![THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County WUH'IMLD OW o y SF.COND YEAR-N . •. , laUIIY, lBDlfUDA'f, II.A.BOB 11, 1111. 'I'Wm.Va PAGD-1 OD'II QUESTION TELEPHONE POLES "AN EDEN OF PACIFIC" RESIDENT NURSE PARKPRO START PROTESTS SUBdECTOF 11p Talent PrtHntAND COl Bttlll Clal11111Co11pany Ia Ptttlnt Dr. Pttterton TalksLECTliE on Wo11an'a Ct11t�ASSURED a111 .,., of 1ft "lla- llttta t,t\b at t .. Mtttlnt Lar11 Ntw Po Tlllat wall" to Anotllltr larlt Start F11ll ..Io iii tJtrust Sides Ita Pro· "+ L11t Ewenlnt Art Unaltllltty AIIIIMN!t IIIMI ----- ----- h0tt11 .tt"t THE PIOJECT WANT WilES UMDER8ROUND "PALESTINE TO-DAY" NUT IAYOR FAVORS NEW AIIOCIAnGN FORMED DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS INVITED Be theBalanee t.rae or Small over Aaets ,l,OOO,OOOeOO SPECIALS TillS 'WEEK BestCreamery Butter lb. 35 cents Gre-letM •········'1:- , ., ... n ."-I a Jllr......... .. ..,_,..!� ':;.-.-.. Jlf, Y. lt ... =� ::::.··.. •.. ...... ... ........ ..... C... .............CIIMM -= :T..:�� · . � .......... _ ... cr.... u 1 . .. ... - .. - . ....IW. ... !: l · 81•• 3! . .. ..!!! 81- W Pia• .. .. ·- ... �. .. �:r::..'"r :-=..= .. � . &: - . McMAHON'S··· IITORB. B�AD liT. ..._ II80AD .&PCD PIIOePIICI' ....... .... - .. , e BUYS One of the$5 coaleet 000and up-to-date00 home• In Weetlleld. r t It Why Will you coDtlDUI to pay en wben le poeelble to OWD JQDr OWD bomeT IIDll. Tbla boaH bu modern lmpronment, ellbt l'l'ei'J ,_, aad rooma and llall llret, four bedroom• ea ..... tbree1141or, oa ud ba� aa4 ODe tbtrd 8oclr Han� -lllaatlea .. 08 . "-'"- tvee, llarpat'l hardware (&1 .. ll:nobl) arUIItlc d-ratlone. Hlab pond, etreet ha'I'IDI nery lmpro'l'-ftt, _'l' ..... t to ......._ d ._ tbala four bloob to tbe elation. u Determine to own 10ar own bo!De. LUt latarday tbe attraetloll for tbe ahtldrea at the hllllo Library, WU A. A. wllo li tbemre. to tbe Watte.number at•• 011e eel of Wm. Se Welch &Ollleeo Son .......... We ,....ai,..Wtyef CLEANING, DYEING PRESSING .......... Werkand ...... ,..._. a a.�.tW.otert 0... c:-e- Are0...leo&........... Pt c.u ........ ....... SIEDNER..,... .... .,...,. to thl8 tbe Mayor e tad been ta-­ bad electacl on an platform, but that be fa'l'or­ lia lmpronmeat, that all Tbe deolaton ID tbe of �a that tm- cue . You Ever Used Ladies'If Homenot, begin nowJournal at our e:xpen1e. Patterns? Your choice up of W..t­ Have ban come tor Worth et al, tbe Town I!Ut p, wu n. Ba­ ban met wltb con- lleld banded down Ia tbe oppaeltloa, eo r ooDIIrmed of the patternt mown here, without charae eltlq Ute - preme Court y te day and lret ecbool th lo wer boUH, board tbe declalon rendered ID tbe atone ro ..,.. v r ade, oil , courte fa o of tbe plalntl.ll'l. r. atone o w lampe, . T 1J1 -atea tbe plaiAUh d al , l'-bt8 aad prt repr town. