Baking Poultry Yards.-L
ESTABLISHED 1863. l j SIXTEEN TO TWENTY VOL. XXX, No. 20. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1�. 1PAGES-.l.00A YEAR. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ·SWINE. POULTRY. MISCELLANEOUS. G. HOPKINS &; at. breeders SON, Joseph, Mo., P. ROCK8-Bred at Wtllqw Grove, are SBEEP.:'_Youcan'bnyhlKhqualtty PAGE 2-THII STOOK INTllRlllBT.-Dorset Sheep F• of choice Poland-Ohlna and Small Yorkshire. BARREDthe best. Score 88 to 1If. E"p from 'IIdIe mat,. SHRoPSHIREShI'Qpshlres of the highest breeding aud"llereford swine. solicited. Satisfaction csUle of Wtll T. Monroe located on A Tired Breeder. Rules tor Btart Inspeotlon gnaran.· Ings; . .a 'per 18: .rrom llook, '1 per 100. Clark, City, Mo., History. Breeders 16i:· ....r-� lng Balky Horses. Swine Notes. te�d. all recorded. Stock for sale. Circulars free. G. C. Watkins, Hlawatna, IDY. H. &; at. Joe and H., K. &; T. R. R. PAGE a-AGRIOULTURAL MATTIIRB.-The of Southwest Kansas. Kansas Grass VAINS' H1IlRD OF POLAND-CBlNAS.�James C. BROWN LEGHORN8-Theegg machines. I Progress - JIL Mains, Oskaloosa, Jelferson Co., Kas. Selected S� have the IInest yard of these fowls In the WeRt. Bxperlenoo. from the mest.' noted strains In PAGE '-ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT.-The Mid prize-winning ·the My blrdR took premiums at Kansas State fair, 1891. country. J'ancy stock of all for sale. 13. 719 dle of the Road. "The Vanguard." ages Ellgs f1 per Harvey .Shnll, Tyler St., Topeka. PAGE 6-THE FAMILY DOOTOR--Answersto STOCK FARM HERD OF THOR Correspondents.. Our MIsSion ...... S. C. ORR, VETERINARY SURGEON AND (poem) Potand-Ohtna contain. animals American ASHLANDoughbred hogs, DENTIST.�raduate Ontario Veterinary Col Clydesdale .AssocIation.
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