VOL. 26 • NO. 3 the Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 NOVEMBER 2015
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VOL. 26 • NO. 3 The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 NOVEMBER 2015 FREE HHoorrssee RReevviieeww Thanks for Giving 2. November, 2015 • Mid-South Horse Review www.midsouthhorsereview.com ON THE C OVER : Huntsman ryan Johnsey and the Penn- Marydel foxhounds of Tennessee valley Hunt HHoorrssee RReevviieeww november 2015 at their opening Meet, october 17, 2015 at Equus Charta, LLC Blackberry ridge Farm near greenville, Tn. Copyright 2014 conTenTs • v ol . 26 • n o. 3 (photo by Gretchen Pelham ) LOVE FOR HORSES -- It’s what makes the Horse Review - the Horse Review! 6220 greenlee #4 P.o. Box 594 arlington, Tn 38002-0594 901-867-1755 PUbLISHER & E DITOR : Tom & Dr. Nancy brannon STaFF : andrea Gilbert WEbSITE : www.midsouthhorsereview.com E- MaIL : midsouthhorsereview@ yahoo.com [email protected] Wanda Chancellor driving Rollingwoods Movin on Up, Single Pony Division Champion at the Nashoba Carriage Classic. ( Nancy Brannon photo ) See p. 18. aRTICLES & PHOTOS WELCOMED: The Carriage Dog Class is a favorite at we welcome contributions the Nashoba Carriage Classic. from writers and horse people, (Nancy Brannon photo ) See p. 18 but cannot guarantee publication or return of manu - scripts or photos. features : reproduction of editorial con - illenglade tent, photographs or advertis - H 35 ing is strictly prohibited Franklin , Tn 36 without written permission of the publisher. events • shows : EDITORIaL POLICY: The opinions expressed in articles FoxHunTing 14 do not necessarily reflect the driving 18 opinions or policy of the Lane Mitchell, UT Martin Rodeo. ( Hubbell Photography ) See p. 46 HunTer / J uMPer 21 Mid-South Horse Review . dressage / e venTing 22 expressions of differing opinions Holiday giFT guide 25-27 through letters or manuscript submissions are welcome. on THe Trail 30 cowBoys & c owgirls 31 DEaDLINE for rodeo review 46 DEC. ISSUE: NOV. 23 MSHR ENVIRONMENTaL STaTEMENT departments : The Mid-South Horse Review strives to lighten our environmental footprint. we reuse, Book , a rT , M usic nook 4 recycle, compost, and seek the most environ - Horse HealTH care 8 mentally friendly processes and materials for our newsmagazine. Printed on recycled con - Training /P erForMance 29 tent newsprint with soy ink and no binding, the greener PasTures 36 MsHr is 100% recyclable. our printer strives to be environmentally classiFieds 43 benign with recycling, using eco-friendly BulleTin Board 44-45 printmaking inks and solvents, and no Press - Ethan Lail, age 5 (driving) pulls his brother Calvin, age 10 months, around their room vocs (volatile organic compounds). Maryville, TN farm for a fall hay ride. ( Allison Lail photo ) calendar oF evenTs 47 SUbSCRIPTIONS to the Many thanks to all the contributors to this issue and to all our advertisers who make this publication possible! Mid-South Horse Review are Please let them know you appreciate their support of the Mid-South Horse Review . available by first class mail for $35 annually. PLEaSE LIkE US ON FaCEbOOk To subscribe, send payment to: deadline : FOR P.O. box 594, arlington TN Scan QR Code with Smartphone QR App & learn more about the MSHR 38002-0594 DEC . ISSUE : N OV . 23 Phone: (901) 867-1755 FIND MUCH MORE ON FaCEbOOk & OUR WEbSITE : www.midsouthhorsereview.com www.midsouthhorsereview.com November, 2015 • Mid-South Horse Review 3. 4. November, 2015 • Mid-South Horse Review www.midsouthhorsereview. com book, art, film & music nook Equus Film Festivals Horses are a popular subject for films. Two film festi - vals – all about horses – take place this year: one in Mis - soula, Montana and the other in new york city. NYC was rock star vet. “Rebuscado” by artist Carolle beaudry, one of the Best Portrayal of the wild Horse issue was running entries for 2015 Equus Film Festival NYC poster. wild: The life of dayton o. Hyde, produced by suzanne The equus Film Festival in new york city runs Fri - Mitchell, a documentary that chronicles a cowboy’s tri - day and saturday, november 20-21, 2015 at the village umph in his quest to protect wild horses and the american east cinema on second avenue at 12th street. Founded west. This film also won the equine Hero award, Best in 2013, this festival is oriented around equestrian themed editing, Best sound, the Merit award for storyline, and content from all over the world, empowering storytellers 2015 Equus International festival poster, “Cimar - the Merit award for cinematography. to show the rich history and diverse tapestry of horses in ron, a Peace Offering,” by artist Shari Montana. There were several winners in the equine Heroines and human culture through equestrian content. There will be Heroes in a Film category. equine Heroine: Margaret feature films, documentaries, shorts, music videos, com - The eQuus international Film Festival® returned to “gigi” Mcintosh and Fork in the road. equine Hero: mercials, training educational materials, art and literary. Missoula, Montana september 18, 2015. The first rudy shebala and Horse Tribe. The festival