ADDtUlfttmwtft LOCAL AFFAIRS Ellsworth Falls, and J. H. Crocker, of c urriitrmtnt®. Bangor. Nr.Vf AUVKKTHRMKNTN THIS WKKK.j The winter term of the high school and all the city schools will begin Monday, J A Cunningham—Notice. * Burrill H 0 Austin—Furniture. Jan. 5. Miss Lida A. True has been The National Bank C L Morsng -Dry good*. elected teacher of the School street pri- J A Haynes- Groceries. William E Whiting—Insurance. mary school. O A Pare OF her—Apothecary. Irene O. K will hold its an- ELLSWORTH A (loir.—Bakery. chapter, H., <.'ir«n«’i hotel. nual sale of aprons and home-made candy The Kohinson Co—Jewelry. Notice at Manning hall next Friday afternoon, "-Service annual—Notice. will 2 Probate you cent, on notice—William Foster Aptborp. from 2 to 5. Circle supper at 6.30, followed Safety pay The two factors worth per your Exec notice—George K. Farmer. j only considering in selecting a bank regular meeting. Admr notice—Henry K. Davis. by for the transaction of your business. Probate check balances of or notice—Jetinie Eliza Ilersey et als. Dr. E former $500 over, Notice of George Fellows, president foreclosure—Luman C shepherd. The Itsnkrupt's notice- George J Stafford. of the University of Maine and h summer ; UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth with a Non-resident interest tax notice -Orland. resident of Bayaide, has Just been in- i crediting; monthly —Hurry. Capital of $100,000 —Tremont. augurated hs president of Milliken uni- and service and Surplus Profits, $100,000 Unsurpassed monthly interest should be an versity, D.catur, 111. Stockholders’ —Southwest Harbor. Liabilities, $100,000 inducement Write ns State somp 44 —Swan's Island. to-day. amount as an VVivurna encampment, 1. O. O. F., will A for Bangor: protective capital depositors of over f300,000 with re- areraae balance and let u» elect officers next evening. Fol- sources of over both and show you what you are losing. Easiern Trust & Banking Co. Monday fl,600,000 provides safely service of the lowing the election, there will be work in highest standard. This is a convenient bank for the of Hancock and the royal purple d<-'r e. Luncheon will people SCHEDULE OF MAILS Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are 83 Main 9 to be served after work. AT men interested in tbe affairs of St., Hours, 4; Sat., 9 to 1. KI.LH WORTH PORTO F Ft CM. these counties. Their aim is to stimulate and assist in t he business In effect Sept. VS, JU 1.3. The regular tu« eting of the Wm. H. H. interests of Hancock and Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to stimulate Rice relief corps will be held MAILS KKCKIVRD. Thursday home industries and home enterprises. We are interested in evening. A large attendance is especially every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. AA our busi- From Wbst—7.13 a m; 4-14, 6.25 p in. requested, as important busiuess is to ness increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory From East— 11.57 5 11.Oft, am; 47,10.52 p ra. service we render. If are not a customer we invite coine before the meeting. you already, mail closrs at postofficb you to become one. Ooirg Wrst—10.30, 11.30 a m; 5.15, »pm. Col. C. C. Burrill and wife will leave ! Going East— 5.46 a ni; 8.45, 6 pm. Monday to spend Christmas with their: Union daughter, Mrs. J. W. Tatley, in Montreal. Trust Company of Ellsworth, Me. Registered mail should be at 1914 postofflee half Col. Burrill will return the last of the an hour before mail closes. Banking but Mrs. Burrill It’s time to settle vour week, will remain for a hanking problems longer visit. for time to decide WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. 1914; that The East- In the item last week regarding assign- ment of ern Trust Banking Co. is the best all- For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, justices to the supreme court DereintHrr Id, 1913. terms in Hancock county, an error was round “Look most to No matter depository for YOUR funds ns [From observations taken at the power made. Chief-Justice Savage will preside your spending. how station of the Bar Harbor A, Union River at the Power C’o., in Ellsworth. April term, and Justice King at comes if more thousands of other firms, men and women Precipitation is much in, goes out, you will be (riven in inches for the twenty four hours ! the October term. always know ending at midnight; snowfall is, of course. I already by experience. We urge reduced to water.] Capt. Nehemiah H. Means, who is poor.” Weather Precip- spending the winter with his son, Capt. your prompt for Temperature condition* Ration Start a Account Nowand Let request particulars. E. S. Means, has sold his horBe. Capt. Savings the Interest Help You. 4 a in 12 m forenoon afternoon Nehemiah, who is in the ninetieth year Wed 19— 80- cloudy of his age, says he will worry along with- Thurs 34— 83— cloudy cloudy, fair HANCOCK CO. SAVINGS BANK out a horse until he his in — begins Fri 18— 81 cloudy farming the Hat 32 — 87— spring. ELLSWORTH, MAINE Established 1873. KASTKRPi. TRUST&BANKIXG CO Han 26- 43- The literature club met Monday even- I3AXGOR. ME. M on 23- 28 ing with Mias Mary A. Oaynor. Interest- 19— 27- fair cloudy ing were read Mrs. C. H. Gibbs BRANCHES AT OLD TOWN MACHJAS & DFXTER papers by introduced costume songs, choruses and COMING KVKNTS. on “William of Orange”, and by Miss M. dances. The cast of characters and the Rehearsals A. on ELLSWORTH. of the festival chorus have Hodgkins “Scheveningeti”. The program have already been printed in been suspended until Friday, Jan. 2. next meeting will be with Miss M. A. The American. The way-back ball Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at Baptist Dec. 29. Miss Mary A. Stuart returned last week Clark, which followed wa9 thoroughly enjoyed. vestry—Sale and supper, by Rose sewing from a visit of several weeks in Cura* Nokomis Kebekah lodge elected officers The affair was a gratifying financial suc- circle; supper, 20 cents. bridge, Mass. last evening as follows: Miss Helen Neal- Thursday. Dec. 18t 4 o’clock, at Congre-

N. Mrs. Rena — Mrs. C. 1. Staples remains seriously ill. ley, G.; Staples, V. G.; Bangcr surgeons operating yesterday gational chapel Afternoon coffee and The Mrs. Annie Mrs. sale. Store” Mrs. of Springer, secretary; on Fred who was so seri- 10 centB. “Quality Nettie Thompson, Cherryfield, is Coleman, jr., Admission, Letitia treasurer. There will be a with her as nurse. Brown, ously injured by a fall last September, Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, at Masonic special meeting of the lodge on Dec. 30. found in the wound in his which hall—cale Miss Nellie Treworgy was a guest at a neck, by sewing circle of Irene chap- Circle supper for members at 6.30. had never of and In Christmas house party giveu by the Higma Nu fra- fully healed, pieces grass ter, O. E. S. selecting your J. A. Cunningham has sent out bark and of wood two inches ternity at Orouo, Saturday evening. Mayor splinters Saturday evening, Dec. 20, at Society notices calling attention of owners of long. It is hoped now the boy will re- Gifts be sure to look over our E. K. Hopkins and wife left Monday for hall—Dance. shade and fruit trees to the law requiring cover fully. Island Falls to spend the holidays with Monday evening, Dec. 29, at Hancock the clearing of all trees of brown-tail The services at the church next their daughter, Mrs. Heth T. Campbell. Baptist hall—Way-back ball. stock before moth nests before January 1. If the nests Sunday will be in with the deciding. P. H. has the keeping Bonsey opened Elmwood are not the Wednesday, evening, Dec. 31, at Harvest destroyed by property owners, thought of the Christmastide. The pas- boarding-house on Water street, and is Home grange hall, West Ellsworth— the city is required to destroy them and tor will preach at the morning service, runuing the stable in connection with it. Dance and supper. THIS LIST WILL HELP: assess the cost against the property. and there will be special music by a vested Mrs. Burke Brown, who was called Dec. at Nicolin Mary Kggs have taken a decided slump in the choir of children’s voiceB in addition to Wednesday evening, 31, here the death of her B. F. Baskets. by step-father, local market within the past week, drop- the music by the regular choir, which will grange ball—Dancefand supper. Rugs, Pictures, Mirrors, Mockers, Rocking for Gray, left Monday her home in Wal- ping from dfly cents to thirty cents. be augmented for the occasion. The ser- Wednesday evening, Dec. 31, at Uni- Horses, Card Sleds, 1 loll Mass. Tables, Carriages, tham, Just how much the Boston boycott had to vice in the evening will take the form of tarian vestry—Supper; 26 cents. Chairs.Parlor a Christmas and both choirs will Children's Tables,(Jo**- Ellsworth w’ill have another way-back do with the drop in price, Ellsworth mer- concert, Friday, Feb. 13-Odd Fellows’conven- t timers, Work Baskets, ball on Monday evening, Dec. 29, to be chants are unable to say, but better have parts in that service also. The tion at Ellsworth. Wood given by the regular Way-Back associa- travelling and greater production are Christmas tree exercises w*ill be in the Hampers, tion, at Hancock hall. probably the chief factors in the local vestry next Wednesday evening. conditions. 3t!bmtanncTU£, Baskets, Mins Evelyn McIntyre, who has been For the first time in several years, the Brass and Iron Beds, Cribs, Blankets, Quilts, Carpet employed during the season as milliner Miss Mary A. Stockbridge is the agent ! pupils of the Ellsworth high school have Sweepers, Tabourettes, I’tilitv Boxes. for Miss A. F. (light, has returned to her in Ellsworth this year for the sale of the | issued a school paper. The paper retains Notice to home in South Berwick. Red Cross stamps. Little Mary Ann Mor- ] the name of former publications of this Taxpayers 1 school — The Recorder. It is to Congressman John A. Peters arrived rison is selling the stamps for her, and proposed Taxes must he settled by thus enters a contest between children in issue three numbers during the year, one We will put anything away and de- home Saturday, to remain until after the Dec. if wish to other and in each term. The of a 20, 1913, you holidays, unless urgent business calls him towns cities in the same class as 1 issuing school Eve. as is not a source of increased in- save the cost for adver- liver Christmas back to Washington sooner. Ellsworth to population, the prize in paper only being which is a watch for the child selling the terest in school work, but is an education The ladies’ aid society of the Congre- tised ijnd sold. greatest number of stamps. in itself for those pupils ambitious enough gational parish will have an afternoon to take an active part in its publication. Fay at once and save coffee and limited sale of useful articles The Baptist, Methodist and Congrega- The editorial and news items and to-morrow at in the tional Sunday schools of the city and the literary expense. 4, chapel. in H. C. AUSTIN & CO. Ellsworth Falls and North Ellsworth contributions the number just out are Ervin Whittaker and of J. II. wife, Boston, above the average for school Bnfcs.vAHAX, Sunday schools have entered the attend- publications. accompanied the body of Mr. Whittaker’s ance the full conditions of which The Portland Press reprints the item in Coll, of Taxes for brother Fred here from Portland last Fri- contest, igi3 were printed in The American of Dec. 3. The American two weeks ago, relating Dec. 1913 day, returning to Boston Saturday. Ellsworth, 9, The banner to be presented to the win- to the Ellsworth Foundry & Machine Ellsworth friends of Mr. and Mrs. ning school will be given by Mrs. Hast- Works, and adds: “One machine plant George W. Dunn, of Conn., Bridgeport, ings’ class, of the Ellsworth Falls school. in Maine which has been under the man- and extend on the birth of a Phonograph congratulations agement of men who were to see Sewing Miss Alice Gay nor, who has been visit- quick daughter—the third little girl iu their the trend of the and to take ad- ing her grandmother, Mrs. Charles Gay- times, Machine home. vantage is the Ellsworth Repairing nor, for several months, leaves for her thereof, Foundry Clifton Woodward has sold Por- & Machine Works. In it At the Store Camp home in Mon- years gone by and Attleboro, Mass., Friday. Cleaning cupine, on the Boggy Brook shore of was more or less of a small affair, doing a We have made effort to Bigget the most varied and complete lines of day evening Mrs. Frank M. Gay nor de- Scissors an DENTS’ LIST to be during the height of the rush. Albert N. Cushman I Rooms, .SO cents; 75 cents The newspaper which has no uniform Hancock hall was crowded last Wednes- CIGAR CASES rate for advertising space, and is satis- rates by week or month. day evening at the entertainment and Electrician and Contractor All Meals, 25c Special CIGARS BY THE BOX fied to take what it can get for if, is a way-back bail given under the ELLSWORTH PIPES auspice* Cheap advertising medium, and the ad• Electric Supplies and Fixtures. MAIN STREET—corner of Hancock. of the club. The i Dirigo entertainment certiser need expect but MILITARY BRUSHES nothing cheap ■ i consisted of the original sketch, “Mid- results.—Lawrence burg (Ind.) Press. Estey Building, Ellsworth. BRUSH AND COMB SETS Telephone 87-11. night Scandal,” by C. which SHAVING CASES Roy Haines, POCKET BOOKS Don’t SAFETY RAZORS forget the Christmas sale of linens and Irish crochette at Mrs. E. E. Springer’s, FIRE INSURANCE State street.—Advt. to on or if your policy '• »*»ut MONEY If you haven’t any insurance your buildings LOAN may be to call and let uie prove to that your property fully See Our Window. Mrs. Jewell is haring a sale of fancy work expire, you rates. Oa loiproved, Productive Real Estate; oa Collateral and Commercial Paper. protected iu the largest companies and at reasonable at her home on High street.—Advt. Also dealers in Moore’s Municipal and Other Bonds of approved legality and ascertained strength Ellsworth. Me. Drug Store, Water colors tor sale at Mrs. Howard Wal- Wm. E. WHITING, • Cor. opp. P. O. ker’s, Bay View street.— Advt. C. C. BURRILL & SON, 16 State St., Ellsworth, Me How. KUmI Dojric; lady miiUnt steward, SktostmuBtfc I5rnefit Column. to you when I come to other topics. 3nio»8 tilt Granger*. fttutual liea Sadler. ever, the great wealth of that region Gladys _ SUNDAY SCHOOL. EDITED BT KAIMJE". at the present time in the potato field. Thl* column is devoted lo tht 0«n|e, «• ABBtTTl?*, 460, #CHSY. i RK4LLY TASTELESS When you see one valued at £40,001) or p*cl«U; to the granges of Hancock county. met Dec. with flfty-two and Grange 11, Its Motto: “Helpful Hopeful.'* a The column is to ail for the fo0,000, you can imagine it means quite open granger* member* and two visitors present. The want also discussion nt topics of general Interest, and CASTORUIL AT The purposes of this column are succinctly stretch of territory; hut you first end second dejjre* were eonfercd. LAST for Make Lesson XII.—Fourth For -it Is for the mutual In reports of grange meetings. letterf Quarter, stated In the title and potto to remember that although many Officers were elected a* follows: short sad concise. All cornmnnicatloa* mnst none tit, and alms to oe helpful ami hopeful, town* the land was free from atonea, Oil* B Something That Aclvnee be but not be ex- M A uaapar, mitrr; C«rt«, Trlwi to Dec. 21, 1913. com signed, name* will priot«d tteing for the common good, H Is for the 'ockd and these cleared field* boulders, of the writer. All com- Mery K Billmgton, lecturer; lor aOOO a of in cept by permission overseer; Year*. mott use—a public arvant, pusveyor bard labor, for the forests have represent munications will be to by Ur a ben C ateward; I Ur my formation ami suggestion, a medium for the lo* subject approval Oagood, been cleared the alt removed, without Z It •elicit* off, stumps the editor, but none will be rejected Treworgy, assistant steward; Joule THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. t«*rchan«re ol idea* in this rapacity drug* and latge and good— in good reason. treasurer; Uood*byf, pill** ootti man ica lion a. And tls success depend* largely potato-built, Kane, chaplain; Sadie McKay, fine cases, luxurious—bouse* and The laxative he* arru««i _ on the support given It In this respect. Com many CUr« A. Billing!on, secretary; Juptr (hr- perfect

he but the name of barns erected. — Text of the Lesson, John «, 1-18. mu ideations trust signed, Friday, Jan. 18 Meeting of Hancock ter, gatekeeper; Millie Anderson, Orrrt; logg’a Taatch** Castor Oil made u<»te- writer will not In- except by permission. fields contain from 175 to 200 Sadie Verses, 1-3—Golden Text, prti.ted Many Pomona witia Hedgwick grange. North IUU hmit h, IWom; Shepleifh. lea* by a method which Memory or cberniata har» Communications will be subject to approval acres, Thoee far mere whose land adjoins Rev. D. Sedgwick. Flore; Iva Treworgy, Isdy assistant John i, 13—Commentary by none _ | to flt.d (or rear#. rejection by the editor of the column, but the railroad tracks are fort a- triad 3,000 especially | a eward. M. Stearns. good reason. Address will be rejected without natc. often have a on which i OVtKKS MOUNTAIN POMONA, 3B. Ttoia if m*t a flavored or di*gui#ed They aiding 8. J. Treworgy was chosen delegate lo ca«tor all communication* to The ducted off! wrs of Green j regu- track potato care are placed and j oraly was voted oit. It ta cat tor We would be glad to take the The America*. empty the BUte grange to Bangor. I» Juat pure oil without after which they are annexed to Mountain Pomona grange are as follows: lar tenon in Josh, xiv ns our medita- fell-worth, Me. filled, I to work the third end fourth degrees neat ta»t« or odor. train and down Julian master; W L Pratt, over- refreshed the some freight away they go Emery, serve refresh- tion for today and In? by Friday evening, and light K Tawtelcs# Caator the State. The Canadian Pacific tfnd Ban- seer; Charles L Sbsitd, lecturer; Kdgar -'llogg'a Oil to a bef. of who felt ax strong at ments. atory Caleb, 1 th* wick at* WORLD. assistant ___ and Aroostook railroads both have Jettison, steward; Earle Smith, tar ea*tor oil than the old evil tasting, *Tn eighty-fi^e ns he did at forty and asked gr>r Fairfield, steward; Julia Nojpet, I'red M ARVKJVT HOMK, 40®, UfcXT KUSWOKtH. Joshua the mountain when* the gi- Lout* JS, Thayer. ! stations in Fort chaplain; amtiing kind. NVhitr none of lac for met IVc, 13 t*«aa It's a Old world, I’ve heard you aay. Two there were nol Nojcs, treasurer; Clara F Johnson, secre- Harvest home grange ants were received Hebron as wicked years ago enough ftr of the ha* and part «i is-.r.»*no, K<>od be*n \ i.,. n A wicked old world, and I’ll agree care to meet the demand for tary, Georg* Freeman, gatekeeper; Pris- Henry W. G!aaa presiding. A yv pro- of his inheritance because he had ! freight sbip- at or tea OUt. Kc!l«ij£g'» TaBlet*** f4l* ■< That troubie.and sorrow block the way. in ;be fall. A of cilla 1 hi vis, Ceres; Kffle Shanri, Pomona; gram waa presented of readings, tl;rf jUU kly followed the Lon! God of Is- I P*«g potatoes long iuwj wholly And the sunshine is oft hard to see. l.utie and •‘onundrums. The grange lias en- an.I » Ufioiu tu ; freight care came up the line and Guptill, Flora; Liniey Foacbr* h, Ifwiv, trrij c*u«<-<< no but we choose the Christmas l«*s- but tell me. son. empty rael, If* a wicked old world, another "brown-tail moth con- the of the tuber rushed to en- lady assistant steward. ured upon g**, and dura not turn the is here, make It a better one? shippers atomacb. son for a greater than.Caleb Are you trying to furm-h all to find that one test. The losing aide will sop- gage they conld, only Children take it and reu.n u. even the Lord, whom Caleb Ml towed the mournful eaaily Are you adding yo*r>igU, to Mromsh who owns one of ibe ALAMOOHOOfc, KANT OBI.AND, 400. jrM. The contest will last until the com- and who him alive all those years enterprising The drus store* have ail been kept chant. Alamooaook red even- all nests been had quietly taken a trip grange Saturday mittees are aatisfled bay* died in the wilder- cheer? largest farms, -■while over OOOJXX) Or are you lifting a'aorg of >u haw to a»k (or « down the line ami at different ing. with forty-three members and seven V only Kellogg V**%e. voice to the tone of engaged gathered. ness. Are you lending your visitors from stations this large number of care for her Highland grange present. (anOmorOil, 2ftcun*btne Mariavllle grange met Dec. 13, with the green of those Aroostook Gross, master; William F Gray, overseer; It s a wicked old world—but the work you’ve Hut one of the sight* Officers were as from 1912. when the last lessons were usual attendance. elected caator Uat on the label, hearing the Kel- done. towns is the display of horse-team*, with Mrs Alice White, lecturer; Ernest Snow, in Matt, xviii. and this will form a follows: logg signature. Has it helped to make It a better one? their loads of taken to the steward; Claude Dunbar, assistant stew- more potatoes, being Ora K Frost, master; Thomas C Nevells, blade connecting link ns well rfs be a Mrs Mr* only by Spencer Kellogg a Hon* to the stations. There are but two yokes of oxen ard; Agnea Forsyth, chaplain; Did the word you spoke tend stop overseer; .Clara K Jordan, lecturer; Inc., Buffalo, N. refiner* of appropriate Christmas study. Carrie White, treasurer; Mrs Nellie Y., vegetable in the double township of the Fort. Gray, Mahlon Frank K “The Word was made flesh” points Balsbory, steward; oil*. someone who chanced secretary; George H Did you hand ratsej Many of the painqof horses are valued at Huow, gatekeeper; assistant Fannie K us to Gal. iv, 4. “When the fullness of Watts, steward; to tali? and there are some Mrs May Groas, Ores; Mrs Jennie Gray, fl,000, fine pairs of S treas- was come God sent forth His Young, chaplain; George Dority, the time Did the hope you preached pnt an end to Poraom, Mn Ume Leach, Irene mules. Flora; Lora James Son. made <»f a woman, made under urer; C. Walla, secretary; O in Dunbar, assistant steward. It is necessary shipping potatoes lady Lurie E the law to redeem them that were un- Did you rush to (aid when you heard the Jordan, gatekeeper; Young, when the weather get* cool to them Begy’sMustarine keep I Nellie Olive der the law;” also to Heb. il. 14, “For call? 2*0. OhM; Dority, Famona; from while in the cars. In the PKNOMOOT, It’s a wicked old world4alas: my son. treating Bank in. Flora; Mildred aa- as much then ns the children are par- The officer* are: Nelli l>ority, lady center of each where are doors on nfwly-Hecitd But have you made it a better one? car, op- aistant steward. Is in Town takers of flesh and Wood. He also Him- Brandon — one door is closed Dridgca, master; Uach, ofiriwr; Youth** Companion. posite sides, perma- — self likewise took of same.” tarn** lVrkina, Warren part th£ •—Sant by Aunt Kmma. and a stove is in this sort of lecturer; Grindla, SKtXlWtcK, 244. nently, placed Cold In Sore We must remember I Tim. iii. 16. steward; Oirl Dunbar, assistant toward; Chest, Throat, Pleurisy entry-way, and a fire kept. One man at- Sedgwick grange behi it* regular meet' “Great is the mystery of godliness; 8. friend*: t,u«lla Frank D*m- Bronchitis and Lumbago Vanish D*ar M. tends to the fires in six care and goet. on Bno*n»n, chaplain; mg Dec. 12. On* was elected to member* God was manifest In the flesh.” You shall first of mti have a letter from bar, treasurer; Marion While you Sleep the train. In the potato houses fires are Lr*acb, secretary; nhipand two rwrirtd the first unci second Me are not asked to understand n. is down east once more. W. B. Ward well, Nettie Did, who really also constantly kept. gatekeeper; degree*. 