
Our prases are turn­ Pretty Cards lor out s6me pretty' T hat Purpose work these days. Printed or Blank. OUR PRICE 25 cards for 25 cents By mail or at tbe of­ fice.


i Mr. and Mrs. W .J. Clizbejof Chica­ go, having learned through tbe Atlas that Delta would not celebrate tbis | year, came up to enjoy a quiet 4tb with ber parents, Dr. and Mrs., Odell I and otber friends. If you lost a pocketbook with a IS TO BE LOC TED IN DELTA. Frank Bealer of Fremont, spent tbe small amount of money in it, call on 4th here. He lived here when a boy Jno. Blondell of north Wood street. king Powder about a dozen years ago. He finds , I will make my next trip to Wause­ __ now'bis boy friends of the bid time, on for paying taxes on Wednesday Ju­ Mad? from pure gsown up men and many of them ly 12, bring along your last receipt. gone. He particularly missed Wes W. E. F o w l x b . cream of tartar. Baker. While for the next few weeks the Capt. J. O. Rose of the 86th O. V.T. churches in town will unite in union has been spending a few days,the guest Sunday evening services, tbe Young of bis neice, Mrs. S. T. Shaffer. He Peoples’ societies will meet at their was a member of .the 14tb O. V. I., own places of meeting. 38th O. V. I. and the 86th O. Y. I. was for several years a railroad postal The Atlas was tbe only weeky clerk, and is a pretty good man yet. newspaper in tbis congressional dis­ trict that published the time and C. R. P. Waltz and wife started for place of holding the senatorial con­ Pikes Peak and Colorado Springs vention last week. Was it a scoop ? Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. ▲. C. Bartholomew started for the same We understand tbat J. S. Trow­ place Wednesday morning. They bridge has bought the John T. Wil­ will join the former party at Chicago liams cottage on west side of Delta and will make the trip over the cele­ street, and will moVd back to town. brated Rock Island route. We are Mr Williams Is planning td go to Cali­ promised a letter written on the peak fornia. of the Peak. The W. C. T. U. wili hold its July meeting on the 14th, at 2-30 p. m., with Mrs. James Benfer. Important communications from county presi­ dent. Members please be present and Tile Price of an Amputated Leg. on time. Friends invited. An unusual interest centered in a We understand the gates of the stock-yards on the railroad grounds at jury trial in court at Wasuseon last week between Jno. P. Gass as guar­ the station were opened one night dian of Tony Friska, a Pole, working this week and as a consequence a lot in Lyons tile yard where the bottoip of of stock got out. If the officers of the Co. find who did it they will not want bis overalls, which were too long and to monkey with railroad property were turned up below, was caught by again soon. a knuckle or coupling on a revolving shaft and his leg so broken as to make The band boys were pleased with it necessary to amputate it at or near the large number of people who went the knee. When the accident occurred with them to Archbold on the 4th, Mr. Lyon took the young man to his and they speak in high praise of the home, and employed and paid for his hospitality of tbe city of tbe west Tbe Toledo Commercial has been treatment, paid him bis regular wages gate of the eouaty. They we espec­ sold to Geo. Hull, late internal reve­ and kept him free of any charges un­ ially warm in their good words for nue collector at Toledo under tbe til he was able to get out. Suit was Editor Hallett.______Cleveland administration. The Com­ then brought as above for $10,000. Delta will in a few weeks at mercial will—Mr. Hull says—be an in­ Tbe Case was called on Tuesday morn­ dependent newspaper. This leaves farthest receive from the navy yard ing of list week and went to the jury the Bl8de the only Republican dally Saturday afternoon and the jury ren­ at Washington D. C., a cannon the dered their verdict Sunday morning, weight of which is 4000 pounds. It in Toledo. Tbe price paid for tbe finding a judgement against Lyon for has not yet been fully decided where Commercial was $32,000. $300. Music by Swan tor* Band. lt will be placed but it will either be On Wednesday the suit between in Greenlawn cemetery or on the Address by Hon. J. Kent Hamilton, The Imperial Portrait Co., pltff., and of Toledo. grounds adjoining City Hall. For H. J. Gelzer was being tried in com­ Song by Swanton Quartette. this handsome present Delta is in­ mon pleas court at Wauseon. After Recitation by Miss Ida Wolcott. debted to the good offiices of Maj. J. the plaintiff had all his evidence in and Talk bv W. W. Farnsworth. Rev. J. W. Lake preached an able M. Longnecker assisted by Congress­ sermon at the U. B. church Wednes­ had rested, he asked the court to be Recitation by M:?s —. —. Biggins. man Southard. allowed to withdraw one juryman and day night. ? Talk by Yaruell Kakestraw. continue the case until next term of Spending: the 4tb at Toledo. The first 4th of July accident tbat Song by Delta Quartette. Mrs. L. M. Agler* and Mrs. L. H. court at plaintiff’s cost. It was done Taylor visited SwanfeOa friends one We are informed that while down at we have to record occured Monday T>lk bv John Elton Sr. day last week. ' the casino at Toledo on the 4th, Miss morning. Drayman Fincbman, driv­ I t Is reported that over 3000 people Music by Band. Ollie Miller and some other young peo­ Talk by Abe Harrison. A. L. Guthrie and wife were guests ing his one-horse dray stopped in front at Pemberville listened witb wrapped ple started across from the casino Recitation by Miss Jessie Moore. of Mont Quilliams and wife of West { of Seeley’s tinware store and went in. attention to the masterly oration of grounds to “The Point” in a small Pioneer stories by the old settlers. Unity last week. Some boy touched .off a fire cracker onr townsman, Mr. E. P. Bourquin, boat to meet Miss Miller’s former and the cracker touched the borse and In that city on the 4th. And when Lutz's grove is one of tbe finest pic­ Foster Moyer and lady enjoyed tbe \ school mate, Miss Delia Yan Pelt. dray off. A t least they went off down he closed with a request tbat the nic grounds in the State and all roads refreshing breezes off the Maumee at Going across, the boat was struck by towards the depot. But there were audience give three cheers for the boys lead to it. While the reanion is in Napoleon Tuesday. a sudden squall, and the boat tipped too many hitching posts and other ob­ in tbe ranks on the firing line in the reality a reunion of the pioneers of Miss Marion Corbin left Monday over,' and the occupants spilled out in stacles in tbe way and the dray and Philippines, a grand succession of tre­ Swan Creek township, tbe big firm evening to spend the 4th with Hills­ the bay. Fortunately another boat was near by and came to tbe relief of harness had to go into dry dock for mendous cheering went up as was gate will stand wide open t» every dale, Mich., friends. the shipwrecked party. Miss Miller repairs. Moral don’t shoot too early. never before beard in old Wood bjdy wbo wishes to enjoy the only big Misses Ada and Zula Grover of was a badly frightened! girl. ITnion ETenlDK Services. county. rreal prc-nic in tbe county this year. Prepare your baskets fbr the biggest Clyde, visited part of last week with It is announced now that enough Sunday evening will commence the the family of H. S. Isbell. . . basket pic-ntc you ever attended.^, troops will be sent to tbe Philippines usual summer union evening services. Mrs. W. H. Wyke and Miss Florence to overrun the country, hold all the This plan has been practiced by the Miller of Toledo celebrated the 4tb places as fast as they are captured, ministers of Delta for several years to with Mrs. W. E. Donahue. and drive the insurgents off the earth. the entire satisfaction of all con­ Cora Gunn was called bome from This1 should have been done before, as cerned It gives three of the four Pet sons wbo were at the station On all lands of Summer Toledo on the 4th on account of the Gen.i Lawton has been compelled to a- pastors an opportunity to rest three Monday afternoon and Tuesday morn­ Goods at the HULL MER­ serious illness of her father. bandou towns and with them the Sunday evenings out of four and also ing and saw tbe great numbers leav­ Miss Maude Whittaker, who died at friendly natives to the mercy of the gives all church going people u> town ing town might bave thought the CA NTILE CO. rebels, on account of tbe fact that he 50c Shirt Waists for...... 35c St. Louis, Mo., was brought to this bas not enough men to police them an opportunity to hear all of tbe min­ town depopulated, But it was not. county and buried at Ted row. after they are captured. isters. There is probably qp town in Qutg got up some “flaming” whole 75c Shirt Waists for...... 50c tbe county where there is so much of sheet posters, advertising a 4th In fL00 Shirt Waists for...... |...... 75c Dell Zerman and wife, W. E. Fow­ THE SCALING LADDER. ler and wife and Mrs. Waffle we're in brotherly feeling existing among the Delta and Charlie Longnecker took Cool Summer Dress Goods tbe centennial city on the 4tb. Bow It Ia tied at Fires In Terr Hick preachers as in Delta, and this feel­ hold of the matter and worked up a 15c Goods Reduced*to...... 10e B u il d in g s . ing has existed ever since the summer commendable program consisting of 124c Goods Reduced to ...... j.___ ... .8c Mart Jacoby .and wife of Toledo The most promising pupils among Sunday evening union services were foot races, bicycle races, potato races, wheeled up to Delta Sunday and were 10c Goods Reduced t o ...... 8c those admitted to the school of instruc­ inaugurated several years ago. wheelbarrow races, pie-eating con­ 8c Goods Reduced to ...... 5c guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bartley. tion at the New York fire headquarters Free lecture M Bf. B. Cbnrch. test, etc., etc., &c., Ac. The cbande of a lifetime to get Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Weigle, of Sbire- are said to be those who have served On next Thursday evening July 13th A large number of valuable articles goods at from 50 to 75c on tbe dollar. manstown, Pa. are visiting his brother an apprenticeship in professions that such as giant firecrackers, bottles of have called them aloft. Sapors, paint­ the Rev. W. E. Grose of the Methodist These goods must go before we in­ D. S. Weiurle and wife, of north Wood tomato catsup, bicycle caps, adinfini- street. ers, roofers and steeple climbers have Book Concern of Cincinnati, will de­ voice. the advantage of their preliminary liver his popular lapture on “A School tum were contributed. A drum corps Mr. Simons of Cleveland is visiting training. The first thing tbat a neo­ Master up to date,” In the M. E. was organized and tbe ‘ ’formance’ be­ his nephew N. L. B. Simons and oth­ phyte is called upon to learn is how to Church. This lecture is given under gun at two o’clock. In order tbat er friends in this vicinity. Mr. Si­ bandle the scaling ladder. the auspices of tbe Epworth League everything might be done legally and Delta Markets. mons is a fine old gentleman. * Tbis bit of apparatus is a long, well in order, or at least in accordance seasoned tongue of timber with short and will be free to all. Rev. Grose is L. B. Miller and family of Marion a very flne, up to date speaker, and with rules of equity, Messrs. Paxon, Wheat, No. 2, crosspiece* passing through itT\ It ter­ Everett and Cottrell were umpired Wheat, No. 3, ran up from Toledo, Tuesday, and minates at the top with a long ) hook, will stir his audience with his en­ and judges of the various contests. In A lsyk e,.:...... spent a day with friends and relatives which has three or fonr ratchetlike thusiasm and eloquence. In addition Oats, new .. returning home on Wednesday. projections on its undersm’fabe and to his lecture Mr. Grose will have the grand parade a boy proceeded tbe R ye,...... W. H. and Geo. Lamberts enter­ weighs from 20 to 45 pounds. There is with him some books, bibles and sup­ procession ringing a bell to let tbe Cloverseed,... Corn,...... tained J. H. Jennings and wife of a special knack in handling it dexter­ plies from the publishing house which people know the band was coming. Cleveland, B. F. Lambert, wife and ously, and many a time a man who is Much praise is due Quiggle and slight and small of stature can manage all may have a chance to inspect and daughter and Mrs. Jas. Kelly of Wau­ purchase if tbey desire. Dr. J. M. Longnecker and “emperors” Cottrell, a ladder which a Goliath would find Everett and Paxson for tbe complete seon on the 4tb. difficulty in handling Avann, tbe presiding elder of Toledo district, has secured Mr. Grose to and successful entertainment afforded Ernest Briggs, Ken Gross, Tom Sar­ “There is no piece of apparatus ia Between acts a continual fusllade of the fire department,” Bays one who bas spend two weeks on the district, de­ Tallow ,...... gent, Fred Zimmerman, Harry Gutb- firecrackers, and torpedoes was kept Potatoes,...... made a study of its methods, “ which, livering his lecture at the principle rie, Archie Raker, Lew Gehring, An- np and in the evening the great army WOOL thon Casler and Clarence Lutton cele­ skillfully handled, can be made to serve towns. WeTegret that the date be Washed Wool., more purposes than this scaling ladder. comes to us is on Thursday, the time, of expectant people were treated to a unwashed Wool, brated tbe 4th, at Detroit. The longest extension ladder in tbe de- “magniflcient display ol fire works,’» WANTED—A gooil girl at the Cottage The following persons are in attend­ partment measures 90 feet, but tbe man of our prayer meetings in town, but House. Apply soon. _____ .______; be cannot well come on any other the largest ever witnessed outside of ance at the International convention with tbe scaling ladder can go np 14 Chicago or Milroy. The flre-works » LIVE WJULTHV. MILLET SEED—40 bushels German Millet or 15 stories without becoming exhaust­ date. For this reason the prayer seed for sale, 80 cts. Wm. Burgess, Siney. 'i-3 this week at Detroit* Rev. W. A. were fired off from three grand stands Spring Chickens, 14 to S. 8 Brundige and wife, Jas. Bruce and ed. At fires before an exteUiien ladder meeting at this church will be 'held Old Roosters,...... 3 1 w a n t to c o n tr a c t to r a ton of sood clover can be put in position one fireman can on Wednesday evening. The public one in front of Quigg’s, one in front E. L. WALTZ. wife, Ida Grandy, Irma Sharp and D ucks,...... ii .00 H ay. push a scaling ladder » into' a second of the Racket and the other in front Geese,...... - . 0 Martha Grover. is cordially invited to hear this lecture POE SALE, HOUSE—-Fine two-story fram e, story window, scramble up and go from as it will be a treat to all who attend. of Hank & Jack’s and Zimmerman’s. Hens,...... j. . f ■new, ? rooms east Front st. Delta. Inquire of Taken all together and all rotyid it Turkeys,...... ► • 6 B. P. BOUQPIN. ______5 tf _ Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson of Au­ story to story to the very roof. He ia •F . W. S t a n t o n . burn, Ind., ran up to Delta Monday followed by a second fireman, who takes was a great old time. STOCK. * FOR SALE—Good mflk cow, soon be fresh. Reunion of tbe 68th. Veal Calves ...... J5-5i 4V4 miles east of Wauseon E OI LGEN and spent the 4th with his former his ladder with him story by story, and Any person would have thought ; parishioners here, the people of tbe this fireman by a third, until by the On Thursday Aug. 17 the surviving from the appearance of Main street FOB SALE HOttSK-Good work horse 2 time the first man baS reached tbe top members of tbe 88tb O. V. I. will hold miles northwest of Delta at DAVID EYES. Cburch of Christ, and with other next morning that a train load of fire Live poultry subject to 8-S there is a completed chain behind bim, a reunion at Wauseon. There is talk . friends. J. M. is a good' hand shaker down which the rescued may be carried of tbe G. A. R. posts at Lyons, Moren­ works direct jp m . Hong JCong had daily changes. FOB SALE—3 brood sows, one h as pigs i and has plenty of It to do when he been wrecked on tbe street and every there soon will have. Mile south Of Platt and tbe fireman himself escape.”—New ci, Fayette ana Wauseon joining in ton, A. L. M ILLE R . 6-2 comes to Delta. Yack Tribune. the reunion. cracker shot off. NO EFFECT FROM GOLD EXPORTS. copy certain streets of the city as a -right WORLD‘8 WOMEN MEET. THE DELTI ATLAS. of way. The jury granted the petition WHAT OTIS HAS Home Finances Are Most Satisfactory— of the railroad, but awarded tbe city a International Council Commence* Xts June Excess of Exports. damage of $50,000. A motion has been Sessions in London. R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of made for a new trial by the road and The International Council of Women trade says: “The outgo of more gold this Judge Millard of the probate court set opened in the convocation hall of the DETAILS OF PRESENT SITUATION week, $4,000,000 so far repotted, makes aside the verdict and granted the motion. church house, London, England. The IN PH IL IPPIN E S. it clear that Europe is in need. Exchange Countess of Aberdeen, president of the Gates, brother of and trade balances show that this coun­ LIGHT DRAUGHT CRUISERS. • council, in her address, after cordial try is not called upon to pay, but the John W. Gates, of words of welcome, sketched the duties of Chicago, president money is worth more to lenders abroad Navy Department Planning for More Boats Never since ?he war has there been so the council. She said international arbi­ than it is here. Home finances are most of ihi Vixen Type. much excitement in Mississippi. . “Pri­ K j R of the American The Navy Departmeut at Washington tration should ever be placed foremost ia Steel and Wire satisfactory. Revenue' falls behind ex­ vate” John Allen ia stumping the State its program, advocated the establishment penditures for the fiscal year less than is considering the advisability of fitting i against Gov. McLau- «■ 4*1 1# Company, has been up and keeping in readiness light draught of an international bureau of informa­ $100,000,000, and but for $230,000,000 rin for the United tion regarding all that affects womeujjand « ti i* W W atcd in Okla- war expenses, including payment for the cruisers for special service like that re­ I s A States senatorship. Gen. Otis, in reply to a cable from th< iff) u how a. The news John Oliver of Penrvi cently performed by the Vixen at Blue- warned women against arrogatjnjf to killed by a freight train Philippine debts and for Cuban soldiers, themselves alone the duties of owing &U War Department at Washington askmj (lllMW. y jf ll, *»• telegraphed A. the .revenue, exclusive of that from the fields. The suggestion is made by advo­ evils. for information regarding situation am ’ ^ I P - '.I'll A. Gates, the aged nja Road, which ranin war taxes, exceeds ordinary expenses. cates of the plan that such a course would conditions in the Philippines, cabled at III Hi f a t h e r , at St. At a depth of sixtjy save both time and expense, and that Lady Aberdeen afterward Introduced follows: ■ m IH- be Trade balances, in spite of exporta from Mrs. May Wright Sewall of the United porta ft good producing New York 19 per cent less than last such vessels could respond to the call of “Adjutant General, Washington: Rainj immediately s e n t on the Richard King fai year’s, and Imports 20 per cent greater, a consul or perform other similar service States, vice-president of the council, who season. Little inland campaigning possi Sections to Wlch- quite as well as could a battleship, also was enthusiastically received as a possi­ fta, Kan., which led William Plotts, aged still promise a large excess of exports for ble iu Luzon. We occupy large portioi do prominent fiunaer June. The great gain in volume of busi­ that they would have the great advantage f ble successor to the presidency. of Tagalog country, lines stretching fron eiLBSBT w. filT U . to the arrest of the ness might ,seem of questionable safety of being able to cover the distance to far­ For officers the international council Imus south, to San Fernando north, near nurderer. ~ * were it not greater iu iron production, re­ away ports much more speedily than has some of the most prominent women in ly sixty miles, and to eastward into Gilbert Gat^s was murdered near War- sulting from an actual excess of demand would heavier ships. The matter is re­ the world. They are: President. Coun­ guna province. Insurgent armies hav» •ensburg. Mo., on the night of May 2, NEWS IN BRIEF OUSTS over supply, and not from speculation. ceiving careful attention and the opinion tess of Aberdeen; vice-president, Mrs. suffered great losses and are scattered 1872, while, he Jras journeying westward It is interesting that a 10,000-ton order prevails that the plan will be adopted at May Wljfghtsewall of the United States; only large force held together about 4^fXK >y wagon.with Alexander Jester. When for plates for two American liners to be no distant day. The present purpose is In almost every ham­ treasurer. Baroness Alexandra Grippen- in Tarlac province and northern Psmpan light came they, encamped on the river built by the Cramps has gone to Chicago, to use the auxiliary • cruisers for this 's the men have met berg oi Finland; recording secretary, ga. * Their scattered forces are in bands >ank, and under cover of darkness Jes- Eastern works being too full. Failures work, and the Hawk and Dorothea are in debate, and Allen Mme. Maria Martin of France; corre­ of fifty to five hundred in other portion er. it is said, stole toward Gates and for the week have been 178 in the United among the vessels which will thus be 1 never misse« a sponding secretary, Miss Teresa F. Wil­ Luzon; in Cavite and Batangas provinces y burning his victim’s body. Failing** otherwise kept in condition for constant ft I who has been famous are the United States, Great Britain, people terrorized by insurgent soldiers, de his, the murderer ‘threw the corpse into WHOLE SCHOOL BOARD RESIGNS. sea service. The intention is to have J v it# for years as the wit Germany, Sweden. Canada, Denmark, sire peace and American protection; ho he river, wbraaf.it drifted down stream, fonr such vessels. jflJSSf of the lower house of Holland, India, New South Wales, Tas­ longer flee on approach of our troops sap­ where it was lla*liy discovered in Salt Quarrel Results from Costumes Worn by W /fltf Congress, was nick- mania, Norway, Palestine, China, New less forced by insurgents, but gladly wel­ river. ' iV. "0 '> - ■. - . .,*j Some of the Yountf Men. TO FIGHT THE GLASS TRUST- named “Private,” be- Zealand and the Argentine Republic. The come them. No recent burning of towus. A successful chase for Jester follow­ At Ljons, Neb., the School Board re- United States is represented by Mrs. Fan­ Steamer MargaretTOlwill Lost. cause he says he is Population within our lines 'becoming ed, and he was captured. A. A. Gate*, signedr and a new board was forthwith Plant at Toledo to Have a Yearly Capacity the only man on rec- nie Humphreys Gaffney, Susan B. An­ dense, taking up land cultivation exten­ father of the murdered man, hastened A special from Toledo states that the appointed. This action resulted from a of 3,000,000 Square Feet. johx a l l e n . ord who served in thony and Rev. Anna H. Shaw. Among sively; kept out of Manila much as possi­ from Chicago to the West at that time Cleveland and -Toledo steamer State of quarrel. The boys of the 'graduating Edward Ford of Toledo believes he can the Confederate army and who has since the well-known American women who ble as city population is becoming too. md was one off * party which searched Ohio, has arrived there with only one sox* class adopted the word “work” as the smash the American plate glass trust. admitted tbat he was not a colonel. Once are in attendance at the congress are Dr. great to be cared for. .be house of a sifter who was then living Tiving member at the crew of the steamer class motto and to live up to it they in­ Soon after the Fords were dropped from when he met a former Confederate gen­ Sarah Hackett Stevenson, Mrs. Cynthia “Natives southeast of Luzon combining eighteen miles north of Wichita, "there Margaret Olwill, which foundered in a gale sisted upon jvearing overalls and doffing the trust the Pittsburg Plate Glass Com­ eral in joint debate the latter referred to Westover Alden, Mrs. Annie Jenness Mil­ to drive out insurgents; only hope of in ­ Mr. Gates says he found clothing which AC Lorain, Ohio. The Olwill’a crew was their