THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

WUH'IMLD OW o y SF.COND YEAR-N . •. , laUIIY, lBDlfUDA'f, II.A.BOB 11, 1111. 'I'Wm.Va PAGD-1 OD'II QUESTION TELEPHONE POLES "AN EDEN OF PACIFIC" RESIDENT NURSE PARKPRO START PROTESTS SUBdECTOF 11p Talent PrtHntAND COl Bttlll Clal11111Co11pany Ia Ptttlnt Dr. Pttterton TalksLECTliE on Wo11an'a Ct11t�ASSURED a111 .,., of 1ft "lla- llttta t,t\b at t .. Mtttlnt Lar11 Ntw Po Tlllat wall" to Anotllltr larlt Start F11ll ..Io iii tJtrust Sides Ita Pro· "+ L11t Ewenlnt Art Unaltllltty AIIIIMN!t IIIMI ------h0tt11 .tt"t THE PIOJECT WANT WilES UMDER8ROUND "PALESTINE TO-DAY" NUT IAYOR FAVORS NEW AIIOCIAnGN FORMED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS INVITED Be theBalanee t.rae or Small

over Aaets ,l,OOO,OOOeOO

SPECIALS TillS 'WEEK BestCreamery Butter lb. 35 cents Gre-letM •········'1:- , ., ... n . "-I a...... Jllr .. ..,_,..!� ':;.-.-.. Jlf, Y. lt ... �= ::::.··.. •...... C...... CIIMM -= :T..:�� · . � ...... _ ... cr.... . u 1 ...... - .. - . ....IW. ... . !: l · 81•• 3! . .. ..!!! 81- W Pia• .. .. . ·- ... �. .. �:r::..'"r :-=..= .. . � . &: - . McMAHON'S··· IITORB. B�AD liT. ..._ II80AD .&PCD PIIOePIICI' ...... - ..

, e BUYS

One of the$5 coaleet 000and up-to-date00 home• In Weetlleld. r t It Why Will you coDtlDUI to pay en wben le poeelble to OWD JQDr OWD bomeT IIDll. Tbla boaH bu modern lmpronment, ellbt l'l'ei'J ,_, aad rooma and llall llret, four bedroom• ea ..... tbree1141or, oa ud ba� aa4 ODe tbtrd 8oclr Han� -lllaatlea .. 08 . "-'"- tvee, llarpat'l hardware (&1 .. ll:nobl) arUIItlc d-ratlone. Hlab pond, etreet ha'I'IDI nery lmpro'l'-ftt, _'l' ..... t to ...... _ d ._ tbala four bloob to tbe elation. u Determine to own 10ar own bo!De.

LUt latarday tbe attraetloll for tbe ahtldrea at the hllllo Library, WU A. A. wllo li tbemre. to tbe Watte.number at•• 011e eel of

Wm. Se Welch &Ollleeo Son ......

We ,,..Wtyef CLEANING, DYEING PRESSING ...... Werkand ...... ,..._. a a.�.tW.otert 0... c:-e- Are0...leo&...... Pt c.u ......

...... SIEDNER..,...... ,...,. .

to thl8 tbe Mayor e tad been ta-­ bad electacl on an platform, but that be fa'l'or­ lia lmpronmeat, that all Tbe deolaton ID tbe of �a that tm- cue . You Ever Used Ladies'If Homenot, begin nowJournal at our e:xpen1e. Patterns? Your choice up of W..t­ Have ban come tor Worth et al, tbe Town I!Ut p, wu n. Ba­ ban met wltb con- lleld banded down Ia tbe oppaeltloa, eo r ooDIIrmed of the patternt mown here, without charae eltlq Ute - preme Court y te day and lret ecbool th lo wer boUH, board tbe declalon rendered ID tbe atone ro ..,.. v r ade, oil , courte fa o of tbe plalntl.ll'l. r. atone o w lampe, . T 1J1 -atea tbe plaiAUh d al , l'-bt8 aad prt repr town. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Kboo l e ll:e s. .. ln tbe Tbe l facllltlee. He ltatad and Ol r eo­• tile houee p, Q. ecov claJtU I bed met oppoal- tlOD wu brouabt e MARCH 18, 19, 20 kt tftrebat we to r r were a ll proud of It tor tbe remon.l of eenral treeo wou Soatb111 Three simple, etylieh dnian• l be of t.he park, edd• trout of tbe Worth property oD " •eb e w d Ia ed ae fa'l'or of It aad annae. Tb- were remov wanted hl8 a w tr- laid poeltloD publlely wbea a e ..dewal ll: wu 111a the property by order of troat of Ladies' Peasant Blouse Alpera believed tllat tbe lm· former town ooaael . would he p to "a-t l r ADVAIIVB Dell atoa Ladies' Dress Skirt It eL. fa'I'Cmllt CLUB lor abutUAa proper!.)' lire. Harry N. y wlll liere ma to d Ta de pay a areater D11 A YU08 C:lab oa Ladies' Combination Garment or the e te tbe d r roet. rt• ... aut, at their b-e, OD Ladiea' Home Jourrv/. Patterna are limple a Pleraon made a pi• or tba etrolll ciQlm Papefl wlll 10 Improvement, �'::.t. 1141tete read Com· liJ ch th m 1 Preaent JulmoD on Iatere ild can e tlt unlmpr 'l'ed18Jiq laad MeL. Rowlud leet o o : ll D� Alu. uee with eatiafac:tiou. l n would wttbIa • • d re W'lll be lmpro'l'ed � re lill'I'�Dte. llaalc and drt!IIDllken elaaa or a r nt be Home Hwen pueraUy prefer hou- tbala a a feature of tbe proar m. built tbHe, wouldtbat be In aad :.,;;;��l!l!l!lll!!l! .... them they like ex� the :er:; """ to are drafted, iuat ble __ eecl �':"::':' becauee the In - ..._ua,.ah&- tralU' ed atteadbl::':�a a aad ,._ a penaive individual patterna ueed the hiah c... mQre tbaa r-ubler taproYe- ..,._ ca ry tbe by O.wald ateted prment deeipera. l�uettmu p ��.!� llltlon or wu of tbe ropo.t-, of 18bbt.� coet RaMell DOl Ia "0' ta DO It, ud Mr. &lordportUAII. Come tomorrow mak.eeelection. No red had beea WU t.qt thetown .,.Jd Olp up. YM 00111114- tbat e ea14 and tape II tb tbet lie hla b<>&rd. llr alUM&D WU DOt -no obligation-timply have your Coua lm aot tile 0011. a...u... bad IleA be dtd meuurement probeble ot •at'l· Ifu rec v at 11,500. lafol'llledbe wo ld taken ei e your pattern. OoUDOI._. vote for tbe puk ._ IIJ8 with plled "If uad Mr. R...U. o-- to e · r 1 ha'1'8 It ....., wblo�.. �-� the pan WQuld ad Joll,bold � tbllio reqqtro to pllllw to._ ,_ - lt.o Mr. Decam11 .... oat ., utpol I'mo a aotto• f aalliiiAil were p JIIU'll: ,-DeCamwuP U ll ltchtacoot toWII Ia tile o t c a lbe l1alac 'l'ota Oo:- 76 Street,· �- a -�•&M 11 for d -llwell, of .....,.n10. u 11 Kreet. �. wlllell .--... Browa, aveaQ, IIOtbl F. H. S h efer &NO Co.,POOR GOODSEbil .. AT ANY Westfield, N. J. m ro....u.t,of �'bat . tile l p � �en 011 ua. If*'- _ _ ...... �heUioM'**'..... - I '!D W..,fmLD LU.DD, WSDI'IIDA1', M•&OJI 11,Uti. preTIOUI lmpereona­ ert.l new aud allOietber aonl rea­ comiDI eDI�ent be will otrer NT· MIN Oeor1e'1 drawu llet of fMta wltb they ard ab10lutely Inhuman toward• ttnn, have beaD Amuaementa to the wblcb front ...... turH JODI their anoelat an think ootbiDI of "polite" life, that very I&Deral ID­ wblch he ba• been 10 prominently T....- . . 114·L e d looked tor. The eeeoe of ldeotlfted. Tbe re-appearance of the 1endln1 lonoc4'nt.. hoy to ble death Iereet 11 AND OLD EVENTS Ml t..w' lalt! New popular opera favor te, Ml11 an older mao, the pllty one, ··within the In NEW comic i beeauH the tocbaracten are AT NEW YORK THEATRES Amelia Atone, who, wltb Armand hal not ae :ret completed h 11 ervlceo York. and all of tbeee are eald Kal111, will be eeeu In a dellghttul to Japen. Alto�rether It Ia a very An• Bonte to new typee of the un­ PLAYS WORTH SEEING ope,.,tta entitled "lion Amour." 100d etud:r of Japanese entirely Edwanl C. Wiote Ideal. be pro­ Otbere who will contribute tbe Mr. Whlteelde Ia to play tbe part der orld babltat. The mo•IDI Carpenter le-"Return w aD 9! Peter Orlaua." Proetlbr patron• tooo tble of Tokeramo, the mao who Ia 108ded blem of tbe pla:r 11 whether "tour "'' roro.e!* 1\e· pJ-aro of Indi­ A l) by ble a-latee to murder vidual who een• a notuca und r fi' "The Truth Wagon." oeculon will Include Hoey hie e & Builder IUnl . In a Lee; tr- bee auM they are afraid he 11118-will op lftc accuutloo hae paid fulal --Whitney.. Diet; Geo. . OYer time. Dtllro, -aa lO etlll to Ita debt. The production will to 14JU of I Itt IIXtl'l. IHtb rroa Fell:a and the Barry Glrle; the J'rey at the eud of the eeeoud act 11 . Forty·ftYe Mtnut.ea will Broodway"(..e•• ._ -meacee tomorrow Dllll\; Twloe, eolebrated wreetlen; Harry particularly UllltiDI. be made aboat JDuter time, but .,....,.-"Bunty tile 8trlllll.' Rlcharda and Beale K:rle, In the not be broalht to New York until 14YII tho" I tl'UIl II A.Ba cf obtle ... R!UIIIa " mirth eom.peliiDI comedlette ntltled lfO'I'JIII AJ(D Alflf0UifOBIIJI1r'N, next autumn. C JII va lll ll ... lii&DD. Come4F Of ...... J'ellow"; the Ballote, !':!tii.LoUIO •'Jioaele•r "A Bftl Club nn after ehe paid "i..wto Waller Ia llharopoau oqulllbrlota and l)'mDaate, It wu elneo o'clock Bllturday -a.i�� _. -• 'lMrthe --.rapeUity by law,laM until Carpets and ••ueatre." Ro�U

Bob Fletc:her Underroea a Remarkable J)ouht of Tbr -The Cauae may Wholly Academic yet-- �TSELLSHIS BUSINESS Metamorhosi� be ( '""' n, Sd111rk11itl) W11tfleld Hardware Company