8i*tcr Berth* Orcuti declined JL A. Herr of Rochester. N* y -v, but we can believe it. for we cannot, 8be is certainly a traveled M. B. In the account i* seed Hutchins, Cere*; Mary Varnum, Pomona; to serve •» for the Chemi*t »iio discovered Mt'STAHI'r: Great madefof potato*#. lecturer ensuing year, # said that to recog- l.tla •ltd now oil vise people haw -r Bishop Thorold has years we have beard from her in dif- culled or Jennie Bridge*. Flora; Dunbar, lady past All potatoes are picked over and and Sister Beulah Allen was elected. A um for mustard piaatera, ointment*. nize what we cannot explain ami to ferent all the from North assistant steward. j places, | way the small onea or those of inferior quality I abort report of the nation*) grange meet* ment*. etc. consent that it should not be coast. BEOY’8 MTSTARINE wont ';r.r explain- Yakama, Wash., to'tbe Atlantic sent to the atarch factories near. at N. which U M ! mg Manchester, II., Tou can rub it on in a min :- ^ ed is the humility of true wisdom, and NORTH KU KIHU- Besides the heavy, valuable team homes, HALCYON, £4,%, I Allen and wife attended, waa given by »e*t minute you'll know r »t a-i to what we could not otherwise D«ir Aunt Mnrfgt anrucateta and unconditional faith in word A I* 8 B Hil- relief ; > who every awhile, but i* so cheerful and blight. She Mr. Richards had a car-load of driving steward; .Soper, chaplain; reached last Tuesday night. The third I: give# Mcmmn) to p-- suffer frrvm Rhecmat »m or N'. of God. takes much in reading the M. B. C. come from and lings, treasurer. B secre- and fourth were conferred a pleasure homes New, York, pomes Mary Hinckley, degreea upon Orlr !*» cent# Ur #ure if* Bfc.«JY*8 the as Matthew This Is eagle pospel. she would be delighted to receive poet-cards are brought by the car-load. Over 4(10 tary; PS Hinckley, gatekeeper; Maggie clam* of eight, and a bountiful harvest MUSYA KINE la y«iiow Oo*. ox and the or letters from the aiatera; her address i« K* is the lion. Mark the Luke ►automobiles am owned at the Fort, but Grieve, Ceres; Annie Kmerlon, Pomona; •upper vii nerved. No program wa* pre- Mass. man. Here we soar ail the Portland street. Haverhill. beyond are housed ou account of the roads. 1 Eva Candagc, Plora; Fanny Billings, lady j vented because of the lateneas of the hour. us* back to I am so sorry for Mrs. Rollins. My heart others. Matthew takes hear you all saying, "Forbear, Aunt aasistant steward. Next week will be tlx? full-moon meeting. goea'out in pity for her. Where is Aunt Hue? Abraham. Luke to Adam, but here we and 1 will do so. : Hefreahmenta will be served. And where ar«£loteMeyer, over- things, any- When Judge Htfwtrt, of Vermont, pre- nr was cverse all. Did. seer; Etta M Leslie l) thing made that made 3b (ioogtna, lecturer; tided mi I be trial of a negro with The below give the range of charged quotations Waller A as- I*me relieved. Uee Ot* He is called “the Word of God” In Wilbur, steward; Googins, the murder of another of hi« race be ad- pnitiwjy in Ellsworth: aod In a note Mr*. Dieter her retail prices sistant Cora A >Ut», eatieoptie §«fmtK*d«l Rev. six. 13. and “the Word’* in 1 John personal aaya steward; Kingman, chap- mitted after*ani to friend* that be bad address trill, for the be Brook- Produce. 8 tfwihU*. v, 7. To me “the Word of the Lord" present, Country lain; Grafton Googins, treasurer; Goldie •ertooa doubt* of the until lun* pnaoner'* guilt I Ml MImM- lin, Me. Batter. M A in Gen. xv, 1. is also Himself talking CUrk, secretary; Percy Jordan, gate- be to sentence. of Olrv# Oil ***«*» Creamery per a.35*40 began pronounce ■bee Belie Mason, Clara U Wil- lor the tired boar or to Abram. The Bible Is the written Dair). *>*» keeper; Cere*; The negro bad pleaded not guilty and ZVar Aunt * tyetem. is Word. Madge bur, Pomona; Muriel C won!, and He the living •tar*. Wilbur, Flora; on bad ■»- for ■ trtal per t«x**y When we stemmed out of New York harbor, repeatedly being questioned ke#e «is Helen M steward. •r iMtiffi/rnuU Some one has said: Fresh native, per do*.9 Lowne, lady assistant •erted with much emphaaia, **I didn't do it waa snowing and blowing. and it »m cold; Western. 45 Co.. The Scriptures and the Lord bear one but in due time we were crossing the Gulf it!** Tbe evidence »a> not convincing Poultry. cahtink. 280. most holy name what a and stream. Ob. change, and bow de- Fowl.IS 430 I tbe judge was surprised when the The written and the Living Word are in The officers sre: Everett E lightful was the sailing' Smooth water, soft Chickens..22 #25 newly-elected in a verdict of all things the same. jury brought guilty. lx-srti. master; a Clement, K. ti. miOKK, air and steaming decks, if water was thrown Nn> Merry overseer; Mia doubt* vanished when after remind- Ho is from and one with distinct yet on them. The mate as well as the tailor* Best loose, If Addie Bowden. Gilbert Leach, kilo Wort It, Me. per‘ton .1ft* lecturer; tbe that be bad been tried was God Baled. ing negro duly the Father. ’‘The Word with j went about barefooted. A liked the climate so l*#ai Austin assistant stew- steward; Heath, a of twelve has straw. by jury men, etc., he aatd: and the Word was Gad.” As one j well 1 thought 1 would be content mailing on ard; Ada Lewch, chaplain; Bradley Mor- Loose. "It la my duty to warn that your said, this is too high for us. hut lu tropic waters for an indefinite period of lime. .10*12 yon day* | Ba ed. 15 grage, treasurer; John Dority, secretary; Biy ills of body fled. My appetite, which I on earth are numbered, and it behooves verse 14 He conies near to us in hu- ! Karl Dunbar. gatekeeper; Abbie Perkins, bad lost, returned. I ate duck, doughnuts Vegetables. you to avail youraelf of the little remnant man form and tal*ernacles amont: us. j Ceres; Georgia Heath, Pomona; Laura HUB-MARK and pie with a rest that had deep meaning. of time allotted to you to make your He is the Ha be who was bom in Beth- i Pars lips. lb. 05 Onions. 05 Gertrude About time 1 a Devereux, Flora; Bowden, lady this became acquainted with Ce bu 3D peace with God." RUBBERS and His forth have eiy. cb. lettuce, head. lehem. yet goings waiter. He was suffering "rbeuroa ( a- lt>, 63 assistant steward. | darky bsge. Carrots, lb. 82 Ju*l there tbe negro broke in w ith the been from of old. from the days of ; tiz I sympathized with him deeply, for 1 Be t sib 02 Sv|iiuh, lb. 05 j Poaloes. pk in t urnips, lb, vj exclamation: “Ah done dai already, eternity (Mic. v, 2). The same verse had been there mv»e;f. Hasing a cure with I N A Hit A MlmlC. 224. OSLAXD. befo’ ujjla Pratt. jedge, Ah went out to kill dal that lie was l*oro to in* ruler in me. I handed it to him. It worked wonders. says Narramissir grange met in regular ses- mggah!'* in John Nathanael He was very grateful to me for several days. Oranges, dot 25 ft *5 lemons, do*, 40 Israel, and i. 40. sion Dec. 6. The final degrees were con- Our course took our so that the island Ctauberriea. ft. 10a it Grape fruit, each. U as ship recognized Him such, saying. “Hah* ferred u on two candidates. that Columbus discovered on that memorable j (lltaerii». SOUTHWEST HAKBOK. Thou art the Son of God; Thou art > bi. first of his acrosa the Atlantic was in The newly-elected officers are: Lewis G voyage | Coffee- per a Rice, per K 06 go* School* will cl owe ttec. Itf for tbe Cbri*t- the King of Israel.** Sea that Iba Hub-Mark is on the full view, yet distabce-dimmed. Rio. 20^28 Hubbard, master; Charles li Kipley, over- m*a reoew*. ; Vinegar, ga) 20*76 He has never ruled in Israel* but Mocha, Si Cracked wheat. oA rubber before you It is your yet When we had arrived off Santiago, a boat j seer; Miss L Gertrude Churchill, lecturer; Mi*» Beatrice Carroll ba« closed her buy. Jars, a* Oatmeal, per 1> Of insurance of Standard First He Hiuiseif answered Pilate, “Thou came alongside, bringing mail. In the boat. 1 A H ftrhool at lloulton and i» at home. Quslilt Tea—per a- Buckwheat, pkg X< j C K Valentine, steward; Hutchins, besides the wss a a Rubber Footwear foe every purpose sayest that 1 am a King. To this end native oarsmen, huge turtle, Japan, 45 AS Graham, 1*4*1 o'1 assistant steward; Mrs Gertrude Hutch- The Methodiftt aid »ociety held a Christ- oolong. *»aM Rye meal, Of«u5 was I born and for this cause came l which was hoisted aboard our ship; and a« au •aa* sale Dec. 11, wab very good receipt*. SOLD BY Hucsr- [ei l>- Oran meal, b lu ings, chaplain; Mrs Dorothy P Kidridge, tor the I a exchange same, presume, barrel <>ra Mr*. Ad* Parker left for Maa* into the world’* (John xviii, 37>. ^ ulatrd. 05Hl Oil —per gal— treasurer; Mrs Clara A Valentine, secre- Darners, c; x ri'uv i»KLI. inas Sunday school decorations, yet for at. we sail on. sail on. upon the bosom of the ■feats and Provisions. mona; Alice G Brown, Flora; Lilia G H. H. Mayo and wife left !a*t week for Florida, where Mr. a I. »:. the fulfillment of this the world waits. mysterious deep-plenty of time for thought j Beef, a: Pork, a? Hubbard, lady assistant steward. Ma>o apent good VnVMi. Steak. 3ft 22 part of taal winter. They will viait their He is the only Life and Light of men and reflection. Time for conversation with ! (.‘hop, Voted to install at the first regular meet- Roasts. IS * *) Ham a 25*28 daughter. Mrs. WUkiuvon, in New York blit shall come fellow passengers, and to get interested in per individually, when He Corned, ID *15 shoulder, 17 ing in January. on their way. what each had to seek or do as and startedx>ot on Veal Bacon. 25 » s> again the Light Glory of Israel Dec. 15. Spray. arriving at the port of our destination. I Steak, 28 *90 Sait. 14*1* then nations shall come to her light Roasts, IS *20 Lard lft HEAUIKT. 471, IO0TH IiKKJJ 1HLJS. heard a doctor say that he was going to 8an and kings to the brightness of her ris- Lamb: The newly-elected officers are: Bor dfitimtanrunu, Francisco to get new iungs. 1 doubt not ; Lamb, 20*36 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla shall as C M over- ing. It t»e to the world Life others were in of the same i Henry Barrass, master; Pert, Rest. pursuit necessity, Fresh Fish. Oldest, Safest. Strongest, from the dead (Isa. lx. 1-3; Rom. xi, I became acquainted with a passenger who seer; Miss Arvilla Gross, lecturer; I>ouglaa Standard medicine. | Halibut, 12*2S Coo. 0*t family 15*. There is no life or light.or knowl- bad with him a boiled bam and loaves of Charles Grant, assistant A j Haddock. ism Smelt*. lb. 1ft Fifleld, steward; RHEUM IS FREE Mo aknfaoL Sold far 60 yean. edge of the true God apart from Him. bread. At meal-time be would crawl iutoouc I Ovsters. qt. 60 Bcallop*. qt, 60 steward; Mrs Kate .Stanley, chaplain; t'iatts, 26 A* Yoag for He only can reveal the Father of the ship’s boats and spread a table on a qt, Miaa Celeste Henderick, treasurer; Mrs FROM Doctor._fc£aV*>«» thwart for himaelf alone- I could have rel- ! floor, Orolo and Fa«d. NARCOTICS (verse IS*. and those who do not re- Ida M Pert, aecretary; Cecil E Pert, gate- ished a piece of that fine ham. but ali 1 got j Relieve* ItliruiutUui bjr Ur»n 1 Mix 1 60 Helen NevalLa, Knight, Pauper Notice. to find a job in bis line. bag 70 feed, bag Do not try to relieve Rheumatism Corn meal.bag 1 70 bg 1 50 Clara assisunt by of own Imagination, suggested to them There were others who were Middling*, Flora; Miss LpStinaon, lady AVIICU contr*rt<«1 with the City going, hoping 70 tbe with w ° Cracked corn, 1 dosing system dangerous drugs. If1 worth to «uu •are for tbo»** by the God of this world, the Ruler of that something would “turn to make steward. C'e up" 11111’.V MA 1* free from nil opiate, and ffl»r D»«<1 JbrtBK the nc*' darkness of th* rich, for seemed to think *n-i irr !»<»{ rraidi nti of EllswiTtfc- the this world (II Cor. iv, ip they things j Law KKoamnixo wbight* axd MKanrana. narcotic* and jre.trr HIGHLAND. 634* NORTH PENOBSCOT. tbe ayiiem in a forbid ili the.- oti ni> *' moved too slowly at home. Others were home- truninK 4: Eph. vi. 12*. A bushel of salt *bail 60 count i» m. There entered the hospital under an assumed improper m. stica: ion prevent auflicient nourinh- Leah Scammon, Ceres; Gertrude Foes, name in order not alarm her ment are no words more precious than those i>r. Hobson’s Heals to family from o-dinnry food rncl bnrdcn the Ointment Pomona; Velma Gott, Flora; Effie Young, of verses which tell ns how to K«n>ma and friends. She died of heart failure evc'-T man or woman 12. 13. Itchy assistant steward. digestive organa hot Jf pa»t lady ~ be born of God and the true meaning The constantly itching, burning sensation j while under the influence of either, which • • fifty would fully realize *!;2 fcocctlfs!, czztctil?2 nourisn- and other disagreeable forms of eczema, had been administered for the of of believing, a word used a hundred tetter, salt rheum and skin purpose ■«nt in Scott’s Emulsion eruptions ELLSWORTH. they would take it after every meal. times in this gospel. Believing all promptly cured by Dr Hubson’s > stage after the performance, at Bingham Saturday burned out few people who make nuisances of them- in the course of the the selves: 6a .- come to look npou the Christmas play fh« c’og was dry goods store of Mark Savage & Co. Genuine brought out and and the “Other Hi: n« a Oim of sle>r; pay and hard tied to the well. general store of Preble & Robin- discourtesies you meet in private work. Everything went ail right until the son. Loss, fl8,000. ! as well as in public. Do we not all know' dog sniffed the and the man or woman who takes a It un i ncriuiy Known, hut It I* turkey the other I Capt. Matthias Johnson, who sailed up book ■ good at the or and read^ while others in no the less true, that most actors things aide of the stage, from Last port for the Pacific coast last paper the and In their • Without waiting for the finish of in a circle are Do we not meet I,:, o a clause ••utruits which August twenty-eight-foot power talking? every the art ho made for the food, the who discus* m for half pay the wo t before dragging boat, has reached Havana, Cuba. day persona together the ..:nvt«. This cl*••■o- was I eath was almost in- j or who <>ur most thi re many productions which stantaneous. mark, snaps telling argu- ment In two over the then ter* to the do wa the seek to interject some comment, prepared by him for 30 years* p, is over the 8kowbegan happy announce- humorous or otherwise? Or of the chronic 'ir bmtni.ns as well ns any other ment that her woolen mill is to be re- who can wait for the so in the year. Nevertheless some storyteller hardly opened by the recent the YOU’LL YOUR the BEST purchasers, conclusion of our anecdote because of bis give baby of the manager* live up to that cou- American Woolen Co. The mill will em- --mom- the half eagerness to cap it with one he believes tra and deduct Week's pay. about 300 hands. ploy better? We have all met such • Is one, reason why actors aren't just people 1' Frank Your Knows Fletcher’s Castoria. DeWolf Granger, a native of w ho have done these Physician par’1 olnrly nrrryat Christmas, very things, thought- Fast port, for nearly in the no but not the less un- There are other ms who fifty years lessly, doubt, uniters United States coast and geodetic for that reason. Sold in one size make a of lay Inc off their survey, pleasant only bottle, never in bulk practice “died last Wednesday at Somerville, Mass., “These and many others are always o. this omission of the child’s prevented the ing and good to the However, ing the order to have the hero tossed strength spirits covering—the natural leaf wrapper. When you whittle stove falling on him, but a kettle of boil- discouraged, run-down and weak. down the well and Instead to have a off the fresh tobacco — slow- ing water w as spilled over him. He died Do not suffer another day. Get a pipeful plug you get him tied t»\a railroad track. However, the following day. fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets at rich and sweet. the audience refused to take the play 1 G. A. I’archer’s, burning, coo/-smoking, Mrs. Erma B. a seriously ufter the well disappeared. Salley, Topshatn high You don’t pay for a package—don’t waste any tobacco— school teacher, put her hand out of her There Is probably more real Christ- and get more tobacco for your money. Buy some Sickle at your window the other night retiring, to mas sentiment In plays that have to upon Make sure of getting the best Mus- dealer's today. You’ll find the Sickle way is the only way to get see if it was still raining. Her hand came and carry children ns a part of the produc- tard, Spices Flavoring a smoke. in contact with the face of a who satisfying tion than In any of the others. With man, Kxtraets by saying had climbed an extension and these shows there is usually a Christ- upon roof, to your grocer was under the window. mas tree l**twei*n the matinee and the crouching Whether it was a a evening ix*rformanc© in which every “Peeping Tom”, or I a chance to enter the & Poor’s” one Joins In and makes merry. burglar awaiting “Stickney A hard lot Is that of the actor who house, tbe authorities are now trying to happens to be playing what Is known as "the small time" around the holi- 46bntsnnmt«. days. "Small time" contracts call for three shows a day, ami on Christmas 1 ■ T*ADK llA»r day an extra one Is usually added, A /"I 1 Cilovc1 vaudeville actor on "big time" prob- iioodyear luibbcrs ably has more time to appreciate Christmas—If Christmas really can Ik* ( Are made especially for those who sSlCHl &5> appreciated away from home—than appreciate the best. The material# used mu* any other l*eoatise he Is usually In the in the GLOVE brand Arctics are the standard of theater but an hour In the afternoon highest The rubber is from the best of and an hour In the evening, and the quality. quality tough, rest of the time is his own unless the elastic gum to be obtained. The Jersey cloth used in as best made in house manager has promised to "ask” GLOVE brand is recognized the America— him to go over to some club and en- and the GLOVE factory consumes the entire out-put of tertain the guests at their Christmas this factory. reception. Of course* the actor doesn't are on of have to do this, but If the manager Is These materials fashioned the latest styles of any standing at all in the vaudeville lasts and are finished with the utmost skill world the actor finds It L usually expe- dient to the grant request. Glove Brand Rubbers But the ruau probably who spends the lonesomest Christmas of them all Are the most styiisb, comfortable is the poor advance agent—recognised Well-Filled Pantries best-wearing footwear to be bad. I on the program as business manager, Make Families II advance representative or manager in Happy the advance Is DIXXHl OX STAOK IIirTWKtX I’EKFoKU- advance. Unless agent Made in all atylc* and aizea but only one grade-tbe BEST. A {food supply of real old-fashioned home-baked bread