coats during the commencement ex­ pany’s soda ash contracts expired, and the fact that this was his first visit to the ler, Mrs. Florence B. Kelley, Mrs. Elis­ surgent leaders is ITnited States aid. They had been worn by hia murdered son. Tfcfe. composed of about twelve men. L. P. ercises. Members of the board protested instead of being renewed with the Michi­ town since the war. “Then,” he said, “at abeth C. Grannis and Miss Alice Bur- Smith, the owner, who lives in Cleveland, proclaim near overthrow of the present and appealed to the parents of the boys. gan Alkali Company were transferred to the head of our fo rce ^ was able to turn ditt. administration, to be followed by their 1ms received a message saying that the Ol­ At this turn of affairs trouble began to Wing & Evans of New York, agents for back the Northern marauders who had will is lost with all on board except one NEW CANAL COMBINATION. independence and recognition by United brew. Some encouraged the boys, with the Solvay. Process Company of Syracuse come to despoil you of your homes and States. This is the influence which en-j sum. Sbe was in the limestone trade be-, the result that an admission fee was and Brunner, Mond & Co., limited, of your liberty. When I lay down to sleep tween Cleveland and Kelley’s Island. It Propones to Construct an Isthmian ables them to hold out; much contention charged at the door and the citizens turn­ England. H e Fords retaliated by enter­ in my tent that night, I thanked God I Water Way. / prevails among them and no civil govern­ Duncan Coyle is the survivor. He says ed out and gave them a royal reception, ing the plate glass business as competitors had been able to turn back the horde of the Olwill encountered a gale on the way Articles of incorporation for the Ameri­ ment remains. which was construed by the old board to of the Pittsburg company. The Ford assassins from the North.” The great can Isthmus Ship Canal Company have “Trade with ports not in our posses­ from Kelley’s Island to Cleveland. Capt. mean that its action was not upheld. > Plate Glass Company-, with a backing of gathering cheered the general to the echo. Williughby, of the State of Ohio, says he been filed in Trenton, N. J. Through sion, a former source of insurgent reve­ fully $25,000,000, was formed and work When Alien replied he paid the greatest these articles the first announcement was nue, now interdicted; not certain of wis­ east a line to another man besides Coyle, DISCOVERED NEW LAND. was begun on an immense glass plant in tribute to the heroic deeds of the previ­ -bathe was too weak to catch it. made of tjle new combination, which, it is dom of this policy, as people in those Toledo, which will cost considerably more ous speaker. “As that heroic command­ said, includes many men of large wealth, parts are without supply of food and mer­ Leader of the Expedition Gives the Re­ than $1 ,000,000, and will have a yearly sult of the Recent Explorations. er,” he said, “kneeled down in his tent to headed by former Mayor William R. chants are suffering losses; meditate re­ A dispatch from Montevideo says: “The capacity of 3,000,000 square feet of pol­ thank GodJfhat he had been able to save Grace, and expects to carry to completion storing trade privileges, although insur­ H. J. Baron, formerly an eastern newspa­Antarctic steamer Belgica has sailed for ished plate glass when it is put in opera* your homeif he was guarded by a humble the isthmian canal scheme. Although the gents reap benefits. Courts here in suc­ per man, has written the following to the Laplata. M. De Gerlache, leader of the tion this fall. private soldier, who had fought during nominal capital is $30,000, the articles of cessful operation under direction of abie Associated Press from Wrangel. Alaska, late expedition, sums up a t follows the OHIO ROAD IS ABSORBED. the preceding twenty-four hours. When incorporation give the right to increase Filipinos. Affairs in other islands com­ nnder date June 14: “Information re­ result of the journey to th^^oiarctic re­ the last Yankee had fled from the field it to $250,000,000. paratively quiet, awaiting results in Lu­ ceived here several days ago, seemingly thatMaj. private Marchand, shouldered whom his Paris musket has been and w U n rn the story that Andree, the Arctic gions: 1. Discovery of a which Cleveland, Canton and Southern Line Sold saluting as a new Napoleon, bad a hard It is estimated that between $150,000,- zon. All anxious for trade, and repeated was named the Belgica to Wheeling and Lake Erie. with veneration in his heart for his heroic 000 and $200,000,000 will be needed to calls for American troops are received. explorer, is dead. A Norwegian who was timecommander, getting into guarded the army his tentat all. for He the was en­ a passenger on tbe Aosallie, a steamboat covery of an archipelago ■ ^ filia l and official action has been the son of a widow, carry out the project, the greater part of Am giving attention to Jole Archipelago ed to be an isolated island. suing twelve hours, while the hero slept. which will be expended in buying off the and Palawan Islands. bound for Skagway, showed a letter sup- t the stockholders of the Wheel- Iand was as that such private.” was ex- Allen had never been • posed to have been written by Andree. The tion of numerous errors in ® L ak e Erie Railroad whereby tbe empt from military holders of o*ncessions. According to the “Our troops have worked to the limit m iralty maps concerning Firela^^^^H in the town in his life before, either dur­ papers of incorporation, the object of the of endurance. Volunteer organizations letter, in a sealed bottle, had been washed Canton and Southern line be- ingservice. or since But the the war,taste but his retort won ashore off the Norwegian coast and dated Shetland islands. 4. The water'dl^B *^Bhe property of the former road. for military life was 'S j company ia to acquire any and all con­ have been called in and replaced by regu­ ture permits the supposition that him the election. He is giving Gov. Mc- cessions, rights and franchises on the lars, who now occupy salient positions. Hay 4. The lattitnde was given at 74 'ii'S 'V tin g was held in the offices of the Laurinstrong within a hot him, canvass and and consequently V north, and the balloon was somewhere to a continent far to the south. 5. Infl^H ’ * S g at Toledo, and over 80 per cent at the age of 18 he A c t * £ v American isthmus, to build & canal from Nebraska, Pennsylvania and Utah now tant discoveries referring to flora anP the interest in Mississippi is at a white the Atlantic to the Pasdffc oceans, to own taking transports, and Sixth infantry tbe westward of Iceland. kI am leaving ^Btock was represented. The action heat.wanted to enlist. His i~ / balloon and provisions—Andree’ were the fauna. 6. Discovery of unknown lands, for an issue of $15,000,000 4 per mother refused her lands, mines and railroads; to colonize sent to Negros to relieve California. words written.” • a especially Danco land.” c^^Honds. It will take care of $6,4(K)1- consent, however, and and to build, own and operate any canal These troops are in good physical condi­ per cent bonds and provide for the instead bound him as from ocean to ocean and to obtain aid tion; sickness among troops has increas­ Mayor of Muskegon Assassinated. MUST PAY SUICIDES’ POLICIES expenditure of $3,000,000 on retiring car a clerk to a lawyer in from the United States, England, France, ed lately, due mostly to, arduous service Germany or any other Government to and climatic influences. Nothing alarm­ Mayor James Balbimie of Muskegon, Federal Court Rules Against Assessment trust bonds and the purchase of a large the little village where W * Mich., was assassinated by S. W. Tayer, a am* unt of new equipment, in addition to the family lived. He MAJ- marchand. that end. ing. disappointed ollce-seeker. Tayer shot the Insurance Companies. the' purchase of the Cleveland, Canton proved a poor student, spending most of “Of the 12 per cent of the command At Kansas City, Federal Judge Phil­ TRUSTS ON THE DECLINE. reported sick nearly 6 in general hospital, Mayer while the latter was standing in the lips decided in a case against the Knights anl Southern and Cleveland Belt and his time poring over geography and his­ doorway of his store. The hall entered his Terminal lines. ______* tory. One day he was told to engross a of whom 3 per cent have typhoid and 17 Templar and the Masons’ Life Indemnity So Says Crawford Fairbanks, Who malarial fevers; 25 per cent have intes­ left breast above the nipple. After the Company of Chicago, that the fact that Both Were Drowned. deed. His master, who suspected the boy Organized Strawboard Combine. •hooting Balbimie turned and ran upstairs of idleness, stole into the room an hour Crawford Fairbanks of Terre Haute, tinal trouble; remaining 55 per cent have to his living rooms and dropped in the hall. an insured nmu committed suicide does Yt Orange, Texas, James P. Vancamp, various ailments, 14 of which are due to not release1 me iusuring company from accompanied by 8-year-old Tom Connelly later, and found him with a map of China Ind., the brewery magnate and the pro­ He expired fifteen minutes later, Tayer on his desk. He had stuck tbe map full moter of the strawboard trust, has a wound injuries. Many officers and men • swallowed some carbolic acid and tL o liability, unless it 57c to 59c. Congressman Charles Dick will manage that he observed the stranger surveying Chicago, are congratulating him upon his the older express companies, marks the the Ohio campaign for the Republicans. «ood fortune in having been officially noti­ they searched the house. Failing to find Cincinnati—Cattle, $2.50 to $5.75; hogs, sixtieth anniversary the interior of the bank very critically. fied that he was one of four heirs to a $8,- anything of value, they departed. Efforts $3.00, to $4.00; shoep. $2.50 to $4.50; of the establish­ Joe Lepps, Louisville, Ky., in a family A citizen heard a pistol shot jnst after 8 000,000 estate in Dunfermline, Scotland. to capture them have failed. wheat, No. 2, 72e to T4c; corn, No. 2 ment of the express r*>w, killed his stepfather, George Bow- o'clock. When Miss Slavin’s father and mixed, 35c to 36c; oata, No. 2 mixed, 27c master. i another citizen went in search of her they i Tornado Sttokts a V illag e. to 29c; rye. No. 2, (He to OGc. So much gambling in Cuba that Gen. found the bank door unlocked, papers Mo More Sunday Base Ball. A twister struck Btadley, Neb., ;-.nd The Supreme Court of Indiana has over- Detroit—Cattle, $2.50 to $5.75; hogs, Brooke threatens to close some of the were scattered around the floor, the con­ partially wrecked it. It struck the two- $3.00 to $4.00; sheep. $2.50 to $5.50; places. tents of several drawers were disarrang­ tilled the motion for a rehearing in the story brick block owned by Charles Nasii S u n d a y base ball case. ^ This means that wheat, No. 2. 78c to SOc: corn. No. 2 John H a|es, Belaire, Md., engaged in a ed, and Miss Slavin's keys were missing there will be no more Sunday ball ip In­ of New York. The building w h s totally yellow. 35c to 36c; oats, No. 2 white, 30c The revolver found by the young woman'* wrecked, entaUing a loss at $10,000. lo 3lc; rye. 58c to 00c. pistol battle with Policeman Bateman. side was not hers. dianapolis if the Mayor enforces the law, Fioyd A. Walworih was cacght in the Bpth dead. a n d he has said tbat he would. Toledo—Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 74c to- S debris and seriously hurt. Arross the 76c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 34c to 35c; oats, Emile Zola, at Paris, filed papers oppos­ AMERICANS SUE ONTARIO. street I he poctolllco was wre**ke-. ; No. 12 mixed, 25e to 26c; rye, No. 2, 59c ing the verdict condemning him to a year** Trousers Makers Strike. • ------| to nlLer-dorer seed, new, $3.95 to $4.05. imprisonment. * Eittmbernien Claim Damages Under . More than 2,400 members of the East Earthquake In Connecticut. | Milwaukee—Wheat, No. 2 spring, 72c * business. Its orig­ Two principal witnesses in murder cases > the New Timber KeKUlationa. |5Wi Trousers Makers’ Union went out on For rhe second time within tis weeks, to ;73c; corn, No. 3, 34c to 35c; oats, No. inator was William pending in San Saba County, Texas, wer^ Don M. Dickinson of Detroit has fiied g strike in New York. Incidentally above distinct earthquake shocks wove felt 2.y. hite, 27c to 29c; rye, No. 1, 60c to 61c; F. Harnden of Bos­ assassinated. a big bill of damages against the province 6,000 women and children will be thrown towns along the Connecticut river from a barley, No. 2, 41c to 43c; pork, mess, ton, who on March of Ontario 'at Ottawa, ou behalf of Mich out of employment. The men hail, been point a short distance tast of Hartforc Jos. Hopper, Summerville, Texas, sud­ S8.C0 to $8.50. 4, denly 1839, became made insane his and killed Samuel ignn lessees ot Ontario timber lands tot working sixteen hours a day for $6 a as far as Saybrook. Buffalo—Cattle, good shipping steers, violation of the crown timber licenses. week. ______first trip from Bos­ Duvis with an ax. Bicyclist Killed by a F^H. S3.00 to $5.75; hogs, common to choice, ton to New York, Four freight cars crashed through the Ontario now requires all these lessees te“ Vessel Burns in the Atlantic. While riding a bicycle- at Lima, Ohio, $3.25 to $4.50; sheep, fair to choice weth­ delivering a few bridge, Pacific, Mo., and fell into the manufacture the logs into lumber in On The steamer City of Macon, (which ar- S. B. Muilen of Coiumhus Grove v.-a* ers. $3.50 to $5.50; lambs, common to bundles of books river. No one hurt. tario, and as a consequence several mill* Tived at New York from Savannah, re­ throws on a slippery pavement aud re­ extra, $4.50 to $7.25. and some bank in Michigan have had to shut down. Tht ceived injuries which caused hU deatS. New York—Cattle, $3.25 to $6.00; hogs, Capt. Peter Devries, Grand Rapids, claims reach the total of $936,500. Tht ports that she passed the burning wreck notes for Boston Mich., is trying to secure homes in of the steamer Pawnee forty miles from $3.00 to $4.50; sheep, $3.00 to $5.50; w. F. h a k jt d e h . brokers. Mr. Harn­ constitutionality of the Ontario statute i» Thinks Verdict Exccsslv*. wheat, No. 2 red, 80c to 81c; corn. No. 2, Georgia for 100 Dutch families. now being tested in the courts, but th« Cape Henry. The Pawnee’s crew escap­ At Toledo, Judge Miliard set aside t;ie den made four trips a week, and made ed. ^ h e Pawnee was bound from Bruns- 40c to 41c; oats, No. 2 white, 32c to 34c; himself particularly useful to the press, Mrs. Margaret Trishman, Mammoth case will not likely reach the final conn verdict of the jury in the case of the Man­ butter, creamery, 15c to 19c; eggs, Weatr Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park, cut tha of appeal, the British privy council, until (rick, Ga., for Boston. ufacturer*’ railroad, which desires to oc- as he brought information from distant era. 14c to 16c. points quicker than it was forwarded by throat of her 5-year-old son. Insane. next November. the mails. A year later Alvan Adams started a competing line, which has since developed into the great Adams Express Company. The first express line west of Buffalo was established by Wells in 1845. It was the foundation of the Wells-Fargo express lines. In 1853 ^he United States Express Company was formed, and in 1855 the American Express Company came into existence. DELTA ATLAS. FRIDAY. JULY 7, = = H To tom I m m refer yon, in the $*st !■* JAPANESE J M kt* stjwwe. His wisdom will decide vhe seri­ ous question of retreivinsr you into our Tricks that T/pM* the Prog­ Hply Church, and will discover,. in due ress a t the Country. time, if you have a trrfe vocation to'i- re­ I strayed into a small theater to Yo­ ligious life. With the Father’s sanction, kohama last year following a throng of you may be sure of my affectionate desire rather common Japanese, who seemed to serve you.” deeply interested and anxious to crowd put the letter back in the envel­ in, drawn by tbe fierce ringing of an ope, feelihg grateful toward the mother superior, but determined by tbe conditions ordinary boardlng-bouse dinner bell in imposed on her to make no further ad­ tbe hands of a piratical-looking chap In vances toward the -Benedictine commu­ a very small sum of money he will fur­ front, who harangued the passing pub­ Mud Boada and 7eolation. nity. nish enough sets so that a farmer can Freshening Wall Paper. lic In stentorian tones. His words It Is not uncommon for agricultural Even if her motive in writing to the con­ grow several bushels of sweet potatoes Some people are given to repapering seemed to catch the attention of at writers and lecturers who wish to m ate IE CO vent had remained unchanged, the allu­ in the fall. It is worth trying. The more frequently than is necessary. By least half tbe people who heard hlm,« farmers contented with their lot to sajr sions to the priest would still have decid­ farmer’s table does not have as great care and attention to certain detail the and they were drawn into the building tbat farmers have teams and their ed her on taking this step. The bare idea a variety of vegetables as It should, life of a wall-paper may lie consider­ as the children fallowed the Pied Piper of opening her inmost heart, and telling wives and families can go to towm - CHAPTER XV me?” Who would have supposed that and the sweet potato is so universally ably prolonged, with the advantages of of Hamelto, without seeming to have when they like and attend churches* her saddest secrets to a man, and that liked that tt makes an extremely desir­ saving expense and tbe perpetuation of voice to their own movements. bad one instant left, in which he the torment of distrust and the dread of man a stranger, was too repellent to be sociables, lectures, farmers’ clubs, it have drawn back into the library iri desertion were entertained for a moment. In a few lines able addition during the season it can art effects, those that come of age’s Going along with the stream I found granges, history clubs and Cbautauqu* to escape Sydney’B notice... He waa heart? of reply, gratefully and respectfully writ­ be' easily kept.—American Cultivator. toning efforts. If not exceedingly myself to a square room, on one side of circles, for study and entertalnaaes incapable of the effort.of will. Grief and He placed a chait foe heir, and seating ten, she thanked the mother superior, and dirty, for instance, a' considerable im­ which was a rough stage. I learned This is all true to some extent and M ^suspense had deprived him of that elastic himself by her side, asked if she felt withdrew from the correspondence. Wound* in Tree*. provement can be obtained by brush­ afterward tbat I had entered to the readiness of mind which springs at once tired. Every attention that she conld excellent—except during tbe two t9 The letter having been closed, and post­ Blackberry Prnninc. Wounds made in the stems of trees ing the wall with a soft broom cov­ middle of the performance, and. there­ four months of fall, winter ■from thought to action. For a movent he Wish for from the man whom she loved ed’ in the hotel box. sbe returned to the The mistake often made in pruning by pruning or otherwise, should have sitated. In that moment she looked up was offered with every appearance of sin ered with a cloth—a clean, soft one. fore, I saw only the latter half: but lt when a large psrt of the sitting room, free from the one doubt that blackberry canes is to cut them too tbe wood preserved to keep lt from The brushing should always be done was this second half that seemed to me saw him. cerity on tbe surface! Sh^ met him half­ had troubled her; eager to show Herbert tog remote from any village | way, and ansMtetfd as If her mind; was short, writes Levi Bell in American decay till the new bark and wood ex­ in straight lines in one direction, says almost allegorical ia its application to H r ith a faint cry'-of alarm she let the how truly she believed in him, how hope­ Gardening. There are in most varie­ cally “mud-bound.” There! cloak drop from her hands. As helpless quite at fully she looked to the future. * tends over it. Gum shellac dissolved the New York Commercial. the Japan of to-day. romantic, beautiful end *s he was, as silent as he Was, she e&od No, dear, Pm io t tired—but I’m glad ties several bUds on each lateral in alcohol is far better than paint Put If, however, the wall is much foiled, All eyes were fixed upon a cellular With a happy smile on her lips she open­ branch nearest the main stem that snow-bound to tbe way rooted to the sppt. tojret back.” : ed the door. She was on the point of ask­ the shellac into a wide-mouthed bottle, then stale bread will bring it up'to a subdivision of the stage, at the farther our beloved poet Whittier in his de­ ‘“It’s surely better for, me,” he quav­ Sbe noticed tbe newspaper on the table. ing him playfully if he had felt surprised very seldom produce any fruit, often cover it With alcohol, and let It stand state of freshness almost equal to new. end ot which, under a soft, pleasing ered, “to hear the miserable new#, from “Anything interesting to-day?' she ask those nearest the main stem remaining lightful poem; but there Is neither at ber long absence, when the sight that twenty-four hours, when it may be ap­ Indeed, It will only lack the objec­ light, stood a skeleton of a woman. The beauty, poetry nor romance to belngi W you than from a servant.” ed—and drew the newspaper- towards her met ber eyes turned her cold with terror dormant when properly;, not severely, plied with a swab or brush. It serves, to look at it. He took- ft froto her sud tionable sheen already referred to. A bones were perfectly articulated; they mud-bound. The first step In dvllan *21 “What miserable news?’* she asked. #* in an instant. pruned. There are also in many cases as nearly as may be, as the substance very stale loaf should be employed, were not white, as they usually are ia • . “ M j poor !” he gasped. denly, almost roughly, < " The heightened ttis arms were stretched out On the tion is the step up and out of tbe i several*buds on the main stem, Just of bark; is not affected by heat or cold cut up In slices. The paper must be this country, but seemed like half-pot ~My only child!*1 color which told olf recent exercise, health table:; bis head was laid on them; despair above the highest lateral branch, which We know a town that has She stepped close np to bim; she laid lly employed, suddenly faded from her confessed itself in his attitude; grief spoke or wet or dry weather, and retains tbe rubbed with It In the lightest manner ished steeL I was wondering what its full share of inspiring ffcee, have slightly started to grow in the fall, sap up to the cut, healing the wound possible, and always in a downward ber hand gently a id fearlessly on his arm. in the deep sobbing breaths that shook yet did not make lateral branches. there was in tbe skeleton to attract literature for press end “Oh, Mr. Linley, what Ia it all over?t’ she asked. “And i^ it him. Love and compassion restored Syd­ without a scar. Any limbs cut off direction. Not more than a yard such rapt attention from the crowd, which some of the families i 1* this? Kitty’s recov* _ pift in the news-1-----*” ney's courage; she advanced to raise him These will not produce any fruit. The square on top will leave a dead end main stem above the lateral branches should be cleaned at a time. The work and my eyes wandered over the faces %ers even of those who i ter of time.” v MWbat do you in her arms—and stopped once more. The from six inches to a foot, which will must be carefully and neatly executed, of the audience. When I again glanccd He staggered back—with a Iiv$d Change “I mean the di book on tbe table caught her eye. He should therefore be left long enough to erature aCre practically He went back; again to the window secure some good buds above <*be eventually die and ,rot off. Limbs so as to leave no marks between each at the skeleton a change seemed to part of the year—cut i in his face startling to see. If th* thought was still unconscious of her presence; she should be cut off slanting—never section as it Is undertaken. ia Linley, at tbat moment, had aped and looked out. I It was the easiest ex ventured to open it. She read the inscrip­ worthless ones above mentioned; if pot have come over it The bones wer* lectures, social life, by very- deep itself into words, he would have said: dbse that he could devise for keeping his tion-looked at him—looked back at the it may as well be cut back to the upper square on top—as. is often done.