Convention for International Development Justine Greening and Nigeria’s president Goodluck Jonathan. time Hege Jeanette was pregnant or had just given birth. Two of those births took place on the Law of the Sea is one of the most within only hours of a family member win- important international instruments for VG ning. Tord’s win came a few months after the safeguarding our fundamental interests... It also places obligations on Norway to manage Former U.S. President Bill Clinton Speaking on Sept. 26 at the United Na- birth of Hege Jeanette’s third child. “I really feel guilty about winning so these natural resources in a sustainable way,” praised Norway’s efforts to put in place new tions General Assembly, Clinton met with he said. measures to save thousands of women and (Norway Post) children worldwide. See > Clinton, page 6 See > Lotto, page 15 We’re going digital! Try our new digital platform for the Weekly – All current subscribers have full access to our digital edition Contact us at [email protected] for online access Subscribe today! Print and digital: $59 for U.S., $79 in , $179 in Norway and others Digital only: $47 – just $1 per issue, no matter where you live Questions? Call (800) 305-0217, email [email protected] or write to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • October 5, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (October 1, 2012) Winners Losers Hooked on innovation Norsk Kr. 5.7326 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Apptix 4.0 17.6% Norwegian Energy Co. 4.2 -17.0% H. Henriksen Mek. Verksted in Tønsberg Dansk Kr. 5.7819 Grieg Seafood 10.5 8.7% Birdstep Technology 1.3 -13.1% Svensk Kr. 6.5835 EOC 2.8 8.6% Oceanteam Shipping 3.9 -10.6% takes first place for National Innovation prize Intex Resources 4.1 7.3% Tide 15.5 -9.9% Canadian $ 0.9833 Agasti Holding 1.6 6.7% The Scottish Salmon Co. 2.7 -7.0% Euro 0.7755 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Insurance Should you consider it? Call me for honest straightforward advice. (206)362-5913 www.obergltc.com 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155

MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Photo: Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w From left: Minister of Trade and Industry, ; CEO of H. Henriksen Mek. Verksted, Trygve Egenes; Chairman Henrich Henriksen; NHO acting managing director Petter Haas Brubakk. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Ra s m u s Fa l c k commercial transactions and estate planning. Oslo, Norway

2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 H. Henriksen Mek. Verksted is well- production to develop and produce products known for their hooks and quality products based upon the customer’s requirements. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 all over the world. Their core business is This has resulted in a number of unique safety at sea, and they deliver high-quality products. Recently the company’s first aut- launch and recovery hooks, painter hooks odock system went for testing offshore. The LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: and other equipment for maritime opera- system has been developed over the past Certified Public Accountant Small businesses tions worldwide. In addition to this they also years in close relation with Statoil. They are (206)789-5433 Individuals have a leading position in the market regard- now ready to start the sea trials. The system 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance ing rapid entering and boarding systems. enables an even easier and safer launch of Seattle, WA 98119 All products are produced in Norway. The the man overboard boats. The company’s company was founded in 1856 by the young hooks have been life- saving trusted offshore blacksmith Henrik Henriksen. His focus in for many years. With the new product cus- the early days was on equipment for the ma- tomers can take a greater step to reduce their Subscribe to the Weekly! rine (and whaling) industry, and this is still operational risk. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] the main focus for the company. The fami- Henriksen Hooks are designed for fast ly-owned company is today run by the fifth rescue crafts, man overboard, daughter generation and is located close to the quay in crafts, rigid inflatable boats and workboats. Tønsberg (Norway’s oldest town) one hour Altogether they deliver a wide range of prod- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. drive south of Oslo. Over the last years the ucts including; painter hooks, quick release company has moved from a mechanical to hooks (onboard and offload hooks), and oth- Sales and Service a knowledgeable high tech company. They er custom made products. employ 48 people. Last year, sales passed Rapid entering and boarding systems NOK 78 million (USD 13.6 million). was established as a business area back in The company won the National Inno- 2005 as a result of developments done in vation Prize 2012, arranged by the Confed- cooperation with Norwegian defense estab- eration of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO). Re- lishment and Norwegian forces. Designed Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK ceiving the price was chairman of the board for marine operations in the North Sea this phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Henrich Henriksen and CEO Trygve Egenes. equipment is fitted for the worst possible op- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Henriksen has six years of experience at the erational conditions. The company now has Norwegian Defense Research Institute and a complete package of boarding and entry one year with a marine institute in the U.S. equipment for both marine and urban opera- and is also responsible for business develop- tions. [email protected] ment in the company. The jury stated that the In the maritime department the com- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 winner have for generations shown an im- pany develops customized projects for the pressive willingness to innovate and change maritime and offshore industry. The com- and with good economical results. They have pany also delivers oil spill recovery systems. a strong business culture for innovation. Ac- They are producing oil skimmers capable of Headed south for the winter? cording to the winner, innovation is a normal recovering large quantities of oil also in dif- every day task, and established companies ficult conditions. can be innovative. Henriksen will continue working with Call us to have your address The company combines engineering and professional customers all around the world! change automatically to your winter address so you don’t Business News & Notes miss a single issue of the A record year for Statoil Norway’s July unemployment rate at 3% Weekly! Norway’s Statoil has discovered more oil and Norway’s seasonally adjusted unemployment gas during the first eight months of this year, rate was slightly lower in July compared with than in the whole of last year, which was a re- June’s rate of 3.1 percent, which was revised Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 cord year for the company. Last year the Nor- upward. Statistics Norway’s labor force sur- wegian oil company made major new discov- vey showed that the jobless rate in July was or [email protected] to set eries in the North Sea and the Barents Sea, but 3.0 percent. Norway’s unemployment rate has up your snowbird account. the results in 2012 will be even better. been fairly steady since the end of 2010. (Norway Post) (Nasdaq) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research October 5, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Taking the measure of toddlers Considerable differences in mathematical competence among two-year-olds in Norway

Un i v e r s i t y of St a v a n g e r

Considerable differences in mathemati- played little interest in numerals and count- cal competence among two-year-olds in Nor- ing at nursery age.” wegian nursery schools have emerged from a study involving the University of Sample (UiS). The Stavanger project embraces more These findings, the first from the than 1,000 children, and a study of such a Stavanger project, also show that the tod- large sample over such a long period is dlers are poorer at counting than kids of the unique even on a world basis. same age in other countries. But they are a Most research in this area involves small trifle better at geometry. groups. For that reason, the Norwegian study “Little research has been done on math- probably paints a more realistic picture of ematical capabilities among infants interna- what two-year-olds can master than earlier tionally, and nothing at all in Norway,” says work. Elin Reikerås at the UiS Reading Centre. “The differences in the results may also Together with Inger Kristine Løge and be affected by acquiring data while the chil- Ann-Mari Knivsberg, she has summed up dren are in their normal nursery-school set- the project’s findings in this area in - anar ting,” says Reikerås. ticle published by the International Journal “To investigate what they’ve mastered, of Early Childhood. they’re observed in play and daily activities. This is entitled “The Mathematical That avoids such sources of error as a refusal Competencies of Toddlers Expressed in to cooperate through insecurity or because Their Play and Daily Life Activities in Nor- they’re not in the mood that day.” wegian Kindergartens.” Data acquisition takes place over a The study by the three authors has three-month period, from the time each child looked at the abilities of preschoolers in re- is two and a half years old until they reach lation to problem-solving, geometry, numer- the age of two years and nine months. als, counting and number. Observations must be made by at least two nursery school staff, and each of them Photo: Marte Kopperud / www.visitnorway.com International must see the child displaying mastery in at En, to, tre... New study by the University of Stavanger shows Norwegian two-year-olds are behind two- “Learning about children in Norwegian least two different circumstances. year-olds in other countries when it comes to counting, but slightly ahead in geometry. nursery schools allows us to view this sub- “Staff have participated in extensive ject in relation to what’s available in terms of training, and guidance has been developed international research,” explains Reikerås. for each observation point to ensure we get “Children acquire much mathematical the best possible data,” Reikerås explains. expertise during their early years, which is “We’re talking about the competence of important for their later development in this the child rather than their skills. What they Global Study area. can master is carefully observed over time, “Our comparison suggests that the chil- and not just during a brief meeting with a re- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community dren in our sample are less competent with searcher in an unnatural setting as is usually ensures challenge and support for every student number and counting than toddlers in other the case.” studies. “But they’re a little better than their in- The Stavanger Project ternational contemporaries with certain geo- This multidisciplinary study focuses on metrical abilities, such as doing jigsaws and the acquisition of language, mathematical, understanding words related to placement.” motor and social competence. Launched in As expected, the competence of the sub- 2007, it will run at least until 2018. jects varied widely. That reflects the way chil- The project is a collaboration between dren develop at different speeds and come to the University of Stavanger (UiS) and the nursery school with varying resources. City of Stavanger. More than 1,000 infants “Several factors could explain differing from all local authority and many private competencies among toddlers,” say Løge. nursery schools are involved. “One could be variations in child experi- Data acquisition in the nursery schools ence. Lack of stimulation could hamper de- will be completed in the autumn of 2012, velopment. Some children find things out for and is due to begin in infant schools from the themselves, while others need more encour- spring of 2013. agement.” The aims of the project are to: The cultural setting in Norwegian nurs- • Help to increase knowledge of child ery schools differs from that in many other development from the age of two countries in that they have a greater focus on and a half until 10 within and be- play and development. tween the areas of language, mathl, PLU students visit Emei Mountain near Chengdu, China, as part of a semester abroad. Less emphasis is given to school-ori- motor and social competence at ented learning activities, but the researchers preschool age and reading, writing say that play does not necessarily preclude and arithmetic in school acquiring experience with numerals, number • Identify early development factors CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS and counting. which can promote or hinder the “Our findings may mean that Norwegian acquisition of reading, writing and nursery schools give less weight to master- arithmetical competence ing number and counting, so that infants fail • Help to enhance expertise among PLU to acquire the experience they need for fur- preschool and school personnel ther development,” says Reikerås. For more information, visit http:// Tacoma, www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 “Research shows that the children who lesesenteret.uis.no/research/the_stavanger_ struggle with arithmetic in school have dis- project/. 6 • October 5, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