Jl'letrher looked ap wllb nalt wu IPrad oat, ABRAMS' llorloa1ty to Take Over the I• (JIIII&•r• the perul&l· of her ltaddld with 110r,.ou .-al l. Prao- 11111, frommall. tleal, .,.rrllay ••romaattc Bob 1r111 llow. rlrka w anta me to 10 a little bit ltarttld-tlle Illy wa1 a Stock ead," Ill• WODd11'fal for th e weell lbla1, after all-ht wllat WILL IOYE TO NEW LOGATIOfl "'l'am to 110 Tllanday coatd aayoae malle oat tile Jum to and ohe waata •• ltay ble of ltan blc, little aadot ladt•-t, - SALE What will be llaowa u tile Welt- edneoday-rGther a whlcll ,Ia 1aeh a W hodp-pOdp lleld Hard-re Company, a aew eor- - w end, lall't com- a lay the ! eek re poratloa, parelllllld, yllterday, tile -..�.. ' objectedIU" y • madtlehe all t ' latt ''T re'• Orloa, tile 10at11 oell, 1<'. 1t llstar11 aad 1oo4 wtlt or the -...... , d r 1l1t1r. "Yoa'ft of Jalt to - ol e ball- llaowa U Wohlfert'1, at tile your before "leePe hrllllead,"uetatmld Be li read tU lt'1 a la lAwiL eoner of Sla aad Bnlad ltreeta, aall Club paper after- marl! the r�CQ.Iar Cultuto re Illy. That will opea for bula- under the new brldpl'rld&J 11 oa lloa- below Iathe Muriel's Bei"--Y below, 11 l'lllme lfarell pd &ad the brlcht one &bPI tile Belt 08 Four More Days Tile orpal•n 11.of t.Ja• aew eater- ure Ctab eaa 110 to Betatp..... They Self Cult ay botll or til- prtle an J'raall Reed or Wllthld llartal'• llrtdp. are cr.n tim• brtallter tllaa •••••· aad CbelterL. Howard, Our most succrssful clearaing 10 ield tile weell oar tllo�&aowa IUD,lla of piludl to weoU for la't that utonllhiDif Rahway, c: day ntil 'Wida- Alld bow lrotD Tbure u plalaly the Ptetad81 are Tllll llallla-,... orllflnally ow.ld f Friddle wanta me marked to-ntaht-yoa sale of the entire stock of shoes and rubbers lon�t•r I eaa almOit SoliD Danh who atartld It at co�nt them." BroadIIJ' 1traet, �Dol ea eompletlon111 or cllHfJ', . Are lau�hed-her tile Plelad• a 0011 the new Darlll llalldiDI tt wu moYid finishes Saturday night. ltaltattoa f" Ullld a mueatlaeHpiJ'&te Yolee - to the ltore aow oeeaptld lily Harry oa In the 11ucb doeo a 1taphl 11ecllaro8111l--(lollltance aoald N. Taylor, where he conducted It for Dar tdeal•' or a apaperh bellne It wu Bob'l. m&DJ·Y•rL mMewe moreYorll There Thousands 'rtdce keep me In "Oh, no! They a llaa\1 111 llr. wld hll later- are &rl tiler• Ia hall a chance for a or IOid on the left ehJatder eeta to1101 l'redertell Darlll Wohlfert, who, for Weotfteld -and peelally That rGIY red 1tar a wbtle, aoatlaald It 1ta11d. of pairs of Shoes and Rubbers for Ia Taaru. at tile old Still Left 11dell1 btrul home uea ll'l'ldrlolla below the Pletad81 at tho endyoa of The �fat 1rowth of the llallln-. Men, Women arm or a ITOIIt letter lleepla1 pace with the 1rowth of the and Children; 'the most desirable styles there about It all that raa, who wu 1appoll4•y• to II be tile town, n-ltatld tarpr qaarten, to leathersand 11 lw y• cruy to 110 daqhter of Orton. Tile marll1 and 111 llr. Woblfert pan:lluld a ao ce'1 father, •y• "aokaed Con1tan lbe 1roap oallld the Hyad11, a 10rt till preaeat1110 and nplollllhld bll at exceptionally low prices. vail yourself of this ead of the boule. "Yoa of llllter to tho Plel&dll. Akle- 1tocll to 111chlllte an uteat tllat tile 1ton A Jumpb at the lint bid that baru marllllrQap the rtlht eye of lbe hu beeome tamoa1 throa1boat the you. lo there a man 4oWD Bull. If you haYe tucll oan county u the beadquar­ this opportunity. marll out tile tfPI of the twoyoa hora1 ten of llalldenreeopllld for hardware and lau�h�d. and hl1 tore hoofl-be han't any tool1, of tho muon• for the tmpte- (lllllalla man<� In ol�ht·-elleopt P'rld· hind hoofl." meatl of their trade. and the houe- "'llt�er. anti be'o an old dear lllle 'What'l that bll �qaare o• to- wife tor llltchon and hoahotd Bat r•ally Ju•t ton to 't'llllt ward lbe W81t ullld aaother Yolee. qalremeatl. re- lt'o the moatI chHrfal place "OYer theraft" Why, that'• the Thll ltoell will tall• oYer u a In In all my life. There Or•t Square of Pllua whole by the new 1teeompany and will wa1much �olnl on. People yoa - how blacll the ID11dla. of tileDo be enlar11d mHt the reclul·rem�e11t&l the moat une11poctld lqaare la1 Thotra are YlfJ' few ltan of the at 1t e little Informaltlm11, within the �quare compared to lbe The new eompaay will oeeapy the M. ABRAMSSt. Jlllcbborathere v aure be toad1 fNt of the lily. The ltar lb1 pre�eat quarter� until about Jane udone or the11 other toof the clabl northern corner of the �quareIa marll1 •ben a aew llalldln• will ban beenU, Plainfield229-33 W. FrontNew Jersey at culture. either) and then tlje h•d of Andromeda. Bee thoee ereetld tor their aM by Walter W. aolo����·�������� ��oo�����- It wu a pnerat way acrou the 1lly ap there? Albert Harder, on Bllm 1treet, and the 1tan!"all���� ta� -�������-� ��-�be�er�pe�� ------you miRbt thlnll there 11 Ia her left l.boalder, the third maa.,.em•t of llr. Howard. ��------� atare to be tnter81tad In," Ia her lflrdle and the fourth Ia W. Pattenon, of Lo111 Branch, ;11 laughed. her foot--iUid there you b&YI Aadro-II who, tor0. a number of year�. hao been we h d the but of th- meda. There are cba1a1, too If you actlnty Idea tilled wttb the hard ware down on aBroadway," Inter- llaow where looa for them,, and trade, hu bleD 8DI&Iecl for the nleo connie'• ll llrother. Ju•t at ner feetto 11 Penea1, who department. you may haveb 10m1 atan cued her , :rou llaow, from tole reo-ter- "EYefJ'lbiDI for the boule from llo Broadway. but yoa haYID't rtble- moa1ter, aDd be 1tlll carrt11 taeeptloa to ltl occupancy" 11 to 011 they have Ia We�Uield, let llldal&'l head." "l'reddle" pauled, the 1lopa tor the new concern, whichbe Uhy ou. Here Ia the city the 1hiYerld a bit, tileD- will be carried out to the letter a• to �,.,. can do Ia to 1et a bit of "lly word, but lt'l cold out her._ the character of aoodo lo kept. be of aky oetwHD the tall l"am one line hNt- tree�� you You < •t even the all out thl1 way. Cometo on Ia,'' ADVIlRTIBBl ALL Or oo much'an electric 111ll1ht1a1 And the little 1tar 1tadent led the -not elltru.,.aatly. notTHE wu t TIMEefully 1•t on our 1treeta and nobody way bacll the roartna opea t1r11 ta -but DON GIVE ANYBODY A know Orion, or Per11111, the hall andto llllnry and IIYIDI room. CHANCB TroROBIT YOU." or the Plel&d-. If tlley But the taet to lean the cold Yeraada TO them In the wu Bob rtetoher, He followld Con- met tbe geatlem&D,"ltreet." •td ltaDIII lllowty. her. drlnllln• 1111 eo•ee. "YouIll are rllbt, little •liter," be SPRING MILLINERY ln Weat.lleld'" aid aoftt:r. certainly 11 worth alllive do their part to malle white to lin "1tIa a plaee where you attractiYe," CoDitaDIII e&D - tblnp lllle tbll . Bay-wby OPENING demurely. "For at leut we don't yoa father to moYe to Weot- bowing acqualntanee with lleldf" set • Weetneld. P'red alway• .AIId Conltaoee wbllpered bacll Ia Mr"Aatronomy with the Nailed miiCbleYOillly: 18th, 19th, 20th the library table, and when- "Why don't you marry rreddy Jllareh • nl t Ia line we all 10 oat and 11t up for youre�lf oat here?" -ltll- SACRIFICED! 1111 TO BE 'fe cboda aud PIANOS r do little 1tar 45 Ita really 11 fuclnatm.-­a sold before t invited Every must be h end of the month_ We lt one of the r-DI IIOKO._.,.....,_, You all cordially· piano e 11 Ctrtc. •Jolt Fred. t 1et a pereoaal By to attend Sprine: Open­ do not intend to ship single ofto aatlo!actlo n and real plea- A llood of IOiden lllht, lbroqh my our our Newarlrt warerooms of ina: and inopect the dioplay a piano to ot 1ettlng to llaow 10m1 of nalatcllld caaement llr•lla, latelt pro­ and o nly wt1h we The day bu come aa4 all the world the .ea�on'o of SENDS Weotfteld or, at taut, one awa11:11. duction• in fine Millinery. lal'lley Central 1ubarb1 Ia10 we A larll piPII forth 1111 matla1 py, 1pray. 1et to know tile 1tan." Pen:bld 011 a yellow jumlne r81tl- - " conatance proeeed- The rytbmlc roar of the tile morn to niUir-llulr,• "'Is ot by any meeu Brlnp bacll the 10111 of Mr•. A. Lance A paatlme,n and tbera are me. tbousanda of people who 11- Awalle my aoat and IIDI STREET the opportunity the AI If lbou wert truly II:IDI II EL .. a rer;ardrive of aur e 1 the broad Today l1 mille! Today l1 mine! Wadleld, N. PIANO yt11 · opread outv In the hi&YeDI J. lll&ht-- one >f the bll adY&Dt- ouburba have oYer thl HOME tbeaaya that n•rty all eltyher. •CASH are true atar�a�ero, llat I 'l!�l�•:der:�"�W�Alft":::·�l�•:::p:"'�'�·!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� Included prices from $80 up are baa gotten tbe111 lnter81ted in the list of second-hand pianos, ranging in lhe Ia ao tallea up wltb lt." I T H E TIME N ______What Ia there to atudy about __ ___ •-...--ut.oer =-::.__:::.__:_:_ .=,-=:..._-_:=._ AND BKAllTIFY than what we all 10t TO IJIIPROVK THE VALUE OJo' YOUR PROPERTY ose,Gabler, Kranich Bach, Smith Bros, Marshall WendeD, aaked Bob. o w s a&ld Conatance, eerlolliiY." YOUR BOllE. me In thll letter V Lauter, and &Many Other Well-Known Makes& man to to death c me for Batur­ J4y aacrlllce le your opportlllllty. On account -•llltl-obe'a to ob&Ye 10m1 10rt u of mallemy father'• room on tile 1 compelled raiN tmmldtate cub, u well Now, to . l'am ulliDI yoa, am to IIIPORTIDD � lilY falber 1roaadl tor a 1ar1e order of AWAY , to come that ntaht ITOCJlIn early··�· IIJ' SQUARE PIANOS GIVEN bl1 death, be l.blpped from Japaa any of the other fellow• before Nlil­ toGOOD ONLY UNTIL I RAIBB THill AMOUNT You come down to THIS OJ'J'BR SSB BXPJDNBBB. and we'll teach you a few CSBSARY COVER TH made OD BRADS lbout t otar1." Thl 1r11ta1tTO aerUioe witt STORE STORE tbe e traaaplaD�Ill If not1111 �ld aad utra larp I o•er lbem matter wu Tbo Tli.IIID8 u they will han be OPEN oa "Preooot Httlld. to price. OPEN Day Id•t•" wu for tmmedlata C.UH at half o•er to Sally ead re UI&IId (IR IB KAJIIIIPJ'IIRI) Jap- r befo will at10 oler the lint few tho EVENINO.S EVENINGS Culture Club,to and •.,., ..._t or Iowan at 1 lrll ud nrr hardY oae or ll�sJr�t)� were aent Martel.apot� ea the moltPI'ONIB8 aDd will aot ehar11 &11- per d-. Allo a tew 1111adrld arrtYidto at thelD et.IIOfor rted Y&rlett• at W•taetd, to ..- 11ft doleD. round utre - )lapollu, wiLlie tlley 11114 Ea•t Street, Opp. ofbouee I&Y, IllIlia d f1aD that ud et.OO elM. fi,OO at 1181Jut thaa wllol8lal at e a11o 1147 Jersey Proetor'a marked Freclrlclla'e llo.... Rbodod•drofi.OO lll aad ...._. OIU.CILLtiiA, 11MIVI'ITprloea;ATA, Batarday OraMea ncb u IIIULALJA, ELIZABETH, N. J. wlllter 11&<1nlr;bt becun of n�t l'anG7 hldp or lenae llotb the m•RJ pUa• wblch •-a� a--' be&aUtal poop\e, ... T tt., Boll • 1\lmmer, at .__.._meon 'balf - lllfOf JOUIII!hed &11.4 nd e- at eat with a IUOdly IUIIDNr1'\1/&oo IIIUl I' R llle elty QIU.Pil VINBB tll•urrrecv..::atl ,._ wbo came help IWOII oa 811adarl take pleU!Ift I leaft lbe Nal'llry to &eYer aDd ta llllo w- GLASSER eY< nlnr bad ud C.UB; whJ aot J)laol your order aow LOUIS tun. wheapUled IOIIUCIIUI Ia riMive tM 117-LWIIdleW candhee rfully : -;'=� ol t1a11 otro r. know It thatII th ere laaperf111lq't �o­UlJ G. R. SHOT"W"ELL .... ano HARRY L. BALL ...... ,...... , .....,._ ...... Statioaer let'o all ao and roung ho•t-. ... OileD," ., ...... NURSERIES ...... - optenflld Re'l t.ra. JM • u,.. . _ ,.. , • .,.,..., &11M _.eiSfamtr r• wtM to-... Y Win Ullq .. .,,or...... , .. ter. .... lato&IM.,..__...._, to Iota Ooae ...oa, .. Ulp4&1...... Mtpltii11 ...... _ ot -w . WESTFJEI,D . .. I llfJ'I�I - 11am all."erry par-Q � tile to ...... '•randa.oYwtl ...... l&oqb, TD WJI8'l'niLD IUJ&OJI LUDD, WBDDIDAY, 11, 1111. ' FUNERAL F ISS YOUNG .. ___ .. O M TI"IRtM. IIMJ l1onl r ·-N··-···-- I profP111tonal from ��;u��tn:.;t��ft�d'.��r �r:_ 11�b� ..... ul w- o R.....,._ r,-· e __u_ e l: � medt&DI t•rRI·,+:�r;!���;�' lkhool s ' _ t n t e s �.�0.'::;:!!ie Pa7 n a, . l. _ l· _d e n rtain r:?.�.,. '� �- n e �.� - �Y.· .. L'h lld.- 1.-t VS] o o :-;�wark gave an x.,.,Ji and JoiiM. ond l'••ra•••• It to bo .. _ t, of muole � t ____ t n ronototln11 PUAC Th<' or__, I 111\Et'IITOI.II me w ut e t nd ll . '------....:;;:,_ r abo pr o n GI...CI\1'1 lind 0'6r four hundred IClbOOI children w tt.enbeet edyet, he "'RR mont fh<• v'•rdl<'t all :\'1.\\·on Ther<• " " 2 5 e a a ho a d t hly of M III IITHIII\l' PARTY had a time. pai Jut re11 to tbelr b m<•t'tiDII d tbelr peota e- I .J raey for l· fUH good Prop. J. DIGKSOr-1, the New Tel. Weetfleld, � ti!IIWber, llllaabetb Youn1, y lmproYemr.nte At.aor Tu<'"day,llltlon MarehPou tr I --- 6118 f'l, .J, D. F. 111181 n I d 5. l laM P'rldaJ afternoon, betwee au Mr. Warren Aumnnr, preoldent of of H o m;:r,L nROTHIO:R8 be r. P y w Jo:nrertalnR a Numlwr Frl...,do 4 o'elocll, at r bome, on tbe Union Count J oultr l PLAif'l Ia'- A oo "· at RIA Rom"t oIn , Moontof MooaiHIIho.ntalnotd e, TO JC!fJ,AMB .-1 aYenue. Tbe - • wu 11011, wu tbe opeoller, talllnll for hll Mayor Baech ld tbe broqbt laot Saturday, and On account or their 1rowln1 boll· SELECTED , ... , manJ of cblldren oubJeet "Artlllclal Incubation and had a u ll f ll n- cl o blrtbday a n tba Bell. manufaeturera II!Dall lloral trlbntM aa4 a elt ee BroodiDI." At hlo o e not a doubtr tbe Mayor onlJ bao a blrthdaJ once -. 111-ra. at North •"• 1081 of tbelr frltDd and com- wu npr-d that Mr. Snmner bad Jear he tnYited a number of hll of dJnamoe and motora IJ' tile I: 46 ba1'e found It nac­ Geaeral rade certaiDIJ �Yen lou time and friend a, wbo traYIIl In on tile nue, Garwood, -- . nen- up-to-date DINit r: 1'11• funeral eenl- were llel4 moner bla -reb•.of 'J'be tall! trala, to eome ap and apend tbe ••rJ and will areet two ..... � weotern nd of the o'elocll tba eTIDIDI aud repeollta wltb ln•traetlon to tb- , ... wltb blm. The MaJor and Ma,.or· tutorlM at tbe !;]Fittsb1J1 StANI 1 aeted Ia tbe wu partJ •• thiJ arrl1'ed In pr-nt plant. Tba bulldlnP are to o+-s bJ Rn. wbo rei)' on tbe lncub1tor tor tbelr - met tbe PO 101 OF r1ra Dr. , ..dlnl of 1teel and concre'-, �r of t be �bJ'-I'Ih otoell. Amoq tbe manJ IIIOd polnu all IIIDd1 of coniJaDCII lnc eonetructld fe r IDMte ba 2001:10 and 6011 elaanb, wlleree tb 4•..... bad been broulbt out wao tbe n-ltJ of 11t- aata., baelle, rnnabouu and uro- and In 1IH will be I AT a aHa4aat llnee talllnl tiDI u clooe to tbe lin• laid down planM and welcomed.tbem In a man· 110. $176 GET 'l'RilJI 100 .re�Dtar he JIO ber, bJ tbe mother ben u po811bla. lllanJ nv tbat 11 alwaJI noticeable at t W �qnartetta aomprlaiDI ben. Hofer, weta tbe little dnleea be baa di1Cl01'· Baeebtold home. fliM A. 4 IIIIa and lflfl Oeor11 r�tar, W. T. Ra•er ered tbat belp tbe macblne do tu Dnabanell furnlobed the mnalo, IOTHIWI1tlTHI r,lllrt. C. K .. 41., 1�1 "Onr Tbera" worll ; mean• of IDppiJIDI molaturo 111-ra. Oanael and Bmltb br0U1ht 10 WtU II HEll. tba l!lweet BJI and BJe" of Ullotanoe to tbo JODDI cblelll tbelr mandollna, addiDI 1reatlJ to �S er'• ''Ia Oa-ld, of ..=-: r..= '='r.:��=: lit- Youn1'1 fayorlta bJmno. andIn comtn1 out of tbe ohell were the tbo pro1ram. Counellman ol Vhuo. .. IA•hi'N. ft:JI = wu attended bJ neariJ e1'11'J' eo of rreat tbe Tblrd Ward, fRYOred till eom­ � ..ct -"- _.'flee topl tntereot. per t UUihr et.OIIIl, teNbar In tbe �eboola, membero of s n t t - paDJ w!tb •ocal Hleetlona, from the per I 1 Mr. um er o one of the moa pleu !f. 1'. a . . to ';fti• ••lf"t 11LTilJ FAV,"...,t .... U.. Board of IDdncatlon and frlenda. -nt of men and l IIICiture not "Pinll LadJ" and other mu1lcal hl - - . .:.��. pi bl ••· • w. wu. .... o-. lo.-1 trlbata. were lla:lldl!lllllll0 t belpo of the � n J lleof tbe rrud knowledll Ranlt•tte•:.. W. .. . . YEAR ..... IJicluded bouquet. and Oawald'•IIIIUOn. effort& were an1J1bent­ rflet. N J, ; . . H . .. ,.., a...... ONE DOLLAit I'Eil of cblcllen lore, bat of tbe relined, Mr. • .._-- - II Y. CJ&r; 01- llo· tall4"'m tba of ...,_tlon, Taacb- cultured ••ntleman, affable and ed b1 Donall and Smltb, the ...... -:. to.-J. ; -· -· ""' Boardof blib • tbe 111-n. the tt. . 11. t: do. 'DO IT ROW � ar., mcllera latter rendertn1, eopeelaiiJ for ,..., lldleol, conrteoua, oDIJ too rndJ to Impart d..,.ln1 cl-. the �r&mmar lr&deo aDJ � to thOH benellt of the holt and bo•t-, thllt L lnto1111atlon be an4 from tba puplla attandiDI in· wbo will OIIIJ Inquire blm. old and time-worn dlttJ, "BUJ a N ice STANDARD AUTO TIRBI-GUARANTBIID 111100 IULBI 0: WE lllcltlniiJ and Proepect atreet Referrlnl to tba 10-ealled new t.tttle Home In tbe CountrJ," which cola,bQIIdlnp .u well u manJ from per- In llclal he dealt he UDI wltb mucb f 1111lln• and HAVE ldeu artl - WEITFIELD telaal frlanda and acqualntani!M of tbom a blow on tbelncubatlo torebeada at tbe pr-lon (MpeclaiiJ the uprealon e2.) THE B EST Youn1. Ye 1tart. Quot1n1 from worlll dat- Mr. Dorvall hl1'ored tbe comp•nJ C.atral104-108 Awa, T arage N • Ill,_ rJ r ang e G , · The bodJ wu taileD to Ball1ert1111, lnl before Cbrlot, wben cblcllen• wltb a readlnl, 111tt1n1 tortb 11ow· .J . . • N, Y . BaturdaJ, wbere It wu plaeed wlll'e batcbed wltb artlftclal heat bJ ln1 proopevt> decided the future to do mall• a nluable ad)uact. Hvylor'• Bualn... and mvite list ing put up a bos of thalr dellclou can• 1IIIIM.tbe ll8llleiM of proper­ We pe:r 11 ued Eatate the dl , to order, Ia tbe klnd1 :rou lib. for For Sale Rent. tbe trill, If our to TW1STE1S 81rlto &nJ of tbel 1 7 a r• ..,._. 1'11118111 lalla . ties or .W r In ...... Nll n ron eoutlpattoa. O'Donnell Bros , omActou ' New Y tok rr te to ,1 1 e ot t c or CltJ, or u be:r Pbarm· We tab 1 tbe Yoa are no ob­ fo r Sprin business. 1-1 c rtok. MOVING VANS FOil C!TY COUNTilY List at once g ae:r, tbo 1en :r. to ta an)' wa:r wbaleYer, If 1 ...tad 01 Tba • 1 t,. o• H. Sebaefar eall atte n· ,.. �pt our t t offer, ' llll..-er:r... ttol!-P". on anotb r A toeo. tb a a atement, but we me�n Planoo .. Holat.. Trucldnl of e Coald an:rtb Home Jouraal Patteraa."P&ll "Ladlea')'OU I!IW.dword of lt. 1110re BoJ[ 1M 11 • If ... be All lUnda :: Lawn Gndlal 8oddtn1 ban ner aHcl thea &lat. llrm would roa? :1 n tor-t ll!lelltUie. -- llftd htdinl al,.alaJty like JOU to trr them aad ollw, on fllhoA ;;;;;;;;;;; wbkb II II II L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; , of -taeut Baall Ofllerll-. 1 • Monda)', Tueed&)' aad Awe. PIIOICE lft·W WIITFIELD, N. J. II :r. Central nut week, eblolutelr withoutWoclaead•J cbar1o, art •t111 Jib Ofhoo. 314 lo t. a eaad Tbelr411'ecn- ad! ... DtaJ.rlD-- JOUr ebolce of pattern• for ladle�' pdlldp R F H-- 0 HENS T EIN that 1'11!1111 edl!ltllle and· P- t BloaH, ladl•' Dr-. Skirt or HF Feed, Oraln, Hay, Straw, Shavings and n II oclorl-. eo\...._ • tadl•' CombiDatloa prmnt. Tbo ., pr!IIDOIIneed. rot �Wtl LUOKY Fiour, be aa4�� pi-nt • action. 1114 pertll!lllar- Blankets, General pattor&l ere nrr mpI • aa d can Bl8 DAY Peat Moss., ..-blo ID •'1'817 war. tb da:r men etarta In tako bt. uecl bJ &aJona. II aMIJ ea- bt latan.,leare, t\o awee11 e.b •rt• for dell)' or Hml-wto eolltr Hone Equipment• and a Full Line proprietor a-'ftlliftee wbat· -Aillua& Danker, of IIIIPiq. .,dJarr aaiiiN,:r u-. drive In r11 from• Barton · It wtll tbe Z&at Lawn l e.s Dalrr, piU'abaaed - Be:&all en partltular- lead to •b lm blrlnl bla carrlace'• for of Poultry Supp l baa · tbe milk but•- formartr conducted for t-bOrdartlulldnL ...aaad ble weddln1 deJ and aatertllnl111 lat. b)' r. 8m&IIIJ aad baa added a,,.._. .... 611kata to eoma. ror wol­ w. tilt. . family In da:r• to bta elrftdJ Jarp milk routo. Wltb roa ..._ floua eb...SC Mblt· dlnll, pl uro drtYin1, 111181•- or ar tht. aew purebaae Jllr. Danker lela u funerala, ..our t. the produeta of two 1-1 mta pro- Mlped111t C9Utlpatloa..1!lmftlll. ar tile -'ata •• arp or :roa de­ at Bartoa'l. aiWIJI •U. dlroaJe factory dllcen aad tberebr able to euppl:r llaall OrterUee oar all bt. '• bome pro-• ...- � caa ptat lUll.oal:r b at D&.&LIIIl8 Ui . 1IMm J. S. IRVING CO. duet. GORllDITbe milkIII'l depot wttll OD t11• Broad IV ,.. tab­ ltroo&. oonducted b:r Jllr. Danker, bu .r-..-. 1J tablet* 10 -tl: Illlold Wm. boola riMOak wttb a hall llaa of leta • : 10 tableta 10-tl. H. Barton clalrr prodnetaocl ud oaaaed poda and .., II& ov ...... ,... llaall ltore. . ·• -" II•• tb peo, ara� ooraer B u• ..., ...... WllrPIII.D, .... be oow l'ftdr to e ple 0o • .._. 1\'l ouldlng and Masons' Material!', 1111t the rnte�IJ Pia .,_... DepM II. I. er te market dordll ID hll Lumb tile _ Goal and liM. Klndllngwood and Fertilizers. ....__ ._ .. _ ...... ______._t tile old rellall le R. MELLIN'S FOOD bllriH Woodrulr'e-Durt!ll Wntaeld llarllet will MORRIS ADKINS GALE'S lllce 1MYn : 1111ri An., • Crlajq,I. .... L on baad all ktadll of -oked FOil INII"AIITI wlll reoet•• prompt � 11r mall at_...., flUbaYO alttJoa to tUlr line .•. OMen Al of frelll, 'ta killed ••ta...... ,. of tbe lt 11eet aadP01ll tiletr7, la•t ., etlbln.. All .. Bottloa Pharmaey tile urketcradM. Antiseptic I alordll. A Great Houehold fllll etl'ft&tb l 10metbl .. Peur .._.... t. tha '• o1 B;pcb�b on baad-readY( for bouellold lhollld aft UN °8 every feetloa :0� ebraalou. kllla 1enP aad preY � nd U -plat ..ta IDl c. t !t� cutaa mouth aud throat waab. bottle, ' O ; P dtd &a • \4 an� 'J.Qan a.oaatton IOc. ltbe 1lllatlleiD �tl�tno 1 Pot '• Rbub&rd aDd n t:r 8ocl• d•�•-..- 01' _,__...___...... , TJ')' dr .... (la1D Compound Talileta-&llllent aee luatJYe epepaia • Bond and Mortgage t plaiDr rbub&rd aad Money to Loa n on tabtet are a �t JmproY- onr 1' a .. Poundtab Jua& for10ur etomaeb. Ue. leta. tbe tblnl 100, aoda ...... -r.,._ , ... w...... PIIAJUIIACY : :: :: 711 �-�... � ...... OPIII.... �- ALL JOGJI1' · , Many bar-cains found by ...., .. ..- .. P a lfUae LEADER · · PeNBWo!UIK,tty's l"t. "'· ads. �dlnJ • company will never put been a dearth of on the wiret legi11lation Tlla lrrf) aLD LEADEI ground until the telephone queation and there hu a large II W IAJI ., under heen PIIRLIIRRD waoii.,D.t.Yt .t.'l' wire• are placed conduits. It amount lnvelltigation of _....,...Lo, in of enry. ,..,.Y, in im· thing ellltl but the cowt of livinr. 11a.w i• a matter that i1 iooreuiug .,.. wa.rrrRLD �.t.oRa PRI IIftiiO portanee every day and it i• a well It that he Democratic I rvaLrtRIIIO� coaP.t.II . i1 true .t.lln Y the companies majority put itself on record recornized faot that u with Canada DfD will never put any wire• under favoring reciprocity liiiL. All ..IIIJQ)U'I' nwaPA.P they are compelled and for free beef and wheat, but Over -ound until $440,000,000 Llll ll. and and · lVtce·l'reotdont lkiiiOI' Pr. .tdont to.,.. C61nada wu not wtlhnr. . to part.i 5l'tLTBR1111"w� loontar,. 'oi WI c. PBBK.. Tro&nnr. Board of Trade, the Retail pate and the work along that The liue I nsu ranee Iss d Merohuta' Alloe iaUon ud other went for naught. The tariff .. f..'r.r :_.,..:;,::.':Ia� � haa Life ue To,..., l l GaD aid in been brought to the front apiD, thll • matteroca orpailatiODI molt If they will but auoh tariff meuurea u wen ...._, - ....• r- • -· take it up atefPtetually their re,War meet- p-d were not in line with the �.. a.��__. v.- and paid for during _ .t.n a. inp. Tben il to be a dUeuuion poliey of the Adminiltration ud