— less steely and less sharply defined. very unpoeti-c mud. 4 face turned away jfromher. She fallowed Meehan’s Monthly. ^ New German Cake Pan. Thenceforth I did not look away from “And Catherine never told me of itl” writing—and knew the truth at last. lateral branch. If the lateral branches Often when baking cakes the house­ At a m tain farmers’ Sydney drew back from/Mp. A?**,nt him. The rigor of the torture tbat she suf­ are short and stout, with large plump the fascinating optical delusion that one member by previous smile brightened her face font a mirfnent. “I don’t Want .read it, Herbert. I fered paralyzed all outward expression of Geese Are Prepared for Long Marches wife is wishing for some arrangement was taking place before me. k me'if yon ire a free buds clear to the tips, they need very According to a consular report a reg­ by which she could avoid the turning discussed the influence of € “Kitty has fallen asleep—snch a only ask you to, pain. Quietly sbe put the book back on (ittle pruning, except when it is de- More and more distinct grew tbe out­ upon the value of the peaceful sleep! I don’t think I man again.” the table. Quietly she touched him, and ular “goose market” takes. place at over of the cake or tbe loosening of the lines of tbe skull, and less and less have left her but for that.'.The Quiet as he her tone left him no called bim by name. Warsaw during the month of October, sides with knives. The difficulties of products. After speaking their alternative bnt* .teat her brutally or to forbidding grew the color of tbe other fiuence on the cash values be said watching at the bedside, and Mrs He started and looked up; be made an through which some 3,000,000 geese this kind are entirely avoided by a new bones. Then, as they seemed half is only away for a little while,” , reply.; Still i out at the street, he attempt to speak to her in his customary pass, some for consumption at War­ kind of cake dish, from which it is an substance: “But there are < “Wait a few minutes,* he ple&ded, “it aijHTes.” tones. “I didn’t hear you come in,” he fading into gloom, I became aware that than the cash ones. The ‘Tree to marry, it you like?” she per- saw, but most for export to Germany. easy matter to withdraw the contents. around all tbe bones was gathering a • is so long since we have seen other.” said. t One-third of the geese come from the The new dish consists of a plain base products are Its His manner became undi sis ted. She'pointed to the book, without the cloud, as though a fog was dinging to whatever makes . der; his language changed in’ He said i more—and kept bis slightest change in her face or her man­ government of Vilna, and many mole with a round edge, around which a them. This nimbus became more and face steadily i from her. She have come long distances, which would ucts more happy, all others that was most ner. more noticeable, until I saw that It was enhances the value of tbe farm and i her—he appealed to her pity, “Oh. syd- w aited* while, moved nor “I have read the inscription to your ruin their feet, to prevent which they taking the general human form. Still ney, it’s so hard to Part with £ou spoke.?* wife,” she answered; “I have seen you are “shod,” as it is called, before set­ products to the highest and best of aD Surviving, the slow dearth little by little faded the bony framework until th* ways. Evening lectures and enter­ “Spare me!” «he cried, passionately. while you thought you were alone; the ting ont on their journey to Warsaw. shape of a real fiesh-and-blood woman “You don’t know how I suffer.” of all her other Illusions, one last hope had mercy which has so long kept the troth That is, they are driven first through tainments? Yes, but they close at tea “Oh, I know it—no words can Bay how lingered in her heart. I t was killed* by from me is mercy wasted now. Tour distinguished in a graceful or later, and three miles of mud roadsi that cruel look, fixed on the View of the tar poured on the ground, and then as the bead, body I feel for you! Are you sorry tor me, bonds are broken, Herbert. Yon are a through sand. After this operation and cleaning the horses afterward* - Sydney? Have you thought of me since free man.” more clearly defined, take all the fun out of it Church? “I’ll try t i think ofei^lace tbat We can has been repeated several times their BOON TO THB COOK. we parted?” He affected not to have understood her. gathering outside the flg- Why, I actually lose more She had striven agpinst hereof, and go to at the sea side.” Having said those She let him try to persuade her of ik and feet become covered with a hard crust 1, and the kimono and oth- words she slowly moved away to tfie door. made no reply. He declared, honestly der which protects them during their long steel spring band fits closely w! ing and coming than I getr « r against him, till her last effort at resist­ drawn taut by means of a clasp raiment of the Japanese there! The only time my is din. ance was exhausted. In reckless despair Tbe street still interested him. She left clared, that what sbe had said distressed march on hard ground. themselves. At last a the room. rangement on the side. As the dish contented with farm life Is •he let the *ruth escape her at last. him. She listened in submissive silence. statue stood before us. Ther, “When d» I ever think of anything He took her hand and kissed it. She let Ptorpetual Blackberry Patches. comes hot from tbe oven tbe clasp Is mud-bound. I t we is#d CHAPTER XVII. him kiss it and let him drop it at ber side. opened with a forto or anything else at take color in the hair, eyes, road past us, farm life would : else! I am a wretch unworthy of all tbe When a man plants blackberries he and dress, until without kindness that has been shown to me. I When Herbert asked Sidney to what She frightened him; he began to fear for hand; owing to its spring it opens easily Another member thought her reason. There was silence—long, hor­ has a plantation that with care and the figure thus evolved from don’t deserve your interest; I don’t ev«h part of England they should go, on leav­ spraying witb fungicides to prevent of itself and can be lifted off. The gravel or stone pikes would solve the deserve your pity. Send me away—be ing London, she mentioned Sandyseal as rid, hopeless silence. cake may then be taken off the tin and grinning She had left the door of the room open. PBUHIKO BLACKBEBKIES. blight can be kept for all time. It is difficulty even better. hard on me—be brutal to me. Have some a place that she had heard of, and felt or slipped upon a dish with the tin full ot life and We know a town from which several mercy on a miserable creature whose life some curiosity to see. The same d a y - One of the servants of the hotel appeared very hard to root out a blackberry front of the stage, made outside in tbe passage. He spoke to some sirable to reduce the number of ber­ patch, as any who have planted the still tinder it to facilitate tbe cutting p pedto . Is one. long, helpless effort to forget you!” bent on pleasing ber, careless where he ries produced in order to have them of the cake. Bakers and confectioners inimitably demure Jap- Her voice, her look maddened him. He. lived now, at’home or abroad—he engaged person behind bim. “Perhaps the book wild sorts and who wish to change for and passed out of the has been left in here,” he suggested. A grow larger and finer. will find this a valuable help. the milk Is hauled tbres miles or f drew her to his bosom, he held her in his rooms at the hotel. better can testify. But If the best varie­ sight in the wings. arms; she straggled vainly to get away gentle voice answered: “I hope the lady In the drawing, which represents an to The servant showed “Mr. and Mrs. Her­ old dead cane that bore fruit last sum­ ties are secured, this tendency of the Chili Fauce. I felt that I had seen represented th* from him. “Oh,” she murmured, “how bert” into their sitting room, and begged and gentleman will excuse me if I ask blackberry to sprout makea it more dust, cruel you are!. Remember, my dear one, that they would be so -good as to wait a leave to look for my book.” She stepped mer, a is the main stem or cane, at b A savory home-made chili sauce calls change that is going on in new Japan into the room to make her apologies. are several bad buds which have valuable. At even a very low price the for twelve large, bright scarlet toma­ to-day. On the bare bones of a dead remember how weak I am. Oh, Herbert, few minutes, while the other rooms were plants can be sold to neighbors so as to I’m dying—dying—dying!" Her voice being prepared for them. (To be continued.) thrown out unproductive or blind toes, pared and chopped together with feudalism the flesh and Wood and ap­ grew fainter and fainter; her head sank Moving toward the window to look at shoots (e) from small buds at their bring in nearly as much as a crop of two red peppers and five small onions. parel of a new civilization have been on his breast. He lifted her face to him ie view, Herbert paused to kp6k at some THACKERAY'S VIEW OF DEATH. base; c, c, c, show lateral branches that fruit. Add tp these two tablespoonfuls of salt, taking form, hardly noted to the transi­ with whispered words of love. He kissed prints hanging on tfie walls, which were were pruned too short and having only little Great Novelist Wrote of tlie Next For Young Chicks. two cups of vinegar, two tablespoon­ tional steps, yet continuing toward its her again and ag£ia> • v t, superior as works of art to the customary blind shoots growing from them; d, d, fuls and a half of brown sugar, with goal unerringly, until a new creatur* The curtains over the library entrance decorations of a room at a' hotel. If he World in a Private Letter. Young chicks appreciate a bit of than clay, are lateral branches that were not shade during midday and should not ginger, cloves and cinnamon to suit will be tbe result—Chicago Record. | moved noiselessly when they were parted. had gone straight to the window he might The following is taken from a letter pruned, showing where the berries thousands r The footsteps of Catherine Linley were have seen his divorced wife, his child and of condolence written by Thackeray to Cook slowly on back of range for four were produced last summer by the or five hours, stirring frequently with from Gen. Jackson. - that is, ■ ^ inaudible as she passed through, and en­ .his wife’s mother, getting into the car­ Mrs. Proctor on the death of her glacial tered the room. She stood still for a mo­ riage which took them to the railway sta­ bulls still remaining on tbe short twigs; an agate or wooden spoon to prevent its A hitherto unpublished story of mother, shortly before Thackeray’s at c the main stem was cut, leaving a fist up to the ment in. silent horror. tion. death. The letter is found in the bio­ adherence to tbe kettle. Put in wide­ Stonewall Jackson is told by formex Mot a sound warned them when she ad­ Sydney rang the bell. The chambermaid few (7) good buds on it. If you want They graphical introduction to Denis Duval mouthed bottles, dipping the cork to Gov. Thomas G. Jones. Gov. Jones vanced. After hesitating for a moment, answered it, ready to show the other blackberries to yield la,rge crops do not melted sealing wax, or put in glass was a student at tbe Virginia Military or have been she raised her hand toward ber husband, rooms. She turned round at the door. and shows'the great novelist as he was plant on rich soil; they are more hardy fruit jars. institute wben Jackson was president in fence co as if to tell him of her presence by a 'Let’s try to make our sitting room look at heart, earnest and sublime; not the and productive an rather poor or ele­ there at the outbreak of tbe war be* they are touch; drew it back, suddenly recoiling like home,” she suggested. “How dis­ cynic, the satirist that so many have vated land. Give clean shallow cul­ Beat Way to Make Ice Cream. tween the States. Jackson was a rath­ good steam-po from her own first intention; and touched mal, how dreadfully like a thing that considered him: ture, or thoroughly mulch, and last, Where cream alone is used to making er stern disciplinarian. Jones had been the very best “road metal” of then. Sydney instead. Then, and then only, doesn't belong to ua, that empty table “Thinking of death,” says Thackeray, bnt not least, don't prune too closely. ice cream one-half or one-third of the Eight feet wide and eight they knew what had happened. looks! Put some of your books and my at the institute for two or three years “is thinking of God inscrutable, im­ be forced to flnd it in the coop, which quantity used should be scalded, the and had come to be a sergeant of the of such broken granite on Face to face, those three persons—with keepsakes on it, while I am away. I’ll measurable, endless, beginningless, su­ A St rone Whiffle tree. sugar dissolved to the scalded portion, every tie that had once united them bring my work with me when I come Durable whiffletrees never come amiss, too often is almost air tight. Cut a cadets. He had one day to drill an graded roadbed, and cover* snapped asunder in an instant—looked at back.” ■ < * ' preme, awfully solitary. Little chil­ hoop in two equal pieces and to a, b and when cool added tq the remaining awkward squad and be lost bis temper inches of gravel well dren step off this earth Into the infinite and the kind pictured herewith can be quantity of cream. Where cream is with proper drainage, each other. The man owed a duty to the He had left his traveler’s bag on a made at small expense. All that is and c each tack either end ot three in his work, whereupon he made th* chair wben he first came in. Now that and we tear our hearts out over their pieces of lath or otherOCght wood. Over not obtainable, milk may be used en­ id roads the year lost creature whose weakness had appeal­ needed Ib a piece of hardwood of proper boys “double-quick” around a tree. Hs ed to his mercy in vain. The man broke he was alone, and under no restraint, he sweet, cold hands and smiling faces, this framework str^tcn cotton cloth, riched by tbe yolks of eggs, allowing shape; grooved at the ends so that tbe bad them “going lt hard” when sud­ would last for many the silence. sighed as he unlocked the bag. “Home!” tbat drop indifferent when you cease d, or bagging and tack firmly in place. four to each quart of milk. Scald the very heavy loads we piece of round iron which is bent to a denly he heard from behind him the “Catherine—!” he repeated; “we have no home. Poor holding them and smile as the lid is The open ends admit a free current of milk to a doublfe boiler; beat the eggs short, sharp command “Double-quick them in wet times, With immeasurable contempt looking girl, poor, unhappy girl! Let me help closing over them. I don’t think we de­ ring in the middle of its length may be air, while the cover keeps off direct and sugar together; add to the hot the her to deceive herself." brought over them and there fastened there!” “Double-quick.” repeated tbe actually cost the brightly out of her steady eyes, his wife plore the old, who have had enough of sun rays.—American Agriculturist. milk, cook for a moment then strain hauling of materia stopped him: He opened the bag. The little fragile with large staples, work which any wrathful future Governor of Alabama. >resentB, which she called her “keep­ living and striving and have buried so into the ice cream mould and freeze.— “No! you, sir! Halt!” . selves, than It now- costs “Not a word!” many others and must be weary of blacksmith can do, and the ends of the Feeding Values Compared. June Ladles’ Home Journal. He refused to be silent. "It is L” he sakes,” bad been 'placed by her own An experiment station has found that Jones looked behind him and there low through tbe - hands in thp upper part of the bag, so living—it seems time for them to go— rod then bent to hooks. In this way stood “Old Jack,” as Jackson was call­ Mid; “I only who am to blame.” the strongest kind of a wbiffletree is wben commeal bas a feeding value of Light Son p. “Spare yourself the trouble of making tbat tbe books should not weigh on them, for where’s the pleasure of staying ed by the boys. and had been carefully protected by wrap­ obtainable, the wood holding the iron 100 per cent, wben bran has 85 per Put a can of peas (reserving half a excuses,” she answered; “they are need­ when the feast Is over and th^flowers cupful), a small onion, one bay leaf, a “You, sir! You double-quick your­ year, as the; less. H e r b e r t Linley, the woman who pings of cotton wool. Taking them out, withered and the guests gone? Isn’t it in proper form. Best of all, double- cent., where middling from 100 to 110 one by one, Herbert fonnd a delicate china p?r cent, according to quality, gluten sprig of parsley, one teaspoonful of self!” Uplift to th e ------was once your wife despises yon.” better to blow the light out than sit on trees or eveners can thus be made. Tbe Jones looked a t his superior officer in of tne whole community! There am Her eyes turned from him and rested candlestick broken in two pieces, in spite meal 152 per cent., old process linseed sugar and half a teaspoonful black pep­ of the care that had been taken to pre­ among the broken meats and collapsed per to a small stewpan and simmer for amazement hundreds of such towns in Ohio and on Sydney Westerfield. meal 135 per cent., and cottonseed meal “Double-quick V was tbe stern com­ . “I have a last word to say to you. Look serve it. Herbert discovered that the jellies and vapid heeltaps? I go—to half an hour. Mash and add three nieghboring States, outside of tbe parts fracture could be repaired at the nearest what I don’t know—but to God’s next 152 per cent For example, when corn mand, and instantly Sergt. Jones was at me, if you can. Listen to me, if you is worth 25 cents a bushel, a ton of cupfuls of good stock and let bOil up. runderlaid with limestone and in which cun ** town. Tn fear of another disaster, if he world, which is his and he made it. One trotting around the tree at a great rate, limestone gravel abounds, and in which .put it back in the bag, he opened a draw­ corn is worth $9, and a ton of corn- Strain, add one teaspoonful of corn­ hot thoroughly indignant and furious­ Sydney lifted her head. She looked va­ paces up and down the shore yet awhile starch, dissolved to a little cold water, the mud roads are already superseded cantly at the outraged woman before her, er in tbe table and laid tbe two fragments and looks toward the unknown ocean meal, counting in the expense of grind­ ly angry. Hi* awkward squad looked carefully inside, at tbe further end. In ing, would be .worth $10. When a ton one large tablespoonful of butter, and by hundreds of miles of splendid stone as if she saw a woman in a dream. and thinks of the traveler whose boat WHIFJXBTBES!. on. and gravel pikes in each county. In With the same terrible self-possession doing this his hand touched something of commeal} is worth $10 wheat is boil for ten minutes. Add one cupful ■ within an honr Jones had sent to his that had been already placed in the draw­ sailed yesterday. Those we love can illustration, which Is from the Ohio of rich milk, half a cupful of peas, salt *ch regions the worst features of the which she had preserved from the first- but walk down to the pier with us—the worth $8.50, gluten meal $15.20, old resignation. In answer he received an standing between her husband and her er. He dTew it out and found tbat it was Farmer, shows the construction. process oil meal $13.50, and cotton seed and taste to serve. Isolation of farm life are a thing ot th* a book. 'i voyage we must make alone. Except invitation to sup at Jackson’s house. past. They should be everywhere even governess—Mrs. Linley spoke. oil $15.20. ______He declined. Then came an order for Herbert instantly recognized the gilding for the young or very happy, I can’t say Keeping Zee from Melting. To Hang Pictures. if road metal* must be shipped in by “Miss Westerfield, you have saved my However procured, even if it be Ice him to report to Jackson instantly. child’s fife.” She paused—seised the girl on the cover, imitated from a design in­ I am sorry for anyohe who dies.” Sheep Sipping Preparations. Never hang oil paintings and water railway. Free rural mail deliver, that has been put up by tbe user, ice has There are a number ot most excel­ That order was obeyed. After some bv the a r m — and put her in the place vented by himself. He remembered the colors near each other. Of course, the go hand in hand*with such roads inscription, and yet he read it again: The Peculiar Cuban Dance. talk-Jones said: “But you, sir, humil­ which she had thus far occupied herself. cost something, and should be made to lent dips on tbe market These are best way is to give each variety a room lieving our farms of their isolation Ttoadlv Dale, she pointed to her husband, “ To dear Catherine from Herbert, on The Cuban dance is a peculiar one last as long as possible. Keep the ice1 usually more satisfactory than home­ iated me before my men!" the anniversary of our marriage.” to itself, but that is not always possi­ whole year round.—Ohio Fa Sfd said to Sydney: “Take him!” when viewed through American eyes, in a large piece bo long as you can, and made. Get some one of these and fol­ ble. When the number of pictures ia “You lost your temper,” said Jack* Slowly she passed out of the room—and The book dropped from his hand on the for it Is so totally different from any son, calmly, “and, besides, you forget table, as if it had been a new discovery, wrap it in something that id a poor con­ low the directions which go with each limited, slant oil paintings forward at WHAT THE LAW DECIDES. left them to g e th e r.___ that you are not an officer at all!” That torturing him. with a new pain. of our dances. There is only the one ductor of heat. Woolen cloths are package. Possibly the most satisfac­ the proper angle to catch the light step, and that one is a sort of mixture ended the trouble and now nobody CHAPTER XVL His wife must have occupied the room better than cotton, for they conduct tory home-made dip is a strong decoc­ Those with glazed surface must go Requiring a pledge from those who —might perhaps have been the person of Indian, Turkish and Chinese. The the heat less rapidly. Paper is better tion obtained by soaking tobacco stems more reverences the memory of “Old sign nomination papers to support and Mrs Linley’s application for a divorce flat against the wall. A pretty idea is Jack” than Gov. Jones.