Held at the Dearne High School, Goldthorpe Road, Goldthorpe, Rotherham

10th January 2005

41K (1) Present:- Councillors Thomson (Chairman), Brook, Gardiner, A. Hancock, J. Hancock and Sanderson; together with Mr. G. Horner (Co-opted Member).

There were approximately 25 members of the public present.

(2) Declarations of Personal Interest

There were no declarations of interest of a personal nature from Members.

(3) Minutes

IT WAS AGREED that the minutes of the Forum held on the 6th December 2004 be taken as read and accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

A member of the public referred to the proposed widening of the footpath in Road and referred to hedges near a property that were protruding. This had been reported and no action had been taken and they commented upon people in wheelchairs not being able to pass in the area. A Forum Member referred to a recurring problem and they need to inform the owner. They thought that if works were not carried out within a certain period of time that this could be done by the authority who could make a charge for the works. They understood that the owner has been notified. A member of the public stated that they had informed the Area Forum Officer and had been to a Councillors surgery and nothing had been done. A Forum Member stated that the Area Forum Officer will take the matter up and get back to the member of the public concerned.

(4) Police and Community Safety

PC Jane Morris was present at the meeting and gave an update on the Local Partnership Team’s work. She outlined the following actions during December 2004:-

• The number of arrests • The submission of files • Reports on summonses • Anti-social behaviour letters to parents. Reference was also made to Operation Mischief and to a positive response from parents in November/December. • 171 and 172 notices regarding motorbikes • Intelligence reports.

PC Morris reported on a Pub Watch in Wombwell which they were looking to extend. She stated that the Section 12 drinking ban was in force but they were awaiting the erection of signs before they can act. The Police Community Safety Officers have had high visibility patrols and have highlighted a large number of vulnerable vehicles in the area. Information was also given in relation to drugs warrants in December. A lot of man hours had be spent in hotspots in Bolton- on-Dearne and in Great Houghton where Section 30 notices had finished. 1454



In response to a member of the public PC Morris and a police sergeant who was present at the meeting gave their views in relation to what constitutes anti-social behaviour. A member of the public referred to actions reported and to a response by the Tasking Officer of the Local Partnership Team. A member of the public stated that they had been informed that they had received their fair policing ratio in the area (details of the area were given). A Forum Member stated that this was a matter for the Tasking Officer to answer. Following further comments in relation to this matter a Forum Member stated that matters may not be a crime, but if they were producing harassment to people they can ask the police to step in. They commented on matters that might not be breaking the law but which could be anti-social behaviour. Members of the public commented upon the community police visiting an area and on them informing them of the situation in another area in Thurnscoe.

In response to a member of the public regarding people using abusive language PC Morris felt that this was anti-social and thought that they should be moving them on. A Forum Member commented upon obscene language and stated that if there was evidence it required pursuing. A member of the public felt that the police can stop such actions. A Forum Member commented on the matter and the police sergeant gave his interpretation and commented that they would want them moving on. They referred to a big difference between crime and anti-social behaviour. If anti-social behaviour was constantly recurring they need to deal with the matter. They asked to be informed of the matter so that they could visit the area, if it was on a regular basis and time they can try and stop it. They can only work with information passed to them. A Forum Member felt that they needed a report back from the Tasking Officer. A member of the public referred to remarks that they have had enough policing. A Forum Member referred to the officer dealing with the problem and the need to know what action he has taken or intends to take.

Members of the public commented upon a vehicle and a motorbike in the area and to cleaning up the area when the youths had left. This matter was reported and they referred to comments that they have had enough policing. They commented on the community police attending the area and informing people of the situation in an area in Thurnscoe. A Forum Member stated that they could request the Sergeant present to make further investigations regarding the problem and request the Tasking Officer to report to the next Forum meeting regarding any action taken. In response to a member of the public a Forum Member felt that the Tasking Officer would have written down matters and referred to the amount of information on the Golden Line. Regarding the recording of details they could ask the Tasking Officer when he was present at the meeting.

In response to a Forum Member PC Morris commented upon the replacement of an officer. A Forum Member referred to the work of the Team and conveyed their thanks for the care and consideration shown on a recent occasion.

A member of the public referred to illegal drinking being carried out by youngsters in Bolton-on-Dearne. They stated that there was a need to find out who was selling a certain brand of alcohol cheaper and referred to a play area down Dearne Road that was littered with cans. They stated that they had also found some drugs on a field near their home and lighter fuel gas and stated that it was the same youngsters that are drinking. There was lighting on the Mexborough Road field and they were using a field at the back of Coniston Drive. Several weeks ago the community constable visited the area and they had requested their assistance. They stated that the officer stated that they were patrolling on a regular basis but they had not seen them since. PC Morris referred to an operation carried out in the previous year in relation to the sale of alcohol around the Dearne area and referred to prosecutions. She also commented upon a proposed similar operation that will be held. The Chairman commented upon the situation in relation to reporting such matters at Forum meetings and on the need for proof.