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Kboo l e ll:e s. .. ln tbe Tbe l facllltlee. He ltatad and Ol r eo­• tile houee p, Q. ecov claJtU I bed met oppoal- tlOD wu brouabt e MARCH 18, 19, 20 kt tftrebat we to r r were a ll proud of It tor tbe remon.l of eenral treeo wou Soatb111 Three simple, etylieh dnian• l be of t.he park, edd• trout of tbe Worth property oD " •eb e w d Ia ed ae fa'l'or of It aad annae. Tb- were remov wanted hl8 a w tr- laid poeltloD publlely wbea a e ..dewal ll: wu 111a the property by order of troat of Ladies' Peasant Blouse Alpera believed tllat tbe lm· former town ooaael . would he p to "a-t l r ADVAIIVB Dell atoa Ladies' Dress Skirt It G.th eL. fa'I'Cmllt CLUB lor abutUAa proper!.)' lire. Harry N. y wlll liere ma to d Ta de pay a areater D11 A YU08 C:lab oa Ladies' Combination Garment or the e te tbe d r roet. rt• ... aut, at their b-e, OD Ladiea' Home Jourrv/. Patterna are limple a Pleraon made a pi• or tba etrolll ciQlm Papefl wlll 10 Improvement, �'::.t. 1141tete read Com· liJ ch th m 1 Preaent JulmoD on Iatere ild can e tlt unlmpr 'l'ed18Jiq laad MeL. Rowlud leet o o : ll D� Alu. uee with eatiafac:tiou. l n would wttbIa • • d re W'lll be lmpro'l'ed � re lill'I'�Dte. llaalc and drt!IIDllken elaaa or a r nt be Home Hwen pueraUy prefer hou- tbala a a feature of tbe proar m. built tbHe, wouldtbat be In aad :.,;;;��l!l!l!lll!!l! .... them they like ex� the :er:; """ to are drafted, iuat ble __ eecl �':"::':' becauee the In - ..._ua,.ah&- tralU' ed atteadbl::':�a a aad ,._ a penaive individual patterna ueed the hiah c... mQre tbaa r-ubler taproYe- ..,._ ca ry tbe by O.wald ateted prment deeipera. l�uettmu p ��.!� llltlon or wu of tbe ropo.t-, of 18bbt.� coet RaMell DOl Ia "0'ta DO It, ud Mr. &lordportUAII. Come tomorrow mak.eeelection. No red had beea WU t.qt thetown .,.Jd Olp up. YM 00111114- tbat e ea14 and tape II tb tbet lie hla b<>&rd. llr alUM&D WU DOt -no obligation-timply have your Coua lm aot tile 0011. a...u... bad IleA be dtd meuurement probeble ot •at'l· Ifu rec v at 11,500. lafol'llledbe wo ld taken ei e your pattern. OoUDOI._. vote for tbe puk ._ IIJ8 with plled "If uad Mr. R...U. o-- to e · r 1 ha'1'8 It ....., wblo�.. �-� the pan WQuld ad Joll,bold � tbllio reqqtro to pllllw to._ ,_ - lt.o Mr. Decam11 .... oat ., utpol I'mo a aotto• f aalliiiAil were p JIIU'll: ,-DeCamwuP U ll ltchtacoot toWII Ia tile o t c a lbe l1alac 'l'ota Oo:- 76 Street,· �- a -�•&M 11 for d -llwell, of .....,.n10. u 11 Kreet. �. wlllell .--... Browa, aveaQ, IIOtbl F. H. S h efer &NO Co.,POOR GOODSEbil .. AT ANY Westfield, N. J. m ro....u.t,of �'bat . tile l p � �en 011 ua. If*'- _ _ ........... �heUioM'**'..... - I '!D W..,fmLD LU.DD, WSDI'IIDA1', M•&OJI 11,Uti. preTIOUI lmpereona­ ert.l new aud allOietber aonl rea­ comiDI eDI�ent be will otrer NT· MIN Oeor1e'1 drawu llet of fMta wltb they ard ab10lutely Inhuman toward• ttnn, have beaD Amuaementa to the wblcb front ......... ... ....... ...... turH JODI their anoelat an think ootbiDI of "polite" life, that very I&Deral ID­ wblch he ba• been 10 prominently T....