ANCEB. close enough to his home town to and cake and pies means the best of good living and for Christmas he a row of faces three times a Christmas matinee was confined almost "Jump" usually gets smiling day. a genuine attack of the aimon pure Use William Tell Flour and make home bak exclusively to a few of the first class MERRILL & blues. True, the advance man who has HINCKLEY, such as failure. theaters In New York city. ing easy—no thing on road for of Goes more loaves to On the road it is different. The ac- been the any length Bluehill, Maine farthest, too, the can be to sack, you down the cost tors as bard ns time usually depended upon helping keep hare to work Just they of he knows, but are living. Milled only from Ohio ever did, and from local meet people they opposition Red Winter Wheat by our own the people who live lu the town, and he managers will probably prevent it is ricnest in alone special process, elimination of the Christmas matinee usually finds himself dining nutritive value. when the time comes for him to eat outside of /New Tork. Your grocer will have it— Ills "Christmas dinner." With some companies Christmas is when you order your not the disagreeable occasion that it 50c. Saves $10, mu next supply, specify Is One or two owners with others. A Real Santa Claus. A valuable racing horse was entered for a 110,000 stake. make it n practice to instruct the mau- ANTA CLAUS. I hang for you. Eu route to the race meet she was stricken with colic. The sger with the company to have a By the mantel, stocking two, caretaker on the train, a wise man, had a bottle of Christmas dinner prepared at the ex- One for me ami one to go being To another I know He the mare a dose as directed on the pense of the show. Sometimes a cater- boy Tuttle’s Elixir. gave er dinner Is served bottle. This not saved her life but cured her is called in, and the There’s a chimney In the town only completely, on the stage between the matinee and ; You have never traveled down. and she won the race. ! the In that event Should you chance to enter there evening performance. Elixir is the A a bottle of Tuttle's i You would find a room atl bare. Tuttle’s Keep the dinner usually proves prolific of Elixir on Not a stocking could you spy, always hand. and best horse insurance you material for the house press agent, Matters not how you might try. can have. Get it today of your deal- the affair Is duly recorded In the dally And the shoes you'd find are such er. If he doesn’t have it, Sometimes it Is served on the As no boy would care for much. paper*. It’s a sure cure for send us his name and 60 cts. In a broken bed you*d nee stage after the evening performance. and we will send a Some one Just about like me, Colic, Shippipg Fever, you large Other times are made at a arrangements Dreaming of the pretty toys Colds, Founder and size bottle prepaid, also some hotel. Which you bring to other boys, copy of “Veterinary Experi- WHITCOMB, HAYNES & CO. C. W. GRINDAL. seems Fever. It was one of these after the per- And to him a Christmas Lung ence,” a valuable book by Merry only in his dreams formance affairs that came near It locates and cures shoul- the late Dr. A. S. Tuttle. pretty All he dreams, then, Santa Claus, der stifle lame- tutting a traveling stock company ont StufT the stocking with, because lameness, j knot- Tuttle’s Elixir of business In a town out In Iowa last When it’s filled up to the brim ness, sprains, big knee, Co., him! ted cords, etc. It Beverly Street. Boetee. Christmas. This theater, by the way, 1*11 be Santa Claus to —Frank Dempster Sherman. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AMERICAN boasts of the only dog critic in exiat- abtmiuimnit*. £tic ^llsiuortli American sounder basis than before, and the UKTTfNf) TfHsKTIIKK. TTUKRCt 1.091* * KB MON* temporary losses now felt by invest- -M-vi-l-f-M l 4 I -t-fl Platform Adopted Kv KIHIoboroWfll Sharply (rlttchfd by CorrMpoadent ors wrl be more than offset by re- AL AH’ >L'Tf h'L County, M. H of * Rockland Paper. newed renewed confi- k!l Ki* pr.mperitj, At a meeting in Manets*:* r, If. !!., teat A wjrrwpondtot of the Rockland Cur- • ftHT dence and tb*' betterment of New Wm-s^O/T vrTKKNK Friday. ! be Iftllalorm gh county r*pebil- rier-(Jaaeffe, signing himsalf or b#f**lf Clement’s MUSIC *T a >.« Store England as wh through real pub- win* organi**d n“,<*t toget *»»* nonnem, I “OwiMOtt fftenae**, sharply criticigcs the Tl!. MAINS lic service by ihe-great railroad cor- adopting a platform of nati tnal am»i li- ! and achooi lectures on tuhercu- Cariies Piancs and cence. Following t« the platform almmt lost*, which are being delivered in the Player * 9inn> p» HLisniNo o«» porations. | n The in full, omitting only reference to atat« campaiff against t He “white plagne”. Small Inatrauieiit* of sll kinds, ami e»*rjrthln|i in • ”r» 91O' « #lOMor»tx writer oM-rlptfoB tout, No one can walk the of Main doee not question the worthy mo- » music I'ne. Machines. «• cet for hr-V mo"thfc; If r*M length politic*: lit* Talking Sewing Machines tive# beck of the but does Mrtet; tn kdv *»r f 75 *m| 38 oe;i**» street, El -worth, without being The Hillsborough 'minty Repab'lcau elah. campaign, ami <'aliinets. ami H SojU’lin*, Bicycles Sundries, V*. 5 All *r- tbia organised hv n>m of the the methods. The communica- t of the day party question rwnnoreii «r* m *i he r«u of tl pet struck by he attractiveness cuum Cleaner.*, i*’ist Cards. from every t*<*u uno wi d In the cooHtjr. be- tions folio* «: fMT. window by merchants holiday displays lieving it t" be fund a in nun that bo Mhr it* OwHer •(?* •*!#*; 4<*vertl*lr g H*lr* A rraitoniMt a tel Will b« political ef the and marketmen. Ellsworth has some For Cash and on Easy Payment fade known on application party can permanently extat la ibta or any lu y«ar Imui wf Mot w there appeared an F>|an self-taught artists in the window- other state which ta not bu tided oo principle, son >uQcet»eot of p.nposad urmoai and k-ti- H com tn tin legato mi *hoa W1 he a'i<*re*«e«l 99 main rather than political expediency, hereby de- tares oa tuberculosis durinc the c street, •o. noil nil rheo.* mone* onlere Tnj»<«c |*h> decorating line, and a friendly com- early part *3. J.I fvL,CJTlL.n I FMFNT I to to advance j liar ••it* to THI lltMCOCft COIIWTT I’UBLISHim) clares it* sole purpoee be by of December While the object of ihiscem- Harbor, Maine. Ou PMUw Maine. seems to have stimulated *r»h. petition all ho no able mean* the iowmi of those patgn is douotless a w>nhv one. I* la n^var- season to more them this holiday great vita! and end iring prim iple« of tbelea* true that a large number of well-in- than the usual effort, with a de- humanity and of progress which the republi- formed pmpi# ft * oinrluctd th*t the effect Th\t* w«*k'» edition of TI e Jcr Bale. IJotiro* result. We venture can party wa* born to promote. of the lectures t* to create sa aborrmal fear if4-iI \ ftrriCMll cidedly pleasing Id copie*. Front it* origin to the prevent day w* de- fted dre«d to the minds of thousand*, thus in Maine 1*0 AT LUMBER C*d«r %T> %. Ml To»!l prrMint la the assertion that no city alth.r of lh* clare the republican party, in iu rank and condemning them to years of aseisea mental I* and l!mb«t; • *•«> hou«« rtnUh, Utf. h.rrtn.f’rr o.mrd *•- or times i s week for 2.460 the size of Ellsworth, many file, ha* been the American liberal the and snd in door and window fr*et«*a, and caa»n*a. Pia»«» *'• Avenge per 1912, party, suffering physical dosing, Kll.bortl, •“* (toiah too'de*' Telephone connection. R R. for lh»'l o< H.bcw ou offers a of more party of constructive Ideas, the party of tu stance* oa the disease Itself. b, il,,' size, holiday display bringing very IUst, Brookiit.. Me d*jr o| a tj i»;| »**t»ad If at time* it has seemed to be since WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1*13. universal excellence. All of which progress ! nas; of the best phtstciaos now iccog- T otherwise, it hat beeo becanse it* leadership Mae fear to be the procuring cause of much 1 avatM tot ih. .„ m,,. leads as to urge — lo your shopping JFsc ttmt. afi.r ,,"00 for the moment has failed to reflect the sickness and suffering. lo-icat.i ll 1. b,omJ Ellsworth! bollt* Ib.Mof htllTWIb .1 < In liberal and progressive views held tena- Thst bad resutu follow such lectures in the fPKN’KMKSTi t>n TftlrditrMl. auiiabSe for vetting Together. r» *d. b* r»o«lr* « eoi>i ofthi*., ,J*»e*t rrtil rtf ciooaty bjr the great majority of republicans. public schools was illustrated at one school 1 .h.~ Xq iriAii wiw he'd at to poWlak* imp gathering thre* r'Ota. Apply WiLfuc I* P». Kill- h Uworth An Peters has been Against a p dicy of extreme oto« rvsMsra on where several <»f the were very much rfIran, % B# Congressman put pupils worth. at * ^ Maorhoner, S. H., I Mil Friday, when Haworth, to **ui ran..'*, it., the one hand and of extreme radicalism on s(Verted during s ir.iure on tuberculosis. "!4> info the harness with a vengeance, J •« a to b. t The Hil«e*> rough County Re.ub l.*«n the other hand, the One and had ta 14 republican party may fainted t>> be taken home aud j toffL wwith *»M «.M the on last been J«n tart. A.. waa a having Wednesday and become r». a IWI. at,1 ten>r*» f l|M.u.. c (> dub organ z d on brand new easily persist again dominant giveu medical attention. Also, tt should be k4 11 ■ *°am ... h9 t#*idL _ ih*Tr'1 ^ elected to two committees In state and nation if it be tine to its remembered that ** { ■•*-» platform. broad enough and eirong important only further than to recommend PtM BOOK No ««u«t f»jr CaM*,,0n' *JJ —the committee on insular affairs ai d history. We stand, therefore, tor a broad- proper sanitation, sic., v* ry Sittic of any real SKXiSfISthe Mt|n|> of the Baffin • f »r he li d»p»rt*>ient Je<.uJ* Klit* H«*ary. latft **f enong every man who ves of KiHwor Maine Pti-der H «f. liberal and a b««| h, h «a gauged, poi cy sane and up-to- value can be there is or* standard t.ii rt.ti.IT. tfet«-a.,t ... on claims. This ear offered} B. rmu the committee y ill petee rcuni to .\itiosu • rumr .1 In the fundamental id The date or pur peril o* bo ,h# principle* party organisation in fall sympathy medicine rente »r known t*» me lleal prac- HiUK. fell* worth. ,M of is ie*tin. ntwf **14 d* • •*•«». to*.' n lo » and I'tie recognition ability especially with it. titioners for the cure of tjbercutoaU. ftt.d V* repu^» ,»tr;y upon. •Hon fo» tae,«o*. •« p*. drw**.|l A C*ll*lQ I, *;,,, labor the low standard of foreign been the ci»c iu the with raiilou* UJSdt- 1 "M a new member to reieive a > past I'M II IIMi, I»t rltnic to be the I <•« will and w. mu < impor- pro 'g i in the nationwide *g«*t be- «nul f wage*, aud measured by the difference ciaes which were prescribed but fjuod to be «• 1 *f ;h* ruwlhiMru of with ,r tant a com ni lee as that b»i« there \ loge.rte.” n v- men A* aoc i, we assignment tween ihe standard of wage* in this vountry i’UffltPnto* Union Hirer l*l-phot»e to, will l>e pre*. aleJ by Un, Ml. th- > ae.utor »b« >* in a* rt o insular and Mr. Peters is he'4 *t th* o' ! e ••Jer* tr< Au mm « 1 ;»n & ended nUdnUM.'V of it affairs, and that in foreign competitive countries. It i* a notable fact that many pcopc Oot) pU'liiH Moi'1 *», J*b. sw. -.4 * »i'(tl"Ck |i m for the Ar»mmU H. IteH^vh. la a o' ► ru t We are stroi to farther gen- Ihemwivc* batlH iBfruil after *♦1.1 odb Mt. A «*i«*wheic to thi* i«t*ue being congraiulated by friends at aly opposed any very hlVftil p-ir.«»*e «>f I'r tin* * ho»r»c. of director* lor y, certan. eral revissou of the tariff, advocating in lieu he*rd th? of disease descrIbed, and the and tr»n**ct-114 a*.» other pii|> rttn* nb iltr lot w|)i *id and si home. The com* avmplvnna ol *»ld d* I otitire»*m«iii IViera wa» im Washington bavin* *• whit h i*. a' ) ro'ff before •*id ea«vd, toffihrr with p? it i. princi* thereof the rralion of an It •«■ ua a* •**.>« at a rn»)* tor expert non-parli- Is .hi* that near dt*e**c > h«- niktee on c'«im« dix*i not rinte »*o M f t ierfc. pro-a** e*»r. p>«« »i» or f i:><« r- 4 buuch of work attached to it. ditions may require We condemn the I'gder- learned * spertence that It t* generally bet- of t\ * »;»♦'»*. “I. » .» .i iiiu4 by A c-rt* n m if n, f. thwd-Stmmons tariff law the ter not to t.v .» Vi' :.»e >u of t«1 »**» to frr IMP >»•! »| t at><1 passirJ by -«pf *fi*c«*a it in »»> ii um m f *umng. leaf, rcraoja '• a d «.u? drc* Bed* lb. preseat democratic as to Uirfr »<«) It” uot to I t with j, ;i Congress inequitable pa -t»‘s, p * > I! line* on Cnl(r<^Of'» rii record am a law for of a h»**ri to h**art and favoring federal farmer and the laboring man. ^specialty with »btcb *h •• are *>f9Ute f a in Kr .o* U Ral «m. tl|«« la.k, junl prevent t »x«m on land* *itn«led in thr t*»«m of ,j Unpaid c« ■ the of do we condemn the old. unscientific and un'j.dnffwwd. Ar«rutnih« what w.«a n*-wded. lie *»< protection lobatera, in much log- them from b’>*i»ir« or hif* etcited Knl Mu bwMi iUrnor. m the uiuniy of *«*».• frequently ponut '»*t «l ol ! • f rolling method* which it became law. It fearfu) a« w* k •» a hcerfal and «• k tOf (i war ;»i*. hi'MiDf an b»« boon done for by they »•*• ■ at* give* ievidence than far of the reduction in h pelu n>« it c*)4 itioj 1* a g»rat ail it hereof. present* d bf PJiru V% 4 : l.e of ai d e i'hivof Bonn nun In t*»% town «l lifted How the w is hr *u^bt protection eong gin the cost of watch was llsff Mnuii * ihcfrtft n-m -1 vio’ury high living promised eff cliuf a cure. rt Harbor »»or#a»id. lo* In* ymt fill, bird*. Lack of in 4ti«tt«ift M pr:*ri, '»!. of Blttch ******* n >n* dm and the it* advocate*. -i ♦ m lomtuf.t*d to m» In* c^ fciioo for ••!>) I- «*»» trie*, nhowtd me | uniformity by The 4;for-% l! .wra’d are »*! a d*«p»‘rxr! COutt|, dKMMMMt, Affium * •« n lif (» of if.3. « r.lj Ctr«ti»ir May, the *•!» er lawn in the d fferent coa*t * bcievc toe big Inter-state hu»ine*« cor- di*fJMon f if «v vm» and rffe^ta of |» 'tiut UM 1(1# Iftftl Will ft. l» « way reun lean par y w «a re- jp ur.|« d. tu no u*# la h*r# ■> fiftn luat if hui'imc U>Miv. We >tb*r *>th ptiltl< atate# work a an to the lobster |Mr*tiou bold it to he tubcftulosi* aught «.><« a«uu,i the aery • •id Uin with In rural rb rnl treat* red and restored to lie injustice 1 »t# 'hftf f. pif.fniH bf A ict >< j power, both and a»* rm»«,U *»a e futile undrsiruble to attempt to re* purpoae f *r which tn»« campaign la being pratluual? p.»4. «•*** t*!r«* uer«ia n*m*h fishermen in those state* life air talked fr»m the that, i«i'4 »• i* »u »-»v th« ** atraiffh* *hv>ulder, *W>f« competitive coaditioD* tin mi; a lir^ In ia th uaaad* of Cftrrlft H *T*q I.fe of Hi’ !!»•• Wrt*ed. by flairt* the mio <»f • Uiddllt d d ;oi, lrg 11 M um, have d iaws to conserve Kdfn mdr.iinij, *(! r* 1 t. %i ftod i* was he tealtn of an ex- pas* a-amber of comparatively smalt cteerat thiidrvo amlfadu t* A »-a*;fu. .vt»d vivid r'Uffri, «li‘ aold *• public *a*tlor »t M»- »ny pic- Menrj II Cir*jr o» ftonir 01 her till.- «• • p<> n«*d l- of to r*; > pert.” I in * * o\ K« k *. n rt&IBflf. *tU, «• ation in labor le the rule of and win be t-ffiiir.Ui Kii • f. .. to-day live children »b‘ aid ool b< ronpeilrd to re- Am* o* », Of th* ,i*w forward maremeet of ii.aMirO •>» *fttii dftrvHi the rule **f the future. It i* imperative, how- mat u la action during such ir tare., an t It i* on lb* KiUfitnc Hiufti.i*. isle o# T*eai •-■. ..1] the dimn t* w*am «n Snipping Great Likes ha* Niw« of oworr, r'coc too of In M ml repo party* >*tg ever. that thr c induct of the co-poration very probably (hit not many «du t« wr par- rip! dec#«*fte-1 Kir*t ftctou■-* A I tMvprrif. A ■ learned the Ivnoq o tne wir«*'««, u rb|i M fA.o 1. ai Peters said: whose Ku*i ,«*» i» inter-stale la character ticularly in hear »rra>a»« on tbU *ubjevt. ftftmintfttrftirti mil* be »a \b .H B Crtm. 17 M*t# »*. B **ioo. BMP iifd »Of a: ^rn*»!e cm lives should be to the control an * in and subjected super- •• Therr hu kM • birth of ■** rapab tcaa- property. >»•*'. land branded «n N b> pc* vision of the only agency with competent < f I* B* Utk. y nod »»•« ft It o«»t * dra-kbrd re if nlib< *, Hat n Of the uin«c**Q American vessel* lost Health l,ecturr«. tticvaf by C‘uB‘>, ftrit iB! f n •* W ri- v»f haiily H.-jfrr*. and oy P UruvM ftoil K» I ■ Juristii-rp>n-the federal government--In •*.> hi*-, it.... nohtlou Thar* Her her n « p it.c.l re*©- in aw the he I’urm mat »pt i*k«>« ia«t Mr* Kate B. Kiln*, of FtirliHd, »bo »a lab of K J Uaiymn, Si •('* of « *r11 fl e*1 lor »ettlcmen acily the kftmr miuoer *• the nation lo-dav latino. Hut it f»*« bean vesra anua It ta aud. (BtllaliOD, |J#'. • Jtftr'e % Luff lftt« o* r’. hmI m nth, not »»n- w •* with ***nt o Howrr. 4* I *d*-*l at. H« the inter eat of the gen- Htyaide, Klla Jan. JO, a; Mflllidl Ph'1'ij.HI at* O' l.ijrr: • A butintH <>f ta« «*• «n| worth, Huff,*. country n*utfrJ J“ »> Moor*, *«iu *uOu •i’jfc. ; 41 CO 1 now in#;4»!i ig tv»r*i**as. Jan. 21. ?4»* iBh Uirt’MlI Kt «l C '(i||pi "B » eral public. We be'ieve that the law* relat- * ! UKl h. Lf«t ? Nut tt torrrMd v *■ rnu< b L.’uia A VoB t.mUH I, »dr (- »f! .ri! ing t*> hig business sh»md be and Pa. awl ’OKI' III "I. N » land i ) l». Bltorr. J* br clear! v staur what is and what »• u*»t pe; rois- ciinm». itnrofd Iwx »c onol of 1. » lu bee -tu xu »u .. *r*. thr The of tb« lion* part «i>«> quseliou f*'nr»h Tb*»» • "»» a«n Mrnurr tana of Mu-tv •nd • 4d«)B, W Oot ,« «•. m > for ** ti«ia 01 •»b*e. *, «. antes' o; n< Tb* n’4 u i-*> *1 *f Ho>#»» ka >a«fai, W » •« uUry p-hey of the in itae tax taw is new • will am retv dealrov the tr >»r <*f y gta. U»-t|» I’ ilii', Uituf »• In* ! n.ity up mercury I.. V We be *cv- in the extension of the power fa ft< ion, 39 17 ((unit Jr,ri.f,| Pint C' ftt.l J. I.ot in st*u If tithe ' im) f >r « t.* atueii ai^ completely c range the wb«>e to :be Tutted S**ie» ainreme court. V»* Manic J » t. b*>« #4, *ia a ft If* d of the federal government over railroads to when the mar 'iv 1*0/U 4 rjr. M »n time 01 * »** *'» sud csirf »tu * system entering thronih *»u hsi boavon Ua*«. .•!#■: t> united on .% fl for I of the Tolled htatea the extent to security of surface*. Much article >b >u>d be »r*» lb* chnut cu*i •« • be** t* bo harm Judge L» A Ai rr, H .Btl »rl. f la * Ul dr«*»»«. Of '•*'€« l- 1 a’at* a*k ow 4 have bee a much B*ru> it complete Justice f-tid lljf «(kx1 n>u li* f ,f i.*« i*.| i-» ca»*> ma* has dismissed Ian V*<4C. f .0, *0 brought, them Hal'*• Catarrh * ure, tnawuf'^'** u-ed Ci>.U*f t»t -1 demands <•( the owera of rai:rt»«d securities by me or if it H bee « p vaantad. Yaund that it win F. J Cheney A *•.- r<>le.< Voih .* .a hi* a to a re- *v* Hj. J Of* K 1-ooluiMMi. ftdudui*' r«(or. » •.» al»iy be Uq.ivr provide reaaouable upon the blood and wumm sti-f order* .• m I'trrlvtl yt It beyond jurisdiction. directly o-t S « a1- 1*0* « i*on t. b .i.d* d K by • rm< at < of ihe * rate ta In Halt'* atarrh • *•.. *- •' 1 turn on the investment. buyi.-i* ** g- p» i>id k* 1*t a I K Itm*a n, N a\ p »a. \% ihiftio *r l*»o *f Mr 1 «p*». ore be are v<*u ffe? 1 be < -*'uf re ft I* in v c»* b) Pftfi *». W* ile« 'dote In the ru« «t *e ms u tft V'rtt -o A r-l unqaa'lflet u»Ur. ii » *n anjr aiU-iupied participation pt»illca< Cheney rrpus ^iflt *v- y«-u*«U»o. I 1«. & «*4 hi»t.f to t«l if i»!n r«; r* a o' s. *->«1 a)> Drug*!***, hot*'# ■ fairs whether rugagt-d tn by per » I want t • wr w. ’« hjr corporal! * «t** *». »» ft.ciia.. tft n n«yie»d».>a T Kifttx e. of Op*'hre, send* Take Hail's F»*ui y t >t cou*ti,.*ati »*- b lit* o. C»* t"» O* Mid or We ho.d a •« I'm* «•**« w«.«. ik. % tree, aloar transpo. industry. the l»*v« r.<» thi h-an ul (Miutb«>N Harbor. ift*a« M ;*,» of rt 100« >u, 1.1 ¥ v *n-1 ua a ht i*ao n froou a irvv on hut pj.*r place, »r »r ..f e and fair t< in the American l*#v. t> IS* ■*r< ».* » I"* l.i n ^ir 1 y il »l 1 > 1 ■•*’■* 'tub*, f*fiber ja-ti> p Dec. 7 -Z'ina u^tsnua I' O'. of If !•* I' *1|l fflllll frisked _ is e v people aiup guaranty against iueq ratty nnd far ji, »nu it* root* t « lair *4.1 drt«.*«d. a* .t>»:iiUu -4 .uu.* -TiTK of M US*.. or imfalmt »* tu the treatment o. '»i-oj M” ml 1» team To „e m* act blether \\ big will politics alone. • ill light J* a report. The Ponofcecot »«>J iou " >.e***d hr » »f w » \e in the of direct nnrol- ■ r»and to-day united on th- fandaraentsl*. mod p-lnc'pif U j<*H i*** «>r It* 4* iiuik H i>i lo^n I 8h!j'M r* %t .tt-.bMf l»f Ikr .Iff M H«v fell actno C\» h »s- u .« purer atatioo i4Atton*. bat wc have nut b ui suffi. lent I'«*re*»er (ilvn Krunoio lor h«*n’A .ti via* .1 t«»B..«>L.k *••»•* *hw at T *Mv pon t, b«« out the S~«r«- txjh-rHriae m ui the I«R lu 6r Sb<« «UiOou( of luLrntftti u> Oi«>.. about l. >• bli4 «. We »ki>*-il Sii to- p im*ry krllinj at li.ilf-l’rice. K 'Oilovr get I Ml t.g »»: •( l»«0> on >r*l nut* f ir 'r df u> »«t br ’hr ji tfi of ; t Kiectru benefit t pe »pn ar jwatnt to a I tl of in ;be mudicitiea put up by other people io lOtMAmini iw u.e t.«r umifiLO |.»r mi4 town branch line of tuMiorr it will enable the candidate of ii«.. A #»l.~* P. JUduirt »* on* and o:i --balf milt-a to t-u .to in) fl ld*y -f day 1*11. rrm it- Ited mean* to ou terms with lr to offuf to fvluad the mom r»oi «• 'iiiiM with the air m compete willing y imp* d; idi hrrr’jr torn tt at 'f I Wag 1 thi* tfi k He*»r*p»rt ay T \ 1 > >r tUr rich tuan It nomination. *« f •aid cuBBtjr »>I M A from inland ent of in uatiouai cun* Parc Uou^) iu^ k».