A member of the public referred to the Old Maggot Farm in the Harlington area and asked if it was proposed to be made into an off road motorcycle track. They referred to use of the site by the person that rented the site. It was used every Sunday afternoon by motorcyclists. Following further comments a member of the public thought that the site was used by family members. P.C.Morris asked if they were anti-social and along with a Forum Member commented regarding the legality of people using their own land. A member of the public referred to comments in the press regarding a proposed police prosecution in relation to the use of farmland. A Forum Member stated that they were not aware of licence applied for or grant. The police sergeant felt that they did not need a licence on their land. He also felt that the action they are taking is affecting their quality of life they would have to investigate and consider it if it was anti-social behaviour. It may not be a criminal act. In response to a member of the public the police sergeant stated that they have limited resources and commented upon the size of the team and the area to cover. He commented upon people’s problems and to dealing with problems as best they can. A member of the public stated that they do put information on the Golden Line. A Forum Member requested people to put matters on the Golden Line and referred to the use of the information.

A member of the public and a Forum Member commented on there being many children who do not misbehave. The Chairman referred to the figures reported and to the Team out there. He thanked the officers for their attendance at the meeting.

(5) Housing Market Renewal – Dearne South

The Chairman stated that this was an overview and the start of the consultation process. Andrew Osborn, the Council’s Housing Markets Renewal Manager together with Bruce Lister of Optima and Adrian Welsh of EDAW, were present at the meeting to outline plans for consultation. The consultations form the basis of a master plan for Goldthorpe, Bolton-on-Dearne and through to Middlecliffe.

Mr. Osborn stated that the Housing Market Renewal was a government project looking at improving the housing market across the country. He referred to a 10-15 year programme and to one in the South area which covered an area including Bolton, Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe and Little and Great Houghton. He outlined the situation in relation to funding in the present financial year and the next financial year and referred to funding for some early wins projects. He commented upon the possibility of working alongside the Local Partnership Team, and in Lidget Lane regarding the quality of housing. The second part is planning for the future and starting to work with people regarding these issues. This was the start of that process and Council was working with EDAW for the masterplanning process.

Mr. Lister outlined his role. They have a three month piece of work to do to plan some strategic issues and want to put projects on the ground. He introduced other officers who were present at the meeting including Adrian Welsh who was the lead consultant (EDAW). He reported upon consultants who are providing transport advice but they were not present at the meeting. They were at the meeting to introduce themselves and to tell people of their master planning process and how it fits in, and to show that it was not just in respect of relationships with settlements but with surrounding areas. They wanted to give people an opportunity to get involved in the project and he commented on getting the right plans out of the project at the end of the day. They wanted people to shape the matter.

He referred to two strands/themes. They have to first of all to work on the strategic master plan and he commented in relation to linking housing, transport and health etc. In respect of the second theme they had been asked to look at three particular regions i.e. Middlecliffe, Main Street at Goldthorpe and Broadwater estate in Bolton-on-Dearne. He referred to looking ahead and sustainability. It was primarily about housing but they were exploring all the links. The project is 1456



initially focused on a long term strategy but they recognise that they need to get projects on the ground quickly.

Mr. Welsh commented on two elements, the first being in relation to strategic matters to feed into three master plans. He outlined the reason for the strategic work and referred to the importance to show investment required. The master plan itself was not just in relation to physical matters but also in the way that services were delivered etc. They have to tackle things such as youth issues, open space, training and employment. Their strategy will be drawing on things already there. It is about communities also. They have to have a good understanding of the local area and have seen previous work and there will be walking around and talking to local groups and stakeholders. In workshops they will develop some consensus on issues and priorities for areas. These will be fed into key objectives that will give them a framework. He felt that it was important not to have one solution and commented on options being worked up with people and tested. The output will be put in a document and when approved by the Council will be fed through for long term funding. It will be about tackling issues and he referred to choice. If circumstances change they should be opportunities. He felt that for them to be successful it needed to be visionary. If it was not supported it will fail and it needs to be costed and funded and delivered. They will test it out and they have got to bring in the private sector also. Mr. Welsh commented upon sites and the area and good connections.

