Local Environment Agency Plan
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£TA - /nIoSttvA - &©;x. "2_ local environment agency plan NIDD AND WHARFE CONSULTATION REPORT JUNE 1997 YOUR VIEW S The Nidd and Wharfe Local Environment Agency Plan Consultation Report is the Agency's initial analysis of the status of the environment in this area and the issues that we believe need to be addressed. We would like to hear your views: • Have w e identified all the major issues? • Have we identified realistic proposals for action? • Do you have any comments to make regarding the plan in general? During the consultation period for this report the Agency would be pleased to receive any comments in writing to : The Nidd and Wharfe Environment Planner The Environment Agency North East Region Coverdale House Amy Johnson Way York Y 0 3 4UZ All comments must be received by 30 September 1997. All comments received on the Consultation Report will b e considered in preparing the next phase of the process, the Action Plan. This Action Plan will focus on updating section 4 of this Consultation Report by turning the proposals into actions, but the remainder of this Report will not necessarily be rewritten. Note: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information in this report it may contain some errors or omissions which we shall be pleased to note. The Structure of this Consultation Report This Consultation Report is divided into two parts, Part I and Part II. A brief description of each can be found below. PARTI Consists of an introduction to the Agency, an overview of the Nidd and Wharfe area, key partnerships the Agency has with other bodies and proposals we feel will address the important environmental issues in the area. PART II Detailed consideration is given to the state of the environment of the Nidd and Wharfe area. Supporting information can be found here to help you make an informed decision as to the validity of the issues and proposals in Part I. NIDD & WHARFE AREA ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES KEY - CATCHMENT BOUNDARY RIVER ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY GRASS PATELEY BRIDGE Th°rntonBeck' KNARESBOROUGH HARROG/ BOLTO BRIDG ( YORK )----- 50 OTLEY ~*660 TADCASTER Scarcroft • ^ i f -ck J Beck ( SELBY) 0 2 4 6 8 10km 1 i i____ 1____ I____ I Figure 1 Scale Nidd and Wharfe LEAP FOREWORD The Environment Agency is one of the most powerful environmental regulators in the world. By combining the regulation of air, land and water, we have a unique opportunity to look at our environment in an integrated way. Local Environment Agency Plans aim to provide a means for setting priorities, solving problems and protecting the environment in a co-ordinated way. The Nidd and Wharfe Local Environment Agency Plan Consultation Report has been drawn up for consultation with those interested in the future of the local environment. It provides a focus for all parties to undertake and achieve environmental improvements in a sustainable manner. This, and other plans for the constituent areas in the North East Region, will represent a shared vision for the future, and will play a vital role in the protection of our environment, whilst recognising the ever competing pressures on the environment and the need to balance cost and benefit. Roger Hyde Regional General Manager E n v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE NORTH EAST REGION Tyneside House. Skinnerburn Road. Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE4 7AR Environment Agency, North East Region j Dales Area ENVIRONMENT AGENCY 066808 Nidd and Wharfe LEAP DRAFT VISION FOR THE NIDD AND WHARFE AREA The Nidd and Wharfe area is home to around 250,000 people and covers an area of over 1,500km2. The majority of the area is rural. The population and industry are concentrated in towns, including Harrogate and Wetherby. The environment of this area is very important to those who live within it and visitors alike, providing a variety of uses, values and enjoyment that it brings to their local communities. There is a wealth of opportunity for the Agency to work in partnership with the community for a variety of benefits to the environment. The challenge of managing the environment is in effectively responding to the range of pressures on the area and reconciling all the uses demanded of it, whether from industry, agriculture, water supply, waste disposal, fisheries , conservation, recreation or protection from flooding. Key Environment Agency aspirations for the Nidd and Wharfe area are to: ■ work closely with others to maintain and protect the unique character o f the Nidd and Wharfe area in the community; ■ assess the impact on the rivers Nidd and Wharfe of abstraction; ■ protect people and property from flooding where it is economically and environmentally feasible. ■ encourage waste minimisation initiatives towards the achievement of national waste reduction targets; ■ undertake farm and industrial campaigns to prevent or minimise the potential from pollution; ■ actively participate in the local authority Agenda 21. Finally the Agency wishes, through the production of this Local Environment Agency Plan and over the coming years, to establish strong links and partnerships with all those who influence the development of the Nidd and Wharfe area. It is by working together that we can achieve the sustainable improvements that will ensure environmental protection of and provide benefits for the Nidd and Wharfe area. Environment Agency, North East Region ii Dales Area Nidd and Wharfe LEAP. CONTENTS PART I Page Number 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Role of the Environment A gency............................................................................. 2 1.2 Local Environment Agency Planning - The Process......................................................2 1.3 Sustainable Development and the Environment Agency ..............................................4 2.0 The Nidd and W harfe A re a ............................................................................................................6 2.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................7 2.2 . A i r ............................................. ..........................................................................................8 2.3 L an d......................’ .............................................................................................................9 2.4 W ater................................................................................................................................. 13 2.5 Wildlife and Heritage ...................................................................................................... 15 2.6 Key Details ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.0 Protection Through Partnership 3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................20 3.2 Education............................................................................................................................20 3.3 Key Partnerships ............................................................................................................. .21 4.0 Issues and Proposals .................................................................................................................. \ 25 PART II 5.0 Uses, Activities and P ressu res..................................................................................................... .48 5.1 Econom ic............................................................................................................................49 5.2 Waste M anagem ent...........................................................................................................66 5.3 Surface Water and Groundwater Abstraction .............................................................. .78 5.4 Flood Storage and Flood D efence................................................................................. .83 5.5 Recreation and Amenity ..................................................................................................93 5.6 Conservation .................................................................................................................... .100 ' 6.0 C urrent Status of the Local A r e a ............................................................................................... 113 6.1 A i r ...................................................................................................................................... 114 6.2 W aste................................................................................................................................. 121 6.3 W a te r................................................................................................................................. 126 6.4 Biodiversity...................................................................................................................... 141 APPENDICES A: Environment Agency Aims and Strategies B: Chemical Standards for River Ecosystem Classification C: European Directives D: GQA Classification E: Statement of Informal Consultation F: Consultation List G: Glossary of Terms H: Abbreviations Environment Agency, North East Region iii Dales Area Nidd and Wharfe LEAP LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page Number ’ Number 1 Administrative Boundaries .......................................................................................... cover 2 Geology..........................................................................................................................