«s aludiUuu of the r*»^ub- «>rff»pnn1#ni N««h j system representation ibt '*tor, loeiuuth* ino'i.t AM iit -c mx pa- ».*»• |.o»f| ot.r iboauaiid ntae bu.. > 1 lie tu u.t i« hit c» Mfirtmtra. ( rim m »ve- y*-ur |Mpcr glad apectfl Rirttor, «t f.|.w fth hill to »»)d lowh, on tfsr •" preeent methods the national Ifiitt bring* intereetinc Ut>ni of rapture* eft by republican n *i ia i|||. * y tneut wen* a r to : V* cur* of 1 he for the cur of con*'ipat ion and dykpepria Iro'uary. o'cloct rAiN l*.»ifiJi!i*.it p. tjKi « tight orgauixsUou so as to provide representation m n •«* tn>1 mif larfv gun-. Msrn i« *» \i-.« «»p. ft he ImI 0tiI I «*i o* c »Ue* o' the gw* a .art”. upon the basis *>f republican voles cast, and on that p an. A tK 0t gins; mg on WjUUi Ktirtii APftO.vP. -t t burning dorf, bat a minller twaic • * *1 U .• Vkh not mere!) upon We ai*odrc>aie •• a ;ho adm.Baton thal »he population The l>r. Howard Cin order to ed N»tu* of w* r- 4* i* n of 4 in S \H r. j>:ac:(cal 1 «rl Holt, of N«h on c»ipt t*»cl i«Uud, «jr*-d »l«v**n, >i to be the business of the state r exclusively * taili'’ eou It o r..*rt *. tl c«»u»tn< 1 riiietgo froBtlrn w.ts ro* ■ auUioriz- d me to re^rw I* ft, took .. » and MlUr ^«um, (juiclc ititroduciory *a!e, o!»bM A vt -t>e *'• U* • gua to say bow delegates to a nations; convention d n»*r •I M»* .M- eti-. .. ft* d u-i e ntifr «»t .he a*., uf .»«*• * I' ih*e or ro»«. ho»t<.u (tun »u » • 1 pwo^ a. ibe » fourieeu-u» »nt lie-old mid sna.i be h* sen, aud the state's aellthe twftle of their iiil- I ft• ‘a a«iU 10 t'l) f Cuary," pup, certificate regular flftywnl «»f J*' I. K rtl U .bl •, rttt u »« » « h d n. • d, repuk>4o«r t iMy w Mrekn wtui out to look f*»r «aUr-birdi. Tm when issued ought not to be challenged for half 25 and al- mod J h » f.ed M n'er on 1 setiouaiy iprciflc price, rente, ly J.oij.- 1 >i « (■• O'tf ftl 10 mi ith li.rte -*f o « o\. W* ittuu f « ty T b«th • i>t » 'O- ft» -J l lifllfl'ttMrr 1 a own (Sirre-m*. returned •U »rtiy, Mt b «i,n to ul) aqjur. patiouai p >ucy of protec th u'*) I have >»ld a lot of it, and sf»tr* tit- Of fH'ltlff ftlioatii [ O «ll d). W • by l*D«t of Hud : log aud iutUe interest OHM ft .ft* C«-U' It *«• UM'« drat and u.aerviug developing be«-i» *1 r.. n.»w*r nil » n. »\ Li. u' (1. i.i.. k vota, ton com gun-, tou.)'* a Hired every pacing™, not one ha* Wm * v, f H*f*.<» h fsii toe resources « ai-' •fi' people the great natural f 11*4 •.*»!«» Ho nMn| hi an >«" ,v ■ •erotid f-al •« a Mfd d »/ tiack a* *wl U Itf iftrr*»»f P ‘m d I- d n 'kp p rPprfp in brought an*aii«tactory. on !* %* ii v*i .« frb* ntnoir cm tbr coanti y iu forests, lauds, mine* aud a I ,*►•»...* iu •ftftir.t ihrrr.u. *•> p >'< < aa» atill th-* H'wcid'* at half k »'• I ITi K pm loan wi h ... » r* '«• t> an t'f -a’i'a'iati in m>i mnl “I idiing a u^r |M» v#frtrr ift-** ar** rnpri o.. e. lot. §J*A Wmt* •** **• I wnn *1 >*<11 hue •l»r >■ II*-. >'h tiufrim * W s pric*, aith"U<;h long .. y. f « believe it uud policy and a legitimate A Hot* Up 1. #ju T*» court' «.*• on *1 rpril’c I1! fraM’y '•»*l lai|ir«*if I*ut4«u Varlfllm. |a |i **-.1 hiiftwnrt »« «*>d *,ual' be able to do *o. a no *boi* Uo t. t!W. «| raen iae of goer nme..ia. p were auH only to I Any prruoa lit <> < ft. * | to .hr ft.atn oa> o* *■' irhimwi ve aide headache ar>, ftp PC* aod protect, but also to iucrease aud la to enit'ptliao, r-m •• ft ti*» in in- 1 Mini baa tanjwi .on nt.i# «•» Od lie b»t. ’f *? liui o 'ft" of t >rr "Mate* bpV b" pi in> fr war neve- * tbe or a on »ifn jiooib life, bes-tu. dt*zi:»eaa, liver trouble, indigestion '1‘uul il i-unli »•> t> wii d *» a d l«.r • t> aid it- •** grurtal ptayed-oul A-nllA r\ Hrtn^r*. ‘a • r» a- trv 1 *7 horopwan rouotn**, a«r* a bull*tin ju«t fails !i. its if It does not do *o jr u-»e, *iift»xiai 11.e atosvra «» duty everything If ii i. 'A jl .« h« *. .- ioi>«. aptiovid naanl- take advantage of tb a opportonity. L, a* ai.ii lot .n J 11 4 K li K Judvr Of I’’ * i«iu*h1 lb* oureau of p aut ludu-trv of to >< not S«ia'» In.• nd d. • «r o' by p«vaaib>* mip preventable diseases hvwi » < ■ 1 I »ti h »'m ion* l»i the doja not eurv cau A trae copv t « 1 k. f »l »•*« g adopt'd aavMul apacidc lbe.u* uv lit * and land of K reit *' an *■'«!«• *1... n tn.i a I ilnia- co ne right back lo my a-ore, I tarill id protrldn tlkr* a a ctoa* ce life We advocate more ■ oiuoir) ta gr*a- room for breeding power Horne* K t* ir.ltj. n rmt r» >>o '*•*»»' ••')■r u u cheerfaJIv money.” Old liar o uu • b»t •»♦»»' ri gi laraa; and ac p» :ato»itba r 4i#r turcb content bt- >ui(u sod state boards of health, and oou'b > I u ..i i «!•«<% *|Mi >uwt> J*ur* T ii. «e* t <»f tbe r»tihl’»h“irut of a a:!oi«al board of MiKij. by ilia tOat iiaigaiaa caua* American vtnt!i.« ar« loner (ban i»| •• paip»plp be* lb •mitious of tbe nation. We stand luru riNiii. ••>. rui ».d« of O il ilar iiircuuut) iiatMUih. •*vu. *il 11 Iaiinli on 1‘lanad on oa rant Parcher I**.:, bound d on u-rth lard of f*nnK M^aiixl by i»*f tr>o' *»t iotntutrar) for a broad a.ol liberal tu of public edu- by syst iff*, u o »% ..* « n< u<1 *+.*> lb- J*«nr» L Hridtra*. on e*M ntvt boa b "* C.iinat MalitioM. th* bull*tin *» inn roll Imor eeye. *hall • •••t t.*rw*a«1 trr «l*-atrrf1 fn n( lb* oiiv*p maotr. it, cation which equip the child for in !*i.d of Wtiater I. « «t |t»M. *»i bridgtsou *** • b ao dimtiM «m lb»« country The Druwist l.iA lur MMbiutui, ai»o » bietl ifnrf#'• i>aw that dustriti and social life. Im u ioauid be b'f recognise with the ispid growth aud mi Help YOl" nN'l Your i'r|». f 01 K*i«in ■a-'>l» >n ah on d o* r-Urrad o Ilia j Uku»iii. >»i ir.u, ol'rctot ftfLaMCMU of nation new are »<. d*‘»|j|*d 10*1 «ntl lort«* in special locti- development the problems llr. Darnell kitw of Uiea of lb* li-wb of dAAtt'a liiao VoDoc twit <00*1 a in Urn vn,. o» atari a for j IMH) IttlKAH; ra|»i wu,.*e eolation t>«C. 4. i*U a> •' ‘ll** »'.**• A o**.r*#**t»r.g utrila Couatput.y arising may uuiy 1..1 particularly viMiril g puppy. aii' pi- fl"»r<#>n. be f. l*ijr td »* ad« a lu provision*. theiefore regard * Ml t**,,. temperature* C >U*riur,t 4d«Arti«Mb0A| of Ml* ►. il*\ «t KI.LKWHRTH. a* who esome the wo« « f a uribud f Lnn i* rf pMou by III'1 f it t *n’' r«wi*i |..»a paaijr la n phi hark to fhaeeaa remefanee n another ( MlMi|) llllll, v, JOc .Vl( l «. .it, linr>t- r «•*•*. h« t*i.- aoo'o rha alaair■ roi-nr la on ii*a I bat aoonld be It ia lacfciu; Unpaid taxra on iand« iu * wn of developed. tu iou. pae*e*i at two auictaaiv* iegMoaiive b*ri d«i»« <1 *••’*'* *b*> cmr. All Dr. D IIIK-I*'—Will) fr-t* * aAiina, in tba c »m; of for th« tb * * la Hancoc*. • •Mw’J.'Q ur rovi U* t-a ""-a- haap. Atuartoab pot tine* that U »*-*■*#- s« sal • ns. be submitted to tbe e |y.a •Ml «ff iw(r««c» may peop by ; oo can- «U Ural UP-lit j**t ‘,f* Mnk of all ! |.>r ar<|>rwo on Mtr iu».irfntA d U m»i *or Ii r jr jram, iaa Jfaw d of May. rnmaln* «ta!e naponj; a.i• n.ii ft ta bboo»t«i t« obtain dilate-free Otia, for acme* ilw is «n t-n«r|C*-A orrv u«It i.a*»i, a «acb < f employed pest tb- real fcsarotid > pm It a dirnland Toa aaiai* i*se.i aa it auffl « io *o. »n* aaed ta Ibta e-eatry s*i ctric car eMturrmn m Horton, KUrouni drupjed HORSES FOR SALE dur thrrefor. dadma »>U>ti( »mI of iho .ttvirtai.d on (U!,W,. • ebargra. wilt oa aunt at auction o«*eo lute on Me car yeateroeyV an public at tba Krvv ;,ir utle nticfictorv town nail on Wl tbr ttru \fm» ay of o> atidk BMaBa Lh« g wen -t.n '* KririArt, ti'.u M-Uwoum. dr. Warren the of ilrn. Georg* iff*'s, •ui aMe for ood«, or for llif. at if o’clock in lb* lormo.u >• »f • wo wee Hnr#rtiU'k,t; trannkot. I rum piicua ;«r*a of W.*IVerrea, of Ofle, end unmarried Nauicof ow:.«r. Ccrcrintion of Amt Kfbd hnxff «f t *i itarliar, tea* lb lo* a win .*« wift »n aa.araij fat It* Hhne hsd.1** hi* mother, on* brut her proprmj. tat da* moot}, n r. ii. Illswortli. a !■ bay# mm awk ()>guotl. Do naraky »«tat« in, on* lot nr wdara —Rite* l War r, of and four »**- nartai th”ttway. 111.tail of contaf 4 F«raeaortb « fwide ne f m« ac'-A. .jra or raa | 4 :• Mre Hole no d. IfeJfteMiry, of Otia, end Doiu hatti-r tHl" hot.ait, if po-rrj, ur ;» A pa;r of Su0E > .n#k> rava • (4 >n* lo* or p re 1 °! '*»'4 « Alfa. Manna* Vladvekt apeat a fear Mr-*. Chert » of (. tljfecjr, «>lb*rt», • ‘f Mtaa 10 Nu.tb t«a ii« of uifaraa' orr o-r- on !• I linn If a |MJ 1* rot EASILY E RNEO * wa-t of tbr bigkwa., • tak • to pay tv Wanda f r !-• > r.iw Thw bod r urea brought here :c*4ajr awd A »hi* hfiDitifui air *lrr ttf lli> 'In pl.t* at >iQ« fflbefu- 4 w um The tniweMetr nab •*•*! wttb Mra (thru to Or b'HbV OU«, t!r of her utur. ruN.coiit fci c* spur* Ca tin* M tin*. IH c 14 1*11 on I II HI rk» If la .. a Ml For partUu.&ftt ft.: ► So « «**n, L bf*» Inai f .»•#*<*•* fa« ieM «i I be ►riaey. «id- u»* YlriSi uni o< alt 'Ma laiwail of -/ H -*'> )„, a t at «•***«** a HI *e * Mb W, H K «*hnr HAY HTATE I uiiinfttanra ■** »' rn r « ■ oi is •i ft Kit/dA a « UunlKUY CO Inc., 1 do>on fb« rnilr.* I >(?">'». i;r« ar>n hidn««4a) An abb are iatef^ate* 4»r re*ei»e*e i'tik U iafttay pr%e*-t>a. a i«|* lb* Lynn. Jins j /tr.* Kerr Eii*i.ud trio i-a. t«a on a ate tavtead ta attend tb* aactum*. eaisiwrv ** Lkm ad* 0/ bar gain* ---—-- 1 high school I,\W CUIHT KM^'VOKTH RESCRIPT OBITUARY. Sbbmiermtnte. Courn Proving Popular Det-Uiuti *“ <•'»•« uf Uolllver v» FRKD P. WHITTAKER. A«d Profllnhle. tirwulte state Insurance Co. Fred i\ Whittaker, a native of Ella- I to T«k **■•*©»» by auparia- Thi> .^rted rescript in the case of Cltfton E. worth, died suddenly of heart failure last * (indent of leluJoU.) Dolh»er, of Trenton and B«r at the Falmouth hotel in * Harbor, Thursday, Port- f»H ttrio of th high school, wbich Tb« the Oranitc State Fire Insurance land, where he bad been employed the l**t PrMijr, wy satisfactory, haa Co., been banted down the past year as steward. t0 *clu*! WOffc by law ..Christmas only »° ^gard accntn court. The 00, reecript, which ia Mr. Whittaker was of text but in the Justice forty-nine years Suggestions.. in the books, general .i4fc# », #40, etc. Our are right rnlu front the station at Portland. He had a prices was of a defendant’s a«ent. which «- tlelit^rsllrtn* something wide CHARMS is and our are low'. and our terms Bi,ca ptred January «!, mi; that the acquaintance with the hotel men complete, price* easy. :n* by the premises re- spproprUlloo city nt lined and piung*.** unoccupied wlthoot the written travelling men throughout the the ae- State, WOJjd not warrant necessary expend!- sentof the with defendant for a period of m re whom he was decidedly with popular. ithssmtl great approbation than thirty days after Mr. |0 Jvnns-v S’. 1911, and Whittaker stood high in masonry. * »d citi*ju* who had no chi:- until about June t) partin' M, laid, when workmen lor He was a member of Lvgonia lodge and but i>*li*ed what a the eclere t Fine Chinaware (i m s cwl* grand plaintiff Into possession and Victor ^ con- Acadia chapter, of Portland Talking Machines tinued to the Ellsworth, wa< afforded our young ocuupy hoi,dings tip to the tl ne What is mure to wife or mother than of the comtnanderv. Kora temple and the Music in the home Christmas adds pleasing kuov that a fire, which occurred. Ju 1912. Morning )*ie. We ail only very j Hcottish rite n:ce china? Call and let ns show you our dinner pi. The policies bodies of masonry in Port- greatly to the pleasure of the season. You can ortioo of have bcina In the sts -lard form seta. We have in stock several high-grade English ni pr pupiia any land. is — *0 prescribed the He survived by one brother search the whole world over and still fail to find their studies by legislature, contained t ie -emi-norce in dinner sets ranging from >(< I •"» : pursue farther Ervin of Boston. a so as a Vietrofa. We can sell following provision, am in dh-rsi ”T ils Whittaker, gift appropriate to Austrian and Uaveland china din- « aud this sceincJ m t.1,4 tLc shall • • The you a Vic: tola from $15 to $500. Our $15 in i^,n P>ll-y ne void if the preml -t body was brought to Ellsworth for ner sets from $20 to Our tea, choco- a '« could them for work in hereby strumpet is a marvel of tone and sweetness. 0, 4> help Insured shall lieennte vacant hy toe interment in the lot at Woodbine late, luncheon and tete-a-tete sets are family ami dainty, removal of th s.rf Huy one, $1 $1 per week. I if* or occupant and so -e- cemetery. There were services at Port- artistic and very reasonable, from $3 to fH-in. of ami mitltt vsesot for tooi, than wi '.be *•!pesae buying typewriters thirty days h- land Friday forenoon and masonic ser- the text-books for aten> ott such assent", such assent be.-n p, t4... *, g- having vice* at the grave Saturday forenoon. alt previously Oett-ied as **|n or In n -v 4ml bookkeeping a')d tho outfit wrtttug print of tUV C 1 flU|MBV .ies was a **ri ’•* <■] iwiion, bo: it Other Suitable Gifts Which Are Sure To Please 0: tied: MRS. NANCY J. JOY. worth while u> and 0 i«iderad try, Brooch Pins Cuff Links That contract* of Innurance are contra te Sunny j., Widow of II. Nelson Joy, Fobs Chain Purses .ay will not have to be repeated. IS of indemnity upon term* aud conditi r,a formerly of tills worth, d'ind Friday at the Hat Pins Emblem Charms Pendants and Bracelets I board decided to open this * »f*iB»i In thi niHiy e’rt'nly' iT •>« home of her daughter. Mrs. Charles W. Beauty Pins Emblem Buttons Chains Manicure and Toilet i. a rue to young people not cue in- lueot of the pirtiea. an! if it that $ptt, appear* Currier, in Brewer. Mrs. Joy bad been in Pins Emblem Pins Gold Beads Articles small tuition the Insured b*s violated Baby nc* school fora fee, or failed to perforin health for poor 10m? time, and had failed Scarf Pins Scarf Holders Sautoir Chains Toilet Sets rdod them a any of the cjuiitlou* of the cont*aot. and *• splendid oppor- rapidly since the deith of her huaband in them • uch violation >>r urmt of performance ha* Locket* ami Chain* China Cllt (ilUNM Ctched das* Table Sets loiii : nil many of otherwise last. She not been the May had made her homo with aud the approved hy insurer. then the touM nave, money thus ob- her h*r assured caotitft recover. daughter, only child, since the BUY YOUR GIFTS EARLY AND HAVE THE »5E3T SELECTION. old help on the original ex* la.iu r»j*i the p'aioiIff. in permitting the in- death of Mr. Joy. She was a woman of if persona not member* were jrn** •oi'wJ premi»N to become vacant t»y the re- kindly,qualities, and was highly esteemed I io attend without any fee, the the we**| of occupant*, a.i I to *-» remain by Ellsworth friends and neighbors. chain*' rr that the number w ould U vacant for more than thirty dayi afler the un- Her maiden nam was Bon* *y. She is The El. F. Robinson ■ seat of the in Co., limited room would not ac- writing *r id » cumptoy prl «t, survived bv on sister — Mrs. Victoria nor could one vioiated a c >nditiou of the p »ltcy; and by it* for Victor .Machines. MAINE. ton;.!. them, teacher B. Moore, of Massachusetts. add two Agents Talking KLLSWOUTR, own term*, toe me and we could ; ot policy era* not riy sus- ia*.’f them, surely pay brothers Ransom H. Bonzey. of Klls- pended during such vacancy, but wra* thereby m >n .i.»:rur*tors. and rendered absolutely void. worth. Albion B. Bonz\v, of Cali- U and that fornia. Mrs stly hoped expected That the *ub*cr of tuition siudeuts will iu- i;i the premUr* by workmen of the ittared did The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at t cam The school off ?rs excellent not revivify the policy nor restore the plain- the Currier homo in Brewer. The body c .i Ills for toe college*, so we tiff to hit former riant*. »* no act of the was brought to Kllsworth Monday for atntiff atone could have that effect. 1. ttrset pupils from adjoining p legal interment in Woodbine cemetery. 4. That there la n sufficient evidence of loan* There is only one motive and de- waiver on the part >'f the defendant. em thsl is, to help our young people sod Judgment for defendant. m * '<* \ ) * ,js fW give tiw ii a b«>hI start when they leave

ik- *bileit. is not iu At-nsc a The store wishes to extend llcli- any e *• r-»<*s '• * a Haynes v -—ii...i 'i Odd Fellows* ( on vent Ion. ———————— scheme, *o would t>* m making glad W.>st HuDtvau, sld Dec 10. sch Charlie aud Arrangements have been made for a wm-c&m to to m«n*ge it in a good businrsw manner. Willie. Boston day Greetings and remember you by convention of the tblrty-aecond and; Ar Dec* iO, ach Oeorgietta. Boston T:i- *rd voted to give a special di- Sid Dec !l,«ch Lttvinia M rirtnw. New York districts, which include nine i: 4 o be rom- thirty-third | an fruit pi* pupils completing the South went Harbor—did Dec 9. sch* son offering amazing bargain. lodges iu Hancock county, to be held in B Nova Scotia. .lost for Nova us,-.4. court*, aa it would be of great Ur) Scotia Ellsworth Friday, Feb. 13. The conven- sm in. seb L* s Revenue steamer WooJ- asusum c in securing burv cruising LOOK! Twenty Florida oranges—large, positions. vision tion will be under the super of j Hid Dec II. sch Khoda Holmes, Apple River, Ijrj »k lodge, of Ellsworth, by its author- N 8, f >r New York, cargo piliug iuicv, for 2de. II!<«II M IKMU, NO I KS. Bass Harbor — In D**c ach Julia ed committee. port 14, j Berkeley, leaking, put on flat*. ..essie (Br) 1 A meeting of delegates from lodges in which went ashore in gale Dec H has nad her \\ rtl m for M«*m* Which We Claim To Be Thr \merlc*i» by cargo of flour and grain unladen at McMul- the taro districts wan held in Ellsworth ; brri* of K. II. >. l’rp*« < lub. in s wh: >f and ah** will be taken to Rockland j Saturday, to arrange for the convention. f'ir repairs Of Any Ciel-Kich-Quick Intent Thr inter.-aiiug *tafi»tic* re- foliosing Five lodges wrere represented. hr have cum* To Be garding fall term juat kfii The convention will be called to order UOii.N. Or Exorbitant i Number of atudenta: 1 p«; College pre- at 1 30 m. There will lw ex«mplication p. • i)l < K At Ka*t Corinth, De 2. t(* Mr and Mrs paraloi n»urif, pi, scientific course. 3b; of the and tlrst in the initiatory degrees William 8 Hole a son. ; William H, jr. j Our (iootls in Price canned are the finest •• jJrnt* in rommtrdti Snperba goods pro- rubj-ci# afternoon, banquet from 8 30 to 7 30, and O’HA l.bbRON -\t Vmherst. Dec ’4. to Mr and Mrs a Are Rated Low oaiv. T Number of boys, 4’i; girl*, 40. ciuinplifKation of second and third de- Hoarles OTiaUeron. daughter. curable. Warranted by the packer, atimiasicc: 3M, or W Av.r», boy*, grees in the evening, followed by lunch- 97 5 croi. In High liaom-d l»v this store's |»r nl, girl**, 39, or per eon. The convention comes earlier than Quality—Rated reputation. been ab- Mtaderits «bo have not usual, and it is to have an unusu- And lhat is we ask you all hoped BIHSFT- t'l.AKK At Biuehill. Dec \.J, bv why •roi fr »ro ac*aions thr any during ally large rvpr* a«:ital ion of grand < fficer* tl; h A Barker, Miss \ Mildred Bissct To come HERE when you buy trr-n ^i»ior«, H«i«l Margartt to lii'ttd'il H « ark, h ch of Bluehiil. j Can Offer., 35 Can Tomatoes, .IS Can Strawberries, .22 Work w*n assign d a* folio's: luitia- ( t*RHir.R SIMMONS \t Beduwfck, Dec 3. CAKES •' Nufir. Junior*, r.leanor M»ggn*», By Ivia BREAD. ROLLS, DIES, Tea, .50 1 .S .20 r v og*e. (». istone i<» g *, W ui< r t'\ H*-v K Mhn Sanderson, M'ss .Martha M Dundeiiuus, Ibispb.rries, Muriel j Sophomores, by»r k. Blaeberries, Alt# r lK'rg«n, rtrude (idea, Jtil*a Harbor; second degr**e, Ocean lodge, Seign K tsv bake Cau Cum, .13 .12 Kir* Plum, .20 Northeast Harbor; third degree, Bluchill c.llfl.Dr -IIR\Y vt Be'f Den-5. hy Rev ; Pumpkin, II Fn*»h^'*n: K«rl Anderson, '■ J i» ,iir, disH Clara to William I ’eats, 1 Squash, .1-1 Damson Plum .20 M tUrron, Katherine itra-Jy, fc.i;z* h*Ige. C Gray. »i «ih of Brooksvi' le. A. HOI.Z. Beans. 12 Peaches, .25 Green .20 Alice 11 A V V KoT.rY \t Bar Harbor, Dec ID, bv Main and Franklin Ellsworth St'g Gage, louatii*. Mary Hopktn«, Lake, Former ItrcHik-ville Womin Killed. j Cor. Sts., Stephen 1. Ktng-iey, c-t. Miss lua (travel Phone fit-2. Lima .12 Bn tl't I’ears, .20 Golden Drop, .20 M«f'»• •lillikm, Harry i*irkrr, p4Ul II- rtiou II m v, f > to Patrick Mrs. I* W. Bates, of Center, 'frutu, fr'uU-y, j * T«p*r of Bar Harb II .rUeallurat Apricots, .25 Pineapple, sliced, .22 y. rind Monday a* the resalt of a peculiar HlTriHNs ifltlNDLK At Northampton. j Beans. 1 2 .22 rr Martha Mtl'iken *«* gi ro Bates was draw v.ster Pineapple, grated, My »r, accident. Mrs. ing Mj*», D»-c 1 •>, by lie\ Jd»n H Watts. >i hfiv llutchti.s, f Muehill, to Hi cr»:*i f t «orar of tbr uein* in tht* from a well Sunday evening, v h«*n she Joseph G inn !*•. of Mt Tom. Vi to. r* uu-n U*t «r*-k. Thr name b.i\u and fell heavily the well PLUMBING' slipped upon 1'i .KKf NS ., M R I* V wt-r D« H\ h’*n darv i« Ylilliken. curbing. The caused a »*« v i/liotr d .nislns. Miss M.ato'li Fine v | injuries paralysis Furnaa = IVre; ;s Bucksport, to Arthur Pendleton Hot Water iieati'V. of iti in rye centers, and physicians worn j J. A. HAaKirr- HAI.L Haynes Your Grocer, lief. Work and unable to effect nuy r< POM ROY -(i ''(HAVIN' A* West Trem*»nt, Jobbing. K H ■* son it* around gum- ol t*aket- Dec 4 \. W RomiU. Mias Ituroeil M Main K1U worth. 