Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th April 2019 at Eggborough Methodist Church commencing at 7.30pm

Present: Councillor White, Councillor Stone, Councillor Spencer, Councillor McKenzie, Councillor Wright, Councillor Cotter, Councillor Johnson

Councillors John & Mary McCartney

U185 Public Participation Sam Hutchinson, the Community Mapping Project Officer working at the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, attended the meeting to discuss the project to produce a detailed report of the local communities of North

He wants to find out about other groups in the area in order to interact with them

There are three main areas he is interested in:

-Better ways to communicate with the Parish Council He has the Clerk’s email address for correspondence. Councillors also advised him of the website and newsletter

-What groups are in the area Councillors advised him of the Village Hall and Methodist Chapel where groups etc can meet

-What are the concerns around Policing and crime in the area Councillors discussed their concerns about the lack of a Police presence in the village and the lack of response to incidents due to the high level of anti-social behaviour

Councillors John & Mary McCartney attended the meeting to advise that the Motocross planning application had been withdrawn

They also advised Councillors of complaints they had received from residents about contractors working on the Road development who were using the chipping staithe to park instead of parking on site. This was causing problems as other vehicles were being parked too close to Ryecroft Gardens and Stuart Grove so drivers could visit the shops and they were blocking the road. The Clerk will contact Council Enforcement to highlight this complaint.

Finally they advised that Selby Road was to be resurfaced by NY Highways later in the year

Robert Tams of Hensall Parish Council attended the meeting to discuss their Annual Summer Fair - this is an agenda item 1

U186 To accept apologies for absence and declarations of interest There were no apologies for absence or declarations of interest

U187 Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2019 were taken as read, approved as a true record and signed by Councillor White

U188 Matters arising from the minutes 7/3/19 - for information only There were no matters arising

U189 To consider the following planning applications and decisions: Applications: -Proposed alterations to shop front and extension to stockroom in side/rear yard at Hut Green Stores, Selby Road, Eggborough Resolved No objection

-Proposed extensions to existing detached garage 18 The Hedgerows, Eggborough Resolved No Objection

-Neighbour notification received from NYCC for variations which include to increase the consented annual throughput of waste and increasing the two way HGV movements at Kellingly Colliery Resolved To object to this planning application due to the following concerns: -Wear and tear on the road surface -Environmental impact -The impact on the health of local residents due to the increased traffic resulting in an increase in noise and pollution -Where is the waste coming from as Allerton deals with all the waste from and Ferrybridge deals with all the waste from South and

Decisions: -Retrospective advertisement consent for display of 2 no. internally illuminated projecting signs at Prospect House, Hut Green, Eggborough Application Granted

U190 To consider the following accounts for payment: Receipts Nat West Bank Interest £1.60 (received in March and added to2018/2019-year end accounts)

Payments: Mrs C Dobbing Clerks Expenses-March £72.02 Bedford Mowing Services Grass Cutting £620.59 Wheelie Clean Bins Bus Shelter Cleaning £90.00

2 Resolved To make all the above payments

U191 To Discuss the latest CIL Statement Received The latest CIL statement has been received with the total receipts available to the Parish Council being £20,932.73 Maps have been received from NY Highways which Councillors used to highlight the required sites of the three millstones. The Clerk will return the maps to N Y Highways for their approval The request for a condition on the planning application for the new development on Selby Roads that a Youth Shelter be provided on the site has been submitted to Selby District Council Planning Dept.

U192 To discuss renewal of the Data Protection Registration with the ICO Renewal is due at a cost of £40 Resolved To renew registration at a cost of £40

U193 To discuss renewal of membership of the YLCA The cost to renew membership of the YLCA is £560 Resolved To renew membership of the YLCA at a cost of £560

U194 To discuss maintenance of the flagpole To attend site, lower existing flagpole, check foundations and fittings at a cost of £105 + vat Any replacement parts would be extra at cost and discussed on site. Resolved To accept the quote of £105 + vat + any parts required from Hi Fliers to maintain the flagpole

U195 To discuss the quotes received for the Electrical Testing of the Street Lights The electrical testing of the 26 street lights owned and maintained by the Parish Council was last carried out in 2013 and it is recommended that it be carried out every six years A quote of £455 + vat has been received from Acorn Lighting Services and a quote of £346.20 + vat has been received from North Yorkshire County Council. Resolved To get a third quote from David Sykes and accept the lowest quote

U196 To discuss the Hensall Fayre Robert Tams of Hensall Parish Council attended the meeting and advised Councillors of their plans for the Annual Carnival on 4th August. He asked the Parish Council if it would be interested in having a float, provided posters and asked if the Parish Council would advertise the event Councillor White will speak to the local Scout Group and the event will also be advertised in the next newsletter and on the website

U197 To discuss UCI Road World Championships The Clerk has received an email from Jennie Lowthian, the Tourism Development Officer at Selby District Council, with some wording and a map of the route for Friday 27th September that can be put in the next newsletter. Any properties that fall along the route, that may need to remove cars etc, will be contacted nearer the time. 3 The event will be advertised in the next newsletter and residents will be asked to embrace the race by decorating their properties The Clerk will also inform the Methodist Chapel of the event in case they wish to organise something themselves on the day

U198 To discuss the current system of Internal Control The YLCA have advised that a council’s auditing process is not just an internal and external audit, there must be internal control. Currently Councillor Stone does an internal control check of the Parish Council accounts every six months. Resolved Councillors are happy with the current system of internal control of the Parish accounts. However, as Councillor Stone is now a signatory, she will no longer carry out the checks. Instead the internal control checks will be done by Councillors who are not signatories on a rota basis

U199 To discuss the Village Hall requirement for Volunteers This agenda item was requested by Councillor Stone as the current lack of volunteers on the Management Committee is becoming a problem. There are five committee members and, because of the high demand for hiring the hall, the main issues are related to the opening and closing of the village hall on a weekend. Also, all odd jobs are mainly done by two of the committee members Councillor Stone advised that St Gobain are printing a newsletter for distribution around the village advertising that new members are required The need for new committee members will also be put in the next Parish Council newsletter.

U200 To discuss current highway matters North Yorkshire Highways has advised the Parish Council that unfortunately the proposed double yellow lines at the junction of Water Lane and Selby Road have not been advertised yet. It is likely that it will now be later on in the year before they will be in a position to organise the advertising of traffic orders in the area. Councillor Spencer has replied to this information advising of the Parish Council’s concerns at the delay

Councillor Cotter advised that no signs have yet been placed at Moor Lee Lane/High Eggborough Lane to deter vehicles from using this road as a rat run whilst resurfacing work is being carried out in Hensall. The Clerk will contact NY Highways

A picture of the proposed site of the permanent Christmas tree has been sent to N Y Highways so it can be inspected. In the meantime Councillor Cotter has received a price of £325 + vat to remove and chip the tree once it has reached a certain height, and poison the roots

U201 To receive reports on meetings attended There were no meeting attended

U202 To be informed of correspondence received to date -Poster advertising a Westfield Estate walkabout on 27th June -Results of the police survey carried out by Balby PC

U203 Exchange of Information -Councillors discussed the possibility of a welcome letter for new residents 4 -What bylaws does Selby District Council have on burning garden rubbish -Councillor Johnson advised that needles had been found during litter picks at the canal

U204 To be informed of minor items for delegation to the Clerk and items for the next agenda -Facebook to be an item on the next agenda

The meeting closed at 9.45pm

The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 9th May