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The NCAA News The N,CAA June~~ l&1985, -Volume_--- 22 Number 24 Offkial Publication of tional Collegiate Athletic Association Convention dates filled with meetings The Association’s fifth special Con- l General round-table discussion vention has attracted numerous re- session, 2 to 5 p.m. June 20. lated meetings beginning June I8 at l Delegates reception, 6:30 to 8 the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New p.m. June 20. Orleans. l Business session (voting), 8 a.m. While the Convention itself does to noon and (if needed) I:30 to 4 p.m. not begin until the general round- June 21. table discussion session convenes at 2 Most observers believe the business p.m. June 20, 20 NCAA member will be completed well before the conferences, four NCAA committees, Sw Convention, page 6 the NCAA Council and the NCAA Presidents Commission all have sched- uled meetings in New Orleans. Affidavit plan In addltlon, there will he three special meetings ~ Division I-A chief to be decided executive officers, the American As- sociatlon of State Colleges and Uni- versitics, and Division I-A private by Convention universities. (Editor:s Note: lkis IS the lasr in u The I-h CEOs meet from 8 to IO:30 series of arricks expbmng rhe kgi.sla- a.m. June 20, and the AASCU meet- lion lo he considered at the special ing is scheduled from 9:30 to I I a.m. NCAA Convention June 20-21 in that day. Division I-A private univer- New Orleans. / sities are scheduled from noon to I:30 p.m. the following day. The final four proposals to be acted Both the Council and the Presidents upon by the delegates to the Associa- Cheeky move Commission have three sessionssched- tion’s fifth special Convention June Miami center/ielder Rich Richardi is tagged out by Texas shortstop Coby Kerlin in College World uled. The Council meets from 8 a.m. 20-21 are sponsored by the NCAA Series play. Richardi was caught trying to steal second. Miami forced the Longhorns into a second to noon and then from 530 to 630 Council, and one of them ~ Proposal p.m. June 20 and will convene briefly No. 9 -relates to the initiatives of the game to decide the champiomhip with a 2-I vicrory June 9 and later won the title. See page 4. when the Convention adjourns June Presidents Commission in attempting 21. Similarly, the Commission will to treat major concerns in intercolle- meet from I I a.m. to I:30 p.m. June giate athletics. More details on insurance provided 20, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. that day Proposal No. 9, authorized by the Although enrollment in the disability benefits and lifetime medical NCAA.” and upon Convention adjournment Council in its April 15-l 7 meeting, is NCAA’s lifetime catastrophic injury and rehabilitation benefits to any The NCAA catastrophic injury in- June 21. a resolution calling for a one-time insurance program is steadily increas- male or female student-athlete re- surance progam is designed to cover Convention registration begins at 8 affidavit program requiring every ing, questions regarding the nature presenting a participating institution. catastrophic injury costs that exceed a.m. June 20 and continues until 6 head coach and every varsity and and intent of the coverage have been One of the “alleged” drawbacks of the limits of regular athletics accident p.m. that day. Registration also is recruited new student-athlete at raised, according to American Sports the NCAA-sponsored program that medical coverage in either dollar scheduled from 8 a.m. to adjournment NCAA member institutions to sign Underwriters, Inc., administrator of apparently has been circulated among amount or benefit period, provided June 21. an affidavit regarding their current the plan. In addition, there apparently the membership is that the NCAA the deductible amount is reached. By The actual Convention sessions are compliance with specifically desig- have been incorrect statements made program is untested and may not providing lifetime payments to meet as follows: See Afjdavit, page 6 to the membership by other insurance always be available. the expenses of the injury, the NCAA companies and agents not totally “This program is untested only program will minimize the cost prob- Consideration of ethics codes sought familiar with the NCAA program. because there never has been a com- lems for the student-athlete and his or A four-year effort to develop codes Kansas City and voted to rzommend The NCAA lifetime catastrophic parable program in existence,” said her family. of ethics for athletics directors, to the Administrative Committee that injury insurance program, the enroll- Thomas E Wilson Jr., vice-president “Benefits are payable in excess of coaches and student-athletes will take they be shared