Pathogenicity: • It Is Not Or Is Only Slightly Pathogenic, While in Young Pigeon, Anorexia, Anaemia and Heavy Mortality Has Been Recorded

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Pathogenicity: • It Is Not Or Is Only Slightly Pathogenic, While in Young Pigeon, Anorexia, Anaemia and Heavy Mortality Has Been Recorded Lecture no 6 II-Phylum: Apicomplexa Sub-order: Haemosporina Class: Piroplasmidia III- Phylum: Microspora IV- Subphylum: Ciliophora Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Elseify Genus: Haemoproteus Haemoproteus columbae *Host: • This species occurs commonly in the domestic pigeon and possibly also wild pigeons, doves and other columborid birds. *Morphology: • The mature macrogametes and microgametes, which are elongate and sausage-shaped, partially encircle the host cell nucleus and may displace it to some extent. They contain a variable number of dark brown pigment granules. • In macrogametes these pigment granules are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, which in microgametes, they are collected in spherical masses, and the cytoplasm is stained dark blue, while the nucleus seems to be red in colour or dark purple. • In Microgametocyte, the same as Macrogamete but the cytoplasm is pale blue, the nucleus is diffuse red colour, the pigment granules collected in a spheroid masses. *Vector: the vector is hippoboscid fly "Pseudolynchia canariensis". *Life cycle: • Birds become infected when bitten by the dipterans vector, the hippoboscid fly "Pseudolynchia canariensis". • Merogony occurs in the endothelial cells of the blood vessels of the lungs, liver and spleen. There may be several generations. • Following merogony, the merozoites enter red blood cells and become macrogametes and microgamonts (28-30 days). • In the midgut of the hippoboscid vector, the microgamonts produce 4 or more snake like microgametes by exflagellation. • These fertilize the macrogametes and produce Zygotes (ookinete), which crawl to the midgut wall and form oocysts on its outer surface. • Within them very large numbers of slender falciform sporozoites up to 10u long are formed in 10-12 days. • These enter the body cavity and pass to the salivary gland, where accumulate and are injected into a new host when the fly bites it. *Other species: • H. meleagridis: infects turkeys in North America. • H. nettionis: infects ducks & geese. • H. sacharovi: pigeons & doves in North America and Europe. *Pathogenicity: • It is not or is only slightly pathogenic, while in young pigeon, anorexia, anaemia and heavy mortality has been recorded. *Diagnosis: • By blood film stained with Giemsa for detection of the parasite (macro & microgametocyte) in the peripheral blood. *Control: • It depends on control of the vector. iii) Genus: leucocytozoon Leucocytozoon simondi (L. anseris) *General characters: • It occurs in domestic duck and geese in U.S.A & Europe • The macrogametes and microgamonts are in the leucocytes or, in some species, in the erythrocytes. • Pigment granules (hemozoin) are not formed from hemoglobin. • Merogony takes place in the parenchyma of the liver, heart, kidney, or other organs. • There is no merogony in the R.B.cs. • The mature macrogametes and microgamonts are more or less elongated, 14-22 u long and sometimes round. (Two forms of Gametocytes rounded and elongate forms) • Their host cell are ordinarilly elongate, up to 45-55 u long, with their nucleus forming a very long, thin dark band along one side and with pale cytoplasms "horns" extending out beyond the parasite and the nucleus. * leucocytozoon life cycle: • Birds become infected when bitten by a black fly vector (simulium species). • Sporozoites enter hepatocytes and develop into small schizonts. • Schizonts produce merozoites in 4-6 days. • Merozoites enter erythrocytes or macrophages. • In the erythrocyte the merozoites develop into round gametocytes. • In the macrophages the merozoites develop into megaloschizonts. • Megaloschizonts divide into primary cytomeres which multiply into smaller cytomeres and finally multiply by schizogony into merozoites. • Merozoites at this stage will penetrate leukocytes or developing erythrocytes to become elongated gametocytes. • At this point a non infected fly will feed on an infected bird and ingest the elongated gametocytes. • The elongated gametocytes become a macrogametocyte (female) and a microgametocyte (male). • The macrogametocyte and microgametocyte form an ookinete. • The ookinete penetrates an intestinal cell of the black fly and matures into an oocyst. • The oocyst produces sporozoites that leave and migrate to the salivary glands of the black fly, thus starting the life cycle over again. *Common species: L. anatis: ducks L. andrewsi: chicken L. anseris: geese L. smithi: turkeys *Pathogenicity: • Usually more pathogenic for ducklings may appear normal in morning, become ill in the afternoon, and be dead by the next morning. • Acutely affected ducklings are restless and do not eat, their breathing is rapid and labored due to obstruction of the lung capillaries with merons. • In adults the disease develops more slowly to become chronic, the principal lesions are splenomegaly and liver hypertrophy. • In Turkeys, the protozoan causes high mortality rates. 