Statement of An opinion column about current issues in Norway Ownership, Management Join the conversation! and Circulation On the EDGE We are required by the U.S. Postal Service to Too much feminism in Norway? print this report annually. By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. Name: Norwegian American Weekly Publication Number: 679 – 840 A Norwegian male was arrested re- cal, supporter of the most radical groups too massive and too quick. The Pakistanis Filing Date: Oct. 5, 2012 cently by the police’s security service for we have seen in Norway, but a very, very came to Norway in the late 1960s and 70s, having written on his blog that he would small group. He claims to be raised in an and we dealt in a way with them. Today Issue Frequency: Weekly, except for last two weeks in July, first two weeks of August, attempt to kill police officers. The reason atheistic home on the western side of Oslo the absolute majority of them are well-in- and last week of December. he gave to the court (and to the TV) was and after various studies decided to be a tegrated citizens and a valuable part of the that we have too much feminism in Nor- supporter of Islam and started to go to one Norwegian society. I do not mention im- Issues Published Annually: 47 way and he wanted to protect men’s rights of the mosques in Oslo. Then all signs of migrants from Europe and the U.S. They Annual Subscription Price: For print: $59 and position by killing police officers. him disappear and he is sought-after by fit easily into the Norwegian system. But I for U.S. subscription, $79 for Canada, Should I laugh or should I cry? Or several western security systems. Accord- have in mind gypsies, Romas and former and $179 for Norway and all other countries. Digital: $47. maybe just shake my head, which was ing to the media, nobody knows where he mafia people coming from Romania and what I did. is, but they are afraid – with his Norwe- Albania as well as immigrants from Af- Mailing address: 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, King County, WA 98115-8601 But the Norwegian police and court gian passport, he could have easy access rica. The open Europe pays the price for system take the man seriously. When he to both Europe and the U.S. for potential almost unrestricted entrance for foreign- Publisher: Norwegian American Foundation, urges people to kill police officers in duty, acts of terrorism. So suddenly we Norwe- ers. Maybe we need to be stricter on bor- 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115-8601 something must be wrong in his head, but gians are in a middle of an international der control? And maybe we need to have a maybe is it also wrong that society can- terror situation. stricter reaction to people who do criminal Editor: Christy Olsen Field, 7301 5th Ave not take the chance to let him go free in How can this happen? Are there any acts in Europe and Norway? For law-abid- NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 the streets? When he publishes such sick links between the man who would prefer to ing people our system is convenient, but Owner: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 ideas, what can he be able to do with a kill police officers, the Breivik mass mur- indeed also for the criminal minds. 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 gun? I agree we cannot take the chance; he der in Oslo and at Utøya and this 33-year- Publication Title: Norwegian American must be “taken care of.” But is he a pris- old convert to Islam? One common link is Weekly oner or a patient? of course that all of them are very criti- Steinar Opstad, born Extent, Nature of Circulation: Subscription And one thing more; he argued that cal of the growth of Islam in Norway. But 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- Issue Date for Circulation Data: his model was the mass murderer Breivik. the majority of Muslims are honest, hard- way, is the retired Vice October 5, 2012 It is to me clear that we at least have two working people, so it must be something President of the Con- federation of Norwegian Total Number of Copies: 3420 persons with affected attitudes in Norway. else. It could be the attitude some of the Business and Industry. • Mailed Outside-County Paid Maybe there are more, I do not know but conservative Muslims have on female is- I hope the security police know and hope- sues, forced marriages and that so many During his career, he Subscriptions: 3228 was an educator and fully keep an eye on them. of them live on the generous Norwegian • Paid Distribution Outside the Mails communicator with positions as a journal- We have also got another strange welfare system, but is that enough to kill including Sales through Dealers and ist, editor, teacher, and professor. He has a Carriers: 0 case that’s been in the media. A Norwe- police officers? Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. from the University • Paid Distribution by Other Classes of gian convert to Islam is said to have been I am not a specialist on questions re- of North Dakota. He is the author of several Mail through the USPS: 0 trained by al-Qaeda in Yemen to do terror lated to immigration from far-away coun- professional books. He is also the founder of acts in Europe or the U.S. The young man tries, but I might have a point when I say the American College of Norway in Moss, Total Paid Distribution: 3420 was a teenager and an extreme-left radi- that the immigration to Norway has been Norway. • Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies: 0 The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. • Free or Nominal In-County Copies: 0 • Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes through the USPS: 0 < mission < Clinton • Free or Nominal Rate Distribution From page 1 in the first half of 2012, more civilians were From page 3 Outside the Mail: 192 killed in Faryab alone than in the rest of “They will probably solve problems dif- northern Afghanistan combined. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. Clinton Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution: “Many people have focused on that se- presented a report on how to save more lives 192 ferently than we would have done, but they need to solve them their way,” he added. curity has deteriorated, but it is too simple in poor countries, including the purchase of Total Distribution: 3420 As the Norwegians leave, local Afghan of a conclusion. Norwegian soldiers have medicines in large quantities so that it be- Copies Not Distributed: 0 leaders are worried about their safety against worked here in Faryab for almost 10 years comes cheaper for developing countries. Total Sum: 3420 the Taliban insurgents. The province has and done a fantastic job to train and support “We must not shy away from this type Percent Paid: 94% been marked with a wave of targeted attacks Afghan security forces,” said Søbstad. of investment. It pays for all. The manufac- and killings against Afghan security forces – Leaving Faryab province required the turers of medicines earn more, because they coordination of moving 420 containers of sell more, and it also helps to stimulate the equipment, hundreds of vehicles, three he- economy because it saves so many lives and < Princess licopters, and 450 troops to Camp Nidaros and reserved, but the vibrancy and heartbeat people’s health,” Clinton said. From page 3 in Mazar-e Sharif, 350 kilometers east from quickly came up in informal gatherings,” He is also full of praise for the way Nor- Meymaneh. said Prime Minister Stoltenberg in a state- way runs its development aid programs. A number of Norwegian troops will still a commoner, and King Haakon VII decided ment. “It’s been said that Princess Ragnhild “More countries should do as Norway, be deployed in Afghanistan, to work as in- that she would henceforth bear the title Prin- was our best ambassador in Brazil – a warm even in difficult times, and give what they structors for the Afghan forces, and in staff cess Ragnhild, Mrs. Lorentzen – born a prin- heart representative of the Norway that she feel they can. But it is also important to look functions at the ISAF (International Secu- cess, but no longer royal highness. always felt so attached to.” to the Norwegian aid system and to ensure rity Assistance Force, the NATO-led security The couple moved to Rio de Janeiro, At her funeral service on Sept. 28, ap- that the money actually comes forward and mission in Afghanistan established by the Brazil, and had three children. Princess Rag- proximately 120 people, mostly family and does not disappear on the road in the form of, United Nations Security Council) headquar- nhild withdrew from public life in Norway, close friends, came to pay their respects. The for example, corruption,” added Clinton. ters in Kabul. In addition a Norwegian Her- but she maintained Norwegian traditions in service was held at the chapel in the Royal Bill Clinton now leads the “Clinton cules transport aircraft will continue to oper- Brazil, and was involved in the Norwegian Palace, where she was baptized, confirmed Global Initiative,” which is involved in the ate for ISAF. Seamen’s Church in Brazil. Among other and married. new U.N. initiative. Prime Minister Stol- things, she created Princess Ragnhild’s Fund Her son Haakon gave the eulogy. tenberg, together with Nigeria’s President for