—Birmingham whom he had succeeded as a guest at the couple rarely use more than three or than woolen, as it will not admit air. in water. These stems can usually be to hang small etchings of photographs vote for the candidate or candidates was heard in the first division 0f the hotel. Did she still valne his present to four square feet of space, and dance If newspapers are used to wrap Ice in Age-Herald. Court of S e s s io n s at Edinburgh, the Lord obtained from cigar factories or may with ribbon to harmonize with tbe pa­ whose nominations are therein request­ her, in remembrance of old times? No! continually, with little short intermis­ they can be thrown away after they be ordered through a druggist Dip ed, is held, to State, Plimmer va Po*. President being the judge. The decree She valued it so little tbat she had evi­ per and decorations of tbe room. Ufbtnlng Anticipated. granted in customary form, giving sions of possibly fifteen seconds, dur­ have served this purpose without any the sheep as soon as they are sheared ton (Ohio), 43 L. R. A. 90, to be reason­ dently forgotten it; Perhaps her maid ing which they merely stand in tbeir M. Ducretet, the French scientist ♦he custody of tB» child to the mother. might have included it among the small loss. and then repeat the operation in about Fqnash Pie. has constructed an automatic record­ able and valid, and not to constitute an LiB^ by line » rbert u »‘ey followed articles of luggage. Perhaps dear Kitty places and rest. Two orchestras play Growing Clover Seed. two weeks to get rid of any ticks that Boil and rub through tbe colander a unreasonable impediment to the exer­ theprogress of the law report. Word by continuously, one taking up the music ing receiver to register the intermittent might have put it into one of her mother’s One of the reasons why the first crop may have batched after the first dip­ good marrow squash. For one pie take atmospheric disturbances produced cise of the elective franchise. word he dwelt with morbid attention on trunks. In any case, there it was, aban as tbe other ceases. The music Is al­ term s of crushing severity in which of red clover should be cut early is that ping. * ______a cup of,the squash, one-half cup of during storms. In one case 311 atmos­ The Increasing recognition of tha doned in the drawer of a table at a hotel. most identical with some that I have this greatly increases the crop of clover sugar, two eggs, half a teaspoonful of rights of labor unions to labels or the Lord President bad spoken of Sydney “Oh,” he thought, bitterly, “if I could heard at the dances of our Indian tribes Cow Peaa. pheric discharges were registered dur­ V W esterfield and ef himself. Sentence by only feel as coldly toward Catherine as seed in the second growth. The new A correspondent in the Practical salt a little nutmeg and cinnamon, ing a storm lasting one hoar and ten trademarks is illustrated in Scbmals va. sentence he read the reproof inflicted on in Arizona and ^few Mexico, except growth will start earlier, and if the half a cup of cream and a cup of milk. Woolley (N. J.), 43 L. R. A. 86, holding she feels toward me!” His resolution had that there Is the continual blare of a Farmer says: I have.made a short cut minutes. Tbe discharges, it is stated,* the unhappy woman whombe had vowed resisted much; but this final trial of his soil has been recently fertilized with If no cream can be bad, stir into tbe were registered before the appearance that a workman or a number of work­ to love and cherish. And then—even then cornet. They ,jiaa—tomtoms, kettle­ to success in cow-pea growing by sow­ self-control was more than he could sus­ potash and phosphate there will be a ing at the proper time. If sown before squash a small bit of butter while It is of tbe lightning and the thunder clap. men banded together may, on general —urged by his own self-tormenting sus­ tain. He dropped into tt chair—his pride drums ,and so Dae weird, gourd-like af­ great amount of seed in its beads. Sow­ warm. Line plates with paste rolled principles, acquire a right of property picion, he looked for more. On the oppo- fair that they peat most vigorously, the ground is warm and dry I .get a poor of manhood recoiled from the contempti­ ing gypsum does not answer the same very thin and bake in a slow oven. In Memory or Other Days. In a trademark, and that a statute pro­ Dane there was a leading article, pre- ble weakness of crying—he tried to re­ emitting a sound quite as musical as a stand of sickly plants. Weeds will apntine comment# on tbe trial, written in purpose as sowing potash. The gyp­ thrive In cold soil, and as peas will not Tommy—Mamma, why have you got viding for the adoption of labels, trade­ member that she had divorced him and boy would make with a barrel-stave as sum makes a large growth of leaf and Concord Chicken Pie. marks, etc., by labor nnions is constitu­ ftoneof lofty and virtuous regret; taking taken hi4 child from him. In vain! in the weeds will soon get ahead of the Roll puff paste one-fourth of an inch papa’s hair to a locket? the wife’s side against the jsdge, But de- he ran along a picket fence.—Leslie’s stalk, but it is at the expense of tbe His mother—To remind me that he tional. at the same time, that no con- vain! He burst into tears. Weekly.______peas. If sown when the ground is dry thick, cut in diamond-shaped pieces, When Sydney reached ber room she more valuable seed. and hot cow peas will outgrow any­ chill thoroughly and bake about fifteen once had some,- Tommy.—Jewelers’ Assessments upon abutting owners > delation of the conduetof the husband His Greatest Blunder. «nrfthe governess could be too merciless, asked tbe chambermaid if the postoffice ’ " Success with Cabbage*. thing I ever saw. Best results are ob­ minutes. Put a stewed or fricasseed Weekly. £ ______tor new sidewalks and drains, which was near the hotel. “What do you consider the greatest tained by sowing when the cold nights become necessary only because of a S d no misery that might owrtake them piiatniro of your Me?” asked the good After many years of failure in cab­ chicken into a serving dish, reheat the “I couldn’t get a policy from that in tbe future more than they had deserv- The woman smiled. “Everything is bage raising I sowed Maule’s all head are passed. pastry and arrange on top of tbe insurance company.” “Rejected?” change of the grade of a street are near us, ma’am, in this little place.* We man who was trying to turn the wicked held, in Mauldin vs. Greenville (8. C.), early, sure bead and safe crop cab­ Dairies and Cows. chicken. “Yes, I don’t ride a wheel and all pe­ ^Tf he had done nothing else, he had can send to the postoffice for you.” to the path ot righteousness. 48 L. R. A. 101, to be unconstitutional, Sydney wrote her initials. “Ask, if you “Well,” replied the convict, thought­ bage seed. The result is I Save cab­ There are too many dairies contain­ Small Hints. destrian sK" are now considered extra drained the bitter cu p to the dregs. When bage and kraut tbe year around. For ing cows having an average of less where the constitution requires the looked back, he saw nothing but the please, for a letter addressed in that fully, “of course I have made a great Rub soap on the creaking hinges of hazardous risks. As I’m near-sighted whole property of the municipality to S e he had wasted. When bis tho^hts way.” She handed the memorandum to many mistakes in my day, but I think earfr use I sow in the spring as soon than 200 pounds of butter per annum a door. to one eye they wouldn’t risk me at the chamber maid. “Corresponding with as the ground is warm and dry. I to make dairying a bonanza. By breed­ be taxed for any public or corporate turned to the future, they confronted a the most serious and far-reaching in its Oilcloth is best cleaned and polished all.” ' ______. - . purpose. ™*Moect empty of all promise to a man her lover under her husband’s nose!” results was the mistake I made to steal- think the plants are more thrifty than ing, testing and sending all cows not SSTto th l prime of life. Wife and child That was how the chamber maid explain­ if sown in hotbeds. I mix a little wood up to tbe standard to the butchers a witb milk. “Harry, please don’t whistle ‘The Percolating water is held, in Wheel ed it below stairs, when the porter re­ ing from a private concern instead of Pudding cloths must never be wash­ ock vs. Jacobs (Vt.), 43 L. R. A 1*5, to completely lost to him as if they going into politics and stealing from the ashes In the bed before sowing, and much better standard will be reached, Girl I left Behind me.’” “Why not been d e a d — and it was the wife s do- marked that initials looked mysterious. always have cabbage ready for nse in and when the herd reaches 300 or 350 ed with soap. Clara?” “You know we haveu’t any be as much a part of the earth as the Sydney had written to the head of a state, like most of the wise ones.” S,e Had he any right to complain? Not June.—Mrs. H. Hess. pounds a year a farmer can truly think Powdered borax thrown down the idea whether Bridget will be there soil and the stones, and not to 1 S e shadow of a right. As the newspa­ convent near the place, and the mother ject to the doctrine of superior had replied. Sydney trembled The average man is better at confess­ he is advancing. kitchen sink will remove unpleasant when we get back bom* or not”—Chi­ pers said, he had deserved It. Farmer* Growing Sweet Potatoes. odors. is also held that a grant of ^T he clock roused him, striking the hour. as she opened the letter. It began kindly. ing the mistakes of other people than It is always a surprise to us why Acting for M. Ellsee Reclus, the noted cago Record. hurriedly, and advanced toward “I believe you, my child, and I am anx­ he is at acknowledging his own. more farmers do not grow sweet pota­ geographer, M. Hourst of the French A good rat bait is oil of rhodium does not by implication, com 5® window. While he was still there he ious to help yon. But I cannot correspond lightly sprinkled on bread or meat and So many people have troubles that lt ating water before it toes, at least enough for home use. The navy has applied to the city of Paris spring. Water running through saw Sydney crossing the street on her way with an unknown person. If you deride It’s well to begin at the top of the difficulty of keeping the seed potatoes for permission to begin tbe construc­ set to tbe trap. Is a pity tbat grief is becoming to so a fl» ST k to him. She came into tbe room with to reveal yourself, it is only right to add ladder and go down—In case of fire. sure or hole In bedrock below that I have shown your letter to the Rev* through tbe winter need not stand in tion of the colossal terrestrial globe, Silver articles should be put away few. W e x i o n heightened by exeraae; It’s better to be slow to anger than lt witb a lump of camphor, which assists face, but not flowing in a Uaaed him, and said with her pretty erend Father, who, In temporal aa in spir­ the way. Almost every large seedsman intended to be one ot the attractions of Most any flsh crank will spend $10 m to be bandy with a seven-shooter. the next universal exhibition. to preserve their brightness. channel underground, is i , ^ ^ H a v e you b e-, lonely without itual things, ia onr counselor and guide. propagates sweet potato sets, and for to catch a fish to give away. sting water. V;S . . '• la a HoradlefM Age Coming? Communicated. Lake Shore Time We are very fbpd of jumping at con­ Ed A t l a s :— It seems that it onght not be necessary to call the attention w: B. GAN I ARD, Agent, clusions. It has been easy for us, P . 8. B lod zeU .G en . So NEW therefore, In view pf certain facta, to to tbe city council, tbe churches or A. J. Smith. Gen. Pass. A| entertain the idea that we were upon any society to the fact that there is a the eve of a horseless age. The facts family of little motbeTles* children in alluded to are the substitution of ot§- tcj'sn whose moral future needs speedy er and newer forces for the old-fashr looking after. Will it be done ? STATIONS o r *1.601 ioned horse power. C i t i z e n . Buffalo...... C leveland, DEPART For propelling sWeetl cars In. cities T o le d o ,...... Mr.andMr6. fi. Lackamp, Elston, Sw anton...... and towns the horse has quite gone Mo., w rites: “One Minute Cough DELTA... Entered at the Post Office, Delta, Ohio, aa Wauseon,...... Second Olas* H atter. out of fashion, and now the bounding Cure saved the life of our little boy Kendalville ... trolley is being used almost universal­ when nearly.dead with croup.” Pratt E lk h a rt,...... ly. By this substitution there Is Bros. 'ft * . - .*« C hicago,...... ME*NT! no doubt whatever that so many :*& ■ • Vmm Xltere la* horses have been thrown out of work ~ There is probably no way of describ­ Accm . N.Y. AO. N T * B ing bow a fellow feels when he gets to STATIONS No.IKJ E* Bx that the average price of horses in the No. * No. 38 Editor. United’States has fallen more than bis place of business after dinner and C hicago,...... 8.30 am 9.00 p m Maaager. E lk h a rt,...... 11.43 12.15 a m one half. Fifteen years ago the aver­ finds a loafer there ahead of him.— Kendalvllle,..^.. 5 .5 0 a m 1.09 p m age value of horses in this country was Strvker Advance. W auseon...... 7.44' 3.06 2.5T DELTA ...... 7.88 3.48 We have added a new department in the neighborhood of seventy-five He feels "dead beat.” Sw anton...... 8.0# 3.34 Even in Porto Bico the 4th was cel­ T oledo...... 8.46 4.10 3.50 ebrated. ______(______dollars; now it is only about thirty-i This is tbe season of tbe year when Cleveland...... 9.10 7.56 a m to Qur Store, live dollars. a man declares that no weather can B uffalo...... 3.S0a m 12.30 p in Talk of another telephone exchange 'This immense falling off is having ever come too cold for bim. WAV FR’TS—E a s t,3:23 p m . W e st8:08. a.m in town. ______an effect in reducing the number of Don’t forget that you can dye all horses bred. It represents also a tre­ We would be pleased io snow our No difference how small the boy is, kinds of fibers, cotton, wool or silk at mendous loss in wealth, for the horses tbe same time, in the same vessel with and quote you prices We also he can and will be patriotic on the in the United States are worth five Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Sold by N. te see you about F. Carmon. 4th. ______hundred million dollars less than they We hear of a few already looking were seven or eight years ago. Tbe man who gives without making This loss in large measure falls on a sacrifice gets rid of things he has no out for a job as census takers next use for. » MUSLIN summer. ______the farmers. * I t Ijas therefore been very easy for For Sores, Dicers, Burns, Galls, The Fourth is a thing of the past us to conclude that the horse was rap­ Piles, nothing so good as Banner Salve for the present year. There is no de­ the most healing medicine in tbe idly becoming obsolete and tfiat a world. 25c. Pratt Bros, or N. F. UNDERWEAR nying patriotism is not dying out in horseless age was fast upon us.. Witb Carmon. America. this conclusion, we have arrived at When the vacations are taken by We give notice here and now that another that is very cbarmipg to con­ one side of the house only marriage if Delta will celebrate next year, the template. Without horses in the cit­ a failure. DEPARTMENT ies we are to have smooth pavements, last 4th of the 19th century, and it Glad Tidings to Asthma Sufferers. will be a celebration right. clean streets,and be unvexed by the unceasing noise ot street traflc which Foley’s Honey and Tar gives quick The 4th is past and the people will some of our doctors tell us is playing and positive relief. It is tbe great remedy for diseases of the respiratory get down to hard work again to care sad havoc with our nerves and banish­ organs like Asthma, Bronchitis ana ME I for their crops and to push whatever ing that peace whence spring amiabil­ Hoarseness. N. F. Carmon or Pratt business they are engaged in. ity, composure and restfulness. Bros. ______WHO This is very lovely, and no doubt we A singular coincidence was that In the spring nature turns over a Through Car Line Every Line complete* Quality the shall experience in the near future new leaf, and in the fall she paints lt each of the celebrations at the various DBTBOIT, DBTBOIT, many of the things that we now imag­ red. .______, best, and Prices the lowest. The towns in old Fulton on the 4th, was TOLEDO * TOLEDO * ine. At present, however, the trol­ There is no f About it. CINCINNATI. OOLUJCBTJS. tbe best and biggest ever held in the leys and the automobiles, which we time for high prices on these goods county. No question indeed with those who call horseless carriages, are not silent have used it, but that Foley’s Kidney ^^SLije not Poets, they in Delta is past. Young America is happy. We by a great deal. They make noises Cure is absolutely reliable for ail Kid­ OOLTJ1CBTTB * MARIETTA. ^hair-cut pride. Buy again licked the Indians, the French, that are to some as objectional as the ney and Bladder diseases. Pratt Bros Parlor Oars on C ar Train*. beat of horses feet and the rattle of or H. F. Carmon. Sleeping1 O an on H ifh t Train* £ : t u r e of the British, the Mexicans, the John­ Eaten Always Low aa the Lewant. nies and the Spanish, on the 4th and wheels over the stones. The electric All men are born equal, but it does Always Confer witb Ohio Central j didn’t lose a man. oars and wagons are new, however, not take some men long to outgrow it. or address and surely capable of improvement. “I have used Chamberlain’s Cough MOULTON HOUK, Did you ever stop to think what a But these facts do not Indicate the Remedy in my family for years and Oen»l Paaeengar Agt., TOUCP sight it would be, if one could see the approach of a horseless age by any always with good results,” says Mr. whole United States at one look on means, for these are not all the facts. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. “For No trouble to show goods. small children we flnd it especially ef­ LIMA NORTHERN TRAINS, and you will need no Gall and see. the 4th and see the millions hurrying The value of horses in general has fal­ fective.” For sale by Pratt Bros. Trains pass Wauseon—Going south from place to place and the thousands len, but the price of a good horse is as atl2:09 p m., 7:44 p. m. Going north cut price at the of tons of explosives being burned and high as ever. A good coach horse, - The man who stakes his happiness at8:19 a. m., 1:28 p. m. ______on a maid always makes a miss-take. the thousands of thousands of yards saddle horse or driving horse cannot rlfVEKPLE, BELT. of bunting floating to tbe breezes. be bought to-day for less than the Cured Bronchial Trouble. For a clean, easy Shave Verily this is a great country. same class of horse commanded twen­ Chas. E. Davis, 1075 W. Congress st., Gem Latest Style Bair Cuttln • Chicago, w rites: iro to the ty oi ten years ago, while thorough­ Tonsure Gem, J . SO Pardoned aad Baniabed. breds and trotters fetch on the aver­ I have suffered for years with bron­ Parlor Hull Mercantile Co. chial trouble and have tried many 2 doors west o/^ Postoffice. W. J. Elliott former editor of the age as much as at any previous time. kinds of medicines without relief un­ ■ ■—-U-XJTlilUl L1".B Columbus Sunday Call, and who was Moreover, in the past two years the til I began taking Foley’s Honey and sentenced to the pen for life some ten average price of horses has risen a lit­ Tar, which oured me. It saved me or twelve years ago, and who in a tle, while the total number has not doctor bills this winter. 25c. N. F. j a r e haying a Redaction Sale Carmon or Pratt Bros. quarrel, sometime afterward was al­ decreased. But there is a lesson in most totally blinded by having vitrol this for farmers and other breeders of An egg will settle coffee, but it f V mm a l l the while takes money to settle for the egg. thrown in his face, was pardoned by horses. The common horse is likely D o n ’t the governor on the 1th. There was to fall rather than rise in value, and Our baby has been continually » condition attached to the pardon be always a greater source of loss. troubled with colic and cholera infan­ however, that he leave the state, In the horse of quality there will tum since his birth, and all that we consequently Warden Coffin took bim always be profit. It seems, therefore, could do for him did not seem to give Y on w ill find.US to the depot and started him to Chi­ more than temporary relief, until we Regular as the Tick that good husbandry would counsel tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and cago. the raising of fewer but better horses. Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that of the Clock tile tim es. The idea that we would ever consent remedy he has not been troubled. We Decennial Real Estate Assessors. to do without the horse seems too want to give you this testimonial as Meet the new season with Ne # Goods. Always a step ahead of the others in Quality We understand that election of real an evidence of our gratitude, not tbat and a step behind them In price. preposterous to consider seriously, you need it to advertise your meritor­ estate assessors may take place at the and it appears to me that we are as ious remedy.—G. M. Law, Keokuk, To enjoy life these Hot, fall election of the year preceeding far away to-day from tbe horseless Iowa For sale by Pratt Bros. Fly Pestering, Mosquito the year in which the assessment is to age as ever we were, unless we take Biting days be made, or in tbe spring of the year Tbe loquacious individual relies into account the fact, if it be a fact, more on sound tban sense. k A glove fit where it should he. Plenty of in which the assessment is to be made. that we are always nearer to the end room w here It sh o u ld be. W eights That the election should take place in of all things. Jno. G ilm er Speed, in Gave U p AU Hope. suited to the seasons. the fall the county commissioners The Saturday Evening Post. Louise Prickett,'509 Bryan Ave., should so decide at the regular meet­ Danville, 111., writes: ing in June, but if for any reason they Work of tne Storm Two Weeks I had buffered several years witb asth­ so fall then the election shall take Abo In Asltland Co. ma and after trying a great many remedies I had given up all hope. 1 place at the following spring election. Simon Hunter, an aged and respect­ was advised to try Foley's Honey and We have not heard of the commission­ ed citizen of Clear Fork, just over the Tar. It immediately stops the cough­ ers taking any action in the matter in line in Ashland county, was drowned ing spells and 1 get my breath more June and so presume of course that in the flood which swept through the freely. It is the only medicine that Khis season. P riee (2.00, $2.50, (3.00. *3.50 T hey a re m ade In B lack o r T ans, clo th v estin g o r ever gave me relief. Pratt Bros, oi leather tops, patdnt leather or kid tips. Come In and look them over. They will please the real estate assessors will not be valley on the night of the big storm. N. F. Carmon. th e eye. elected until spring,______Hunter was an old saw mill man and lumber dealer, and with his two sons, No man ever lived who improved Hotel Eager under Mew lived in a shanty near the Clear Fork half of his opportunities. Zina Eager has turned the hotel mill, where he was working a piece of Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, over to his son Charles, and will visit timber and ties. The terrible rains cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and ivypois- relatives in tbe east this summer. In raised the small stream on the banks of which Hunter’s shanty and mill oning— quickly healed by Dewitt’s the death of his wife, the removal of Witch Hazel Salve. Positively pre­ most of his children and the marriage were located, six or eight feet higher vents blood poisoning. Beware of and removal of his daughter 1761116, than it bad ever been before, tbe flood counterfeits. “DeWict’s” is safe and sure. Pratt Bros. the family is broken up, and Zina will taking everything in its path; doubtless flnd much to comfort him Hunter’s boys were in Ebudonville and could not get home as the down­ in visiting among his children, other Cured. relatives and friends.—Wauseon Tri­ pour was so great, and lasted from six A torpid liver always produces dollnes* bune. o’clock until midnight. Hunter’s aad IrrltabUity. Ton are aU clogged up and small house is supposed to have been fad despondent. Perhaps you have treated taken down tbe current with tbe old with physicians or tried some recommended medicine without benefit. All that ia ao man within, and no trace of bim bas argument against Br. Fenner’s Blood aad been found. Only a very few boards Liver Remedy aad Nerve Tonic which wiU of his little house have been dis­ ao readily cure Impaired nerves, liver com* covered. ; ? plaints, headaches blood and skla dlseassa. esc. Get a circular a t deater. Refrigerators, Hammocks, Mr. Hunter also had a good team of Pratt Bros. thin Mood, weak lungs and horses in a stable, which swept W ire Netting, Horse, Cat­ is the best medium priced paleness. You have them in away but was found in a drift some hot weather as well as in cold. eighty rods down the stream. The Personally Conducted Tourist tle and Poultry Food. shingle on the market. SCOTT’S EMULSION cures borses were yet alive, but were nearly them in summer as in winter. submerged in the drift and were cut Excursions It is creamy looking and pleas­ almost to pieces. One horse was still ant tasting. tied to the manger with the drift nearly six feet around him. It took soc. and | i a t all druggists. CALIFORNIA. still the run for this four men nearly three hours to re­ move sufficient drift to free the ani-; B y th e w a y , if y o u vfrant a month. mals. Three engines, three feed DeWitt’s Little Early Risers beneflt permanently. They lend gentle as­ grinders, the saw-miil, a thresher and sistance to nature, causing no pains 30,000 feet of lumber were also swept or weakness, permanently curing con­ away. FENCE POSTS AND SQINGLES. stipation and liver ailments. Pratt Men have been along the river all Bros. dap in boats searching for Hunter's Cyclists will flnd Banner Salve the body.—Butler Cyclone. most healing remedy for Cuts, Bumps and Bruises. 25c. N. F. Carmon or Later, tbe body was found several H. L. MILES Pratt Bros. miles down Mohicon river. TRY FOR BREAKFAST SHREDED WHEAT BISCUIT.