Mr. Lister commented on how they would like to start the ball rolling and get people involved. He referred to it being their project. He felt that it was important to go through the master plan stage with the vision that everyone can sign up to and get some projects on the ground. Through a survey and the Area Forum they have an idea of issues residents expect to be tackled. They would like to walk the area in Main Street in Goldthorpe and on the Broadwater Estate and people could show them matters and tell them what they feel is good and bad in the areas. There was a tentative date for this proposal at the moment (27th January 2005) and they were considering covering the Broadwater area first in the morning and the Goldthorpe Town Centre around lunchtime. He commented upon issuing details to people present at the meeting via the Area Forum Officer and stated that everyone was welcome to participate. They would reflect on what they have seen and will make sure that they have recorded matters brought to their attention. He referred to the need for some strategic discussion regarding the three areas and they encouraged people to get involved in that. When they have scoped all the options they will take them to the wider community to see if they support. They will come up with a range of options from views given to them and they need this partnership to take this forward.

A member of the public commented on a similar exercise in Thurnscoe and attendance at a drop-in. They also commented on building on land. Mr. Lister noted the point and stated that this was the start of a big programme and they have to build confidence. He referred to a plan being a real opportunity to get people involved and they will have to get things on the ground. He felt this was why they have given three months for the plan and referred to then focussing on projects.

A member of the public asked if Highgate was in the plans. A Forum Member referred to intentions to show them part of that area. A member of public requested an invite to the walkabout. In response to a member of the public Mr. Osborn referred to the area covered in the Broadwater area. He stated that they would look at things and referred to the need to get some projects in. He felt that there was a need to get the ball rolling and commented upon a 15 year programme. In response to a member of the public who commented in relation to stakeholders, Mr. Osborn stated that this included the public and agencies and people that have an interest. A Forum Member commented in relation to the matter. In response to a member of the public regarding private landlords Mr. Osborn stated they will check all houses in the area and will look at issues around private landlords. A Forum Members stated that they have now got consultation and they 1457



requested the people at the meeting to inform people about the possible meeting on the 27th January 2005. Mr. Lister stated that it was not a one-off chance of consultation. They knew that they need to build momentum and he commented upon a range of options and they will look to widen the debate. A Forum Member referred to a 15 year programme. They referred to the Manvers site 15 years ago and consultations and to the area now. They stated that the site was successful and wanted rolling out and referred to investment in that area. They also commented upon the airport in the Doncaster area and referred to Remaking Barnsley and other schemes in Rotherham and Doncaster. They stated they have to take advantage of this matter and make it a success, and take advantage of whatever funding they can obtain. In response to a member of the public regarding consultation in evening and at weekends, Mr. Lister referred to the immediate requirement to get something moving but noted the point.

In relation to the Manvers site a member of the public stated that contamination will be cleared by the end of the month and referred to a lot of the site being let for factories and a lot of jobs proposed there. A Forum Member commented on the unemployment rate in the area.

The Chairman thanked the officers for their attendance at the meeting and encouraged as many people as possible to get involved in the project and help it on its way.

(6) Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000

Sarah Ford, the Council’s Countryside Rights of Way Officer outlined the Act which is making significant changes to countryside access and is often reported as “the right to roam”. Ms. Ford reported on notes of public access changes under the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000 which had been circulated at the meeting making reference to:-

• Rights of Way • The Act • Barnsley Local Access Forum (LAF) • Open Access Land (decisions by a Countryside Agency not BMBC) • 5 year Improvement Plan – Aims, Why is it important? – Issues • Mobility Impaired Access • Countryside Rights of Way Officer role • Where now?(As of January 2005) – PROW/Countryside Unit – Improvement Plan – Consultation – Funding – Where the Area Forum/Community fits in – The aims of the officer.

In relation to open access land Ms. Ford stated that areas in Barnsley had gone through the provisional map stage and any appeals will be looked at. She commented upon the requirement for the Local Authority to have an improvement plan by 2007 and outlined work to do on that and cross-cutting issues e.g. travel to school and the housing renewal scheme. She stated that people need to know where routes go and if there are any problems and the number of stages. She commented on matters that they needed to know about as part of the right of way improvement plan consultation. A route might be overgrown (this could even apply to a short route that needs servicing to a bus stop).

Ms. Ford commented upon issues such as expanding the Trans-Pennine Trail which would go through the other side of the river and other areas that people can use for horse riding, cycling and as pedestrians. The public consultation was from the end of January to the 6th May. 1458



Forms could be obtained from her and she will talk to groups and give assistance with forms if requested. The plan has to be drafted and published for people to see. They are looking long and short term. One of the key issues close to people is application to the Disability Discrimination Act. Ms. Ford outlined the matters that the improvement plan has to make special mention of. One of the suggestions is that they look at routes where stiles and barriers are. If popular they could be under pressure to remove stiles etc. and this could open up the area to motorcyclists. She commented upon a possible scenario which could result in Barnsley Council being taken to court. Ms. Ford commented on the Disability Discrimination Act and a requirement to test reasonableness and practicability. She commented on areas where they knew there were problems which they will have to deal with in the future.