17-2 Mr*. Hat a was thirty-'our years fid. tty e-q, St., Telephone ball when it ■ Friday nigut at Hampdra, l‘ no t Fremont, t-- Pud Henry A Good- j MUNI-.ST WO^K: HONEST PHICE The family moved from Brooksville to drf**(«o M«iii|»l*n academy team, 54 5, in A Herinon Center about a year ago. She ega.o. » nit t» wa« rleau but *o oue*»»«W«1 l-ave-a hin» '*riri. six chilireti and tbr-e Twenty Yeirs* Experience. !>11 ;i». a* to the •» id Id rather uhintereatiug r.r tb.r* Kdgsr IIsi**, of H-*rrcnt«*; Nor I’i-ihohhI Httei tum stll «t**taiI T '••!»! line Plan, of Brook»ville, and Elmer, of l'iy* •» t«< Spectator*. The up. li VTEA \t Hermon Centre. Dec 15, Alice E, I <*r nmtl "hL tin nu llv ,iiie»i*ie«l mouth. -a i' f VV i 111 a m Mo e#. f <»r iner of M a _ e ty [ rti•itt*v if. njff«1 » vear*. « ro with*. 5 rtay«. The of this I* hitcomh, r. f. II her. U. ! n EDWARD F. BRADY, Object hi |,s\\ OK I II b AI.I.S. < HI K U P-m*5. Dec 12, Horace i M-Hamas, l. I. S A-drivh, r g hi< A.:nth*. »-:.t., Kil« orUi, M*. t W nlkottb, C ( n v \ \ y u I a ill', D< M • The aewing I'd- i« holding its onnial r.i,-fU..u. [>-5. Jlhra. t. g. M*) .’. I f 1(1) ->»!•» u- utmiiiithaiii, nycA 7i year*. 11 Advertisement **!*• U i« ilu-rnw-n. McUowo. I K U I C.arh, f C'hriaCnaa < »T .t-t.- .4tun, Dec 4. V.'eaifv Ser-vey, ln>* Wtnalow |> M *.re, of Olla, f;*ent Sun- win inform ev«*i * «*f 'I n k Amkijh who has need * f h kind of in There sill probably b* tio g»u»t f .*li ai 'l 'li» J A «Ji tt. e«»«. 4 There’s A Photographer y an, > nitfbf b rr aith bi» mother, Mrs. a»ek, but on l>*ormf«er J3 the flr*t big day biUMiu'K ti ni. .ill i'ur combine broad ami Httle- H 1 Nf’K ! V U Sfdtttli k. Per 5, I ben A policies protection prompt Uv ol e'oon sill take w tor II Mi rev Moor*. g« lh« place, Mi >.*r in .iJh-, tt me yc •’ey*. !n Your Town meolh With tl t- imu-s1 po.&ible rates. l.**»t < »*n h.lgsoit!) and liar Harm meet in n « IWuti- r, of Lynn, M«n„ HOi.M.*- \i Bar !l h r. .m-c 15. Hanr.ah,! a vv w >( \i I'M <9 ll “Just ms are, I wouldn’t change y«*ar Bar Harbor son tiefore K. H r* bad bar ov«r Hundey, the gu***; ot John E. Moline*. yeurs. j you imiMh-. 1 7 ..l I liiturl*** < Imrrlt Note* fr\ am •* E. »*■ iff nf .J m«h Y |"i In#. Red; an informal call good Ficperty owners l:e piotccteu ircm fire Ly pia;;.£ their Joaephine are r ailing Arthur Mtu rt and yrttTl*, VI lla>H A Ciin»(m*« trw and >up|itr, «uh an appointment to-day. vilt in Dedham. THOM I A \t HanRor. Tec 14, \ UReue Mill i>e held on Christina* e». lor Th-'inh* of iiMtiuf, 53 year*. baa relumed from a \m C Flood — The Sit ihf members of the .Sunday school \|r» TROrr At Bar Harbo", Pec II, Henry Ej Iloopcr stinlio, vi * %*ith tier daughter, Mr*. Walter B. Trott, see t »*0 ye in*. ME. if case* t ELLSWORTH Fire The miui»ter will be Insurance glad any V AKN »1 A .M-A' «>■ i.«l, Dec 6. Mr* Harriet Cram, at Bangor. | illnea* or distress arc reports t to him a* M Vamhar- .9 years. and #ar» i are bon e from — toon ua knotfi). The minister'* tslephons Henry y W\K.;EN \i B ■••ton. Dec 16, John El WANTED--LADIES Mill. I .1 WAl.Mi. I l.I.SWi >I;T1I. Mr Moor* ha* teen « nrreu, of (Hi* »R**d 24 years. number ha* been changed lo 126-3. Ha< Harbor. A.-er* T'i Kimw I M ikp Switched W*TITT \KER- At B rt'nn '. I«ee O, Frett P atnee spring. Trie Woman’* AMiaucc men* every employed Wblttatrer, a native of Ella worth, URed <9 Kuun Y«mr t'ouibiiiL's. $1.50 «.Li.-> v\ or i !• of Bar Hirln •• as Wednesday *ftern«**n *t -3) o'clock in Cbarit a llayaood, r, n mili.iken. I i < and Saturday, the Harriet jfcaii, »oa u&;ti Hotiins. *be vestry of iho caurob t »r tudy anJ b».re bunting Friday laundr) Haleb. 175 TUKMUN f ST.. BOOM 57.' " >rk. There are sill! *ou»« vacaucu* gaol of Henry Boston, Mass. CLARION. "'n•• •••' * trk .»o: (I r> niiltifl. to ot tllltii. Ileiberl >1 .naliaburv and Jam-a A. *«Ul|ig •■»>»« lot n.i tviveno \\ *.♦-* M|»* a *r n t> Clara a laat weak bunting at Botch rnnifv There «r|U t-e a spsciai Christina* service peal ii. t^TCY ol CO. j[0 IVl.U'l X. oito d*e“. **’ •> -•r- Sunday m rum* next, at 10 30 o’clock Dill pan I. aecuriog nat>*—it ;t m «* triuii Itl.l-M’My ■*»*!.* *t. Kt'-Vk.aih M Music and to ttie lean- * ho ia teaching in hymns appropr»*le j Mr* Eva Coagtove, ^ur** to r»Mj• Pure v, iv ii M O'i T with her ). i v«i will tie given and a *«rmon on **Ti»e Holaen. « aa home over Sunday ^ j iCummiaaiou itUtrtjama. mV** 1 Al T\ MM" \Ih<1» **> Ho* Wtroi>ta, U I I v<, noNilMi A."'** \ I.-t All Kantror. Solo h\ rii^nilvprt^iii.MiiM »-i.*vs some n AM are wei* .. < « \ I. v* i; K Preached by U*e imuietsr* A Col tie and family have been v •Til- iMftihii. Hi'H'SfH <>l N-v\ Ki.izl.iint. Our Frank so'i.t irnr 'Ml.-IV *»•*!<• rolling p-reiita, i|t ,.«!» «ic I. i\ kU)I?iih;k. iw r»i*■» ■ ♦« ') » this Hu «- », ii «t '»• u# Man. **»iv*o m,i>w--htii obaerv. U as rally Sunday. Tbomaa and family have Ur. Taplcy Is necessary to e'v® f. MW »• Wc the absolutely o*y all the present member* ol Uni- ir borne »»» Fremont. after returned totb the health that ad- brings happiness, J in *%*$ tarian res their society will Mir Mr«. Topic)p*r.n«., K A Kl<» d restful sle ■ a good appetite, >li7<‘-y'tTclTuk IRA “B. HAOAN, Jr.. ^ OOSICm'S here nc* to it* I* h Uicsir church and mid »ife for life', I <4 and makos you eager •htning the rol»; ami snv Civil E membership mill o( Whitcomb, SARSAPAfilL! A ngineor, * To. Ini* lumtwr duties. HOOD’S ATTMTtVvV AT ho rWire to a saucca te iSemaeive* with I I.AW, iiivuridru din. «•«»*• ««in« makes pure blood and so creates andL Purveyor. in ita faith and work with th*-luvtetr t*-; ic in cor-'ition. DANi tiR, MAINE. Ki i*l.r, on .cctiunl of mo m.Wing this much-desired Correspaoue; ce Solicited. APPLES •dmiited to mem her* hip bv «»« >i | ! ho tKKI'i.ft offl. 9 k. m 9 m. WORTH FAl LS. ME. P. 0. Box 7. krtef *nd beautiful aervies *n whirl the TRAPPING Tfroiikiiii f, p. Tburs.inyh. F.U.S FOX we lore im- rove.! faofl'tle* K lAke left Miihd.y for La * r. uc *V .Iter K***'. OrM'vi pret»:!y r‘«Cht hand of fellowship w ill be off-red to John t‘>* n. to »W r.-U- 14 fox. JU mink; fur hiimtllup. thf-m Further of thi* service town, S d hi* nmi*» f-M/l.t WILLIAM SAMPLE, particula^a »m» * 41 ixuMiit Nor h Mr, L«kr «r*l *i.u konw T»« ])R. UR COATS *•11 be later, but inv who *r<- livt- Thi.i. M "3 tuksk announced v|,.nr>'«. N. ii. v ivi^iv d t SHIP also: Iturlv-mi. ycr. .go. O.-TKM’A'I ).;»rwe nfvv y\>l ■nxiou* to join the society fttMTOld no jfv •inn comm* hot* f.>i vi'itn P«*»* mftUiMi** fn.nd» *»ve * d( up« ,r*r iw:hi-»ihnib .Vdl Enktem Ti' st I!a gi»r. Me. and all minister or any member of the s'li- A eoiup«ny of voune Warranted MEATS, EGGS, Mi*. • n ! tarm*. •hce aa Moiid.v .ftrriioou to I KltlllA VS soon aa possible. .orpri*. party I*, 1, .t«r. in**' «**t" IN' K.LL-W'Oln H ri'l sDAVS und FRILND’S F'rm Product?.. ir hor .r of DAVID Oorlrode Kl<«d .1 b.r hmnr, | p,*,l «n>1 • -#ni '.n nin» }*r« *

— was a husband leaves a widow, two sons Harry, a ten children. He kind STONINGTON. BROOK LIN. SOUTH teacher in Porto Rico, and Ralph, of Salis- and a loving father. The funeral took SULLIVAN. C. H. M. Pmi an<1 «ilf are visiting in R*V. P. M»« Ethel Banker Lyman Cousin*, who has been very bury Cove, and one daughter, Florence, place Tuesday at the echoolbouee, (pent the WHk Boston and it Franklin. **k‘*»4 ill, is improving. now teaching at Stonington. vicinity. A. A. Kiilam officiating. The bearers Mrs. Crows returned from were H. W. Cunningham, of Blur hill; Bunker h.. Mrs. Fred E. Sawyer is in the Knox The auxiliary sloop Island Belle, owned Augustus R»lpl> gone Into lb, Albion Herbert and ■t l rtf Li hospital for treat nu nt. | by Nickerson, Spratt <£, Oreely, loaded Lynn, M«»c„ Haturday. Saunders, Haaper hurry for ih» winter. Q. F. a sudden to Oapt. Gray. Mt*» Ellen Mr. Chapman and family, of Bluehil'., with cord wood, was struck by Miss Margie Carter has gone Sedg- Hall left laat wwk ,or C on 1. E. Lufkin a week with hia OH. are here for employment. | squall last Thursday, and rolled over wick, where she has employment. spent to teach, and Harry W. C. at i*e- Stockton Merchant her beam-end. The water rushed into Elmer and wife were of nephew, Bowden, Brewer, Spring*. D. Jewett Noye* and wife have been on Lendl guests the open hatches and she sank by the Charles and wife in fiooktaod last cently. A forty of four an automobile trip to Brownville. Staples young men were on but the stern remained out of water. Mr*. Bertha of ! head, week. Coggins, Linnolnville, K was fond of 1.0 week. George Walker, of New York, a former very Aunt They and the one man with him were aec01J Oapt. Mosley is and Mr*. Minnie Paul, of Hoc*port, am! bail been resident of is visiting here. Joseph A. Ray, of Bangor, 111 at Egge- Lou saving np Btonlngton, got away iu the small boat. The sloop called here the death of their father, moggin ion. His brother Fred came Sat- by Ills pcnult-s to I'U.v her a Chrtst- Mra. Loth Wentworth Mr. snd Mrs. Ashe, of West Sullivan, drifted across to Iron bound island, where U. T. Carlisle. FKhl’IH Campbell *na urday. Ilian imwot. Ho hail tiro Mr*. Nellie Ormy, ol Utbon are occupying J. JU Thurlow’s tenement. she went ashore. Dec. IS. L. F,u, when bo climbed into lit* mother'* ««ni gucai. of —4_ C. F. Hiramnti, A. F. Pendleton and ___ | lap Mr*. John Mrs. Merton Coombs is in Boston to Campbell’. ~ to commit as bow the should LA KOINE. Kart Brailey, of Belfast, were here several PENOBSCOT. | to money Mi*. Enid Dorothy spend the holidays with uer parents, O. T. I Taylor ha, re last week, l« Invested. 'After the conference it returned from Ware and wife. Charles and Howard Hodgkins are at days Mr*. H. C. Perkins ia attending State Arlington Height*. was that Aunt Lou's M»,, | agreed present Where .he underwent an home from Hebron for the holidays. Mr. Gifford, principal of the high school, grange in operation The sardine canning has closed Bangor. should be « rose. in,’ factory left for his home in [ appendicitis, She >a hold a sale FairfLid Saturday. doing nicely. for the winter, and the out-of-town The ladies’ aid society will There will be a meeting of I'enobecot Tbe florist's was only five block* The school is closed for the holidays. Oird. have been received workers have left. and supper at C. E. hall Wednesday after- 'chapter, O. E. S., Dec. 2D. down the street. In front of tbe little annQJncill- | | the of Edith noon and Postmaster T. C. Stanley thinks bis pig marriage Lulu, Rev. Charles HarbotCsuperintendent of evening. Dr. M. A. WardwefTand wife spent two i-oru«r grocery store Mood Bobbie. daughter of has beaten the record this fall — eight Eugene rt. Orcutt and wife, of the Congregational conference, has been Misa Floia Stratton, of Winter Harftor, days iaat week in Bangor. | Freddie's chum, studying the wonder- PrankhT months old; weight, 114 to Prank Kllia Urlndlc, of Bucktnnn in tow'n the week. is at home for Christma« vacation. George pounds. ful thUurs In the window. past Mum Ethel Applebea, of Hucksport, i* Thankaglvlug day. Mr*. of Mass., is her guest. Mia* Adele McFarland has gone to “Hello!" said Freddie. “Hare you M. who went to Bard, Dorchester, the goeet of Mrs. Hath Smith. aud Urindl/TV*! George Hamblen, favorably known here, and * with music Providence. R. 1., where she haa a po- got a copperf bow 0, Georgia in October, has returned, and wilt A Christmas service, special Snowmen, of Southington, friend* extend sition a* ma'ron in a convalescent home. Benjamin congratulation*. at the church morn- Bobble dlsplayeil two. and Freddie be employed in stone-cutting at the will be given Sunday Conn., ia visiting bis |»renu, L. A. Snow- 1>ec- ,8‘ askeil what he was to _ j, uiusl concert an * tree will be Granville Herbert and going buy." Settlement. ing. The Phillips, Henry man and alte. "Don't know. Come on; let's In,” on Christmas night at the church. Tapley shot a small deer Friday, and on go east franklin Mrs. Everett Gross died suddenly at ocr The aid society of the Methodist church the same day Charles Blake, Leoncll Flye said Bobble. home last week. She leaves a husftand Miss Olive Coolidge has returned to ber 9. T. M Rlaiadell wa. in held its Christmas sate Decs Sapper On a box of IUngor a ftw and Wesley Henderson shot a large one. the counter was white and son. She was Miss Helen school in Lubee. Public buildings have useful da*, of laat week on butinem. formerly was served, after which and fancy with faces on them. Oec in clay pipes funny Rice. The funeral was conducted by Rev. been opened to provide temporary quar- Tuesday evening, », Hoxbury, even- Mil* Beulah articles were on sale. During the Bobble's bright eyes spied them at Tracy .pent the week-end Mr. Burial at Woodlawn ceme- ters for the schools, whose building wss Mass., Mr. and Mr*. Charles West de- with her Nora Peiley. ing a short program wa* presented. Pro- once. “How much is tbe bubble pipe*!" cornua, Bunker. tery. burned. lightfully entertained twenty-live guests ceed*, $20. he asked. Uoyd Blaiadeil baa hi. new house Dec. S. Nihil Dec 15. R. H. at wh*st, in honor of their guest, Mr*. «|| Dec. is. wooouxatm. Just a cent." said the man behind boarded and .hlngled, and will Carrie I. Ftyc, of BrookBn, who is visiting ,{up w0[k Schools close Friday for a two-weeks' EAST OK LAN I). the counter, on it until apnng. them. The house was prettily decorated NORTH BLIEHU.L. vacation. MIh Harriet Parker t« in Bobbie tsHtsbf one. and Freddie lin- -Mlaa Florence visiting in evergreen, holly and small CWhstmas Blaiadeil ha* gr.w to ! Buck Mr*. Annie Emerlon spent last week in gered at the t*ox. He asked, "How and Mica Mrs. C. C. Wood Is at Knox hospital sport. trees which came from BrooWhn. Mrs. Bockaport Eva Springer lo Bangor. many would five m[i|ii'W buy fT Uoaldaboro to for treatment. Miss Hattie Whitaker has returned to Carrie Flye end Henry W. Fly* received teach. Oscar had wife epent 1**1 week in "Six.” Freddie bought six. Miss Edith Silver is home from Farm- Ag.vle to teach. tiie first prix^ Mm. lx*e Powers and Mm. Dyke School, are again in tews ion, with V. p. Beal Harbor. Freddie n-tumed home, and mamma ington normal school. W. L. Wentworth and Robertson James Dean theconsolation prizes. Dainty Tburaton, of Cbeaterville, in George b*'l.ed up from lor sewing and asked. charge 116, and wife and Thomas Urirra and Johnson and of are shot a deer refreshments were served. It «t> reel; A. T. Oiilie grammar, Mita Mareia Brags', n of John wife, Sunset, Thursday. ‘‘Did yon if?"' toe Sin reunion. get and Brook are attending Bute grange. primary. gucsia of C. H. S. Webb wife. Henry Dunbar »a buying lumber to Six mamma, six beautlfol one*T The house of Waiter Crockett Mr*, Brook*, of Kliaworth, i* The friend* of Florian Are.v, accompanied by a friend, build a stave mill at Toddy pond. caught | llstph he cried excitedly, many Mr*. Cmetine fire forenoon and the interior was her mother, Mrs. Kred Candage. Wentworth are glad lo note i>. is home from Waterville for the holidays. Miss Grace Gibbs, who is teaching in i Friday visiting "Why. Freddie, you couldn't get six *s,ad» badly damaged by smoke and water. died at her gain from bar aeriooa Ulnc*. can. Mrs. Ethel Thurlow, who has been Frankfort, is at home for the vacation. Mrs. Susan Cunningham for 5 cents," said hi* mother. d oy Mr*. Crockett went up in the attic to peck a few illness falling down ataira never*! week* 8g„ teaching in is here for a vaca- borne Dec. 8, after only day*- "Yes 1 did.” wbl the little boy. Newport, Mrs. Alice Gibbs, Mrs. Alberta Mason Dec. j away summer clothing, leaving a lighted j of She leave one son and "Just look lu re!" IS. h tion. and Mrs. Millie Snow are at skate grange. pneumonia. ; on a on the below. 8he lamp chair landing one both of Inis Funeral and Samuel Judkins has from daughter, place. "Why. Freddie, they're pipes, Capt. bought and wife have knocked down a which WEST 8TON1NOTO.S. H. A. Snow the sympathy accidentally toy services were held Thursday, Kev. Charles Annt inn doesn't want Where Frank S. Warren a house ou Atlantic pipe*. Mra. Lottie .Kobb«t>»on hm of their friends in the loss of their felt the it and : urrM many upon lamp shattering j ol Bluehili, officiating. Is tbe nx*F a avenue. | Hargrove, Irom viail In Portland. infant daughter, born Dec. 11. Mrs. spreading the oil in all direction*. But for ; D. Dec. 13 Freddie *b»>d before her. speech lee* Mr*. Riaocti* Hlinaon ta hnm» fro® The stone business is and Hrl- improving Carrie Jordan is with Mrs. Snow. the timely arrive! of help, the house would He had forgotten the rose forgotten la»t, wbrr* ana baa b««n TtaltlaK | ORLAND. many of the former residents are Dec. 15. M. have soon burned. The rooms on the i Mr». I1mI« Thuraton bai j hrt back. The em- ■ coming cutters will be lower floor are damaged only by water, [ Mm. Harold A. Leach i» out again, alter cotta** amt (one lo Boeklanl 1 lhf winter. ployed most of the winter. WEST SCLUVAN. but in the upper story they are in a had a aerioua illne*#. I Ote.1. Mr*. The three-master Brigadier, with stone Mr*. M. A. Hooper and Miss Doris are condition from the smoke. Mr. Crockett, Howard Jobnaon baa moved bia family for New York from the quarries here, employed in Bangor. who is employed in Bloehill, came home | to Verona lor tbe winter. anchors in the of last SttirrtKnntrui dragged heavy gale Mrs. Lucrctia Dawning is at the home Friday. Mm. LUaieTrundy, Mm. 1 wiring Ben- week and was towed in to New Bedford Dec. 15. Usk Kkmmk. i of F. E. Peitiagil! for the winter. nett and Mm. Koeetta Marka, who have a revenue cutter. by been am better. Oasis chapter. O. E. S., entertained four- PROSPECT HARBOR. ill, Juanita O. E. observed its chapter, S., teen members from Ruby chapter, Win- Tbe Metbodiet aid aocietjr Held Its an- HEARD IN ELLS- sixteenth ! Mias Genevieve F. Cole was a guest of anniversary Thursday evening. ter Harbor, at its last meeting. A ban- Dual male and entertainment Friday even- ; About seventy enjoyed music by the Man- Miss Julia M Guptill last week. quet was served at 6 o’clock. ing. Tbe affair >aa well attended and a dolin club and other entertainment, after Moses Stanley and wile and Irving Miss Sarah Banker accompanied Mias good aum area maliaed. Tbe program in WORTH FALLS a which banquet was served. Only six Whittaker and wife were guests of the wae Gladys Rolte to her home in Gouldsboro tbe evening by Bnckaport talent of the charter members were present — Fred Tracy* of the Pond district on Fri- were she will spend the Christmas vaca- much enjoyed. Mrs. Louise Thurlow, Mrs. Ada A. Frink, day, their twenty-fifth wedding anni- tion. Miss Bunker returned Sunday. Mrs. Mary Brimigton, Mrs. Violet varaary. How Ilad liackM llutc Goat, Dec. lft. Vox Popxnx Hem Mrs. Della Small, Y. Stinson. WWT BROOKHVILLE. Kollyns The sale and supper given Thursday by Made Strong 11U Dvr. 15. Kidney Nihil the club was a success. A Mm. Maggie Blodgett la home from a _ PARTRIDGE COVE. Unity great Corrected. new feature was serving bouillon viait in FRASKUN. Clarence Young and wife will attend during Hedge-ion. the afternoon, Mrs. Larrabee and entertain- State grange. presiding, Tbe ladlea’ aale, anpper The high school is closed for the recess. j The society cleared £25. ment waa a iucewaa. Mrs. Hattie of is at Saturday grand Mrs. William E. is her Gray, Sedgwick, j Tracey visiting Harvard Colwell and Alt over KtUworth bear * Carter’s. Norman Rhaw, M. and non Horary went you it. Doan Mrs. at Bar Harbor. Joseph j Harry Tapley daughter, Wilbur, students at classical are j Higgins institute, to Beltaat Tueaday. where Emery had Kidney Pill* are keeping up lb* food W. T. has A daughter was born to Joseph Carter Ilavey, jr., had water piped j home for the Christmas recess, accom- adenoida and tonaita removed. and wife Dec. 8. work. Ellsworth people are telling about to his house from an adjoining well. panied by Kail Albert, s fellow student ol who — Three Fred C. Tapley, Duluth, Mich., it telling of bad back* made * und Mrs. Annie Mrs. deer were shot in this place dor- ! and who is s BlaisdeJl, Lloyd Blais prominent athlete, guest baa been in tbe Weal and rtouib tor two the w«ek. were shot ofj again. You can believe the of dell and son and ing past Two Tues- Mr. Bhaw. laetimouy young Miss Hazel Swan j la bia Cbarlea P. and Arthur Eaton yearn, viaiting parent*. your own tell it for were in Ellsworth day by Frank Burkhart townspeople. They Tuesday. Knsign Warren Shaw, U.S. K is spend- | and wile. and another Saturday by Freeman Tapley the benefit of you who are tufTmug. It Mrs. Jauics T. Maxwell, of Saugenies, ing* leave of absence with his parents, Dec. Walker. 