FULL LINE OAKES Jas. Greiser & For full description of this service and the Save th e people o* benefits given its patrons, address JOfcN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. Chicago, 111. DELTA $200 ANNl They without doubt have tl Strongest Fire Insurance Agent Pratt Bros. IW. B. Ganiard, Delta, 0 DOWN EAST CURIOSITY. J. V. Hobbs,.-M. D., Fort Valley, ' : ‘ ------Ga., says: ‘-I have been practicing t o v e s ' One Instance In Which It W u Hot medicine twenty-flve years and know - , f AMD JLOCKED BOX CAR WITH ; Satisfied. iles to be one of the mod: difficult of It takes a down east man to ask ques­ iseases to eure, but have, known De­ S I SCAFtED MULES. EWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve to cure HOLLOW ARE tions, bnt (Bice in awhile one of them numbers of cases and do not hesitate finds his match. Jonathan overtook a to recommend it.” Be sure you get GEORG HTJTH, lalExfCt^iee WllJch, According to gentleman who was traveling on horse­ “DeWitt’s;” there are injurious coun­ the V ictlm. Made Sherman’* Defini­ back, notwithstanding the fact tbat he terfeits on sale. Pratt Bros. Manufacturer of all kinds of Roof­ tion o«fW*r Descrip­ had lost one leg. His cariosity wat ing, Spouting and Tinware to or­ der. tion o#^fcndnj5jpW»ol Pl«rn»«. awakened** as he rode alongside of him, Instantanous Lemonade, stra fe . ■ to know how be chanced to meet with Patent Roof Is now complete. Ta­ the Footprint to Sing I per. Eave Trough, is like a natural Seven 'affiaei settled down on hie stool such a misfortune. B cts. Box'. “Been in the army. I guess?” wai stream, small at the head and large »nd begk^jto throw in a bandful of the anxious inquiry! Ginger Ale, IB cts, Bottle at the outlet. type, ‘iif I (fidn^t have a time of it get­ “Never was in tbe army in my life,’ CASH OR TRADE ting dowp here out of those moun­ tbe traveler returned. < for all kinds of Bags, Rubber, old Iroo tains;*’;, f " • s ’•■Fit a duel, p’baps?” Copper, BrrssZinc Lead and Pevtter. ; “Befto up in the mines?” Inquired “N.ever fought a duel, sir.” “Horse tbrowed you off, I guess, ox replied the Footprint “Just something of tbat sort ?” came obfc Footed it from Angels to “No, sir, nothing of tbe kind.” Milton yesterday and rode into Stack- Jonathan tried various dodges, but all to no effect. At last, almost oat oi ten on a si dedoor sleeper last night. A Bad Stomach, poor health aide floor sleeper,” continued the Foot­ patience, he determined on a direct in­ print,' “is ncrfc the most comfortable quiry aa to the nature of the accident 99 eases out of 100 comes mode of traveling. Personally I prefer fcy which the gentleman had come to from bad teeth. You have to ride ptt a red cushifep, but tbe heart­ lose his leg. some, nearly everybody has ies* and Exorbitant demand of the rail- “ I will tell you, ” said the traveler, Just a little timely atten­ “on condition tbat you will promise road i ti ust for spot cash compelled me Wheels. Just received a tion will save tbe teeth, to walk or come aa freight. I came as not to ask me another question.” “Agreed, agreed I” exclaimed the full line of Sundries. save expense and preserve freight. ” eager listener joyfully. the health. “Sure,” s a ilin g Seven. “ Well, sir,” remarked the gentle “The unpleasant feature of the trip, ” ihan, “it was bit off I” BALDWIN, continued tbe Footprint, “wae the base . ______nmjTTHT__ betrflval of confidence on the par4 of “Bit off I” cried Jonathan. “ Waal, 1 declare; I’a just like to know, powerful WJLSEELEl the brakeman with whom I negotiated for an undisturbed passage. For a cash well, what on arth bit it off I”—Chris­ consideration of six* bits- and a drink of. tian Endeavor World. i liquor he verbally contracted to waybill DeWitt’s Little Early, Risers expel me from Militdn to the. division end at from the system all poisonous accumu­ Stockton. We’Went up street to take lations, regulate the stomach, bowels the drink and— Japan Tea.i . night r To quit riding meant to go to i S. E. W ILLIAMS 1 lb Soda.. 2 tt> Washing Powdfer. sleep, fell off and have the liver and 5 fc Granulated Sugar. -— 1 fc Starch. high lights and half tones trampled 1 jjackage Corn Starch. % package Uneda Biscuits. and kicked out of me by two scared 1 cau Sweet Corn. 1 Bar Soap. Residence, east Main street. mountain mules. 1 bottle Lemon Extract. / 1 box Tootb Picks. r .“I estimate tbat I rode thatmUle 186 1 fc Prunes. ‘ i fc pure Popper. miles and three furlongs in that car, and the car traveled 17 miles before be- ,ing side tracked The remaining three miles of the 20 between Milton and Stockton I made on foot, thus complet­ ing a journey of 156 miles 8 fur­ longs in a straight Hne between two given points that are but 20 milea apart, a mathematically impossible feat accomplished by one jackass with the aid of two relatives on the male side of the honse. ” B. R. RICHARDSON wishes to infonn The Footprint sighed as he paused to public, that he still continues to do business bite off a chew of tobacco, and Slug in th e line of Seven took advantage of the opening to remark tbat a man wbo had traveled so far under such circumstances must be I carry a fine fine ot Motuary Goods to se- dry.—Chicago Inter Ocean. ect from, all at reasonable rates. I make a Homan Bye Faster Than the Pen. A splendid grade of heavy Machine Oil for specialty of the care of the body. Galls are “You read 1,000 miles, ” is thecalcn- promptly attended to, night or day. lation of a clever individual fond of de- farm Machinery. Conle and see it before buy- B. R. RICHARDSON, taila Tbe eyes of the average busy When cupid cycles Here you, will find our Bill Funeral Director. man, in reading alone, travel 1,000 milea, which is equivalent to an “ocu­ price cats little or no figure, Fare for the Season. lar trip” a third of tbe distance across but cool, calculating busi­ our continent Even the busiest man ness men and women will probably travels witb his eyes 19 miles wonder why, with popular of type yearly, and there are doubtless x8gg many readers who travel six times the .n 1 iiLii 1 1 1 1 distance. If you read a yellow backed novel, your eyes have traversed from a makes you think about suit­ mile to a mile and a half of type. The able and seasonable Clot* ing busiest pen cannot keep up witb this paca With ordinary use, your pen has not traveled as far as from New York to Albany.—Philadelphia Inquirer. Gutter and Fitter is ready to ------I------;------«x you out with the latest. A Bald Statement. John Deer Cultivators in Three St/les. For Clothing T H A T F I T S . “It’s hard to be happy once you’ve We have a walking, two-horse. 3-shovels to the row. got a reputation for saying sarcastic anyone should think of pay- Combination walking or riding, 4 shovels. things, ” remarked the er J eyed man. Hammock Spring-Tooth, 5 shovels. “^ h ir s c h b e r g . “ What’s the trouble?” ing, from $50 to $75 for inferior or experimental Model B Disk Harrows with spring pressure lever, lfi|to 18 inch blades. “I’ve lost another friend I compli­ wheels. * Are you Troubled with Dyspepsia? mented bim on being tbe most cool All Steel Hay Bakes, hand or horse dump. If ao, do noi. n e g le c t until it is too late this headed person 1 ever saw. He took it RAMBLERS AT $ 4 0 ARB THB 44 For Sale—Small 5 room cottage on eaat Sixtv-tooth Steel Lever Harrows. Corn}Planters. opportunity of rlddingiyoursclf of it at oiice. as an allusion to the fact that he is to­ Front street, in fair condition, price $450 00 on Hay Loaders. Wooden Revolving Bakes. BinderJTwine. BEST RAMBLERS EVER BUILT. easy terms. Doctor Fenner'*- D y s p e p s ia Cure as the tally bald”—Washington Star. Opposite School House, West side. Machine Oil. All guaranteed. name Implies, to simply for Dyspepsia and NO BICYCLE IS WORTH MORE. f t F or 8ale—Good 8 room house on Provi­ dence street. Delta, O..' cellar, fruit of all Come and see me. W est Main St., Delta. Indigestion. This Is a preparation long and Pure, clean blood and a healthy liv­ NONE AT A LOWER PRICE CAM kinds, price 11000 00, or will take In exchange HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR LIVE POULTRY EVERT DAY I mccemfully used in private practice by one er result from the use of DeW itt’s Lit­ BE RAMBLER ORADB. small Delta property. o f A m erica's bctat qnalifled physicians, whose tle Early Risers, the “famous little VT You will flnd me at my poultry yards and ware house, opposite school Fret catalogue. No trouble to show property or give any writing* are an accepted authority on a ll pills.” They cure constipation, bil- desired information. house on Delta street. ___ _ ■ertlcaltn—tl— ■ «•* circular of deal**. iousnesB and sick-headache. Pratt Csll mud tet t h atfwfe Pratt Bros. Bros. W. E. SEELEY, Agent. 3?.vC DELTA ATLAS. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1899.

W ings as hotbeds for influenza en this w as r« d in g . and the next to make me' THE RATTLER AND THE RAT. torce was small, and, owing to the MALAYAN TRAIT8 . NOTES AND COMMENTS. account, and on account of the gather­ DOTS IN THE PACIFIC. feel as if something ,liad loosened my ture of the ground. 4* could only ing together of persons whose' power talking apparatus, for I could speau A Sftvtie Story 1h>ld and Vonched For precipitated agains^ one angle of the Points of Character of the Philip­ It is predicted that the censns of , lty a Sinn {tom Boston. pine Islanders. of resistance thas been diminished by with less difiiculty immediately. The enemy’s wo'rks. j The Malay race Is impassive, re­ 1900 will show ft total of accumulated recent illness or by 6ther circum­ MYSTERIOUS ISLANDS THAT change was so great that everyom “V lien a friend of mine came back No wonder ,the officers hesitated. been t wealth of $ 110,000,000,000 in this who knew me remarked it. I repeated to Bos.ton from a winter in Florida.” served, and even bashful, so that nntil stances. ” '*». ARE HARD TO LOCATE. They felt they would be sending the one knows the race better, one can ed by, country. the remedy every five or six days for said \ man from Boston, “he brought gallant fellows into a veritable death with iim one of the big rattlesnakes scarcely credit his blood-thirsty repu-. A very practical use of the automo­ a mouth, and then at longer intervals trap. that Cuba at Clirjperton Has at Last B e e n . Defi­ that are a familiar product of Florida. tatiou. The Malay Is entirely undem­ To-day the productive capacity of bile is promised soon in St. Louis, till cited. The men themselves were huddled been taken from her the labor-Having machinery of the the initiative having been taken by nitely Placed—Well Worth Looking This one was more than flve feet long, together on the- ground behind a slight onstrative. If ho hks any feelings of United States more than equals that the St Louis Terminal Board, under For—Its Klaaive Neighbor that Is ^ A Divided Answer. handsome and lively and shewing vici­ ridge that afforded them temporary surprise he never shows them. Per­ The country mind sometimes works haps be experience* nwe, no matter slands that axe ! of 400,000,000 of people not using whose jurisdiction is the bridge over Still “ At Large.” ousness and vim with every move­ protection from the Filipino sharp­ slowly, although with an enviable ment. Rattlesnakes are apt to be slug­ how wonderful the sight which meets One of these, labor-saving devices. the • river to East -St. Louis. This shooters.* They had been conversing lying oloff the coast of | weight and accuracy, but the country gish and stupid in activity, but this big in low tones, test the fatigue of his gaze. He is slow and deliberate in bridge is used by “an electric-car ser­ Much attention has been given of runs. Just where The ratio of illiteracy among the vice, but it is intended to supplefneynt mode of expression is usually to the fellow was always on the alert aud cramped inactlor. was having its effect speech, and circumlocutory In intro­ late to wliat we may call the strange i point. Even Its pauses serve theii uidn’t hesitate to strike his fangs Into ducing a subject to be discussed. Eve* Africa stopp nations of America and Europe is the this by the employment of automobile case of Clipperton Island. It is uot and they were ffilent. J* highest in Boumania, where it is stages, to be propelled by electricity turn; they are always of rhetorical anything put inside his cage. Then Private Tom Hooker spoke up. the children and women are timid, and turns to the t eighty-nine per cent of the population. more than three miles in circumfer­ value. “One day somebody captured one of scream at the sight of a European, been made the object < or by compressed air, relieving in ence, and it lies in the western Pacific, The tiring had ceased, and his words Portugal is next in order, with seven­ An old fisherman sat by the sea-wall, -the brown wharf rats that abound were clear :\’sil distinct, t ^ <£ while in the presence of the men they of which Spain is a some measure, the growing burden something like 800 miles west of Mex­ ty-nine per cent of her people illiter­ skinning eels, which were that fore­ along the Boston waterfront This “I had a letter yesterday from ay are silent and taciturn. Evfcn when This island is one on the street railroad, aud providing ico. In the wide expanse of the Pacific noon to be packed in ice and sent to a particular rat was not a large one, but m ife,” he said, "and you can bet boys. alone, tbe Malay neither talks nor ful, and at the ate. additional accommodation for the in­ ocean It shows like a mere speck, so creasing travel over the bridge. It is city market A , iung woman, a visitor l:e had lot- of nerve. He was put into I was roigliiy glad te gef it.” There sings, in this respect differing much mo%t unbealthfu small as to be of no value, seemingly, in town, stood by watching the unusual the rattlesnake’s cage, as many a rat W'as no comment from the line of re­ from the Papuan, who ha? all the ne- fore, it has been Pittsburg manufacturers are build­ thought that the autoinobile-convey- save as a refuge for a few of the army ancer system will greatly serve the occupation, and quite fascinated by the had been before. They had always cumbent forms as he went on: “ We gro traits of chattering ant’, singing to ifit place to sen ing steel cars for the railroads of of beach combers “who have burst all been the ordinary house rats, though, Egypt This will offend English convenience of the public by moving ease and dexterity with which it was have a little three-year-old daughter, himself for company. Overpay a Malay prisoners. over the principal business streets in bounds of habit and have wandered carried on. At length she felt the neces­ and none had ever siirvived the strike and my wife writes that she 1s getting lor some trifle and his countenance be- When, not very builders a3 deepJy as did the fact that of the rattler more than five minutes. a Philadelphia firm is. constructing a the city, stopping at. the hotels aud far away” in the course of their down­ sity of “making talk.” just too cute for anything.” Tbe trays no sign of efiiotion; a Papuan will ship Larache w* ward progress. But the ownership of “What do you get for eels?” she ask­ The wharf rat had scarcely time to shifted uneasily, as those who be grave f6r a moment out of perfect Canaries steel bridge for the same country. other public places, i' taking their look about him in the cage before the Nevertheless, the laws of nations do passengers to, or iving them Clipperton Island has of late been ed. been lying on their backs rolled astonishment at the mistake made, and 300 claimed by no fewer than four coun­ “Nothin’!” returned the old man,.em­ snake coiled and struck, sinking his on their faces. “Her mother then burst into peals*f grinning laugh­ Who knew of not yet regard the gentle American irom, the network of su^et railroads fangs in the rat’s neck. The rat gave art of “hustling” as an indictable in East St. Louis, which converge at tries — Mexico, tlie United States, phatically, stripping off a skin. Then that it’s just wonderful how many ter, while he bends in two, and finally shuddered at the France and Great Britain; and when it with the same precision and lightning- a sharp squeal as he felt the rattler’s funny things she does.” The men rolls on the ground in ecstasies of mer- prison uient and offense. ' r. -A the bridge entrance. fangs. He twisted himself about and \ ___r______Is added that the island is a favorite like haste, he “peeled” another and an­ clasped their rifles a little nfore firmly rauent The Malays, when in company they^ grabbing the snake by the jaw closed death which Gelototherapeutists is the name A FEATHERED WCNDER. haunt of sea birds, and that many tons other, leaving his visitor to wonder at and drew up their knees. “Just the In'a canoe, chant a plaintive, monoton­ undergo. of valuable guano are waiting to be the eccentricity which prompted him his teeth on It. This was a genuine other day, when her mother was wash­ given to physicians who irerijjiatients surprise to the ugly rattler. He writhed ous song; at other times they are silent While Spain was suffering from various diseases rang­ lrd Worth Conftiderably Mope T h a n picked up, the reason for this unwont­ to take so much trouble unrewarded. ing her, she said— The Malay is cautious of giving of­ gents in Cuba and Ita Weight In Go)*'. and twisted, aud made everything ing from bronchitis to anaemia by p; ed solicitude, even in an era of land- It was only after she had given up the With a wild roar the soldiers strug­ fense to any one, and accordingly will sent a batch ot Possibly the rarest of all feathered grabbing, will be apparent. hum with the violence of the play of gled to their feet, swept over the ridge, soribing hearty laughter. A medical question as a bad job that he calmly his enormous set of rattles, for the rat hesitate to quarrel about money mat­ plnos to Ft journal suggests that there is a great creatures is the “takahe” bird of- New Clipperton Island is of interest In finished his senteuce, ‘J—to what I’d and fell upon the Filipinos with such ters, and^rather abandon a jnst debt o f the lapt two Zealand, says a writer in the London another directioJ^T It is one of those kept his sharp incisors busily at work terrific force that they tied without opening for physicians in studying ought to!”—Youth’s Companion. .until the formidable snake let eo his due to him than run the risk of a feud have died, forty- various ways of exciting laughter, Mail. Science names it notornis rnan- numerous stretches of land set in the firing a volley. with his equals. In his ordinary life he telli. The first one ever seen by white fiold on the belligerent little animal. ed, and thii such as tickling, farcical comedies, midst of the seas, sunny and otherwise, And the amazed officers never knew Is as impassive ai the typical Scot, and oners on the eyes was caught in 1849. A second Then the rat released the rattler’s jaw what had caused this panic of heroism puns, etc. which, after their first discovery, for and sat huddled in a heap, glaring at as fond-df the nil admirari line of con* Qt these Came to white hands in 1851. Like thp many years elude all endeavors to lo­ in the ranks. first, it was tracked over snow and the snake, who retreated to one end of duct as tb$*American Indian, though, Government, Statistics have been prepared by cate them again. It has now been, the cage; where ne ley and surveyed unlike himrtte Malay does not dissem­ * * a little caught with dogs, fightig stoutly and as It were, nailed down in one particu­ RABBITS IN AUSTRALIA. the government showing that Amer­ uttering piercing screams of rage until ■he rat as if in amazement. Tne rat ble his feelings or play a part. He haa have to get lar spot in the ocean—that is to say, really little, ’tt' ‘ v ” ican exports of manufactured goods overmastered. Both became the prop­ presently began trotting to and fro in they can. its exact position has been finally de­ Some of the Methods Employed in humor, and does now average $1,000,000 a day. There erty of the British museum. 1 After the cage, looking for a place to escape Exterminating the Pest. The 300 Filipinos were. 204 working days during the termined by warships sent out for the tlcal jest. To all that it was not seen again until 1879. Stpm it. Some few years ago In Australia added to the island first eight months of the past fiscal express purpose of searching for it “A quarter of an hour passed and he is very sensitive, i S n n ln That year’s specimen wreut to the and settling all doubts as to its exist­ drastic legislation was Introduced year, and during that time the total Dresden museum at the cost of $500. It has lately been discovered that the the rat did not show the least sign of ous of any interf< ging to exports were $207,000,000. This was ence—and the only thing remaining which made all those who owned land or any one else’s The fourth, which was captured last large iguana lizards of South^^tfUstr’ia any effect of the rattler’s venom. The liable to fine If they failed to keep were s< a gain of $26,000,000, or fourteen per , fall in'the fiords of Lake Te Anau, In now is that the question of ownership spectators were amazed at this, but extent does he ci They ' should be settled. It happens that attack and kill lambs on the sheep down the rabbits. This produced con­ cent, over the Corresponding period, New Zealand i.as been offered to the pastures. They had previously been appareutly not any more than the rat­ Malay servant w! Po of the previous year. > • there is another island about 400 miles tler was himself. In fact the rattle­ siderable effect and certainly checked another, even his government there for the tidy sum of known as depredators only in poultry- the increase of the pest. Up to this $1,250. southwest of Clipperton, and rich in snake, probably feeling that his su­ told to do so, A preliminary statistical statement! the same deposits that make that place yards. time the destruction of the rabbit bad Unis it appears that the bird is premacy and reputation were, at stake, been left to the unaided efforts of the exceedingly polite, . of the mineral production of Canada worth possessing, for which adventur­ A singular result of the recent ex­ prepared to strike the rat again. Be­ precious- - worth very much more than amateur sportsman or the professional repose amt quiet u during 1888. has been issued by the its weight In gold. The value of.course ous mariners are at this moment look­ periments of Professor Angelo Mosso fore he coiled for the strike ne crept bred Europeans. There Is, however on the physiological effects of high rabbit trapper—a class of men wbo, huddled Canadian Geological Survey. The comes of rarity. The wise men were ing. toward the rat. his eyes glittering and another side to tbe character of the men, women i total value of the metallic minerals altitudes Is that a mountain ascent his tongue playing in and out of his seeing a chance of a free but not easy beginning to set it down as extinct. As late as July last a vessel named life with a tair wage attached to it, Malay. He is reckless, cruel and c*r» ether! produced is placed at $21,622,601, Scarcity t.-i'.de, it must be worth look­ Moonlight left Altata, Mexico, on a may produce such a flattening of the mouth fiercely. This movement on the less of human life; possesses b u t* poo* - while other mineral products have a ’.nmbar curve that a man may be an part of rattlesnakes Is intended to abandoned their original trades and ing at—a gorgeous creature about the voyage in search of this latest myste­ devoted themselves to trapping. Intellect; and has neither tasto fo* value of $15,864,596. The grand total size of a big goose, with breast, head rious island, and spent fifty-two days Inch and a half shorter on the sum­ strike their victim with terror. But knowledge nor any indigenous clvillza- shows an increase of nearly 32 per mit of Monte Rosa than when he is in this rat wasn’t stricken with terror by The equipment of the men. who gen­ and ilodx of the richest dark blue, of fruitless labor toward this end. Her erally work in pairs, eonsi3ts of a Hod. cent., as compared with 1897, which t?»e valleys beneath. The height of this rattler; not even a little bit. He growing dullest as it reaches the under captain failed to find the place, and, number of gin traps, a pony and cart, year showed an incr< e of 27 per parts. Back, wings and tall feathers fearing that his provisions and water Monte Rosa, the second loftiest peak moved forward and met his terrible Beset by Wolves. foe half way. Quick as the snake was, a tent and the other requisites for Fortunately for John Bourke, of Mae cent, compared with 18*6. " are olive preen and the plumage would run short, returned home to re­ of the Alps, is 15,215 feet. The cause camping out They go to some dis­ throughout has a metallic lus* i\ The port that either the rough charts of of the shortening is partly the exertion the rat was quicker yet and caught tawa, Ontario, a hungry wolf Is not Great Britain is preparing to ex­ the rattler’s tougue in his teeth and tricts in which rabbits are thick—if very particular about what he ca'ts. tail is v< ry short, and has uuderneath old Captain Martin and his associates of climbing. The human stature a! possible near a railway station—get pend $800,000 per year for a period It a thick patch of soft pure white were in error or else that some strange ways diminishes slightly during the bit it off. Bourke was making bis way on foot of thirty years id the development of “That was enough for the rattler. No permission to trap from the landown­ through the woods, says the PembfSkr featbeVs. ' . . seismic phenomenon had caused the day. ers and start to work. Some of them the agricultural region of npper Egypt Haring wings, the takahe flies not. lost isle to disappear years ago, per­ The Chinese method of producing member of his dreaded specie, had Observer, when he was chased by & by the construction of a series of gig­ ever been so bearded and audaciously are paid a small direct wage and also pack of wolves. The blrch-tree In The wings are not rudimentary, but haps, for all that mortal soul knows. artificial pearls by introducing some receive a bonus, others again work antic irrigation works. The arable the bird makes no attempt to use Miem. treated before. The big snake hast­ which he took refuge was soon sur­ Spice is added to this romance by the foreign substance into the pearl oyster ened back to one corner of the cage, wholly for the market After choosing area of the Nile valley at present is The legs are longish and very -tout fact that another ’Frisco captain lo­ their ground they set their traps dur­ rounded. about 10,500 square miles and it is is open to a difficulty; the oyster some­ and was so completely defeated that The 1 the feet uot webbed, and fuViiished cated the place definitely a year or two ing the day in the most likely places He happened to have matches ia h*.