children in Brazil. She returned to Norway “As a mother, Princess Ragnhild was Goodluck Jonathan, led efforts to reach the often for visits, and eventually purchased her a quite ordinary person… She took us to measures, and the three met to present the own apartment in the Frogner neighborhood school and to the dentist, she took us to the Don’t forget! report to the U.N. of Oslo. circus,” said Haakon. “Stoltenberg was crucial in many areas “We know that Princess Ragnhild was He said she was also “unique.” All subscribers have full and made proposals for several of the mea- particularly close with her father, King Olav Her casket was draped with the Norwe- access to our new digital sures we now see,” said Clinton. V. Friends describe her as caring, faithful, gian flag, and it was surrounded by wreaths edition! Email kelsey@norway. In addition to medication for diarrhea, loyal, contagious humor and fresh lines. In and flowers from family and friends. She was com to activate your account. contraception is high on the new agenda. major public collections could she seem shy buried at Asker Church, west of Oslo. norwegian american weekly O october 5, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, tiers, so we find the Norwegian folks at Sta- Managing Editor During the month of October the Scan- toil doing similar things. Dr. Haldorsen holds Christy Olsen Field [email protected] dinavian East Coast Museum in Brooklyn, the position of VP for Strategy and Portfolio Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager N.Y., is holding its Annual Essay Contest in for Statoil. honor of Leif Eriksson Day. This year’s title Thus, we have a long tradition of honor- Kelsey Larson [email protected] is “Honoring Norwegian Women,” in co- ing our Viking explorer but with a keen eye Assistant Layout Editor ordination with the Norwegian Day Parade on how we cross new frontiers in the 21st Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Committee’s theme for 2012. century. Advertising The contest is open to children in 4th – Let me add a note about us. We have Call (800) 305-0217 Email: [email protected] 6th grades within the tri-state area of New been affiliated with Nordmanns Forbundet Contributing Editors York, Connecticut and New Jersey. (since 1976) and with the recently established Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. We ask that writers use their imagina- Cleng Peerson Arts Institute in Clifton, Tex- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. tion. You can choose a specific woman or an as. It had its formal opening event Saturday, Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. imaginary one. You could take the voice of a Sept. 29, with the outstanding pianist, Knut Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Norse goddess, a Viking woman or girl or a Erik Jensen performing pieces from Grieg Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, contemporary heroine. Photo courtesy of Norwegian Society of Texas and other Norwegian composers. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. No essay should be longer than two Members of the Norwegian Society of Texas gath- Over the years we have entertained Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. typed pages. Papers can be neatly handwrit- ered to celebrate Leif Eiriksson with a parade in many well-known and famous guests: HM Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Dallas and a banquet. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway ten. Two winners will be selected. Prizes Kong Olav V, in 1982, Ambassador S. Sop- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. include: a gift certificate to Nordic Delica- merfelt, Lt. General Wilhelm Moore, then Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. cies, Viking memorabilia, a ride in a replica President of Nordmanns-Forbundet, and di- Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. For some 30 years since the Norwegian Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Viking ship in the next Norwegian Day Pa- Society of Texas (NST) was formed (1976), rectors general of this organization. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. rade. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. we have celebrated our own Leif Eiriksson Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Essays most be received by Nov. 15 at: festival with a great banquet and a Viking With best wishes to you all, Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. SECM, 440 Ovington Avenue Brooklyn, NY ship joining a downtown Dallas parade. Gunnar Engen Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. 11209. For further information contact Vic- This year is no exception. On Sept. 28, Past President, Norwegian Society of Texas Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. toria at (718) 748-5950. we sailed our own Ormen Lange II through Plano, Texas David Moe S sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. downtown Dallas with our own crew. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Sincerely, This is followed by our annual Leif Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Victoria Hofmo John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. Eiriksson Day banquet in the Canyon Creek Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Scandinavian East Coast Museum Country Club in Richardson (Dallas subur- Dear Gunnar, Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Brooklyn, N.Y. ban city) where we will have, among other Thank you for sharing this great story Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. about the Norwegian Society of Texas! It is delicacies, Norwegian broiled salmon. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Every year we have speakers with a so wonderful to see people celebrate Leif to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Norwegian connection. For this year we Eriksen and his special connection to North have a question or comment about news coverage Dear Editor, America, especially with a modern twist like call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly were fortunate to have Dr. Helge Hove Hal- reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Much has been written lately about a dorsen, Vice President of Statoil. His topic the Norwegian Society of Texas. style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right Leiv Eriksson International Festival in Min- was “Statoil Crossing Energy Frontiers: Sta- not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor nesota. Well, here in Texas we are not so far Hope you had a wonderful celebration! taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. tus @ Forward Strategy.” • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and behind the times. Let me explain. Just as Leif Eiriksson crossed new fron- Editor letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by < LEIF the paper’s editorials should be directed to the From page 1 Day nationwide. In 1964, Congress autho- was chosen because the ship publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, rized and requested the President to create coming from Stavanger, Norway, arrived in the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks American continent – beating Christopher the observance through an annual proclama- New York Harbor on Oct. 9, 1825, at the start of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • tion. Lyndon B. Johnson and each President of the first organized immigration from Nor- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Columbus by over 500 years. Leif Erikson NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Day is marked and celebrated by Nordic since have done so. Presidents have used the way to the U.S. Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, communities and up to the U.S. government proclamation to praise the contributions of Even if you are not a fan of , US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. with an official proclamation from the Presi- Americans of Nordic descent generally and we invite you to mark this uniquely Nordic- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: dent every year. the spirit of discovery. In addition to the fed- American holiday. We honor the efforts of Formerly Norway Times Advocating for Leif Erikson Day began eral observance, some states officially com- the dedicated individuals in our community Western Viking & Washington Posten in the mid-1800s, but it wasn’t until 1963 that memorate Leif Erikson Day, particularly in to recognize the contributions of Leif Erik- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Leif Erikson got his due credit. , the Upper Midwest. son, and we salute those who work to keep Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, the U.S. Representative from Duluth, Minn., October 9 is not associated with any par- this tradition going strong. Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven introduced a bill to observe Leif Erikson ticular event in Leif Erikson’s life. The date Happy Leif Erikson Day! NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • OctOber 5, 2012 nOrwegian american weekly TasTe of Norway Lutefisk Dinner in Tacoma Norden Lodge 2—Sons of Norway Viking feast Normanna Hall, 1106 So 15th St, Tacoma, WA. A Viking-age recipe for your Leif Erikson Day table