15._To**'*. your back aches, if you feel lain*. met N. Y., w ho came t« attend the Frank Bhaw and wife. Knsign Shaw has ; funeral of and miserable, it the »«t too fre- Dec. lft. Hr SOUND. kidney* Miss Brackett, will remain in town the been on duty at Ahnapotis coaching the quently, or paetages are painful, scanty week. football team of the naval At ia borne trom Lincoln. academy. j Eugene Walla and off use Doan'a MARLBORO. On avki color, Kidney Pills, the conclusion of his vacation he will Join j % The Christmaa sale at the church at- Mr*. Surun Murphy ia in poor health. tbe remedy that baa helped ao many of V. G. Harvey has moved home from his ship in Boston. tracted a fair patronage. The chicken Mm. Sidney Bracy ia viaiting her aunt,! your friends and neighbor*. Folio** ibis Otter Creek. Whitten and John supper Wednesday was under the able Guy Raymond W. Mm. John Homer, in Auguata. KtI*worth Falla citizen's advice and fir* Grace who has been management of Mrs. Nettie and Bartlett, visiting Stinson, Jr., students of Coburn classical Doan’* a chance to do tbe Marne for Dyer Artbur Brown and McKuaick you. her Mrs. F. Ralph Mrs. Lottie Gay, and its menu grandmother, T. Hodgkins, institute, Watervilie, are home for the Hiram W. Hamilton, Mill Hi F11* worth clearly have returned Irom a bunting trip. has returned to her home in Ellsworth. recess. one all about demonstrated that Franklin baa some Christinas Mr. Whitten is of Aunt Lou's Christmas pros Kalla, Me., aaya: '*1 was troubled y kid- | of the editors of the and Eugene Kirbardaon, Milford, Vt., put! He was a first-class cooks. Proceeds over ffiO. Charles Baxter, of Boston, was here a Cobum Clarion, | very little boy, but not ndy complaint for quite a * bile. A friend viaited hia mother, Mm. Charlotte Rich- few last week on business. Adal- Mr. Btinson, who is on the football too little to lie ashamed. recomiwtided Doan’s Pi!!■» t ae, ✓ Friday, Dec. 12, there passed from earth, days team, kidney has an ardeon, laat week. ViMil all of Busan eldest bert Hodgkins is building a wharf for interesting story which ia in the you »i>end your coppecaV and, procuring a box, I began using ’.been. Amanda, daughter of the Dec. 8. BCD. on November number. mamma asked and Freddie late Bev. Edward Brackett and Mrs. Abi- him the land he brought of C. P. fentiy, They benefited me greatly. I willingly Dec. nodded his bpnil ami gulped. recommend this to anyone gail Berry Brackett, who, since the death Hodgkins. 15._C. BIRCH HARBOR remedy Dec. 15. “1 don’t think Aunt I»u will like afflicted with of her parents, had lived with her sister, I AUK. kidney complaint.' GREAT POND. Schools with tbe aame opened Monday quite us well a* a do Tbe is an c« Mr. Mrs. Joseph H. West, where she hid been pipes rune, you?" above not isolated NORTH HANCOCK. Mr*. Lillian of is visit* teachere aa laat team — Alta Cote here and the beloved Weston, Brewer, mamma naked. "Never mind, deer: ; Hamilton is only one of many in this vi- companion, cheerfully in I be Bunker Harbor of waa a recent ing her mother. Fluaaie Hancock the for her." endoraad sharing the home duties until Ray Butler, Franklin, wrap up pipes cinity wbo have gratefully failing diatricl. frueat of friends here. Mrs. Bracy and will go to "Itut Aunt Ia>u doesn’t want Ixwn’s. If back acb»*s if your strength forbade. Daring the past year JLloyd family pipe*." your W. U. Winalow and wife were called to Freddie said f^r her health bad been much impaired, but Merle Googins is at home from Higgins Houiton this week to spend the winter ; chokingly. kidneys bother you, don't simply ask with her mother. Mr. is in j Falla laat week by tbe iltnea* "Didn't for Aunt a — ask diafinrfU for she heroically endured pain and daaaical inatitute for the holidays. Bracy going Sprague's you bnj^beu Lou. kidney remedy the woods to run a log-hauler. and death of Mm. Winslow* father, Oil- : dear?" mamma asked. Doan * Dili*, tbe same tha’. Mr. suffering. Indeed, her will power was Leverett York was one of the lucky Kidney herl K etar- Clarens Williams and will re- Scboppe. "They are for me.” tin Id Freddie In Hamilton bad. 50c all afore* marvelously manifested to the last, sub- ] hunters, securing a fine dear last week. family Dec. 15. a low voice Milburn Y mitting to the inevitable with a fortitude turn to Drscut, Mass., this week. Mr. C.9 Co., I^ropa., Buffalo, N. C. C. Stratton and wife, Mrs. M. B. Joy ,_ borne of Christian faith. All that Williams, who came here early in the fall “Ami what have you got for Aunt loving* and Mrs. C. E. ins are in Bangor this OOTTS ISLAND Goof Lou, who aueh a hearts could devise was done for her com- for his health, is much improved. always gives you week, attending State grange. Tbe Brel anow for the winter came BALD AT 35 fort. The funeral was held at the home nice Christmas present T' Dec. 15, Anon. This community was saddened by the CImbm Chi* H»lr Tbureday, Dec. 11. Freddie Hose and the ScAlpi Nourish Monday forenoon, Rev. W. H. Dunham of son of crept very asked. sudden death Honfbe, only Guy ftod Nem Grow Uald. 1 ^ r*r~ Mrs. J. Melvin Driecoll, who baa been on one “Will you please give mo 5 rent*!” officiating. West and daughter, j NORTH DEER ISLE. Chick, on Friday, Dec. 12, after twenty- of B. K. arrived borne Ulan huge. Mrs. Collins, have the of tbe M. C. boat*, "That would Is* mamma’s present, sympathy many School begins Dec. 8; Miss Hath Powers, four hours' illness. He would have been friends here and Monday. dear, and not yours. You aaved the lion’t grow bald at :» as thousand* elsewhere, who will hold teacner. fourteen years old Feb. 17. Besides his — also. in affectionate E. L. Oott baa hauled bia copper* for Aunt Lou. and If hare of men do yes! and women remembrance the weil-or- j father, be leaves one sister—Laurs, nine Capt; up you Miss Lena Hardy and Harry Annia were She Failure to keep the hair properly dered blameless life of the deceased. The old. Horace will be much missed aloop Daiay tor the winter. will bought pipes with them you must give married Noe. JO. Ail wish them yefera nourished and the frt»• from prolusion of beautiful dowers were mute Saturday, undergo extensive her the pipes,” scalp in the home and by his schoolmates. repaire. dandruff ta one of the main causes of tokens of regard sent by many friends. happiness. CBCPa. Christman were said at the house by Dea. Dec. 12. day Freddie gave the baldness. Dec. 15. B. Prayers ] Capt. George Torrey and Capt. Winaor Bridges. Interment at Hitlside cemetery. pipes to Allot l.ou. Ilia papa laughed. If hair ia out imme- FRENCHBOKO. jour thinning left last to their Uis aunt. Mrs. Beds Bickford, of Milo, His mother and a kranku.n road. Torrey Monday Join smiled, merry twin- diate action is necessary Parisian was here to attend the funeral. owned vessels in New York. The ice-house at Krenchboro, by kle appeared In Aunt Lou’s eyes. She Sage is just what you need to remove John McKay is home from Hancock i Dec. 14. £. was blown itching Dec. 8. H. C. C. BnrrUl, of Ellsworth, caught sight of a little red. mortified dandruff, atop failing hair and Point. the etorm and make the hair strong, beau- DEER ISLE. down during Monday. face with two blue eyes brimming scalp C. M. Martin waa the week-end SOUTH BLUEH1LL. tiful and guest oI j Mrs. Alma Loot, who baa been at Port- with tears. That waa too much lor vigorous. Maurice Uroaa has gone to Atlantic to This and refreshing hair; friends in Ellsworth. Mias Quinn, evangelist, aerviosa la home. Her Aunt I.ou Not for worlds would she delightful bfld land hospital, daughter, is now sold at druggist* here Dec. 7. teach. tonic, which Harry Merry, ot Bangor, was a recent Sunday, Mrs. William Teel, went to Portland to add to Freddie's distress. and toilet counters In 80 cent bottle*, Miaa Rose Thompson, who spent her guest at J. W. McKay’s. Stau.ey Gray pleasantly entertained a accompany her home. “Bubble pipes!" she cried Joyously. is rigidly guaranteed. If I'arisiau vacation in Boat on, ia home. satis- Miss Hazel Butler, with her nieoe, Doris party of his little friends Dec. 8. Dec. U. U. “Now. Isn't that splendid? Why. bub- Sage does not give complete Fred l.ufkln has moved his into _ return is home from Oreen lake. Mrs. Ernest Varney, of Seaville, is vis- family ble parties are all the rage now. I’ll faction egtnntng pats life and tWauty into thin, around Freddie's dren, and Miss Rosetta Marshall, of la- Dprpthy Chatlo was with her aunt in Quite a fleet of boats from oat of town days recently in Ellsworth. ple lips, and lie was and faded hair. tnoioe. are visiting their sister, Mrs. Fred Brook its last week. the tears have been dragging for flounders in the Bcbool opened Dec. 8, after the Thanks- blinking away that had gath- McCarthy. Mrs. Angie Candage has gone to Port- ered. “One's he harbor this week, with sncceaa. recess. Miss Wallace, the teacher, broke." said In a little Doc. 15. M. land for the winter. good giving her vacation in Bar Harbor. wavering voice. Mrs. Kelts of is A Christmas concert will be held in the spent Harley Kane, Brooklin, “Is It? And BAR HARBOR. with Mrs. Delia Chatto. church Dec. 8. H. Why. yes! right close Congregational Sunday evening. _ to the bowl! Isn't that fine? Why, Henry E. Trott, a native of Bucksport, Dec. 8. Cur mbs. The regular choir ia preparing a special 8CN8HINE. lots of girls I know always curl their but for many years residing at Salisbury musical program, HANCOCK is hair POINT. Dec. Hansom Conary, of Bloebill, visiting on pipestems and think they’re Ethel Hodgkins is home from Sullivan li._R*x. here. far alter than curling tongs." Croup anti (eugh Remedy. for lbs Christmas vacation. WEST SCRRY. After Freddie had gone to bed mam- a terrible disease; It attacks chil- Mrs. Bessie Milllken is spending the Croup is Mrs. J. D. Crimmin, who haa been with so they are very to choke ma told papa and Aunt 1-ou all the dren suddenly apt her the R. T. Carlisle, the oldest citisen here, winter with her brother, James Badier. the proper st once. daughter. Mrs. Howard Ball, past uaiess given remedy at the John Conary and wife, and Colon Btin- story about Aunt Lou’s is nothing better in the world then Dr. few months, has gone to Bangor to spend died Dec. 8, after a short illness, present It to ask grocer for There and wife have to Camden for the pays your King's New Dfisavury. Lewie t'bemberiein, the winter with her daughter, Mrs. 8. C. aon gone ‘‘You’re a darting. Lou.” papa said Mancheeter. Ohio, writea about hie chil- winter. | of Penney. ConMlpatloa PoUona if ©a. as he kissed bis sister “I’m really dren: ‘’Sometimes in severe attacks we were Deo. 8. Picil*. 15. E. _ would die, bat since we Dec. U arc your entire system ashamed of for afru d they proved ______yoa coostipated, myself laughing.” Mustard Dr. New Dis- is the waste matter kepi ia the Stickney & Poor’s what a certain remedy King’s poisoned by or blind Annt I.ou — resuits often follow. Us* Dr. Itching, bleeding, protruding piles smiled. “Will you come to covery is. ws bsve no tear We rely on it for Doan's Rcgulets cure constipation without body serious and colds So can you. 60c » New Ufe Pills and roa will soon get to Doea’s Oiutment. Chronic cases bubble she croup, coughs nausea, nor sheet King yield my party?" asked. should griping, nny wsaksntng rid of headache .and other beat. mnrf #1.0. A botti* bf In in every constipation, soon relieved, cured. Druggists sell 1 hat’s the way to get the Ask your for item. 36 cents psr mail- Anally "I’ll do more than that” papa an- >,OBI At all Druggists B K. Booklet* A druggist troubles. 16c. at Druggists'or by Buckleu * and Hi. U«U. It—Adei. €•., Pbliadel|>ki» end At. Louts. boa.—Aisl. Co.. Fhliadalptn* swered: “I’ll buy the prize for It” loan, as among States, nd >• dif- TO FARMERS among from the farm* can be taken to the nearest Znromtaammt. Natter*. Ernal Kotirir*. ferent section, of lb* legal !>TEBE8T an*. Among * “• 'n,nv railway station. A scheme ot road con- «*rtor. into than* varl- STATIC OF MAINE. NOTICE OF FOKRCLOSURIC. entering struction and maintenance within a state the bborbtary •tiona are climatic OK condition*, aoil con- should be MACON, GA.. CHILD Collector'» Advertisement of sale of Lands of Charles F. Sinclair, Wallaoe report developed and mutually agreed A. Sinclair Clara L. Sinclair, and dUioat, stability of methods Non-Resident Owners. WHEREAS FOR 1913 industry, of upon. Money the federal Mary E. Sinclair, all of Htacyville, Penob- 0F AOHiptrLTURR Appropriated by Made and Well Vinol. taxes on lands situated in the town dirtanw from markets, distance Strong by Unpaid scot county, Maine, heirs at law of An- government should be on of in the of tor the from center** of apportioned the When we tell that. Vinol is Hurry, county Hancock, drew H. Sinclair, late of large the nature you the Sedgwick, by ftROAD KCONUMIC wealth, basis of such factors sa total ym* mi their mortgage deed dated September 23, a. MANY of nnancial population, beat remedy in our whole «tock for fllHE list of taxes on real estate of D-edges agencies through which following d. 1909, and recorded in be ok 466, page 60, capi- farm taxable non-resident owners in the town of 1N8TBAD or PIMPLY tal ia secured. population, area, valuation, JL Hancock of deed, to Lester Ql RATION*, making weak, puny, ailing children aforesaid, registry conveyed and mileage. Hurry for the year 1918. committed Lufkin and Olivia Lufkin, both of Sherman, oomntwnk When all robust and to ine lor collection lor said town on the fifth rf.virwino necessary allowance has been strong, roey we are only in the county of Aroostook and state of THE CROP day of May, 1618, remains unpaid; and notice is msde lor these fundamental OUTLOOK. telling you what has been proved by Maine, “a certain lot or parcel of land, situ- factors, it is hereby given that if said taxes with interest ated in Sedgwick, Hancock Maine, is hundreds of and are not so much county. F. Houston, of agri probabably clear that the rural commoni- Special emphasis laid on the fact that mothers. charges previously paid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: D,»ld of the real estate taxed as is suuicicut to pay bin annual fleaarc not as the for are J. L. Beginning at the noitheast corner bound baa report efficiently served as figures crops quoted estimates, Pickling, Macon, Qa., says: the amount due interest llore- published they therefor, including of land now or formerly owned by Kitridge should be and it is out this child was and will be sold without further rear 1M13. The report, which coo- by existing financial pointed that fact should "My very thin and delicate, charges, Hooper; thence by said land and arrange- notice at auction at town ball in said Hooper’s 2,tur ments. be in From no and public otberfc. N. 46° W. about 220 rods to land now or page*. differ* from Long-time loans are needed constantly kept mind. the appetite, nervous, did, not town, on the first in 1914, at iw only a»y-«i*ht for Monday February, formerly occupied by J. N, Sargent to corner permanent estimates at band it that the sleep well. Doctors did not n-ine o’clock a. m. -tcioo/ report* in that, instead of investments, such ss the appears pro- help her. of fence; thence by said Sargent’s laud and duction of crops >n 1913 was Vinol was Name of owner, de- Tax laud formerly owned by Ellis Harding N. 60° reviewing the agricultural altu- purchase price of a farm or for the materially be- recommended and the low scription of property, Acres. Value, due. K. 26 rods to stake and stones; thence by land broad erection of It is the average, the yield per acre of all change after a fair trial was wonder- of Ldbert E. Carter S. 106 it pteeeoMio ruramary many buildings. wise econ- Abbott, O J. or unknown, 46V' K. rods to rtioo combined stake and stones; thence S. 31 E. three omy to encourage tho extension of crops being smaller than in any ful, She sleeps soundly all night, has a lot of land on the V Bromic ,|ue»tion». credit rods five links to corner of old wall: thence for safe year in the past decade with the a splendid appetite and has in west of Patten's Pond the report strong emphasis productive use, and no less wise excep- gained 76 f 800 6 7 80 N. 4 tv0 W. following the old stone wall 17 rods Throughout tion of 1911. and 12 links to the center of a blue between the to discourage the use of weight. I wish every mother knew Hale, Mrs David, land large upon co-operation capital along non- stone; thence N. 45 K. three rods seven I* pi»*ed The corn with buildings thereon V and productive or crop, the most valuable what Vinol will do for delicate chil- links to stake and in of agriculture other apeculative lines. pro- at Houth Surry, 30 676 14 95 stones the old wall; fcpirtment The duct of this thence 8. 27 V E. 67 rods seven links to stake and the stale agri- rapid increase in fsrra values and country,according to the esti- dren.” Langley. Mildred H, K fadrral department* Mann 75 400 and stones; thence 8. 46 V’H. 77 rods 12 links mates below place, 1 to the difficulties in land fell 2,600.000,000 bushels, What Vinol did for this little to land v attendee promote co-ordina- securing have given girl Langley, Mildred H, a euU&ral which is smaller Means to stake an .said of impetus to the ol the than any crop since 1903. i it will do for every weak and lot of land ljing be ny and eliminate duplication effort, growth renting sys-. ailing Means' land and land ot Eaton tj ,^n Wheat tween the North Bend J. G 57° tem. It is this production, with an estimated total child W to trynote i» getting the department'a tendency that suggest, the j because sickly children need and Murphy routs. 30 100 31 rods 1? lit bs the st mentioned ft, of bound aud 12 se re*- more or importance of 753,000,000 bushels, is the largest ever j the Langley. Mildred H, containing 4 less, ion in all Held* more directly and devising farm loans on i strengthening cod liver elements wih ail la format mill anil privi- together U bu:.i* standing terms such as recorded in this This was and the Carding valuable form to the people, will suable the producers country. crop tonic Iron that Vinol con- lege, 50 14 HO thereon, and being part of lot numbered 22, to make matured before the became ef- Ntta for- third division, agreeable to the plan of the following are aunimarired atate- tbs necessary payments on the drought j tains—that is why Vinol builds them Sbepleigh, L, far fective. mer home stead, % 350 town of Sedgwick, and being the same inlerest and so far as up and them Acd»t w H. Sinclair of Ed- ^ni, of the more important aubjecta and principle possible, quickly gives a fine, Sbepleigh Etta L, Gar- bought Brief mention is made as 13 Sremisesen, E. Carter, September 22, 18*7, deed of diacnaaed in from the returns of the land itself. to crop con- healthy color. It is pleasant «o take land lot, 25 160 00 Beommendationi tbtareport: ditions Stewart, Virginia, land same having been recorded in Hancock regis- There does not to throughout the world. From the and we that of detds, book 226, 818. OF appear be need for guarantee the results will bought of James C try page PROBLEM PRODPfTtOtJ. Also another lot or of situated or estimates it appears that there were in- 1% 225 6 8"> parcel land, unique special legislation or for legis- satisfy you—money back if they do in said and bounded and described abaentee creased 1 Stewart, Geo P, or un- Sedgwick, Incrvawd tenancy, ownership, lation wbicb areas sown to wheat, follows, to shall aim to give tho farmer oats, barley, not known, part of Thomas as wit: Beginning at northeast and inade- and corner ol land now or owned (i. •aili will depleted exploited, credit on easier terms rye corn, and that the wheat i P. 8.—If Coggins lot, 19 190 494 formerly by than other members acreage you have Eczema try our D. Eaton at and the Wltham, Chas O, laud stake stones; thence north- business method*, retatire fait of has probably yielded a record out-turn. ! 