• • ...••. •• the llillhrlal . • of town affain an early meeting it muat be admitted that 191 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 11 piau lliill ���· at DOt - bileo. of the Board of Trade. It would propo!led by the majority were n• L•.t.o•R for - by II 111 not be a bad idea if the repre.nta- of auured value . ..._.,, ...of "' " '""'.,_... n •• ilti'Mt. tivea of the council prepared them· Mr. Roollevelt h not worried ou uaooft.·M t.• • o.. u ..,.: '¥>':���� ltta. to uplain thill matter fully about the o011t of Jiving-nd then 18lne �ft{� at that time. wu no reuon why he ahould. Ed- . .... iting the Outlook hu enabled him �f, _!'!!�:··a. '!:: '� ....- . c•aar oro. c Under t[ no circum- to keep t h e wo rom. th e door, 11:fl �·G;l:.:: ltoro.�q?toro. If f w . Jltl'k ehould the andnen if he did not have hit ed- �; J��a•to 1 a-aot •••" . atauee1 \ ' lmproftlll8Dt. aritatlon in favor itorial job Mr. Camegie would be The Prudential �t:fn.TI.:"'koa�r' .l:.'�1a...... ,...... , .roo r. HYDBJII, of an utelllion of willing to advance another ...._ _... • t2(),000 ...... 'l'o ....,. .... --· ud · 1111&... _ the park 1y1tem Weltft eld to keep hunger from pmore .- ,.,. 111 be Sa ...... permitted to lag for a moment. Hill. So why 1honld Teddy worry .. • .., =...._ :U '!.. - ..... The majority of the taxpayen un- about the o011t of living when he ,...... • �--� fioation of the town will enhance talk of recall of judaea. • judge• doea A the value and the de1irability of The recall of not af- w.DJIUD 1', IIDOII 11, 1111. -- their��- property.���� ���feet the��� poeket of any� truat,�� it doe• �======� Several looal oraaniz- The arrument that the town does not aft'eet the rate of interet\ in ---atioDI have plaoed not need parke hu loet ita force, banks and it does not threaten the themaelvea on reeord and it hu diaappeared from the monetary intereat1 of '' praotieal in favor of the eleo- diaeuuioDI renerally. A publie men." The o011t of living il today tlon of women u vital queation to Jerwy, llarob park il not intended u a benefit a muoh more W...W. New 10, 1111. m�mben of the of Edn· for the man who ia able to aft'ord nery man than the initiative, ref­ Board eatlon. The date of the eleo- an eatate that of ltaelf miaht be erendum or the DUB .JJIN'IfmI reoall. 8aela a tiae we to your plaoe the other not far led The purpoee of a No one hu eontended that uy u nllliq. eal a park. l'lnt we 10t oD atllad St pttiDr reet Subway atatlon, allowiDr \loa il diltut and if a& daele orpniutioDI have made publie park i1 to provide the man one of the three hu any bearlq l..t , by FultoDbefore we could ret on, on aeoonnt of tiM uq 18leetion of G&Ddidatee it who il not financially able to oWD on the colt of livina. Their prinoi­ erowd:lla WileD trabaa towe did10 pt oD, we were paeked in like urdiDel, amida wwld be well to inform the publie a larre lot of land with bteathiDa pal function at the moment ap­ a lot of l&aliaD etreet eleanen,ud It �eemed at leut a thouaand othere, aad at 18llt Street, waited for three elevaton, before we the women 18leeted to be Yoted 1paee ud apace for recreation for pean to be that of an exouae to di­ on arririn1 of oould uoend, ud the air, oh but it wu viaoioua. What with for at the election In order that drell. the public mind from the m011t hit ohil nrt the aroma from the breath• of theI people and NO ventilation, truly I in favor GaD make a G&Dvua Wlltfteld doee not poee u a vital queation of the day whieb &laole iuffered from naDIBa and headaehe. And u for Will, howner doea of the Yoten. wealthy oommunity ud all of ita •till remaina-the colt of livinr. your huaband enr 1tand it, in addition to being abut up an ofBce all in Tben will be at leut two new expenditure• for public purpOHR day. Now, hit permanent oolda are accounted for. A hot ofBoe to a poorly memben to be eleoted to the of nery aort mDit be carefully t[a hunter t[ of wild ventilated suhway, then to your onr or under eteam hea.ted M tlat. ud in aeleotiDa ... for watehed and the money epent IWle ad animall Mr. Board, 'Roole- Oh for my nice eight-room cottage on a plot feet, with thl!ll two plaa. every voter where it will do the IJ'I!ateat aood velt, by own I 50:dli0 Bluderbllll. hia all improvementa with light and ventilation on all lidee in Weatfteld look well to the qualiftoa- to the greatelt number of people. venion, i1 an OJ:· lhould at RENT THAN YOU PAY-and then, too, only minutel tioDI of thoee who uplre to the of. What more logical plan then pert in the uae of the rifte, but fromLESS Wall Street, on a nomfortable train and alway• a aeat,� and a po. Tbe Leader hu e:s.p�d Ita than to improve the lite already thoae who ha ve 1tndied hit meth­ lible ehuoe for Will to enjoy a game of card• comina in ud out ou loe. the train, relievina hie mind from buaineu And then when you Yilwa reprdin1 the aeleotion of oWDBd by the town A site with oda u a politieian are quite IDl'fl t ret home aomething to 181-bt>autiful lawna,o&reL lplendid tre. and mac one or aaore women on the ao muy natural advantage• and that hi• favorite political weapon board, niftOI!IIt drivet, andall the New York City convenienOI!I with the be­· rely hope� t the · rifle uul t ainoe tha 1118 ao oentrally looated that aU of ia a blunderbUII. With a At& of the oountry. i will be followed. Weatfteld eould enjoy to the full- make recorde in theIll plltlon wu able t1> not come out, MClure a plaee like mine and Un u humu · 181Htinl men for the vae&D· eat the pleuurea aft'orded by ita wilda of Africa, but with blun· Whyahould ud not like eattle a pen. Ill bil beillfl t in record of euoh G&Ddi· lake and elllTOundinf play around derbuu he i• making aD awful lot .... tile put LoYinaly youn, dater. u have pnvioualy held pub- and ball rround. of now in thie eonntry at the prei- olloe ahould be carefully aerut- A plaoe that it now eo manhy ent time ud ao far aa careful CABBJB. Ue B.�h, are graded and one men who han ahoWD eouequaad,y breed many aerven are able to deteet he il aad P. traiDin1• I there 5 aeboold, ' ldP lllaeol bdaed. U muat r. Uaeir laok of appreeiation of pub- oaquitoea eould be pro rly aerioua ID&Ilul c. m , pe doinr any harm. lin. ooddlaoa the o l!ae they drainad the ftow of The rifle ahot directly to the '1'o l. L&Pup, tie -k , iboreulnr roe• � ao.1d be defeated. Ken whoee water whioh would do away with point carefullycontrolled ud it it WlllldQlcaAn •• ollloe wu that the Aoatinr aeum found on the effeetin. The blnnderbUII makea "WIIIalqtoa Beiclata, priaeipal reoord in New YorkOIQt. of abaentee ahould not be pYeD priiC!Dt pond ud whioh it it lm� a lot of amoke and aeatten amaU aD lilT ooaaideration. pollible to oonvinoe ltr&DIIn it ahot in m&Dy direction�, but r&re · are men who are ao GOD· not uhealthful. reachea a vital apot. Mr. Rooae. There 1y YiDoed that they are divine}J There eertainly ahould be aome nlt fond of pointina out what ap- 111 to handle publie park impronment. he oollliden defeeta in our pointed allain aonru- they offer for eYery public of. mental ayetem, but he it alwaye t[ t[ �in li- &oh ���� ����� re�� qp uto�� ah� be ------�------���t prove indift'erent after they ban TU publilhed ahowina what WOIIlJI'I remedied. OL1JII. honored and their ollloial no- the n:eellent aeriea of None of hit reeent writinp have Tbe Womu•a Chait, been Lea� m..Ua&, OD at tile nplar rare., comet up to th811' ute- -- leoturea, under the a ut· trated ord 1...... _._ more clearly demoDi thil de- aptut thIItt pa-nhue artei'DDOil, of the Board· 'YOW .Ieotion pledpa. piou of the board colt, feet in the make up of the Rough mu lot neaae. The oa IIOIUitalD The Board of Education' il no il a atrong argument for their con- Rider thaD editorial in the Out- vote Mttled the QUIItloa of veotta& · · ...te · ·bil clubhoDM for the PnMDt, ud the By ADOur RubberIeos Goods Get Department Good is thoroughly Ribber p..- for h t e wuvmo r. tmuanee. Th e 1eo t u h ave be GtMMI_! •--- -"'- -•-- rea. look 1n wh1oh he fran ly declarea 1Bu UUIUit ��� k lldla& Commlttea wu dl�ebarpd. equipped Syringes, Atomizers, Face Baas and It il a plaee that ahould be held by well attended and the mtereet that he il not ooneerned about the The pro&I'UII for the afternoon m everything made from rubber lor your health and a man who hu in heart a them eonatantly inoreuing. meiUll he believes certain thinp • mualcal oae. Bchumua'a "Man·,.... bil it • c r convenience, deaire to � of aetual bene· Good tute hu been ahown in t �e ahould be done and he doea not - �Ill . �� ·"R:i!'rt ;� ::rd� a � :�ec�: to eommUDlty. uleot1on of lecturen u well u eare how they are brought about. Mra. En licK. Collin• r11d, ant Mn. Ask to that special Hot Water Bottle at ftt bil m see 79C• The duUtlll of a member of the the topiea diaouued. There are a great mall)' penoDI H. N. TaJior Pl'lllded theat plaao. or that rapid flow Fountain Syringe, apecial Board of Education are e:uetinr There are a rreat maD)' people who oaJl look at the invalid and price, A.NIIRJ.U. IIBit'I'INo. 11.25. ud req uire the time ud at- who are willin1 to attuad a lecture realize that he il aufferina from ol011h tention of the member. one u on a aubjeot that they would not that the invalid The aaaual mMUq ud election U il aufferina from JAMES buain- emplo;yment that will take the time to etud,y in a printed of olllcen of the Mea•• Club of the G. CASEY, &117 . aome diaorder ' but it takea the man Coqreptloaal church, wu held retrular attendanee The ...... lbwte prevent h11 volume. leoturea haYe been of aoienoe to prepare the remedy the church parlora lut enola&. thelu ... liPOD meetinp ud oommittee edueatina they were enter- that will make the invalid a well m11t1aa wu well attended coaalder- juetioe aa as ID& the weather. The 'flrloua branch· work ll.e u a matter of to taining and the oouree of lectures man • • Rooaevelt it not alone • Mr of the work of the olab were dllo ------• the publio whoee m011ey be ahould be utended rapadlyu it in hil real.i&aUon that there are 11cUIIICI at leqth, after il aa which the fol- ahould not for the oolllietent with the avail- aome condition� that need bet�l'- lowla& olllcen were elected for the lpeadiac' , uk fundi comla& Jllr: Prll.ldeat. Your Collars and Cuffs ofllfl able for the purpoee. ment, but until he GaD demoDitrate Rev. carefully and promptly . · BtlllliOD; '¥1ce-prealdeat, E. H. Carr;II. L. uoh o e f th moner dB· by • '- ability to produoe remedietand -retel')', E. Thompao ; treuurer, v II hie a laundried ThereC • be no let Yoted to the ao-oolled "fadt ud adminiater ll'fer all 111. muat them he il not needed O H . up in the effort to frilla of modem edueation could in the White HoUle. GARDNER & . ...." VAIL U.a ooadi· be to utelllion of \.he ------Packages left remedT dlnned the with on W may tiou "OOmplained of leeture plu, whieb it a beneftt to us ed.nesday be. amo•WOOD WAlft' WOIDJf had on Saturda our noent adulta u well u to the arowlnr y . in edi· 0• BOARD 011' toria1 the matter of Tbe macnlftOeDt free The Woman'• ReadiD& Club and • 011 tale- reuration. the Towa lmprov-eal "'-lattoa 7«J 7(J Elm St. ud eleotrio in tlae leeture in the New York 8oprt 4: TbomPIOn, l9 --a.ou polee ·--J ...... ,·m of Ruthuford bave aam•d two wo- �tl of WedftelcL Tbue are a Publie it appreolated ud mea u ca:adldatll fC\r placll oa the • · Bobooll th 4()L ' 4()L DWllber of ta who aipaed made more utelllive u Ru erford Board or J:dacatloa and OAP:n'AL:rou aonoldore.s ll.OO000 00 ..-idea bebac rap- hl'¥e O&mpalp. bUlly doura· D for the dly pollibld• Ha.,.of Pllttln aolde atbo ortlon of arebl&llll alto lUI aoUve V&lq the � of m ' y enetioa of polel i &I J:�� \-ou'� po�bo aadR wUt ..,_ ealled bill It maadatol')'that nl."t::.lab't aalPt - a... �':.'Ywill belp ll 1Jrow. Ou�nklna r ARCuatomTHDept. UR H. LACK puWon. C What C beoome malllqwoma lllall l , Kin hal -N aeat'oa.lie th vt • Brownina, a A Co. u the .,..t lloard of ed Coutd a& �� :Y::�"::.:lu ;:��! Pabric8 8uola ooa41tioaa of •..Ita- w-• _ - - __ r��GOD�.J.�"- Summer Now woal4 war- .... 'l'nollltl ..., .._ are A for .Sprlnz ReadJ tl011 for ldrfelation a' to � tor 111hool 1110\ •- •• •• .. .. - • and ftllt Udl•oald DOt btl pmalttecl IU •• I' l'l.tAJDQLD. DMW will reduoe w-• Butherfonl lllow the .,...,...... ,A ....,...., SUIT.S to Tile tau 18t- r.. lltla that the ottheir ooavteUou.. ,., ...... ,.. _ 111.00 to 141.00 Uecl elM- ooet of ••,... ot m• sun. .,... ita ...... , wltb tile tlae UYiact theN are 11M a few who .,._ 11 Yeuc Ilea'• IIOIDpUT there elle lle'fe ut ODIJ ,...... , tlt.IO, ete.- 11.10 _. trio aa4 it wUl Two7Mrl110 nov.ld her ...... I!.!!.... liPt WU tittle tha& - BUICK"'rt: new lr.:fl:atod-' • IIPel' llltW about the aot woaaa hom 10bool �::.".,.:')!.,:.--: r ..r;'i. Y A P p 0 I • I • 1 • 1 .. U loq U tile talbd la eaapaip ba \llor a 1 r...._1 _ tlae whitlh other -·"if , llloaW "" tlalq .,.... · li!iiii'i -.,._...... , II r· -·-...... te - • Deaoeratle -·L.- - .. boanl. OOIIIINtll'ld w--..u .. I .... Cooper Square...... "'eiNtNJlp t Ooqrta lieIUdptrooC 1 apealal to • • 'I.M aa - .., Herald. ... rtlo !l tleo&ecl to Thin tau ...... - = : :::l ::: I .. or ... y -...... �'l. '!· �� New SAVe MO�ey LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF For I Mn. MaiHol Edward• left on Betur- "Dan�ln11'' 11 Marlon Trent'• � CHRISTMAS EXPENSES themJ d&J lut for Florida. tblo bor up" on pap 11. •eell:. "Looll: TAXES Mia Etbel Or&J Ia YlaltiDI bor OR unelo, Joba OraJ, of Elmer atroot. � Mr. and Mn. Jaapor ComiDI, of By Annual traell: moot of rtr .lde lAn o:r. nonuo, loft Baturd&J tor a Jolnlnl our Couaell to-morrow noaiDI. Biz two wee ll:o eta7 at Atlantle CltJ'. onata. lila Blaell:&rll, of lluelld &Yoaaa, Tide Seaaon Paaldi&& lila Holen WbltDoJ, of Plalalold, . 111'1.oatertalal q ber deqbtlr, lira. '• apnt tile weoll: 111d wltb HIIa i•J', of a- .