Sunday, October 21, 2012, 11 AM-4 PM

Dinner includes Lutefisk, meatballs, potatoes, Lefse and all the trimmings. Open seating, reservations requested but not required.

Call 253-752-8450 for reservations. Adults: $20.00, Ages 7-12: $10.00, 6 & under: Free.

Also visit our Bazaar with Lefse making demonstration and sales, Photo:tine.no Scandinavian cookies, pastry, and gifts. Try this chicken stew and experience a taste of the Viking Era. As you may have suspected, the Vikings did not write cookbooks. The earliest known cookbooks from come from the Middle Ages circa A.D. 1300 and 1350. However, with the help of archaeology and even some hints from the Icelandic sagas, scholars have been able, to some extent, to recreate the Viking diet. Some brave souls have even written Vikings cookbooks! This recipe comes from “The Viking Feast” by Danish authors Michaël Fant, Roger Lundgren and Thore Isaksson. Enjoy! Chicken stew with beer Leif Erikson Would be Proud! From Vikingars Gästabud (The Viking Feast) “Gripping story with expertly developed 1 chicken, about 2 to 2-1/2 lbs. Dash of black pepper 3 – 4 carrots Thyme characters... fast-paced 3 yellow onions 6 – 8 whole allspice and rich with intrigue...” 1 turnip, about 1 lb. 1 bottle (12 oz) dark beer – ForeWord Reviews 1 – 1/2 teaspoon salt Garnish with flat-leaf parsley (optional)

“Great series... Chop the chicken into 8 pieces. Peel and cut the vegetables into pieces. Fry the chicken in butter, about 5 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper and place in a pot. Add excellent.” the vegetables, thyme, allspice and beer. Let boil for about 15 minutes or until vegetables – BookReview.com are tender. Serve the dish with bread. Note: The use of allspice in this recipe probably isn’t a very good recreation. Allspice “A harrowing ride is the dried, unripe berry of Pimenta dioica, an evergreen tree in the myrtle family. After drying, the berries are small, dark brown balls just a little larger than peppercorns. Allspice with intriguing plot comes from Jamaica, Mexico, and Honduras, all in the New World in areas where the Vi- twists and memorable kings never visited. Christopher Columbus discovered allspice in the Caribbean, mistaking characters...” it for black pepper, which he had heard about but never seen himself, calling it “pimienta,” – Norwegian American which is Spanish for pepper. Its Anglicized name, pimento, is occasionally used in the spice trade today. Weekly

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Photos: J.A. Hunsinger Left: What is believed to be the landing beach of Leif’s settlement in L’Anse Aux Meadows. Center: Author J.A. Hunsinger in a recreated Viking longhourse at L’Anse aux Meadows. Right: Newfoundland, a verdant land of plenty.

J.A. Hunsinger Grand Junction, Colo.

Most of us have an interest in the past. history of every single settler. Nobody ever actual site. From a distance they blended building materials, bog iron to fashion tools The people who lived before us, our own saw them again and nobody knows to this perfectly with the environment, resembling and weapons, all manner of berries, game ancestors, who were they? I don’t mean the day, what happened to them. In spinning a small hillock until I focused on the entry beyond counting, streams teeming with fish, past three or four generations that most of us my “Axe of Iron” series of tales, I give my doorway. in short everything they did not readily pos- know anything at all about, I mean centuries characters personalities, to make them as we As I studied the structure, I had no dif- sess on the southeast coast of . before that. Each of us has a small piece of are. One of my reviewers said it best, I think. ficulty visualizing a bustling Norse commu- Did Leif and his band stay at Leifsbu- every person who begat our lineage; our an- Melissa Levine, IP Book Reviewers: “It’s the nity: a ship and boats drawn up on the gravel dir? Archaeologists say not, but given the cient ancestors left a tiny piece of themselves details that grab the reader’s attention in J. A. beach for repairs, smoke rising from the extremes of the Mini-Ice Age that would in our DNA that defines who we are. Hunsinger’s historical novel, “Axe of Iron: smithy’s forge fire, hunters returning from an soon savage the Arctic, I prefer to think they Have you ever been to a new place and The Settlers.” The book is the first install- inland foray. I saw and felt it all to the depths used it more frequently than we are told as realized that it seemed strangely familiar, ment in a planned series of stories about the of my soul. The chills that coursed through they made forays along this new coastline. although you knew with certainty that you migration of the Greenland Norse to North my body made it akin to a religious experi- After finding that Newfoundland was an is- had never been there before? Have you ever America. From the introduction, which pro- ence and one I shall never forget. Just writ- land they explored what is now the Gulf of possessed descriptive abilities about places vides background information, to the brutal ing about the experience brings it all back. St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence Seaway. or things that cannot be explained rationally? ending, Hunsinger uses his extensive knowl- The re-creation longhouse interior was Why do I make such a statement, because I have and it continues to happen. Let edge of the history and culture of Norsemen well constructed and comfortable, including butternut shells were found in the Leifsbudir me take you on a short journey into the dis- to craft a story that exposes the lives of an the smithy in which I am standing, capable middens? They do not grow on Newfound- tant past, using archaeological sites that I ancient people with an admirable sense of of surviving the savage winter storms of the land, but are common along the St. Law- have visited in northern Europe and New- adventure and value for community.” No far north while providing the occupants with rence and its environs. foundland, Canada to set the stage – you be other author has ever told their story as I do; security and warmth. As I mentioned earlier in this missive, the judge if there is a distant connection, a but, I digress. The land inland from the site of Leifs- I have visited many Viking sites, ancient conduit to the past, if you will. I visited L’Anse aux Meadows, New- budir must have seemed like Valhalla to Leif trading towns and museums all over Scan- I have had a lifelong infatuation with foundland, Canada, while writing the first and the 30 odd men with him on the voyage dinavia. All were of intense interest to me, the Vikings that finally focused on the Norse novel of my Axe of Iron series. Of course I of discovery. From a treeless Greenland, to furnishing bits of knowledge and giving me settlers of medieval Greenland. After reading had read all about it, so I knew of its impor- a verdant land of bountiful timber and other everything available, I was left with a nag- tance as the only documented site in North See > Vikings, page 15 ging question. What America of a medieval happened to them? “I was not prepared for my reaction Norse presence. For It is difficult to to a place that I had never before those unfamiliar with study them because L’Anse aux Meadows, been. As I walked through the site, I they wrote nothing it is a corruption of the Nordic delicacies down. Everything felt a chill, the hair stood up on my French, L’Anse-aux- we know comes Méduses, Cove of the “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” from archaeologi- arms.” Jellyfish. cal research and the – J.A. Hunsinger I was not prepared 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Norse sagas. The for my reaction to a Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Saga of the Green- place that I had never www.nordicdeli.com landers and Eirik the Red’s Saga both tell before been. As I walked through the site, stories about them, although centuries after I felt a chill, the hair stood up on my arms. the fact, but we know nothing about the peo- They were here. I feel them, I thought. Over- ple themselves. active imagination? I don’t know the answer The Little Viking I decided to tell their tale using fiction to that one. Scandinavian GiftS because I wanted to convey to my readers Leifsbudir, Leif’s Booths, the small hill- what a lifetime of reading and research has ocks and depressions became a settlement in a touch of Scandinavia in southern led me to believe regarding the abandon- my minds eye. A recreation of the sod and We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 ment of the two known Norse settlements timber structures favored by the Norse had and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 on Greenland and the disappearance from been erected just across the road from the stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] 10 • OctOber 5, 2012 nOrwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions Happy Leif Erikson Day! From the Norwegian American Weekly

Painting: Leiv Eriksson oppdager Amerika by Christian Krogh. Wikimedia Commons Christian Krogh’s iconic painting, “Leiv Eriksson discovers America.” Currently located in the National Musuem of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo, Norway.