28 qaatr society. What ia needed is the creation Saxo Salve. We guarantee It bought of John Oliver, 75 100 260 easterly rods to stake and stones to land to induce a great majority of farmer* oats and are bountiful Win 0 Wood ami Fred- now or formerly owned by Ellis Harding ur* of conditions and which shall Barley, rye crops, i G. A. machinery Parcher, druggist, Ellsworth, Me erick F Norman, cot- or widow of Ellis Harding; thence south- existing agricultural enable but corn will the re- lo*pplr knowledge, him on similar credit foundations probably give poorest tage and farm at South easterly aoout 22i rows to land of W. N. to* xntaeatione ol dependence on sult in Htew- Means, or formerly owned by said Means to and to secure money at the same rates as those twenty years. Surry. (Fo merly The low is nrt en\ stake and stones; thence by said Means’ land nation* fot food anppliea, warn u* procession of price! moving pr«>i ) (aBijn that prevail for other classes and for other | Wm u Wood and Fred- and land of J. G. Eaton 29 ig rods to land of headed advertieen in sale etoar shortcoming* and incite na to ad- sections. KIKK PREVENTION. right along, by erick F Noituan, Byron Kittredge Hooper; thence northwesterly to the first mentioned bound, 40 effort* to Inrreaae Carter farm, containing ditional production. THE AMERICAS. acres, more or less, mean to the OTHER Rl.'RAL rftOBLKMtt. Wm C Wood and Fred- rig convey same Andrew H. Tbs re|«irt atatea that there ie no National Klrc 1.o*b EMImirted at erick F Normal;, Jo- premises Sinclair bought of Colemau November 18*0. Even though the of bow the seph Kane farm, 67 1,800 117 66 Carter, 3, for thinking that we hare yet problem $500 a Minute! And whereas the said Lester under pound farmer ISailtoahS anti Steamboats. Young, Leander, heirs, Lufkin, can beat net! bis and can the name of Lester C. Lufkin, and Olivia the limit of our output produce “It is only within recent years that the collage lot at East approximated the Lufkin, under the name of Olivia J. Lufkin, 'be *oil. but that we have improve conditions under which he real causes and corrections of from juat begun our enor- Robbins, W J heirs, a by their deed of assignment dated Sept. 8, can secure the were 1900, and recorded in book of said to attack tbe problem, and have not necessary capital j mous Are waste have been clearly under- MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD lot of land bought of 465, page 61, there Jane Allen 5 60 1 Hancock registry, did assign to George 8. *»rd roor* effective administration of southern Brewer June. 12 00 12 6 53 11 53 respectfully the years 1918. plantations. Attention will be amounts to more than the national 59| the 27th day of September last past, he and debt, 12 06 1 Ot 00 11 59 fT^HE following list of faxes on real estate of (be food and drug act. Kffort will be to other said copart net ship were duly given disease-transmitting in- does not start him to earn- p M| P M adjudged JL uon-resiceut owners in the town of Tre- thinking very under the acts of Congress Bad* lo make the act more of * 4 60 6 50 bankrupt relating raont, for tue year 1918 committed to me for hygienic sects, such as the house fly, stable fly, and | estly about the but it should 50|*12 to that he and said matter, jar Boston via. bankruptcy; copartner- collection for said town of Tremont on the awasur* through increased attention to which a ship have duly surrendered all his and its spotted fever tick, have bearing him into action to tell him that the fire Dover ar. 8 10 19th day of May remains unpaid, and notice property aDd rights of property and have is that said anlk, eggs, oyster* and fish, which are on Boston via hereby given if taxes, interest the health of rural populations. Satis- ! loss is foOO a minute, minute of the fully complied with all the of every ar requirements and charges are not previously paid, so to contamination an'* Portsmouth said acts, and of the orders of the court wbject organic progress has been made in a ear and much of the real estate taxed as is sufficient factory study every year as it comes auU goes. I his and its i-coroc di»e touching bankruptcy. to pay the amount due therefor, my carrier* of >•*. to discover means the Wherefore he including whereby breeding “If each storekeeper and householder BANGOR TO BAR HARBOR. pra\8 that he and said co- interest and charges, will be sold at public Kx once ha* revealed car til in weak- be decreed the court per of flies in manure may be with- would partnership may by auction at the K. of P. hall in said town on prevented just take the common precau- to have a full from ail debts awat-v in the food and act— Boston via discharge prova- the first Monday of February, 1914, at nine drug* notably out lessening its value. ble against his and its es ate under said bank- fertilizing tions against possible fire, we believe the lv. 8 00! 8 55 o’clock a. m. lb* Urk of such as provision for legal standards Boston via rupt acts, except debts are excepted THE FA KM WOMAN. average would shrink to something less law from such Name of owner and description Portsmouth Iv 9 00 by discharge. and failure to apply to certain external Dated this of property. Tax. To gain information that would enable than |60 a minute and that, even, is too eighth day of December, a. d. 1913. Homer wood lot v«taedi a, also lot west of people, standards, no oils or Lake. 6 36 ;U 02 I 3 41 6 47 the it is— veys and studies were also conducted. Keep inflammable liquids, like Phillips J readiug foregoing petition, schoolhouse *.ja, 1 98 fofii.« the food a ad Green Lake ... 6 44 11 10 3 48 5 57 Ordered by the court, that a bearing be had drug*, improve aopply, inside the Do not Sarah Friend, heir and devisee of Analysis of the small part of the letters as gasoline, building. Nicolin. J 6 58 11 22 I 8 56 6 07 the same on the 23d of a. J upon day January Lewis Friend, as per reg deeds vol 214, pron uniformity iu the matter of food allow rubbish to Ellsworth Falls. 7 06 11 35 4 08 6 20 d. 1914, before said court at Portland, in yet digested shows that farm women de- accumulate anywhere in page 620, also 37a. as per reg deeds, vol Kllswon »i. 7 13 11 40 4 14 6 V> said district, at ten o’clock in the forenoon; bfinttioQ. the store or cellar. Be 214, page 113, Joy lot so called, 30 69 sire assistance in all phases of home very careful about Wash'Rt’n June. 7 25 11 60 4 20 J 6 31 and that notice thereof be published in the « « Frank S Hamilton, Hodgdon lot so- Fr ution* und» r the food and drugs Franklin Road.. : 7 33 :i2 00- 6 40 Ellsworth American, a in management, as to of allowing smoking on the premises. Look newspaper printed called, as per reg deeds vcl 483, page especially ways Hancock. 41 10.| 6 49 said district, and that all known creditors, •<1 tad other regulatory statutes will be well to the 206, 2 97 water, introducing position and condition of your £ 44 6 53 and other in at securing running Waukeag, Fy. persons interest, may appear Edwin M Moor, land on Gott’s Island, 4 12 expedited and mite still more effective if use and to Mt Desert Ferry lv... 7 56 20 7 05 the said time and and show cause, if household power machinery and labor- lampa, you them, don’t try place, Annie M Pray, bom-stead lot land and Sullivan .. 8 10 the though ro-oi era: ion with the any they have, why prayer of said peti- buildings at Bernard, 23 43 depart- me n and get your wiring done cheaply if electricity Sorrento. 8 40 tioner should not be saving arrange is, providing granted. W W Rich. Will Mayo lot so-called, 66 f»t of untie », a t the solicitor will Bar Ilarboi .ar. 9 16 And it is further ordered the that erety better and conditions.’ is used, for ‘defective wiring’ is one of the by court, Flora lteed *3 of Moose Island. 5 45 hygienic sanitary the clerk shall send mail to all known prepare < a«M*s in the form of criminal in- by Flora Stewart, land and buildings at seek advice as to the better moat common causes of loss by fire. creditors of said and this Many m Except Monday. copies petition order, the Center, 11 22 formation* and place at the service of the “And bear this in mind: When all this addressed to them at tbeir places cf residt nee of the articles e to leave from east Nelson T Thurston, as per reg deeds, s marketing they produce. Stops passengers points as stated. [ l*. district in the trial of vol 490, page 160, 8 08 attorneys Others ask the to to the preventable fire loss is eliminated, down of Washington Junction. Witness the Honorable Clarence department prove Hale, Frank Tibbetts, as per reg deeds vol the department '• attorney*, who are will Trains leaving Ellsworth at 7.13 A m aad 4.14 Judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, man that their work is worth go your fire insurance cost to a re- 494. page 466, 2 48 something and at Ellsworth 11.06 a 10 52 at in said on the 13th familiar wi;b the technical p m, arriving m, Portland, district, day Ashbury A. Lopaus, Collector thoroughly overwork of markable degree. Isn’t it worth it?” m connect with rail- of December a. d. 19.3. in dollars and cents. The p Washington County of said town ot Tremont. •apects of of those causes. James E. Hkwey, Clerk. many women and children and of [L. 8.] West Tremont. Maine. Dec. 15, 1913. difficulty A true of and order thereon. t Stops on signal to conductor. copy petition MAI K«niNo. securing domestic help are mentioned by ASorrtisnncTUa Attest: James E. Hkwey, Clerk. Passengers are earnestly requested to pro- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. In many ctWc ion* further a number of the writers. These letters cure tickets before entering the trains, and production STATE OF 'VIT’HEREAS Emma J. Pinkham. of Mount Ellsworth to Falls and Falls tc MAINK. vstl* on better and the field have furnished valuable for II Desert. her mortgage deed dated the cie*rihution, suggestions especiallyEllsworth. Advertisement Hale by Collector’* of of Lands of first of 1912, and recorded in the ! of »i-trir which constructive work in this field. The de- H. ft. day May, ution present* problem* Successful WALDRON. Non-Resident Owners. Hancock of deeds, book 490, Geueral registry page 13, t* * Passerger Agent. to a m w lie issue believes that intelligent to on conveyed rue. the undersigned, certain very grave s, simple partment help in all the numerous ailments caused D. C. DOUGLASS. Unpaid taxes lands situated in the town of real estate situate iu ■ ha t»art of said condition* the women iu matters of home General of Orlaud, in the county of Hancock, lor parcel Ofjuo.ire. l>uder xl*ll:»g management or action of Manager. town of Mount Desert known us Seal by defective irregular the year 1913. Harbor, Portland. Maine. the of and bounded former doe* not net wnat be should for bis will contribute directly to the agricultural the of and elimi- following list of taxes on real estatc in county Hancock, as organs digestion rJMlh; follows: A certain lot or of land to- X of non-resident owners in the town of parcel product#; he consumer is required to pay success of the farm. nation—certain to with the prevent suffering Orland for the year 1913, committed to me for gether buildings tbereon, bounded an to ask and described as follows: Situated in that uniai- pri .-t, and unnecessary burdens It purposes, therefore, Congress and to the health— collection for said town on the 31st day of improve general part of said ti wn of Mount Desert known as *f for and make more Eas'tern May, 1913, remains unpaid; and notice is imposed tin'or the exist tug systems means authority to Steamship Meal Harbor and at a stake that hereby given that if said taxes, interest anti beginning of conditions bears north three West 8 of dmributio i. No one can see off-hand complete studies domestic charges are not paid, so much of degrees (N. W.) previously northeast corner taxed ss from the of the homestead a ia due on the to with labor- the real estate is sufficient and neces- ju»: hat j art of the burden to farm, experiment lot of Isaac Kafuse on the east side of the [ sary to pay the amount due therefor, includ- Corporation. road from said Seal Harbor to fovi. -f planning or inetfiri- saviug devices and.methods, and to study interest and will tie sold ai leading Jor- aya.ematlc ing charges, pub- is feet BEECHAM’S lic auction at towu hall in said town, on the dan’s Pond and that 75 distant there- rn sani- ; r, 3G'W .) West, one | hygienic protection Winter Fat*es. grees Amt of hundred fifty feet (150) to a stake on the east Ti.e report outlines the projects in this farm family. side of said thence north, I Bar Harbor ami tax due road; eight degrfes ! Boston, $3.oO, four minutes 8 54' E.) the fold ss covering marketing surveys, STATE COLLEGES AND STATIONS. PILLS Name of owner, of Incld in fift> east, (N. by description • In 10c., 25e« east side of said road seventy-seven feet (770 Bet hods and cmti of market 1111?. inelud- Sokl vcrywhere., Bluehill and Boston, $3.50 property. & chgs. To eliminate of effort and to a stake; thence south eight-five degrees duplication R Carlisle, half of lot and Myron southerly minutes east (S. 85° 30' E.) one hundred friction and bring about greater co ordi- Sedgwick Boston, No 117, to of 10 thirty according plan Orland, $10 (134) feet to a stake; thence south KILL CATARRH GERM Fred H one undivided half of thirty-four nation between the state colleges and ex- Dcxigr-. three degrees east (S. 3 E.) seventy seven $3.00 laud, bounded town of ! northerly by and four tenths (77.4) feet, to the of be- esnters, cold and other method* stor- stations and tbe land of H. W. place periment department, USE BOOTH’S HYOMEI line, easterly by White, containing one fourth acre, snd and Steamer Boothbay leaves Bar Harbor Mon- laud of Coleman begiuniug, •#“. marketing systems prices, several conferences were held with repre- southerly by Gray, more or less; and whereas the condition of the sure and effective to and at 10 00 a m for Seal Har- land of Mark W Ginn of wholesale and retail distribution Try way day Thursday westerly by said mortgage has been broken, now there- \ sentatives of then* institution*. The exe- and Coulter lot so called. 18 35 ! reach the raw, tender inflamed bor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor, fore, by reason of the breach of ihe rendition <*f farm studies in this Heirs of W arren H lot No products. Other cutive committee and tbe secretary signed Swazey, 90, thereof, 1 claim a foreclosure of said mortgage. mucous membrane infested with Stonlngton, North Haven and Rockland. to of lot 96, trans- according plan Orland, Luman C. Hhepuhbd. branch include investigation of a memorandum certain views. — use to formulating catarrh germs Ilyomei. You Steamer Mineola leaves Bluehill Monday and according plan of Orland, 8 15 Dexter, Maine, December Dennis L> 12,1913. portation problems snd the elimination of In substance this memorandum bolds that breathe it—no stomach dosing. for South Bluehill, 8edg. Swazey, laud of lormer home- Thursday Brookltn, stead, bounded north and east *t*t«- in of market- suffer from of by NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. shipment, study city the federal department's primary func- If you raising wick, Deer Isle, Sargentvllle, South Brooksvllle, Hot hole brook (so called), souther- Rockland. lot line '\17'HEREA8. James Campbell, of Brooks- ing and distribution, study of grades, and, tion is to undertake tbe study of problems mucus, frequent sneezing, husky Dark Harbor and ly by 65, westerly by range and Dead river, 10 75 f ▼ ville, Hancock county, Maine, by his inar- voice, discharge from the nose, drop- Connection Is made at Rockland with steamer So*Uy, co-operative production and ana regulatory work that are more par- John A Harrinxan, homestead, bounded mortgage deed dated November 24, 1903. and in the throat or any other symp- for Bosiou. recorded in Hancock of ketuig. interstate and inter- pings southerly, by Eastern river, north- county registry deeds, regional, — ticularly toms of catarrh breathe the RETURNING town line, hook 400. page 329, conveyed to Geo. M. ibe germ- westerly by easterly by necessity for standardising agricul- in and that tbe to 10 75 Warren, of Casline, said county and state, the national character, upon air of it acts di- Turbine Steel Belfast mihI highway leading Dedham, destroying Ilyomei. Stertiii«hlpn[ following lot of land with situated Uttl products as a to proper should rest the of Geobqe H. Snow, Collector buildings, prerequisite station responsibility on the inflamed membranes, de- in Broossvilieand described as follows: rectly Camden. of taxes of the towu of Orlaud. I Being |S The within its state. the same described iu said deed ■•rating given special emphasis. investigating problems stroying U±e disease germs in the Dec. 16, 1913. fully mortgage I Leave Boston Thura- to which reference is •^option and universal application of one nose", throat and lungs and giving 3pm Monday, Tuesday, hereby made; and where- ROAD POLICIES. and for with as, Geo M. Warren by his deed of assignment, would result and or day Friday Rockland, connecting subscriber. Charlotte E. of laifor*n standard (or cotton movement for quick permanent relief, money Ellis, dated November!. 19i'4, recorded in Hancock There has been a steady steamer leaving Rock land 6 00 a m, Wednesday Brookline, Norfolk Common- m goat oi all transactions, refunded by G. A. Parcher. THE county. county registry of deeds, book 458, page 472, simplification Bar wealth of Massachusetts, notice to oi better roads during the past twenty years, The and Saturday for Harbor, Bluehill, Sedg hereby'gives assigned me, Celia Alexander, Castine, I0<1 do with the methods of complete outlit, including pock- that she has been duly appointed administra- said count and said and away complex and about states have wick and Intermediate landings. y State, mortgage deed; to-day thirty-four et inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs trix of the estate of whereas the condition of said mortgage deed firing buyers' limits. Practically tbe B. L. Smith. Agent, Bar Harbor. highway commissions or some other state IH.uO. Kxtra bottle of liquid, if later M ARY W\ ELLIS, late of BOSTON, has beeu broken and still remains so, now, *Q e results would follow and the same A. M. Hkrkick, Agent, Bluehill. therefore, I claim a foreclosure and thia The total annual ex- needed, 50 ceuts. Suffolk county. Commonwealth of Massa- give highway agency. notice for that purpose. **il» would be removed if standard grades chusetts. deceased, and bonds as of the states for construction given Celia Alexander. penditure the law directs, and that she (rt out of to* corn were siding j Castine. Me., Dec. 5,1913. univeraally adopted. and maintenance of roads, which ten fiankmg. the State of Maine) has appointed Henry M. The individual acting alone, is Hall, of Ellsworth, in the county of Hancock farmer, amounted to but has subscriber notice years ago $2,000,000, and State of Maine, her agent resident in said hereby gives that tolpiesa before tbe problems of rural he has been admin- grown to 113,000,000 in 1812, State of Maine. All persons having demands T^HE duly appointed V credit action is the estate of said istrator of the estate of and marketing. Concerted take tbe against deceased are desired Tbe federal government should to the toaential. present same for settlement, and all in- J FRANK PIERSON, late of SEDGWICK, In co-operative effort, equity debted thereto are to make i [ lead in investigational and experimental requested pay- in the county of Hancock, deceased, am) *bd must be in mind. Co- meut Charlotte E. Ellis. : justice kept is need a central l& what will earn if immediately. given bonds as the law directs All persona work, aud there for, your money December 1,1913. an having demands against the estate of said de- operation does not mean that organisa- best in- Invested In shares of the agency which can furnish the ceased are desired to present the same for iton shell to establish a closed subscriber gives notice that attempt on all of road build- hereby settlement, and all indebted thereto are re- formation probiema he has been duly appointed adminis- ••rket and to fix prices. This should be THE quested to make payment immediately. ing and maintenance. Heoently Congress Ellswortli Loan and Building Ass’n. trator of the estate of Matthew Laughlin. in- ^demned as strongly in one field of of for im- ELIZA A. GINN, late of ORLAND, Bangor, Dec. 8, 1918. made an appropriation $18)0,000, A NEW SERIES j aa in other. In the of and *h*iry any roada, to be The more eyee on adverturmrnt catchee county Hancock, deceased, given proving post expenditure bonds as the law directs. All snbacriber is recommended that be Is now open. Shares, tl each; monthly pay persons having hereby gives notice that provision on the of double more dollart it ie worth. demands against the estate of said deceased ! she has been adminis- contingent appropriation the share. THE duly appointed of merit*, il per are desired to the same tratrix of estate for the establishment grading state or local present for settlement, the of the amount of money by the and all •tondarda for various faim and Indebted thereto are requested to ALBERT FRANCIS, late of GOULDSBORO, products subdivision. If federal aid i> to be further WHY PAY RENT make payment immediately. tor the tbe standards al- £ Notiers. when can borrow wn Norris E. in the county of Hancock, deceased, and promulgation of in cijal you your Gink. extended highway development, legia- shares, give a first mortgage and Orland, Nov. 29,1913. given bonds as the law directs. All per- established the for sons demands the by department lation to that end should incorporate this Hutscriber hereby gtrea notice that reduce it every month? Mouthl) having against estate subscriber notice that of said deceased are desired °°tton and corn he ha. been duly appointed adminia- payments ana Interest togetbei hereby gives to present grades. The he has been adminis- the same for settlement, and all co-operative principle. trator of the estate of will amount to but M**le more THE duly appointed indebted BUBAL CREDITS. should deal than are now for trator of the estate of thereto are requested to make payment im- The federal government | ALVIN M. RICH, late of EDEN, you paying rent, and In about ten years you JAMES (JERSEY, late of LAMOINE, Inez B. Francis. as lowest through i mediately. Conditions vary widely in the United with tbe state the unit, in the county of Hancock, deceased, and will in the county of Hancock, deceased, and given Corea, Me., Dec. 8, 1918. ita bonds as the law directs. All per- bonds as the law directs. All ‘Hates. Farmers do not need bet- an highway commiaaioner as given persons having equally expert demands the estate OWN YOUR OWN HOME. demands against the estate of said de- tor for sons having against credit and all sections Tbe should provide deceased are desired to tbt ceased are desired to the same for arrangements agency. plan of said present For Inquire of present same for settlement, and all indebted tteieto particulars settlement, and all indebted thereto are re- AMERICAN ADS not similarly circumstanced. Tbe re- maintenance as well as construction. are requested to make payment immediately. O. W. Tapiky. Sec’y quested to make payment immediately. P°*i citlea the variation of the interest Preference ehould be given to the im- Jambs A. Rich. Tapley Bui*, Arthur B. Holt. Pbid which Me Nov. 28. 1918. A. W. Kuro. President. South Gouldsboro, Nov. 29,1913. PAY BEST by farmers on long and short time provement of roads over products j Bradley.