&apt•, Cal. oa Buelld anauo. h11Dda Cbar... Wlftorblq, of rorrta Which already numbers over Mr. &Dd lin. R. TIDDJ', of a.aJid OD & II o.:r.toadld Wlftora bD· Royal Scarlet and Christllu Savilcs Cllh al'IDao, Nortb, ntartabled .._PI&M, trtp. II from N- Yorll: Oftl' tbo rolaUWilli: nd,n. Mr. and lin. R. a. Gorden I 0 0 0 D�P081TOA8 Bamaol Towa-d, prooldoat of tho daasbtar, Miriam, apoat tbe &lid join uy time Jtelore April l8t Poopt• National Baall:, •••• to-4aJ ad at Boonton. ,..11: Premier Canned Goods You ,�an tor a two wooll:a' trip Ia the loath. li n. L. Cook, of tbo Brou., tho lin. W. H. Willet. of Nortb ..... Plft at tbo bomo of lira. A. 11 nu , bu of Clarll: IAerJ, LCT U8 CXPL�IN THC PL�N o r-nroo from bor ,_t lltroot. GALL AND lila- ud Ia able to IHo about aaa la. a. Wlaton bu tbo coatraet to PARK & TILFORD CANDIES c. CoUDCIIIID&D C111107, of tbo rourtb 1tulld & DOW DOUM for lllnalo B. Ward, Ia able t11 out apia after Rodpra, on W•t Broad lltroot. be an ntnded attaclll: of tbo SJ'IP. lila J-1• of Htablud n• Tbo Ulr'a Plaoeblo Club m11ta at aua, roturald 1utTtee, Frld&J' after apoDd· tbe bomo of Dumu Ia tbo Terrace IQS two wooll:a' wltb nlatiYM Ia Jor- eoetloaDr. t011 l1bt. .., CltJ', HUTCHINSON SO NA110NAL OF mlFIELD Parll: BANI nd lin. J. H. Porq William Ballor, of Loll Anlol•, Mr. a and tam· IIJ, of Par II: atroot, will mol'l to Cal., bu beoa YlaltiDI at the bome GROCERS of bll eouala, Gao W. & N Columbuo, Oblo, Ia April. Ballor, of Wlft TeL Cor. and d . U r otroot. Oeor111 aad Jaell: Elliott, of DudleJ B oa 1-.141 BROAD ELN ITS. neaue, entertained a aumiHorof tbelr Koaaotb Harbi80D, of Brooii:IJD, frloada at a dtaaor on Baturd&J nlll· wu tbo 1a•t at tbo bomo of bla aaat, lin. J. II. rraaab, of Clarll: IDIJobn. J. Bebmltt will -D atart atr11t, lut ,..11:, r!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!:::!!!�!:::=:!:::!:::!:::!::::;=: worll: oa tbo oroetlon of a two-famiiJ Tbe bsad80mo IOid wateb tbat Ia 1 !:::!:::!:::!:::!:::!::::;=::=:!=::=!:::=:::!!::=�:- bouoo at tbe eoraor of l:lmor atroot to IHo pr-ated tr. Otlleor lleNeeloJ' &Dd IADO:r. &\'IDUO. bu beea purcb&.led from R. Shot· well, or Mr. aad Mra. Cbar'- Raid, of New Yorll: CltJ. 0. Rabw&J', apoat Buad&J' wltb lin. Mr. aad lin. Joba .&. llarr&J, for­ TEllS CONSTRUCTION CONrANY Reod'o olator, Mra. R&J II&Jbem, merly of Orebud atroot, ud ao of &ENEIAL BUILDINti on IADO:r. &l'IDUI, II. rlatbuab, tbo oDd IUIIlll• CONTRACTORS Let ua •tlmate on your ,lana. Hou ... ltuUt r.raa1e of trleada ••on,. Loao:r. ••II: a••a ue . .&reblo BtJI• to raproooDtlDI Up­ ... , terma In and uu1 •• eburcb Lo41o, .&. 0. U. W., at tbe Tbe otorll: paid a Ylalt to tbe bomo Weetheld Fanwood. Btato CODl'IDtiOD bolq bold at At• of Mr. and lin. rranll: Mollett, of laatlc CltJ to-d&J. Summit &YoDue, J•terd&J moraiDI, Offiee No. 1 Elm &lid boUDeiDI l atreet TIHI IDI&ItiiDIDt of Ill• Carolllll loft a babJ' lrl. Telephone Bladerwald, of Now Yorll: &Yoauo, to Tomorrow ll'IDIDI at Bt. Paul'• Telephone 17.C-W churrb tbora 81-R R.. ldence Cbarl• Howard Loa1, ot llouatala­ will IHo atorooptleoD pte- aldo, bu IHoiD anaouaeed. turoo of tbo New T•tamlllt wltb Tbo LoiiJ Pop Club of WootBold aoloa bJ lin. R. W. Harden . a , bad tHir ant mootiDI i.t tbo bomo llr. and Mra. J. H. Willet, of Nortb �;:;:;:;:;;;;;; ;; ;;That clau of t e pubUo of oao of tbe member• oa W•tlold &\'IDUI, ba\'1 &IIDOUDCied tbo IDiaa;lt­ ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;:;;;;; h Ia wn ;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;!ud e:a::that &\'IDUI OD J'rld&J 1\'IDID•. IDIDt of tbolr bau1btor, Berta, to Mr. kno lUI partioular boo Theodora Bl. llarll:tbalor, of Eut thi1 market the one aotfD8 A opoiiiDI pro1r..Sn pm• find whiolt. and foaotlDI, formed, tbo pro1ram of oraa••· it alway1 pnuineat a Buad&J ac:bool ooelal wblob wu BuadaJ afteraooa, Mareb U, obtain• utiafu­ bold Ia tho Pr•bJtorlu• Parlab Oa tion. WUiorf.W tho Balntloa ArmJ will bold their f Houll lut P'rldaJ eYODIDI. Je&riJ meotiDI Ia tbo Proobytorlan YOU find our opedal will Ho-rd Harrl• Ta7lor and J'analo aburcb. Tboro will TB, our that FRESJI L. Btrooll wore united Ia marrlap apoall:en and tbo National IHoStair Band MI<;A POlJI,TRY, HAMS, BACON&, L...,_L&r��:o o OD 8UDd&J l'riDiq at tbo Pr.bJtl­ will turalab mualo. eto., are ri&D M&DH, bJ I. BtO&Da. Mr. high.gradeSAUSAGE, ol '1'0ateam heat, aU olalll room b uMA: Dr. Hoa. LIOJd TbomP8QD and family, e:a::oel!�tnoe--and tha Webater. loutblmprovementa. WalDut atreet. ll. and lin. T&JIOr willW. reolde Ia Moat· a 115 wbo baYo boon opoadlas 10veral our pricea e u o poalibla. a clair. w e'::r;:::!� b�.��.f� wooll:a at tbo bomo of lira. Tbomp· ar l u .&moDI tbo 1raduat• abort �ll�o��:::a.avenue and Park atreet. Tel. UI-W. of tbe aoa'• parenta, on Broad atreot, bave Call and try • a eouroo of &lrleulturo at Ration Col- roturaod to tbolr bomo, oa Hlllolde "t 111 J e. B. Hullaae. lola are Wallaeo MaeMoanl• and aYoaue. . .&IIHort J. Hutlap, of tblo towa. , ompt rt..-ea .&Moc:latloa Mae Moan I• alao roeeiYed u b011or- lb hoJII a mootiDI ID tbo Bra houoo lut able IDIDtiOD ID tbl ID IIUOral 'fiJe • qrtruhuro. CIODfll •- b Mr. Walter . BruDDI 11 wu u• r ::•::dwu dlllouood. ��':.. :,::.: "':: . ·�:�; derod a ourpriM parlJ oa Moad&J... Lawren ovoDIDI at bla bOml, ID 8taDIIJ 0\'&1. Joha II. Walab, Of Hlablalld ... ce's .&bout thlrtJ 1u•ta wore p,_t ud auo, w ho wu oao of tbe orpDIMN ... ID.IoJed tbo ol'IDIDS with pm• ud of tbo Natloaal Baall: of Wo.tBold ud muale. Tbo alralr wu aleoiJ ar- tormlll' aaa hlor of tbo Plopl• Natl- Mal'ket �= � _ __ rused bJ Mn. Buaaoll ud proYod oul BUill, wu made a dlrootor _ _..,...,...,...,.,., ,...._,..,,=,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,,.,. ....______J'lrat National Baall:, R-Ile, a 1111u1Do aurpriM. tbo J l wllll. Tbo TruoW.' .&ulllarJ of lalat u& ·• 1111 Lull:o'a .&. B. ztoa oburcb, bold Rollert r. Hob111ota1D adJuatod o a Yll7 au-tal11. leap ,..., partJ ud late luura eo 1- l'lfJ eatlatao­ ooaeert oa Thurod&J oYoalq of 1ut torJ laat laturdaJ, throash tho of­ e. ud Waltar J. wool!:. Tho oaCOtn of tho aulllarJ Be W. I. Koolor are lin. .&dama, pr.ldoat: lAo ofTile companl• lata tod wore Addll Kla1,En -r•tarJ ud Mia Th•lila tbe . Woetch•tar rtro and.... tho Nall· al BID rrull:llD, of Plttabar1h. noldla, trouuror. oa ,_ It nov praetle&IIJ eortaiD from W.UI'I'IUI-TwOfor rooml "rUJ l'llAG4n•rallll· Tho am uauat lloa'a Mlaaloa­ .• . Ia roporll from Wuhi�D ed Uabt bouML&e.GorIIIIPtaa· arr Dinner will IHo hold Thand&J tho 11. II. P can latallt niiiiDI of aut wooll:, Marcb 11, at tbat tho IUII•ttoa ot HoD. William work of &D)' kla41 B. Tllttlo, Jr., tbat a commlttall of l&un­ o'eloc:ll:. Dr• .&. W. HalMJ will WA!l'I'IID-Dar'la youn• wom&D bJ 7 dreu; personal refereDoe&u tlrat c.._ AddreM •po&ll:or of tiHI noDIDI. Dr.lie throo appolatod to proiHo tho qu­ llc c tbo H., o PIIIDI bU from aa ttoa oflie parcel poot, will IHo adopted. 0- HaiMJ juat roturaod GOR J. t b -t DON tttaerarr Ia llnlco and will apoall: Mr. Tllttlo will probabiJ IHo one of tbo throe appolatod oa tbo commit­ on wbat bo aaw Ia that couatrJ. FRENCH : A H 0 M � :: BaiDt Paul'e IIID'I Club bal'l ID· too. : �Qed tho DOW rtq• tb11tre, OD Blm atroot, tor tbo two ant al1bta. Tho lt'I'ORII PLAYl BAVOO. B � AUTIFUL abow mombon will trl•• a mlutrol Lut atabt'a rainfall pi&Jed baYOC: Is Coming to Town at on tb• 1\'IDIQie of M&J I and t, wltb aomo of tbo atrooll of tbo towa. wbleb ouiJ bome talent will appear. Proopoct atroot bad lar11 bol• wuh· Untrimmed Hats Bah· and Mra. William 8'-1'11011, of ed oat oonral plae• Ia tho aew Custom ope­ Specialty waJ a\'oaue, wbo uaderw111t aD maeaclam.Ia At tbe coraor of Summit Work a - ration Ia Now Yorll: CltJ lut wooll: Except Wedneadays Ia and Boutb aYonu• aad Ia tho depot ,7,000 - reported to rapldiJ tmpro't'la•. parll: watar wubed tbe mud lie ud Herbert L. Abram• Tbe lataraattoul Corroapoadaaoa sraYolthe 0\'or tho aldowalll:a Oll'eral liMp CLARK STREET .._.. llldWIIII Beboola, of Berutoa, Pa., baa ID­ tucb• Otbor atroota were Ia �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;£ - TelephoDe . 1111-B- eludod lD their ahlbltloa at CUIJ'I tho -• ooadltloa. drUI otora, corrected 1-a and l drawi.DP made bJ th•lr atudoata• 1D thll Ylclatty. Tbo I. C. I. baa IHoiD toaehlq bJ corr.poadaaoo twn· tJ Jearl &lid DOW torlllf l•t U tbo OBITUARY. lducatloll&l lutltatloar&Dkl tho world. It olron &DJ oao thola opportualtJ to lfiMilh 4. ,...... _ to -uro a apoclal traiDIDI. Tbo d•th of J-ph .&quatu , 8&111 lila Bolle TllraAJ, tonaoriJ Jo a IIDD of Mr. and Mn. ta- atroot. -· atnaotor of Ia tho-.1 achoola, uel Joluaotoa, of Broad at �m­ ,.. oa• of muletbo -mllenl of Wo- eurrod ,.atordaJ·�· attoraooa - RoformiiW that wat fntatbl N. Y., aftlr a IODI IIID-. OD a apoclal Now•traiD Ill. Will t 1'11r•·1181'• arll: to bo TrelltoD,P. , to aueacl a hear- a1doaeo llll'\"te. paflllltaM bolcJ atwill pri­ The la-.1 lllk tf W•tlield onr 1o1w lie II YOUR BANK at a. B. Ho-. tho nto. of the &lUI JolatlN JtheadlelarJ lltata Comlalttlllao14 'bJ of tile 11111at1 Ho- soft, velvetry ·skin, with the ...... _..&lUI,_t ,..I.UoaoC "-ltlJ • A tresbneu � pro't'ldlqof u liN. o.nndo ...U. of of youth, distinguishes the woman who UBe8 tor...... _. theaall t...... _ to lltaMth• ...,. OouU ta- Joba lu d, laatord, � t1011 to thothe rtclat of daJ C. tor herpa.ed lloJu. &W&J a­ RENT allatiUIQ -•• o nr tho ap aalrnlp •••u.-ratq ..n.r at aa ofIll to of 11. m-laa!ord-.1 had A la eui' New V.. u-nr of w..W lira. WILL'S HEALINO CREAM W. D1111111t lla l'llldattiOII. for ...., p a. o aJoatrom baa hadtill bola dua of W..tael4 O....,, &aM "'" IIJ all wllo ll:aew Onuy . . .., uaU.II woratldapoa Ol'W ...... ,..,. Prolllrter-Mr· Not Sticky � A BOTrLB Not oodraod lala &M of J the '-- of ..taa uuela...... A llullud&Ill wo ... •� Kh'• ...._.:4of dra, = :0&-.-.:n..:r-� lutordo. '1'�. &lUI lid· �to 11r. ljoatfoa .... W. , 0011... of .....w H...., Ja•lpu•tM .. ... ward L...... :: ...... ,.... II. IL Do,... Nltll of Now ...... _,..... wUI ( .. ,.. _...... _ ...... ) .,...... ta Ia Ter• ..-u. u ,. � ,._.. bUI 11e U14 .. THE STORE " Mr I&W FrutcheyQUALITY Pharmacy Co. ...-a:�0!. ._.... '!:.!-::::::: tnlerrOW -Jq ·., .... at n.u-.Dr.wt wW. •. -..wNnSn...... • ...... :.. of ...... "•* .. _,.,...... Ud wUI...... M prt,..._ .....-- .._...... N. Y. wU11 .._ faaiiJto .. . 1Heepla1 tM 0b04,_ at Time JI'IN Pboae Dleeoftlr'8d , 10t up a lot of linea abOut "In tbe cloeed,baR utbalaJabed,•alp II liMed lU morniDI bJ' tbe brl1llt ll1bt, wben an4falllella It ptaancl tile tlla Garlleld blowe btl trumpet In tbe factabiDJ'. tllat It IJ'IW•• belr •-autr._. morniDI" In tbe campa� of 1110. Wb.. It Ia a • tlloroNbiJ'Gil 100 CHURCH DIRECTORY W8ltlleY. After oln-'n1 It a few UID81 tba If, � c-. lmputlal, andl'll'll\'111 pruttetl teat. Ileal bud. areeawood,trlaaY Paa ...... or. "Tbree-N&Uibl-Btx'· and tbe BoJ& In l!!atatl We Wilt J'GII Blull ..... t to . 1!7 Yov 811adar-Preao111Rn. C. I. ,.., 11:11 T:tl Blue revolted and a new tune wae Batr at ov ltlk IDftl7 a. a, ooncocted. In 1010110ne, talliDI tToale p. Ill. ... .UI'UCII lentce ftiiiiO .,. .. for bla cue Bob1888 ID1ereoll'e epaech .... Batlte .. wblla ._ J'OV ben al'lrJtblq llllJ'tblal 4olna to pln. 110, '�·�,.,Wodui4a:r ��nv pra:rar�.... m. M •••Uaa, nomlnaUDI Blaine wrote a falriJ de­ You better thiDk tbla OYtr, and I p, m.PLATIIlOM IUIUIDIGltnate .. tiMa bad ...... eent about "followln1 wbere ...Qldally ud - u alloat t1111 of· ... BAP'I'lft (Colon4) tbe WblteIODI Plume Wane" but •• It eo-You willID ba well repaid for J'GIIr Re•. P. ter. wu eet to mue1c on tbe order of tbe fw,l'181t ovr atol'l. Remember. ,... can Buaday-PnubW. u11 1 lll&da:r leiiMI. a. m., p, a. "Dead llarcb In Baul," It wu to Bait to R-a41el bla T•eada:r-...,..yer I ....p, & t Rlnr, lnetaad of to tbe Wblte HouM, pt aBaullt ou em.-TbaIa t BaaUC!OIIIIDulty ..... � u,.., p. a. that tbe "Wblt.e Plume" led Ita way. rratolliJ'tllll7 PllarmiGJ' eoraer Probably tb., beet remembered an4 •1m eo., tniMid oampal1n aong In recent yeare wu atraata. Drat eprun1 In tbe CbiC&IO oonnn· tlon of '81 Juot after Clenland bad WHY NOT OWN liMn noml�ted In aplte of Bourke Cocbran'a proteot BOL1' 'I'IUII11'1'1' HONE? CBtlllCB (a, 0.1 !Jenn·room all lfaw Torlc AYODIIL hoaae; tm­ 7:11. 1:11, 11 11 unaU barn: lot r, 1:11 aad T:ll &. a FIGURE .-a-ta;11011110. 11100cuh �a,.. T;lt a. a �, a. a Women's .._oPrloen monpp. P,IIOO; .:::U. t'I: ";Lru�1:11 •iam.oraa : aaL Best Interests UP ••;na p. ewery llhoulcl � �.-. :. demandllpal'l that women BURTON GALLOWAY � t p':'ia. eroelf eul'ertac N. Coafe&llou, Daa a...o. . ... obtainb Ina unnaturalproper ....._ t � r tu p. aafe R. J. •r••·"" ... tor. b7 aad the Rumber of you lleaiEetete ... ll••· phyolee l ilia Uld nerbtlp'IOIII Umla N. wbeadepre .. loa r. When allmenta would have ued the tele­ I.,._A- GAit'NOOD, �. oce.. eul'erille yuu ,._ phone yeeterday you bad IDd eom" to . o el'e otiYI one. if a-tiller tberce Ia ne ufe, re 7- and well-tried med C Firure the atepa and ti e Tl'alna leave Weatfteld m J'or ft•w . 1, it would have uved you. ' Torlc and Sl laaiMtbat , i!· 1.11, · . ue. 'in. t.u. T.n, < 1. r. . · : i 1'0t�",1t' •'Jrl �'i,.l,1t" 1 '&.t 1 1 C It 't pay to •·i '• u4il . t4t' 4 i,\\t a' l1' ,:f • '.!· • t, \ l I. out telephonedoeen with­ �·''····8uncla:r't· •. 1.11, . •.tt, . 11 . •. v, 'o\ ·.:�t. iia, · t.l �- •. �:.1. �.�: · �·i'tl:,�.li'f•i � ...... , lpeela) nlue womea. II It 'a ooovwent, and :�41. • ...... '· \� ..,.�Ci•.a• .•1 . .. . ·,f.l b u,:� w . ... el eo tr&la�. •. . \ 1. •. u 1'1'· PAVL'I OBtlac:lB (P, a.1 the ...... , .., lleeoham '• Plll1 ,_veto t e 08IIM yet it· ooata 1118 than a t;:,v.j�·�.t.�it ., . Ul ••. 1•. , B da llobool. ltltl · n HOI)'n �a)' .. t:lt I :It a. Ill. Ill • 1derln1 ; the7 thbe IJ"'toa llkl T.l!e. •�·� ·..!.�· r��• · •. f��".�al· i:.l: HW, om��nlon,a. lB. of day. J'or1. 11. 10.41·'." .P· m. a.m.· 811."d&J', CW&I'hel pful Phllacla&phla.t.n, ' "· 1.41, 11.41 a T :II a. a "' ��·· •·••· · I.U,••· 1ua.C:��;n :,.1•1l :. :!•.',�1 City Homea and Countr andrebewa b7 JOUtheir headllilhea, toaie, actlcaback o. :· ut, tua, ': � · y unlllai'O. a, 11.11, 11. 4. Hol:r ubea,,llt.itladooflllld...,. l'lbcllloa. p, m. t.U, tt Da)'a, t:IO IJOolao:ro.. m. c._ e · II .•. t.Ut Ut, a.w. Beotor...... �· ·�:!� L�i��o.U,-!! Ut,. Ul, ...... done koow tn·lua. ..aa; ATlftlllOWil,�ui .. .. .,. .... tllull, ' ...... Ia 1.01, 1.01, .. 1.11, 4.1 , y 'l'rT lew 11D11 the t.Ot, L 111lllnclan,.; 1 ....Cor. Ltlll Dowaor... A. a. 11011 (Colon4) Beeeluun'1 (l h eaatoa oaiY p. m. 1.1 , BL &Dd O.bora Awa. dl�whelp bow feeiiD . J II 0. Char Buy Pay-t III t. 8uacla:r·-m. PreacbiDB at Uld PIUI wtll J!Mir . �\.�tOll . a. m. I O� iii\ei��r:. ul . auaclar,p. llollool. 1:11 Club Plan ... •n•n. . v Cllrlat Badoevor, · .... tb., etreacth•· ...... t• ...or� r..• wop d, Pl'ayor . p. !1!\- "' tl r�r:- � 1.11. I. 4\ a. m. : '11·'1· aa T 1 p. uada:r ...una. J'rlcla)' Wfldnol