Ole won a fishing boat in a small upstate Minnesota town. He brought it home and Lena says, “Vot da norwegian American Weekly heck you gonna do vit dat. Dere ain’t no water deep enough ta float a boat widin 50 miles uv here.” Ole says, “I’m gonna keep it.” Then Sven came over to Photo of the Week visit. He asks Lena where Ole is. She says, “He’s out dere in his fishin boat,” pointing to the field behind the house. Sven heads out behind the house and sees Ole sitting in a fishing boat with a fishing rod in his hand in the middle of a big field. He yells out to him, “Vot da heck are you doing out dere?” Ole replies, “I’m fishin’. Vot da heck duz it look like I’m doing?” Sven yells back, “It’s people like you that give people from Norvay a bad name; make everybody tink we are stoopid. If I cud svim, I’d come out dere and kick yor ass.” Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Nathan Gaw Scottsdale AZ Eddy Collins APO Melvin Larson Fargo ND Jenny Larsen Lynnwood WA 8. oktober Torres J. Kvia Valley Alta Canada Norman Eric Nass Boise ID Alf B. Soma Redwood City CA 5. oktober Jean Easop Raleigh NC Adelaide Lyng San Diego CA 9. oktober 6. oktober Doris Stensland Canton SD Marie Johnson Bothell WA Alice Stefferud Olson Edina MN Borghild Helland Santa Monica CA Kaja Ventura CA Thomas Ostby Thief River Falls MN 10. oktober Chris Mebust Seattle WA Clayton Sund Olympia WA Hilma Tvede Sacramento CA Arne H. Einess Mtlake Terrace WA Marie Erstad Johnson Seattle WA Susie Schroeder-Knudsen Simi Valley CA 11. oktober Mona Olsen McLean VA Else Liebermann Brooklyn NY Photo courtesy of Janni Belgum 7. oktober Want to see your birthday in the This photo is of Norwegian American Weekly subscriber Janni Belgum of Cole- Erling Nilsestuen Cashton WI man, , Canada. She is in front of the Leifur Eiríksson statue in Reykjavík, Norwegian American Weekly? Olav Feste Hawthorne CA . Ivar Bidne Northwood IA Clifford Røsby Wautoma WI Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Arlys Schlick Portland OR com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Emma Nordgaard Bellingham WA month in advance. Marlene Isane Badger MN NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. Olga Titland Seattle WA away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly O october 5, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Bernhard Albert Hendricksen March 4, 1927 – August 3, 2012 Night vision I have a friend with extremely good stacles that seem to stand between us and Bernhard Albert Hendricksen passed in many ways. He was a member of Red night vision. I learned this when we were happiness or even normalcy. away peacefully at his home in Mesa, Ariz., Mountain Christian Center in Mesa at the sailing together across Big Traverse Bay The Psalmist knew where to find help on Aug. 3. He was 85. time of his death. He also was a member on Lake of the Woods in the Northwest in the midst of darkness and points us in He was born on March 4, 1927 in Brook- of Sons of Norway, DESA, Leisure World Angle of Minnesota. The winds were light the right direction when he says, “Yea, lyn, N.Y., to Tellef and Gerda (Larsen) Hen- Bible Study and LW stained glass club. He that day, and we were behind schedule thou I walk through the valley of the shad- dricksen, who both were born in Norway. and Mary Louise enjoyed traveling and had when we reached the area where we need- ow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art When he was 10 years old, his fam- visited Norway 4 times and went on 8 cruis- ed to thread our way through a myriad of with me; thy rod and thy staff they com- ily moved to upstate New York. After high es including Alaska, Hawaii, British Isles, islands that stood between us and our des- fort me.” When the shadows surround us school, he joined the Navy, serving as a Mexican Riviera, the Panama Canal, and the tination. I suggested that we anchor in the and darkness seems to overwhelm us, just Sonarman in World War II and Korean con- Hurtigruten. lee of one of the islands for the night, but knowing that God is with us helps us get flicts. The various occupations that he had Bernhard is survived by his loving wife my friend said, “I can see the islands just through it. included deckhand and tugboat captain in the of 46 years, Mary Louise, daughter Katrina fine, so we can keep going if you would Jesus said, “I am the light of the New York harbor, a dairy farmer in upstate (Mike) Carlson of Minnetonka, Minn., son like.” We went on our auxiliary power and world. The light shines in the darkness and New York, owning and operating a gravel pit Russ (Karyn) and their two daughters Alexa motored, without incident, through a maze the darkness cannot overcome it.” What business, and welding for a sheet metal com- and Stella of Scottsdale, Ariz., along with of islands, few of which I could even see. great good news for us. No matter how pany in Minnesota. brother-in-law John Andresen in Florida, Recalling that dark night on Lake of dark things get for us, the light of Christ On Dec. 29, 1965, he married Mary several cousins, nieces, nephews, and many the Woods makes me think about how shines and guides us in the right direction, Louise Plants in Oneonta, N.Y. They had friends. much we could use a little spiritual “night out of the darkness. I will never have the two children: Katrina Louise and Russell He was preceded in death by his parents, vision” when we come face to face with night vision of my friend. I know, howev- Tellef. They moved to a hobby farm in ru- two sisters, and a brother-in-law. the darker hours of life. When the going er, that I can stay out of spiritual darkness ral New London, Minn., in 1972. In 2001 he A memorial service was held at Red gets tough in this world, we have difficulty by staying close to the light of Christ. He and Mary Louise moved to Leisure World in Mountain Christian Center in Mesa, Ariz. seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We has promised to always be with us to show Mesa, Ariz. His interment was at the Evergreen Cem- have trouble navigating through all the ob- us the way. His firm faith in Christ was evident etery in Jefferson, N.Y. The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: www.1150kknw.com Access your digital edition – free for subscribers! Email [email protected] to set up your account

Photo courtesy of Leif Ericson Viking Ship The organization needs a new home for their ship the Norseman (pictured above), as well as their 1997 Chevrolet 3500 crew cab long bed pickup, and two sheds.

< ship From page 1 these areas in order to stay in touch with our membership base,” he added. The Leif Ericson Viking Ship organi- Currently, the ship is docked at the Ka- zation is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit lmar Nyckel shipyards in Wilmington, Del., dedicated to the study, education and promo- with the Swedish colonial ship’s interpretive tion of the fact that Leif Ericson was the first history center. However, LEVS was recently European to set foot upon and explore North informed by the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation America and of Vikings in general, their that they plan to revitalize the brownfields of times and travels throughout the world. The their shipyard and transition to a more colo- organization was founded in 1990 to raise nial focus, and the ship needs to be relocated funds for their ship, the Norseman. Since within the next six months. then, the ship has traveled all over the East “We have been aware that this is com- Coast, as well as Canada, Sweden and Rus- ing for a couple of years now, so this is not sia. The group is closely associated with the Picture your loved ones a shock to us,” said David Segermark, Presi- Leif Ericson Society, International. protected from life’s uncertainties. dent of Leif Ericson Viking Ship. “We are looking for a suitable facility or “We will need to move our ship, the Face the future with confi dence knowing you’re prepared for life’s opportunities and challenges. property that could accommodate the ship, From volatile fi nancial markets to unexpected loss or disability, Thrivent Financial has helped Norseman, our truck ‘Big Red,’ a small tool truck and sheds, with low or no rent, prefer- generations navigate life’s uncertainties for more than 100 years. We can help protect you, shed and a larger work shed… We will prob- ably,” said Segermark. your family and your independence—no matter how you picture it. ably purchase an RV shelter to protect the If you know of a facility for the Norse- Find out more now at Thrivent.com/pictureit. Norseman depending on the situation at any man, contact David Segermark at info@vi- new site that is offered,” said Segermark. kingship.org or (410) 275-8516. “As we are based in the Delaware and For more information about the Leif Er- Chester Counties in Pennsylvania and Wilm- icson Viking Ship organization, visit www. ington, Del., we would prefer to relocate in Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. vikingship.org. 27575NAWA N7-12 Appleton, • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 531909 12 • October 5, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Seeking our roots Ensemble Arctica shares Nordic roots through What’s going on in your neighborhood? poetry, music at Leiv Eriksson International Festival