< proposed to augment this amount by times expels the object from its shell. he did not have the heart to spring his deed, tl with sharp, powerful claws. The odd­ before, and found a small colony there, A French experimenter has devised an and cover them carefully with earth. pocket, so he diverted himself, frr a the reclamation of at least 2,500 est feature of all is the bill, an rattles when the rat. In moving ner­ few hours, with stripping bark from its existence in the square miles of arid lands within six which colony is still ou the island, Improvement He makes a hole in the vously about the cage, walked all over One man will sometimes have some equilateral triangle of hard pink horn. shipping guano in their own schoon­ dozens of traps set over a mile or more the tree, lighting it and dropping bit slums, in the foul 4 or eight years. Active work on the shell and introduces a little bit of his body. But the rattlesnake recov­ workshops, Along the edge, where it joins the ers, manned by numbers of their own mother-of-pearl. The oyster cannot get of country, and these he visits twice or little torches down on the ravfhous construction of the first great dam head, there is a strip of soft tissue ered from the effects of his lgnominous animals. The fire kept them T.way and in damp, dark < across the river lias begun. party, to the leading ports on the Pa­ rid of this, and deposits the nacreous defeat in the course of a day or so. thrice a night. His first round is about much like the rudimentary comb of :i cific slope of North and South America. 8 or 9 o’clock, the second about 12 or from the tree, but they did not £o far. sunlight never ] layers on It until It becomes a pearl. sind he and the rat became great there is not thor barnyard fowl. Quite a number of expeditions have About two years suffice. A small true 1, and the third just after sunrise. In Finally as darkness drew on, a man Mrs. Stanford’s gift of the bulk of friends. named Tomeny, who had been waiting the Fortnightly Be view, But all her wealth to the Stanford Uni­ of late been made with the object of pearl may be used. The subject was “It became the favorite pastime for each round he kills and eviscerates the A Kovel Dock Decoy. wresting thia valuable secret from the rabbits that have been cau6ht resets at the camp where Bourke was expect­ thrive also inl places wiwhere versity of California places her np in fully discussed before the French spectators to worry the rat oy poking science has done.ne its 1best. It is certainly a novel method for handful of men in whose possession it Academy of Sciences. the traps and carries the dead ones ed to pass the night got uneasy aud the very front rank of the philanthrop­ luring ducks within range that Ham­ him with sticks, and when amicable started out to meet him. Tomeny had present age of1 isanitary gr ists of her sex. To be sure, she is Is, and of participating in the spoils; In order to prove to the satisfaction relations had been established between back to camp. In the morning, if blen Sears describes in his charming and one of these days we will, no enough have been caught he or his his rifie, and long before he approached tion works t only carrying out the wishes ex­ volume of hunting stories, Fur and of the members of the Linnean Society, the rat and the snake the snake used kind, destroying doubt, hear of a sanguinary fight for to cover tbe rat from his tormentors mate takes them to the railway sft- the tree Bonrke’s yells advised him pressed by he* husband before he Feather Tales, and one that cannot fail in London, tbat he had really caused a that it was needed. typhoid fever, di^d, but the manner in which she the supremacy between the present and spring savagely at them to the top tlon or delivers them to rabbit buyers, to attract the attention of all sports­ buzzard to hatch and rear a chickeq who come round with large carts. The Tomeny shot two or three of the measles, small has undertaken to carry out those colonists and a party of marauders. from a hen’s egg, Mr. A. F. Crossman of the cage, while everything resound­ men. The ducks used were domestic Although the stories told about the un­ prices varies from twopence to six­ wolves on the outskirts of the pack. other epidemic wishes is creditable to her intelligence, bred wild-dueks. whieh, by a long recently exhibited a series of photo­ ed with the clamor of his rattles. The fidelity and generosity. The vast es­ known island vary considerably, they rat was kept in the cage a fortnight or pence per pair, and where rabbits are The other wolves started to eat them, In a report on course of training, had developed al­ graphs showing the hatching and sub­ numerous the men make good wages. and Bourke slid, down from the tree. presented to the, tate which now goes to swell the all agree that it exists somewhere sequent feeding of the chicken by its so, and then released. He returned to most phenomenal intelligence. Thi about 400 or 500 miles southwest of Their income is supplemented in vari­ When the dead wolves were devoured, by a committee i funds of the Stanford University is method is best understood from the strange foster-mother. Mr. Crossman his home beneath the wharf larger by several millions than it was Clipperton, in a low coral atoll cover­ on whieh my friend’s office was situ­ ous ways. They sometimes catch na- tbe others took up tbe chase of the question the nui author’s description. thought it very wonderful that the ma­ t've cats or tame cats—turned out men—and then again Tomeny’s rifle In France every year by when it was bequeathed to her, and “In this bitterly cold water,’’writes ed with the richest phosphates. The ternal instinct of the buzzard had over­ ated, but every day came out and paid the benefits to be derived from it will place also has its legends of pirates’ a visit to the snake at the cage, the originally to prey on the rabbits—aad cracked,' The men reached tbe camp is given as 150,000. Mr.. Sears, “which froze on a duck’s come its liking for chicken flesh, but make a fair profit by selling tbe skins In safety, but only because Tomeny It is computed that taking i be correspondingly increased. feathers as soon as it touched tfoem, we treasures, which may or may not have another member of the society pro­ rattler welcoming him at the lattice had any founaation in fact One of with every demonsration of pleasure. sing'.v, «>r after making rugs of them. was a good marksman and able to keep of tuberculosis together, tied those) unoffending creatures by the duced records to show that eagles had The fox also gives them a dividend, the wolves busy eating each Other. each generation iaj Having sold to Germany the last the expeditions pf recent date, which hatched out goose-eggs and then ten­ One day a mischievous boy banging leg to a cord which ran out on the wa­ around the dock shot the rat with a when they are lucky enough to get and one-sixth is I remnant of her former insular do­ ter and disappeared in the darkness. have been fitted out to look for the derly reared the goslings. mains in the Pacific, Spain still has island, was the Vine expedition. That Flobert rifle, and did w hat all the rat­ him. It will easily be seen that the Pretty Busy. to a high a® It appeared that this glacial cord was The Washington Monument, the loft­ tlesnake's poison had failed to do— trappers would not be likely to exter- The Cleveland Leader teBs of a fam­ of Berlin, the mor an outlying asset, for which she could ji ‘runner,’ and that, it extended out vessel’s owner claims to have secured readily find a purchaser in Great iest stone structure in the world, has, killed the rat. It was interesting to m.nate the rabbit as they would be ily whose cook bas not been in this tion alone in the into the pond four hundred feet to a his knowledge of the place from tbe putting an end to their own living, and Britain. We refer, of course, to the old sea captain named Martin, above according to the description given by see the snake watch every day for the country all her life. The members of not less than 1,0 a year. pulley on the eud of a long pole, which* N. M. Hopkins, in tne Scientific Ameri coming of the rat and when several so the landowners, under the pressure nual mortality in! the Ur Canaries, which, in the hands of was anchored in such a manner as t“ referred to, who died some years ago, the family have tried to be good to ber, France, Bnssia or Germany, might can Supplement, an ideal installation days passed and the rat did not come of tbe law, began to look for other but it seems tbat they have failed to from tuberculosis in its various i be held just under the surface. The and who left an old chart \mong his methods. seriously obstruct the route to India belongings,/which told of a small isl­ of correct lightning conductors. Thtj the rattler colled hjmself up in his cor­ meet her expectations. is 163,500, or nearly 450 a round the Cape of pood Hope. The line running through this returned to apex of the monument Is an aluminum ner and lay there day after d^y, re­ figures represent only the the stand, passed through a small hole and in the south Pacific, not down on Not a Sweet Child. Molly wrote to her folks at home, not Canaries are worth more to England the regular charts, enormously rich in pyramid, from which eight half-inch fusing to notice food or to respond long ago, that she was not satisfied struction of life caused by this to the inside, and out again through copper rods extend down to the base1 Here is a n 1 amusing incident—sug­ than they are to any other European another, until, at the end of its eight guano.—New Zealand Herald. with his usual vlciousness to the prob­ with her place. She first wrote with a scourge. Who can Estimate the i power, and they have become, prac­ of the stone pyramid forming tbe tog ings of a stick. I don’t want to say gestive, too—rejibrted In the columns of suffering few which it is hundred feet journey, it joined itself of The Charities Review. A Brooklyn pencil, and then copied her letter with tically useless to Spain since the loss of the structure. At that point they that this rattler was pining for he a. pen. Her mistress found the pencil­ besides? It is needless to and formed a circuit. To this the Tea on tbe Terr«ce. bend Inward through the masonry and companionship of the rat or not, but school teacher sent a little Italian girl of all her former possessions in Asia ducks were tied by a leather noose. As ed copy m the kitchen, and, very Im­ expense which it entails> inot only < and in the New World. On the whole, the terrace of the pass down the interior of the shaft one day when my friend went to the home, “with the order to have her dividuals but on the community. one bird was fastened aqd dropped in­ Bouse of Commons is the finest In Eng­ mother wash her until she was clean.” properly, read it Here Is a part of The eight conductors are all connected cage and tried to stir the snake up the epistle: ------—3----- to the icy water, I pulled in oq the land. The view from It is mosrimpos- with his cane he discovered that the “The child returned shortly after­ More than five billion gallons of other part of the rope and gently on the outside of the pyramid by a “They make nse Work very hard here, 8well Book Agents. petroleum are now produced annually Ing. Near on the left Is W estminster heavy rod, and they are all gold-plated snake was dead.”—New York Sun. ward. accompanied by its enraged The really swell book agent forced Mistress Duck three or four bridge, and the spectator may watch mother, who said some things not real­ they do. It’fl cookin’, baykln’ and in the world. Of this two and one- feet out ou the black water. Thus in Two hundred platinum-tipped points, swaypin’ I am all the time, and here I who sells books of rare half billions are produced in the Uni­ the traffic of the bridge, and hear Its connected with the conductors and al) COULDN’T UNDERSTAND IT. ly polite to the teacher, finishing with character. There Is a fortune a few moments we had what to any roll or rumble, while he is in the quiet­ ‘She is washed now. anyway.’ am now at tills minlt wiltin' to yea ted States and two and one-fourth wild duck, to say nothing of any tame pointing skyward, cover the pyramid wid me right hand, claynin’ the snow class of books. The prices range : billions in Bussia. The amount of ude of the terrace. Between the broad The conductors connect directly with Tbe Captive Saw How Useless It “The only visible evidence of a bath man, would appear to be flock of Wonld Be to Try It. was a clean spot around the little one’s from the sfafewalk wid me left hand, $50 to $500 or more, and the refined illuminating oil supplied by arches he may perceive the graceful the tops of four iron columns which The Filipino warrior had resisted who buy the works are only 1 birds swimming about at random and outlines of Waterloo bridge. At night mouth and nose. The teacher told the and sbovelli? coal Into the furnace wid the United States is more than double support the stairway and elevator. At capture strenuously, but he was finally me other!” * » to receive a visit from the agent * raising a horrible racket in all this si­ the long rows of lighted lamps in all mother that sbe had meant that the that produced by Bussia. This iB lence of the night The thing was re­ the base of the monument the iron col­ taken into camp, says the Washington makes this class of books his specie due to Ihe fact that a given quantity directions are reflected on the river. umns are connected by copper conduct­ child ^iould be thoroughly bathed. Russia's Emerald Mines. peated with more ducks on another Star. His terror was pitiable as bis ‘She should be put into a tub and Jhey leave their addresses at all book of United States oil produces three- and similar endless runner, which ran This Is the spot where the tea parties ors with the bottom of a well twenty eyes roved about the place in quest of The emerald mines along the Tokova stores and advertise their hobby far fourths of its bulk in refined illumin­ well known in London society are held. feet below the foundation of the shaft washed.’ she explained. River, in the Bussian province of Eka- to another spot on the pond. This the Instruments of torture or the “ ‘What! in a tub?’ the woman ex­ and wide. A rare edition they wil? pay ating oil, while the same quantity of done, Henry directed me to pull first To have “tea on the terrace,” as the the well containing several feet of wa­ headsman outfit. But it was not long terlnoslav, are owned by the govern­ almost any money to obtain, and there Bussian oil produces only about three- claimed. ‘Why. that would kill her! one then the other flock out to the phrase goes, Is the natural ambition of ter and fifteen feet of sand. Severe before he adapted himself to his new ment. A peasant found the first one Is a correspondingly large profit for eighthk of its balk. The United every one. It Is of the utmost conveni­ electrical storms do not affect the mon­ And. besides, she’s sewed up for the pulleys.” surroundings. After interviewing winter.’ ” In 183d in the roots of a tree that had the agent Kingdom is the largest consumer of ence to the member to be able to shou um ent some of the other Filipinos who had been blo^yn down. The government mineral oils exported by the United this attention to his friends, and espe­ It may not be a “sample case," but Works of art or classics In limited Conehed Up n Tootli. been prisoners longer, and who nvere we strongly suspect It is. There might mined on its own account until 1802, editions are disposed of only in this States, our total export to that coun­ cially to his constituents and their fam­ Made for tbe White House. consequently fatter, he became then leased the mines to contractors, try in the last fiscal year being 212 , - • Joseph Hatfield, proprietor of the ilies. On a summer’s afternoon the be some hope of arguing a few parents manner. They cannot be ol Tremont Hotel, Marion, Ipd., had a re­ At a White House dinner the guests, philosophic and cheerful. out of the “sewing-up” custom, but who have lost money on them, be-| through the usual channels of 265,563 gallons, against 155,203,222 collection of these tea parties amounts while waiting for the courses, some­ “What do you think of the prospect cause the best emeralds lie near tbe to Germany, the next on the list. markable experience recently. For to a reception given by the Commons when for each convert to cleanliness The sale of rare old books in nearly twenty years he has been a suf- times turn their plates to see what ad­ of civilizing these islands?” inquired half a dozen new sets of inaccessible surface. Those dug up from a depth gland last year amounted to more than; to London and the constituencies. The ministration they belong to, for when one of his captors. are inferior. Good emeralds, in view fererNfrom pain in the right lung, and mixture of tea tables is typical of the and unwashable infants are brought $500,000. > There |s no report of the, T ie eoal-exhaustion scare has again physicians have given him up as a a new administration comes in a new “You mean with local talent?” In­ into the country we are a little worse of their growing scarcity, ought to seized upon the English mind. There local character. Here will be a tabl<* sales of limited editions, which are: hopeless consumptive. Recently he set of china is made and marked witb quired the warrior. off than the backlsiding toad in the hold their value welL never advertised, but are disposed of is probably no foundation for it, no with some of the most fashionable per­ the name of the President. Of course “Yes. We propose to make you peo­ had had a number of hemorrhages, sons; near It will be one where a ls’jor well. It is said that the American A Parting "hot. only through, agents. These limited reasonable ground for believing that the old china is kept, the new being ple like ourselves, if you will hold still common school system is a cast-iron England |s coal supply will be ex­ and felt something dislodge from the member is entertaining bis family; “Perhaps it is best after all,"'remark­ editions are prinfed on the richest ma­ spot in his lung that bad given him so only of sufficient quantity to make up long enough.” stomach, capable of digesting any­ terials, and they are, Works of art.M hausted within the fifty years now next will be one where a philosophic for the breakage and loss during the “It’s no use,” was the melancholy ed tbe rejected suitor as he lingered in much pain. The foreign substances member is receiving learned ladies. thing that is put into it—but this Is a the hall. “A man of 25 would soon tire to the print as Well as illustration, set as the limit of its lasting, or in­ last administration. The decoration answer. “You might as well give it delusion. . was torn loose and Coughed out. On The whole scene is one of diversified !>f a wife who hovered around the 32 which is often tinted by hand, and the deed within many hundreds of years examination it was fonnd to be a tooth of the china consists of a dark blue up. I am more convinced than ever to come. And theret is now every animation and vivacity seldom equaled that our people will never be able to A Literary Conrtship. mark.” artist’s proofs of etchings are also that had been lodged iu the lung for border, with gold tracings in shape of finished in water color by hand. prospect that through liguefied air, elsewhere. corn sitalks and ears, while in the cen­ adapt themselves to your peculiar cus­ The prettiest story of the giving of “Why, Mr. Ardent” said the woman o*the utilisation of the inexhaustible nearly twenty years. Mr. Hatfield hi the case, “how very ungallant of you It is more easy to dispose of this class says that about twenty years ago he ter of the white plate is the coat-of toms.” presents that I know anything about is power of the tides, or the harnessing Cure for Stammering. to insinuate^hat 1 am 32.” of work than is realized by the can­ had a'number of teeth extracted and arms of the United States In colors. “Oh, of course, you have some weird a chapter in the lift romance of an of terrestrial magnetism to electrical- A gentleman who stammered from rites and quaint ceremonies and that adorable little woman who is the wife “Well, perhaps you are not,” he re­ vasser for ordinary books, and the that gas was administered to relieve The best of artists are employed to agent sometimes makes $10,000 a year power uses, or in some other of the childhood almost up to manhood gives paint these plates, and, as each one is sort of thing that you will want to of an ex-Senator from a State In the plied, “but it certainly struck-me that many ways open to inventive genius, the pain and tbat the tooth must have & very simple remedy for the misfor­ iron were somewhere near the freezing in the business.—]|few York Herald. passed dowu his throat while was was marked with the name of tbe adminis­ cling to for awhile. It won’t be neces­ Middle W est She was a widow when the need of coal for tbe production tune. “Go into a room where you will sary to interfere with them for a long the Senator first taet her, and he a point.” — ------^ 1 . E• s % 1 -Jr- of power will be done away with in unconscious. be quiet and alone, get some book that tration, each has a value. The china is in charge of the steward, and he is re­ time.” wMdower. It was th& afternoon of life Royal Typewriter. large part if not in whole long before will interest but not excite you, and “The rites and ceremonies may be with both of them, hut he wooed her Tbe Color of tbe British Flag. The Queen of England and tbe Czar England’s coal fields shall cease to A Load Interruption. sit down and read two hours aloud to sponsible to the Government for it. It Let the British listen to this story, of Bussia own beautiful typewriters of is rare that any of it gets out of the easily managed, but there are other with the ardor of a boy and the per­ yield their precious product. “I declare, Maria, this Is too irritat­ yourself, keeping your teeth together. things to which we can’t be recon­ sistence of a man. At one time she which, is an oldjyit true one. says a white enamel and gold, with keys of ing to be endured. I told you I didm Do the same thing every two or three White House, and therefore the ap­ writer In the London Post Two young ivory. The Queea Regent of Spain ia pearance of two plates in the auction- ciled.” had definitely made up her mind that Atmospheric impurity, says that want to be disturbed, and here some­ days, or once a week if very tiresome, “Haven’t we treated you well?” her duty forbade her to marry him, Boers were arguing about the color of said to use one for her correspondence. solid medieal authority, the London body has suddenly sprung a most In­ always taking care to read slowly and room recently caused comment. The “Yes. That’s the very point. Our and sbjp told him so. She^iPas the British flag. One said it was the In so ceremonious a court as -that of Lanoet, was largely responsible .for fernal clatter on me. What does it distinctly, moving the-lips, but not the price paid for them waa certainly re­ people will never in the world compre­ his pleadings, and he went away, ask­ Ion Jack, but the other declared it Spain, where phrases are long and the recent epidemic of influenza. “If mean?" teeth. Then, when conversing with markably low, in view of their value to hend a system that compels you to ing only that he mlmt give her some was"tb«- ensign. An old Boer listening weighty, It must be a welcome lahor- the proper ventilation of private “There wasn’t any clatter, my dear.” others, try to speak as slowly and dis­ collectors. chase an entire stranger over moun­ gift In token of blsi unalterable affec­ quietly settled—fhe question. “I’vo saver. ______! ■ houses, and especially of places of “W hat was it, then?" tinctly as possible, and make up your tains and through swamps in order to tion. She would accept nothing but a seen,” he said, “the British flag three business, were insisted upon by their “Why. I just happened to pass mind that you will not stammer. Well, Mistah Mose—I tell yo' dat Pom- feed him and show him a good time.” trifle—a book—she fhid; and a book he times—once at Laing’s Neck, once it How She Received Him. owners,” it says, “we should hear through the room in my new red-and- I tried this remedy, not having much pey’s pergressive! Jes’ look at him gave her. It was the most magnifi­ Majuba and .lastly at Doornkop—and Harry—I suppose your wife received much less than we do of the infectious yellow shirt waist, that’s all.” faith in it, I must confess, bnt willing puttin’ all his ground Is flowah beds! The Baby “ Inspired ” Them. cent edition to be had, and on the back each time it was white.” you with open arms last night, even if forms of so-called cold.” The im- “Well, don’t do it again.”