H\\ itC'hf'M,}' Pntnutrpa, .. Allour� !The nuri!>O,Brtt . hl", Hair , GARWOOD Hol \!4,M NNH,1111 PfO Seaeon your eoups with !It·nom. NOTKB. pure eptce.. mPetlnl ol School ah' fl,' luuut. CO the the OK SAYS··· II<' be fLYING put> c to AI A •oo latt n beld l..:HH4"R' nntnb-to The epicure moat oe entnc at irt�M nuutP np lid Hon>• tbe fol­ cam tor the l tom�rllmorrow will v btl rendered : onl••r. tatJtWIDeenoo • prn nkrurlnl. added flavor of any dl•h. Mae Hau; qnartet, ��ell.. ,....., .. J'laDO Ml ••Mrs. W. 8. llelllaDDI Br Heir .,..__ ...Jrl. A...... coweu; noun len 1MfRCURY eolo.a.latiOD � ...... , ...... spices ARE oriOnMaterial; addr Equipment-. "Tlut Eleanor M. lngram the ... FHial Our best II "' to the liltllelfteJ ol of Aatllor of Chlltlrea'e .-.ot Dr. Ma:dmlllaa P. Candle ..... II. G,_ _...... 1," ; queotlon "' and tbe • CKAI. E...W ,.. I- 11 ,_ aon; ooprbOll,ano eolo, 1111 .,era br Dr. - DR. IIAIU ....., •• .... duet, Ml lin. A.d -.. .,. •lo ln - Beckler an JIIW; oo o, r b o .-er; l ll . Bol J ; N R,4Y W ,4L T E R S bUB 10U Out ttade oD wil l cbarpd and · A Aim l!llll ad· ··- �� ...-=---- N s THE REASON---lf'OW.I. l be U'el' ':".'!� Nothln1 t, ...,..... Any queetloo relatlq � CRIIIOPODYPAJU.OII8 He bad...... batt an___ hour to ., unwhol010me haoded to prlnel·to JIAIUCUIWMI ever a place tbe a nd be d mueHe ca IIJme n11 Edt Jeney1tr.t or flnde IC�ool"''loualy,o, u w ll bronpt ahlate. id lt. &» P ah•d Ia 1148 l'bM\,. ,at. OroozmanDi abend be will be- , -d• of H'bobO ehelvet. ,.. D r. be ear. The tbe -" Pr!el.l lo PTnt�ton lllloabttll on llfnet- crowd •-naetl oat I 11• our anower t a t th prnper t1 me eet - K i.atr J 1 e tbe and fell all O'l8r blm. Oldoe lloun,110 I. lndarw 110II forl' bl._dr llldtb tto prog ram. ne I n•rtJ tilT bl attendance peDDIDt WU WOD BaDe-' '- nclt.cleralf." wtnl) u�• week the 4th 1rade wltb a d "-Tv IDarYelDlel1 enoap to bold ptrte��teK•wa byor m te f t lelf lite aadl- monthl9y 7. 7. of Prlnel,al tort u , I be lt report a qaa l lltorrto llad aot recent h IICMMU8d l tJ Tbo meet1n1 of t e lftll q blood. IJ lltteoulr d Olllr- OaOODDII 1018no, ot�; rttheuratton, took up In detail tlpol'tl IDIIII m DDFELDTDATI CO-AUOR RUl'l'l QOft.U L:II IDd at the headlln• o .tt NAml ol u lnK the toea! teboola f 'l'U.DBORi tol lllrd r nn IDHll�per. tended ller dark areathe wide ft• n.� t hole laot IIChOol JMr. The 11111 l1llaiiiC. ber10ftl lpe aJU', , ftrill no prompted report on a.A.JI'l' _.._ to telqrapbetl to 120-116 BBO.A.D 1,..._., "-&•uoLD R. l. 11atter to the board beea an Baller,• Dlell: ue "Bed be .. with at leaeoft a d ecl t paaH. '"l'en word1: valllnr Car'J'Int •p..-lonetttaeno pr that t l blline In Oeorata he .,._.______, �------�- - - ol l.erotl raee.' Tlla t ------..,.,_ tnotltutPd In the aebool1nnmber du r- line lbape. Ia a 1.-!rt...... ( tbe lut year, looiiiDI for-rd n.• . r. Illrallt nK ota dard ol them were M ftNDeb dellberateiJ 11 the n at t to iiJ. Jlleed lit about aD unuaual coll'ee-pobad ll:m ap10111MIDI brou�ht to the l trlct. retO better take JODr "'-11:· d Tbe rt ''1'011 ,.vn4 o tbe lmpret- rut. lile adYIIetl. "It that • Ia u -r to wuwnrluotveiJ and that lnetead - Jail IIOtlclDI atraln. While continue to the prices such staple articl erroneoue npendltlare tbe Dlell:; I t .., lllltneedlllllt-•tetl. we ea aa IIDB uououally h l h mllh Butter and Eggslower we still mainontain am d I 1 the quality. 111,... eaplta8 root ol r&un niDI the tcboole 11a f Balle7'1 a bl at MWlout. -• I Ia eap. flrllll tho paot year wu o�er o 1 worll. llllet olile relt bet -ld -IUPJN8lr SPECIAL-THURSDAY, FRIDAY .SATURD ,.. ooot lower than It baa been for t AY fw.... tlaua ,take aalie lnJund 4: In the blatory of tlae bor· dotbe liiOIJital. are ,._ to 111h. Je&r The ft ure to tbe report WhJ Fancy (l; e J'OII pattbac Creamery Butter 30c !rom the annual llnanclal 1tate- � Ia IDJ' cnap . I!IIII IIJ?" ll&:n with br tbe - "' b't tile aell:ao Ib - ftled the State dla bow," wletled Fancy Include tbe two Item• Sweet Butter 36c 11tct�Cb andool upeooe, I. e., COlmalut of boolll laelpa..Jr.didn't to dlltar11 11111 Ib "' - an t1 and teachen' talarl•. taW niiiJ d -··"'t'll colt Dlall.t b DI r-utflal._. .an lit oapplteo,former Item the averqe i tboap for EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! be a hll J'OII. 6t­ ,..II tile lor t he live , .. ,. pre'Yion1 JlalJer I didn't llllow Fancy Ea• ..,.. pupilN r waa For tlae lut Uli:ed LMtru .... Freeh 28c dOL l eJialr. oobeolto tut J It wuU.07. $ 1.14, a lt ll'ened n I Key•tene'• Own BNftd JMT reel\MUDD )lr, not l'frelaala antllel•t tat.Jal8reet BIIGon." BNftd th1t o'"r 60 per t•ent lo tbe Item of " . "' llaft blm wu ODICIa tile llade Buen Fameu.. " ''The lathtra'el oalarles th averqe co1t ," ltrlp• and half 1trlp., llolb. e to"'W tile ,.. Nr each pupil for the tame _.llalra. J lor tile hre Lar4 fuU JOIIftd per wu U3.33, while for lut JMr llllfiF willber !lead, ..... alauap nbJIIt." pinta, MCth IIUIItery ID a 11111 'Mat Jiq ._ • • • ID ttwu a reduction of per tbe • • • lilatlirtIii ,_. eotr- � , .... , GU'tHft T1!b8.63,t coot per pupil In Uboo ll:l, ._... that .. lllle _,..... 111111a •ppl._•L teachere' •tart• com· ltIterro ele.tlftt otlpatlillea q, ..._. lorand laot ll•e 7ear1 Ia u fol- -for al lit IIIII abe ... 1907,the uo.u; nos, UI.OI; _,.tile llorrrJ'OIIQ amaaq•,ltllcn&P. , remembertac m: U4.03; 1910, llder"l, anet. 1peeala Keystone Butter,Eg& Cheese Co. 'llllfart Dlellt 1101, The averare coat17.811; from 1811,08 ...... ,.._t wu � 111.17. 18 ._� was wblle for lalt Bat lbe 43 ITilEET to 1111, • ...aarou DOt toourp Dial!rlled. IJ111patlletkla1o 1'11 tbe coat wu but or are- toolled ELN t.bat ol 32 per cent17.87,t IJmpetbetleaiiJ, neUoo Jr. 8o an.r fact whlcb 1hould. not loat ....._ll:tut ·II• followed eoloretlII• Into Jounala tile Jl. -�A ol to tbe lnoreuebe bru'7 Ia lie conalderlol , tbe 'l'elephone II Lbe aggregate amount ull:ecl for TU&I"HON. llaDd. 811 W acboola to tbat practlcaliJ twice "What.. tbe -ttill' wltlatbe old YOUR• ORD•M · 1111muy eblldr n are belal bandied .-u..u tlilta OI:IC MAT TNI IIIII Of TNI IIYITOIII" 'c:==:::aOIIIO lillllo• �t:hool todeaJ than were bandlecl � "Be -rntqr lte - - two , .. •r &IO. taDOCIMd,. waatahef If tbebe dole builD- to , lib�'t wbat IMtru&lll lie -OI'OIALI V-IIWALKI 0. E. NOTE&. oqbtWbat'l to tbe -tter Ialila?" ..... propoaaltroa will recel\>td Co1111clJ of the Townbe of by BLUE TU fwJIIDilr IL tlaooll ...... wtt.b llultd PRINTS J n or C . E. will meet In 'he Town Hall. onWeatftaJd. lll oaday. t1lnlq .... OD IaiiiJ'lllow _.. at o'clock p. for tar- We Mt* u ui aual 'l. J., al the have installed in our ollic81 the Sunday mornlq, at �r.�l I, 1111. I m., u berm!Pt .-, . Office buildine, a complete newequ ipment in P01t "Toe Dlald& Be11 fteld,�:.::-u,��.� .• durlna·:�r�b:1V yeao.;�r or:,� ;::: II o'elodi:. �oee�r tare blue prints. Any ai&e up o for makiaC mld- weell pra,er ud oN.ur J y eompanythe ferlilt . t -x-J.• rl Rei" wlll required to e Tilt meet Ml"t''lle 1t. et auaranteehoad U.too.oot&Jth· 3114 feet. o1 of \be Olilrt.Uan fu.l performance of contract. -ration temiDIDe be the IHta•or w ll 1held In tbe chapel IIPeclfteatiena maythe at .A.1J tM IIDJI&)Iet8 ..,_. llloe A. lurn;ror, Dunham i atbe o loell T•plc, of Townbe exaMined th• & Colllna c landQ. -lal•etl ·• W.Weetftold. Vara. N. Ill Cln'lltlao"'- IYenlog T t 8 ' ut?" The Cou c rl•ht ,. eo lmooy that. Countl." "WWar abe wtda .... Proape�t litn., il tbeJ. Ltader, ... tloL lau be Wlilo ..... any or reaerY••hldl an6"to acoe pto .. C IVIL ENGINEERS B. M. GallowaJ. hid may t1eemed In Inter• 11 wttla llta"Wbola ""' fHt an t anJ . eat •• the belt lata .._,... Me _ ...... of the Naw Olfloa W£STFILD, N. J. Clfo ·ctarll. -wbat aot a nrenIMu Uae cb ,.. Ia laiNt t.o CHit.Rl,U Pnt Blltlillat March !'! do not tllowl4 1te 4111q. Weetftold. N. J . t, I II I. ftllllet. 11 tile...... nadlla trt�ADd lae 6t­ •-•-u-r. .. f1.H 70n "' bllD tile Dlell: . to - Qa1t8lllaae aPut . be ataredftlwell. an. • ber u Idle tnned a-J. to Uae _.... ,... IMr dllw. IIDt preaeotlJ followed lte ltW boldlq -· ''DIIII't roe tileWatt papert.alloet to ....S Ute YWturetl. 33 ELM STREET raoe?"81DW11aM tlloqb laer lull• - Jllre. L a u a A. Bo&l• J. . r V. MARSH TEACIIEa or ILOCUTION Claee er Prlwate Well ! did you know this store was located Len-• C:.tnl HERE 111 An. T Such good looking Shoes too, look at that WENDELL C. GLOVER Plue Ferte lutncter LADIES' WHITE BUCK BUTTON SHOE