will present more than 100 films from around eQuus international Film Festival® was held in Mon - dakota 38 won the Best native american Film Pres - the world and has 28 winnie award categories, including tana in 2011, billed as “the first all-equine international entation. equestrian art Film, commercial, director, documen - film festival and conference.” The mission of the film fes - The Best conservation Message award went to: The tary, international, Music video, series, People’s choice tival is “education and understanding to enhance the Man From coxs river, amy scully executive producer. and Best of Festival. The li'l Herc ™ kids Fest, spon - equine/human bond and to improve the welfare of equines of gods & kings: The skyros Horse won Best narra - sored by suzanne kopp-Moskow, offers free saturday through excellence in film, television, and other media.” tion, Best Music score, and Best Historical Presentation. morning family films and fun, plus sunday tours of the This year, the film unbranded won the Best of Festival The Most compelling Message award went to The clinton Park carriage Horses stable. award. a special award for the most inspiring portrayal Freedom of the Heart: The Foal story, producer Jolanda organizer and founder lisa diersen announced that of the equine-human bond went to Horses That Heal. ellenberger. eQuus Film Festival will host the world Premier of The Both these films also tied for first in the Best documen - view trailers of the films at: http://equusinternational - caravan Film directed by Margot McMaster and pho - tary Feature category. unbranded also won Best story - filmfestival.com/trailers/ tographed by douglas Munor of HdTv Productions, inc. line. The 2015 festival poster, “cimarron, a Peace offer - of calgary, canada, based on the true story of a 2,500- Best narrative short film winner was The equestrian, ing,” was created by artist shari Montana. drawing, mile drive across america. also joining more than 100 producer sybil Mair. This film, a short length feature painting, and a passion for horses are her lifelong inter - horse-themed screenings is the critically acclaimed un - about a young dressage rider and his relationship with his ests. Her artistry influenced by horses manifests in ce - branded, chronicling the real-life Mexico to canada trek stallion, also won the Best cinematography award. ramic sculpture, encaustic painting and mixed mediums. by a handful of horsemen and the mustangs they choose winners of the Best documentary short (tie) were: she is founder of river Pines Horse sanctuary, a perma - as partners. emma Massingale – no reins, no rules, no limits and nent home for hard-to-place horses, and of Mon - a new addition to the 2015 equus Film Festival is the untrammeled, produced by usda Forest service. This tanaQuest, where she collaborates with horses to teach literary corner, where the visitors can visit with authors film also won the Best wilderness Film category and Best social and emotional intelligence skills, leadership, per - and purchase some of the most interesting equestrian Portrayal of youth, equines & wilderness award. sonal development and creativity. she also offers nature reading available. The Best Tv Program winner was wild about Barns, immersion workshops for children and adults. Find more Find more information about the films, artists, tickets, produced by Pamela kettle, which also won the Merit information at: www.riverpinesfarm.org and at and schedule at: http://www.equusfilmfestival.net/ and on award for creative Presentation. Best Tv series winner http://www.montanaquest.com/ facebook at equusFilmFestivalnyc ©MSHR OAKLAND STABLES [email protected] 901-212-0755 | office: 901-854-5050 Call for details: 901-331-3313 TRAINING FACILITY Nov. 2015 - March 2016: Self Board $150 FOR SALE Elizabeth Burr Wilson Indoor & Outdoor Arenas 901-212-0755 22495 Hwy 194 • Oakland, TN 2 Barns w/ new stalls, wash racks, turnout paddocks & more... 901-854-5050 Lots of income producing potential in a beautiful, quiet setting. just 8 miles north of Oakland 4965 Reynolds Road • Collierville, TN 38017 or 3 miles south of I-40 exit 35, off Hwy. 59 ©MSHR www.midsouthhorsereview.com November, 2015 • Mid-South Horse Review 5. lace on bass; austin leslie on electric gui - TN River Run tar; Justin Plunk on fiddle; Mike Black - wood on drums; and, of course, Bryan Article & photos by Nancy Brannon Moffitt, vocals and guitar. scott Bumpus downtown savannah, Tennessee was was one of the biggest sponsors for the officially darryl worley territory on octo - event. ber 3, 2015, as the 14th annual Tennessee worley introduced his next guest as river run concert got underway mid-sat - country music’s “sexiest performer. if my urday afternoon. very chilly temperatures wife says she is, i can say she is, too,” and a light drizzle of rain made conditions worley explained. “Her father [george less than ideal for the outdoor, Main street Morgan] was a grand ole opry star for 25 event, but audience members bundled up years, and she grew up in the wings of the in coats and blankets to hear traditional opry stage.” as her slam Band members country music.