—Cleveland to do most anything to cure myself of Mistah Smiff—What’s pergressive The officers hesitated. was emblazoned ihe title, “Paradise you were rather late? perfeot provision of ventilation in Plain Dealer. such an annoying difficulty. I read for ’bout dat? Mistah Mose—Why, he It was a deperate chance. L ost” / No woman believes she ever entirely Dick—Well, not exactly; but she had charehes and chapels is referred to two hours aloud with my teeth togeth­ won’t hab tub gc aftah chicbens now. The Filipinos were strongly in­ But later he a elded to his library— loses the girlish charm. her hands open, in the same connection by the Hos­ Brazil will exhioit 500 varieties at er. The first result was to make my Dey’ll come to him.—Kansas City In­ trenched in a position that seemed their library. In fact—-“Paradise When a girl kisses a man in public ttnctly, with the pital, which “considers such build* serpents at the Faris display in 1900. tongue and jaws ache, that is, while I dependent naturally impregnable. The American ealned."—Washington Post she does not mean it and crooked. - lives? Well, I struck a chap In St, HOMESPUN PHILOSOPHY^ Manila Hemp Net Hemp at All. Louis the other day, who ts going One of the most valuable products of The Spanish Instrument For Inflict­ down through that canyon this sum­ Observation* of Commonplace Tbisgi our < aew possessions, the Philippine Isl­ The Nickel Plate Road will run Its by the Atchison Globe Mas. ands, is what is called Manila hemp, ing the Death Penalty. mer and laugh at the frowning preci­ which is not hemp at all, but is obtained enteenth Annual Excursion to Ni* At the foot of the Prado and just pices and the turbulent waters that When a woman -with a little mane? from ' a plant belonging to the plantain Falls, Tuesday, August 15, tickets goo< east of the Presidio, in Havana, Cuba, dash their waves In the teeth of fate, marries a worthless hus’band, how she family. • Trees of three years’ growth turning until August 29, inclusive, is located what is known as the “car- or something like that. He has bis does strut. yield only about two-thirds of a pound of usual stop-over privilege at Chautat Every time we see a big Tine against ■Sbre each; a bale of 270 pounds, there­ Lake will be granted wi&out extra otu cel,” or county Jail. plans laid and his boats all ready, as fore, represeats the three years’ Produc­ Tickets will be sold to Toronto for The most interesting object at the far as tbe making of them is Sbncem- a wall, we wonder if there is a snake ;tion of about 400 trees. The Deering and to the Thousand Islands for 16.50. Carcel is the “Garrote,” the Spanish ed, and the only thing now that be is' hidden in it. twine mills at Chicago consume aa Im­ cure your sleeping car reservations e Instrument for inflicting the death pen­ putting' into final shape is tbe bal­ When an old bachelor who has been mense amount of this fibre, manufactur­ An Unexcelled Dining Car Service. 1 alty. It is kept in a separate room in loon.” good to his sisters, marries, how they ing ■ one-third of all the binder twine used ets good returning on any one of our 1 6 6 7?s Qui“ by off duty to~ his passion, and at the little word he criticise his wife! * in America. less Trio of Fast Express Trains. Ren headapne? a special box and packed away as a “The balloon?” exclaimed all the JI night, Mrs. Preston?” hurriedly had been so in the habit of calling her piece of machinery. Valentine, the scientific men at once. When a farmer sees a nice looking ber the date. Enquire Agents Ni Is there a bad taste in Protecting Sensitive Teeth. Plate Road for farther information. your mouth ? ^ questioned Dt. Attwood of the she felt herself giving away, her re­ chief “garroter,” who has garroted “The balloon is what I said,” con­ lawn in town, he sees nothing bat a * People who are tbe victims of sensi­ Then you have a poor head matron, as he paused at the foot solves slipping down, yet she made one over two hundred men, put the ma­ tinued the narrator. “You see, this nice patch of pasture. tive teeth that crumble and acquire appetite and a weak diges­ of the coilridor. ' desperate attempt at a rally. chinery together and explained the chap doesn’t propose to take any risks Baseball is like whist. You can un­ cavities readily may do much toward tion. You are frequently “Yes, after 6.” ' • “How dare you bring me out here on modus operandi of an execution. of having his boat dashed to pieces on derstand the game fairly well and still Slmen—Here’s a poo dizzy, always feel dull and checking this dental decay by the use lost his power of speet “I shall need her to-night,,, then. I such a pretense, Dr. Attwood?” The garrote* consists of a heavy the rocks and himself drowned as he not know much about it of a simple remedy. A bottle of milk drowsy. You have eold am sorry, but it can’t be helped; lt is . “Isabel,1" he whispered, for his arms wooden post standing up back of a goes * plunging through the mighty Hlkkok—Well, that fc hands aad feet. You get The proper thing for a man to do In of magnesia should be kept on the so sickly tin t a good nurse can not be were around her; “Isabel, I want you chair, both of which are firmly fas­ chasm and to avoid that he has rigged helping his wife entertain guests is to make a great naval c hut little benefit from your washstand, and each night, after phla North American. food. You have no ambition easily secured. Tell her to be at the to say you love me.” tened in a heavy platform. In the a balloon with capacity for gas enough pay the bills and get out of the way. bracing the teeth just before retiring, to work and the sharp pains main office downstairs at 7, and I will Her poor, tired head sank upon bis front end at the top of the post is a to lift him out of any wreck that may' When a girl has a new engagement some of it should be held in the mouth Try AU«n’s Foot-Base, of neuralgia dart through call for her,” and without further steel bar about twelve inches long occur and cary him to the top of the ring, she finds many occasions for feel­ for a minute, that it may reach each your body. words he hurried d<^wn the stairs, out shaped like an Indian’s bow, except canyon where he can get out as he ing if her back hair Is in good order. A powder to be shaken into the sh< What is the cause of aS side of every tooth. By this process At this season your feet feel swot through the great green swinging doors that In the centre of this steel bow is would out of any other balloon.' He Every one wonders why ten acoatingof the magnesia is formed over this trouble? a small steed knob about a quarter of aervous and he*, and get tired easily, of the hospital onto»the street. proposes to go through in a boat by years older than himself don’t put-tbeir the sensitive enamel, which is thus pro? Constipated bowels. an inch high and half an inch in di­ himself, and he will have himself fast­ you have smarting feet or tight shoes, _ “Miss Quimby,” said the matron a affairs in shape to be ready when death tected from the action of the acids that Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cools the feet few moments later, to a tall, slender, ameter. This knob is made to -fit into ened firmly to the balloon, but free to comes. makes walking easy. Cures in grow the hollow of the back of the head at move about in handling his boat, the form in the mouth during sleep. Tbe dark-eyed gjrl in nurses’ garb, as she If a girl finds fault with the fit of a magnesia will remain on the teeth for nails, swollen and sweating feet, blisl came from one of the wards with a the base, of the brain. Two iron bars balloon being anchored to the boat by young man’s clothes he can go on awl and callous spots. Relieves corns i connected with a contrivance running a sharp rope_holding it down close. three or four hours. Washing the mouth bunch of towels over her arm and a get a marriage license without further with a solution of bicarbonate of soda bunions of all pain and gives rest i cup Ifl'lier hand, ‘*Dr.- Attwood has just through the strong upright post run This rope the naVigjitor will cut or dis­ preliminaries. comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all di out past the ends of this bow, and at engage at once should his boat be after eating sour fruits or salads is gists and shoe stores for 25e. Trial pa told ihe that he will nee#you to-n!§ht. There comes a time to every married also recommended by dentists, as the the end o f one of the bars is a kind wrecked, and his balloon will simply woman when she has' to use a sort of age FREE. Address Alien 8. Ohns He wants you'to be.at the main office soda, like the magnesia, counteracts LeRoy, N. Y. downstairs at 7,;;aiid‘he will call.” of throat-latch, resembling a slightly float up out of the chasm, and there he iaith euro on her belief in her hus­ bent bridle bit. is safe on terra flrma, or near enough the injurious effects .of the acid upon “Very welL” *” . ;. band’s affections. the enamel<—Harper’s Bazar. Isabel Quimby was the daughter of The criminal’to be executed is seated for any ordinary purposes. Now, isn’t Some women raise babied without the in the chair and his head placed be­ that a safe way of navigating the slightest trouble, while others make parents that had oace beep wealthy, tween the iron bars back against the rapids of that or any other river?”— Low Rates to Pacific Coast Points. but her father,; lil£e> so many men, In such a Job of it that it distresses you The Nickel Plate Road sells excursion endeavoring, to gain by speculation, steel bow with the knob fitting into Detroit Free Press. to look at them. tickets at special low rates to San Francis­ the hollow of his neck. The blt-snaped It always makes a daughter mad to co and all Pacific Coast Points. Through lost everything—tbeir beautiful home bar is brought across the throat and and their place,in society atootig the see her mother obey her father, and Palace Sleepers and Superb Dining Car fastened to the end of the opposite bar she vows she will show more “spirit” Service via the Jfickel Plate Road. Ask’ rest. Her father, to wJiQntrthe humilia­ VAIJf DID HE PLEAD. with a bey which prevents any possi­ Fishermen Clans That H*tc - Been Agents. ______%______will give you prompt relief tion was far worse tbaqj^tre mere pav- Quarreling; Ever Since 1785. when she has a husband. and certain core. bility of its getting loose. Tne man’s .erty, did not survive thg!Hfearful strain shoulder, and their lips, after long The killing of Bain Webster, a There are few girls of sixteen who No M ystery A hoot It. months of separation, met. head is thus virtually placed in a steel study a foreign language who are too “But after you had knocked down laid upon him, and In lfess than two collar. His hands are tied in front of Deal’s Island oysterman and crabber. If you have neglected your months died,' leaving. Isabel and her “Yes, I love you, Hale,” she murmur­ In Holland’s Straits, on the Somerset smart to talk about it, in order to im­ the two or three policemen who had case s long time, you had ed, and the sleepy old horse enjoyed It, him and iron anklets at the end of press those sitting near them with cornered you, and could have escaped better take mother nearly'penniless. chains are slipped upon him so that County (Md.) shore, by the captain or , Th^n the foung girl, putting pride too, for he had a chance for a little mate of the Dorset oyster police boat their ability. by running from the flat yotfwere try­ he is firmly bound to the chair. Noth­ Charitable people attribute the fail- ing to rob,” inquired the magistrate, aad all its accompanying sensitiveness nap. ing is put over his eyes and he is left Folly, attracts attention to the pecul­ 'Ut her pocket, entered the St. Albans iar conditions existing in the lower are of a bachelor to his lack of a wife bent on getting the facts In the case, It will remove1' all to see and hear all that goes on around “how .did it happen that you surren­ Hospital, a® institution in her native Sbe Fought tn. tbe Trenches. him. Chesapeake. For many years, It is to act as an incentive, and the failure les that have btea Mrs. Mary La Tourette Stotsenburg, of a married man to the domestic bur­ dered so tamely to this undersized of­ listing in your blood city; as nufse. The tall, beautiful girl The contrivance at the back of the said, there has been an intermittent In her dark dress, with white apron widow of Colonel John Stotsenburg, of war between the Somerset County and dens he carries. ficer In citizen’s clothing?” 11 greatly strengthen post connecting with the iron bars “I thought he was the janitor,” said and cat), and her rieh, heavy hair colled Xew Albany, Ind., bears the distinc­ passing each side of the neck and the Accomac County (Va.) oystermen, Investigate the habits of the man about her,shapely head, and her beauti­ tion of having been often under fire on which, has resulted in the loss of some who believes that he could do better the captured burglar. drawing the bit-shaped instrument up In some other State, and you will find ful face so'earnest and tender, was al­ the firing litae around Manila.' When against the tnroat looks like a great lives and the destruction or confisca­ most a tonic to those she was called to Colonel Stotsenburg went to the Phil­ tion of much vessel property. The that he is the last one of his family Hall’s Catarrh Cure auger, except that1 the handles are out of bed in the morning. nurse. ippines his wife accompanied him, and, slightly bent backward to give the op­ Somerset people claimed that under Is taken Internally, Price 75 cents. Before her father’s failure she was arriving there. Insisted on being per­ erator greater leverage, llie threads the compact of 1875—a compact noted You can still find women who believe engaged to. Hale Attwood, a young, mitted to accompany her husband in of this auger-like contrivance are of In United States history as the first that a mother does not live up to the rising doctor, very successul and pop­ the subsequent campaigns. Sbe went brass, and very strong; they rtm entered into by free and sovereign traditions of motherly goodness unless Lady—Here! you promised to saw ular, and connected with the St. Al­ as a nurse, with the consent of General Stateq, and which is unique jp the his­ the children can leave molasses candy through the spiral grooves of a heavy on the parlor chairs. some wood if I gave you something bans Hospital. But it had been a hard Otis, but on many occasions she had to brass-lined collar at the back of the tory of treaties In America-1-they had to eat. As Black I f ] Y E struggle with him, for he was poor— spend hours in the trenches with the post, so that when the handles are an equal right of fishery In the whole Tramp (from Boston)—Your Indis­ that is, in comparison with her father's troops. turned it dJ*aws the throat-latch tight Pocomoke and Potomac rivers with ABOUT SLEEP.- criminate use of the English language the Virginians. The Virginia cyster- health. After the crash was over nnd Letters from Manila to relatives, up against the 6teel bow if nothing is 8 ome Queer Thins* in Regard to is positlvefy painful, madam. I have Pueblo, and Utah Points. i^ilYourWhiskers written months ago, tell of instances in men and police were in the habit of A N atural Black w itb she found that he intended her to keep placed between them in the same way “-'“•tore's Soft Nurse.” / fulfilled my obligation to the letter, In­ Through Palace Sleepers and unex< her prdtnise to him. she told him one which the plucky woman was caught that turning the lever of a letter-press resisting whal they regarded as an en­ One of the most remarkable facts to\ asmuch as I saw the wood immediate­ Dining Car 8ervioe via the Nickel Buckingham’s Dye* night, as th«*^ stood in the parlor of during different engagements and was brings the upper and lower parts to­ croachment on theif rights, after tbe be found In the history of sleep consists ly after finishing my dessert while Road. Special low rates. Ask A 50 crtm. of druggitt* or R. P. Hall 4t Co.,Nuhua.N .H. the poor little suite nf rooms she and forced, with her escort, to drop in the gether. treaty had been, as it was claimed, ab­ in the utter inability to resist its onset gazing in the direction of the wood pile. Nickel Plate Road lor particulars. tranches, where she lay, with the bul­ rogated by the Federal laws. Finally, her mother had hired, that she could This part of the mechanism is kept In cases of extreme fatigue. ' Several Bon jour, madam. Soonrnts not marry him, for, in so doing, she lets whistling over her head. On dif­ highly oiled, and its parts work with a line was run between the two States, dver the waters In controversy, by the remarkable instances are given Id ferent occasions she could not restrain perfect freedom. One-half of one revo­ which persons have continued to walk- Photographers, Bring Your Cameras, her enthusiasm, and, although she does Black-Jennings Commission. How­ And attend the Annual Convention of the lution of the handles does the deadly ever, the Somerset oystermen persist­ onward while sleep has overcome them, not make reference to it, reliable re­ work. A heavy can was placed in the the automatic centers of the brain evi­ Photographers’ Association at Celeron, ports tell of her seizing a rifle from a ed in crossing the line, and were fired N. Y., July 17th to 22nd. One fare for collar and given one quick turn to il­ upon, captured jailed and their ves­ dently controlling and stimulating the round trip via Nickel Plate Road. Your dying soldier and doing very effective lustrate the working of the garrote. muscles when consciousness itself had choice of a Pc-erless Trio of F**t Express work.—Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. The can was smashed in an instant. sels confiscated by the Virginia au­ thorities. The Somerset oystermen been compltely abrogated. It Is record­ Trains Daily. Ask Agents. In the same manner a man’s neck is constantly appealed to the authorities ed that at the battle of the Nile, amidst Style of Address. Instantly broken, one or more of the of Maryland for armed aid, but noth­ the roar of cannon and the fall of Bettinsr Right at the Start. “ I had female com­ With regard to the style which vertebrae being forced out of position ing could be done for them. A few wreckage, some of the ovferfatlgued “I see,” remarked Dedbroke, “that should be adopted in addressing mar­ and the spinal cord crushed or sev­ boys serving the guns with powder fell you advertise an up-to-date boarding ered. years ago the' long-pending contro­ ried women, a controversy has arisen versy was permanently settled by a asleep on the deck. Dr. Carpenter gives house. I suppose that refers to the plaints so bad that it in Germany. (There are. In the lan­ The platform on which the garrote declsipn of the Supreme Court of tbe another instance of allied kind. In the service and appointments?” guage of the Fatherland, four names is placed has seven steps, and the United States upholding the Virginia “No, Indeed,” replied the landlady; black coat of the executioner has seven course of the Burmese war the cap caused > me j to have whereby that class may be designated side. tain of a frigate actively engaged in “that refers exclusively to the board­ —gemahlin (consort), gattin (spouse), white stripes representing them. ers. I don’t keep any one who gets be­ When public executions took place Since then the war has been trans­ combat fell asleep from sbefer exhaus­ hysterical fits; have had frau (lady), and welb (w ife).' To save ferred to tbe waters lying between the tion and siept soundly for two hours hind.”—Philadelphia Record. the not infrequent disputes and heart­ the garrote was erected in the plaza counties of Dorset and Somerset, in at the side of the prison, and some­ within a yard of one of the biggest Chantanqna Lake Excursions. burnings which arise from imperti­ Maryland. The people of the former guns, which was being actively worked as many as nine in ope nence and ignorance in the use of any times at Santa Clara Battery. A priest The Nickel Plate Road Svill run excur­ claim that the Somersetians boldly during his slumbers. It is a matter of sions to Lake Chautauqua July 7th, good of these terms, it is now proposed that was always in attendance, and gave fish in their waters, with an outcrop­ the signal for the execution. As soon common medical knowledge that ex­ returning August 8th, and July 28th, good day. one shall be officially allotted to each ping of the old predatory spirit which, treme exhaustion In face "of the sever­ returning August 29th, at special low of the recognized gradations of the as the man was killed a black mantle before the battle of Chester River, in was thrown around him to shut off est pain will Induce sleep. Here the rates. For further particulars see Agents. « Five bottles of “scale social.” In this manner, a gen­ which Captain Tom Howard, com­ imperative demand of the body—-a de­ eral’s wife shall be known as his “con­ the gaze of the public. The last ex­ mander of the oyster navy, and late a mand implhnted, as we have seen, Id Ontward and Visible 8 ien. sort,” she of an official of the next ecution with this garrote was that of a lieutenant In the volunteer navy, at­ *the constitution of our frames—asserts “The whisky you have been drinking Lydia E. Pinkhain,| lower grade shall be that happy per­ highwayman, on January 14, 1898. tacked a big . fleet of dredgers, sunk 4ts influence; and even pain, the ordin- lately must have been aged bj some son’s “spouse,” the middle-class part­ There is nothing in the look of Val­ several of their vessels and put the entine particularly cruel. He goes jary conqueror of repose, has In Its turn powerful process.” ner becomes her husband’s “lady,” and rest to flight, made the “oyster pi­ “Why?” Vegetable Compound would be but putting one more obsta­ about the work in a practical way. rates” of the Chesapeake Bay known to succumb. One of the most extraor­ cle In his path to fame, since the the workingman’s helpmate is simply When asked how the men seated in dinary cases in which the overruling “It has given you a nose In six his “wife.” throughout tbe United States. There weeks that many a man has been years wealth she had intended should help the chair with the steel collar about power of sleep was ever exemplified cured me and it has _ have been several collisions, resulting In acquiring.” him was gone. She felt it her duty to Preferred for Reasons. their necks acted and whether he felt in homicide, between the Dorset and was that of Damiens, condemned for break the engagement. In vain did he A discussion whether “gotten” or sorry for them or no, he said th at Somerset oystermen. The recent kill­ treason in Paris in 1757. He was bar­ been a year since I had many of them trembled until the gar­ Piso’s Cure for Consumption is the only plead and remonstrate. She was firm, “got” were the preferable participle, ing is claimed to have been done by barously tortured, but remarked that and nothing that he could say could in rote shook, and sometimes he was cough medicine used in my house.—D. C. received a practical solution, at least Captain Insley of the Folly, who had the deprivation of sleep had been the Albright, Mifflioburg. Pa., Dec. 11, ’93. an attack. anywise change her mind. sorry and sometimes he was not.— pursued several alleged Somerset greatest torture of all. It was reported for the telegraphic service, from the Franees Drake in New York World. There had been one more such scene experience related of a college pro­ crabbers from Dorset waters to the that he slept soundly even in the short Of all virtues, magnanimity Is the firs. Edna Jackson, ^ when she entered the hospital, with fessor who preferred “gotten.” He had Somerset shore, although Mate Con­ Intervals which elapsed between his rarest; there are a hundred persons of the same result Then ho had grown telegraphed to his wife,'some miles up ner of the Foilclaims that he shot periods of torture. Among tbe Chinese merit for one who willingly acknowl­ cold, and they began to pas3 each other town, “I have gotten tickets for the Webster, thinking his captain was In a form of punishment for crimes con­ edges It in another.—Hazlitt. on the steps or in the long corridors opera to-night; meet me there.” The mortal danger. sists In keeping the prisoner continually with merely a nod, and in time the mea­ telegraph operator rendered this into, The case promises to be a cause cele- awake, or in arousing him Incessantly Kxcursons to Chantanqna ger civility wore a w ay and he appear­ bre in criminal annals of the eastern after short Intervals of repose. Afte* On July 7th and 28th. The Nickel Plate ed to recognize her no more than one “I have got ten tickets,” et cetera. Mrs. Professor was delighted with the shore. Efforts will be made to have the eighth day of snch sleeplessness Road will sell excursion ticket at special of the other nurses. the oyster prolicemen indicted and low rates to Lake Chautauqua. Tickets opportunity of.entertaining her friends, one criminal besought bis captors to will be good returning August 8th and 29th It had been very sickly, tbe wards tried in the Somerset court, and, of put him to death by any means they were full, and doctors and nurses were and accordingly made up a party of respectively. Be sure and visit this beau­ eight beside herself, whose greetings couse, the f Dorset partisans will rally could choose or Invent, so great was tiful summer resort on one of these occa­ catching bits of sleep over their meals to tbe defense. his pain and torment due to the ab- or at any convenient time. Isabel had to the professor at the rendezvous sions. Ask Agents. were perhaps more cordial than his Deal’s Island, where Webster lived, sence'of “nature’s soft nurse.” Persons had but one night off during the week, is said to be one of the queerest com­ If the trusts could get the earth they and all day she had been looking for­ feelings until things were explained. engaged la mechanical labor, soch as munities to be found in the Unfted attending a machine tn a factory, have would probably insist on the poor ward to 6 o’clock, when she would be He now makes one exception to his customary use of “gotten.” States. Its Isolation, tbe fact th at all often fallen asleep despite the plain man's fencin’ it iu for ’em. HOK SEEKERS' free to go home for one night’s rest, its inhabitants are engaged in the oys­ but now this summons had come, and record of pains and penalties attending ter and other fisheries, tbeir frequent such a dereliction of duty, to say noth­ iAdier and Gents' Alomimnn Memo Book*. Your from him. Intermarriages, tbe lack of immigra­ initial and floral rtwjni; hand engraved. Kvc by m ail ing of the sense of personal danger Standard Aluminum Co„- (Isa; 115-121 8 13Ci Sc, EXCURSIONS Promptly at 7 she opened the office tion to the island or of emigration from which was plainly kept before their New York City. door. He was waiting for her. Without it, combine to make it peculiar in the eyes.