i50 St., E. FJ'Oilt lor T...,_Ptaiufield. . N. J, 13.60 There seeml!l tobe re so fnr o t of WestfieNOlcl GOODto a n r going u purchal!le you .... L. B. £WEN shoe1. shall buy my shoes ...... I lt ... ., ...... HEREfuturI e ...... in the .

, WELL! WELL! DID YOU EVER ! ..., ...... , ... v...... y. 0,.. Dilly a...... 7.10. .. A. II. .,_...... c-. _Ia...... V. J.A. L&CBY, Ma ....rsh .....,. 18.10 P. JL

...... , . .,.._. e. llelldle. ....It � ciSvtniH.• m I ...... llawe... RQped to ...... tlaet ...... willa ...... - ..._.. ... lila � IIIINe oa tile ...... -:e-,.. . .-.r iaetltira.... "JJa4 ...... , ,N _ ...... 117...... *· "'laftt.o-.r...... _.taoITo� OaatlauU The team from New Yor'k Koko WB8TFJRLD J)ICP'BAT GIRLI .utfii'I now lead the live man team• at tba PL BLD National tournamentIn with a aeore of The Glrla' Hl1b School team defeat· m"de Monday nl1ht. ed the Plainfield Hllb by a ecore of 2607, to after a bard foa1ht ��:ame. Canlleldcouldn't let ble ball tte G to The16 I 1lrlo were out to beat Plain· head pta Tburaday nl1bt, and hla local field, but at tbe end of tbe lint half oheet aho•ed two aparu, two apllt• be and mtHeo wltb a total of looked u tbou1b tbey would IR. dloappolnted,It but by line team work COAL ais Miller 1ave Co• one or lbe wont In the Orders promptly for all All the aecond half Ptalnllald lead fllled SPO RTS afternoon llcktnp Saturday on tba overcome. At tbe end of tbe rat the IAtnt N-• In wt.l II Garwood al!eya hi enr recel,.ed. half the ecore atood 10 to In Plaln­ sizes. The best grades and ITilEnCI, lll-llll, IAIIETIIll, 181llll, .EY, PIOl Jack took every 1ame for four Mtlu fleld'a favor. Field 10111 wareI made of three each. ror Wntlleld by Gladwin (1), Pur· clean screened. ae- Swanaon and Sallander, of Cblca­ salt ; foal pale, Ttca (8). For BOWLING from bla waatarn trip, and con Plalnlleld,(1) llald 10111, Stewart (I), quentiJ 1otrt tbe •rt• 1 to ·rhe 10, bold lint poattlonIn tbe two men If are 1. Moy 1 ) ; foal pall, Stewart you thinking of b lding New Yorken pat It onr tba Jer•J nnt at tbe B. C. Tournament, (I), A.1116. Tba Oermaala ( ui I'II.&'I'DJf.&L BOWLIJfO LIIAOVII. boya In tbe llrrtpme by 87 ptu. Tba wttb a ecora of a house, say Tuttle Bros to your ...... HCond pme wu a bummer, conald· ll,.e, of Fort Wayne, leada wltb 1141. HOCKEY . .. H.l. W. L. arlntr canllald fall doWD wltb a ------dealer. He will know what you J'enlten ...... U t t71 acora, and prond a bll load to tbaI� BASKETBALL OVBR . 11 ... CRF.8CIC1f'l'll WIJI Jf.'k A. Y. C. JtoJal Areanum. team, and tbe -ad l&mllwu tack· By defeatiDI tbe New Yor mean. Woodman ...... 111 11 17 t10 ed &WIIJ Staten bland bel by WJIIII BY 0Jif8 POift, team Frld&J neniDI tba Creacnta . I II 177 ID for tbe ...... It piDI' tl!e IIUIIOIIT apln tied tbe Wanderer& J•nton .. . W•tlleld and Summit Glrla' Hllb cbamptonablp. Tbe 1ama waa rut .a.llaa and Canllald apllt tn the met on tbe Summit WOODJO:K WlJif OIIC'DIDIof the final ;or and tba ,., ..School team• and tbroalb brtlllant playiDI of Lilli· 'l'WO fl. courta Tbaraday afternoon. Summit PROII OIUI ltora plnniDI atrlkll , ·t•l a 1p oor� ton, the New lloon center,tba Brook· ltJXI 4 wu ,.lctortoua In the ct t pme n 1. for a 14 pta l�>ad·, 11111t1 tba aeoon.t one ty tt• were wtnnen .e to Tba bowllDIlut nl1bt betweentba In pta Yed at bome• 18 to 11 Ill•Huel KennedY abot tba lint pal In pou rtrnlda 4 to tba aplendld · Woodmanand Janton waa nrrmuch •trike n·l a, work IOft;l'of b� tb team• Smttb carried oil' the bonon u. bar 8.08; two mtnutn later Lllllton abot below tba atandard escapt In tba HC· tori llald 1011 duriDI tbe cloaeof tbe lint r h rln'k to tba wu esecutf'd f or tbe lint half l.llta f om t e center of tbe oad match, wblcb wa1 a bummer. llltd b 1 If Pr ove d t 0 be e w tb I nl Dl po · ; Peabody ecored for NewYork. DROS tbe Jarii'Jmen led bJ plna, two 0 ca1e TlJTTLCCeal, .._..,, Jluoa' Jlbt.erlal, liD W_. . Wiater, J. lllllar and c. Ortlab did U W•tfleld waa lin polnta behind at Tben Lllllton made a 'moat brilliant ...... li wor'kand doable centurl• mt•• and apllt aptnat fCtnr bill tba o of tbe lint bat and pat up IODie n nlarl.a put tba• l'tatn ���•n� team 4 cl ae t an1le abot that wa1 roundly applaud· . were l'tlllateret bJ Winter, Beaman In th .. •e cond, wb•�·, wu In· a nry 111r 11me In tbe -nd Olllee ...... St. ud Ortlab. J. lltller milled �• b1 If• an d pr.,.ented any ecor 1 01 to ...... ,.. ed. ard C.I'MI' WndleN .An. erM� ..ue d to tbe al1btb. In tbe HCODd period Lllllton -t Y 1•1'1•1 IIPIRIc. •- In tba fourth and llftb tbat r ithen 10 IIepa rea d one by tb e S a m It pta yer • · ...... nra 1 tbe pack out of a rartmma1• and tal· ro'llbld blm of a 100 mark. tr11lda l plnniDI wtnnln1 chancu wen tbro Goo the nlntb ••ad tntb. •nd �� WD lied In lin minutia of pi&J, d· Tile were weakned bJ h• ll••••· lloodaway tb roul b r ova 1011ouan - Yb win then rec11tnd tba rubber on a Junton.a.rcblbo ld and Woodralr nnd a route by drl•lnlll !1l1 ecore1 at time np Howarth, ba•t downeotnplttfl the alla :rwfor tbrH tba •lattora and tbe pall from Peabn4J and It w nt MIDI out of oondttton, Tba lint wu atrlkt'll waa 18 to 11 Lln1-ap: !11111!!1!-B!I!!I!!!I!!!I!!!I!!II!I!!I!!!I!!!I!!!!!!!!!!I!!!I!B!_!!I!!I!II ___ B!I�!!!l!!-;;. all tba AJ In th• th frr tblrtJ 1.1J v •atllehl · 1tral1bt In tbe llll•· tba Woodmen'• w by I• ' ·7. SUIIIIIT. Relnmund and Coae put tba·puc'k ptu. u won out the MD- of plna. WJCSTriJCLD. b MC A lineb1 oollatlon ulo wu then M"ed, ia ror two more tallln and Wall made T e Jan ton atarted tbe ond E. Gladwin . Ill Will m• I l'Doler tlta dlr...,do•n Captain Left, , , ...... rorwar, d. . an IODI Ibot tall7 wblcb 11'1'8tba 11ma wttb tbrM atrl'kll and two mi-. ol �·ora· 8 I. H. .... H. to the Crncanta to • wblla tba woodcboppen all mar'ked. . Pearsall ...... Bmltb This Ia the Season for L•oA retu w rolled Ur· Tonl1bt tbe tie will be played and • • Millar lient down atrlkll In tba lint rn match ill be d Rl1bt rorward •• IDI tba latter part of tbe month on . . . na the title decided batwMn tbe Wan· tbrM fram11, and Ortlab duplicated M. Tlce ...... Ill Pea ll ...... and C ecenta. and at tba and of tbe Kill Kall Yacht Club alleJI, A. KJllmark ...... T�Jior derera n to tba fourth, s ---·-- - ·------tba•P llftb tba acora ab•ta abowed tba Port Richm,.011ond. .Centen. . . Woodman ptu to the pod Win· STATEN ISL.A.ND, 1141. F. Wittke ...... •.. A. Conatantlae FRATERNAL CALENDAR. ROLLER SKATES I . terll wor'k wltb atrlk11 for four lltelnrock ...... , . IOI 161 111 Rl1bt Guard Mafth, UUII. ' .•...•...... bam• helped ,.errmuch to cut doW'II , ... , , ..... 1U 111 G. Ll1btfoot .a..Hall GelMI . lGG U Upchurch Lod1aA. 0. U. W. til of tba llnydarltll, and . , . , ... , ... lU 171 ue LeftGuard e bll lead Kibbe . 11 W•tlletd Lodp Odd retto-. be plnniDI ID tba lllltb put tba Jan· Horton ...... 17t 171 U4 Field 1011.-H. Smith, a; Wll· . . Flrealda Council Royal Arcanum. a ton 11 ptu ln tba lead. Good apar· Ver KraHn. ... 181 1U 171 1 lama, ; H . PearutI , Gladwin,II. U Get Them t SNYDER S 10 ... Pride of Our Fta1 Council D. of L. ' ,.. tba Woodman 1 pin lead I. I I; Ill. 0. 1q ,. 11 Central Council Jr. U. A. tbe al1btb. . . Ill 817 To tal • · ...... Foul Tlce, S. TaJior, • 11. IllTile nlntb opened wall and lllllar, IU 2; 1011.-11. I; Atl11 Lod1e F A. II. H. Pearull, 1; Wtlllama, 1. 18 W11tlleld Conclna.t: Haptaaopba. "later and Arcblbold .bit tbem tor riRIIliiDill, 711 Refer llr. Ill.llartln and 60 Cents to 13.00 MD, 14 - Companion court Lady ror11ten. bat tba Woodeboppan bad a IIIIa 20 lead and were 1atttn1 na"oaa. rontlr ...... , ..• 114 111 111 Stanford. W81tlltld Lod1a Odd ll'allowa. . . 21 p1D 1ut Allan . · ..... 114 110 lOa Menno Tribe Red Man. lllllar miMed a apara In tbe bJ · BLOOifii'IIILD uaty aptlt. Sn7der mi-d wttb Canlleld· · · · · · · · .... 114 II 111 Loyal Aaaoctatlon. • 170 111 118 WINXBIUI. atabt.a Beaman 10t M'rtn and It Baker · · ..· • · · AD tntareatln1 11me too place W11tlleld Camp Woodmen. Tobin · · · · · · · · · .. · 181 181 lU 'II: U Star of Weatlleld Council D. of loo'ked bad for tbe Jad1e'• aurep- Saturday afternoon at Bloomlleld A.. 17 Ill; . be- Atlu Lod1e • II. tton. Ortlab ecored for Coli, twMn tbe Glrla' Hllb School and 28 11' .t: A..0. een rolllntrall out of form, Total . · · · · · · 117 774 I ll WHtlleld'a team. When tbua team• U Upcburcb Lod1a A. U. W. wbo bad b · · W81tlleld Lodaa Odd ll'ellowa. apllt for nine, and tba lbeeta totaled Staten Ialand--41· 1trlk•; 81 lut met tbe 1ame wu a tie, and an Il . J718 Flr811de Council Royal Arcanum. l apa ...; II apllta; II breakl. e:�tra period waa nec-ry to decide Pride of Oar rtaccouncil D. of L. SAV E THE Bbotwall for tba cellar cbamplona, rtrNid._ll atrl�•; 71 1par11; tbe winner, wblcb won bY tbe W•t· •t1bt apllt. 11 14 lleld team. and Satarda7 the Bloom· aot u apllta; brea'ka. rrank Millar wu plnnlnl well and lleld player• went In for re,..... Odd rellow'a..... Hall­.. ...__ PIECES pt two doablN that helped a tot. WOODIOaJif AGAIN from tbe atart. Tbe home forward• cantnl Council, Jr. . .a.. Winter bad atuc'k In Mna aparea,bit WJJIINBIUI. were tn the pme ner1 minute and o. U 11. 10 Captain Sn7dar tookbla Woodmen uompanlon Court Lady ll'oreetan. your broken glasses tile wood for and rolled up 111, aeor ad 11 tbe PO 1nta d ma e. Marlon 0. tbe Janton w11n wlllllen bJ 1 team to Garwood tut Wadnelday • Upobarcb Lod1• A. U. of ud nl1bt and met Garwood'• repr-nta· Ttce, tbe ,.latln1 center, wu eliCIP· Pride of t)ur rta1 councilw. Dau1 b· and bring them here ptu; total 877, and much ucltemant tlo al17 100d on ma'kiDI foul 10&11, ten ol Liberty. pl'el'llled. tl•a and defeated tb- two out ; � 11 lO of 11,.8 :,� � loaed to In fa,.or Weatlleld Lodl• of Odd rallowa. lor new pa ir. When Tba bll and oniJ feature of tbe three l&m81. Tba ptnnlnl waa :; �� � a r and tba m• did not run much Bl llaano Tribe Order of Red 1ut pma wu tbe line wor'k of Ilea· poo P Tba WNtellldera 10t tbe Jump on 0. you need the services - wb tallied 101 onr tbe hundred mar'k Weatlleld Camp W. 11111. � 11,.80 tbe ball and tied tba acora on Ill• w. Tbla tcb ,.. Uaa WoodQien'a Ba11ott•1 book turned out aparn Gladwin, • 1011 aoon after tile ball .a.rcanum Hall- of an Oplil'ian want the best. atart to llntab and m .....lllatead of mar'kl and be wu pat In play. llluStone tbn put rlre�lda �anoll Ro7al .a.rcanam. you troaNut wee'k tba ..:oodmull ro tbelr wu ao dlapated wltb bla 117 ecore her team In tbe lead b7 C1Cin1a foal. Loyal .a.-latlon. Jut match wltb tbe Royal .a.rcanum be tald olr tbe -nd In fnor e bodJ waa full of ucttement Star of Weltltld Council Daa1b· · oftbat llanntq, bat1.11 came back tbc; l!l'r ry of .a.martca. CONSULT U.S WOODIIIIN. llnal. 111 wben Ill• Gladwin made anotber tie. Weatleld Concla,.• Order of Rep. W•tlleld waa penallaed and Ill• and you ne�d have no fea r of tht> result. If your lllller...•...... 187 110 177 Tba WNtllel4en won tba lintand tuopbl. 111 Betta ecorada foal 1oal apln patttna fla7darJ...... 110 ua 110 aecond wltb - moat peculiar oo- Bloomlleld In tbe lead. llany at. lluonlo Haii-- sight is not what it was or should be, call, and Beamer. . 1 .. 174 117 101 tnctdanL tempta were tried to add tbe conted .A.tlu Lod•• .a..11. we Ortlab...... 11t 118 117 Tbe wutba Boroatrblteafrom Ollart Pro'rldentr. "' r. will give your eyes a test and tell you just IID&I11a1a11. wtnnlq polntaand aome a ceptlonal· 1. o. 0. . 