as promptly as possible ment deadline for which has been of the college division of American other valid and collectible benefits in another step toward completion if the with the National Association of Col- extended to August I, will provide Sports Underwriters. “State Mutual order to avoid duplication of pay- NCAA Administrative Committee legiate Directors of Athletics, appro- (company underwriting the program) ments and reduce premium costs,” approves a recommendation of the prlate coaches associations, the new is an A-plus-rated company with more Wilson said. “Once benefits are paya- NCAA Long Range Planning Corn- national forum for faculty athletics than $3 billion in assets and ISthe fifth ble, coverage is broad, complete and mittee later this month. representatives and the Collegiate In the News oldest life insurance company m the provides for every foreseeable finan- The planning committee reviewed Commissioners Association. Each country. State Mutual also desires a cial need for seriously injured student- a revisrd version of the proposed group would be asked to provide its Self-serving rule long-term relationship with the See Mow, page 6 codes during its June 6-7 meeting in See Consideration, page 3 One columnist says that the NCAA rule barring players from retaining sports agents whilr play- Computer selects names for Final Four tickets ing for a college is a self-serving rule that protects the school while The mystery Las better than an it wrings its four years’ worth out Agatha ChrIstIc thriller. Who was of the athletes. Page 2. going to get tickets to the I986 NCAA Final Four? Top performers That question was resolved June 5 Cathy Branta of the University with the help of Dallas Dan a com- of Wisconsin, Madison, and Mike puter robot. About I,000 applications Conley of the University of Ar- were pulled. out of 38,000 applica- kansas, Fayetteville, named win- tions received ~ and they become the ners of the Jumbo Elliott Award lucky ones to receive the coveted as top track athletes. Page 5. tickets to the 1986 NCAA Final Four in Dallas March 29 and 3 I at Reunion Public concerns Arena. Six of IO Americans believe For the first time, a computer was college sports are overemphasized programmed to assist in the random and seven of 10 say gambling selection process of applications re- encourages athletes to cheat, ac- ceived for tickets to the Final Four. cording to a poll by the Associated “The demand for tickets to the Press and a newspaper group. Final Four always has exceeded the Page 8. supply,” said Rick Baker, executive Payment ordered director of the Dallas Final Four A state court has ruled that Committee. ‘Reunion Arena will hold Syracuse University should pay a around 16,000 seats for the Final partial tax assessment on the Car- Four, and we had approximately 3,000 rier Dome. The school had claimed to 4,000 seats available to the general the dome as an educational build- public.” ing and thus nontaxable. Page 12. The drawing was held at the Hyatt See Computer, page 5 Virginia’s Richard D. Schultz and Dallas Dan Rafl Frano photo 2 June I&l985 I I The NCAA C omment Legislation is no solution to player-agent problem By Ed Fowler Testimony before the House Business and Commerce Com- work for Akeem Olajuwon for one more year. Houston Chronicle mittee abounded with horror stories. Akers said agents have The issue thus is whether the legislature, which could be Fred Akers has a problem. The Texas football coach is fed up instructed players to feign injury to avoid real injury and spending more time on where our next drop of water will come with agents plying his athletes with wine, women and pizza jeopardizing a pro contract. Other interested parties said agents from and how to keep talented teachers in the classroom, ought during their senior seasons in hopes of engaging them as clients have lied about representing pro stars, bilked kids out of to join the NCAA in helping out coaches and good agents at the when they turn pro. The problem is real and deserves serious advances and skipped, taken money from pro clubs to give expense of college athletes. As for the abuses, the state already consideration. The proposed solution is questionable at the very players advice against their interests. has on the books statutes dealing with misrepresentation, fraud least. The bill aimed at righting these abuses has a distinctly orange and theft that apply to agents as well as the rest of us. Akere is looking to the legislature for relief, and he stands a tint. Its sponsor, Rep. Bill Messer, D-Belton, is a UT law It should be noted, too, that the state wouldn’t collect nearly chance of getting it. He supports a bill that calls for regulation graduate.
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