—Harper’s Magazine. To Western Points, a- word otherwise than a civil saluta­ highest degree. It was the house of The first indication of domestic hap­ tion they passed out through the doors Joshua Thomas, the “parson of the Proof o f It. piness is tbe love of one's home.—Monr- and down the steps. Silently he helped islands.” who was told by General The art of “putting two and two to­ losler. her into the sleigh and took his seat by Ross, in the British Invasion of 1814, gether” Is humorously exemplified in Tbe Nickel Plate Road her side. Not until they were well out that he proposed to “eat bis supper in this dialogue from tbe New York Baltimore or in hades.” The Metho­ Offers speoial low rates to Lynn, Mass., of the central portion of the city and Weekly: July 12th to 19th, account Annnal Meeting making their way toward the suburbs dist parson let his patriotism get the Mrs. De Gree—How did you manage Young People’s Christian Union, Your did he speak. Then it was of the case better of his religion, and prayed for to get home so early to-night? Too choice of a Peerless Trio of Fast Express itself; what he wished to be done, and tbe latter alternative. Ross was killed Trains Daily. See Nickel Plate Agents. at North Point, and to this day Deal’s said there were to be a number of ini­ about tbe medicines; after that he re­ tiations. laxed into silence again. It seemed to Island believes that be fell*In answer A husband wbo goes to market with to Parson Thomas’s appeal to the god Mr. De Gree (prominent Mason}— her that fate could not have placed her The initiations bad to be postponed. his wife makes a marter of himself. In a harder position—beside the man of battles. All tbe regalia, draperies, and so forth extra charge, la she loved with all her soul and being, had mysteriously disappeared. HAIB CAKSrunali and yet to whom, by her own mandate, ansa* City without I I 1 I I’ Mrs. De Gree—Aha! Now I’ve found SThU Is your eltiacs ‘ Did you ever run across an old letter ? she could not speak one word of the out arf about you Masons! So it’s true, muateats with us. , Ink all faded ont. Couldn’tliave been love that was making her tremble now. after all, and you said it wasn’t. lO.erto.OMo. She believed sbe bad never'sen him so t Mr. De Gree—What’s true? R. G. Thompson. P. A "I. A., CARTER’S INK cool and self-possessed before. Once Mrs. De Gree—You keep a goat. K»ri Wayne, Ind. - I T DOESN’T FADE. £ as they passed a street lamp she had AU ihe 'worldAdmires “staying power.” A.F. WOLFSCHLAeZB, P.AT.A j Costs you no more than p o o r ink. Might E glanced Into his face, silhouetted On this quality success depends. The _ , IMtroit, Mich. . as well have the best. IT against the light, and it had been deep The Peoplo Who Say “Smart.” blood is the best friend the heart has. TBo'S t'OLI.KW, P. A T. An The French are very proud of having la thought. A t la st she ventured a re­ Hoo Tl» I'ertodlcnl Monthly Regulator never darkness, for she felt a hot flush a rope an inch in diameter it tfpuld and on It was a huge ticket Inscribed I fall*; write for free box; enclose 4c in st’miis. form a snakelike roll, which, following Chemical t o . B<.x 70. Milwaukee, w is. spreading over her face. in flaring capitals, “Smark” !” This the line of the equator, would go thirty wa*a canine variation. Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt’s Nae “I did not say,” he said, slowly, turn­ times around the earth. ing back to his horse; “I did not say A Hot-l»;ij Wish._ In the Wilds of Missouri. Honesty.” Common Sense Dic­ 1^— . Oh, Isabel. I have brought you Tourist—I understand the buffalo and out here to-night that I may plead with I want no bonds at ’steen per cent, 1 want no lands of broad extent, other large game Is almost entirely ex­ you just once more. Thel-e is no pa­ tinct in the West. tates the Use of tient except myself, and no medicine Xor palace grand nor rich pagoda, But I want ten barrels of ice cream soda, Native (of St. Louis)—Reckon you on this earth can cure me but you; my —L. A. W . Bulletin. heerd ’bout right, stranger. Outside of dear.” poker there haln’t no big game left For a moment the young girl w as W hen you hear foola abused, take ’round these here parts wutb Bpa'ien' fairly carried away ty the torrent of some of it to y*'Or self. bf. . ' A = = = = = Jt- n An Hour of Social Chat LYONS. Mrs. Albert Drew of Chicago is vis­ » Winamee Department Store News. iting friends here. With Our Neighbors. Orisa Marlatt attended the C. E Convention at Detroit. U r g e n t The Misses Cora and Frankie Harts­ Hurrah for All ihe Hews Gathered a&d Condensed Beady horn of Fort Wayne are visiting in , < % r - this locality. to the Taste of Eapid Headers. Tbe home of Edgar Willson north­ July Trade! west of town, w^w completely destroy­ Laces, Ladies Belts and All the Hews From the People^For the People. ed by fire last Sunday. ju«t r»- A nine pound boy came to celebrate ceived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hough­ No Comirines in • Big Buckles, Beauty Pins, Shirt L » « of SWANTON. PLATTSTON. ton Furgeson last Tuesday. Waist Sets, Collar and Cuff L. M. Higins our Principle of our No Trusts in Our Minnie Batdorf spent the 4th at Plattston did not celebrate. school has rented Mrs. Cottrell’s brick r Buttons, Fancy and Plain Ho­ Archbold. H. H. Hayes is rebuilding his big house for the coming school term. Minnie Phillips is visiting relatives barn. Fred Slater joined the Wauseon W e pay the highest market price in UA.SH for*.your siery, Handkerchiefs, etc. at Edgerton. Jno. Segrists were at G. W. Platts Drum Corps to furnish the national Gents Summer Shirts, Suspenders, Gauze Underwear Miss Laura Price is spending a few Sunday music of the day at Napoleon the 4th. uets. W e sell you goods at the lowest possible prie** Hosiery, Pants, Overalls, Hats and Caps. days in Wauseon. Mrs. Maria Bill&gs visited at Tom No serious accidents occurred at iThe bove goods C. H. Sanderson and wife celebrated Goodwins Friday. Lyons on the 4th. An awning badly ' 0 > , . rS+L -t : 'were bought for at Detroit, Mich. Will Agston and wife of Winameg, burned, two or three cases of sun •MiMMMMMWNMMM CASH and I can Martin Fela and Ralph Schlatter Sundayed at Geo. Morr’s. stroke, one son struck another. make the very low­ est cash prices. were in Detroit Tuesday. Mrs. E. Dickerson was tbe guest of THE DEACON ! , Kate Hatfield and Emma Mrs. Jonas Seymour one day recently. This exciting Drama will be present- | NO ONE CAN t*. U ' ** Puhl were at Soledo, Tuesday. James Taber and wife of Toledo, CARMON’S HALL, SELL CHEAPER Mrs. B. Y. Ludlum is entertaining called at Plattston Sunday morning Rea her mother, Mrs. Wales, of Clyde. on their wheels. On Saturday evening, July 8, for the benefit of Lyons Cornet Band. Ad­ «« U John Smith and May Taylor were E. J. Smith and family, and Wes mission 15 and 10 cents. among tbe Detroiters on the 4th. Russell and wife attended the Radical We sell the best Sunbonnet i i town. « ' a a Prof. &iy of Adrian has been en­ Myrtle and Clara Southard of Tole­ U. B. quarterly meeting at Bethel Ridge Saturday and Sunday. gaged to carry out wbat he failed to We sell the best Fruit Jars in town. « M ft do are guests of Mrs. B. F. Ludlum. do on the 4th, owing to the accident which disabled his balloon, to maki « t* his ascension about sunset, Saturday I Want Your Wife IE TAYLOR. July 8. Everybody come in early. «« u ------Or some of your daughters to call at my store next H. H. Hayes is remodeling his barn. week. 1 have a special, fine quality of TEA, and I Ralph Manning is building an Tes, Lyons celebrated; an immense crowd io the afternoon and evening; ------want yOu to try it. Every lady caller next week w ill------addition to his house. Children’s day exercises at Salem ------RECEIVE A TRIAL SAMPLE, FREE. Don’t ------last Sunday night. everybody appeared patriotic and hap­ Miss Herma Merrill is a little better ------i be backward in speaking about It, ------Geo. Free and wife visited over Sun­ py. Can’t say it was an old fashioned at this writing July 3rd. 'f . day with his brother John in Dover celebration, especially compared with m I WANT YOU TO HAVE IT. T. M. Caza’s threshing outfit arrived twp. tbe first one ever held in Royalton by ■ «. r f li V here last week. It is a Buffalo Pitts. We make low pries on Prints *■ Henry Seymour is home spending our old pioneers 59 years ago last A t the same you will find very low prices , * Tuesday, at that time there was no ft u ti u * & + , Mrs. David Slater and children of the 4th with relatives and friends. quoted o^anything we have. Ogden Mich., visited at John Slater’s Lyons and the people from far and Muslin (» • . this week. Sunday visitors : Jim Williams and near congregated at the home of But­ u tt it wife, tJohn Murray and wife, and Jas. “Dress*€tood8 Mr. Wm. Deck who has been work­ ler Richardson, one mile east of where tt ti Taber and wife at O. Taber’s. T. L. Lyons now stands; everyone brought tt « B.M. Malone, Caraghar ing near Wellington, returned home Aumend and wife at M. G. Aumend’s; Shoes We pay -he H Saturday evening. refreshments, a long table placed in u tt a tt Mrs. Geo. Seymour at Liberty; Mr. tbe front yard, and heavily laden with for 6raii, Wool Mr. J. Ruth reports tbe earliest cab­ Carpets Sturtevant and family at W. H. Se- more than enough to feed the crowd. bage raised in this vicinity. He hav­ u u tt ft grist’s. A poll was raised and the stars and Curtains ing had a mess Sunday. As we begin this quarter, new and stripes floated from its top, no brass tt tt tt t* B. F. Richards continues to Improve very interesting suggestions are made band, no bicycles, no beer, no dancing “ Groceries the appearance of his farm by re-roof­ for the class study, looking to the betr and no peanut stands to mar the u <« ft ft ing and re-siding his barn. ter instruction of all scholars of our pleasure of tbe occasion. Its very Capes ’ -4 Sunday school. Everybody made wel­ evident that the fellows that put j V come. S. S. at 0:45 and preaching at Pratt’s barber poll up in the band {IK 10:45 a. m. stand, had been somewhere, from the COLTON.______i occasion. A hot and dusty 4th. Farmers are harvesting what little BATDORF. wheat they have. OTTOKEE. Jewett, Bement and Cribb & Saxton’s Stoves. Wilson Air Tight Heaters. Oscar Mason went to Toledo to cele­ A good line of Men’s POULTRY : : Full Line of Crockery. Fine line of Undertaking Goods. I deliver Dr. Walker has returned to Colton Daniel Brown is in Michigan. after a year’s absence. brate the 4th. goods to any part of the county. David Berkeybile’s entertained Have bad fine weather for haying. Bring your Broilers to my Mrs. Sarah Shoup and Miss Alma Gauze Underwear at friends from Michigan Sunday. Wauseon was quiet again this 4th. Thompson are in Toledo. F. A. SEELEY, METAMORA, 0 E. E. Dunbar and wife and C. Kauf­ Wheat harvesting is progressing you Sblloh Band played at Riverside Market I will pay man and family visited at G. A. Hall’s finely. Hull’s. Best in t o n , park at Texas on the 4th. ■ / DELTA WHITE Sunday. Many Ottokee people at Tedrow on Mrs./ Wm. Poling of Greenstown WYANDOTTE Poultry Yard H. B. Davison S. P. Berkeybile delivered a very the 4th. See them. Our 25 cent Ind., visiting friends here. 12 Cents a Pi Files Saws, Repairs Furniture, able and sympathetic sermon at the The 4th is past and now to business Fine Breeding Stock for sale. James Eiger and wife of Toledo are Cleans and Repairs Sewing Ma­ G. B. church Sunday. to be ready for 1900. Bring all of your poultry, live.»and dressed. I buy and dress Eggs for Hatching in season. spending the 4th With their parents. Garment is a beauty. chines, Dresses tools etc. J. C. Good and wife of Galt, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Beecber visited in market only the very beat Steers Id tne country and sell at the I Grace and Bertha Shannon of Tole­ D slta, O. x M . B. HATTO N. Shop 3 doors east of Pommert House. are visiting friends here and in Wau­ Michigan last week. prices. do spent a few days here w ith relatives THE FEAR OF A MOUSE. seon. Their son Melvin, has been Mrs. J. N . Marsh of Wauseon was and friends. -• very sick. < I mm iM tu w W here It M ale a Lom«- buried here Monday. Another one of tie of a Woman. , L H ~Wj Mrs. Dukes of Swanton and Mrs. Hurrah, hurrah, Batdorf just like the old residents gone. Ebersole of Toledo called on old other towns, hagi a celebration on the A mouse bas long been known to be neighbors here last week. D. K. Numbers and wife, Ray Num­ ihe bitterest enemy of womankind. 4th and a big one for so small a town. bers, E. H. Larnard, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. • nst why the average run of femininity SEE THIS RIVETI Rev. Miller, wife and daughter of The boys congregated together and Hartman and Miss Losor were at To* should fear snch a helpless, harmless Liberty Center visited at the home of popped firecrackers, older ones were ledo Monday. little creature cannot be explained. Mrs. Mary Burdue, Friday. telling old 4th of July stories and Dnring tbe civil war a famous female JEW AMWALS! We went to the country on the 4th still others were helping Mr*. R. B. spy was betrayed through the instru­ Joel Overmier, south' of town suf­ to get out of the racket and into the Batdorf prepare dinner, and it was a mentality of a mouse. Tbe woman was fered a stroke of paralysis Friday. quiet. Too much going on in town This was the second attack. dinner right as she knows what makes masquerading as a boy and succeeded for our nerves...... a good 4th of July dinner. I t was a admirably in deceiving the enemy un­ Imported Madras, exclusive designs, Negligee Shirts til one evening while dining with a good time. Again we are called upon to record BWitts Witch H»*el Salved.' Just the kind for hot weather, a fatal accident. Mr. Scarbrough of party of men at a farmhouse a black D eW itts mouse jumped from a cupboard to tbe K odal P y i m m ) I SINEY. Tedrow lost his life on the evening of Brass Atow s e r.i....•J '. table, almost in the face of tbe sup­ S Shovel Ci- tiv. the 4th by the premature discharge of Attachments, H , ■ Ella Higley is visiting her aunt, MILROY posed boy. With a shrill feminine Get. our Prices on B inder Twine. Price, $1.50 Mrs. Bartley Kehoe, at Toledo. a sky rocket. [A full account else­ shriek the spy threw up her arms and Corwin Brailey spent Sunday with where in this paper.—Ed.] rushed across tbe room, and, springing Mrs. Jas. O’Neill entertained Mrs. on a couch, went into hysterics from H. Parent and Mrs. Carter Monday. Vera Brailey. S AMUEL EVERETT & SON , sheer fright. The men, of course, sus­ LYTTOW• 5 * 1 SILK= FRONTS. I Miss Maud Forrester spent Satur­ E. B. Milroy and wife were in Tole­ VINAMEG. pected her and, rather than be searched, day with her aunt, Mrs. Clara Tiney. do over Sunday. she confessed, but by the aid of the loy­ Bosom made from Very Mrs. Henry Hines and mother were Jno. Spades Bpent the week with Elmer Sindel recently sold a two- al old farmer and his wife she made her Notice. to Well escape in the night , SMITHERS’ RETORT. guests of her daughter, Mary Parent, his brother at Tedrow. year-old heller, fresh, for $55. SEALED BIDS will to received j Best Grade Domestic Silk. Chas. Arnsbarger and Wife spent A well known woman physician of HI* tanutle Reflr to the Private flee of the Clerk of tbe Bosid cf 1 Sunday. Miss Julia Rupple of South Pike Chicago says she can do any kind of o f F u lto n tow nship, Kali Sunday with Ottokee friends. has been visiting ber sister at Morenci til 7 o'clock u. m.. Monday J Large Assortment of Pat- R. H. Wright and family spent the surgical work without a tremor, but Mr. Smitbers is a somewhat fastidious for the purpose ef construct!n| C. E. Brailey and wife spent a pleas­ for a few days. the sight of a mouse turns her strange­ school precises In sub-district terns at g| QQ Sunday at Arthur Steaver’s, at South young man who is looking for a new as "Cameroa" dtetrict. Well * Fairfield. ant afternoon at H. C. Canfield’s, Sun­ The 4th at Winameg was a success ly ill and thoroughly ‘“unwomans” her. boarding place. Smitbers can't abide ted accord:ng although tbe crowd was small, bu Another woman has such a terror of th e C lerk o ' sa J. R. Wright and family of Toledo day. tbe regulation boarding house, and al­ m e e t on M -nda; everybody had a good time. The mice tbat she recently went insane ways tries to live with a private fam­ purpose of open _ are spending the week ,a t Geo. Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Ellsworth of through fright at one of the wee crea­ cplved and for such^ot Colton were guests of Mrs. J. B. Cam­ forenoon was taken up with recita ily. He is now convinced that an “ad.M come before the: - Benin . Wright’s. tures. The woman was sweeping her which solicits boarders for a '‘nice pri­ r ig h t to re je c t a eron, Friday. tions, songs, etc. They failed to get cellar when a mouse darted out from Al, O., J u n e 27’I r l i e E i i i m STRAW HATS. Erwin Smith and wife were over at speaker for the day but in the after­ vate family’ * is often a snare for a stuffy Clerk < Leslie recencly visiting her sister, an oid barrel and ran about her feet double flat, inhabited by one «m ll fam­ noon bad a good old fashioned camp She tried to step on it and beat at it — Mrs. H. D. Robinson. ily and 84 boarders. Boys’ and Mens’ Straw SOUTH PIKE. fire. The old soldiers afford some good with her broom, calling piteously to Smithers called one day last week at Brainard Wright wheeled down to orators. her little boy to help her. But the boy, a place with a glowing description just Hats in ALL the Shades, Toledo Saturday to spend a few days H. B. Falor and lady visited at Oak B. F. E lliott and wife. Chas. La­ thinking sbe was in fun, frightened on the flank of Michigan avenue’s aris­ Our First Call the terrified mouse toward tbe woman Colored Bands, Fiie and with his brother J. R. Shade Sunday. Salle and wife, Ragan Elliott, Albar tocracy. whenever it tried to get away. At “Hum! Suspiciously like a boarding Omer Parents entertained their The farmers of this vicinity are all Elliott, Geo. Knapp, Claude Keller, length the Doy rushed at it in earnest Rough Braids. Prices, j parents on the 4th, Henry Hines and Lou Hines, Harve Jones, Erwin Tap- bouse, ” thought Smithers aa be took in This 1899th Year. busy making hay. and the mouse-darted under the wom­ the dimensions. A collarleas negro serv­ family and Henry Parent and wife. Miss Elsie Fouty is the guest of pan, Bob Tappan, Sim Evers, Harry an’s skirts and sbe fell to the floor in­ ant whc opened the door confirmed his sensible, only to lose her mind when at The little son of Frank Smallman’s Miss Iva Bixler. Double, Bud Dinius, Mabel Dinius, suspicions, but be had gone too far 50c 75c and $ 1.00 was badly scalded by a kettle of water Mabel Miller, Grace Auble Abbie length consciousness returned to her.— then to back out. A sharp nosed, snippy J. W. and J. E. Falor were at the Sigsby, Carrie Sigsby, Myrtle Law­ Cleveland Plain Dealer. EXTRA FINE Quality, recently and is in a serious condition. county seat Tuesday on business. landlady came in with a top lofty air. Willard Driskell and wife celebrat­ rence, Ruby Kirkman, Mary Barrett, I asked a maid in^air Bordeaux, “Er— ah, I believe I am mistaken,’ Each business venture of ours, Dr. Ramsey and wife of Delta visit­ be began. “I supposed I should find a past year, has met witp the univi $1.50 and $ 2 .0 0 ed the 4th at W. M. Baldwin’s; A. C. Ruby Yial, Altha Stoddard, Fie To marry me, I loved her seaux, ed with V. W. Weeks and family Watkins, Nora Champlain, Bertha Ah me, it was a crushing bleaux private family. By the advertisement approval of our multitude of Patrons. Wright and lady at Toledo, with his Tuesday. When she repled “ xou booby neaux" —hu-m”— Whenever we have seen fit to inaug- brother W. M. Champlain, Bernice Sindel, and Carrie ura Sipedal Sale, tlthe same bas been So thetf'I*journeyed to Cologhe, The laughter and the familiar board­ Generaliv.Patronized and the expres- and Daisy Shaffer enjoyed a couple of And I alas am still alogne. ing house hum of 14 clerks and ten FEDORAS. days at the river last week, the weath sions of approval convincevince us lat our EHERLIN6S CORNERS. lady stenographers came np from the mode of am ag business is er was hot but all had a good time. dining room in the basement The mis­ to our .natrons, and as we Just Received a New As­ PELTON. tress of the conglomerate ‘^private fam­ business for the sole approval of our Ethel Blair of Tedrow Sundayed Not long ago the Dublin Independent ily” drew herself up proudly. “ You customers, we start Bright and Early. sortment in Several Shades Miss Maud Murphey is on the sick with Pearl Williams. METAMORA. published the following obituary notice: are entirely mistaken, sir,” die assert­ Oar prices lowest in the state. list. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright were at “ Smith—On the 28th inst, Amy Jane ed in a grasping, $7 a week voice. and Shapes. Prices, Mary Smith, eldest daughter at John Remer YanPelt returned home to the corners Thursday. Clint Russell has moved out of “This is not a boarding house, although W E S E L L and Wilhelmina Smith, aged 1 day and we have a few friends living with us.” Rockwood Mich, last week. Rev. and Mrs. Krlng called on town. 2% hours. Tbe bereaved and heartbro­ A daughter has come to stay witb Smitbers sniffed the air There waa SI-50, 2.00, 2.50 Harvey Gray drove over to Texas.to friends here Wednesday. ken parents beg to tender their hearty a distinct odor of prunes and corned The Celebrated Myers Pomps, with attend the dance and, well, there T. J. Hoxie and daughter Bertha o t Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Davoll. thanks to Dr. Jones Jbr his unremitting beef. Class Valve Seat, wasn’t any. Mich., visited at Mr. Emerlings a few The 4th passed off very quietly here, attention during the illness of the de- f “Well, I must say,” he remarked as Clermont Stoves and Ranges, "Wash String Ties, for ceased, Mid for the moderate brevity of H. R. Pelton was in Wauseon last days. some of our people celebrating at be turned up bis coat collar and fled Painty Oils, and Glass, bis billf also m Mr. WilsQn for run down the steps, “that it smells like a Ladies and Gentlemen, at Monday on business and called on Jake Garman’s family and Grace Blissfield, on Monday, and some at ning fo*rthe doctor and to Mr. Robin­ Burch, 'Bryan, and Oliver Plows and Robert Richardson. Lyons, on Tuesday. boarding house, madam. ”—Chicago , Repairs, Garman of Indiana Sundayed at Ben son for i^ootnmepdingmustard plaster.” Inter Ocean. ______JTick Kline who has been in the em­ Screen Doom*' and Window Screens. George Lane and wife of Wauseon Bayes near Ai. * Mrs Honkley (severely)—It’s not Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, made Lenard Murpheys a pleasant ploy of E. C. Sanders as clerk |pr a * Moat F letuat Picture. 10 and 15 cents- Horsemen Attention! Photographers,’ in their constant study necessary for me to ask where yon were and all kinds of repairing. visit last Sunday and all drove to the long time, has bought an interest in and what you were doing last night Oil and Gasoline Stoves. Cooking Boy’s and Men’s Sweaters and Bike Hose, latest col­ The Trotting Stallion Pat Donovan will be tbe E. Franklin store, and will soor, of the faee, find that tbe left side makes River. atJobn P. Holts Livery Barn every Satur­ the more pleasant picture and that tbe Mr. Honklsy (brightening)—I’m glad made easy by using tbe Standard day during tbe season. H. O. PRATT, Pro. commence business for Nick.-* of that, for I couldn’t do it to save my­ Wickless Blue Flame Oil or and designs. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal., profile ao^ seen from the left gives a Stove. Mrs. Emaline Taylor Conklin, wid more correct liken ear than when view­ self.—Chicago Newa says: “During my brother’s late sick­ A. L. G U T H R IE , ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham­ ow of Robert Conklin, died on the 301) ed from the right Trlllm c Secrets. berlain’s Pain Balm was the only of June, at tbe home of her daughter The man who tells yon a secret and remedy that gave him any relief.” Contractor and Builder! Mrs. La Clare Champion. Funeral Don’t neglect your sanitary worl Lyons Hardware Many others have testified to the and endaogei'^fcur health. Alex For asks you not to tell doesn’t treat you Plans and Estimates furnished on services at the O. u, church at* 10 right He enjoys telling it and forbids prompt relief from pain which this short notice. est-wjll clean and cleanse your vaults, & liniment affords. For sale by Pratt o’clock Sunday morning. Rev. Smith your having jnst as gooi a time.— I h av e also TOLEDO 6 RICK, first and put them in a healthy condition. l y o n s ; J.IHI. Longnecker Co Bros. on h an d . *' officiating Atchison Globa ’ :1 ‘