1981-1982 RESOLUTIONS TABLE of CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 81/82/1 Approval of SGA Newsletter Editor & Photographer
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BILL 81/82/1 SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOCATION FOR ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL OPEN HOUSE BY: Arts & Sciences College Council, Rod Altland WHEREAS additional funds are needed for the College of Arts & Sciences to fully participate in the All-University Open House BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate a total of $364.05 to the Arts & Sciences College Council to cover All-University Open House expenses. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 2/26/81 B-1 BILL 81/82/2 VOIDING OF FUNDING OF NEW STUDENT SENATE RETREAT BY: John Craver, Brent Argo WHEREAS it would be unwise for Student Senate to use student fees to fund the New Student Senator’s Retreat, and WHEREAS much controversy and disapproval of this funding has already been voiced by students, and WHEREAS setting such a precedent would be contrary to our policy of fiscal responsibility, and WHEREAS the lack of funding would not compromise the learning purposes and experiences of the Retreat to be gained by the new Senators BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. No funding of the Student Senate Retreat of March 1, 1981, be made by Student Senate. FAILED 10/38/0 - 2/26/81 B-2 BILL 81/82/3 BLACK STUDENT UNION ALLOCATION FOR OUTSTANDING BILLS BY: David Lehman WHEREAS there was a change in the secretarial staff of Holtz Hall that was responsible for handling BSU. books, and WHEREAS the BSU. has discovered that it has several outstanding bills that had been previously lost, and WHEREAS these outstanding bills were brought to the attention of Michael Payne, BSU. President, by the new staff secretary at Holtz Hall and WHEREAS these outstanding bills were made by the past administration of BSU. and not this year’s administration, and WHEREAS these bills must be paid by the BSU. as soon as possible BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $78.20 to the Black Student Union to pay these outstanding bills as follows: K-State Union.. .press-on letters on 9/7/79 $ 3.98 rent of Ballroom K on 1/18/80 55.00 projectionist fee in Forum Hall on 2/12/80 10.00 Xeroxing for Big 8 Conf. on 11/29/79 2/12/80, and 2/23/80 9.55 less amount paid twice (credit) -8.03 $ 70.50 S.G.A phone bills $7.70 $ 78.20 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-3 BILL 81/82/4 SEXUALITY EDUCATION & COUNSELING SERVICES BROCHURE ALLOCATION BY: Chuck Banks WHEREAS Sexuality Education & Counseling Services (previously known as Pregnancy Counseling) is in the process of having their brochure printed and WHEREAS Student Senate funded $91.70 for this project last semester, and WHEREAS K-State Printing Service failed to include layout expenses for this project, and WHEREAS K-State Printing Service rates have increased this semester since the allocation last fall BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $42.00 to cover the increased costs of printing the Sexuality Education and Counseling Services brochure. SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-4 BILL 81/82/5 FUNDING OF U.S.S.A. CAMPUS DIRECTOR TO REGIONAL CONFERENCE BY: Angela Scanlan WHEREAS K-State Student Governing Association is a paid member of the United States Student Association, and WHEREAS U.S.S.A. is holding a regional conference in Lincoln, Nebraska on March 13-15, 1981 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocated $15.00 for meals during the three-day Conference to be used by the U.S.S.A. Campus Director at K-State. SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-5 BILL 81/82/6 FUNDING OF FORENSICS TEAM TO NATIONALS BY: Barb Miller, Scott Long WHEREAS the KSU Speech Unlimited Squad (Forensics) anticipates qualifying 14 individuals for competition at the National Forensics Tournament to be held in Towson, Maryland, and WHEREAS Speech Unlimited has had an .exceptionally successful year with individual students placing first 34 times, second 30 times, third 34 times, and WHEREAS the body has, in the past, expressed both its support for and its willingness to financially underwrite the expenses of national competition for KSU students who have qualified for national-level competition (Senate Bill 74/75/46, Funding of Soils Judging Team to National Tournament; Senate Bill 75/76/7, Funding of Debate Squad to National Championship; Senate Bill 76/77/4, Funding of Soils Judging Team to Nationals; Senate Bill 78/79/5, Funding of Forensics Team to Nationals), and WHEREAS the body has also expressed its concern that the University administration act as a partner with Student Government in providing financial support for said academically-oriented organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate Allocate $1,976.50 to the Speech Unlimited (Forensics) account for use in sending students to the American Forensics Association National Individual Events Tournament to be held on April 10-12, 1981. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies for the following: Travel on a cooperatively chartered bus $l, 976.50. SECTION 3. The aforementioned sum constitutes an appropriate portion of the total requirement for sending students to Nationals, and Senate urges Speech Unlimited and the Speech Department to fund the remainder of the expenses for this trip, and thus meet its responsibility to this academically-oriented activity. SECTION 4. If for any reason the remaining funds needed for this trip are not raised and Speech Unlimited does not attend, the $1,975.50 will be returned to Student Senate. PASSED 3/12/81 B-6 BILL 81/82/7 ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING OF STUDENT SENATE RETREATS BY: Finance Committee, Rob Altland WHEREAS there is a need for a good working relationship between Senators in Student Senate, and WHEREAS with a good working relationship the activity of Student Senate can be more effective, and WHEREAS there has traditionally been a Student Senate Retreat in order to establish that working relationship between newly-elected Senators, and WHEREAS in the past misunderstandings have arisen concerning the policy and funding of the Student Senate Retreat BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A Retreat Coordinator be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson no later than November 1, whose sole purpose is to coordinate the Student Senate Retreat and serve as chairperson of the Student Senate Retreat Committee. SECTION 2. One (1) Senator from each Student Senate Standing Committee be appointed by their respective committee chairperson by November 1, to serve on the Student Senate Retreat Committee. SECTION 3. A statement be placed on Student Senate Election Filing Forms stating that a mandatory Student Senate Retreat will be held and each Senator and other student participants will be expected to bear the individual costs of the Retreat. PASSED 3/26/81 B-7 BILL 81/82/8 1981 SUMMER SCHOOL FINAL ALLOCATIONS BY: Summer School Allocations Board BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Summer School Allocations for 1981: AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT ALLOCATED Rec Services $4,700.00 $4,700.00 Student Publications 5,000.00 5,000.00 Artist Series 3,600.00 3,200.00 University for Man 2,745.00 2,745.00 K-State Union 25,000.00 22,000.00 $ 41,045.00 $ 37,645.00 PASSED 3/12/81 B-8 BILL 81/82/9 S.G.A. ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS BY: Cheri Rolph. Patty Cooper, Gary Mignano, David Sandritter WHEREAS the Elections Committee is responsible for the equitable running of S.G.A. Elections, and WHEREAS concise Elections Regulations are an important tool in the performance of that task, and WHEREAS existing regulations are not clear and concise BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revised S.G.A. Elections Campaign Regulations: I. DEFINITION OF CANDIDATE A. A candidate shall be defined as an office-seeking individual attempting to gain student support through the use of campaign materials. II. CAMPAIGN MATERIALS A. Campaign materials shall be defined as posters, banners, use of chalk or any other election displays in support of a candidate or candidates for election. This shall exclude t-shirts and items worn or attached to clothing. B. Banners will be defined as displays suspended between two trees, held up or carried by individual(s) for public view. C. Campaign materials will not be restricted to size, except in the K-State Union. D. Campaign materials may not violate the common standards of decency. III. POSTING A. General Campus 1. All campaign materials other than banners may be posted only on hushes, trees and/or lampposts located on campus. 2. It is not permissible to: a. drive stakes in the ground b. use gummed stickers or announcements c. use glue or paste to post notices d. use trash cans for posting e. place notices in or on cars parked in campus parking lots f. use any type of tape g. use nails, staples, or thumbtacks on trees h. use nails on campus bulletin boards B-9 3. In accordance with state law, Senate Bill 402, the posting of political advertisements will not be permitted on telephone or telegraph poles. 4. Posters and banners must be secured on all four corners only with string or rope during the entire campaign. 5. Posters and banners which are not secured on all four corners will be removed. 6. Posters and banners must be placed so they do not obscure notices already posted.