3) Sub-order: Adeleorina Family: Haemogregarinidae Genus: Hepatozoon *General Characteristics: • In this genus merogony takes place in the viscera of a vertebrate and the gamonts are either in W.B.Cs or R.B.Cs, depending on the species. • Fertilization and sporogony occur in a tick, mite, louse tsetse flies, mosquito or other blood sucking insects • The microgamont forms 2-4 microgametes. • The vertebrate hosts become infected by eating the invertebrate hosts. • The sporozoites are released in the intestine, penetrate its wall, and pass via the blood stream to the liver, lungs, spleen or bone marrow. • The sporozoites enter the tissue cells and become meronts, which divide by multiple fission to produce a number of merozoites. • There are several asexual generation in the visceral cells, • There may be two types of meronts; macromerons produce a few macromerozoites, and micromerons produce many micromerozoites. • The last generation merozoites enter the blood cells and become gamonts. *Common species and hosts: • Hepatozoon canis; infects dogs and the vector is Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. • Hepatozoon felis; in cats. • Hepatozoon muris; in rodents. Class: Piroplasmidia • They are blood parasites of vertebrates. • They are pyriform, round, rod-shaped or ameboid. • They are without conoid, without oocysts, without spores, without pseudocysts, without flagella. • They have polar ring (s) and rhoptries. • They are present in erythrocytes and sometimes also in other cells. • They are heteroxenous, with merogony in vertebrate and sporogony in invertebrate, and the vector is tick. • Pigment (hemozoin) is not formed from the host cell hemoglobin. • Locomotion is by body flexion or gliding. • Reproduction in the vertebrate host is asexual, by binary fission or merogony. • Budding has also been said to occur, but the processes described under this name are probably endodyoney or endopolygeny with the formation of 2 or 4 daughter cells. A- Family: Babesiidae 1) Genus: Babesia * Morphology of different species and hosts: a) In cattle: • Babesia Bigemina; the merozoites in the erythrocytes are piriform, round, oval or irregularly shaped. The pyriform merozoites occur characteristically in pairs,. B. Bigemina is relatively large and measure 4-5u size. • Babesia bovis; the merozoites in the erythrocytes pyriform, round or irregular. Vacuolated "signet ring" forms are especially common. It measures 2.4-1.5u and usually found in the center of the erythrocyte. • Babesia divergens; this species is smaller than B. bovis. The merozoites usually occur as paired, club-shaped organisms. The angle between the members of the pair is relatively large, so that they diverge more from each other. They tend to lay along the circumference of the host erythrocytes. • Babesia major; it is similar to B. bovis but is larger. The pyriform, paired forms are 2.6 x1.5u, the round ones 1.8u in diameter. It lies in acute angle b) In sheep: • Babesia motasi; this is a large form, 2.4-4 x 2u. The merozoites resemble those of B. Bigemina and are usually pyriform. They occur singly or in pairs. The angle between the pair is acute. • Babesia ovis; this is a small species, about 1-2.u long. Most of the parasites are round; they usually lie in the margin of the host erythrocytes. The angle between the paired, pyriform trophozoites is usually obtuse. • Babesia foliata; it resembles B. Ovis. C) In Goats: • Babesia caprae; it resembles B. Ovis. • B.Taylori, it is small species; the merozoites are 2x1.5u when there is a single one per host cell and are 1u or less in diameter when there are several. The merozoites are mostly ovoid or round. D) In equines: • Babesia caballi; this is a large species, resembling B. Bigemina. The merozoites are pyriform and 2-5u long, or round or oval and 1.5-3u in diameter. E) In dogs: • Babesia canis; this is a large form. The merozoites in the erythrocytes are pyriform and 4-5u long or ameboid and 2-4u in diameter, and generally contain a vacuole. • Babesia gibsoni; This species is smaller than B. Canis. • The merozoites are usually annular or oval and rarely pyriform. Occasionally, large ovoid forms are present. F) In cats: • Babesia felis; this is a small form. Most of the merozoites are round or irregularly round and I.5-2u in diameter. Some are elongate and 2-3u Pyriform merozoites are rare. G) In rodents: • Babesia microti; this is a small species of Babesia. Multiplication in the R.B.Cs. produces a cross-shaped 4 merozoites. ii) Genus: Nuttalia N. equi (Babesia equi) Host: This species occurs in horse, mule, donkey and Zebras. • It is relatively small, only 2-3u long. The merozoites in R.B.Cs. are rounded, ameboid, or most often pyriform the last are usually found 6 a group of 4 joined together in the form of a cross (maltase cross shaped form). • In acute infection, more than 4 organisms are present in the R.B.Cs. iii) Genus: Aegyptianella (Babesoma) A. Pullorum *Host: This species occurs in all domestic birds, chicken, goose, duck and turkey. *Vector: Soft ticks of family: Argasidae. *Morphology: It is small, round, oval or pyriform in shape. It measures 0.5-3u in size and may be present in the host erythrocyte by a variable number up to 20. *It is transmitted by soft ticks of family Argasidae.
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