California Ohio Vikingfest Leif Erickson Day Luncheon October 13 October 9 Santa Rosa, Calif. Cleveland, Ohio Like Vikings? Come to Vikingfest, hosted Open to all Scandinavians and friends! The by Sons of Norway Freya Lodge #6-062 in Ohio Norsemen invite you to their annual Santa Rosa, Calif., on Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 Leif Erickson Day Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. a.m. – 3 p.m. at Norway Hall, 617 West 9th at Shooters in the Flats, 1148 Main Ave., Street in Santa Rosa. Vikingfest is Freya Cleveland, OH 44143. For information, Lodge’s annual celebration of Norwegian call (440) 979-0681. heritage and all things Norwegian: from Viking era reenactments to modern art and Washington pottery, Nordic arts and crafts, traditional Nordic Festival foods, heritage keepsakes, cultural displays October 13 and demonstrations, and remembrance of Edgewood, Wash. Leif Erikson. Free admission! Call (707) The Daughters of Norway Embla Lodge 778-8120 or visit www.freyalodge.org. #2 presents their annual Nordic Festival to celebrate Nordic heritage and cultural traditions. This year’s festival will be Sat- Lutefisk Dinner and Butikk urday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Edge- October 20 mont Junior High School, 2300 110 Ave E., Loveland, Colo. Edgewood, Wash. Admission is just $1 per Stein Fjell Lodge, Sons of Norway, invites person, so come enjoy a day of traditional you to their 33rd Annual Lutefisk and Meat- music, arts, crafts and refreshments! For ball Dinner, held at Faith Church, 2707 more information, contact Mardy at (253) N. Wilson Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538. 677-7700 or [email protected]. Seatings are at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Adults are $18 per person, and children 5 – 12 are $8. Leif Erikson Lodge 106th Bazaar Come and be a part of Northern Colorado’s October 20 – 21 gathering of Scandinavians. For tickets and Seattle, Wash. Photos courtesy of Leiv Eriksson International Festival information, call (970) 225-9035. Help Leif Erikson Lodge celebrate 106 Members of the highly acclaimed Ensemble Arctica from Norway, clockwise from top left: Emma Ro- years of bazaars! This year’s Bazaar will wena Hansen, pianist; Nicolay Lange-Nielsen, actor, scriptwriter and director; Bente Eggum Johan- FLORIDA be hld Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. nessen, soprano; and Henrik Engelsviken, tenor. Sons of Norway Fest and Sunday, Oct. 21, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., at October 27 Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge, 2245 Le i v Er i k s s o n In t e r n a t i o n a l Fe s t i v a l Sarasota, Fla. NW 57th Street, Seattle, WA 98107. Join us Minneapolis, Minn. Velkommen alle sammen to our Oct. 27 for delicious food, raffles, games and more. Great raffle prizes, including a $1,000 trav- Sons of Norway Fest! Join us 10 a.m. – 3 Ensemble Arctica of Norway joins the has been an accompanist for some of Nor- el voucher on Icelandair! For questions, p.m at Faith Lutheran Church, 7750 Be- Leiv Eriksson International Festival this year way’s greatest vocalists and is currently fo- call (206) 783-1274. neva Rd. Sarasota, FL 34238. Come for with a uniquely designed concert exploring cusing her efforts on creating an opera with music, arts and crafts demonstrations, and Nordic heritage through poetry and music. Bente and Nicolay in one of the Norway’s to purchase Scandinavian items. Fun and Lutefisk Dinner October 21 It will be performed at Mindekirken, 924 E. most remote towns – Finse. Finally, Nicolay games at the Children’s table with Kim. 21st Street, Minneapolis, Minn. on Saturday, Lange-Nielsen is an actor, scriptwriter and Two tables of home-baked Norsk cook- Tacoma, Wash. Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 for adults director who studied at the Norwegian Acad- ies, cakes and bread to bring home. Have Sons of Norway Norden Lodge #2 presents and students $10. A reception follows. emy of Dramatic Art and at the University in a Norsk lunch with homemade yellow pea its annual Lutefisk Dinner on Oct. 21 at soup, open-faced sandwiches, coffee cream Normanna Lodge, 1106 South 15th Street, Four highly acclaimed Norwegian art- Oslo. He rose to fame in the popular Norwe- cake and waffles all day. Raffles and prizes Tacoma, WA. Open seating with no reser- ists, Bente Eggum Johannessen, soprano; gian TV drama “Hotel Caesar.” Currently he too! For more information email claire. vations required, so please join us anytime Henrik Engelsviken, tenor; Emma Rowena is enjoying great success with his own pro- [email protected], and on the subject line from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission for adults Hansen, pianist; and Nicolay Lange-Niels- duction “Ulv og Engel – an encounter with please put Oct. Fair. is $20, children 7 – 12 years old is $10, en, actor, scriptwriter and director, take their Leonard Cohen.” and children six and under are free! Dinner audience through the valleys, fjords and The Leiv Eriksson International Festival MinnesotA includes lutefisk, meatballs, lefse and all landscapes of Scandinavia and infuse the lis- was formed in 1987 under the leadership of the trimmings. Also visit our Bazaar with Leiv Eriksson International Festival teners’ souls with the Nordic spirit. Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken (The bake sale, Scandinavian gifts, lefse-making Through October 14 Ensemble Arctica’s style is reminiscent Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church in demonstrations and sale. For details, con- Minneapolis, Minn. of singer Eva Nansen, Norwegian Explorer Minneapolis) and members of the Danish, tact Cliff Magnussen at cmjcmag1@com- Celebrating 25 years of the annual Leiv Fridtjof Nansen’s wife, and her dear friend Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish cast.net. Eriksson International Festival (LEIF) in and famous pianist Agathe Backer-Grøn- communities to establish an annual festival Minneapolis! This series of special events, WISCONSIN dahl. They performed for commoners dur- to celebrate Nordic cultural roots in the Unit- concerts, discussions and celebrations ing an era of national rebuilding in Norway, ed States. Over the years, the events have 22nd Annual Scandinavian Festival Highlights includes the 100th Anniver- which occurred around 1905, when Norway brought top-ranked Nordic talent to the Fes- October 6 sary Concert by the Norwegian Glee Club was finally free from foreign rule. Their mu- tival. This helps us all explore the values and New Berlin, Wis. of Minneapolis, official visit by Norway’s sic helped their countrymen rediscover their goals of today’s and share New Berlin Mayor Jack Chiovatero has Presiding Bishop Helga Haugland Byfug- cultural identity. Today, Ensemble Arctica them with other Nordic Americans. lien, public forum on global food security proclaimed Oct. 6 as “Scandinavian Festi- val Day.” Join us in celebrating the cultures achieves a similar goal. In our ever-changing The Leiv Eriksson International Festival and a special performance by Heritage, a world, people still seek out their roots. is brought to you, in part, by the following highly acclaimed Norwegian ensemble. of the Nordic countries at the 22nd Annual Ensemble Arctica soprano Bente Eggum Nordic organizations: American Swedish In- For a full calendar of events and details, Scandinavian Festival at the Ronald Reagan Johannessen studied at the Music Conserva- stitute, Danish American Center, The Edvard visit tinyurl.com/LEIF2012 or call the Elementary School, 4225 S. Calhoun Road Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church at in New Berlin, WI (just west of Milwau- tory and the State Academy of Opera in Oslo. Grieg Society/Norway House, Finlandia (612) 874-0716. kee). Doors are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. She has performed throughout Europe and in Foundation, Icelandic American Associa- Admission is $7 for adults and $2 for kids . Henrik Engelsviken, tenor, tion of Minnesota, Mindekirken, Nordmanns 4 – 12. Children under 4 are free. Parking is studied at the Norwegian Academy of Music Forbundet/Norwegians Worldwide, Oslo free! For information, call (262) 895-6419 and the State Academy of Opera in Oslo. He Center-US Foundation, Sons of Norway and or visit www.nordiccouncil.com. has been the Norwegian Opera’s lead tenor by private donations. since 2007. He, too, has performed through- For more information and updates, Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 out Europe and mostly recently in China. contact the Norwegian Lutheran Memo- to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Pianist Emma Rowena Hansen studied rial Church, (612) 874-0716, or go to www. at the Music Conservatory in Trondheim and mindekirken.org/LEIF/LEIF.htm. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. at the Norwegian Academy of Music. She norwegian american weekly O Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us october 5, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Visit from Norway Bazaar season kickoff Sons of Norway Leif Friends of the Viking ship in receive Erikson Lodge #2-001 a visit with a special family connection celebrates 106th bazaar

Le i f Er i k s o n Lo d g e Seattle, Wash.

Help Leif Erikson Lodge celebrate 106 years of bazaars! This year’s Bazaar will be held Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 21, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., at Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge, 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, WA 98107. Have some family fun while enjoying Nordic food from our tastefully designed sandwiches to the delicate krumkake cone and the hearty ertesuppe (pea soup), lap- skaus (lamb stew), and rømmegrøt (a silky sour cream porridge); Norwegian desserts Photo courtesy of Leif Erikson Lodge in our Bakeri; handicrafts from our Norna Leif Erikson Lodge’s royalty Princess Grace ladies; kids’ games and Karnival Korner, 10 Driveness and Queen Annie Wilson welcomes you Photo: Ken Nordan a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, and 11 a.m. – 2 to the 106th Bazaar in Ballard. Visiting from Norway, Vidar Magnus Holmdin and Dawn Howard smiling with the “Viking” ship in Chicago, Ill. Holmdin is the great-grandson of Magnus Andersen, who captained the ship in 1893 from p.m. on Sunday. , Norway, to Chicago, Ill., for the Columbian Exposition. We will have lots of raffles; gently loved Ballard plus $100 cash. Velkommen! previously owned items at our Ditt og Datt Our vendors include: Desiree of Swe- booth; find a book at our Book Nook, good Ke n No r d a n den, with her gifts from Scandinavia; Judy Batavia, Ill. strong Norwegian coffee; and our new beer Painted Treasures with Norwegian rose loft, open from 3 p.m. to closing! Learn about painting called rosemaling; Runecraft with the Sons of Norway, too. The Gokstad replica ship christened optimal long-term home for the ship. Silver, pewter, bronze, brass, stainless steel Win a $1,000 travel voucher for a flight “Viking” that sailed from Norway to Chi- Members of FOVS applied for and re- rings, earrings, clasps, pendants, chains, aboard IcelandAir, $600 cash, or $200 gift cago for the 1893 Columbian Exposition had ceived a $52,000 partners in preservation certificate for Scandinavian SpecialtiesFull Service in Agency With ExperiencedSee > Bazaar , page 15 an important visitor recently. grant from American Express and the Na- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! The visitor, considered “family” by tional Trust for Historic Preservation that Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! many, was Vidar Magnus Holmdin the great- helped to stabilize the ship, as well as other information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! grandson of Magnus Andersen, who cap- grants to build viewing ramps and historical decisions in a constantly changing world! tained the ship on its 28-day voyage from story telling posters. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Bergen, Norway to Newfoundland, then on to Holmdin and Howard, who had ex- Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Chicago. Holmdin along with his wife Dawn pected to stay only a short while before driv- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Howard were in the U.S. visiting friends and ing on to visit friends in the upper Midwest, Verrazano TraVel & leisure made a special trip to see the ship that is so were so drawn by the experience of seeing 1 (718) 979-6641 very important to his family. the ship and the material displayed around [email protected] “We had last seen the ship in 1999 and the ship that they left the site much later than [email protected] wanted so much to see it again,” said Holm- they had anticipated. These honored guests din. “We were worried that the ship would received from FOVS board members Lor- soon be just a pile of wood!” raine Straw and Ken Nordan, as well as, ship Holmdin and Howard commented sev- enthusiast Perry Straw, a 45-minute tour of eral times that they were very glad to see the ship which provided interesting informa- that the ship was now in better shape than tion about the ship’s construction, voyage on their last trip and how it was described to from Norway to Chicago and insight into the them by Holmdin’s parents Lars and Johanne men that were its crew. Holmdin shared with after their visit in 2000. those present his perspective of his great- His mother is the granddaughter of Cap- grandfather and helped them understand a tain Andersen. little better Captain Andersen and what was “We can see that you [the Friends of the important to him. Viking Ship] are doing a great job of con- Captain Andersen was quoted in the July serving the ship and making it more acces- 9, 1893 Sunday edition of the Chicago Inter sible to the public,” he said. Ocean newspaper. Indeed, the individuals that organized “The first thing I want to do is to correct together in 2008 to form Friends of the Vi- the impression that got abroad about the Vi- king Ship (FOVS) not for profit have done king ship that it is a private enterprise. It is many things toward their mission of pre- not. It is a contribution from the entire popu- serving and public display of this artifact. At lace of Norway to the World’s Fair in com- present FOVS is seeking appropriate part- ners who share our mission of securing an See > chicago, page 15