111 111 171 atart to ,,. ct- lbota, Jult mt.ect tbe bat- Jiii1Uilllna what QQ ...... GARWOOD 'keta, ooncn. is the matt4tr. My time is yours. . • .... Ill 8U U IIMtl na aoYALPou AIIWA11rth Thurd&lfl Totala . .. . 1T11 I S weet ...... 111 lOt J aa t b f eon tl me ap Illu Rutb leaondat and Araanum of JUNIORS Packer ...... lU 111 111 Betta ecored another point and &" " month I p. Re,.ant.m .. In Hall. 0.o r. P n • a 114 l"'rat• At :t ...... ••..• 11 13. ?�rtr• :Vif_Bro�w,t., . • � ro � .r..:,r� ...... 110 177 Dupn lU 111 110 Bloomlleld wu wtnnen to at. a • Bbotwall . .. Collector. , ! A. . . . T...... • • 'i BRAD Howarth . . . • • . . . . lUuo 118 Conn . 114 111 110 Lln•ap: · Y lllllar ...... • 111 ua Bai10tt . ' ' . ' · · ' · · 117 lU WlllSTrllll..D. BLOO.Ilrll!lLD. Winter · ...... 111 Ill 11\8 lll llll1 Dl ...... 114 111 ...... •••...... JE"WELER AND OPTICIAN Woodralr ....••... 118 118 · E. Gladwin N. Stone .A.rcblbold ...... 117 110 114 Totala ...... 114 70t 7U Left rorward ...... •.•..• 37 Elm Street We•tlleld, New Jeney . WJDBTriiiLD. H. Pearaall R. Betta Totala•...... 71t 177 711 Rtabt rorward lllller ...... UO 110 Ua Tine ...... R. Wbatman .. . Woodmu--41 atrlk11; 78 aparll; Sn7dar ...... •... . lU 111 111 'M.A. KJIImark ...... Jobneon t apllta; 17 brea'kl. Beaman ...... t4 111 101 Centan II. Janlo.. atrl'k•; II apar11; 7 C. Ortleb...... • . . 111 111 111 r. Wltt'ka...... P. Cleland -U . . . aptlta; brea'ka. Cox ...... 118 114 lU Rl1bt Guard u . - G. Llsbtfoot•...... •. II. McDon ald &liD Totata ...... • 711 711 188 Left Guard WBIITIIliUIBRO IKlBAUB WIN OVD AND WRIGHT Jlf.&TIOf!'AL TOUIUIAJODN'J', rteld IO&Itr-R. Betta, I; N. Stone, OOX a; H. Pnrull, 1; Gladwin, Tba bll matob betw"n Chart• I II. S. Weatlrbarl, of WNtllald, and Bill Tbe National BowiiD ._..tlon roal pat.-11. Tlce, N. Stone, SpringSaturday, OpeninMarch 16thg &obaab, of Raritan. and rran'k tournament opened BaturdiiJ ntabt In 1; R. Betta, GladwiD,•: 1. of Cranford,and rrad Wrllbt, of Reo.oe-, tbe auditorium at Patenon, and will Rafera-Mr.I; lil.Martin. For ella, wu rolled on water'• allen, at continue threewee'ka. 1000 bowlen Sale by Leadln&Dealen AT ban entered. """"""'"""'""""""'"""'"""'"""'"'-"""'-""�""'� "'-=""-""-,;, -= -""--"'-""-""-""-"'-"""-"'-"'- ""- "'-""-=-"'-"' "'- _ ___ Platnllald, llonda7 nl1bt before a fall ,.,,,, ,... bouM. Schaub and WNterber1 were Tbe openlq nl1bt wu uclall, _ M�TAII..ORINCI rare form and defeated tbla fut for Patereon teama, and tba Poat Of· »aarIll lour out of lin pm11, and licelin were leaden wltb1111. Behaab'a a,.erap wu onr 101, EAST LAWN DAIRY Another matcb ...,....d oae Ia bellll.U.,.. AUG. on of tb.e New Yor'k Woodman ,.•. Ro,.al Arcanum nut DANKER. Proprietor , ..111 U TUNday Dl/&bt. Schaab , , . 188 148 111 7 Certified Milk 15c qt. Home·raiaed Milk WlfltlriMrlr •.111 ua 117 Ill Chapman wu beaten for the lint 9c ql. - - -Ill - - time In weeki. Cenilied Cream • Rich Heavy Cream ..... 401 Ut 187 ao1 401 ll.x 20c l pt. 14 dpt. , Totaa. r1ac1 apacta to ba,.. tbe new al· Freth Churned Buttermil ...... 181 ·111 1'70 171 111 11'11 raad7 llaJ 1. ' k - - 6c ��. eo...... 117 171 188 Wrllbt . 111 101 , __ DAIRY OPEN, 110 BROAD STRE _ _ _ _ _ Tb ..-pe ET • wlI l llnlab tbelr NOW A Style ....381 111 881 aU 7ear In tbree more matobea. Exhibition Totala 310 "SPECIAL" WESTI'IELU EGGS, CEN of ronter out to win all tbreefrom 30 TSADOZE'N ALLRY tba WoodmanIa and Junlon to holll BOX PDIIII'r'l'll. I PURE MAPLE SUGAR, MAPLE SYRUP, HONEY AND return matab bllw ...tba HOODd OJ &o�a. CLOTHES, HATS AND 'l'lle and Plalnlleld t.lleJ Botll tbe Woodmen PRESERVES Weataeldllowlen WN rolled lloll4t.rbos ntallt at team• will ban m&117 rooten&all on tile .ue&aua I A a ' aN IN G IV I a PlaiDileld. Tb.e team put allan nut WMII: L all over tba Q•-Araratcttr men and . Y II 0 DEL y FURNISHINGS . It 81 ware lit. Bmltb worllell 11ar4 and pt oat ecor ao larp tbe defeat pill tllaa 100 · Tbe "Oid H tilewu doll ·- a bitter for Chipman'• team puabed blm okiN. -" to •wallow, .a. return Qlateb ·will b• for Young Men that lbot on tile Brot.d lltnlt alle:rw aut W•tll•ld bla t Plal.lllltld at Men and boll all.,...,. , tu 11,., maa ir���==���==�==���=Get Rid of That Tired Feellna -'11:. but loet ..1.11.,.. and tll.rea'team, man are up the minute-and the matabll, tile to prices W'II\Uilllt: IUCATBJII Bl' �'raP lomen aaptared priM BOX BAL L are right. lft'ATU IIILAJIDl'lreU COliJICIL at BoM'I boa t.lllf8 wttllU&e 1 Tl: 'rll.e coaacll1 4e, of W•t· 1"; � Brlnp You Health u as leld Statuaf lalaacl, Jtlcb· Well Entertainment DIOIId,ud �Port bowl· ...,.._ -' Ul.wtU1 COME AND TRY A GAME TQ.DAY a WN tiiiN wt&ll 1111 Dllltebanlt.lld TbandaJ Ia ,,... lq ua tile Y...terllar,t.t t.lae Olllcap_.,.., Tuella aUtre � 8aUoa ,.,. Advertlain& in the Wllll\k't'led tile ...... ,.. L&rqo u•1114tn411ala ,.._. .. tile._latilt Box Ball Alleys Leader an W111atber&, wl&o \II,..P u.n.. l&olda ....., .,. plaaa 18 ., laad DOt ,._ne4 wwaenrw veatment-not a •peculation. PllUI:RDB IIBft F'lRt.: HORIJfB ON JOB. BURGLARS VISIT Wll111 ulled 'b7 Tomorrow TIU.CK . taU•• If an7 alla4 LM4111' bMII...,_. been epurred IIIlo nen lna P'lrMide Colln­ The t ld by ReY.TRII: W. alue �11 will bold <' THREE HOUSES t�t�tab lell tile ldlllltiiJ of tbe 'bwralan,foaDit 10 hA• In re rd to two lb lr HYentb annual In­ otnryhlo rerent anmonDr. t"A. tbe l at lut I _ .. door meet. Orator I'R"Urton ttrtnt'e BbVtct tbe pollee uld tbat there waa no ellle, It pIa 101111 to e Carr bu worked HayPo Inand olllclalo, of the old ! on bard ; Rt-l and 0\'.,_.,,-No . tile P roel to make tbla tbe belt m H lRl.on \Dartoue SSubt«te towr. lbal lt thou�rht tbe wonk wae dOIII billmeuurPB Potllhllahlnl l ner llren1enlire horae that bad bMn eold to a· 811""'""' tb• bald and Cl- to Work Oa •' by a 11111 that ban 'been operat1111 111 .. he a bOOII to tboeea lbe prl- are nr7 nluable milk dealer, lollowln1 the apparatua for all ..,_.,, til ud will avnnll. Tbe I!Yenll will con­ nearby towne lor aome time wblrhthe to nre, exemplified lut Thura- !1 On Mond&J mornln& tbe comm11t1n Ia aiel �r potato, ANCING le one of tbe put. rural dlatrl1ood•cla, deiiYer ed thr -le t.ed, aack, dQa afternoonwu by the local lire team at tbe elatiOII were furDiabed wllb J&rd dub, I0- ee 1reateet pl aree a 11r1 tbom tn have at a'boul on• 7ard hurdlea nee. andao­ D that hae been relepted to road worlr. plen tJ to talk about wben the contln the can llllow.ea Tille atal• JOIN'I' RALLY. DOW a alooUDI match. Poet antriM. a ratemalla that lb17 ba'fe Tbe AI tbe bell 1&\'11 tbe HCOnd lap tb- pnt that ll IIOIIDlalll &\'111111· Pl'llldent J. J. llarab, of tbe COIIDCII room wi 111111t, of courH, ucepla tile .. eompa��lee. The ll tbrowu ope11 to faltll lul borHe, wbo were at tbe time way arrlnd 'flaDd liP old tbe newa tbat worlb ...._ue, baa plannod a Jo8p­lllt thetbe T11r1117 a tbe frllllde or thl bememben Trot nd tbe Grlaal7 01pr.expr�oa rompaaMI wbklb at bltcbed to a dump wqo11, wblcb tbelr IMHltiOD bad b n Ylalled b7 a rall7 of tbe Bllaa'betb ud Plat11tleN 1117 Dear, wblcb are -llall7 na­ prollla JMr J, If proapecUYe candldatu t:ao. & •� la e peat I enormoul i are Y l D balD loaded wllb atreet aweepiJIII 11111 of bura ra wbo bad climbed 111 aroape of the l ...ue, to be beld -ID IIDOWII l11'f1te tb- o li I, IIOl ODIJ Of thlo btll •a-faiiJ for DMr tb e corDer of Flnl alreel a11d tbelr wl11dowa aDd, walked out tbelr tile 1-1 cburcb 011 ..,._ID to allnd. tbelr na&wtlnn-.'beea 'butDM 'be. lf'llht doun But tlae Wwtlleld &YIIIlll, alarled 011 a llop doon wltboul fMr or bllldralloe. 1111, llareb 11. Tbe prlllelpal111nnd11J .,._. A!flftrlL •- of lllelr lacll of belllllJ . 8been ,..,._ tbelr rep­ IIRLD IIBBTINO. for lbe lire boll , 111&111111 lbpe dt. At tbe bome of J. II. Waltlb, 011 er of tile eftalnl will be Dr. K. tPD J'or It McaiiM of Ill 'beaulJ ._.,. nar-lll penlat· TN 11111111111 meet1111 of l'be lll•lor tallce Ill record liJDe,M 110r could tbtr HlablaDd Ullllll, lbe tblnea llad A11dereo11, or Plllllllleld, rormerlr0. In C preaal 11111d ..tblllcII qa11llt1• tbal duo­ o DOW10 •'7 loel1t7 of lbe Prw'b)'terlu .. ltopped b7 lbelr drlftr 1111UI lbl lbelr lro11ble tor elr lll paiD lh17 W..tlleld. Orp��lat Alldn..... ot II ­ u art All arll aboald •lctory ll a allorl. cbureb wu bald TbandaJ lire o damp Dothlq; p,_aed.. U will If pall ColllrMI arter��oon . b 11M reached. Tbe -•red It lbtr .... . recttal. afillp l II tbe belt lbat 111 .., wu will a law. I &be 8011•, at wblcb Ume W&IOD ntrered 'b7 tbe r1111 aDd me bMrd aomeoae eomtqa. ud 1111&41 Mnell, Udpea taiiJ to oar lmaatDa·a. aad become Ia Pvlllawere elected u followa: Pr- 111 at tbe IIDitlb wllb two of tbeca troll aooct lbelr -... after uJIIIIWIII OJ' Uolll. T1117 aboald ell'fllta ud omcenldell , lin. V. Burlll; etr, 'b7 the rapldllJ at nerJlbiDI 111 alabt ud dolq • -•ft BOARD 'I'RAD8 LADIKII' MD -..or atlmalale 111, and wb111 u llllLP Ul'i'IUM . p itdllll, li 0.J. Brewertlrlt; -li 'flee- Ureawblcb tbe larDcaued from WMUield neDIll amo1111l of dam.... of tbe J11nt i'M n. B. d 111 l'bla Itart Ia '1'0 Ladlll, Aid WIJ, 11 Tbe of -rr..e wlu llold ftl-,...... 11t, lin. A. Ra111ll11· Nortll a'fftae m•de. Tbe rHidnoe or P. Ql'b'bJ, 0 h bu8oclet7 0.,.,. Iaiitno ICIIIIW to aPPII'la rt 'bat a retarD 0. 1'. to wu udw. A. Drtaler, tbree 111Boardeet1aaa, to wbleb lbe electedfollowt: ...... ,. llltll rl- Tuller; •• Hlaba&Dd neaae, .. to 'bar'barltla aDd 111lmallul. w. -•PI are ID'f1led, ud at wblcb lbeoiU- WOI'Il• -:hom e_ l.- rer, llltll bma Joba• 011 Mountain n111a1, did 110t Iter Da7 ' Yl preat- 1e tile q-llon Ia, "Are 7011 a 111 d pr.rllllntl ,;���� year, to11; forelp treaaunr, lin. Cbart• W..ll7. At Uae tint umed bollH1 11 of lbe dltrerHl e . w 01.,11 .' ee- FOR H U S E S Howner If 7011 tbe towa will be dtaoa-'4. ot · ;., -retarJ lleDoqall; eeenlllrJ of literature, 0 . 10It wu roa11d tbat tbe Ylalton bad ••· •�"�-81.... Joo d r.ood • t�urer' are,nlprtuT" 111111 - out of , Til•Ill 11'11 tile llltll H. WIIIIIIDI. TO RENT tered a wl11dow after belpllll tb-· of lb- m liDP will .. beld Hunt. · •...: are frllbUuiiJ lacilll111tell, Ill eal· 7011 ee a ba11d10me cloak ud a'bout tow11 ball 011 Kollda7 n1111111, tare10 lbal 7011 doa't l111ow ll. OilKaNia G. W. ..,., .. wo r to b of allnr, made aood tbelr II, lbe otben wUI be beld HapPJ an lila llnoraDl for lb17 ltlb, llld K117Mo .. ANDBaiON eeeUOape 'b7t WIIJ of the baell door. d&J, April IIODdiiJ, call Dl'flf - tbemHI • t ao1111 ll willU. c-u-,..... At tbe Driller bome tbe lar... t A tbe tint meetiDI lbe olben - tbem I 'f U pertal11laae ::r :.�-�0 �- ri. r: baal ma e. lin. Driller, wbo ulled to at•• tbe = ! � J � �� pa mllll faeteAt lbe --' o0 fo · pal lbwuelr loea atd a'boat t400, the 'flllae 'beto lbelr de rl Publle. l Will InO... Chancery,lt ... Notary ...... _. of llal allnt tbal wu taken 'beald• lbe Hbool and llltWJ, 0.....1 � called upoa and at lbe,.,..._ lblrd, "Oltr'­ Om � a ba11d10me onreoat belo 11111 to �� .! a will II ,. :::� Court ud ..... Drlaaer. Tbe all'fl r 'bore tbe llllt· B ulldln& nd Cll7 PlaDDiq" w-•·n: �.. lie ._ .. DO NOW  lalaMr. J. R. D.. Tbo aame tacll were aubJeet of diMu•loD. o- •• hn .... uaed bere u at lbe other placeeca 'fla­ '"- · ...__ ...... -'- .EAL I!ITATE ... ID'foll���a!� ����···�::.\ ,r;.�onee, ONE DOLLAJt PIR YEA• Iled. •• IT INIIUIIANCE_!!!!!!

