ADDtUlfttmwtft LOCAL AFFAIRS Ellsworth Falls, and J. H. Crocker, of c urriitrmtnt®. Bangor. Nr.Vf AUVKKTHRMKNTN THIS WKKK.j The winter term of the high school and all the city schools will begin Monday, J A Cunningham—Notice. * Burrill H 0 Austin—Furniture. Jan. 5. Miss Lida A. True has been The National Bank C L Morsng -Dry good*. elected teacher of the School street pri- J A Haynes- Groceries. William E Whiting—Insurance. mary school. O A Pare OF her—Apothecary. Irene O. K will hold its an- ELLSWORTH A (loir.—Bakery. chapter, H., <.'ir«n«’i hotel. nual sale of aprons and home-made candy The Kohinson Co—Jewelry. Notice at Manning hall next Friday afternoon, "-Service annual—Notice. will 2 Probate you cent, on notice—William Foster Aptborp. from 2 to 5. Circle supper at 6.30, followed Safety pay The two factors worth per your Exec notice—George K. Farmer. j only considering in selecting a bank regular meeting. Admr notice—Henry K. Davis. by for the transaction of your business. Probate check balances of or notice—Jetinie Eliza Ilersey et als. Dr. E former $500 over, Notice of George Fellows, president foreclosure—Luman C shepherd. The Itsnkrupt's notice- George J Stafford. of the University of Maine and h summer ; UNION TRUST COMPANY of Ellsworth with a Non-resident interest tax notice -Orland. resident of Bayaide, has Just been in- i crediting; monthly —Hurry. Capital of $100,000 —Tremont. augurated hs president of Milliken uni- and service and Surplus Profits, $100,000 Unsurpassed monthly interest should be an versity, D.catur, 111. Stockholders’ —Southwest Harbor. Liabilities, $100,000 inducement Write ns State somp 44 —Swan's Island. to-day. amount as an VVivurna encampment, 1. O. O. F., will A for Bangor: protective capital depositors of over f300,000 with re- areraae balance and let u» elect officers next evening. Fol- sources of over both and show you what you are losing. Easiern Trust & Banking Co. Monday fl,600,000 provides safely service of the lowing the election, there will be work in highest standard. This is a convenient bank for the of Hancock and the royal purple d<-'r e. Luncheon will people SCHEDULE OF MAILS Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are 83 Main 9 to be served after work. AT men interested in tbe affairs of St., Hours, 4; Sat., 9 to 1. KI.LH WORTH PORTO F Ft CM. these counties. Their aim is to stimulate and assist in t he business In effect Sept. VS, JU 1.3. The regular tu« eting of the Wm. H. H. interests of Hancock and Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to stimulate Rice relief corps will be held MAILS KKCKIVRD. Thursday home industries and home enterprises. We are interested in evening. A large attendance is especially every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. AA our busi- From Wbst—7.13 a m; 4-14, 6.25 p in. requested, as important busiuess is to ness increases every year, it is proof sufficient of the satisfactory From East— 11.57 5 11.Oft, am; 47,10.52 p ra. service we render. If are not a customer we invite coine before the meeting. you already, mail closrs at postofficb you to become one. Ooirg Wrst—10.30, 11.30 a m; 5.15, »pm. Col. C. C. Burrill and wife will leave ! Going East— 5.46 a ni; 8.45, 6 pm. Monday to spend Christmas with their: Union daughter, Mrs. J. W. Tatley, in Montreal. Trust Company of Ellsworth, Me. Registered mail should be at 1914 postofflee half Col. Burrill will return the last of the an hour before mail closes. Banking but Mrs. Burrill It’s time to settle vour week, will remain for a hanking problems longer visit. for time to decide WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. 1914; that The East- In the item last week regarding assign- ment of ern Trust Banking Co. is the best all- For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, justices to the supreme court DereintHrr Id, 1913. terms in Hancock county, an error was round “Look most to No matter depository for YOUR funds ns [From observations taken at the power made. Chief-Justice Savage will preside your spending. how station of the Bar Harbor A, Union River at the Power C’o., in Ellsworth. April term, and Justice King at comes if more thousands of other firms, men and women Precipitation is much in, goes out, you will be (riven in inches for the twenty four hours ! the October term. always know ending at midnight; snowfall is, of course. I already by experience. We urge reduced to water.] Capt. Nehemiah H. Means, who is poor.” Weather Precip- spending the winter with his son, Capt. your prompt for Temperature condition* Ration Start a Account Nowand Let request