Photo: Ken Nordan Lorraine and Perry Straw (on far left and far right respectively) gave a tour of the ship to Dawn How- ard and Vidar Holmdin. 14 • October 5, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner What’s in a name? NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Leif, Leiv, Leifur – Rolf Kristian Stang takes a look at the controversy surrounding the famous

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, explorer’s name “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss Ro l f Kr i s t i a n St a n g og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. New York City, N.Y.

Origins of words are important, as well as consistency in using them. How they are spelled should be taken seriously; the man- ner of spelling is a source indicator. The name of Leif Eriksson regularly gets spelled irregularly! He’s Leifur Eiríksson in modern Icelandic, with Leif or Leiv alternating as first name, though pronounced the same— the ‘ur’ simply denoting gender, just as in Spanish Robert gets spelled Roberto. Photo: Wikimedia Commons What we need to talk about is how his postage stamp honoring the elev- last name gets spelled: Eriksson, Erikson, enth century Norse explorer Leif Eriksen. The Ericksson, Erickson, Ericsson, Ericson, Er- 6-cent stamp was issued on Oct. 9, 1968. ichsson, or Erichson? The latter six, using Latin “c” are the most removed from the is Norse in its base structure and vocabulary Norse and the least authentic. Also, the very (which still eludes many). The letter “k” is last two with “ch,” specifically, are -Ger very much a part of it. So, with Eriksson in man! Remember, Leif was born an Icelander English, let’s stick to using the “k.” (If one Kjetta på Dovre The Cat on and his father, the exiled , was of the versions spelled with “c” happens to Dovre Mountain Range Norwegian. For the sake of Leif’s deserved be your family’s name, that’s another thing Det var ein gong ein mann i Finn- claim-to-fame things should settle down to a entirely. Your name is your name.) mark som hadde fanga ein stor kvitb- There once was a man in Finnmark, in logical, universal single spelling, so that the With regard to the famous Millennium jørn. the far north of Norway, who had caught a world at large may always know who we are voyager, we should also use two “s”-es. The – Du skal vel slå i hel denne kvitb- giant polar bear. talking about. first of the two reflects the possessive (Leif jørnen? undra folk. “So you will probably kill this polar bear During the past few hundred years, the being Erik’s son). This shows how names at – Nei, denne bjørnen vil eg ikkje then,” people pondered. Latinized form of the name, i.e. using “c,” that time were arrived at. Because that’s an drepa, svara mannen. – Eg vil gå til “No, this bear I will not kill,” answered instead of “k,” has crept in. In the Nordic enlightening thing that comes in the spelling, the man. “I will go to the king in Copenhagen kongen i København med han. Ein dag countries, it’s used predominantly in Swe- there’s clear logic in using it. with him.” So one day, the man and the bear den, I believe, but this spelling has spread to Here’s a few contrasting hypothetical la mannen og kvitbjørnen i veg på den went off on the long journey south. lange ferda. the English-speaking world. examples coming from the other direction. As it happened, he arrived at the Dovre There are two other affectations of note Så fall det seg slik at han kom til Just imagine us trying to get used to people Mountain Range on Eve. The man from this period worth mentioning: “ch” Dovrefjell om julekvelden. Mannen around the world using Linkoln, Kleveland, walked about and searched for a house for the instead of “k” and also the frequently seen night, because he did not want to sleep out- MkKinley, Koolidge, Karter, Klinton or gjekk og leita etter eit hus for natta, for Latin surname-ending: “ius.” Where does side on a . Cennedy, instead of how we know them! han ville ikkje liggja ute ein julekveld. this impulse to change come from? Is it that Finally he saw a small cabin by a snow- Sad to say, with Leif’s name, this spell- Endeleg fekk han sjå ei lita stove the “c,” “ch” or the “ius” makes a name borte i ein snøhaug. Det rauk av pipa, så drift. There was smoke coming out of the ing-variables thing goes on and on. For in- look classier? Perhaps. Throughout North stance, there must have been no Icelander or her var nok folk, skjøna han. chimney, so surely there would be people in there, he reasoned. Europe, “ius” has been adapted as an end- Norwegian with whom to consult when the – Kan eg få hus til meg og kvitb- “Can I have a place to stay the night for ing for family names. The Swedish-speaking U.S. Congress in 2000 officially spelled it jørnen? – Å, hjelpe oss, sa mannen i myself and the polar bear?” Finnish clan, Sibbe, for example, altered its Ericson(!), when, notably, it wished to ac- stova då han såg bjørnen, – men du får “Oh my, oh my,” said the man at the cab- name in this way and later gave us a musi- knowledge officially Leif’s landing on the no stiga inn. in when he saw the bear, “well you had better cal genius, so we all know it in its Latinized North American continent 1,000 years be- Vi kan ikkje låna hus til nokon no, for come in then. We cannot offer lodging to any- form, Sibelius. fore, during the Viking Age… and some 500 kvar einaste julekveld kjem det så fullt one just now, because every single Christmas Well. With Leif Eriksson, now, we’re years before Columbus. med troll her at vi må flytta ut sjølve. Eve so many trolls come here that we even not talking about some brain-bustingly dif- Have you ever thought of this scenario? have to go away ourselves.” ficult name to spell or one that is tongue- No one trying to improve the spelling has twistingly challenging to pronounce. Re- as yet substituted Latin “ph” for “f” in his Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng member, the name comes down from the first name! Leiph would sound okay, but 10.NAW.TrollsPreOrder.20Aug2012_Layout 1 8/20/12 1:12 PM Page 1 ! Further, not withstanding our really looks strange, doesn’t it? To go even Preorder for Christmas 2012! Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. language’s countless borrowings and influ- www.astrimyastri.com further... how does this look to you: Leiph ences, English is not a Romance language, Ericsonius? Pretty far off base, right? Yet, for it is essentially Anglo-Saxon with much that Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales some, I guess, it’s all the same. and Trolls: Tuss og Troll Volume 1 • 18 bilingual stories English & Norwegian • Over 600 full colored illustrations Leif Eriksson, Viking-Age Voyager • 192 pgs, hardcover, 7”x10”, Smyth sewn • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA A song by Rolf Kristian Stang In 1944, Øyvind Dybvad had an inspiration for a new cartoon series based on Norwegian Sung to the tune of “Tramp, tramp, tramp the boys are marching” folk tales. The series received the resounding name of Tuss og Troll [Gnomes and Trolls]. Other than in 1947, this classic series has Let’s not bog down overzealous, Common sense must be a good guide been published every year in Norway by when it comes to Leif’s good name, as we seek to spread his fame, Norsk Barneblad. Tuss og Troll is based on but this name with twenty versions Eriksson’s a happy answer the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, as well as others. Illustrated floating ‘round is just insane. and it looks a Nordic name! by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. Pre-order now for Christmas 2012 delivery Leif, to all, is clear and simple; Only when the proud Italians Send a check to the address below Made in America! problems come with his last name: spell Kolumbus with a “k,” Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Latin “c” is not the answer; then, by Kristoffer (!), I’ll cave in… Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 how’d this happen? It’s a shame! Say you still “It’s all the same!”? 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly O october 5, 2012 • 15 Sports Surprise goals in round 24 Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings Weekly update from 9/28 Rosenborg 5 – 2 Tippeligaen pLD PTS 1. Molde FK 24 48 the Tippe League 9/29 Lillestrøm 0 – 0 Viking 2. Strømsgodset IF 24 47 9/30 Sandnes Ulf 0 – 0 Odd Grenland 3. Rosenborg BK 24 46 Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Trondheim, Norway 9/30 Molde 4 – 3 Stabæk 4. Tromsø IL 24 39 5. Vålerenga Fotball 24 37 9/30 Hønefoss 0 – 0 Sogndal Rosenborg won 5 – 2 against Haugesund 6. SK Brann 24 36 in the match on Sept. 28, but it started badly 9/30 Tromsø 1 – 0 Ålesund 7. Viking FK 24 36 for the Trønderne and the team was behind 0 9/30 Strømsgodset 2 – 0 Brann 8. FK Haugesund 24 34 – 1 at halftime. A serious talk from the team’s 9. Hønefoss BK 24 31 coach Jønnson at the break turned the game 10/1 1 – 2 Vålerenga 10. Odd Grenland 23 30 into fireworks of a second half for the hosts. First RBK equalized on a corner, then Borek 11. Ålesunds FK 24 29 Photo: H-A.no Dockal, Rade Prica, John Chibuike and Mik- 12. Lillestrøm SK 24 28 Tromsø’s Kara Mbodj (right) secured victory for To read more about football in kel Diskerud scored in turn, interrupted only 13. Sogndal IL Fotball 23 24 his team from 20 meters away, and keeping them Norway, visit www.uefa.com by a reducer from Geir Ludvig Fevang. in gold medal contention in the Tippe league. 14. Fredrikstad FK 24 24 Normally there is a big difference be- 15. Sandnes Ulf 24 22 tween the top and bottom team in the Tippe 16. Stabæk Fotball 24 13 league. The first-place-chasing Molde would gled to find the net. Ten minutes into the sec- normally roll over relegation condemned ond half, the referee assigned Strømsgodset Stabæk home at Aker stadium, but the guests a penalty kick, as Lars Christopher Vilsvik < Vikings and fiction. from Stabæk would not give up without a dispatched in the goal. After the penalty Ola From page 9 I would have to tell you that the men fight. Already after 11 seconds, the guest’s Kamara added and ensured that the Dram- who fashioned this magnificent vessel, a Veigar Páll Gunnarsson launched an attack on menserne keep up their dreams of first place, furnishing bits of knowledge and giving me thing of beauty to behold, were much more the right side and sent a great cross to Franck one point behind Molde on top and one point a modern glimpse of an ancient culture, but capable than most of us will ever know. But, Boli, who smashed the ball into the goal. ahead of Rosenborg in third. one such place stands above the rest, on a that is another story, I think. Molde gradually recovered after the shock Tromsø is unbeaten at Alfheim this sea- level uniquely its own. The Viking Ship Mu- J.A. Hunsinger is the author of the Axe opening and managed to finish and come up son and in the match against Ålesund, Sen- seum, Oslo, Norway, is a place where the of Iron series, including “The Settlers” and with a vital 4 – 3 victory by three goals from egalese Kara Mbodj hits the final goal from visitor is given a glimpse into a people and “Confrontation.” For more information, vis- Daniel Chima Chukwu and maintained the 20 meters away, hammering the ball beauti- an ancient culture that were much more than it www.vinlandpublishing.com. top position from the previous round. fully in the net. He secured Tromsø’s victory the savages portrayed in contemporary film Strømsgodset had to win to not get and still the fight for with the top three posi- knocked off in the fight for first place and tions. < chicago dominated, at times, against Brann, but strug- From page 13 amounts from 10 cents to $1 and aggregating $12,000. To date, the Voyage has cost about memoration of what Leif Ericsson did for $14,000.” < Northug the advancement of science. The idea was It is this spirit that Vidar Holmdin most From page 1 Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Last seaon, Northug signed an agree- originated by myself, taken from an article appreciated hearing and understanding about which appeared in the New York Herald in even entering the race. His manager is tak- ment with Team United Bakeries last season, his great-grandfather and what FOVS do- 1889 when I was in New York as superinten- ing precautions for Northug’s health by not and the only race he will go with the team cents are first to point out when they discuss dent of the Home for Norwegian Seamen. I competing in long distance races for the next next season is the Skarverennet in April. It is the opening history of the ship. returned to Norway and through the Norges two seasons. not part of a distance race Cup Ski Classics, For details, visit www.vikingship.us or Sjøfartstidende started the proposition. We “Petter should not go long distance runs and it held a month after the World Cup is write to: Friends of the Viking Ship, N.F.P., received popular subscriptions ranging from this season. It did not fit. There had been too over. PO Box 3571, St. Charles, IL 60174. much in one season with the Tour de Ski and “Petter has a contract with Team United Bakeries for the next two seasons. They are < Lotto World Cup,” said manager Lars Gilleberg. So far, the young millionaire has pur- aware that he should not go long runs this From page 13 Northug will not participate in the dis- chased a new computer and new glasses, and tance ranges in the 2013 – 14 season either, season. It is agreed and has been the plan all much money. There are certainly some who took his girlfriend out to a nice dinner. instead focusing his sights on the Winter along,” said Gilleberg. had need the money more than me,” he said.