In response to a member of the public who asked why they were changing a bridle path, Ms. Ford stated that originally the Trans-Pennine Trail was planned to go on the other side of the river but when the reclamation did not proceed quickly they had to go to the alternative. The main route will be on the south side of the river.

A Forum Member commented on the improvement plan being open to consultation. Ms. Ford referred to the questionnaires being placed in libraries and stated that people can speak to her regarding the improvement plan. She reported on the questionnaires and they were asking if people used routes and if not why not. For example does a route need a sign or people may have a disability and did not know what was on the route. They were therefore looking at preparing some leaflets. Contact details were on the sheet circulated and if people have any problems etc. they can contact her.

In response to a member of the public who referred to monies for tarmacing in an area and to works not being carried out, the Chairman stated that they could take up specific issues direct with the officer. He thanked the officer for her attendance at the meeting.

(7) Area Forum Officer’s Update

Neil Wilson, Area Forum Officer circulated at the meeting a written update on local items of interest and matters arising from previous meetings, including:-

• Public consultation on the future of older people’s services (comments are required by 28th February, 2005) • Rail Strategy – Draft for consultation (Comments are requested by the 28th January, 2005).

He stated that if people required copies of the reports they can contact him.

Mr. Wilson commented upon photographs that were available at the meeting showing the Bolton Baby Memorial. A Forum Member congratulated Peter Shields and members of his family on their work and the Forum gave applause for the work carried out.

(8) Items for Future Meetings

The Forum discussed potential items for future meetings.

Mr. Wilson reported upon a proposed item in relation to the future of Area Forums and Area Boards for a future meeting.

(9) Time, Date and Venue of the Next Meeting




IT WAS AGREED that the next meeting of the Forum be held on Monday 31st January 2005 to be held at the Hickleton Youth Project to commence at 6 p.m.

(10) Public Question and Answer Session

(a) The Chairman read out a written question in relation to the inappropriate parking in disabled parking spaces at the Health Centre at Goldthorpe. The Chairman stated that it was a matter for the Primary Care Trust and that they would bring it to their attention. In response to comments by a member of the public regarding it being an on-going problem, the Chairman stated that the matter would be taken up with the Trust and referred to them operating the building.

(b) A member of the public referred to press coverage regarding a play site and to it taking two years to build. They referred to plans showing a kiddies park proposed to be built. They stated that two years ago footways were put on Derry Grove and nothing else had been done. They had been told by engineers that there were monies there and asked if they have adopted the walkways. Following further comments by a member of the public the Area Forum Officer stated that he understood that there were plans to build but the site had been reconsidered due to safety of the site. He felt that they were still pushing the site there. He commented further on the matter and stated that if there were Section 106 monies they would be used at that site or a local site. He stated that he would make enquiries and bring an answer to the next meeting. A member of the public commented upon the possibility of gangs going into the area. A Forum Member requested the member of the public to leave their contact details and stated that they would bring it back to the next Forum.

(c) A member of the public commented upon lights at the rear of their property and gangs being in the area. The Area Forum Officer had stated that they were going to write to them regarding the lights. Mr. Wilson stated that he had received a letter and referred to the need to look at the whole of the site. Following further comments he felt it was now a definitive path but he was not certain in relation to the situation regarding the lighting and would have to make enquiries. He stated that he had received a letter and would write to the person concerned.

(d) A member of the public referred to a walkway from Billingley Drive by the cemetery and commented on the area being blocked off and it required cleaning. A Forum Member commented on this being a surgery issue.

(e) A member of the public referred to liaison with Neighbourhood Pride and gave thanks for work carried out in two areas.

(f) A member of the public referred to works that were required to a street light which had been reported approximately 3 weeks previously. A Forum Member stated that they will take the matter up.

(g) A member of the public commented upon parking on the top car park in the Health Centre in Goldthorpe and to there being no footpath in the car park. They commented upon icy conditions on one day and to having to take the relative in a wheelchair. They also referred to the entrance to the building. The first door had automatic opening but the next door had to be opened manually. They commented upon difficulties for them in carrying out such an operation when pushing a wheelchair. They felt the second door should also operate automatically. A Forum Member stated that they will contact the Primary Care Trust to try and arrange a meeting on site with the member of the public concerned.

(h) A member of the public commented upon a walkway at the back of their property and on dog fouling in the area. Forum Members referred to the need for information to be given to 1460



the Dog Warden and stated they would provide the person concerned with the telephone number for the Dog Warden.

(11) Appointment of Chairman for the Next Meeting of the Forum

IT WAS AGREED that Councillor Gardiner be appointed Chairman for the next meeting of the Area Forum.

………………………………….. Chairman.