particulars. E. S. Means, has sold his horBe. Capt. Savings the Interest Help You. 4 a in 12 m forenoon afternoon Nehemiah, who is in the ninetieth year Wed 19— 80- cloudy of his age, says he will worry along with- Thurs 34— 83— cloudy cloudy, fair HANCOCK CO. SAVINGS BANK out a horse until he his in — begins Fri 18— 81 cloudy farming the Hat 32 — 87— spring. ELLSWORTH, MAINE Established 1873. KASTKRPi. TRUST&BANKIXG CO Han 26- 43- The literature club met Monday even- I3AXGOR. ME. M on 23- 28 ing with Mias Mary A. Oaynor. Interest- 19— 27- fair cloudy ing were read Mrs. C. H. Gibbs BRANCHES AT OLD TOWN MACHJAS & DFXTER papers by introduced costume songs, choruses and COMING KVKNTS. on “William of Orange”, and by Miss M. dances. The cast of characters and the Rehearsals A. on ELLSWORTH. of the festival chorus have Hodgkins “Scheveningeti”. The program have already been printed in been suspended until Friday, Jan. 2. next meeting will be with Miss M. A. The American. The way-back ball Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at Baptist Dec. 29. Miss Mary A. Stuart returned last week Clark, which followed wa9 thoroughly enjoyed. vestry—Sale and supper, by Rose sewing from a visit of several weeks in Cura* Nokomis Kebekah lodge elected officers The affair was a gratifying financial suc- circle; supper, 20 cents. bridge, Mass. last evening as follows: Miss Helen Neal- Thursday. Dec. 18t 4 o’clock, at Congre- N. Mrs. Rena — Mrs. C. 1. Staples remains seriously ill. ley, G.; Staples, V. G.; Bangcr surgeons operating yesterday gational chapel Afternoon coffee and The Mrs. Annie Mrs. sale. Store” Mrs. of Springer, secretary; on Fred who was so seri- 10 centB. “Quality Nettie Thompson, Cherryfield, is Coleman, jr., Admission, Letitia treasurer. There will be a with her as nurse. Brown, ously injured by a fall last September, Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, at Masonic special meeting of the lodge on Dec. 30. found in the wound in his which hall—cale Miss Nellie Treworgy was a guest at a neck, by sewing circle of Irene chap- Circle supper for members at 6.30. had never of and In Christmas house party giveu by the Higma Nu fra- fully healed, pieces grass ter, O. E. S. selecting your J. A. Cunningham has sent out bark and of wood two inches ternity at Orouo, Saturday evening. Mayor splinters Saturday evening, Dec. 20, at Society notices calling attention of owners of long. It is hoped now the boy will re- Gifts be sure to look over our E. K. Hopkins and wife left Monday for hall—Dance. shade and fruit trees to the law requiring cover fully. Island Falls to spend the holidays with Monday evening, Dec. 29, at Hancock the clearing of all trees of brown-tail The services at the church next their daughter, Mrs. Heth T. Campbell. Baptist hall—Way-back ball. stock before moth nests before January 1. If the nests Sunday will be in with the deciding. P. H. has the keeping Bonsey opened Elmwood are not the Wednesday, evening, Dec. 31, at Harvest destroyed by property owners, thought of the Christmastide. The pas- boarding-house on Water street, and is Home grange hall, West Ellsworth— the city is required to destroy them and tor will preach at the morning service, runuing the stable in connection with it. Dance and supper. THIS LIST WILL HELP: assess the cost against the property. and there will be special music by a vested Mrs. Burke Brown, who was called Dec. at Nicolin Mary Kggs have taken a decided slump in the choir of children’s voiceB in addition to Wednesday evening, 31, here the death of her B. F. Baskets. by step-father, local market within the past week, drop- the music by the regular choir, which will grange ball—Dancefand supper. Rugs, Pictures, Mirrors, Mockers, Rocking for Gray, left Monday her home in Wal- ping from dfly cents to thirty cents. be augmented for the occasion. The ser- Wednesday evening, Dec. 31, at Uni- Horses, Card Sleds, 1 loll Mass. Tables, Carriages, tham, Just how much the Boston boycott had to vice in the evening will take the form of tarian vestry—Supper; 26 cents. Chairs.Parlor a Christmas and both choirs will Children's Tables,(Jo**- Ellsworth w’ill have another way-back do with the drop in price, Ellsworth mer- concert, Friday, Feb. 13-Odd Fellows’conven- t timers, Work Baskets, ball on Monday evening, Dec. 29, to be chants are unable to say, but better have parts in that service also. The tion at Ellsworth. Wood given by the regular Way-Back associa- travelling and greater production are Christmas tree exercises w*ill be in the Hampers, tion, at Hancock hall.
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