< bazaar Sons of Norway From page 13 are counselors and instructors for the youth camps, a leadership scholarship for those Sarasota Lodge #3-539 bracelets, and buttons; Emerald Medusa attending colleges or universities, and the invites you to the modern custom handwoven beaded jewelry Doug Warne Vocational Scholarship. made in an ancient technique in stone, silver Come on down to the Leif Erikson and gold with a Scandinavian twist. Lodge bazaar in Ballard! Enjoy the food; Scandinavian Our first bazaar was held in 1906 to raise meet your neighbors; learn about the Sons funds for a building of our own. It is now the of Norway; see the beautiful crafts and arts historical Norway Hall on Boren Avenue in of Norway and Scandinavia, and so much Festival downtown Seattle, which is home to the Cor- more! See you on Oct. 20 and 21! nish College of the Arts. In 1986 we opened Saturday, October 27 Leif Erikson Hall in Ballard, which was built 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. mostly by volunteer labor. NEW! Birkebeiner print One of the missions of Sons of Norway, 9.75x12” + generous border an international non-profit organization, is Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue Faith Lutheran Church to promote and preserve the heritage and • full-color, fade-proof 7750 Beneva Rd culture of Norway. Throughout the year we • quality paper Sarasota, FL 34238 sponsor Norwegian cooking classes; our • FREE shipping in sturdy mailing tube to Tastes of Norway in March featuring Nor- US 48 states wegian food, crafts, lectures, and demonstra- • $15 each, USD only; Delicious food, terrific VISA/MasterCard tions; Norwegian language classes; Nordic shopping, raffle prizes heritage day camps for children; performing Order from dance groups for children and adults; Norna, NORWAY ART AND MORE! a social and craft group for the women of 1455 West Lake St, B-20 the lodge; and visiting Norwegian entertain- Minneapolis, MN 55408 ers which come often to the Seattle area. We call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or email: [email protected] Questions? offer scholarships for those interested in at- Email [email protected] Why not order now for shipment to your home or business tending youth camps sponsored by District and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! with “Oct. Fair” in subject line 2 Sons of Norway; university students who Hardanger Fiddle music by Karen Torkelson Solgard 2013Scandinav Escorted Tours & iCruises a Norwegian Coastal Voyage Grandeur of Norway Daily Departures Tour A: July 7–17 Tour B: July 28–August 7 Captivating Scandinavia Optional Baltic Cruise extensions June 7–19 Splendor of Norway Sogn/Voss/Valdres Tour A: June 8–16 Heritage Tour Tour B: August 14–22 July 22–August 3

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