Greatest Furniture House

Giving Wonderful Bargains ls Our Way of Showing Our Appreciation of Your Patronage SeUlna durable, well-made fundture on ten. ahr ar• at ud m�--vina pric:e& won for enviableUbenl nputatJoa of bll!ll hu ua tile our ol frltBda AMERICA'Sour GllEAnl!T FURNITURE BOUSE. We want all 111111 MILLc:elebradnaIONS OF thil, SATISFIED our CUSTOMERSarti cl oar 49-51 e b1 •• to Join 111ltocll Ia at prlc:ea which63 d meaDUllli'YVIIII'J. Evarr JOG. MA�K:"li;'\,, '\,HIEl'<. N. ST J• REET lmmeD18 II IIIH ked tnmend0111 avlap to New York Store Block 8th Ave.-J5th to 36th Sts. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY

AHa-..; ALWAYS "I' HE LOWEST WE l�VI'rl:t CU �JPA I�IMO� TO OUR trNO Red lap• NO Clab Fees._ NU Stri11s NO E1tra Cbr&ct CUSTOMERS 11 Tltis Offor I Ill uy IWI AJml Durtq tlllll . AccounlJI opeaed You aaay furnillh ,_ W.· verary Sale,, 111111hdher .,.. r rom $6.00 t. t al t l 11111 room �ff:;:E;$;� ,__ Ia ,.... •l..:t r ul n,ooo.oo o• ��;;;;;;;;;;:;;�� AcValueu Ac:Value• w If 1111 llewe eloMd lA, MIJ •ntthl"' JOII .,..,. eq ..­ pletely bJ ..- weeldJ r" IIIOdl 111111 heYt! lidded • m 11 II t: 60c 60c: "- OW 1m-- It to )'GUf auyaieat.. to to l9c 7k ll 7k bill In u OOLUR SIALL Dozen Dozen ...... free Insurance-A recolpted will f al'flnw .,....In the )'OUrof aecoun&fomlly- bewiihoul nu" amd the bal Cllle ut Geetlo ur llut •....-mer yc�ur ACCOUNTS eatn ehar1 ol anr ldnoL

St•mpl n (iolden Sldoboar4 " r . ,, P•·efp • • 111u•ht.•e . t·w.blv••• •r•t'•r•• . aUII ·,J of �le- �t. �!t101111� ��':!! ...1 ..t,•taatlal r � c €<1 top Quartend Itt . nl n· 111111 ""'" 10.95an h· 111 �:?.�.1 elra"'ere. and e 'banlatar a I a h c: o ���p;jli� lone; • & e t : '••·•r 1.24II e, ·· rench wllh uclion ; 1! :.�., :!�i:::r I mirror; • �·!·� h � • & • pe rln• 'lll!!!lliiil�-lrrf l .;����� ,.T�l•,_ •ale... Ia• t el email uddlt rdwoull . . ae· llfle and .... Ylll'J ud eub· .tine; ...... Urr•Hr•oak, diJiploytthelna. \. l e . ...t ; m•ko•• • ••••.-•••r, taaa. lab lr pol· l&ullaliJ 'blllil c J ,,.,.. ..,. . .. . na&· h and hlalll7 pol­ ,J; ''"" Clrt··-···. . ;i... heel •. ; l!u;�tll Ia . lohed. nil c::olor ; ,,. ...•.. \��t�i!�, hod lac Chair liniell. olden l.:.hild's High G Roll �d�e Wash Stand I. 19 $20 Actiiiii i2.H Value ''"·"'IIq .. , • u �1 1 tla d.).lenslon Table�···· Cbifforobe Aotu•l • ""n•• .to·•'•n.1•.-uf,� Pt"·--····� "'"' ' of nltt , ''"'•H·ottrh"''r:' ...... ,. "···· · ••••u•l.., •• , ""• • ela '+'· o o•ar\'r4 ••• I ... .v ... ••h·t!t)b­ '"" "'•,,Oolo•"••••• to...... 14.49 . .. .I'. . pull•�•d.. I Ut.!ta.a, ....""• ..�...... ,, lrr uall ••• . ... Moll...... and , .. Goldu a � �···· .e.•.. .• ltl .,...... , ...... lahh. a &• ruU rod•, "till � .. IIlah1.2 bull.5 ...... s...... _. � wtth ...... ,.k• ...... :.• ...... " ..... "' e&d •l une e• .. � ...... adJ ble & r • ) ...... r • l "' . � r...... ,. ell'.. ...•trnu.. .. :!Si:z�E . \ ... , ...... , rt It•I• for .. ... , ,. u • . . . •....a IIIII .,..... •• H.....rdt ....01' ...... I It . . ,.��� ..,..,_ ua. bu•-· . Otlaer. ... •ah•rBed u,.... "'"' $6.50 Wblte $21 i1araateed Sale . Keductlooao .E�-ReducUon...... • Brass fop Bed Bed .....• Enamel 75 H6.00 &ru. Hdriaer.aor ... . ti.N ..... _ Relrlaarator 11.11 P,71... .. l.Jb1 Jt I • • allr. 10.98 Beotla ...... �-.:...... s:r-:: Lift . fiUII ro...... -...... $17Bedi.641. .·­ ••• _ Ill ... IUI ...... ____ Relriaoraa. lUI ... 1.111 4PT ...... _..• • • ••• >ZO.OO ..Dr­ ..l.!:"-a.:-:. .... 1:::"· . DOUU ., .... 1.86 ... .._ . Dacia 11.71 .... � ftYU " ...... :- ... -- . ·2%.00.• ·­ . ... m: --.... Dacia u.•• ...... -- lbda r.'":"'.C...... lUI "t:..� $26.00. .Brua -:i . lU...... �. --- tll 'fiiiM...... lUI ...... &.911 ___--.. - UH.&O� . Be­. ... 131 \'III . U.II ·-· a..ta...... •• -' ...... 22.11 ...... ,..,. w ...... , . ..0111-...... 111 ..... L.9 - uo.ooBedl . .Brau aue ...... ,...... _ • tie...... lL71 .. ... _ ____..... O DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF NEW JERSEY �---- - AVT _ W!tJA ••• �! Olve 4« Tradlq St•m1111 A.ll Pul'ciJu•• •••••••••••••••••••II ltll !•rn•d l, U0,1U.U; depo�lta, ,1,013,1418.48; dividend• urpeld, COMMmEE S97.60. Tbe We1Uield Truat CompiDJ' cat­ T.a. 414 ,. FIN& en to account• lar1e and amall and FIE FILE REPORT Pnblle woreblpllcaptlor& Sunday Chnrcb. mornlnl aollo.lta aavlnp aceounta on wbleb ln­ 10:80 o'eloell:. Rev. M. L. Stlm tereat Ia paid 4 per eent per unum. of Weatlleld, will preach. The dlrectonat of the Weattleld Ctll�tlement of len and Size �t:D.D., "New Condition• In tbe Orient." Company are •• followa: 1t'ruat J. Dept. Ctmdltlon of Ellulp­ SundiJ Bohool at 11 o'eloell:. W. Prealdent, Rleltard l!eol•; vlee­ The Westfield Store and A. DlmpeeJ, auperlntendent. pr•ldent, Robert A. Fairbairn; Yl Westfield, Plalall�ld, dCW2rated for lhahbJ' ho.. In aud takea. IDto lluter tnt4e.le llel.q h&Ldlome IDd tile LoD.dOII atudlo lite.lobo R•d the IDIDJ'· �\'e Aor•te coloro4 .....U-"AIIa.foHJlorl," 163 N. J. lleUito1 lltoclllao• rllllJ tor JOur bJ' William Morpp, rormeriJ le U.- De DOW rutJ ... aG'artiBemeai 011 a& .l.TI; a eo. !!