/ TIIR DIVINING ROD fo» Ibelr 2fcurt!t6rmmtB. the Carney hiMpittl. All err glad tbit factory purposes. Thee COUNTY NEWS men little Maaine i« doing m> nicety. plo,«l to bo,, f„, .„tr l)l*<'u««ltin Ovrr Virtue# of Forked three abaft* ^ will at a coat of more J** ttrlihm ind friend* ifnillbiH t*,c W M'KINLEV. Twig In Locating W»ttr. without puin, mom then Mr*. Cberle* Stanley In h«r illneaa, md , lri(.kl, Annie Gvtt it vMting »n P«tl«wl. In recently a congress of rinelly. mi . last hop* tor • epeedy recovery. Germany hope, they j old dowser named rhur#i.*u ism Portland for scientists dl*ca##ed the virtues of Malltm. \y** Relative* and friend* Mr. soberly “* congratulate little forked stick tbe irialer. or forked in locat- Mullins w„„ , and Mr* Harry lilaiedelt, ot Jobnaon the divining rod, twig, tbe piece where the boles were Mr*. Lrn* Bobbin® VIr*. Vtlda on the of • aon. ing w*w»* bored .!! City, Tenn., blrtb bis stirs t.V cue from a New York flnslly j rked Kaowilou. Dre. 15- ULAC. Taking this, down„„d',, * a abort net oat to get the view# of spot only distance from on, Luther A!bee it from n««»ptp«r 0( oytter ft-bmg At a of DKF.K on tb« borings. depth fret SOUTH BU. •dentists of thin country subject. ninety Wr Mobile, \l«. ensiled forth and (towed ROYAL bad not gone far • ith hin for years Charlie Bye Im moved to Oceaoville. The reporter E. L. *no b*v* mond Mr. Let Killfjr (trolly before be concluded that truer, the Ataerletn ^_ Out investigation home to Cleveland la home from Quebec for and prof the Jonetport. iK.-irnt»*t* of this refused to ftserett, Bogush tb* hoi the country hit idly*. both screed that the BAKINQ POWDER Mr*. Sylvia Awy *»>d l*t. ihildtto consider the *tibj»#riws I know I rialreoTatnr ,„d substitutesfor Royal. Mr*. Hannah Rohmaon. of Manwet, I* direct rausr Of the haven't, and although 1 have wen it levied tarning to o.w is the same in Mr*. Unnte King ba* gone to Boaton, eliding b r non, Uuy Cleceland. t olar >iatm t ented in var.nua baking powder swerst time*, 1 nawr have iwo an at- way, u„. a here *be i* employed by C. Brown- William M. Searbert and wife, of Ap- ei,Pained Both agreed tbat or effectiveness, or tempt to io-tl* water by it rt>olt in fee composition ing Co. pleton, were gueat* at H. U Stantry'a laal tbe dividing power. so wholesome and economical, Schooner Jolla Berkley wa* at Frank •*M»wt of the belief in the divining-rod McMullin’a a barf for repair* on rudder Bom In Somerctlle. Maas, to Mr and seems to tie in WK»t KIsUiVIOKl tt nor will make such fine food. in this country California, la»t week. Mr*. Franela a boat who have naked Stanley, daughter, Mary and most of I parsons If P. Carter baa bis store here fitted Walter Sj mgue i* visiting in Milbridge. Katberlne. me to witness their teat* have come from up William Carlisle Is visiting Bert UifRini ia working in bit place at Caroline Mitchell baa returned home the Pacific coaat. Juat why I have never his grand- st unices it is that Cali- parents Bloebill. is the only Baking Powder made McMullio'a. after »pend;ng re vara) week*. alth her been able to decide, Royal fornia is in all aorta of Vinel R. has moved Watson Thoraton and Oacar Bragg bare eon at Stoniogton. very prolific Ooptlll back to h„ from Cream of Tartar ideas.'' place here from East Royal Grape taken tbe I'nderwood boat Otprwy to Dec. 15. Sc«. burry All selcotna have no faith in the him back. Boalon for repair*. Mining engineer* WEST TREMONT. divining-rod eit her. Mias Amy of Grace OoU, Lena Kobinaon, and Warren Aatbory, Wuehill, .t,0 Willie Reed, w too has been quite 11L i* George C. Stone, treasurer of the Aroeri- j eently closed her School at Jones Stanley are borne from Higgins classical port, «,« some lime and will in out. can Institute of Mining Engineers, said it j tbe week-end geest of Robert purchased ago, put inatitnie for tbe holiday*. Carlisle and COUNTY NEWS never works « stock of groceries. Andrew Norton in home from seu for the A thief or thieve* who attempted an “1 have heard of engineers who W. H. will leave to winter. mining Stanley to-day spend into Mr*. *tore tome SOUTH BCCKSPORT. opening Knowlt^n’t have tried it, although I oarer have seen BBOOKHVILLE the winter with bis daughter* in Boulton B. B. Heed of leet week in time tried tbe aame spent pert for tbe ago, evidently thing an avid Mr. Mias Alwids of The seminary dotted Friday aud Brookline. experiment myself,” Stone, Cooper, Boston, arrived at WaUon Thurston’* one la#t week. Bangor. night ; “and I am sure no mining man believe* in Ibis morning. holidays. of Deer Isle, baa been Ixwi* of i* Opt Billings, Tbe entrance wa* made bet ween 8 and 10 Nyce, Moose Heed, visiting the rod.’' with son Lew»*. of Mrs, i-elite M. and daughter Mrs. Oscar Haraden, loading lumber at Bmth Bro* w barf for at tbe ball. reletivee b?re. Cray Alim o'clock, when lb* family were j The one voice in of the dowser Bar la visiting her eupport are at Marboraide. Harbor, parents, John Thurston. Bureau drawer* were ranaacked and tbe i Mm Hen ford epent the week-end el wa* from Robert 8. Woodworth, profeaaor George Chandler and wife. Mrs. Amanda 1lodge, of North There 1* a new arrival in town, a boy, doom were left open throughout tbe Southwest Heritor. of in Cdunfhia llrook- psychology university, lin, la here. Abner Robinson and wife, of Stillwater, of Mr. and Mr*. E. J. Bvard™ bouee. The came In tbe nailing at the home pemon* through W. H. who hss been laid with who thinks that the of divining- Kira. Loot, up subject have returned home after visiting twMve and one-ha If tbed door. Mr*. M. L. Black, who has been pounds. rheumatism • month. t« again at work. rods lies in hia department, and who of- viollng R» bin son’s brother, C. A. Terrill and wife. la Motto! Ji. ia borne who baa been Dec. 15. P. M. fered a in defence of the dowser. Vernon, Y., Jacob A. CIomou, living Austin his to Lamotne to theory electrical Ingal’o gone Cleveland Kennedy, engineer, to the bouse on ‘the Brooklin aide “I can lb* action of Wise Marion Howard, of Eagle Haxen the winter with his Mr*. explain tb*divining- ;iaiand, for John, N. NORTHEAST HARBOR. spend aunt, arrived Friday en route St. of ba* baaed the A. K. rod at due to ia witb ner aunt, Mrs. Pannie lute. the bridge, pure j Hollis Austin. onljr being auto-suggestion,* M. K. and wife are in Boston. B. where he will superintend the install i» in. Frost •aid Prof. Woodworth. have beard Currier place. and moving “I L*on H. Taptoy and little daughter are AUen Pierce waa F. W, Lunt's of a new engine. 1 All the schools in the will close driving of tag Dec. IA. H. village •eventI oa*e* finding water by moan* of Tiaitioff hi* parentv, J. H. *nd _ grocery cart Saturday when the shafts Tapley The annual fair and sale by the ladies’ far the Christmas vacation on Friday. the rod that mrrmed to he doe to more than wife. broke, frighten »g the horw and throw- church w as NORTH CAST1NE. never aeen in aid society of the Methodist James H. Boulis and wife have gone to mere chance. 1 have a rod Arthur who ing him out. His left ankle «a« broken fifty, recently bad • pipe held l>ec. 5. A fine pro- Mrs. Manfred Mixer ia ill of rheuma- action, hot 1 have been told friend* of Friday evening, Wmlhrop Bear to, Mess., fort be winter. by cancer removed from i* and the ligament* of hi* knee injured. hit lip, at work gram was given by seminary students, tism. severs! successful experiment*. W. W. Reynolds and wife are home Dec 15. Thklma. •tain. of solos Misses “It is that some consisting by John Peterson, of Caatine, ia vtaiting bit from a Tiait of aeverai weeks “down east*', possible persona poaaeaa j Mi** Lit*to Gray, of Cape R»w>», *« Mildred Smith, Pearl Clay, Lenora Hodg- aunt, Mrs. Fred Conner. EAST LAMOINE. an instinct which would suggest to them, Mi«» Hasel Reynolds and Bbirley Rey- working for Mr*. Mahal Bakemao, who dou and A!bra Hash; vocal solo, Lewis when on ground under which la water, Malcolm Ward well cut hia leg quite nolds have returned from a visit in Mr*. Harold Nath ia quite ill of an ha* fceen quite ill. Pendleton; readings. Misses Pearl Clay, that auch would be a for them with an axe last week. 1 good place badly Boston. abacesa. The arfcoofter Lawrence Una Leach and Maria Mooney. to d*g for It. Or it may be that they can Murdock, C*pt. Mifta Lowena Conner ia home from Parker Kennedy, »ho is the Warren Dav.s and wife are home for a Orctttt, to discharging freig hi from Port- The muaic- lovers of Bucksport enjoyed attending distinguish aimoet without resitting it Brookaville. w here a be teaches. Leland Powers school in Boston, is borne few weeks. land for local tnarchanta. a rare treat Wedneaday evening, when the sign* of water on the ground that would Mra. Florence Webster and ton Arcard for tbe holidajs. of ia I- F. Aida quartet, of New York, assisted by Mis* Lena Sperry, Surry, visiting be unaeen by the average person, and that Cap*. Hutchinson ha* pat ike left Bat for their home U Is lea boro. C. Pol Plancoa, baritone, appeared under array Tbe Forest Hdl society held Its annua) Mr*. Stephen Inland. three aigna would aooperate on their mind •rhoooer Cbailotto T. Bibley in winter the auspices of the October club. Every Ouatine Ward well will move bit family Christ iAs sale >u tbe Neighborhood house Mies Helen Bennett, who has been em- as to cauae them to turn the stick down* quarter* at Orcutt’a harbor. number on the program was a gem. it i" to Chstine this week|w here they will re- Saturday evening. ployed in Ellaworth, ia home. ward without being conscious of the Frank L. and Howard Bate*. «>t Port- the of Bu ka- side. motive from tbemaaivee. At very seldom that people M im Eleanor Faster left recently for caroe fr»«n Boston last emanating land, and Mr*, £lta J. of Cran- ) Arthur Abbott Spurting. hear such least there eeem to be oases of real divin- port arc privileged to high-claw* F. F. Perkins, of Sandy Point, w«* here Boston where she will spend* Christmas Thursday. Hie mother, Mra. Cyrus Ab- berry Isles, were in town la*' to at- and thanks are due the ing too well substantiated to aa tend the artists, certainly Thursday contracting for logs for hia with her sister, Mrs. Katherine Tracy. bott, returned with bttn Saturday. appear funeral of their sister. Mi*v\ddw club. 1 ok re accidents." A. bate*. mill. Koy Moore, who is attending Hebron Dk. 18. N. of the ___ But Prof. Robert Peel#, of the Columbia Dec. 1&. C. The Japanese sale by the lsdies Merton Gray wa# operated upon Satur- academy, and Orman Hmailidge, a student | BASH HARBOR. Be bool of Mines, expresses his contempt Congregational church Friday evening day for appendicitis by Dr. Webster, of at Kent’s Uilt, are home for the holidays. for the dowser in him aa a A Civil M ar ChrUtma* Story. was attended and a success The ladies* aid held a Christmas describing largely Caatine. Mias Mildred who em- aociety Coffin, has been : charlatan. The America* Magattne ha* bceu yfkr- financially. The vestry was decorated sale and entertainment Thursday. Regina and Lewis Cash, of Caatine. are ployed in the office of Hamor A bum ley inf for the beat totter* eotttird with blossoms “There is no virtue in the rod,’’ be aesya; prize* M«y chrysanthemums, cherry with several has for the Mont. has bought the house their great-grandparent*, Lewis months, gone away Jeffrey “it la an old that came from Beat Christ roil*’. In th* Dec* iut>rr num- and novelties, cooked superstition pine. Jannete winter. built some years by Charles Dodge. Hutchins andfwife. ago two or three centuries ber the letter* *rf juo* food and home-made candy were sold. central Korop* ago. prtoe-winninf Marshall and wife went to Caa- The Sunday school will hold its Shirley Kelley, who l* working at Ber- 1 have heard diecuaa lisbed. The true Cbri-inai The seminary orchestra, Miss Eleanor Stephen Baptist ; mining engineers it, followt»f to Christ mas tree on Christmas in the lin, N. H., this winter, was at home last a woo second Bragdon, piano, Prof. Everett, , Mr. tine Wednesday visit relatives before night but in way ibat shows they do not tie* •lory prize: to their home at Port Union church. The Christ mss concert week. in 1 am sure no man boat t'hnatmaa «u in th* of Turner, cello, rendered selections. returning Clyde. here it. mining “My year will be held on Sunday evening, Dec. 28. Frances and are at home takes it seriously.** ISffl, durinf the Civil war. My (»il»f Dec. 15._ J. Hare), young daughter of Wra!ter W’il- Lucy Murphy for the A* Prof. Peels the rail ion o had entitled at the of tin* «ar aon, who fractured her arm by falling A basketball team representing tbe from Castine normal school says, sup* beginning NORTH LAMOiNE. the of the tn ami a firl of fifteen, toiribrr from a awing, i* able to be around, w ith freshman class of Bar Harbor high school Christmas recess. efficacy divining*rod finding I. young water or minerals dates back with a brother of lived mib-ar Albert Christie, aged thirteen years, her arm in a sling. will meet the team of the freshman class Joseph Wooster has purchased Mr*. centuries, to thirteen, the when in mother in a amtll In th* ouUkiitf killed a deer recently. of Gilman school in the and move here day prospectors the Harts cottage The black am ith shop formerly owned high Neighbor* Rosanna Rich'* bouse, will mountains in their of a little in Ulinoi*. w hood bouse This will be Germany felt way Tillage George Smith, ho has been seriously J. S. Snow, which was sold to E. Friday evening. from Thomas ton this week. by Roy to the of season with the forked twig over the “We had been taught from infancy ill of pneumonia, is better. Webster, has been taken down and will be first game the on the local Dec. 15. X. Y. Z. places where ore was be aak God to ua in all in oar floor. v they supposed to found. help tbiog*, Lewis Smith was called to Bar Harbor taken to Isles boro. d Dec. 4». CASTINE. The rod was described by Prof. Peele as d**r father** aheeoce we called last week by the serious illness of his Dec. 15. L. 16._ being “in the shape of a V, whicn was each day to watch over him and bring b»n» father. Eugene Thom ha, of this place, died taken bold of the two ends and held home to u*. SOITH HANCOCK. WALTHAM. Mondav at where bo bad been by Miss Muriel who has Bangor, Lmacott, spent in front of the d »eer. with “The followed one another »• ry H. H. will make a business Mrs. Nettie lie Beck is relatives for two weeks for medical treatment. He horiaontaUy day* three Young trip visiting months with her aunt in Somerville, the tail of the Y outward. but at la«t Christina* ev- « to Boston this week. in Ellsworth. was born at Hurricane Island pointing •lowly is home. flfty-flve Mass., the twig in this the dowser We bad become and ?»• 1 not but hart lived here since Holding way discouraged Mra. Nettie Higgins will go to Sullivan George Stanley, of Brewer, is in town year* ago, boy- D. Y. McFarland and wife leave Tues- walks over the ground w here minerals or made many preparations to celebrate, lor to-morrow to live w ith Mra. Almira Moon. for a few days. hood. For *everai year* be bad been day for Leicester. Mass., to spend the water is being sought until, on we fell wo could not endur* ltf« much janitor of the normal school. He stepping winter with Mrs. Alfred Mia# Jennie Merchant went to North L. F Giles, of Ellsworth, was in town on a that lies more or less some Our U 1 their daughter, — spot longer without word from leaves four daughter* Mr*. Lime vertically Bradford to live with Mra. and Frye. On the way they will visit Mrs. Saturday May Saturday Hunday. Webster and Mrs Lillian Ward* ell, over the sought mineral or water, the tail one. Perns Id. McFarland’s sister in Auburn. E. L. Kingman and Irving Thomson, of of Castine; Mr*. Alice Gray, of Harbor- of the Y is supposed tc be depressed. The “At i**t evening came and we ftthr* of side, and Mr*. Myrtle Parker, New * uj al- At the ninth annual of the H. 1). Ball will leave Saturday for North Brewer, were in town Sunday. force depressing it said to be so great that fur evening prayer. Our mother, meeting York, and lhr«»e sons John, of California, Dakota for an sometimes the in the hands.'' conducted these service* >:» ‘ur .New England Aaaociation of College extended visit to hia son, There were services in tbe church Sun- and Arthur and Harry, of Castine. twig snaps ways Dr. Fred E. Ball. As to (he tree from which the father'* coaid re*d *he Teachers, held at Harvard university Nov. ; day, conducted by Milton Beckwith. twig may absence, hardly *t>■; t- fc of Middle- The of be cut, there is the widest of chapter selected. Then we knelt 29, Prof. Raymond McFarland, engagement Min Gertrude M. A. K Haslera was in Boston last week. SEAWALL. diversity Moat use w illow or but turn* in for our loved one. t hf.n:«h Ourf a as elected of the of W. T. opinion. hate], praying college, president | C'oggina, youngest daughter Cog- Mr. Hssiem is considering a flattering offer W. N. and wife are visiting Kuminsby Charles an American we eo we couia scarce association. The honor of the and of this to William L. Latimer, civil engi- were all wevptug position giaa wife, place, as superintendent of a dowel mill in Han- Mr*. William Dolliver Sumin*by*» parents, who wrote a on the understand one another. came as a to Prof. of baa been an- neer, monograph sub- surprise McFarland, j Merrill, Brockton, Mas*., cock, Mas*. and wife. w hich he read in 1875 before the Civil “At Uil were fim-bnl soa wno was unable to attend the creeling. nounced. ject lb* invert Benjamin Willey and wife have moved John baa returned from to ere Prof. McFarland’s home friends extend Dec. 16. W. Penney Pump- Kngineers club of the Northwest, in tewra dri»d and we in« to our fee tbeir from and household goods boston, kin Island, where be ha* been visiting said he had used our Iroto bi* »rvu-toim-il congrst ulations. Chicago, peach, apple, lather rising are occupying the house of the late Jeffer- Charles Newman and family. in un- Dec. 16. Y. NORTU SEDGWICK. willow, dogwood, beech and maple twigs, place near mot Her. M« bad stolen son Haslem. All are glad to have them be loved so Charles llanacomb, who baa been ill, t» William Moore, who was to spend tha and bad beard of an old barrel hoop be- observed and taken the place home. 8EDUW1CK. out. week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. M. ing used with success. Mr. Latimer be- well in our ereniog worabip. Court I. O. F., held its regu- wu called to hit home at lieved in the rod. ••Word* cannot our and bap- There was a dance at Riverside hail Mra. John Orcott baa returned home Bnyctic, K. Moore, express Joy lar meeting Saturday evening. Officers Mass., the death of bis Id hi* UOmtr mentions liras over bia return. Ha told u* be h*J Saturday evening. from Boston. Winter Hill, by monograph pi were chosen as follows: C. D., Wilson that when chief engineer of the Lake been wounded and bad lalu in a Mrs. B. H. and Anna Grandfather Hathaway, Saturday. aaeerely Dority daughter ! Gray, of baa moved Maynard Bluebill, C. R., Charles V. C. R.. Dec. 15. T. E. D. bbore railroad he wanted to Bod water at tor three uiootbe, and although are in Mass. Googins; Jordan; boapital Lowell, to the mill bouae. hi* Btephen Jordan; R. 8., Howard Jordan; a town called Coloma, where a elation was be bad aant ua word whan be could of Students from Hebron and Coburn are NORTH DEER ISLE. flurry Tburaton and wife have returned F. ft., Belle Haaiem; treasurer, Nettie De- being built. He aaid he found water with whereabout*, U»e letter* bad never reached home for the Christmas recess. from a vUut in Boston. Beck; O., Charles Martin; organist, Mr*. B. E. Tor rev Is quite ill. eaae with the aid of a rod. He telle also us. I. S. It Oandage has been renovating and John Tburaton purchased a heavy yoke Josephine Stanley; 8. W Adel bert dipt. Orover Smell arrived borne Wed- of an employee on Horace Greeley’* farm “Allhougn tbla waa fifty year* ago the repairing old Carlton store, which he of oxen m Hock land laat week. Crosby; J. W., Bert Jordan; 8. B., Ernest nasday. at Chsppequa who found water with a rod Menu but yeeterday, and though I have Jordan; J. B., Albert Pettengiil. tor Mr. Greeley. The farmhand'* rod seen Christmases aince that Tbe Sunday school i» preparing for a Mrs. Freemen Howard, with daughter, many happy £fcacxt.£tmuuA. Dec. 15. H. twitched downward while be wa* walking time l am aura that waa Best t'brial- concert and Christ maa tree Dec. 24. is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Allen Smell. ‘My over a rock. Powder blew the rock apart maa'. " Austin staple* of Brookhn, spent the Schooner John Paul, Capt. Hutchinson, WEST BROOKUN. and forth gushed a epring. week-end with H. O. Hanacomband w ife. arrived Friday night and nailed Sunday Prof. W. 8. Barrett, the chief modern Wholesale Waate. CATARRH Dec. 16. A. G. Prank Spear is building a near barn. Franklin was one of ; (or Calais. Hardy “I’ll tall * one tbai’a abso- _ inreatigator of the divining-rod, made an you funny Miaa Luetta Bridges ia teaching at the crew. a*id Brewer, »bo WEST FRANKLIN. H. exhaustive etndy of the subject tor the lutely true,” Bunny OF THE STOMACH Naskeag. Dec. 15. mova- Society for Piychtcal Reaearch in London. baa beaded tbe back-to-tbe-eotl D. W Clark bar a derrick at hie block is the bane of thousands of of Sun- Cash Awards. and a bom-stead lives. Roy Freetbey, Rockland, spent • Ib.OOO la Prof. Barrett nay* he entered on the atudy ment recently taken op granite quarry. Globet book- “Uit Many folks who use "L. F.” Atwood's day here. The interest in tbs Boston in a sceptical tram* of mind, but when hi* on an abandoned-looking farm. Blanche Chief arrived home from Pem- lovcra’ is-growing seen week. time, we bad Medicine for indigestion find it a Parker Bridges ia employed on the plcluregume researches were ended, concluded that the tall, along about bog-killin’ was in the Sun- a broke Saturday. The first picture published aotne out bare, and reliable relief for Catarrh of the ateamer Catherine efficacy of the divining-rod could not be folks trom the city really (Hobs of Dec. It. By purchasing a cata- — and John Coombe bare to day doubled when bandied quicker kiddm stomach. George gone Roland Bnkelortb, o( la the can the back and by peraon* in likely lookin’gal—now Rockland, log, anyone get pictures the day » Goodwin'* aiding. whom the gift to locate water exist*. He came out to aaa bow I started Mr. Morton's experience is a typical goeat of Gilbert Carter. start In the oootest. Tbe Cbriatmae aale at tbe Union churcb I Tbs first award la fil.000 la cash, tbs second ha* written: chorea. instance, that oat to a Heater Somner who haa been points yoa Bridges, 1 and tbe third award is “’We ll be to-day, ladT* wae a aueceaa. Proceeds, fU. award Is filjne in cash “Making a liberal allowance for fail- awtully busy relief from this form of catarrh: visiting his gand parents at North Brook- quick Sl.OOC in cash. There are seven other main ure* of which I have not I aaya I. Frenk Coombe bad a shower of letters ia home. beard, have lin, and hundreds of minor awards, to be aaya »b*> Me. awards no hesitation in that where water ‘What era yon going to dot' Newport, from bia u frienda on hla 16. B. saying any birthday. Dec. among those coining nearest to • __ distributed a cow.’ ‘The doctors say 1 have catarrh of fissure* exist and the discovery of under- Wa’re going to kUi Use. 16. Cu'a'BB. naming oorreotly tbe seecnty-seesn book — at onoef the stomach. ‘L. F.’ ground water sufficient tor a domestic 'What a whole cow Atwood's MANBET. titles represented by the seventy-seven Mebb* is a “Wbat do think o’ tbatt Medicine seems to be the best EAOTBHQOK. tbe Globe Is to publish. supply matter of the utmost difficul- you remedy Mrs. Ellen Stanley haa returned from pictures to butcher * Bach of these eeveaty-sevea contest plet- ty, the chance* of success with a good aba thought wa were going I can get for it I keep L» F.’ At- Hunters In town got three deer laat Harrington. i urns represents only the name of a book, not dowser far exceed mere tncky bits or the tenderloin ataakf” wood’s Medicine in the house ail the week. E. G. last week in Boston Stanley apent the characters or contents of the hook. A success obtained by the most skilful ob- time—would not be without it" Wilber and wife are and of book titles from which tbe Pearley attending vicinity. ; catalog server, even with full knowledge of tbs William B. Kidgely. former comptroller J. L. Morton. State con- I seventy-seven titles to be represented by (Signed) grange. There will be a Christmas tree and local geology." of tbe currency, aaid of a certain speculator pictures bsve been selected, is offered by the as * Get TOUR l>ig Bottle at the Dealer's R. B. Lowrie and wifa bare gone to cert at the Union church on Christmas Prof. Barrett tells of an In- “The man it as ingenious for who care to it, and in a interesting recently. Globe those buy one* SSjcents. Waterville for tbe winter. eve. stance of the use of the dowser that came horse-trader’, ton who wa* To-day, few days an answer book will also be lssuad »»*"*unex- 1° hi* called upon by hi* FREE by Mail. Llbbie who bee been Leslie King haa returned from a busi- for tbe convenience of those who wish them. attention, in 1887 Richardson t. pectedly Sample Wilbur, working mount a horse and exhibit lie While there Globe and start in Co., bacon makers at "L. F." MEDICINE CO-, Portland. in Ellewortb, te borne on a vacation. ness trip to Massachusetts. Bug the Boston to-day Waterford, Ireland, be mounted be leaned toward hi* wished •*utn*‘ Me. Dee. 16. Gam. he visited bis daughter Maxine, who la ia this most interesting contest.—Adet. to locate a sufficient water supply and aaid: ‘Are yon buying or