- . 114·L e d looked tor. The eeeoe of ldeotlfted. Tbe re-appearance of the 1endln1 lonoc4'nt.. hoy to ble death Iereet 11 AND OLD EVENTS Ml t..w' lalt! New popular opera favor te, Ml11 an older mao, the pllty one, ··within the In NEW comic i beeauH the tocbaracten are AT NEW YORK THEATRES Amelia Atone, who, wltb Armand hal not ae :ret completed h 11 ervlceo York. and all of tbeee are eald Kal111, will be eeeu In a dellghttul to Japen. Alto�rether It Ia a very An•erlr.an. Bonte to new typee of the un­ PLAYS WORTH SEEING ope,.,tta entitled "lion Amour." 100d etud:r of Japanese entirely Edwanl C. Wiote Ideal. be pro­ Otbere who will contribute tbe Mr. Whlteelde Ia to play tbe part der orld babltat. The mo•IDI Carpenter le-"Return w aD 9! Peter Orlaua." Proetlbr patron• tooo tble of Tokeramo, the mao who Ia 108ded blem of tbe pla:r 11 whether "tour "'' roro.e!* 1\e· pJ-aro of Indi­ A l) by ble a-latee to murder vidual who een• a notuca und r fi' "The Truth Wagon." oeculon will Include Hoey hie e & Builder IUnl . In a Lee; tr- beeauM they are afraid he 11118-will op lftc accuutloo hae paid fulal --Whitney.. <o!IIOdy. Opera Co . "Baroa Jarrow, the well known trlckoter; ee In dlnlle Important eoerew her. Tbe tbe obllptloD owed to 10clety or t1 ll'nak." Company of 100. tbo meeter aceord�K>Diet; Geo. OYer time. Dtllro, -aa lO etlll to Ita debt. The production will to 14JU of I Itt IIXtl'l. IHtb rroa Fell:a and the Barry Glrle; the J'rey at the eud of the eeeoud act 11 . Forty·ftYe Mtnut.ea will Broodway"(..e•• ._ -meacee tomorrow Dllll\; Twloe, eolebrated wreetlen; Harry particularly UllltiDI. be made aboat JDuter time, but .,....,.-"Bunty tile 8trlllll.' Rlcharda and Beale K:rle, In the not be broalht to New York until 14YII tho" I tl'UIl II A.Ba cf obtle ... R!UIIIa " mirth eom.peliiDI comedlette ntltled lfO'I'JIII AJ(D Alflf0UifOBIIJI1r'N, next autumn. C JII va lll ll ... lii&DD. Come4F Of ....... J'ellow"; the Ballote, !':!tii.LoUIO •'Jioaele•r "A Bftl Club nn after ehe paid "i..wto Waller Ia llharopoau oqulllbrlota and l)'mDaate, It wu elneo o'clock Bllturday -a.i�� _. -• 'lMrthe --.rapeUity by law,laM until Carpets and ••ueatre." Ro�U<ntlo - preeerlbod olgbt, and Chari• Richman, In ble ul!l:."-"ra. _.., aud the Plloto Playe. ebe Ia compelled to teli:e up r�&e lti "1A4r ... arm• dr-IDI room at Wm. A. Brady'• aplult -18Qr. Tble cbaractor will Wlllwetde Ia ''The Qenolek-Qrlnetr "Obootl." Playbollee, bHTed a 111111 of re­ Rugs • be a wide departure for America'• �!Ta�-•t,f!r In lief. toac ..t·���tt:-= Notlatng Orleoetr bu eome up from the 4tb foremCIIt player of polite c_.., per­ 'l'F,I�(j,;;;i;::::"O.,.b� tll .,.r . "TIIanli: 1004D-," he nelalmed, CLEANED ,.: .. flla-In BtriOt The��tre, wbere he baa hoeD eooa...
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